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Parliament TV provides live broadcasts from the House of Representatives. Coverage: Questions for Oral Answer.

Primary Title
  • Parliament TV: Questions for Oral Answer
Date Broadcast
  • Thursday 11 August 2016
Start Time
  • 14 : 00
Finish Time
  • 15 : 30
  • 90:00
  • Parliament TV
  • Kordia
Programme Description
  • Parliament TV provides live broadcasts from the House of Representatives. Coverage: Questions for Oral Answer.
  • Not Classified
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • Yes
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
This This programme This programme is This programme is live This programme is live captioned This programme is live captioned by This programme is live captioned by Ericsson This programme is live captioned by Ericsson Access This programme is live captioned by Ericsson Access Services Ericsson Access Services for Ericsson Access Services for the Ericsson Access Services for the Office Ericsson Access Services for the Office of Ericsson Access Services for the Office of the Ericsson Access Services for the Office of the Clerk for the Office of the Clerk of for the Office of the Clerk of the for the Office of the Clerk of the House for the Office of the Clerk of the House of for the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Almighty Almighty God, Almighty God, humbly Almighty God, humbly acknowledging Almighty God, humbly acknowledging our Almighty God, humbly acknowledging our need Almighty God, humbly acknowledging our need for humbly acknowledging our need for Thy humbly acknowledging our need for Thy guidance humbly acknowledging our need for Thy guidance in humbly acknowledging our need for Thy guidance in all humbly acknowledging our need for Thy guidance in all things, Thy guidance in all things, and Thy guidance in all things, and laying Thy guidance in all things, and laying aside Thy guidance in all things, and laying aside all Thy guidance in all things, and laying aside all private and laying aside all private and and laying aside all private and personal and laying aside all private and personal interests, and personal interests, we and personal interests, we beseech and personal interests, we beseech Thee and personal interests, we beseech Thee to and personal interests, we beseech Thee to grant we beseech Thee to grant that we beseech Thee to grant that we we beseech Thee to grant that we may we beseech Thee to grant that we may conduct we beseech Thee to grant that we may conduct the we beseech Thee to grant that we may conduct the affairs that we may conduct the affairs of that we may conduct the affairs of this that we may conduct the affairs of this House that we may conduct the affairs of this House and that we may conduct the affairs of this House and of that we may conduct the affairs of this House and of our that we may conduct the affairs of this House and of our country of this House and of our country to of this House and of our country to the of this House and of our country to the glory of this House and of our country to the glory of of this House and of our country to the glory of Thy of this House and of our country to the glory of Thy holy of this House and of our country to the glory of Thy holy name, to the glory of Thy holy name, the to the glory of Thy holy name, the maintenance to the glory of Thy holy name, the maintenance of to the glory of Thy holy name, the maintenance of true to the glory of Thy holy name, the maintenance of true religion the maintenance of true religion and the maintenance of true religion and justice, and justice, the and justice, the honour and justice, the honour of and justice, the honour of the and justice, the honour of the Queen, the honour of the Queen, and the honour of the Queen, and the the honour of the Queen, and the public the honour of the Queen, and the public welfare, the honour of the Queen, and the public welfare, peace, and the public welfare, peace, and and the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity and the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity of and the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity of New and the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity of New Zealand, and tranquillity of New Zealand, through and tranquillity of New Zealand, through Jesus and tranquillity of New Zealand, through Jesus Christ and tranquillity of New Zealand, through Jesus Christ our and tranquillity of New Zealand, through Jesus Christ our Lord. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The The Hon The Hon Gerry The Hon Gerry Brownlee. The Hon Gerry Brownlee. Mr The Hon Gerry Brownlee. Mr Speaker, The Hon Gerry Brownlee. Mr Speaker, when The Hon Gerry Brownlee. Mr Speaker, when the The Hon Gerry Brownlee. Mr Speaker, when the House The Hon Gerry Brownlee. Mr Speaker, when the House resumes The Hon Gerry Brownlee. Mr Speaker, when the House resumes on The Hon Gerry Brownlee. Mr Speaker, when the House resumes on Tuesday, when the House resumes on Tuesday, August when the House resumes on Tuesday, August 16, when the House resumes on Tuesday, August 16, the when the House resumes on Tuesday, August 16, the Government when the House resumes on Tuesday, August 16, the Government will when the House resumes on Tuesday, August 16, the Government will look August 16, the Government will look to August 16, the Government will look to complete August 16, the Government will look to complete the August 16, the Government will look to complete the third August 16, the Government will look to complete the third reading August 16, the Government will look to complete the third reading of August 16, the Government will look to complete the third reading of the to complete the third reading of the Appropriation to complete the third reading of the Appropriation (2016/17 to complete the third reading of the Appropriation (2016/17 Estimates) Appropriation (2016/17 Estimates) Bill, Appropriation (2016/17 Estimates) Bill, and Appropriation (2016/17 Estimates) Bill, and the Appropriation (2016/17 Estimates) Bill, and the empress Appropriation (2016/17 Estimates) Bill, and the empress supply Appropriation (2016/17 Estimates) Bill, and the empress supply 2016/17 Bill, and the empress supply 2016/17 bill, Bill, and the empress supply 2016/17 bill, and Bill, and the empress supply 2016/17 bill, and progress Bill, and the empress supply 2016/17 bill, and progress the Bill, and the empress supply 2016/17 bill, and progress the stages Bill, and the empress supply 2016/17 bill, and progress the stages of Bill, and the empress supply 2016/17 bill, and progress the stages of a bill, and progress the stages of a number bill, and progress the stages of a number of bill, and progress the stages of a number of other bill, and progress the stages of a number of other bills bill, and progress the stages of a number of other bills on bill, and progress the stages of a number of other bills on the bill, and progress the stages of a number of other bills on the Order number of other bills on the Order Paper. number of other bills on the Order Paper. A number of other bills on the Order Paper. A petition number of other bills on the Order Paper. A petition has number of other bills on the Order Paper. A petition has been number of other bills on the Order Paper. A petition has been delivered Paper. A petition has been delivered to Paper. A petition has been delivered to the Paper. A petition has been delivered to the Clerk Paper. A petition has been delivered to the Clerk for Paper. A petition has been delivered to the Clerk for presentation. to the Clerk for presentation. Petition to the Clerk for presentation. Petition of to the Clerk for presentation. Petition of Penny to the Clerk for presentation. Petition of Penny Bright to the Clerk for presentation. Petition of Penny Bright and to the Clerk for presentation. Petition of Penny Bright and 77 Petition of Penny Bright and 77 others Petition of Penny Bright and 77 others requesting Petition of Penny Bright and 77 others requesting that Petition of Penny Bright and 77 others requesting that the Petition of Penny Bright and 77 others requesting that the House others requesting that the House conduct others requesting that the House conduct an others requesting that the House conduct an inquiry others requesting that the House conduct an inquiry into others requesting that the House conduct an inquiry into the others requesting that the House conduct an inquiry into the alleged conduct an inquiry into the alleged conflict conduct an inquiry into the alleged conflict of conduct an inquiry into the alleged conflict of interest conduct an inquiry into the alleged conflict of interest regarding conflict of interest regarding Auckland conflict of interest regarding Auckland Council's conflict of interest regarding Auckland Council's membership conflict of interest regarding Auckland Council's membership of conflict of interest regarding Auckland Council's membership of the Auckland Council's membership of the New Auckland Council's membership of the New Zealand Auckland Council's membership of the New Zealand Property Auckland Council's membership of the New Zealand Property Council. Auckland Council's membership of the New Zealand Property Council. That New Zealand Property Council. That petition New Zealand Property Council. That petition stands New Zealand Property Council. That petition stands referred New Zealand Property Council. That petition stands referred to New Zealand Property Council. That petition stands referred to a New Zealand Property Council. That petition stands referred to a select petition stands referred to a select committee petition stands referred to a select committee allocated petition stands referred to a select committee allocated by petition stands referred to a select committee allocated by the petition stands referred to a select committee allocated by the Clerk. petition stands referred to a select committee allocated by the Clerk. No committee allocated by the Clerk. No papers committee allocated by the Clerk. No papers have committee allocated by the Clerk. No papers have been committee allocated by the Clerk. No papers have been presented. committee allocated by the Clerk. No papers have been presented. Select papers have been presented. Select committee papers have been presented. Select committee reports papers have been presented. Select committee reports have papers have been presented. Select committee reports have been committee reports have been delivered committee reports have been delivered for committee reports have been delivered for presentation. committee reports have been delivered for presentation. Report delivered for presentation. Report of delivered for presentation. Report of the delivered for presentation. Report of the Finance delivered for presentation. Report of the Finance and delivered for presentation. Report of the Finance and Expenditure of the Finance and Expenditure Committee of the Finance and Expenditure Committee on of the Finance and Expenditure Committee on the of the Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Controller of the Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Controller and Committee on the Controller and Auditor-General Committee on the Controller and Auditor-General - Committee on the Controller and Auditor-General - Annual Committee on the Controller and Auditor-General - Annual Plan Auditor-General - Annual Plan 2016/2017, Auditor-General - Annual Plan 2016/2017, and Auditor-General - Annual Plan 2016/2017, and report Auditor-General - Annual Plan 2016/2017, and report of Auditor-General - Annual Plan 2016/2017, and report of the Auditor-General - Annual Plan 2016/2017, and report of the Social 2016/2017, and report of the Social Services 2016/2017, and report of the Social Services Committee 2016/2017, and report of the Social Services Committee on 2016/2017, and report of the Social Services Committee on the 2016/2017, and report of the Social Services Committee on the petition Services Committee on the petition of Services Committee on the petition of will Services Committee on the petition of will rue Services Committee on the petition of will rue and Services Committee on the petition of will rue and Sunny Services Committee on the petition of will rue and Sunny Bayliss. Services Committee on the petition of will rue and Sunny Bayliss. The of will rue and Sunny Bayliss. The report of will rue and Sunny Bayliss. The report on of will rue and Sunny Bayliss. The report on the of will rue and Sunny Bayliss. The report on the Controller of will rue and Sunny Bayliss. The report on the Controller and report on the Controller and Auditor-General's report on the Controller and Auditor-General's Annual report on the Controller and Auditor-General's Annual Plan report on the Controller and Auditor-General's Annual Plan is report on the Controller and Auditor-General's Annual Plan is set Auditor-General's Annual Plan is set down Auditor-General's Annual Plan is set down for Auditor-General's Annual Plan is set down for consideration. down for consideration. The down for consideration. The Clerk down for consideration. The Clerk has down for consideration. The Clerk has been down for consideration. The Clerk has been informed down for consideration. The Clerk has been informed of down for consideration. The Clerk has been informed of the The Clerk has been informed of the introduction The Clerk has been informed of the introduction of The Clerk has been informed of the introduction of bills. introduction of bills. Residential introduction of bills. Residential Tenancies introduction of bills. Residential Tenancies (Safe introduction of bills. Residential Tenancies (Safe and Residential Tenancies (Safe and Secure Residential Tenancies (Safe and Secure Rentals) Residential Tenancies (Safe and Secure Rentals) Amendment Residential Tenancies (Safe and Secure Rentals) Amendment Bill Residential Tenancies (Safe and Secure Rentals) Amendment Bill - Secure Rentals) Amendment Bill - introduction. introduction. Airport introduction. Airport Authorities introduction. Airport Authorities (Publicising Airport Authorities (Publicising Lost Airport Authorities (Publicising Lost Property Airport Authorities (Publicising Lost Property Sales) Airport Authorities (Publicising Lost Property Sales) Amendment Airport Authorities (Publicising Lost Property Sales) Amendment Bill Lost Property Sales) Amendment Bill - Lost Property Sales) Amendment Bill - introduction. - introduction. Land - introduction. Land Transfer - introduction. Land Transfer (Foreign - introduction. Land Transfer (Foreign Ownership - introduction. Land Transfer (Foreign Ownership of Land Transfer (Foreign Ownership of Land Land Transfer (Foreign Ownership of Land Register) Land Transfer (Foreign Ownership of Land Register) Amendment Land Transfer (Foreign Ownership of Land Register) Amendment Bill Land Transfer (Foreign Ownership of Land Register) Amendment Bill - Land Register) Amendment Bill - introduction. introduction. Those introduction. Those bills introduction. Those bills are introduction. Those bills are set introduction. Those bills are set down introduction. Those bills are set down for introduction. Those bills are set down for first Those bills are set down for first reading. Those bills are set down for first reading. The Those bills are set down for first reading. The House Those bills are set down for first reading. The House comes Those bills are set down for first reading. The House comes to Those bills are set down for first reading. The House comes to Oral reading. The House comes to Oral Questions. reading. The House comes to Oral Questions. Question reading. The House comes to Oral Questions. Question No. reading. The House comes to Oral Questions. Question No. 1 reading. The House comes to Oral Questions. Question No. 1 in reading. The House comes to Oral Questions. Question No. 1 in the Questions. Question No. 1 in the name Questions. Question No. 1 in the name of Questions. Question No. 1 in the name of Grant Questions. Question No. 1 in the name of Grant Robertson. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Finance: Minister of Finance: Does Minister of Finance: Does he Minister of Finance: Does he stand Minister of Finance: Does he stand by Minister of Finance: Does he stand by all Does he stand by all his Does he stand by all his statements? Mr Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, yes. Mr Speaker, yes. In Mr Speaker, yes. In particular, Mr Speaker, yes. In particular, when Mr Speaker, yes. In particular, when I Mr Speaker, yes. In particular, when I was Mr Speaker, yes. In particular, when I was asked Mr Speaker, yes. In particular, when I was asked a Mr Speaker, yes. In particular, when I was asked a few Mr Speaker, yes. In particular, when I was asked a few months Mr Speaker, yes. In particular, when I was asked a few months ago Mr Speaker, yes. In particular, when I was asked a few months ago about I was asked a few months ago about what I was asked a few months ago about what I I was asked a few months ago about what I thought I was asked a few months ago about what I thought of I was asked a few months ago about what I thought of a I was asked a few months ago about what I thought of a Labour I was asked a few months ago about what I thought of a Labour Party what I thought of a Labour Party proposal what I thought of a Labour Party proposal that what I thought of a Labour Party proposal that Government what I thought of a Labour Party proposal that Government legislate proposal that Government legislate interest proposal that Government legislate interest rates, proposal that Government legislate interest rates, I proposal that Government legislate interest rates, I said, proposal that Government legislate interest rates, I said, "That's proposal that Government legislate interest rates, I said, "That's a interest rates, I said, "That's a pretty interest rates, I said, "That's a pretty dumb interest rates, I said, "That's a pretty dumb idea." interest rates, I said, "That's a pretty dumb idea." And interest rates, I said, "That's a pretty dumb idea." And I interest rates, I said, "That's a pretty dumb idea." And I stand interest rates, I said, "That's a pretty dumb idea." And I stand by pretty dumb idea." And I stand by that pretty dumb idea." And I stand by that statement. pretty dumb idea." And I stand by that statement. Does pretty dumb idea." And I stand by that statement. Does he pretty dumb idea." And I stand by that statement. Does he stand pretty dumb idea." And I stand by that statement. Does he stand by pretty dumb idea." And I stand by that statement. Does he stand by his that statement. Does he stand by his statement that statement. Does he stand by his statement that that statement. Does he stand by his statement that he that statement. Does he stand by his statement that he is that statement. Does he stand by his statement that he is not that statement. Does he stand by his statement that he is not concerned statement that he is not concerned that statement that he is not concerned that trading statement that he is not concerned that trading banks statement that he is not concerned that trading banks are statement that he is not concerned that trading banks are not statement that he is not concerned that trading banks are not passing that trading banks are not passing on that trading banks are not passing on the that trading banks are not passing on the full that trading banks are not passing on the full OCR that trading banks are not passing on the full OCR rate that trading banks are not passing on the full OCR rate cut? that trading banks are not passing on the full OCR rate cut? Yes, that trading banks are not passing on the full OCR rate cut? Yes, Mr on the full OCR rate cut? Yes, Mr Speaker, on the full OCR rate cut? Yes, Mr Speaker, in on the full OCR rate cut? Yes, Mr Speaker, in the on the full OCR rate cut? Yes, Mr Speaker, in the context on the full OCR rate cut? Yes, Mr Speaker, in the context in on the full OCR rate cut? Yes, Mr Speaker, in the context in which on the full OCR rate cut? Yes, Mr Speaker, in the context in which it Speaker, in the context in which it was Speaker, in the context in which it was made, Speaker, in the context in which it was made, the Speaker, in the context in which it was made, the banks Speaker, in the context in which it was made, the banks operate Speaker, in the context in which it was made, the banks operate in Speaker, in the context in which it was made, the banks operate in a was made, the banks operate in a competitive was made, the banks operate in a competitive environment. was made, the banks operate in a competitive environment. I was made, the banks operate in a competitive environment. I see was made, the banks operate in a competitive environment. I see some competitive environment. I see some of competitive environment. I see some of them competitive environment. I see some of them have competitive environment. I see some of them have decided, competitive environment. I see some of them have decided, for competitive environment. I see some of them have decided, for instance, of them have decided, for instance, today of them have decided, for instance, today to of them have decided, for instance, today to favour of them have decided, for instance, today to favour their of them have decided, for instance, today to favour their depositors of them have decided, for instance, today to favour their depositors by today to favour their depositors by putting today to favour their depositors by putting deposit today to favour their depositors by putting deposit rates today to favour their depositors by putting deposit rates up, today to favour their depositors by putting deposit rates up, and today to favour their depositors by putting deposit rates up, and for putting deposit rates up, and for all putting deposit rates up, and for all those putting deposit rates up, and for all those New putting deposit rates up, and for all those New Zealanders putting deposit rates up, and for all those New Zealanders who putting deposit rates up, and for all those New Zealanders who save all those New Zealanders who save and all those New Zealanders who save and put all those New Zealanders who save and put money all those New Zealanders who save and put money in all those New Zealanders who save and put money in the all those New Zealanders who save and put money in the bank, all those New Zealanders who save and put money in the bank, they and put money in the bank, they probably and put money in the bank, they probably would and put money in the bank, they probably would prefer and put money in the bank, they probably would prefer that. and put money in the bank, they probably would prefer that. Other probably would prefer that. Other banks, probably would prefer that. Other banks, over probably would prefer that. Other banks, over time, probably would prefer that. Other banks, over time, may probably would prefer that. Other banks, over time, may decide probably would prefer that. Other banks, over time, may decide to probably would prefer that. Other banks, over time, may decide to pass banks, over time, may decide to pass all banks, over time, may decide to pass all those banks, over time, may decide to pass all