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The nation's leading team of journalists brings viewers the latest news and sport, plus the most comprehensive weather report on One News at Midday. Featuring the Auckland celebration of the All Blacks' winning the 2015 Rugby World Cup.

Primary Title
  • One News at Midday
Secondary Title
  • Rugby World Cup 2015: Auckland Celebration
Date Broadcast
  • Wednesday 4 November 2015
Start Time
  • 12 : 00
Finish Time
  • 13 : 50
  • 110:00
  • TV One
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • The nation's leading team of journalists brings viewers the latest news and sport, plus the most comprehensive weather report on One News at Midday. Featuring the Auckland celebration of the All Blacks' winning the 2015 Rugby World Cup.
  • Unknown
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • Yes
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Event
  • News
  • Melissa Stokes (Host)
WELCOME TO A SPECIAL EXTENDED MIDDAY AS OUR BOYS IN BLACK COME BACK. THEY HAVE JUST LEFT THE HOTEL. These pictures shot just a few minutes ago. We are here with you until two o'clock. THE PLAYERS HAVE LEFT THEIR HOTEL AND RIGHT NOW ARE MAKING THEIR WAY DOWN VICTORIA STREET, AS LUCK WOULD HAVE IT, RIGHT ALONGSIDE TVNZ NEWS HEADQUARTERS. OUR REPORTER ALI VENTURA HAS TAKEN A PRIME VANTAGE POINT AND JOINS US NOW LIVE. ALI. The scenes here just a few minutes ago were absolutely electric. The fans were making their way down the street, and was filled with them. In the middle of it all, the all Blacks in an open top truck making their way down the street. Richie McCaw was in the centre holding up the golden cup. They are now on their way down to Victoria Park, with the rest of the ceremony will take place. Those scenes this morning were very similar at Auckland airport. ALL CHANT HAKA TRULY A HEROES' WELCOME. FROM THE MOMENT THE PLANE TOUCHED DOWN, BEFORE EVEN STEPPING ON TO NZ SOIL, THE ALL BLACKS WERE SHOWN THE DEPTH OF THE COUNTRY'S EXCITEMENT. NOT JUST THE ONE HAKA EITHER. THE PLAYERS FILMED THIS ONE, ALSO PERFORMED BY AUCKLAND AIRPORT STAFF, ON THEIR WAY TO THE GATE. HOLY MOLY. LISTEN TO THAT NOISE. FIRST THROUGH, RICHIE MCCAW, HOLDING THE WEB ELLIS CUP ALOFT FOR THE SCREAMING FANS TO SEE. PLAYERS STOPPING TO SIGN AUTOGRAPHS AND TAKE PHOTOS WITH THEIR EXCITED SUPPORTERS. COACH AND CAPTAIN TAKING THE STAGE, BARELY AUDIBLE OVER THE DIN. THANKS, EVERYBODY THAT'S TURNED UP. IT'S GREAT TO SEE YOU ALL. THANKS VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT. THE SUPPORT WE'VE HAD HAS BEEN AMAZING, KNOWING WE'VE GOT ALL YOUR GUYS' SUPPORT, SO TO BRING THIS BACK IS PRETTY AWESOME. THE SUPERSTAR, RUGBY PLAYER OF THE YEAR, DAN CARTER, REVELLING IN THE ATMOSPHERE. IT NEVER GETS OLD. IT'S SUCH A SPECIAL FEELING. WE'RE ALL PROUD NZERS, AND TO COME HOME AND JUST SEE THE SUPPORT THAT WE'VE GOT... WE'VE HEARD ABOUT IT. JUST TO SEE IT FIRST HAND... IT'S STILL QUITE EARLY IN THE MORNING, SO FOR SO MANY PEOPLE TO MAKE THE EFFORT IS JUST GREAT. DAD-OF-TWO JEROME KAINO FOCUSING ON FAMILY AFTER WEEKS AWAY FROM HOME. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING THE KIDS. IT'S JUST GOOD TO BE HOME AND SEE ALL THE SUPPORT. SO COOL WE COULD GET THE JOB DONE FOR THE COUNTRY, AND BE GOOD TO CONNECT WITH FAMILY AGAIN. THE ARDENT FANS, SOME TRAVELLING FOR HOURS, OTHERS WAITING AT THE AIRPORT SINCE MIDNIGHT, SATISFIED THEIR PERSISTENCE PAID OFF. WAS IT WORTH COMING? YES. I GOT COLIN SLADE, BEAUDEN BARRETT. A VIBRANT START TO A DAY DEVOTED TO OUR MEN IN BLACK. THAT REPORT FROM ALI VENTURA. AND WE HAVE SOME PICTURES JUST IN OF THE TEAM AS THEY LEFT THEIR AUCKLAND HOTEL JUST MINUTES AGO. MAKING THEIR WAY DOWN VICTORIA STREET ON WHAT PROMISES TO BE A PRETTY SLOW JOURNEY TOWARD THE VICTORY CELEBRATIONS. REPORTER ABBY SCOTT IS STANDING BY TO TALK TO THE TEAM WHEN THEY REACH THE PARK. ABBY. THE WET DAY HASN'T PUT OFF THE CROWDS? No. I found an all-black. What have you been doing since then? It's been a pretty busy morning. I'm packing bags at the hotel. I managed to shoot home to see the family. Haven't seen for two months. The boys haven't forgotten me. They are pretty excited about this parade. does it make it real, seeing how important this is to New Zealand? When you play overseas, or you hear about how the fans are crazy back home. Here at the parade, it just becomes real, what we have achieved and the impact we have made on these people. One question about social media. I know you've been working hard on Richie McCaw. He will be competing with you soon. He'll take over all my likes in no time. He's the all Black captain. No matter what he says he's loved. That's right foot kick ` glad you did it? It's been a dream of mine. I practised my kicks on both left and right, and always wants to kick conversion on my right foot. It's my last conversion in test match rugby. There are plenty more All blacks to come. Lovely to have you all here. We are surrounded by all blacks. We have to try and be a little bit polite here because the haka and the Maori greeting is taking off as we speak. Have a look at the crowded how far these boys had to walk to get to that stage. I will put the mic to soak it up= MEN CHANT CHANTING CONTINUES CHANTING CONTINUES CHANTING CONTINUES ALL CHANT HAKA CHEERING it's fearsome. This is a good place to be. Now the all Blacks will advance and accept their welcomingchallenge. It looks stunning. Now they are on to Victoria Park for a couple of hours. MATT MCLEAN, WHO'S IN THE STAGE AREA AT VICTORIA PARK, WHERE PERFORMERS HAVE BEEN KEEPING THE CROWD ENTERTAINED. MATT. I think I have the prime spot. We're gearing up for the boys in black to take to the main stage. We have Auckland Grammar students behind me gearing up for a major haka they will perform. It's been a real party atmosphere. Sol3Mio gearing up to sing. Now there is a calm while they wait for the boys to make their ways through the throngs of people and take to the stage. Sam is backstage. This is the place to be. Backstage is where the party is happening. People are gathering. I got the wonderful boys here from Sol3Mio. An incredible successful campaign. I you happy to be here? Stoked. The boys have just arrived. They are early. We are ready. What can we expect from you? We will be singing I See Fire. They did so well. You guys would quite like to be out there. You are big strong boys. waiting this whole time for the call up. They had the wrong number. The called Joe Moody instead. A quick message for the boys? Congratulations. Today, I feel I can all black. They deserve every bit of praise they get. Can we hear one quick verse? #I see fire # I see fire # inside the mountain. I see fire # burning the trees. # good luck. All the best on the stage. That's how it happens. You have to be backstage to get the big interviews. This little pen will throw out some jewels. AND THOSE CROWDS, AS WELL AS THE RAIN, MEAN THERE ARE WARNINGS TODAY TO EXPECT DELAYS IN THE AREA AROUND VICTORIA PARK EARLY THIS AFTERNOON. POLICE HAVE URGED MOTORISTS TO BE PATIENT AND ALLOW PLENTY OF TIME FOR THEIR JOURNEYS. AND WE'RE JOINED NOW LIVE BY SELENA HAWKINS AT THE TRAFFIC CENTRE. SELENA, HOW'S IT LOOKING OUT THERE? It's full on at the traffic centre. Extra staff are here to monitor the traffic. Things are looking good right now. Parts are closed to traffic. If you are not going to the event, you should avoid the area altogether. There will be people leaving later, and public transport and the roads will be busy. STILL TO COME ON MIDDAY ` WE HAVE MORE OF THE DAY'S NEWS, AND WE'RE LIVE AT VICTORIA PARK FOR THE ALL BLACKS' ARRIVAL. WE'RE GOING BACK NOW TO ABBY SCOTT WHO'S STANDING BY WITH SONNY BILL WILLIAMS. I am standing by with Sonny Bill Williams, the king of the offloading. Why do you think ofthe crowd? That awesome. It shows how special it was what we achieved on a weekend. Did you realise it had such an impact? I expected the massive crowd, but just hit home when we landed. It's pretty special. Have you seen the family since You landed? Yeah. The wife and daughter came to pick me up. Just going to come here and experience that is pretty special as well. And you brought your other medal home as well. Did you konw that would happen? it's nice to get another one. Richie McCaw is on social media now. Is he? It's good not just for him but for all the boys that will be leaving these shores. We have to let you go. Thanks for making the time. He is