those reductions banks, over time, may decide to pass all those reductions on banks, over time, may decide to pass all those reductions on to all those reductions on to borrowers. all those reductions on to borrowers. In all those reductions on to borrowers. In light all those reductions on to borrowers. In light of all those reductions on to borrowers. In light of that all those reductions on to borrowers. In light of that answer, borrowers. In light of that answer, then, borrowers. In light of that answer, then, has borrowers. In light of that answer, then, has he borrowers. In light of that answer, then, has he sought borrowers. In light of that answer, then, has he sought to borrowers. In light of that answer, then, has he sought to correct borrowers. In light of that answer, then, has he sought to correct the then, has he sought to correct the PM, then, has he sought to correct the PM, who then, has he sought to correct the PM, who said then, has he sought to correct the PM, who said he then, has he sought to correct the PM, who said he thought then, has he sought to correct the PM, who said he thought that then, has he sought to correct the PM, who said he thought that banks PM, who said he thought that banks should PM, who said he thought that banks should "pass PM, who said he thought that banks should "pass on PM, who said he thought that banks should "pass on in PM, who said he thought that banks should "pass on in full" PM, who said he thought that banks should "pass on in full" the PM, who said he thought that banks should "pass on in full" the rate should "pass on in full" the rate cut should "pass on in full" the rate cut to should "pass on in full" the rate cut to their should "pass on in full" the rate cut to their customers? should "pass on in full" the rate cut to their customers? That, should "pass on in full" the rate cut to their customers? That, of cut to their customers? That, of course, cut to their customers? That, of course, as cut to their customers? That, of course, as you cut to their customers? That, of course, as you would cut to their customers? That, of course, as you would expect cut to their customers? That, of course, as you would expect from cut to their customers? That, of course, as you would expect from the course, as you would expect from the Opposition, course, as you would expect from the Opposition, is course, as you would expect from the Opposition, is not course, as you would expect from the Opposition, is not quite course, as you would expect from the Opposition, is not quite what course, as you would expect from the Opposition, is not quite what the course, as you would expect from the Opposition, is not quite what the PM Opposition, is not quite what the PM said. Opposition, is not quite what the PM said. In Opposition, is not quite what the PM said. In fact, Opposition, is not quite what the PM said. In fact, he Opposition, is not quite what the PM said. In fact, he made Opposition, is not quite what the PM said. In fact, he made a Opposition, is not quite what the PM said. In fact, he made a comment Opposition, is not quite what the PM said. In fact, he made a comment to said. In fact, he made a comment to the said. In fact, he made a comment to the effect said. In fact, he made a comment to the effect that said. In fact, he made a comment to the effect that he said. In fact, he made a comment to the effect that he expected said. In fact, he made a comment to the effect that he expected that's the effect that he expected that's what the effect that he expected that's what they the effect that he expected that's what they would the effect that he expected that's what they would do the effect that he expected that's what they would do in the effect that he expected that's what they would do in the the effect that he expected that's what they would do in the context the effect that he expected that's what they would do in the context of what they would do in the context of a what they would do in the context of a competitive what they would do in the context of a competitive market. what they would do in the context of a competitive market. Fundamentally, a competitive market. Fundamentally, it's a competitive market. Fundamentally, it's our a competitive market. Fundamentally, it's our view a competitive market. Fundamentally, it's our view that a competitive market. Fundamentally, it's our view that the a competitive market. Fundamentally, it's our view that the competition it's our view that the competition among it's our view that the competition among banks it's our view that the competition among banks will it's our view that the competition among banks will determine it's our view that the competition among banks will determine how it's our view that the competition among banks will determine how much among banks will determine how much is among banks will determine how much is passed among banks will determine how much is passed on. among banks will determine how much is passed on. It's among banks will determine how much is passed on. It's not among banks will determine how much is passed on. It's not the is passed on. It's not the Government's is passed on. It's not the Government's job is passed on. It's not the Government's job to is passed on. It's not the Government's job to tell is passed on. It's not the Government's job to tell them is passed on. It's not the Government's job to tell them how is passed on. It's not the Government's job to tell them how to Government's job to tell them how to run Government's job to tell them how to run their Government's job to tell them how to run their business. Government's job to tell them how to run their business. If Government's job to tell them how to run their business. If it's Government's job to tell them how to run their business. If it's not Government's job to tell them how to run their business. If it's not the run their business. If it's not the Government's run their business. If it's not the Government's job run their business. If it's not the Government's job to run their business. If it's not the Government's job to tell run their business. If it's not the Government's job to tell banks run their business. If it's not the Government's job to tell banks how Government's job to tell banks how to Government's job to tell banks how to run Government's job to tell banks how to run their Government's job to tell banks how to run their business, Government's job to tell banks how to run their business, why Government's job to tell banks how to run their business, why did Government's job to tell banks how to run their business, why did John to run their business, why did John Key to run their business, why did John Key say to run their business, why did John Key say "If to run their business, why did John Key say "If banks to run their business, why did John Key say "If banks behave to run their business, why did John Key say "If banks behave like to run their business, why did John Key say "If banks behave like good Key say "If banks behave like good corporate Key say "If banks behave like good corporate citizens, Key say "If banks behave like good corporate citizens, they Key say "If banks behave like good corporate citizens, they should Key say "If banks behave like good corporate citizens, they should pass corporate citizens, they should pass on corporate citizens, they should pass on Reserve corporate citizens, they should pass on Reserve Bank corporate citizens, they should pass on Reserve Bank cuts corporate citizens, they should pass on Reserve Bank cuts in corporate citizens, they should pass on Reserve Bank cuts in full corporate citizens, they should pass on Reserve Bank cuts in full to on Reserve Bank cuts in full to their on Reserve Bank cuts in full to their customers"? on Reserve Bank cuts in full to their customers"? Because on Reserve Bank cuts in full to their customers"? Because good their customers"? Because good corporate their customers"? Because good corporate citizens their customers"? Because good corporate citizens do their customers"? Because good corporate citizens do what their customers"? Because good corporate citizens do what their corporate citizens do what their customers corporate citizens do what their customers demand corporate citizens do what their customers demand that corporate citizens do what their customers demand that they corporate citizens do what their customers demand that they do. corporate citizens do what their customers demand that they do. And customers demand that they do. And that's customers demand that they do. And that's what customers demand that they do. And that's what will customers demand that they do. And that's what will happen. that's what will happen. <INTERRUPTION> <INTERRUPTION> In <INTERRUPTION> In the <INTERRUPTION> In the end, <INTERRUPTION> In the end, they <INTERRUPTION> In the end, they will <INTERRUPTION> In the end, they will decide <INTERRUPTION> In the end, they will decide how <INTERRUPTION> In the end, they will decide how to In the end, they will decide how to respond In the end, they will decide how to respond to In the end, they will decide how to respond to demand In the end, they will decide how to respond to demand in In the end, they will decide how to respond to demand in the In the end, they will decide how to respond to demand in the market, In the end, they will decide how to respond to demand in the market, and respond to demand in the market, and New respond to demand in the market, and New Zealanders respond to demand in the market, and New Zealanders who respond to demand in the market, and New Zealanders who are respond to demand in the market, and New Zealanders who are worried respond to demand in the market, and New Zealanders who are worried about New Zealanders who are worried about it New Zealanders who are worried about it can New Zealanders who are worried about it can ring New Zealanders who are worried about it can ring up New Zealanders who are worried about it can ring up their New Zealanders who are worried about it can ring up their bank, New Zealanders who are worried about it can ring up their bank, demand New Zealanders who are worried about it can ring up their bank, demand a it can ring up their bank, demand a lower it can ring up their bank, demand a lower interest it can ring up their bank, demand a lower interest rate, it can ring up their bank, demand a lower interest rate, and it can ring up their bank, demand a lower interest rate, and I'm it can ring up their bank, demand a lower interest rate, and I'm told lower interest rate, and I'm told that lower interest rate, and I'm told that they'll lower interest rate, and I'm told that they'll get lower interest rate, and I'm told that they'll get it. lower interest rate, and I'm told that they'll get it. Order! lower interest rate, and I'm told that they'll get it. Order! What that they'll get it. Order! What responsibility that they'll get it. Order! What responsibility does that they'll get it. Order! What responsibility does he that they'll get it. Order! What responsibility does he take that they'll get it. Order! What responsibility does he take for that they'll get it. Order! What responsibility does he take for New responsibility does he take for New Zealanders responsibility does he take for New Zealanders not responsibility does he take for New Zealanders not receiving responsibility does he take for New Zealanders not receiving the responsibility does he take for New Zealanders not receiving the full Zealanders not receiving the full benefit Zealanders not receiving the full benefit of Zealanders not receiving the full benefit of the Zealanders not receiving the full benefit of the OCR Zealanders not receiving the full benefit of the OCR cut Zealanders not receiving the full benefit of the OCR cut today, Zealanders not receiving the full benefit of the OCR cut today, given benefit of the OCR cut today, given the benefit of the OCR cut today, given the ANZ benefit of the OCR cut today, given the ANZ Bank's benefit of the OCR cut today, given the ANZ Bank's statement benefit of the OCR cut today, given the ANZ Bank's statement that the ANZ Bank's statement that lowering the ANZ Bank's statement that lowering lending the ANZ Bank's statement that lowering lending rates the ANZ Bank's statement that lowering lending rates would the ANZ Bank's statement that lowering lending rates would "throw lowering lending rates would "throw fuel lowering lending rates would "throw fuel on lowering lending rates would "throw fuel on the lowering lending rates would "throw fuel on the fire lowering lending rates would "throw fuel on the fire in lowering lending rates would "throw fuel on the fire in an lowering lending rates would "throw fuel on the fire in an overheated fuel on the fire in an overheated housing fuel on the fire in an overheated housing market"? fuel on the fire in an overheated housing market"? <INTERRUPTION> housing market"? <INTERRUPTION> Mr housing market"? <INTERRUPTION> Mr Speaker, housing market"? <INTERRUPTION> Mr Speaker, this housing market"? <INTERRUPTION> Mr Speaker, this week, housing market"? <INTERRUPTION> Mr Speaker, this week, the housing market"? <INTERRUPTION> Mr Speaker, this week, the primary Mr Speaker, this week, the primary responsibility Mr Speaker, this week, the primary responsibility for Mr Speaker, this week, the primary responsibility for the Mr Speaker, this week, the primary responsibility for the housing responsibility for the housing market responsibility for the housing market in responsibility for the housing market in New responsibility for the housing market in New Zealand responsibility for the housing market in New Zealand lies responsibility for the housing market in New Zealand lies with responsibility for the housing market in New Zealand lies with the market in New Zealand lies with the Auckland market in New Zealand lies with the Auckland Council. market in New Zealand lies with the Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> It Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> It has Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> It has in Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> It has in front Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> It has in front of Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> It has in front of it Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> It has in front of it a Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> It has in front of it a plan, Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> It has in front of it a plan, and Auckland Council. <INTERRUPTION> It has in front of it a plan, and we It has in front of it a plan, and we - It has in front of it a plan, and we - like It has in front of it a plan, and we - like the It has in front of it a plan, and we - like the Council It has in front of it a plan, and we - like the Council - It has in front of it a plan, and we - like the Council - hope It has in front of it a plan, and we - like the Council - hope that It has in front of it a plan, and we - like the Council - hope that they - like the Council - hope that they will - like the Council - hope that they will sign - like the Council - hope that they will sign off - like the Council - hope that they will sign off a - like the Council - hope that they will sign off a plan - like the Council - hope that they will sign off a plan that - like the Council - hope that they will sign off a plan that is will sign off a plan that is convincing will sign off a plan that is convincing about will sign off a plan that is convincing about bringing will sign off a plan that is convincing about bringing more convincing about bringing more supply convincing about bringing more supply to convincing about bringing more supply to the convincing about bringing more supply to the market, convincing about bringing more supply to the market, because convincing about bringing more supply to the market, because that's supply to the market, because that's the supply to the market, because that's the critical supply to the market, because that's the critical variable supply to the market, because that's the critical variable in supply to the market, because that's the critical variable in the supply to the market, because that's the critical variable in the housing the critical variable in the housing market, the critical variable in the housing market, and the critical variable in the housing market, and the the critical variable in the housing market, and the Auckland the critical variable in the housing market, and the Auckland Council market, and the Auckland Council have market, and the Auckland Council have control market, and the Auckland Council have control over market, and the Auckland Council have control over that market, and the Auckland Council have control over that variable. have control over that variable. When have control over that variable. When 75% have control over that variable. When 75% of have control over that variable. When 75% of New have control over that variable. When 75% of New Zealanders have control over that variable. When 75% of New Zealanders are When 75% of New Zealanders are telling When 75% of New Zealanders are telling his When 75% of New Zealanders are telling his Government When 75% of New Zealanders are telling his Government that When 75% of New Zealanders are telling his Government that they When 75% of New Zealanders are telling his Government that they are telling his Government that they are not telling his Government that they are not doing telling his Government that they are not doing enough telling his Government that they are not doing enough to telling his Government that they are not doing enough to address telling his Government that they are not doing enough to address the not doing enough to address the housing not doing enough to address the housing crisis, not doing enough to address the housing crisis, and not doing enough to address the housing crisis, and that not doing enough to address the housing crisis, and that this not doing enough to address the housing crisis, and that this is not doing enough to address the housing crisis, and that this is the housing crisis, and that this is the reason housing crisis, and that this is the reason banks housing crisis, and that this is the reason banks are housing crisis, and that this is the reason banks are giving housing crisis, and that this is the reason banks are giving for housing crisis, and that this is the reason banks are giving for not reason banks are giving for not cutting reason banks are giving for not cutting rates, reason banks are giving for not cutting rates, why reason banks are giving for not cutting rates, why won't reason banks are giving for not cutting rates, why won't he reason banks are giving for not cutting rates, why won't he front reason banks are giving for not cutting rates, why won't he front up cutting rates, why won't he front up to cutting rates, why won't he front up to New cutting rates, why won't he front up to New Zealanders cutting rates, why won't he front up to New Zealanders and cutting rates, why won't he front up to New Zealanders and admit cutting rates, why won't he front up to New Zealanders and admit that cutting rates, why won't he front up to New Zealanders and admit that his to New Zealanders and admit that his Government's to New Zealanders and admit that his Government's failure to New Zealanders and admit that his Government's failure to to New Zealanders and admit that his Government's failure to even to New Zealanders and admit that his Government's failure to even admit Government's failure to even admit there Government's failure to even admit there is Government's failure to even admit there is a Government's failure to even admit there is a housing Government's failure to even admit there is a housing crisis Government's failure to even admit there is a housing crisis is Government's failure to even admit there is a housing crisis is a Government's failure to even admit there is a housing crisis is a major there is a housing crisis is a major reason there is a housing crisis is a major reason why there is a housing crisis is a major reason why mortgage there is a housing crisis is a major reason why mortgage rates there is a housing crisis is a major reason why mortgage rates will there is a housing crisis is a major reason why mortgage rates will not reason why mortgage rates will not be reason why mortgage rates will not be cut? reason why mortgage rates will not be cut? In reason why mortgage rates will not be cut? In the reason why mortgage rates will not be cut? In the first reason why mortgage rates will not be cut? In the first place, reason why mortgage rates will not be cut? In the first place, the be cut? In the first place, the member be cut? In the first place, the member is be cut? In the first place, the member is making be cut? In the first place, the member is making an be cut? In the first place, the member is making an assumption be cut? In the first place, the member is making an assumption about member is making an assumption about mortgage member is making an assumption about mortgage rates, member is making an assumption about mortgage rates, and member is making an assumption about mortgage rates, and I member is making an assumption about mortgage rates, and I think member is making an assumption about mortgage rates, and I think we're mortgage rates, and I think we're yet mortgage rates, and I think we're yet to mortgage rates, and I think we're yet to see mortgage rates, and I think we're yet to see how mortgage rates, and I think we're yet to see how the mortgage rates, and I think we're yet to see how the competitive yet to see how the competitive pressures yet to see how the competitive pressures in yet to see how the competitive pressures in the yet to see how the competitive pressures in the market yet to see how the competitive pressures in the market will yet to see how the competitive pressures in the market will work pressures in the market will work out. pressures in the market will work out. As pressures in the market will work out. As it pressures in the market will work out. As it happens, pressures in the market will work out. As it happens, banks pressures in the market will work out. As it happens, banks have out. As it happens, banks have reduced out. As it happens, banks have reduced mortgage out. As it happens, banks have reduced mortgage rates out. As it happens, banks have reduced mortgage rates over out. As it happens, banks have reduced mortgage rates over the out. As it happens, banks have reduced mortgage rates over the last reduced mortgage rates over the last six reduced mortgage rates over the last six months reduced mortgage rates over the last six months or reduced mortgage rates over the last six months or so reduced mortgage rates over the last six months or so by reduced mortgage rates over the last six months or so by more reduced mortgage rates over the last six months or so by more than reduced mortgage rates over the last six months or so by more than the six months or so by more than the reductions six months or so by more than the reductions in six months or so by more than the reductions in the six months or so by more than the reductions in the OCR. six months or so by more than the reductions