one of the most popular players. Everybody wants to talk to Sonny Bill. LET'S HEAD BACK TO SAM WALLACE. I kind of missed the boat. And not use this. I'm a weatherman. All the all Blacks have left, but I've got the next best thing. They got a haircut at Hobson Street Barber, and I got in there. That's whole new creepy level. Anybody want a sniff? STILL TO COME ON MIDDAY ` MORE FROM THE ALL BLACKS PARADE AS IT MAKES ITS WAY TOWARDS THE CROWDS IN VICTORIA PARK. STAY WITH US FOR THIS MIDDAY SPECIAL. We are all about the all blacks today. MATT MCLEAN, WHO'S IN THE STAGE AREA AT VICTORIA PARK, WHERE PERFORMERS HAVE BEEN KEEPING THE CROWD ENTERTAINED. MATT. It is a real party atmosphere down here. Djs are playing. These guys possibly have the best position of everyone. Mrs Jordan from Mt Albert Grammar. We're going to welcome them with the haka. How exciting is that to be a part of this? It is awesome. I always wanted to see them live. Every kiwi will be watching the. How special is that to welcome the all-blacks home? For are still welcome the all blacks is awesome. All the boys wanted to perform for them today. So it is an honour for us. We have been practising quite a bit. It is going to be absolutely amazing. The crowd is gearing up to welcome them. They should be on the stage very shortly. You can hear the roar. THANKS, MATT, PART OF OUR REPORTING TEAM IN THE CROWDS AT VICTORIA PARK. LETS HEAD BACK TO SAM WALLACE. I am not in the right place. I am too short. This is an elaborate setup. They have the selfie sticks as well. Over there is where the all Blacks will be walking. Hopefully the cameramen will see more than I am. Don't block the view. SAM KELWAY IS BACKSTAGE AT THE SHOW. SAM, WHAT'S HAPPENING THERE? Joining me is the forwards coach for the all Blacks. Here is one of the medals. You must be incredibly proud of what they did? It is hard work. It is a very hard tournament. It is very hard work. Did you expect this kind of turnout? We were locked away a bit. We knew it was going crazy, but not like this. The forwards were a dominant part of the all Blacks when, with a few of them retiring, what are you going to do to keep the passion? New Zealand union is doing a good job with the under 20s. We will identify the ones to carry forward the legacy. We will come back with someone else alone. Soon. I am missing the party a little bit. But I bet everyone else is having a good time. IN JUST A FEW HOURS, HARDY ROYAL FANS MIGHT GET THEIR CHANCE TO HAVE A BRUSH WITH ROYALTY AFTER THE PRINCE OF WALES AND DUCHESS OF CORNWALL LAND IN WELLINGTON FOR A SEVEN-DAY TOUR. AND IT'S LOOKING SET TO GET A DAMP START, Iit is cold wet and windy. So it might be a bumpy descent into the capital. They will go to government house first. Prince Charles will receive honorary military titles. They will then go to lay a wreath. That will be the only opportunity for Wellingtonians to meet the Royals. They will then travel around New Zealand. THANKS, RENEE WRIGHT, LIVE FROM WELLINGTON. WE WILL TAKE A QUICK BREAK .. AS THE PLAYERS MAKE THEIR WAY TO THE STAGE AT VICTORIA PARK. ALL CHANT HAKA KA MATE, KA MATE KA ORA, KA ORA. TENEI TE TANGATA PUHURUHURU A UPANE! KA UPANE! UPANE KAUPANE WHITI TE RA! HI! CHEERING WELL, WHAT A GREETING. THE FIRST SIGHT THE ALL BLACKS SAW WHEN THEY LANDED WAS AUCKLAND AIRPORT'S GROUND CREW PERFORMING A HAKA, BEFORE BREAKING INTO CHEERS AND APPLAUSE FOR OUR TRIUMPHANT BOYS. HERE IS SAM KELWAY FROM THE BACKSTAGE AREA, WHO IS WITH TONY WOODCOCK. We have found them but can't take too long. Did you expect this getting home? We expected a reasonable crowd, but this pushes it. It is unreal to see so many people on a wednesday. Are you feeling stuffed or are you ready to party? We had some big days before the flight, and we didn't drink too much on the flight so we're pretty fresh. There are couple of days to go yet. How different is this to 2011? Being at home and in front of your crowd, people didn't think we could do it away from home, so it is pretty special. Thank you Tony. A quick word to the nation? It is an absolute privilege to have the black jersey. This support today is unreal, LET'S HEAD BACK TO SAM WALLACE. I got interrupted by taking selfies. I am getting a lot of criticism. They are saying I'm not doing a very good job today. Sam Kelleway has all blacks. But I have the sunshine. Let's talk to some people. Where are you guys from? Mangere. Have you made a big morning of it? Yeah it has been good. Have you taken some good selfies? Yeh. We're going to make our way to the stage. THANKS, SAM WALLACE. LET'S JUST TAKE A LOOK AT THE ACTION IN THE PARK RIGHT NOW AS ALL BLACKS MAKE THEIR WAY TO THE STAGE SLOWLY, TAKING TIME WITH THEIR SUPPORTERS. They were running ahead of schedule, but they will be on the stage by 1:10. So just under half an hour away. We can expect the haka from some schools. And Len Brown. There is Sonny Bill. Player of the tournament. You can see all the fans. Isn't that an amazing shot? RIGHT, WE WILL TAKE A QUICK BREAK AS THE PLAYERS MAKE THEIR WAY TO THE STAGE AT VICTORIA PARK. thank you everyone coming out early. The support we have had has been amazing. Knowing that the world supports us is great. It never gets old. It is such a special feeling. We are well playing New Zealanders. To see the support we've got stage we have heard about it from friends and family. To see at first hand ` it is quite early in the morning so to see people make the effort is amazing. THE VERY LEGENDARY RICHIE MCCAW AND DAN CARTER REACTING TO THE INSANE CROWD THAT GREETED THEM THIS MORNING AT AUCKLAND AIRPORT. A huge numbers and Auckland to see the the World Cup and all those men in black. SAM KELWAY IS BACKSTAGE WITH IAN FOSTER, ASSISTANT COACH. A FORMER PLAYER HIMSELF. We haven't got the Gold Here, but we have a piece of it what a memento from the tournament. It feels fantastic. We landed this morning. We woke up on Monday morning and thought it was time to go home. We knew there was a lot of support back home. We felt all tournament. Walking around here, I feel special. It is quite back here, but when you look at the ad is incredible. How does it feel to know you have the whole nation behind this team of incredible players and coaches? It is really satisfying. It is a privilege. We apply for this country and it means a lot to us. When you actually achieve something and you come round and see everyone celebrating, it is very satisfying and special. Prince Harry made a special as well, didn't he? It was good to see him on stage. He netted in four years time. England might come back to take it off us. I told him but like. What is the plan now? Is it time to relax? It will be great to get home to families. We all have families and friends which have done a lot of sacrifice in order to get us to where we are. It is nice to celebrate with them a little but. The next season rolls around pretty quick, doesn't it? There will be some changes. A really? We have done a lot of planning. Two thirds of this team will carry on. It is a part of the selection planning and in the last three years. It is not just a panic all but a chance to relaunch us. You have made the whole nation proud. NOW THE PLAYERS ARE MOVING TOWARDS THE STAGE. MATT MCLEAN IS THERE. We are in a pretty exciting place. We're right at the front of the stage. I found these guys in the VIP area. How did you wrangle that one? This is Jack. How did you find your way into the VIP area? We did not make an. My dad works for the NZ Rugby union. He managed to find someone and they got us these wristbands. We got to come in. How did you choose which friends to bring along? I don't know. I just picked some. How excited are you to be here? I'm so excited. I can't wait to see Nehe Milner-Skudder and Ben Smith. It is a real party zone here. The crowd are amping themselves up. The blacks are making their way to the stage. They have to sign a lot of autographs. BUT FIRST, WHILE WE WAIT FOR THE BOYS TO GET TO THE PARK, HAVE LOOK AT THEIR WELCOME THIS MORNING AT AUCKLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. KA MATE! KA MATE! KA ORA! KA ORA! TENEI TE TANGATA PU-HURU-HURU NANA NEI I TIKI MAI WHAKAWHITI TE RA! KA UPANE! KA UPANE! KA UPANE WHITI TE RA! HI! CHEERS CHEERS SCREAMING WILL SMITH'S 'MEN IN BLACK' PLAYS CHEERS THANKS, EVERYONE, FOR COMING OUT EARLY AND WELCOMING THE TEAM BACK. THE, UH,... CHEERS THE SUPPORT WE'VE HAD HAS BEEN AMAZING OVER, YOU KNOW, THE WORLD. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR GUYS SUPPORT. TO BRING THIS BACK IS PRETTY AWESOME. IT NEVER GETS OLD. IT'S SUCH A SPECIAL FEELING, YOU KNOW. WE'RE ALL PROUD NZERS, AND TO COME HOME AND JUST SEE THIS SUPPORT THAT WE'VE GOT. YOU KNOW, WE'VE HEARD ABOUT IT. WE'VE TALKED WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY BACK HERE, AND JUST TO SEE IT FIRST HAND, YEAH. True heroes are welcomed. Stick with us on a special. SAM KELWAY IS BACKSTAGE WITH MA'A NONU. He has just turned up Brilliant occasion. I do not think we would get as many people. To see all the kids out there is great. You have been an inspiration to Kids young and old. What now? is it time to move on? It was extra special in terms of playing with the brothers there I had played with and to finish with, like Richie and Dan and Conrad. They are a great bunch of guys who I look up to. We put it out on the field. There is still more rugby to come in France. the try against the French was a little but tricky. You back that up a couple weeks later. You must be proud. I got lucky in the French game. In the final, I was at the right place at the right time. The ultimate athlete, Sonny Bill Williams helped. It was the performance. I was grateful to be part of it. Thank you for the years you have given us. EARLIER THE ALL BLACKS LEFT THEIR AUCKLAND HOTEL The all Blacks are about to take to the stage. We're just waiting for the all Blacks to take to the stage. They cannot be more than a few minutes away. Look at all the signs. It is a grey overcast day here, but the sun has come out. They are going to get the party that the scene deserves. We are told they will be out here any moment. Are you ready guys? Very patient crowd. Sorry it is taking so long, but they are all here. Shall we welcome them to the stage, your back-to-back champions ` Richie McCaw and the All Blacks! CHEERS WILL SMITH'S 'MEN IN BLACK' PLAYS . . IN OPEN-TOPPED VEHICLES CHEERS the all Blacks are on the stage. Taking pictures of the crowd at the moment. A few of them have husky voices. Instead of an international flight this morning. They have come straight here to the park. Sonny Bill Williams is carrying his daughter. ALL CHANT IN MAORI CHANTING IN MAORI CHANT IN MAORI SHOUTING ALL CHANT HAKA SHOUTING KA MATE, KA MATE KA ORA, KA ORA. KA MATE, KA MATE KA ORA, KA ORA TENEI TE TANGATA PUHURUHURU NANA I TIKI MAI WHAKAWHITI TE RA A UPANE! KA UPANE! UPANE KAUPANE WHITI TE RA! HI! CHEERS 'GOD OF NATIONS' INSTRUMENTAL DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYS # AND SHOULD THE SKY BE FILLED WITH FIRE AND SMOKE # KEEP WATCH OVER AOTEAROA'S SONS. DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYS # IF THIS IS TO END IN FIRE, THEN WE SHOULD ALL BURN TOGETHER. # WATCH THE FLAMES CLIMB HIGH # INTO THE NIGHT, # CALLING OUT, 'FATHER.' OH, STAND BY AND WE WILL # WATCH THE FLAMES BURN AUBURN ON THE MOUNTAINSIDE # DESOLATION COMES UPON THE SKY. # NOW I SEE FIRE... # INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN. # I SEE FIRE... # BURNING THE TREES, # AND I SEE FIRE, # HOLLOWING SOULS. # AND I SEE FIRE, # BLOOD IN THE BREEZE. # AND I HOPE THAT YOU'LL REMEMBER ME. # AND IF WE SHOULD DIE TONIGHT, THEN WE SHOULD ALL DIE TOGETHER. # RAISE THE GLASS OF WINE FOR THE LAST TIME. # CALLING OUT, 'FATHER,' OH, PREPARE AS WE WILL. # WATCH THE FLAMES BURN AUBURN ON THE MOUNTAINSIDE. # DESOLATION COMES UPON THE SKY. # OH, I SEE FIRE INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN. # I SEE FIRE # BURNING THE TREES. # AND I SEE FIRE # HOLLOWING SOULS. # I SEE FIRE, # BLOOD IN THE BREEZE. # AND I HOPE THAT YOU REMEMBER ME. # AND WITH THE SHADOW UPON THE GROUND, # I HEAR MY PEOPLE SCREAMING OUT. # OH, I SEE FIRE... # I SEE FIRE. # INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN. I SEE FIRE... # BURNING THE TREES. # ...BURNING THE TREES. # I SEE FIRE # HOLLOWING SOULS. # I SEE FIRE, # BLOOD IN THE BREEZE. # OH, I SEE FIRE... # NOW I SEE FIRE... # NOW I SEE FIRE. # For the last four years, they have only lost three games out of 53. Let us make Richie McCaw. But has together, Richie. It is appropriate, even though there are 31 and the team. We need to acknowledge the five a particular.. we're going to take a quick