in the OCR. And six months or so by more than the reductions in the OCR. And that reductions in the OCR. And that could reductions in the OCR. And that could happen reductions in the OCR. And that could happen easily reductions in the OCR. And that could happen easily over reductions in the OCR. And that could happen easily over the reductions in the OCR. And that could happen easily over the next could happen easily over the next few could happen easily over the next few months. could happen easily over the next few months. But could happen easily over the next few months. But the could happen easily over the next few months. But the key could happen easily over the next few months. But the key decisions few months. But the key decisions now few months. But the key decisions now for few months. But the key decisions now for the few months. But the key decisions now for the housing few months. But the key decisions now for the housing market few months. But the key decisions now for the housing market lie few months. But the key decisions now for the housing market lie with now for the housing market lie with the now for the housing market lie with the entity now for the housing market lie with the entity that now for the housing market lie with the entity that regulates now for the housing market lie with the entity that regulates the the entity that regulates the Auckland the entity that regulates the Auckland housing the entity that regulates the Auckland housing market, the entity that regulates the Auckland housing market, and the entity that regulates the Auckland housing market, and that the entity that regulates the Auckland housing market, and that is Auckland housing market, and that is the Auckland housing market, and that is the Auckland Auckland housing market, and that is the Auckland City Auckland housing market, and that is the Auckland City Council. Auckland housing market, and that is the Auckland City Council. Does Auckland housing market, and that is the Auckland City Council. Does he the Auckland City Council. Does he recognise the Auckland City Council. Does he recognise that the Auckland City Council. Does he recognise that he the Auckland City Council. Does he recognise that he is the Auckland City Council. Does he recognise that he is now the Auckland City Council. Does he recognise that he is now completely recognise that he is now completely out recognise that he is now completely out of recognise that he is now completely out of touch recognise that he is now completely out of touch in recognise that he is now completely out of touch in ruling recognise that he is now completely out of touch in ruling out recognise that he is now completely out of touch in ruling out a recognise that he is now completely out of touch in ruling out a review out of touch in ruling out a review of out of touch in ruling out a review of immigration out of touch in ruling out a review of immigration policy out of touch in ruling out a review of immigration policy settings out of touch in ruling out a review of immigration policy settings when of immigration policy settings when the of immigration policy settings when the Reserve of immigration policy settings when the Reserve Bank of immigration policy settings when the Reserve Bank have of immigration policy settings when the Reserve Bank have now of immigration policy settings when the Reserve Bank have now joined the Reserve Bank have now joined every the Reserve Bank have now joined every Opposition the Reserve Bank have now joined every Opposition party the Reserve Bank have now joined every Opposition party and the Reserve Bank have now joined every Opposition party and most every Opposition party and most economic every Opposition party and most economic commentators every Opposition party and most economic commentators in every Opposition party and most economic commentators in saying every Opposition party and most economic commentators in saying that economic commentators in saying that unsustainable economic commentators in saying that unsustainable levels economic commentators in saying that unsustainable levels of economic commentators in saying that unsustainable levels of immigration unsustainable levels of immigration are unsustainable levels of immigration are putting unsustainable levels of immigration are putting downward unsustainable levels of immigration are putting downward pressure unsustainable levels of immigration are putting downward pressure on are putting downward pressure on wages are putting downward pressure on wages and are putting downward pressure on wages and upward are putting downward pressure on wages and upward pressures are putting downward pressure on wages and upward pressures on wages and upward pressures on housing wages and upward pressures on housing prices? wages and upward pressures on housing prices? Immigration wages and upward pressures on housing prices? Immigration policy housing prices? Immigration policy settings housing prices? Immigration policy settings are housing prices? Immigration policy settings are always housing prices? Immigration policy settings are always under housing prices? Immigration policy settings are always under review, settings are always under review, but settings are always under review, but I'll settings are always under review, but I'll tell settings are always under review, but I'll tell you settings are always under review, but I'll tell you one settings are always under review, but I'll tell you one part settings are always under review, but I'll tell you one part of settings are always under review, but I'll tell you one part of it settings are always under review, but I'll tell you one part of it we but I'll tell you one part of it we won't but I'll tell you one part of it we won't be but I'll tell you one part of it we won't be review but I'll tell you one part of it we won't be review aing but I'll tell you one part of it we won't be review aing - but I'll tell you one part of it we won't be review aing - the but I'll tell you one part of it we won't be review aing - the biggest won't be review aing - the biggest single won't be review aing - the biggest single change won't be review aing - the biggest single change is won't be review aing - the biggest single change is New won't be review aing - the biggest single change is New Zealanders single change is New Zealanders staying single change is New Zealanders staying home. single change is New Zealanders staying home. And single change is New Zealanders staying home. And unlike single change is New Zealanders staying home. And unlike New single change is New Zealanders staying home. And unlike New Zealand staying home. And unlike New Zealand First, staying home. And unlike New Zealand First, our staying home. And unlike New Zealand First, our policy staying home. And unlike New Zealand First, our policy is staying home. And unlike New Zealand First, our policy is not staying home. And unlike New Zealand First, our policy is not to staying home. And unlike New Zealand First, our policy is not to kick staying home. And unlike New Zealand First, our policy is not to kick New First, our policy is not to kick New Zealanders First, our policy is not to kick New Zealanders out First, our policy is not to kick New Zealanders out in First, our policy is not to kick New Zealanders out in order First, our policy is not to kick New Zealanders out in order to First, our policy is not to kick New Zealanders out in order to reduce Zealanders out in order to reduce the Zealanders out in order to reduce the migration Zealanders out in order to reduce the migration numbers. Zealanders out in order to reduce the migration numbers. Order! Zealanders out in order to reduce the migration numbers. Order! Why Zealanders out in order to reduce the migration numbers. Order! Why is the migration numbers. Order! Why is he the migration numbers. Order! Why is he refusing the migration numbers. Order! Why is he refusing to the migration numbers. Order! Why is he refusing to undertake the migration numbers. Order! Why is he refusing to undertake a the migration numbers. Order! Why is he refusing to undertake a review the migration numbers. Order! Why is he refusing to undertake a review of he refusing to undertake a review of monetary he refusing to undertake a review of monetary policy he refusing to undertake a review of monetary policy in he refusing to undertake a review of monetary policy in the he refusing to undertake a review of monetary policy in the Reserve monetary policy in the Reserve Bank's monetary policy in the Reserve Bank's policy monetary policy in the Reserve Bank's policy targets monetary policy in the Reserve Bank's policy targets agreement Bank's policy targets agreement when, Bank's policy targets agreement when, on Bank's policy targets agreement when, on the Bank's policy targets agreement when, on the basis Bank's policy targets agreement when, on the basis of Bank's policy targets agreement when, on the basis of today's when, on the basis of today's Monetary when, on the basis of today's Monetary Policy when, on the basis of today's Monetary Policy Statement, when, on the basis of today's Monetary Policy Statement, inflation Monetary Policy Statement, inflation will Monetary Policy Statement, inflation will not Monetary Policy Statement, inflation will not reach Monetary Policy Statement, inflation will not reach the Monetary Policy Statement, inflation will not reach the midpoint Monetary Policy Statement, inflation will not reach the midpoint target will not reach the midpoint target until will not reach the midpoint target until 2018, will not reach the midpoint target until 2018, meaning will not reach the midpoint target until 2018, meaning it will not reach the midpoint target until 2018, meaning it has will not reach the midpoint target until 2018, meaning it has failed will not reach the midpoint target until 2018, meaning it has failed to until 2018, meaning it has failed to meet until 2018, meaning it has failed to meet the until 2018, meaning it has failed to meet the PTA until 2018, meaning it has failed to meet the PTA for until 2018, meaning it has failed to meet the PTA for seven until 2018, meaning it has failed to meet the PTA for seven years until 2018, meaning it has failed to meet the PTA for seven years by until 2018, meaning it has failed to meet the PTA for seven years by that meet the PTA for seven years by that point? meet the PTA for seven years by that point? Along meet the PTA for seven years by that point? Along with meet the PTA for seven years by that point? Along with other point? Along with other commentators, point? Along with other commentators, I'd point? Along with other commentators, I'd invite point? Along with other commentators, I'd invite the point? Along with other commentators, I'd invite the member commentators, I'd invite the member to commentators, I'd invite the member to specify commentators, I'd invite the member to specify what commentators, I'd invite the member to specify what he commentators, I'd invite the member to specify what he thinks commentators, I'd invite the member to specify what he thinks the to specify what he thinks the alternative to specify what he thinks the alternative should to specify what he thinks the alternative should be. to specify what he thinks the alternative should be. Because, to specify what he thinks the alternative should be. Because, in alternative should be. Because, in fact, alternative should be. Because, in fact, across alternative should be. Because, in fact, across the alternative should be. Because, in fact, across the world, alternative should be. Because, in fact, across the world, there's alternative should be. Because, in fact, across the world, there's so fact, across the world, there's so much fact, across the world, there's so much concern fact, across the world, there's so much concern about fact, across the world, there's so much concern about deflation fact, across the world, there's so much concern about deflation that much concern about deflation that central much concern about deflation that central banks much concern about deflation that central banks are much concern about deflation that central banks are taking central banks are taking extraordinary central banks are taking extraordinary means central banks are taking extraordinary means to central banks are taking extraordinary means to try central banks are taking extraordinary means to try and central banks are taking extraordinary means to try and reach extraordinary means to try and reach the extraordinary means to try and reach the inflation extraordinary means to try and reach the inflation targets. extraordinary means to try and reach the inflation targets. It extraordinary means to try and reach the inflation targets. It turns extraordinary means to try and reach the inflation targets. It turns out the inflation targets. It turns out inflation the inflation targets. It turns out inflation targeting the inflation targets. It turns out inflation targeting is the inflation targets. It turns out inflation targeting is probably the inflation targets. It turns out inflation targeting is probably more inflation targeting is probably more important inflation targeting is probably more important now inflation targeting is probably more important now than inflation targeting is probably more important now than it's inflation targeting is probably more important now than it's ever inflation targeting is probably more important now than it's ever been. important now than it's ever been. In important now than it's ever been. In any important now than it's ever been. In any case, important now than it's ever been. In any case, the important now than it's ever been. In any case, the PTA important now than it's ever been. In any case, the PTA has important now than it's ever been. In any case, the PTA has reviewed important now than it's ever been. In any case, the PTA has reviewed -- In any case, the PTA has reviewed -- is In any case, the PTA has reviewed -- is reviewed In any case, the PTA has reviewed -- is reviewed every In any case, the PTA has reviewed -- is reviewed every five In any case, the PTA has reviewed -- is reviewed every five years In any case, the PTA has reviewed -- is reviewed every five years as In any case, the PTA has reviewed -- is reviewed every five years as it is reviewed every five years as it expires, is reviewed every five years as it expires, and is reviewed every five years as it expires, and that is reviewed every five years as it expires, and that will is reviewed every five years as it expires, and that will happen is reviewed every five years as it expires, and that will happen in is reviewed every five years as it expires, and that will happen in the expires, and that will happen in the next expires, and that will happen in the next 12 expires, and that will happen in the next 12 months expires, and that will happen in the next 12 months or expires, and that will happen in the next 12 months or so. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Finance: Minister of Finance: What Minister of Finance: What reports Minister of Finance: What reports has Minister of Finance: What reports has he Minister of Finance: What reports has he received Minister of Finance: What reports has he received on Minister of Finance: What reports has he received on the What reports has he received on the outlook What reports has he received on the outlook for What reports has he received on the outlook for the What reports has he received on the outlook for the New What reports has he received on the outlook for the New Zealand What reports has he received on the outlook for the New Zealand economy? Earlier Earlier today, Earlier today, the Earlier today, the Reserve Earlier today, the Reserve Bank Earlier today, the Reserve Bank released Earlier today, the Reserve Bank released its Earlier today, the Reserve Bank released its Monetary Earlier today, the Reserve Bank released its Monetary Policy released its Monetary Policy Statement released its Monetary Policy Statement and released its Monetary Policy Statement and cut released its Monetary Policy Statement and cut the released its Monetary Policy Statement and cut the official released its Monetary Policy Statement and cut the official cash Statement and cut the official cash rate Statement and cut the official cash rate by Statement and cut the official cash rate by 25 Statement and cut the official cash rate by 25 basis Statement and cut the official cash rate by 25 basis points Statement and cut the official cash rate by 25 basis points to Statement and cut the official cash rate by 25 basis points to 2%. Statement and cut the official cash rate by 25 basis points to 2%. The rate by 25 basis points to 2%. The official rate by 25 basis points to 2%. The official cash rate by 25 basis points to 2%. The official cash rate rate by 25 basis points to 2%. The official cash rate is rate by 25 basis points to 2%. The official cash rate is now rate by 25 basis points to 2%. The official cash rate is now the rate by 25 basis points to 2%. The official cash rate is now the lowest official cash rate is now the lowest it official cash rate is now the lowest it has official cash rate is now the lowest it has been official cash rate is now the lowest it has been in official cash rate is now the lowest it has been in its official cash rate is now the lowest it has been in its history. official cash rate is now the lowest it has been in its history. The it has been in its history. The Reserve it has been in its history. The Reserve Bank it has been in its history. The Reserve Bank forecast it has been in its history. The Reserve Bank forecast growth it has been in its history. The Reserve Bank forecast growth to Reserve Bank forecast growth to accelerate Reserve Bank forecast growth to accelerate from Reserve Bank forecast growth to accelerate from 2.5% Reserve Bank forecast growth to accelerate from 2.5% this Reserve Bank forecast growth to accelerate from 2.5% this year Reserve Bank forecast growth to accelerate from 2.5% this year to accelerate from 2.5% this year to 3.4% accelerate from 2.5% this year to 3.4% in accelerate from 2.5% this year to 3.4% in each accelerate from 2.5% this year to 3.4% in each of accelerate from 2.5% this year to 3.4% in each of the accelerate from 2.5% this year to 3.4% in each of the next accelerate from 2.5% this year to 3.4% in each of the next two accelerate from 2.5% this year to 3.4% in each of the next two years. 3.4% in each of the next two years. The 3.4% in each of the next two years. The outlook 3.4% in each of the next two years. The outlook is 3.4% in each of the next two years. The outlook is broadly 3.4% in each of the next two years. The outlook is broadly similar 3.4% in each of the next two years. The outlook is broadly similar to The outlook is broadly similar to their The outlook is broadly similar to their June The outlook is broadly similar to their June statement, The outlook is broadly similar to their June statement, but The outlook is broadly similar to their June statement, but stronger their June statement, but stronger growth their June statement, but stronger growth now their June statement, but stronger growth now being their June statement, but stronger growth now being forecast. their June statement, but stronger growth now being forecast. The growth now being forecast. The drivers growth now being forecast. The drivers of growth now being forecast. The drivers of this growth now being forecast. The drivers of this growth growth now being forecast. The drivers of this growth include drivers of this growth include stimulatory drivers of this growth include stimulatory monetary drivers of this growth include stimulatory monetary conditions, stimulatory monetary conditions, higher stimulatory monetary conditions, higher terms stimulatory monetary conditions, higher terms of stimulatory monetary conditions, higher terms of trade, stimulatory monetary conditions, higher terms of trade, strong higher terms of trade, strong construction higher terms of trade, strong construction activity, higher terms of trade, strong construction activity, and higher terms of trade, strong construction activity, and strong construction activity, and strong tourist construction activity, and strong tourist spending. construction activity, and strong tourist spending. This construction activity, and strong tourist spending. This confirms construction activity, and strong tourist spending. This confirms New tourist spending. This confirms New Zealand tourist spending. This confirms New Zealand remains tourist spending. This confirms New Zealand remains one tourist spending. This confirms New Zealand remains one of tourist spending. This confirms New Zealand remains one of the Zealand remains one of the better-performing Zealand remains one of the better-performing developed better-performing developed economies. better-performing developed economies. In better-performing developed economies. In light better-performing developed economies. In light of better-performing developed economies. In light of the better-performing developed economies. In light of the lift better-performing developed economies. In light of the lift in economies. In light of the lift in forecast economies. In light of the lift in forecast economic economies. In light of the lift in forecast economic growth economies. In light of the lift in forecast economic growth over economies. In light of the lift in forecast economic growth over the forecast economic growth over the next forecast economic growth over the next three forecast economic growth over the next three years, forecast economic growth over the next three years, what forecast economic growth over the next three years, what is forecast economic growth over the next three years, what is the next three years, what is the Reserve next three years, what is the Reserve Bank's next three years, what is the Reserve Bank's outlook next three years, what is the Reserve Bank's outlook for next three years, what is the Reserve Bank's outlook for the Reserve Bank's outlook for the labour Reserve Bank's outlook for the labour market? Reserve Bank's outlook for the labour market? The Reserve Bank's outlook for the labour market? The Reserve Reserve Bank's outlook for the labour market? The Reserve Bank Reserve Bank's outlook for the labour market? The Reserve Bank is labour market? The Reserve Bank is forecasting labour market? The Reserve Bank is forecasting an labour market? The Reserve Bank is forecasting an increase labour market? The Reserve Bank is forecasting an increase of labour market? The Reserve Bank is forecasting an increase of about labour market? The Reserve Bank is forecasting an increase of about 1% forecasting an increase of about 1% more forecasting an increase of about 1% more growth forecasting an increase of about 1% more growth in forecasting an increase of about 1% more growth in the forecasting an increase of about 1% more growth in the economy forecasting an increase of about 1% more growth in the economy over forecasting an increase of about 1% more growth in the economy over the more growth in the economy over the next more growth in the economy over the next three more growth in the economy over the next three years more growth in the