break while we can. See you in a few minutes. New tyres. There are many types. Some were designed for performance in the wet, some will save you fuel and some cost more than others. So how do you choose? Ask about Energywise-approved tyres. They meet Energywise criteria for both fuel-efficiency and braking in the wet, so you know they'll save you fuel and money and perform when safety really counts. Find fuel-efficient tyres for your car at energywise.govt.nz Playing in the game on Saturday against Australia in giving us a chance, there's no better feeling than being to hold that cup again. It had been a lot of rugby teams over the last four years, but getting home this morning made it worthwhile. We heard that this country was going pretty nuts on Sunday morning, and I've got to say coming back here and seeing you all come out today, it's great. We can smile for the next four years and say we are world champions. That's pretty cool. Lastly, on half of everyone, I want extend thanks for everything that's happened over the last four years. Thank you. Thank you Richie. While we have Richie on stage, another man who was very humble and has achieved so much with this team. The coach of the all Blacks, Steve Hansen. Two sit here with this team, very satisfying to you. These people have been with with you the last eight weeks. To put a smile on so many people's faces the greater honour. We want to thank you for the support he had given us. Hopefully we made you proud. I'm sure there were some tense times. That final for you ` was a challenge as a coach to sit there and try and become? It wasn't too bad till Ben got yellow carded. It was just about staying calm and working through the process. These guys are pretty good at that. There have been some tough spots before. They were well led by Richie. Very true. The tournament started, and back here, people were concerned and bought the all-black machine wasn't firing in a way it was in the past. You are calm and composed. We you as calm behind closed doors as you looked? I think so. We went there with a good plan. We haven't got the strongest pool in the competition. Some things we learnt in 2011 was we didn't work hard enough. Some of the guys felt they were playing two games a week. You played France. It was a wonderful quarter-final performance. A wonderful semi-final performance. You got the final against Australia, are closest foe and our most regular opponent. Credit to the people who look after the team. We had two guys to select from and everyone else is in tiptop shape. did you win the Melbourne cup yesterday? I was in the air. Rich, a word for your coach. What are your thoughts as captain about the man standing beside you? Four years ago, we walked around with our chests puffed up after winning the 2011 one. He said if we were to call ourselves world champions, we had to play like that. It's easy to get motivated with a guy like Steve. Just trying to make you a better rugby player. As players, you get everything you need in terms of help and we can just play well. Len Brown has mentioned some of theplayers who were leaving. What he had to say to those guys who have played for so long? One of the things is that you have to make sure the guys that fill the jerseys have a history behind it. The number is the irrelevant. Each of those men can walk out being very proud. Richie McCaw and Steve Hansen. On the half of everyone here, we want to thank you for sharing your win with us. Now we are going to ask a couple of players on to the stage to ask a few fan questions. Keven Mealamu Dan Carter Ma'a Nonu Conrad Smith Aaron Smith and Dane Coles. people want to know what you thought the hardest game was. Probably the final. We worked really hard. To get the opportunity to play in the final, and you want to leave everything out there. Were you expecting this many people out here? This is how we do it in Auckland. Aaron Smith next to me.. it was such a great tournament for the boys. For you, what was the toughest moment in the? Cup? That's pretty tough. When all finished, when we were in the changing room, and the cup was sitting there, knowing it's all done. It's going to be sad to see them go. We have few days together. you have 10, 12, 13 next to you. Snap back quicker than they would say something. If I was wrong, I would pretend I was right. We had a question for Ma'a. What will you miss most? Just the support. Just grateful to be here. I've loved every moment of being in all black. Dan, what will you miss most about being an all black? Pretty much the same. The fans are amazing. Just not be able to put on the black jersey any more and representing this amazing country we live in. It's been a dream of mine. To do that so many years is just special. It's sad to think we can't play for the all Blacks Conrad, this is pretty special to look up and see all these people. You heading to France. We wish you the best. Can you sum up your career for us? The dream come true. It everything you wanted to be. It's a dream as a litle boy, better than you imagined. It's time for the young fellows to take over. I know they will do a good job. Dane Coles, lucky last. How much of the support here meant to you over there? It's huge. To see people turn up today and put a smile on their faces, it's huge for us. A round of applause for our All Blacks. Ladies and gentlemen, some travelled a little further than others. There was a club that went viral. 180,000 people saw it. A young gentleman ` you may have seen it. What's your name there was a message today? I'm from Ruatoria. My message is to Nehe Milner-Skudder - he's my favourite rugby player in the world. If you got to meet him in real life, what would you say to him? I would say Nehe Milner-Skudder, you are the man. If you come to ruatoria, my mum will make you a cake. How do you think the game will go? Mean. Got any final words to say to the all Blacks? Go all blacks and Nehe Milner-Skudder. Go All Blacks! We wanted to close the chapter on what was a pretty magical moment, so we talked with some of our friends, some of the all Blacks friends to make this happen. Thanks to New Zealand, welcome to the stage a young superstar! Now, you will see here brought some of this home baking. Thanks, Mum. We have got a bit of a treat for you. I think you can give that to Nehe Milner-Skudder. CHEERING why don't you jump in Nehe seat? For those of you who can't see, it says Nehe #meanage is that the first time someone has given you a cake for winning the World Cup? It's my first World Cup. Breakthrough player of the year. To play alongside all these people, how do you sum it up? That's pretty surreal. Still sinking in. Still pinching myself everyday to put on the black jersey. Huge to come back and see all the support. That cake looks really good. I'm getting quite hungry. He's going to hang out with you. Thank you to Sky City grand Hotel and Air New Zealand for organising that. The boys will be headed Christchurch tomorrow and Wellington on Friday. You will enjoy the moment, stay humble and work hard for your fans. On behalf of all the fans, we wish you a very happy and relaxing break. Ladies and gentlemen, the all Blacks. CHEERING just because we may have wrapped things up doesn't mean entertainment stops. It gives me great pleasure to welcome to the stage... I'm going to let the guys go first? Are we going to keep them up here? We will let them move on. CHEERING ROCK MUSIC the all Blacks just moving off the stage dear. Steve Hansen and Richie McCaw both talking about how they hoped they put a smile on the faces of New Zealand. It meant a lot to them and they hope they made us proud. There will be a lot of smiles around today. Jerome Kaino with the cup. They have packed them in today to see the all Blacks. Dark glasses on. Some bleary eyes. We will take a break now but be back soon. That is the scene in Auckland Victoria Park. People got to see the all blacks they are going to leave the park. Steve Hansen hoped this would make everyone smile. Richie McCaw is already talking about the next cup. He hasn't announced his retirement. Getting home made all the hard work worthwhile. He heard the country was going nuts. We have Sam cane here. How does it feel to be in front of that crowd? It is unbelievable. To be able to bring them such joy tops it all off. We are looking forward to getting around Christchurch and Wellington. They are being rushed on. They have