economy over the next three years compared more growth in the economy over the next three years compared to more growth in the economy over the next three years compared to what more growth in the economy over the next three years compared to what it next three years compared to what it thought next three years compared to what it thought three next three years compared to what it thought three months next three years compared to what it thought three months ago. next three years compared to what it thought three months ago. They're thought three months ago. They're forecasting thought three months ago. They're forecasting that thought three months ago. They're forecasting that unemployment thought three months ago. They're forecasting that unemployment is forecasting that unemployment is going forecasting that unemployment is going to forecasting that unemployment is going to continue forecasting that unemployment is going to continue falling forecasting that unemployment is going to continue falling from forecasting that unemployment is going to continue falling from 5.2% going to continue falling from 5.2% this going to continue falling from 5.2% this year going to continue falling from 5.2% this year to going to continue falling from 5.2% this year to 4.5% going to continue falling from 5.2% this year to 4.5% by going to continue falling from 5.2% this year to 4.5% by 2019, going to continue falling from 5.2% this year to 4.5% by 2019, and going to continue falling from 5.2% this year to 4.5% by 2019, and job this year to 4.5% by 2019, and job numbers this year to 4.5% by 2019, and job numbers to this year to 4.5% by 2019, and job numbers to increase this year to 4.5% by 2019, and job numbers to increase by this year to 4.5% by 2019, and job numbers to increase by more this year to 4.5% by 2019, and job numbers to increase by more than this year to 4.5% by 2019, and job numbers to increase by more than 2% numbers to increase by more than 2% on numbers to increase by more than 2% on average numbers to increase by more than 2% on average over numbers to increase by more than 2% on average over the numbers to increase by more than 2% on average over the next numbers to increase by more than 2% on average over the next two numbers to increase by more than 2% on average over the next two years. on average over the next two years. A on average over the next two years. A significant on average over the next two years. A significant component on average over the next two years. A significant component of on average over the next two years. A significant component of that, on average over the next two years. A significant component of that, of A significant component of that, of course, A significant component of that, of course, will A significant component of that, of course, will be A significant component of that, of course, will be the A significant component of that, of course, will be the construction course, will be the construction boom, course, will be the construction boom, where course, will be the construction boom, where thousands course, will be the construction boom, where thousands of course, will be the construction boom, where thousands of houses course, will be the construction boom, where thousands of houses will boom, where thousands of houses will be boom, where thousands of houses will be built boom, where thousands of houses will be built over boom, where thousands of houses will be built over the boom, where thousands of houses will be built over the next boom, where thousands of houses will be built over the next two boom, where thousands of houses will be built over the next two or boom, where thousands of houses will be built over the next two or three be built over the next two or three years. be built over the next two or three years. These be built over the next two or three years. These forecasts be built over the next two or three years. These forecasts are be built over the next two or three years. These forecasts are in be built over the next two or three years. These forecasts are in line years. These forecasts are in line with years. These forecasts are in line with Treasury's years. These forecasts are in line with Treasury's forecast years. These forecasts are in line with Treasury's forecast for years. These forecasts are in line with Treasury's forecast for the with Treasury's forecast for the labour with Treasury's forecast for the labour market, with Treasury's forecast for the labour market, and with Treasury's forecast for the labour market, and show with Treasury's forecast for the labour market, and show an with Treasury's forecast for the labour market, and show an economy labour market, and show an economy that labour market, and show an economy that is labour market, and show an economy that is delivering labour market, and show an economy that is delivering more labour market, and show an economy that is delivering more jobs, labour market, and show an economy that is delivering more jobs, lower that is delivering more jobs, lower unemployment, that is delivering more jobs, lower unemployment, and that is delivering more jobs, lower unemployment, and real that is delivering more jobs, lower unemployment, and real increases that is delivering more jobs, lower unemployment, and real increases in unemployment, and real increases in incomes unemployment, and real increases in incomes when unemployment, and real increases in incomes when many unemployment, and real increases in incomes when many developed incomes when many developed countries incomes when many developed countries -- incomes when many developed countries -- when, incomes when many developed countries -- when, in incomes when many developed countries -- when, in many incomes when many developed countries -- when, in many developed countries -- when, in many developed countries, countries -- when, in many developed countries, that's countries -- when, in many developed countries, that's not countries -- when, in many developed countries, that's not happening. countries, that's not happening. What countries, that's not happening. What risks countries, that's not happening. What risks does countries, that's not happening. What risks does the countries, that's not happening. What risks does the Reserve countries, that's not happening. What risks does the Reserve Bank countries, that's not happening. What risks does the Reserve Bank see What risks does the Reserve Bank see in What risks does the Reserve Bank see in the What risks does the Reserve Bank see in the economic What risks does the Reserve Bank see in the economic outlook? in the economic outlook? They in the economic outlook? They point in the economic outlook? They point out in the economic outlook? They point out that in the economic outlook? They point out that global in the economic outlook? They point out that global growth in the economic outlook? They point out that global growth is They point out that global growth is below-trend They point out that global growth is below-trend growth They point out that global growth is below-trend growth - They point out that global growth is below-trend growth - that's They point out that global growth is below-trend growth - that's below below-trend growth - that's below the below-trend growth - that's below the normal below-trend growth - that's below the normal average below-trend growth - that's below the normal average - below-trend growth - that's below the normal average - even below-trend growth - that's below the normal average - even though the normal average - even though there the normal average - even though there is the normal average - even though there is unprecedented the normal average - even though there is unprecedented levels the normal average - even though there is unprecedented levels of there is unprecedented levels of monetary there is unprecedented levels of monetary stimulus there is unprecedented levels of monetary stimulus from there is unprecedented levels of monetary stimulus from central monetary stimulus from central banks. monetary stimulus from central banks. And monetary stimulus from central banks. And they monetary stimulus from central banks. And they point monetary stimulus from central banks. And they point out monetary stimulus from central banks. And they point out that banks. And they point out that significant banks. And they point out that significant surless banks. And they point out that significant surless economy banks. And they point out that significant surless economy remains significant surless economy remains across significant surless economy remains across many significant surless economy remains across many economies, significant surless economy remains across many economies, suppressing across many economies, suppressing global across many economies, suppressing global inflation. across many economies, suppressing global inflation. Weak across many economies, suppressing global inflation. Weak global global inflation. Weak global conditions global inflation. Weak global conditions and global inflation. Weak global conditions and low global inflation. Weak global conditions and low interest global inflation. Weak global conditions and low interest rates conditions and low interest rates internationally conditions and low interest rates internationally are conditions and low interest rates internationally are placing conditions and low interest rates internationally are placing upward internationally are placing upward pressure internationally are placing upward pressure on internationally are placing upward pressure on the internationally are placing upward pressure on the New internationally are placing upward pressure on the New Zealand internationally are placing upward pressure on the New Zealand dollar, pressure on the New Zealand dollar, and pressure on the New Zealand dollar, and the pressure on the New Zealand dollar, and the Reserve pressure on the New Zealand dollar, and the Reserve Bank pressure on the New Zealand dollar, and the Reserve Bank has pressure on the New Zealand dollar, and the Reserve Bank has signalled and the Reserve Bank has signalled continuing and the Reserve Bank has signalled continuing concern and the Reserve Bank has signalled continuing concern about and the Reserve Bank has signalled continuing concern about the continuing concern about the exchange continuing concern about the exchange rate continuing concern about the exchange rate being continuing concern about the exchange rate being too continuing concern about the exchange rate being too high. continuing concern about the exchange rate being too high. Faced exchange rate being too high. Faced with exchange rate being too high. Faced with these exchange rate being too high. Faced with these risks, exchange rate being too high. Faced with these risks, the exchange rate being too high. Faced with these risks, the Government's with these risks, the Government's continuing with these risks, the Government's continuing to with these risks, the Government's continuing to focus with these risks, the Government's continuing to focus on with these risks, the Government's continuing to focus on building with these risks, the Government's continuing to focus on building New continuing to focus on building New Zealand's continuing to focus on building New Zealand's competitiveness continuing to focus on building New Zealand's competitiveness and continuing to focus on building New Zealand's competitiveness and giving Zealand's competitiveness and giving businesses Zealand's competitiveness and giving businesses the Zealand's competitiveness and giving businesses the confidence Zealand's competitiveness and giving businesses the confidence to Zealand's competitiveness and giving businesses the confidence to invest businesses the confidence to invest and businesses the confidence to invest and create businesses the confidence to invest and create jobs, businesses the confidence to invest and create jobs, and businesses the confidence to invest and create jobs, and lift businesses the confidence to invest and create jobs, and lift incomes. and create jobs, and lift incomes. What and create jobs, and lift incomes. What steps and create jobs, and lift incomes. What steps is and create jobs, and lift incomes. What steps is the and create jobs, and lift incomes. What steps is the Government and create jobs, and lift incomes. What steps is the Government taking What steps is the Government taking to What steps is the Government taking to support What steps is the Government taking to support growth What steps is the Government taking to support growth and What steps is the Government taking to support growth and jobs, What steps is the Government taking to support growth and jobs, wages to support growth and jobs, wages and to support growth and jobs, wages and investment? to support growth and jobs, wages and investment? While to support growth and jobs, wages and investment? While the to support growth and jobs, wages and investment? While the Reserve and investment? While the Reserve Bank and investment? While the Reserve Bank has and investment? While the Reserve Bank has presented and investment? While the Reserve Bank has presented a and investment? While the Reserve Bank has presented a fairly and investment? While the Reserve Bank has presented a fairly positive Bank has presented a fairly positive outlook Bank has presented a fairly positive outlook for Bank has presented a fairly positive outlook for the Bank has presented a fairly positive outlook for the New Bank has presented a fairly positive outlook for the New Zealand Bank has presented a fairly positive outlook for the New Zealand economy, outlook for the New Zealand economy, this outlook for the New Zealand economy, this can't outlook for the New Zealand economy, this can't be outlook for the New Zealand economy, this can't be taken outlook for the New Zealand economy, this can't be taken for outlook for the New Zealand economy, this can't be taken for granted, this can't be taken for granted, because this can't be taken for granted, because forecasts this can't be taken for granted, because forecasts are this can't be taken for granted, because forecasts are just because forecasts are just forecasts. because forecasts are just forecasts. That's because forecasts are just forecasts. That's why because forecasts are just forecasts. That's why we because forecasts are just forecasts. That's why we have because forecasts are just forecasts. That's why we have a forecasts. That's why we have a wide-ranging forecasts. That's why we have a wide-ranging programme forecasts. That's why we have a wide-ranging programme to forecasts. That's why we have a wide-ranging programme to ensure forecasts. That's why we have a wide-ranging programme to ensure the wide-ranging programme to ensure the economy wide-ranging programme to ensure the economy remains wide-ranging programme to ensure the economy remains resilient wide-ranging programme to ensure the economy remains resilient and economy remains resilient and continues economy remains resilient and continues to economy remains resilient and continues to grow. economy remains resilient and continues to grow. For economy remains resilient and continues to grow. For instance, continues to grow. For instance, billions continues to grow. For instance, billions of continues to grow. For instance, billions of dollars continues to grow. For instance, billions of dollars are continues to grow. For instance, billions of dollars are being billions of dollars are being invested billions of dollars are being invested in billions of dollars are being invested in public billions of dollars are being invested in public infrastructure, invested in public infrastructure, including invested in public infrastructure, including the invested in public infrastructure, including the roll-out invested in public infrastructure, including the roll-out of invested in public infrastructure, including the roll-out of Ultra-Fast including the roll-out of Ultra-Fast Broadband, including the roll-out of Ultra-Fast Broadband, and including the roll-out of Ultra-Fast Broadband, and there's including the roll-out of Ultra-Fast Broadband, and there's been Broadband, and there's been significant Broadband, and there's been significant new Broadband, and there's been significant new investment Broadband, and there's been significant new investment in significant new investment in science significant new investment in science and significant new investment in science and innovation, significant new investment in science and innovation, as significant new investment in science and innovation, as well significant new investment in science and innovation, as well as science and innovation, as well as Government science and innovation, as well as Government focusing science and innovation, as well as Government focusing on science and innovation, as well as Government focusing on getting Government focusing on getting higher Government focusing on getting higher productivity Government focusing on getting higher productivity and Government focusing on getting higher productivity and better higher productivity and better results higher productivity and better results in higher productivity and better results in the higher productivity and better results in the public higher productivity and better results in the public sector, higher productivity and better results in the public sector, which results in the public sector, which represents results in the public sector, which represents about results in the public sector, which represents about a results in the public sector, which represents about a quarter results in the public sector, which represents about a quarter of results in the public sector, which represents about a quarter of the represents about a quarter of the economy. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Conservation: Minister of Conservation: What Minister of Conservation: What advice Minister of Conservation: What advice has Minister of Conservation: What advice has she Minister of Conservation: What advice has she received Minister of Conservation: What advice has she received on Minister of Conservation: What advice has she received on the What advice has she received on the total What advice has she received on the total funding What advice has she received on the total funding that What advice has she received on the total funding that will What advice has she received on the total funding that will be What advice has she received on the total funding that will be required total funding that will be required to total funding that will be required to achieve total funding that will be required to achieve a total funding that will be required to achieve a predator-free to achieve a predator-free New to achieve a predator-free New Zealand to achieve a predator-free New Zealand by to achieve a predator-free New Zealand by 2050? I I have I have received I have received advice I have received advice from I have received advice from DOC I have received advice from DOC which I have received advice from DOC which costs I have received advice from DOC which costs out I have received advice from DOC which costs out our I have received advice from DOC which costs out our ability I have received advice from DOC which costs out our ability to I have received advice from DOC which costs out our ability to make which costs out our ability to make parts which costs out our ability to make parts of which costs out our ability to make parts of New which costs out our ability to make parts of New Zealand which costs out our ability to make parts of New Zealand - which costs out our ability to make parts of New Zealand - including parts of New Zealand - including various parts of New Zealand - including various islands parts of New Zealand - including various islands - parts of New Zealand - including various islands - predator-free, parts of New Zealand - including various islands - predator-free, and various islands - predator-free, and for various islands - predator-free, and for us various islands - predator-free, and for us to various islands - predator-free, and for us to take various islands - predator-free, and for us to take a various islands - predator-free, and for us to take a staged various islands - predator-free, and for us to take a staged approach. for us to take a staged approach. DOC, for us to take a staged approach. DOC, of for us to take a staged approach. DOC, of course, for us to take a staged approach. DOC, of course, is for us to take a staged approach. DOC, of course, is internationally DOC, of course, is internationally recognised DOC, of course, is internationally recognised for DOC, of course, is internationally recognised for its DOC, of course, is internationally recognised for its ability DOC, of course, is internationally recognised for its ability to recognised for its ability to eradicate recognised for its ability to eradicate pests recognised for its ability to eradicate pests from recognised for its ability to eradicate pests from islands. recognised for its ability to eradicate pests from islands. We've eradicate pests from islands. We've eradicated eradicate pests from islands. We've eradicated pistes eradicate pests from islands. We've eradicated pistes from eradicate pests from islands. We've eradicated pistes from more eradicate pests from islands. We've eradicated pistes from more than eradicate pests from islands. We've eradicated pistes from more than 150 eradicated pistes from more than 150 islands eradicated pistes from more than 150 islands so eradicated pistes from more than 150 islands so far, eradicated pistes from more than 150 islands so far, including eradicated pistes from more than 150 islands so far, including Little islands so far, including Little Barrier islands so far, including Little Barrier Island. islands so far, including Little Barrier Island. Generally, islands so far, including Little Barrier Island. Generally, there islands so far, including Little Barrier Island. Generally, there are Barrier Island. Generally, there are scientific Barrier Island. Generally, there are scientific -- Barrier Island. Generally, there are scientific -- there Barrier Island. Generally, there are scientific -- there is Barrier Island. Generally, there are scientific -- there is scientific scientific -- there is scientific consensus scientific -- there is scientific consensus that scientific -- there is scientific consensus that this scientific -- there is scientific consensus that this goal scientific -- there is scientific consensus that this goal is consensus that this goal is achievable, consensus that this goal is achievable, and consensus that this goal is achievable, and predator-free consensus that this goal is achievable, and predator-free New achievable, and predator-free New Zealand achievable, and predator-free New Zealand has achievable, and predator-free New Zealand has also achievable, and predator-free New Zealand has also been achievable, and predator-free New Zealand has also been supported achievable, and predator-free New Zealand has also been supported by Zealand has also been supported by philanthropists Zealand has also been supported by philanthropists and Zealand has also been supported by philanthropists and others. Zealand has also been supported by philanthropists and others. So Zealand has also been supported by philanthropists and others. So I philanthropists and others. So I have philanthropists and others. So I have received philanthropists and others. So I have received very philanthropists and others. So I have received very good philanthropists and others. So I have received very good advice philanthropists and others. So I have received very good advice that have received very good advice that this have received very good advice that this excellent have received very good advice that this excellent initiative have received very good advice that this excellent initiative - have received very good advice that this excellent initiative - which this excellent initiative - which I'm this excellent initiative - which I'm commending this excellent initiative - which I'm commending the this excellent initiative - which I'm commending the Greens this excellent initiative - which I'm commending the Greens for I'm commending the Greens for supporting I'm commending the Greens for supporting today I'm commending the Greens for supporting today - I'm commending the Greens for supporting today - will I'm commending the Greens for supporting today - will actually I'm commending the Greens for supporting today - will actually be supporting today - will actually be achieved. supporting today - will actually be achieved. Point supporting today - will actually be achieved. Point of supporting today - will actually be achieved. Point of order. supporting today - will actually be achieved. Point of order. It supporting today - will actually be achieved. Point of order. It was supporting today - will actually be achieved. Point of order. It was a achieved. Point of order. It was a primary achieved. Point of order. It was a primary question, achieved. Point of order. It was a primary question, sir, achieved. Point of order. It was a primary question, sir, on achieved. Point of order. It was a primary question, sir, on notice, primary question, sir, on notice, and primary question, sir, on notice, and asks primary question, sir, on notice, and asks about primary question, sir, on notice, and asks about the primary question, sir, on notice, and asks about the advice primary question, sir, on notice, and asks about the advice that primary question, sir, on notice, and asks about the advice that she and asks about the advice that she received, and asks about the advice that she received, and and asks about the advice that she received, and the and asks about the advice that she received, and the Minister, and asks about the advice that she received, and the Minister, in and asks about the advice that she received, and the Minister, in her received, and the Minister, in her response, received, and the Minister, in her response, has received, and the Minister, in her response, has not received, and the Minister, in her response, has not answered received, and the Minister, in her response, has not answered the response, has not answered the question response, has not answered the question about response, has not answered the question about what response, has not answered the question about what that response, has not answered the question about what that advice response, has not answered the question about what that advice was. question about what that advice was. I question about what that advice was. I absolutely question about what that advice was. I absolutely agree question about what that advice was. I absolutely agree with question about what that advice was. I absolutely agree with the question about what that advice was. I absolutely agree with the member question about what that advice was. I absolutely agree with the member - I absolutely agree with the member - the I absolutely agree with the member - the question I absolutely agree with the member - the question has I absolutely agree with the member - the question has been I absolutely agree with the member - the question has been on I absolutely agree with the member - the question has been on notice. I absolutely agree with the member - the question has been on notice. The the question has been on notice. The essence the question has been on notice. The essence of the question has been on notice. The essence of the the question has been on notice. The essence of the question the question has been on notice. The essence of the question is the question has been on notice. The essence of the question is a the question has been on notice. The essence of the question is a dollar essence of the question is a dollar figure essence of the question is a dollar figure as essence of the question is a dollar figure as to essence of the question is a dollar figure as to the essence of the question is a dollar figure as to the total essence of the question is a dollar figure as to the total cost essence of the question is a dollar figure as to the total cost of essence of the question is a dollar figure as to the total cost of the figure as to the total cost of the project. figure as to the total cost of the project. If figure as to the total cost of the project. If the figure as to the total cost of the project. If the Minister figure as to the total cost of the project. If the Minister can't project. If the Minister can't answer project. If the Minister can't answer that, project. If the Minister can't answer that, then project. If the Minister can't answer that, then I project. If the Minister can't answer that, then I have project. If the Minister can't answer that, then I have no answer that, then I have no alternative answer that, then I have no alternative but answer that, then I have no alternative but to answer that, then I have no alternative but to give answer that, then I have no alternative but to give additional alternative but to give additional supplementary alternative but to give additional supplementary questions alternative but to give additional supplementary questions to alternative but to give additional supplementary questions to Mr alternative but to give additional supplementary questions to Mr Hague. supplementary questions to Mr Hague. But supplementary questions to Mr Hague. But if supplementary questions to Mr Hague. But if the supplementary questions to Mr Hague. But if the Minister supplementary questions to Mr Hague. But if the Minister wants supplementary questions to Mr Hague. But if the Minister wants to supplementary questions to Mr Hague. But if the Minister wants to attempt But if the Minister wants to attempt to But if the Minister wants to attempt to answer But if the Minister wants to attempt to answer the But if the Minister wants to attempt to answer the question But if the Minister wants to attempt to answer the question first, But if the Minister wants to attempt to answer the question first, I But if the Minister wants to attempt to answer the question first, I will to answer the question first, I will reconsider to answer the question first, I will reconsider after to answer the question first, I will reconsider after hearing to answer the question first, I will reconsider after hearing the to answer the question first, I will reconsider after hearing the answer. reconsider after hearing the answer. The reconsider after hearing the answer. The Hon reconsider after hearing the answer. The Hon Maggie reconsider after hearing the answer. The Hon Maggie Barry. reconsider after hearing the answer. The Hon Maggie Barry. There reconsider after hearing the answer. The Hon Maggie Barry. There have The Hon Maggie Barry. There have been The Hon Maggie Barry. There have been a The Hon Maggie Barry. There have been a number The Hon Maggie Barry. There have been a number of The Hon Maggie Barry. There have been a number of estimates The Hon Maggie Barry. There have been a number of estimates that The Hon Maggie Barry. There have been a number of estimates that have been a number of estimates that have been been a number of estimates that have been put been a number of estimates that have been put forward, been a number of estimates that have been put forward, some been a number of estimates that have been put forward, some of been a number of estimates that have been put forward, some of which been a number of estimates that have been put forward, some of which are been put forward, some of which are accurate, been put forward, some of which are accurate, some been put forward, some of which are accurate, some of been put forward, some of which are accurate, some of which been put forward, some of which are accurate, some of which are been put forward, some of which are accurate, some of which are building accurate, some of which are building on accurate, some of which are building on suppositions. accurate, some of which are building on suppositions. For accurate, some of which are building on suppositions. For example accurate, some of which are building on suppositions. For example - accurate, some of which are building on suppositions. For example - well, on suppositions. For example - well, we on suppositions. For example - well, we think on suppositions. For example - well, we think that on suppositions. For example - well, we think that they're on suppositions. For example - well, we think that they're accurate. on suppositions. For example - well, we think that they're accurate. At we think that they're accurate. At this we think that they're accurate. At this stage, we think that they're accurate. At this stage, when we think that they're accurate. At this stage, when we we think that they're accurate. At this stage, when we look we think that they're accurate. At this stage, when we look at we think that they're accurate. At this stage, when we look at how we think that they're accurate. At this stage, when we look at how much this stage, when we look at how much it this stage, when we look at how much it costs this stage, when we look at how much it costs us this stage, when we look at how much it costs us to, this stage, when we look at how much it costs us to, for this stage, when we look at how much it costs us to, for example, this stage, when we look at how much it costs us to, for example, rid this stage, when we look at how much it costs us to, for example, rid the it costs us to, for example, rid the million-dollar it costs us to, for example, rid the million-dollar mouse it costs us to, for example, rid the million-dollar mouse from it costs us to, for example, rid the million-dollar mouse from the million-dollar mouse from the antipties, million-dollar mouse from the antipties, that million-dollar mouse from the antipties, that is million-dollar mouse from the antipties, that is $1 million-dollar mouse from the antipties, that is $1 million million-dollar mouse from the antipties, that is $1 million and antipties, that is $1 million and upwards. antipties, that is $1 million and upwards. There antipties, that is $1 million and upwards. There are antipties, that is $1 million and upwards. There are various antipties, that is $1 million and upwards. There are various studies antipties, that is $1 million and upwards. There are various studies - upwards. There are various studies - a upwards. There are various studies - a $9.04 upwards. There are various studies - a $9.04 billion upwards. There are various studies - a $9.04 billion figure upwards. There are various studies - a $9.04 billion figure came upwards. There are various studies - a $9.04 billion figure came through a $9.04 billion figure came through from a $9.04 billion figure came through from Auckland a $9.04 billion figure came through from Auckland University, a $9.04 billion figure came through from Auckland University, for from Auckland University, for example. from Auckland University, for example. That from Auckland University, for example. That figure from Auckland University, for example. That figure was from Auckland University, for example. That figure was based from Auckland University, for example. That figure was based on example. That figure was based on the example. That figure was based on the estimated example. That figure was based on the estimated highest example. That figure was based on the estimated highest per-hectare the estimated highest per-hectare cost the estimated highest per-hectare cost of the estimated highest per-hectare cost of current the estimated highest per-hectare cost of current eradication cost of current eradication technology. cost of current eradication technology. It cost of current eradication technology. It does cost of current eradication technology. It does not, cost of current eradication technology. It does not, though, technology. It does not, though, take technology. It does not, though, take into technology. It does not, though, take into account technology. It does not, though, take into account potential take into account potential technological take into account potential technological advances, take into account potential technological advances, and take into account potential technological advances, and it's technological advances, and it's simply technological advances, and it's simply really technological advances, and it's simply really a technological advances, and it's simply really a scale-up technological advances, and it's simply really a scale-up of technological advances, and it's simply really a scale-up of current simply really a scale-up of current methods simply really a scale-up of current methods that simply really a scale-up of current methods that are simply really a scale-up of current methods that are used simply really a scale-up of current methods that are used on simply really a scale-up of current methods that are used on islands. methods that are used on islands. How methods that are used on islands. How much methods that are used on islands. How much of methods that are used on islands. How much of the methods that are used on islands. How much of the total methods that are used on islands. How much of the total funding How much of the total funding required How much of the total funding required to How much of the total funding required to achieve How much of the total funding required to achieve a How much of the total funding required to achieve a predator-free required to achieve a predator-free New required to achieve a predator-free New Zealand required to achieve a predator-free New Zealand will required to achieve a predator-free New Zealand will the required to achieve a predator-free New Zealand will the Government New Zealand will the Government commit New Zealand will the Government commit to New Zealand will the Government commit to providing? New Zealand will the Government commit to providing? We New Zealand will the Government commit to providing? We have New Zealand will the Government commit to providing? We have already commit to providing? We have already committed commit to providing? We have already committed $28 commit to providing? We have already committed $28 million commit to providing? We have already committed $28 million of commit to providing? We have already committed $28 million of new commit to providing? We have already committed $28 million of new money committed $28 million of new money over committed $28 million of new money over four committed $28 million of new money over four years. committed $28 million of new money over four years. That's committed $28 million of new money over four years. That's an committed $28 million of new money over four years. That's an initial over four years. That's an initial start-up. over four years. That's an initial start-up. That over four years. That's an initial start-up. That comes over four years. That's an initial start-up. That comes in over four years. That's an initial start-up. That comes in addition over four years. That's an initial start-up. That comes in addition to start-up. That comes in addition to the start-up. That comes in addition to the approximately start-up. That comes in addition to the approximately $100 start-up. That comes in addition to the approximately $100 million start-up. That comes in addition to the approximately $100 million that the approximately $100 million that is the approximately $100 million that is paid the approximately $100 million that is paid out the approximately $100 million that is paid out every the approximately $100 million that is paid out every year the approximately $100 million that is paid out every year by the approximately $100 million that is paid out every year by various is paid out every year by various Crown is paid out every year by various Crown entities is paid out every year by various Crown entities to is paid out every year by various Crown entities to ensure is paid out every year by various Crown entities to ensure that is paid out every year by various Crown entities to ensure that we is paid out every year by various Crown entities to ensure that we can Crown entities to ensure that we can keep Crown entities to ensure that we can keep on Crown entities to ensure that we can keep on top Crown entities to ensure that we can keep on top of Crown entities to ensure that we can keep on top of the Crown entities to ensure that we can keep on top of the main Crown entities to ensure that we can keep on top of the main three keep on top of the main three predators keep on top of the main three predators - keep on top of the main three predators - the keep on top of the main three predators - the rats, keep on top of the main three predators - the rats, the keep on top of the main three predators - the rats, the stots keep on top of the main three predators - the rats, the stots and predators - the rats, the stots and the predators - the rats, the stots and the possums. predators - the rats, the stots and the possums. What predators - the rats, the stots and the possums. What we predators - the rats, the stots and the possums. What we have predators - the rats, the stots and the possums. What we have been the possums. What we have been looking the possums. What we have been looking for the possums. What we have been looking for and the possums. What we have been looking for and been the possums. What we have been looking for and been very the possums. What we have been looking for and been very open the possums. What we have been looking for and been very open about looking for and been very open about is looking for and been very open about is that looking for and been very open about is that the looking for and been very open about is that the investment looking for and been very open about is that the investment that looking for and been very open about is that the investment that we're is that the investment that we're putting is that the investment that we're putting into is that the investment that we're putting into science is that the investment that we're putting into science and is that the investment that we're putting into science and technology putting into science and technology and putting into science and technology and research putting into science and technology and research is putting into science and technology and research is where putting into science and technology and research is where the and research is where the groundbreaking and research is where the groundbreaking gains and research is where the groundbreaking gains will and research is where the groundbreaking gains will be and research is where the groundbreaking gains will be made. groundbreaking gains will be made. As groundbreaking gains will be made. As I groundbreaking gains will be made. As I said groundbreaking gains will be made. As I said five groundbreaking gains will be made. As I said five years groundbreaking gains will be made. As I said five years ago, groundbreaking gains will be made. As I said five years ago, this As I said five years ago, this wasn't As I said five years ago, this wasn't considered As I said five years ago, this wasn't considered possible. As I said five years ago, this wasn't considered possible. Now As I said five years ago, this wasn't considered possible. Now it wasn't considered possible. Now it is wasn't considered possible. Now it is very wasn't considered possible. Now it is very much wasn't considered possible. Now it is very much within wasn't considered possible. Now it is very much within reach, wasn't considered possible. Now it is very much within reach, and wasn't considered possible. Now it is very much within reach, and there is very much within reach, and there has is very much within reach, and there has been is very much within reach, and there has been universally is very much within reach, and there has been universally a is very much within reach, and there has been universally a -- is very much within reach, and there has been universally a -- universal has been universally a -- universal approval has been universally a -- universal approval from has been universally a -- universal approval from international has been universally a -- universal approval from international agencies approval from international agencies and approval from international agencies and from approval from international agencies and from others, approval from international agencies and from others, and approval from international agencies and from others, and just approval from international agencies and from others, and just very and from others, and just very recently and from others, and just very recently today, and from others, and just very recently today, even and from others, and just very recently today, even from and from others, and just very recently today, even from the and from others, and just very recently today, even from the Greens recently today, even from the Greens themselves. recently today, even from the Greens themselves. Order! recently today, even from the Greens themselves. Order! How recently today, even from the Greens themselves. Order! How can recently today, even from the Greens themselves. Order! How can the themselves. Order! How can the Government themselves. Order! How can the Government guarantee themselves. Order! How can the Government guarantee that themselves. Order! How can the Government guarantee that the Government guarantee that the predator-free Government guarantee that the predator-free target Government guarantee that the predator-free target will Government guarantee that the predator-free target will be Government guarantee that the predator-free target will be funded predator-free target will be funded adequately predator-free target will be funded adequately when predator-free target will be funded adequately when fully predator-free target will be funded adequately when fully two-thirds predator-free target will be funded adequately when fully two-thirds of adequately when fully two-thirds of the adequately when fully two-thirds of the funding adequately when fully two-thirds of the funding will adequately when fully two-thirds of the funding will apparently adequately when fully two-thirds of the funding will apparently come the funding will apparently come from the funding will apparently come from the the funding will apparently come from the private the funding will apparently come from the private sector the funding will apparently come from the private sector and the funding will apparently come from the private sector and regional from the private sector and regional councils, from the private sector and regional councils, and from