a very busy schedule. What a fantastic day for them. They went through the crowd signing and taking photos. Sonny Bill Williams already rushed home to have a home-cooked meal. Steve Hansen said they were pleased with the turnout. Dan Carter, one of the six who we're saying goodbye to, said it will be quite sad this day goodbye and not be an all-black any more. But we will remember him for a long long time. There is the bus that will take them away. Back to the Heritage. There will be a parade in Christchurch. And then to Wellington for another one. Everyone will get a chance to support the all blacks. The park is emptying out quite quickly. And the all blacks are back on the bus. Heading back for a few hours rest. They have been on a plane for the last 24-hour. They have some husky voices after some days celebrating. CROWD CHEERS UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYS the all Blacks have left the park. We will take a quick break. UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYS Crowd sings anthem crowd cheers marry me McCaw I love you. All blacks! AUCKLAND AIRPORT'S ARRIVAL HALL SEEMS AN UNLIKELY PARTY VENUE, BUT THIS MORNING IT POSITIVELY ROCKED WITH AROUND 3500 FANS TURNING OUT TO WELCOME OUR BOYS HOME. SAM KELWAY IS AT VICTORIA PARK WITH AUCKLAND MAYOR LEN BROWN. We are. He was having a dance along. You are proud of your city. I am pleased for Auckland. This is a beautiful welcome for them. They went down the gauntlet of all the fan. This is a nice way welcome them home. The sun is out, so that is good. What does this mean for Auckland? Great memories of 2011. We love sports events. 2011 really spring boarded us. When we do an event like this are so many people, we do it really well. We love the all blacks. What were you doing during the final on Sunday morning? It was a bit tense? You always have a sense that they had it over the Aussies. But when Beauden Barrett went for that try, I was screaming my lungs out. 53 tests and only three losses, they are the true champions. It is special to bring them home and give them such a farewell. You had a special gift for Richie McCaw tell us about that. He has been made citizen of life in other cities. So we gave him the freedom of the city. The most that you can do in a city that is a Western democracy if the November freedom of the city. So we gave him a white feather in a box which is a symbol of your mana and status as the chief. You didn't give him a break on paying rates. I am always the mayor. But I am open to negotiations. It was lovely to talk to you. Auckland can be proud of such an event. Hundreds of Auckland is out this afternoon. It started with a raucous welcome DAVE DOBBYN'S 'WELCOME HOME' # welcome home. # from the bottom of our hearts. What a welcome home. 3000 to 4000 people who had been there since midnight and travelled as buyers Invercargill to meet the all Blacks. Sam is with some diehard fans. There are some fans still hideous aboard the all Blacks. Tell us about your incredible sign. We offered to make then Dan mince on toast. What an incredible day. Thousands were hideously the all Blacks up on stage. You have come from Hamilton. What does it mean to see the all Blacks? It is incredible, especially having won both World Cup back-to-back. It is a big drive from Hamilton. Yes, but it is worth it. It is like seeing royalty. You have a very interesting story as well. You are mental and do public speaking. It is inspiring. Seeing people like the all Blacks. I see them every now and then. It is good to see them up on stage with the medals. Tell us about the moment you saw them come up on to the stage. My heart started racing. It was so cool. A going to follow theM down to Christchurch? We wish. Probably not. Thank you so much for joining us. There are still about 500 people milling around here. It has been a celebration here at Victoria Park. People are slowly making their way home. We're pretty happy down here. You and a lot of other people, Sam. That is just about that for now, but a reminder. First, a reminder of what it all been about ` CHEERS Carter dropkicks. And Aaron Smith with a try! # try little harder, # move little faster, # you can do it. # . Just keep on trying.