the private sector and regional councils, and Government's from the private sector and regional councils, and Government's own councils, and Government's own contribution councils, and Government's own contribution will councils, and Government's own contribution will be councils, and Government's own contribution will be entirely contribution will be entirely contingent contribution will be entirely contingent on contribution will be entirely contingent on their contribution will be entirely contingent on their decisions? contribution will be entirely contingent on their decisions? I contingent on their decisions? I refute contingent on their decisions? I refute what contingent on their decisions? I refute what the contingent on their decisions? I refute what the member contingent on their decisions? I refute what the member has contingent on their decisions? I refute what the member has just refute what the member has just said. refute what the member has just said. Our refute what the member has just said. Our contribution refute what the member has just said. Our contribution - refute what the member has just said. Our contribution - our refute what the member has just said. Our contribution - our initial said. Our contribution - our initial contribution said. Our contribution - our initial contribution of said. Our contribution - our initial contribution of $28 said. Our contribution - our initial contribution of $28 million said. Our contribution - our initial contribution of $28 million - said. Our contribution - our initial contribution of $28 million - is contribution of $28 million - is something contribution of $28 million - is something we've contribution of $28 million - is something we've put contribution of $28 million - is something we've put in contribution of $28 million - is something we've put in to contribution of $28 million - is something we've put in to start contribution of $28 million - is something we've put in to start the something we've put in to start the ball something we've put in to start the ball rolling, something we've put in to start the ball rolling, and something we've put in to start the ball rolling, and I something we've put in to start the ball rolling, and I think something we've put in to start the ball rolling, and I think it's something we've put in to start the ball rolling, and I think it's a ball rolling, and I think it's a significant ball rolling, and I think it's a significant investment ball rolling, and I think it's a significant investment from ball rolling, and I think it's a significant investment from the significant investment from the Crown. significant investment from the Crown. We significant investment from the Crown. We are significant investment from the Crown. We are committed significant investment from the Crown. We are committed to significant investment from the Crown. We are committed to achieving Crown. We are committed to achieving this Crown. We are committed to achieving this goal, Crown. We are committed to achieving this goal, and Crown. We are committed to achieving this goal, and this Crown. We are committed to achieving this goal, and this level Crown. We are committed to achieving this goal, and this level of this goal, and this level of investment this goal, and this level of investment - this goal, and this level of investment - for this goal, and this level of investment - for example, this goal, and this level of investment - for example, from this goal, and this level of investment - for example, from other investment - for example, from other philanthropists, investment - for example, from other philanthropists, the investment - for example, from other philanthropists, the member investment - for example, from other philanthropists, the member may investment - for example, from other philanthropists, the member may not philanthropists, the member may not be philanthropists, the member may not be aware, philanthropists, the member may not be aware, but philanthropists, the member may not be aware, but the philanthropists, the member may not be aware, but the Next philanthropists, the member may not be aware, but the Next Foundation be aware, but the Next Foundation have be aware, but the Next Foundation have contributed be aware, but the Next Foundation have contributed $100 be aware, but the Next Foundation have contributed $100 million be aware, but the Next Foundation have contributed $100 million over have contributed $100 million over 10 have contributed $100 million over 10 years, have contributed $100 million over 10 years, the have contributed $100 million over 10 years, the Morgan have contributed $100 million over 10 years, the Morgan Foundations have contributed $100 million over 10 years, the Morgan Foundations - 10 years, the Morgan Foundations - both 10 years, the Morgan Foundations - both of 10 years, the Morgan Foundations - both of them, 10 years, the Morgan Foundations - both of them, Tindal 10 years, the Morgan Foundations - both of them, Tindal Foundations 10 years, the Morgan Foundations - both of them, Tindal Foundations - both of them, Tindal Foundations - these both of them, Tindal Foundations - these are both of them, Tindal Foundations - these are all both of them, Tindal Foundations - these are all significant these are all significant philanthropic these are all significant philanthropic groups these are all significant philanthropic groups that these are all significant philanthropic groups that have philanthropic groups that have contributed philanthropic groups that have contributed large philanthropic groups that have contributed large sums philanthropic groups that have contributed large sums of philanthropic groups that have contributed large sums of money contributed large sums of money because contributed large sums of money because they contributed large sums of money because they believe contributed large sums of money because they believe in contributed large sums of money because they believe in the contributed large sums of money because they believe in the vision, because they believe in the vision, they because they believe in the vision, they believe because they believe in the vision, they believe in because they believe in the vision, they believe in the because they believe in the vision, they believe in the notion because they believe in the vision, they believe in the notion that because they believe in the vision, they believe in the notion that we they believe in the notion that we can they believe in the notion that we can get they believe in the notion that we can get rid they believe in the notion that we can get rid of they believe in the notion that we can get rid of these they believe in the notion that we can get rid of these eco-invaders can get rid of these eco-invaders that can get rid of these eco-invaders that are can get rid of these eco-invaders that are eating can get rid of these eco-invaders that are eating our can get rid of these eco-invaders that are eating our natural that are eating our natural creatures, that are eating our natural creatures, our that are eating our natural creatures, our birds, that are eating our natural creatures, our birds, lizards that are eating our natural creatures, our birds, lizards et creatures, our birds, lizards et cetera, creatures, our birds, lizards et cetera, to creatures, our birds, lizards et cetera, to the creatures, our birds, lizards et cetera, to the point creatures, our birds, lizards et cetera, to the point of creatures, our birds, lizards et cetera, to the point of extinction. cetera, to the point of extinction. This cetera, to the point of extinction. This is cetera, to the point of extinction. This is an cetera, to the point of extinction. This is an achievable cetera, to the point of extinction. This is an achievable goal, cetera, to the point of extinction. This is an achievable goal, but cetera, to the point of extinction. This is an achievable goal, but I've This is an achievable goal, but I've always This is an achievable goal, but I've always said This is an achievable goal, but I've always said from This is an achievable goal, but I've always said from the This is an achievable goal, but I've always said from the start, This is an achievable goal, but I've always said from the start, as This is an achievable goal, but I've always said from the start, as did always said from the start, as did the always said from the start, as did the PM, always said from the start, as did the PM, we always said from the start, as did the PM, we will always said from the start, as did the PM, we will do always said from the start, as did the PM, we will do it always said from the start, as did the PM, we will do it in the PM, we will do it in collaboration, the PM, we will do it in collaboration, we the PM, we will do it in collaboration, we will the PM, we will do it in collaboration, we will all the PM, we will do it in collaboration, we will all do the PM, we will do it in collaboration, we will all do it collaboration, we will all do it together. collaboration, we will all do it together. We collaboration, we will all do it together. We also collaboration, we will all do it together. We also are collaboration, we will all do it together. We also are putting collaboration, we will all do it together. We also are putting money together. We also are putting money into together. We also are putting money into a together. We also are putting money into a community together. We also are putting money into a community fund together. We also are putting money into a community fund so, together. We also are putting money into a community fund so, for into a community fund so, for example, into a community fund so, for example, sir into a community fund so, for example, sir Owen into a community fund so, for example, sir Owen Glen into a community fund so, for example, sir Owen Glen has into a community fund so, for example, sir Owen Glen has just example, sir Owen Glen has just contributed example, sir Owen Glen has just contributed a example, sir Owen Glen has just contributed a good example, sir Owen Glen has just contributed a good sum example, sir Owen Glen has just contributed a good sum of example, sir Owen Glen has just contributed a good sum of money example, sir Owen Glen has just contributed a good sum of money to contributed a good sum of money to contribute contributed a good sum of money to contribute to contributed a good sum of money to contribute to our contributed a good sum of money to contribute to our money. contributed a good sum of money to contribute to our money. It's contributed a good sum of money to contribute to our money. It's going contribute to our money. It's going very contribute to our money. It's going very well. very well. Why very well. Why should very well. Why should the very well. Why should the public very well. Why should the public have very well. Why should the public have any very well. Why should the public have any confidence very well. Why should the public have any confidence that very well. Why should the public have any confidence that the have any confidence that the Government have any confidence that the Government is have any confidence that the Government is genuinely have any confidence that the Government is genuinely committed have any confidence that the Government is genuinely committed to Government is genuinely committed to the Government is genuinely committed to the predator-free Government is genuinely committed to the predator-free goal Government is genuinely committed to the predator-free goal when Government is genuinely committed to the predator-free goal when another the predator-free goal when another of the predator-free goal when another of its the predator-free goal when another of its 2050 the predator-free goal when another of its 2050 aspirational the predator-free goal when another of its 2050 aspirational goals the predator-free goal when another of its 2050 aspirational goals - of its 2050 aspirational goals - halving of its 2050 aspirational goals - halving greenhouse of its 2050 aspirational goals - halving greenhouse gas of its 2050 aspirational goals - halving greenhouse gas emissions of its 2050 aspirational goals - halving greenhouse gas emissions by halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 - halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 - has halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 - has actually halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 - has actually seen halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 - has actually seen emissions 2050 - has actually seen emissions rise 2050 - has actually seen emissions rise under 2050 - has actually seen emissions rise under her 2050 - has actually seen emissions rise under her Government? 2050 - has actually seen emissions rise under her Government? I 2050 - has actually seen emissions rise under her Government? I think, rise under her Government? I think, comparing rise under her Government? I think, comparing apples rise under her Government? I think, comparing apples with rise under her Government? I think, comparing apples with pears rise under her Government? I think, comparing apples with pears in rise under her Government? I think, comparing apples with pears in this comparing apples with pears in this space comparing apples with pears in this space and comparing apples with pears in this space and moving comparing apples with pears in this space and moving quite comparing apples with pears in this space and moving quite a comparing apples with pears in this space and moving quite a long comparing apples with pears in this space and moving quite a long way space and moving quite a long way from space and moving quite a long way from the space and moving quite a long way from the primary space and moving quite a long way from the primary question space and moving quite a long way from the primary question aside, space and moving quite a long way from the primary question aside, we from the primary question aside, we are from the primary question aside, we are a from the primary question aside, we are a Government from the primary question aside, we are a Government that from the primary question aside, we are a Government that backs from the primary question aside, we are a Government that backs itself are a Government that backs itself to are a Government that backs itself to succeed. are a Government that backs itself to succeed. The are a Government that backs itself to succeed. The climate are a Government that backs itself to succeed. The climate change to succeed. The climate change initiatives to succeed. The climate change initiatives are to succeed. The climate change initiatives are excellent. to succeed. The climate change initiatives are excellent. New initiatives are excellent. New Zealand initiatives are excellent. New Zealand is initiatives are excellent. New Zealand is doing initiatives are excellent. New Zealand is doing its initiatives are excellent. New Zealand is doing its fair initiatives are excellent. New Zealand is doing its fair share. initiatives are excellent. New Zealand is doing its fair share. And Zealand is doing its fair share. And there Zealand is doing its fair share. And there will Zealand is doing its fair share. And there will be Zealand is doing its fair share. And there will be other Zealand is doing its fair share. And there will be other announcements there will be other announcements that there will be other announcements that our there will be other announcements that our extremely there will be other announcements that our extremely capable there will be other announcements that our extremely capable Minister, that our extremely capable Minister, the that our extremely capable Minister, the Hon that our extremely capable Minister, the Hon Paula that our extremely capable Minister, the Hon Paula Bennett, that our extremely capable Minister, the Hon Paula Bennett, will that our extremely capable Minister, the Hon Paula Bennett, will be the Hon Paula Bennett, will be making the Hon Paula Bennett, will be making in the Hon Paula Bennett, will be making in due the Hon Paula Bennett, will be making in due course the Hon Paula Bennett, will be making in due course around the Hon Paula Bennett, will be making in due course around that. making in due course around that. But making in due course around that. But for making in due course around that. But for my making in due course around that. But for my part, making in due course around that. But for my part, for making in due course around that. But for my part, for predator-gree But for my part, for predator-gree New But for my part, for predator-gree New Zealand, But for my part, for predator-gree New Zealand, which But for my part, for predator-gree New Zealand, which incomes But for my part, for predator-gree New Zealand, which incomes -- But for my part, for predator-gree New Zealand, which incomes -- comes New Zealand, which incomes -- comes under New Zealand, which incomes -- comes under the New Zealand, which incomes -- comes under the Dept New Zealand, which incomes -- comes under the Dept of New Zealand, which incomes -- comes under the Dept of it New Zealand, which incomes -- comes under the Dept of it conservation, under the Dept of it conservation, the under the Dept of it conservation, the energy under the Dept of it conservation, the energy and under the Dept of it conservation, the energy and level under the Dept of it conservation, the energy and level of under the Dept of it conservation, the energy and level of expertise the energy and level of expertise going the energy and level of expertise going in the energy and level of expertise going in means the energy and level of expertise going in means that the energy and level of expertise going in means that it the energy and level of expertise going in means that it is going in means that it is achievable. going in means that it is achievable. If going in means that it is achievable. If that going in means that it is achievable. If that member going in means that it is achievable. If that member is going in means that it is achievable. If that member is so achievable. If that member is so cynical, achievable. If that member is so cynical, why achievable. If that member is so cynical, why is achievable. If that member is so cynical, why is it achievable. If that member is so cynical, why is it that achievable. If that member is so cynical, why is it that the achievable. If that member is so cynical, why is it that the Greens cynical, why is it that the Greens have cynical, why is it that the Greens have tried cynical, why is it that the Greens have tried to cynical, why is it that the Greens have tried to insert cynical, why is it that the Greens have tried to insert themselves cynical, why is it that the Greens have tried to insert themselves into have tried to insert themselves into Government have tried to insert themselves into Government policies? have tried to insert themselves into Government policies? We're have tried to insert themselves into Government policies? We're pleased Government policies? We're pleased that Government policies? We're pleased that you're Government policies? We're pleased that you're supporting Government policies? We're pleased that you're supporting it, Government policies? We're pleased that you're supporting it, of that you're supporting it, of course. that you're supporting it, of course. Order! that you're supporting it, of course. Order! Does that you're supporting it, of course. Order! Does the that you're supporting it, of course. Order! Does the Minister course. Order! Does the Minister believe course. Order! Does the Minister believe that course. Order! Does the Minister believe that the course. Order! Does the Minister believe that the eradication course. Order! Does the Minister believe that the eradication of believe that the eradication of exhaust believe that the eradication of exhaust fumes believe that the eradication of exhaust fumes from believe that the eradication of exhaust fumes from a believe that the eradication of exhaust fumes from a very believe that the eradication of exhaust fumes from a very large exhaust fumes from a very large number exhaust fumes from a very large number - exhaust fumes from a very large number - tens exhaust fumes from a very large number - tens of exhaust fumes from a very large number - tens of millions exhaust fumes from a very large number - tens of millions of exhaust fumes from a very large number - tens of millions of possums number - tens of millions of possums - number - tens of millions of possums - would number - tens of millions of possums - would make number - tens of millions of possums - would make a number - tens of millions of possums - would make a difference number - tens of millions of possums - would make a difference to number - tens of millions of possums - would make a difference to CO2 - would make a difference to CO2 emissions? - would make a difference to CO2 emissions? The - would make a difference to CO2 emissions? The Minister - would make a difference to CO2 emissions? The Minister makes - would make a difference to CO2 emissions? The Minister makes an emissions? The Minister makes an interesting emissions? The Minister makes an interesting point. emissions? The Minister makes an interesting point. His emissions? The Minister makes an interesting point. His knowledge emissions? The Minister makes an interesting point. His knowledge of interesting point. His knowledge of possum interesting point. His knowledge of possum dietary interesting point. His knowledge of possum dietary habits interesting point. His knowledge of possum dietary habits is, interesting point. His knowledge of possum dietary habits is, perhaps, possum dietary habits is, perhaps, greater possum dietary habits is, perhaps, greater than possum dietary habits is, perhaps, greater than my possum dietary habits is, perhaps, greater than my own. possum dietary habits is, perhaps, greater than my own. But possum dietary habits is, perhaps, greater than my own. But obviously greater than my own. But obviously eradicate greater than my own. But obviously eradicate probably greater than my own. But obviously eradicate probably up greater than my own. But obviously eradicate probably up to greater than my own. But obviously eradicate probably up to 10 greater than my own. But obviously eradicate probably up to 10 million eradicate probably up to 10 million possums eradicate probably up to 10 million possums in eradicate probably up to 10 million possums in this eradicate probably up to 10 million possums in this country eradicate probably up to 10 million possums in this country could eradicate probably up to 10 million possums in this country could only possums in this country could only help possums in this country could only help - possums in this country could only help - not possums in this country could only help - not only possums in this country could only help - not only with possums in this country could only help - not only with our help - not only with our biodiversity, help - not only with our biodiversity, but help - not only with our biodiversity, but also help - not only with our biodiversity, but also with help - not only with our biodiversity, but also with our help - not only with our biodiversity, but also with our gas biodiversity, but also with our gas emissions. biodiversity, but also with our gas emissions. I biodiversity, but also with our gas emissions. I thank biodiversity, but also with our gas emissions. I thank the biodiversity, but also with our gas emissions. I thank the member biodiversity, but also with our gas emissions. I thank the member for emissions. I thank the member for that emissions. I thank the member for that suggestion, emissions. I thank the member for that suggestion, and emissions. I thank the member for that suggestion, and that emissions. I thank the member for that suggestion, and that valuable that suggestion, and that valuable point. that suggestion, and that valuable point. Order! that suggestion, and that valuable point. Order! Will that suggestion, and that valuable point. Order! Will she that suggestion, and that valuable point. Order! Will she take that suggestion, and that valuable point. Order! Will she take up that suggestion, and that valuable point. Order! Will she take up the point. Order! Will she take up the Green point. Order! Will she take up the Green Party's point. Order! Will she take up the Green Party's initiative point. Order! Will she take up the Green Party's initiative of point. Order! Will she take up the Green Party's initiative of charging Green Party's initiative of charging a Green Party's initiative of charging a Taronga Green Party's initiative of charging a Taronga levy Green Party's initiative of charging a Taronga levy on Green Party's initiative of charging a Taronga levy on overseas Green Party's initiative of charging a Taronga levy on overseas visitors a Taronga levy on overseas visitors to a Taronga levy on overseas visitors to ensure a Taronga levy on overseas visitors to ensure a a Taronga levy on overseas visitors to ensure a dedicated a Taronga levy on overseas visitors to ensure a dedicated and to ensure a dedicated and substantial to ensure a dedicated and substantial revenue to ensure a dedicated and substantial revenue stream to ensure a dedicated and substantial revenue stream for substantial revenue stream for eliminating substantial revenue stream for eliminating predators? substantial revenue stream for eliminating predators? If substantial revenue stream for eliminating predators? If not, substantial revenue stream for eliminating predators? If not, why eliminating predators? If not, why not? eliminating predators? If not, why not? This eliminating predators? If not, why not? This really eliminating predators? If not, why not? This really falls eliminating predators? If not, why not? This really falls within eliminating predators? If not, why not? This really falls within the not? This really falls within the domain not? This really falls within the domain of not? This really falls within the domain of the not? This really falls within the domain of the PM not? This really falls within the domain of the PM and not? This really falls within the domain of the PM and Minister domain of the PM and Minister Bennett, domain of the PM and Minister Bennett, because domain of the PM and Minister Bennett, because tourism domain of the PM and Minister Bennett, because tourism is domain of the PM and Minister Bennett, because tourism is their Bennett, because tourism is their purview. Bennett, because tourism is their purview. I Bennett, because tourism is their purview. I would Bennett, because tourism is their purview. I would really Bennett, because tourism is their purview. I would really be Bennett, because tourism is their purview. I would really be very purview. I would really be very hesitant purview. I would really be very hesitant to purview. I would really be very hesitant to say purview. I would really be very hesitant to say that purview. I would really be very hesitant to say that you purview. I would really be very hesitant to say that you have purview. I would really be very hesitant to say that you have to purview. I would really be very hesitant to say that you have to go hesitant to say that you have to go into hesitant to say that you have to go into these hesitant to say that you have to go into these things hesitant to say that you have to go into these things quickly. hesitant to say that you have to go into these things quickly. Clearly, into these things quickly. Clearly, the into these things quickly. Clearly, the Greens into these things quickly. Clearly, the Greens have into these things quickly. Clearly, the Greens have just into these things quickly. Clearly, the Greens have just made into these things quickly. Clearly, the Greens have just made it into these things quickly. Clearly, the Greens have just made it up into these things quickly. Clearly, the Greens have just made it up on the Greens have just made it up on the the Greens have just made it up on the back the Greens have just made it up on the back of the Greens have just made it up on the back of an the Greens have just made it up on the back of an envelope the Greens have just made it up on the back of an envelope - the Greens have just made it up on the back of an envelope - it's the Greens have just made it up on the back of an envelope - it's a the back of an envelope - it's a very the back of an envelope - it's a very poorly the back of an envelope - it's a very poorly thought-through, the back of an envelope - it's a very poorly thought-through, very very poorly thought-through, very poorly very poorly thought-through, very poorly thought-through very poorly thought-through, very poorly thought-through initiative. poorly thought-through initiative. We, poorly thought-through initiative. We, on poorly thought-through initiative. We, on the poorly thought-through initiative. We, on the other poorly thought-through initiative. We, on the other hand, poorly thought-through initiative. We, on the other hand, are poorly thought-through initiative. We, on the other hand, are doing We, on the other hand, are doing some We, on the other hand, are doing some substantial We, on the other hand, are doing some substantial gains We, on the other hand, are doing some substantial gains by We, on the other hand, are doing some substantial gains by doubling some substantial gains by doubling their some substantial gains by doubling their levy, some substantial gains by doubling their levy, I some substantial gains by doubling their levy, I would some substantial gains by doubling their levy, I would suggest, some substantial gains by doubling their levy, I would suggest, Mr their levy, I would suggest, Mr Speaker, their levy, I would suggest, Mr Speaker, by their levy, I would suggest, Mr Speaker, by doubling their levy, I would suggest, Mr Speaker, by doubling the their levy, I would suggest, Mr Speaker, by doubling the tourism Speaker, by doubling the tourism levy, Speaker, by doubling the tourism levy, you Speaker, by doubling the tourism levy, you run Speaker, by doubling the tourism levy, you run the Speaker, by doubling the tourism levy, you run the risk Speaker, by doubling the tourism levy, you run the risk of Speaker, by doubling the tourism levy, you run the risk of killing levy, you run the risk of killing the levy, you run the risk of killing the goose levy, you run the risk of killing the goose that levy, you run the risk of killing the goose that lays levy, you run the risk of killing the goose that lays the levy, you run the risk of killing the goose that lays the golden levy, you run the risk of killing the goose that lays the golden egg. the goose that lays the golden egg. Tourism the goose that lays the golden egg. Tourism is the goose that lays the golden egg. Tourism is now the goose that lays the golden egg. Tourism is now our the goose that lays the golden egg. Tourism is now our biggest the goose that lays the golden egg. Tourism is now our biggest revenue Tourism is now our biggest revenue earner Tourism is now our biggest revenue earner over Tourism is now our biggest revenue earner over dairy. Tourism is now our biggest revenue earner over dairy. Why Tourism is now our biggest revenue earner over dairy. Why would Tourism is now our biggest revenue earner over dairy. Why would you Tourism is now our biggest revenue earner over dairy. Why would you try earner over dairy. Why would you try and earner over dairy. Why would you try and penalise earner over dairy. Why would you try and penalise people earner over dairy. Why would you try and penalise people coming earner over dairy. Why would you try and penalise people coming to earner over dairy. Why would you try and penalise people coming to this and penalise people coming to this country and penalise people coming to this country who and penalise people coming to this country who perhaps and penalise people coming to this country who perhaps don't and penalise people coming to this country who perhaps don't understand country who perhaps don't understand our country who perhaps don't understand our environment country who perhaps don't understand our environment prior country who perhaps don't understand our environment prior to country who perhaps don't understand our environment prior to coming our environment prior to coming here? our environment prior to coming here? Order! our environment prior to coming here? Order! The our environment prior to coming here? Order! The answers our environment prior to coming here? Order! The answers are here? Order! The answers are significantly here? Order! The answers are significantly long here? Order! The answers are significantly long enough. here? Order! The answers are significantly long enough. Order! significantly long enough. Order! Well, significantly long enough. Order! Well, when significantly long enough. Order! Well, when will significantly long enough. Order! Well, when will she significantly long enough. Order! Well, when will she take significantly long enough. Order! Well, when will she take some significantly long enough. Order! Well, when will she take some action Well, when will she take some action to Well, when will she take some action to advance Well, when will she take some action to advance the Well, when will she take some action to advance the agreement Well, when will she take some action to advance the agreement her to advance the agreement her Government to advance the agreement her Government already to advance the agreement her Government already has, to advance the agreement her Government already has, signed to advance the agreement her Government already has, signed by Government already has, signed by the Government already has, signed by the PM, Government already has, signed by the PM, with Government already has, signed by the PM, with the Government already has, signed by the PM, with the Green Government already has, signed by the PM, with the Green Party, Government already has, signed by the PM, with the Green Party, to the PM, with the Green Party, to develop the PM, with the Green Party, to develop pest-control the PM, with the Green Party, to develop pest-control strategy develop pest-control strategy together? develop pest-control strategy together? Way develop pest-control strategy together? Way before develop pest-control strategy together? Way before my develop pest-control strategy together? Way before my time, develop pest-control strategy together? Way before my time, there together? Way before my time, there was together? Way before my time, there was a together? Way before my time, there was a memorandum together? Way before my time, there was a memorandum of together? Way before my time, there was a memorandum of understanding was a memorandum of understanding between was a memorandum of understanding between the was a memorandum of understanding between the Government was a memorandum of understanding between the Government and was a memorandum of understanding between the Government and the between the Government and the Greens. between the Government and the Greens. There between the Government and the Greens. There is between the Government and the Greens. There is no between the Government and the Greens. There is no longer. between the Government and the Greens. There is no longer. Any Greens. There is no longer. Any so-called... Greens. There is no longer. Any so-called... Order! Greens. There is no longer. Any so-called... Order! Mr Greens. There is no longer. Any so-called... Order! Mr Lees-Galloway so-called... Order! Mr Lees-Galloway - so-called... Order! Mr Lees-Galloway - please, so-called... Order! Mr Lees-Galloway - please, a so-called... Order! Mr Lees-Galloway - please, a little so-called... Order! Mr Lees-Galloway - please, a little less so-called... Order! Mr Lees-Galloway - please, a little less interjection - please, a little less interjection so - please, a little less interjection so that - please, a little less interjection so that I - please, a little less interjection so that I can - please, a little less interjection so that I can hear - please, a little less interjection so that I can hear the - please, a little less interjection so that I can hear the answer. - please, a little less interjection so that I can hear the answer. Thank so that I can hear the answer. Thank you, so that I can hear the answer. Thank you, Mr so that I can hear the answer. Thank you, Mr Speaker. so that I can hear the answer. Thank you, Mr Speaker. The so that I can hear the answer. Thank you, Mr Speaker. The Greens so that I can hear the answer. Thank you, Mr Speaker. The Greens have so that I can hear the answer. Thank you, Mr Speaker. The Greens have no you, Mr Speaker. The Greens have no role you, Mr Speaker. The Greens have no role to you, Mr Speaker. The Greens have no role to play you, Mr Speaker. The Greens have no role to play in you, Mr Speaker. The Greens have no role to play in Government you, Mr Speaker. The Greens have no role to play in Government policy, role to play in Government policy, Government role to play in Government policy, Government initiatives, role to play in Government policy, Government initiatives, anything Government initiatives, anything that Government initiatives, anything that we Government initiatives, anything that we come Government initiatives, anything that we come up Government initiatives, anything that we come up with. Government initiatives, anything that we come up with. Your Government initiatives, anything that we come up with. Your support that we come up with. Your support of that we come up with. Your support of predator-free that we come up with. Your support of predator-free New that we come up with. Your support of predator-free New Zealand that we come up with. Your support of predator-free New Zealand after of predator-free New Zealand after the of predator-free New Zealand after the event of predator-free New Zealand after the event is of predator-free New Zealand after the event is welcome. of predator-free New Zealand after the event is welcome. It's of predator-free New Zealand after the event is welcome. It's good of predator-free New Zealand after the event is welcome. It's good that the event is welcome. It's good that you the event is welcome. It's good that you see the event is welcome. It's good that you see sense, the event is welcome. It's good that you see sense, at the event is welcome. It's good that you see sense, at last, the event is welcome. It's good that you see sense, at last, as the event is welcome. It's good that you see sense, at last, as a the event is welcome. It's good that you see sense, at last, as a party the event is welcome. It's good that you see sense, at last, as a party - you see sense, at last, as a party - not you see sense, at last, as a party - not the you see sense, at last, as a party - not the speaker, you see sense, at last, as a party - not the speaker, but you see sense, at last, as a party - not the speaker, but the you see sense, at last, as a party - not the speaker, but the party, not the speaker, but the party, which not the speaker, but the party, which has not the speaker, but the party, which has such not the speaker, but the party, which has such poor not the speaker, but the party, which has such poor environmental which has such poor environmental and which has such poor environmental and conservational which has such poor environmental and conservational records which has such poor environmental and conservational records of which has such poor environmental and conservational records of its and conservational records of its own. and conservational records of its own. This and conservational records of its own. This is and conservational records of its own. This is a and conservational records of its own. This is a desperate and conservational records of its own. This is a desperate measure and conservational records of its own. This is a desperate measure to own. This is a desperate measure to insert own. This is a desperate measure to insert yourselves own. This is a desperate measure to insert yourselves into own. This is a desperate measure to insert yourselves into something insert yourselves into something that insert yourselves into something that is insert yourselves into something that is not insert yourselves into something that is not of insert yourselves into something that is not of your insert yourselves into something that is not of your making. that is not of your making. <INTERRUPTION> <INTERRUPTION> Question <INTERRUPTION> Question No. <INTERRUPTION> Question No. 4... <INTERRUPTION> Question No. 4... Point <INTERRUPTION> Question No. 4... Point of <INTERRUPTION> Question No. 4... Point of order. Question No. 4... Point of order. Order! Question No. 4... Point of order. Order! This Question No. 4... Point of order. Order! This is Question No. 4... Point of order. Order! This is a Question No. 4... Point of order. Order! This is a point Question No. 4... Point of order. Order! This is a point of Question No. 4... Point of order. Order! This is a point of order. Question No. 4... Point of order. Order! This is a point of order. Ron Order! This is a point of order. Ron Mark. Order! This is a point of order. Ron Mark. We're Order! This is a point of order. Ron Mark. We're enjoying Order! This is a point of order. Ron Mark. We're enjoying these Order! This is a point of order. Ron Mark. We're enjoying these questions Mark. We're enjoying these questions and Mark. We're enjoying these questions and answers Mark. We're enjoying these questions and answers at Mark. We're enjoying these questions and answers at the Mark. We're enjoying these questions and answers at the moment. Mark. We're enjoying these questions and answers at the moment. Could Mark. We're enjoying these questions and answers at the moment. Could I and answers at the moment. Could I move and answers at the moment. Could I move that and answers at the moment. Could I move that you and answers at the moment. Could I move that you allocate and answers at the moment. Could I move that you allocate another move that you allocate another supplementary move that you allocate another supplementary question move that you allocate another supplementary question to move that you allocate another supplementary question to the move that you allocate another supplementary question to the Greens supplementary question to the Greens so supplementary question to the Greens so we supplementary question to the Greens so we can supplementary question to the Greens so we can hear supplementary question to the Greens so we can hear more supplementary question to the Greens so we can hear more from supplementary question to the Greens so we can hear more from the so we can hear more from the Minister? so we can hear more from the Minister? Order! Minister? Order! Can Minister? Order! Can I Minister? Order! Can I just Minister? Order! Can I just suggest Minister? Order! Can I just suggest the Minister? Order! Can I just suggest the member Minister? Order! Can I just suggest the member makes Can I just suggest the member makes a Can I just suggest the member makes a point Can I just suggest the member makes a point of Can I just suggest the member makes a point of studying Can I just suggest the member makes a point of studying Standing Can I just suggest the member makes a point of studying Standing Orders a point of studying Standing Orders and a point of studying Standing Orders and speakers a point of studying Standing Orders and speakers rulings a point of studying Standing Orders and speakers rulings a a point of studying Standing Orders and speakers rulings a bit a point of studying Standing Orders and speakers rulings a bit more and speakers rulings a bit more frequently? and speakers rulings a bit more frequently? Question and speakers rulings a bit more frequently? Question No. and speakers rulings a bit more frequently? Question No. 4, and speakers rulings a bit more frequently? Question No. 4, Simon frequently? Question No. 4, Simon O'Connor. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister for My question is to the Minister for Building My question is to the Minister for Building and My question is to the Minister for Building and Housing: Minister for Building and Housing: What Minister for Building and Housing: What recent Minister for Building and Housing: What recent announcements What recent announcements has What recent announcements has the What recent announcements has the Government What recent announcements has the Government made has the Government made regarding has the Government made regarding its has the Government made regarding its programme has the Government made regarding its programme of regarding its programme of large-scale regarding its programme of large-scale housing regarding its programme of large-scale housing developments large-scale housing developments in large-scale housing developments in Auckland? Yesterday, Yesterday, the Yesterday, the Tabikey Yesterday, the Tabikey Redevelopment Yesterday, the Tabikey Redevelopment Company Yesterday, the Tabikey Redevelopment Company issued Yesterday, the Tabikey Redevelopment Company issued an Yesterday, the Tabikey Redevelopment Company issued an expression Yesterday, the Tabikey Redevelopment Company issued an expression of Company issued an expression of interest Company issued an expression of interest process Company issued an expression of interest process for Company issued an expression of interest process for the interest process for the redevelopment interest process for the redevelopment of interest process for the redevelopment of the interest process for the redevelopment of the large interest process for the redevelopment of the large block interest process for the redevelopment of the large block of redevelopment of the large block of state redevelopment of the large block of state housing redevelopment of the large block of state housing at redevelopment of the large block of state housing at Tamikey. redevelopment of the large block of state housing at Tamikey. They redevelopment of the large block of state housing at Tamikey. They are state housing at Tamikey. They are seeking state housing at Tamikey. They are seeking proposals state housing at Tamikey. They are seeking proposals to state housing at Tamikey. They are seeking proposals to transform state housing at Tamikey. They are seeking proposals to transform the seeking proposals to transform the first seeking proposals to transform the first phase seeking proposals to transform the first phase of seeking proposals to transform the first phase of 1,000 seeking proposals to transform the first phase of 1,000 homes seeking proposals to transform the first phase of 1,000 homes into first phase of 1,000 homes into 2,500 first phase of 1,000 homes into 2,500 new first phase of 1,000 homes into 2,500 new mixed-tenure first phase of 1,000 homes into 2,500 new mixed-tenure homes. first phase of 1,000 homes into 2,500 new mixed-tenure homes. By first phase of 1,000 homes into 2,500 new mixed-tenure homes. By the 2,500 new mixed-tenure homes. By the time 2,500 new mixed-tenure homes. By the time the 2,500 new mixed-tenure homes. By the time the programme 2,500 new mixed-tenure homes. By the time the programme is 2,500 new mixed-tenure homes. By the time the programme is completed, 2,500 new mixed-tenure homes. By the time the programme is completed, at time the programme is completed, at least time the programme is completed, at least 7,500 time the programme is completed, at least 7,500 homes time the programme is completed, at least 7,500 homes will time the programme is completed, at least 7,500 homes will be time the programme is completed, at least 7,500 homes will be delivered least 7,500 homes will be delivered at least 7,500 homes will be delivered at Tamikey least 7,500 homes will be delivered at Tamikey to least 7,500 homes will be delivered at Tamikey to the least 7,500 homes will be delivered at Tamikey to the Auckland least 7,500 homes will be delivered at Tamikey to the Auckland market. at Tamikey to the Auckland market. This at Tamikey to the Auckland market. This is at Tamikey to the Auckland market. This is the at Tamikey to the Auckland market. This is the largest at Tamikey to the Auckland market. This is the largest urban This is the largest urban redevelopment This is the largest urban redevelopment project This is the largest urban redevelopment project ever redevelopment project ever undertaken redevelopment project ever undertaken in redevelopment project ever undertaken in New redevelopment project ever undertaken in New Zealand redevelopment project ever undertaken in New Zealand and, redevelopment project ever undertaken in New Zealand and, while undertaken in New Zealand and, while taking undertaken in New Zealand and, while taking time undertaken in New Zealand and, while taking time is undertaken in New Zealand and, while taking time is part undertaken in New Zealand and, while taking time is part of undertaken in New Zealand and, while taking time is part of the undertaken in New Zealand and, while taking time is part of the change undertaken in New Zealand and, while taking time is part of the change in taking time is part of the change in Auckland taking time is part of the change in Auckland to taking time is part of the change in Auckland to a taking time is part of the change in Auckland to a modern, taking time is part of the change in Auckland to a modern, vibrant Auckland to a modern, vibrant international Auckland to a modern, vibrant international city. Auckland to a modern, vibrant international city. How Auckland to a modern, vibrant international city. How many Auckland to a modern, vibrant international city. How many new international city. How many new houses international city. How many new houses has international city. How many new houses has the international city. How many new houses has the Government international city. How many new houses has the Government completed houses has the Government completed on houses has the Government completed on public houses has the Government completed on public land houses has the Government completed on public land in houses has the Government completed on public land in the houses has the Government completed on public land in the last houses has the Government completed on public land in the last year, houses has the Government completed on public land in the last year, and on public land in the last year, and how on public land in the last year, and how does on public land in the last year, and how does that on public land in the last year, and how does that compare on public land in the last year, and how does that compare with on public land in the last year, and how does that compare with historic how does that compare with historic levels? how does that compare with historic levels? The how does that compare with historic levels? The House how does that compare with historic levels? The House will how does that compare with historic levels? The House will be how does that compare with historic levels? The House will be interested levels? The House will be interested to levels? The House will be interested to know levels? The House will be interested to know that levels? The House will be interested to know that Housing levels? The House will be interested to know that Housing New levels? The House will be interested to know that Housing New Zealand, levels? The House will be interested to know that Housing New Zealand, in to know that Housing New Zealand, in the to know that Housing New Zealand, in the last to know that Housing New Zealand, in the last year, to know that Housing New Zealand, in the last year, has to know that Housing New Zealand, in the last year, has completed to know that Housing New Zealand, in the last year, has completed 871 to know that Housing New Zealand, in the last year, has completed 871 new the last year, has completed 871 new homes. the last year, has completed 871 new homes. This the last year, has completed 871 new homes. This is the last year, has completed 871 new homes. This is the the last year, has completed 871 new homes. This is the highest the last year, has completed 871 new homes. This is the highest number the last year, has completed 871 new homes. This is the highest number in homes. This is the highest number in 25 homes. This is the highest number in 25 years. homes. This is the highest number in 25 years. On homes. This is the highest number in 25 years. On top homes. This is the highest number in 25 years. On top of homes. This is the highest number in 25 years. On top of that, homes. This is the highest number in 25 years. On top of that, other 25 years. On top of that, other Government 25 years. On top of that, other Government programmes 25 years. On top of that, other Government programmes have 25 years. On top of that, other Government programmes have completed Government programmes have completed 155 Government programmes have completed 155 new Government programmes have completed 155 new homes Government programmes have completed 155 new homes in Government programmes have completed 155 new homes in Weymouth, Government programmes have completed 155 new homes in Weymouth, 24 Government programmes have completed 155 new homes in Weymouth, 24 have 155 new homes in Weymouth, 24 have been 155 new homes in Weymouth, 24 have been completed 155 new homes in Weymouth, 24 have been completed in 155 new homes in Weymouth, 24 have been completed in Awatea, 155 new homes in Weymouth, 24 have been completed in Awatea, another been completed in Awatea, another 432 been completed in Awatea, another 432 at been completed in Awatea, another 432 at Hobsonville, been completed in Awatea, another 432 at Hobsonville, 32 been completed in Awatea, another 432 at Hobsonville, 32 in been completed in Awatea, another 432 at Hobsonville, 32 in that been completed in Awatea, another 432 at Hobsonville, 32 in that first 432 at Hobsonville, 32 in that first stage 432 at Hobsonville, 32 in that first stage of 432 at Hobsonville, 32 in that first stage of the 432 at Hobsonville, 32 in that first stage of the Tamikey 432 at Hobsonville, 32 in that first stage of the Tamikey project 432 at Hobsonville, 32 in that first stage of the Tamikey project - 432 at Hobsonville, 32 in that first stage of the Tamikey project - a stage of the Tamikey project - a total stage of the Tamikey project - a total of stage of the Tamikey project - a total of 1,500 stage of the Tamikey project - a total of 1,500 and stage of the Tamikey project - a total of 1,500 and -- stage of the Tamikey project - a total of 1,500 and -- 1,514 stage of the Tamikey project - a total of 1,500 and -- 1,514 new total of 1,500 and -- 1,514 new homes total of 1,500 and -- 1,514 new homes were total of 1,500 and -- 1,514 new homes were completed total of 1,500 and -- 1,514 new homes were completed last total of 1,500 and -- 1,514 new homes were completed last year total of 1,500 and -- 1,514 new homes were completed last year under homes were completed last year under Government homes were completed last year under Government initiatives. homes were completed last year under Government initiatives. This homes were completed last year under Government initiatives. This is homes were completed last year under Government initiatives. This is the Government initiatives. This is the highest Government initiatives. This is the highest in Government initiatives. This is the highest in 25 Government initiatives. This is the highest in 25 years, Government initiatives. This is the highest in 25 years, and Government initiatives. This is the highest in 25 years, and more Government initiatives. This is the highest in 25 years, and more than highest in 25 years, and more than double highest in 25 years, and more than double the highest in 25 years, and more than double the rate highest in 25 years, and more than double the rate that highest in 25 years, and more than double the rate that was highest in 25 years, and more than double the rate that was ever double the rate that was ever completed double the rate that was ever completed under double the rate that was ever completed under the double the rate that was ever completed under the previous completed under the previous government. completed under the previous government. How completed under the previous government. How many completed under the previous government. How many houses completed under the previous government. How many houses on government. How many houses on public government. How many houses on public land government. How many houses on public land does government. How many houses on public land does the government. How many houses on public land does the Government government. How many houses on public land does the Government have public land does the Government have in public land does the Government have in the public land does the Government have in the pipeline public land does the Government have in the pipeline for public land does the Government have in the pipeline for construction in the pipeline for construction between in the pipeline for construction between now in the pipeline for construction between now and in the pipeline for construction between now and 2020, in the pipeline for construction between now and 2020, and in the pipeline for construction between now and 2020, and how in the pipeline for construction between now and 2020, and how does between now and 2020, and how does that between now and 2020, and how does that compare between now and 2020, and how does that compare historically? between now and 2020, and how does that compare historically? The that compare historically? The Government that compare historically? The Government has that compare historically? The Government has under that compare historically? The Government has under way that compare historically? The Government has under way an Government has under way an extensive Government has under way an extensive programme Government has under way an extensive programme of Government has under way an extensive programme of directly extensive programme of directly building extensive programme of directly building houses extensive programme of directly building houses on extensive programme of directly building houses on public extensive programme of directly building houses on public land extensive programme of directly building houses on public land that, building houses on public land that, in building houses on public land that, in Auckland building houses on public land that, in Auckland by building houses on public land that, in Auckland by 2020, building houses on public land that, in Auckland by 2020, will building houses on public land that, in Auckland by 2020, will deliver in Auckland by 2020, will deliver 10,000 in Auckland by 2020, will deliver 10,000 homes. in Auckland by 2020, will deliver 10,000 homes. This in Auckland by 2020, will deliver 10,000 homes. This includes in Auckland by 2020, will deliver 10,000 homes. This includes projects 10,000 homes. This includes projects like 10,000 homes. This includes projects like Tamikey, 10,000 homes. This includes projects like Tamikey, Hobsonville, like Tamikey, Hobsonville, McClellan, like Tamikey, Hobsonville, McClellan, Manicow, like Tamikey, Hobsonville, McClellan, Manicow, Great like Tamikey, Hobsonville, McClellan, Manicow, Great Northern McClellan, Manicow, Great Northern and McClellan, Manicow, Great Northern and Great McClellan, Manicow, Great Northern and Great New McClellan, Manicow, Great Northern and Great New Road. McClellan, Manicow, Great Northern and Great New Road. I McClellan, Manicow, Great Northern and Great New Road. I will McClellan, Manicow, Great Northern and Great New Road. I will be and Great New Road. I will be announcing and Great New Road. I will be announcing more and Great New Road. I will be announcing more in and Great New Road. I will be announcing more in the and Great New Road. I will be announcing more in the future. and Great New Road. I will be announcing more in the future. There announcing more in the future. There is announcing more in the future. There is no announcing more in the future. There is no time announcing more in the future. There is no time in announcing more in the future. There is no time in history announcing more in the future. There is no time in history when announcing more in the future. There is no time in history when this is no time in history when this scale is no time in history when this scale of is no time in history when this scale of new is no time in history when this scale of new homes is no time in history when this scale of new homes have is no time in history when this scale of new homes have been is no time in history when this scale of new homes have been built scale of new homes have been built in scale of new homes have been built in Government scale of new homes have been built in Government programmes scale of new homes have been built in Government programmes in in Government programmes in Auckland. in Government programmes in Auckland. Question in Government programmes in Auckland. Question No. in Government programmes in Auckland. Question No. 5, in Government programmes in Auckland. Question No. 5, Dr in Government programmes in Auckland. Question No. 5, Dr David Auckland. Question No. 5, Dr David Clark. Auckland. Question No. 5, Dr David Clark. Order! Auckland. Question No. 5, Dr David Clark. Order! Point Auckland. Question No. 5, Dr David Clark. Order! Point of Auckland. Question No. 5, Dr David Clark. Order! Point of order. Auckland. Question No. 5, Dr David Clark. Order! Point of order. Order! Clark. Order! Point of order. Order! Both Clark. Order! Point of order. Order! Both interjections, Clark. Order! Point of order. Order! Both interjections, but Clark. Order! Point of order. Order! Both interjections, but particularly Both interjections, but particularly from Both interjections, but particularly from the Both interjections, but particularly from the Deputy Both interjections, but particularly from the Deputy PM, Both interjections, but particularly from the Deputy PM, are Both interjections, but particularly from the Deputy PM, are certainly from the Deputy PM, are certainly unhelpful from the Deputy PM, are certainly unhelpful when from the Deputy PM, are certainly unhelpful when referring from the Deputy PM, are certainly unhelpful when referring to from the Deputy PM, are certainly unhelpful when referring to members unhelpful when referring to members who unhelpful when referring to members who aren't unhelpful when referring to members who aren't here. unhelpful when referring to members who aren't here. I unhelpful when referring to members who aren't here. I seek unhelpful when referring to members who aren't here. I seek leave unhelpful when referring to members who aren't here. I seek leave to who aren't here. I seek leave to hold who aren't here. I seek leave to hold the who aren't here. I seek leave to hold the question who aren't here. I seek leave to hold the question over who aren't here. I seek leave to hold the question over until who aren't here. I seek leave to hold the question over until the hold the question over until the Minister hold the question over until the Minister of hold the question over until the Minister of Trade hold the question over until the Minister of Trade himself hold the question over until the Minister of Trade himself is Minister of Trade himself is available Minister of Trade himself is available to Minister of Trade himself is available to answer Minister of Trade himself is available to answer the Minister of Trade himself is available to answer the question. available to answer the question. I'll available to answer the question. I'll put available to answer the question. I'll put the available to answer the question. I'll put the leave. available to answer the question. I'll put the leave. Leave available to answer the question. I'll put the leave. Leave is available to answer the question. I'll put the leave. Leave is sought I'll put the leave. Leave is sought to I'll put the leave. Leave is sought to do I'll put the leave. Leave is sought to do that. I'll put the leave. Leave is sought to do that. Is I'll put the leave. Leave is sought to do that. Is there I'll put the leave. Leave is sought to do that. Is there any I'll put the leave. Leave is sought to do that. Is there any objection? to do that. Is there any objection? There to do that. Is there any objection? There is to do that. Is there any objection? There is objection. to do that. Is there any objection? There is objection. OK. to do that. Is there any objection? There is objection. OK. Order! My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Trade: Minister of Trade: How Minister of Trade: How and Minister of Trade: How and by Minister of Trade: How and by whom How and by whom was How and by whom was he How and by whom was he or How and by whom was he or his How and by whom was he or his office How and by whom was he or his office informed was he or his office informed "on was he or his office informed "on or was he or his office informed "on or around was he or his office informed "on or around 25 was he or his office informed "on or around 25 May" was he or his office informed "on or around 25 May" of "on or around 25 May" of "possible "on or around 25 May" of "possible trade "on or around 25 May" of "possible trade retaliation"; "possible trade retaliation"; and "possible trade retaliation"; and what "possible trade retaliation"; and what was "possible trade retaliation"; and what was the "possible trade retaliation"; and what was the content and what was the content of and what was the content of that and what was the content of that communication? Mr Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, on Mr Speaker, on behalf Mr Speaker, on behalf of Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister of Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister of Trade, Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister of Trade, the Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister of Trade, the Minister Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister of Trade, the Minister was Minister of Trade, the Minister was informed Minister of Trade, the Minister was informed via Minister of Trade, the Minister was informed via an Minister of Trade, the Minister was informed via an email Minister of Trade, the Minister was informed via an email from Minister of Trade, the Minister was informed via an email from his informed via an email from his office informed via an email from his office staff informed via an email from his office staff on informed via an email from his office staff on May informed via an email from his office staff on May 25. informed via an email from his office staff on May 25. In informed via an email from his office staff on May 25. In terms informed via an email from his office staff on May 25. In terms of office staff on May 25. In terms of the office staff on May 25. In terms of the content office staff on May 25. In terms of the content of office staff on May 25. In terms of the content of that office staff on May 25. In terms of the content of that communication, the content of that communication, as the content of that communication, as the the content of that communication, as the Minister the content of that communication, as the Minister said the content of that communication, as the Minister said yesterday, as the Minister said yesterday, there as the Minister said yesterday, there are as the Minister said yesterday, there are limitations as the Minister said yesterday, there are limitations to as the Minister said yesterday, there are limitations to what as the Minister said yesterday, there are limitations to what detail there are limitations to what detail can there are limitations to what detail can be there are limitations to what detail can be provided there are limitations to what detail can be provided publicly, there are limitations to what detail can be provided publicly, given can be provided publicly, given legislative can be provided publicly, given legislative and can be provided publicly, given legislative and WTO can be provided publicly, given legislative and WTO rules legislative and WTO rules constraints legislative and WTO rules constraints around legislative and WTO rules constraints around the legislative and WTO rules constraints around the reporting legislative and WTO rules constraints around the reporting of constraints around the reporting of what constraints around the reporting of what may constraints around the reporting of what may be constraints around the reporting of what may be competition constraints around the reporting of what may be competition issues constraints around the reporting of what may be competition issues that what may be competition issues that are what may be competition issues that are not what may be competition issues that are not yet what may be competition issues that are not yet under what may be competition issues that are not yet under investigation. are not yet under investigation. Where are not yet under investigation. Where did are not yet under investigation. Where did his are not yet under investigation. Where did his office are not yet under investigation. Where did his office get are not yet under investigation. Where did his office get that Where did his office get that information Where did his office get that information from, Where did his office get that information from, and Where did his office get that information from, and from Where did his office get that information from, and from whom? Where did his office get that information from, and from whom? As information from, and from whom? As I information from, and from whom? As I said information from, and from whom? As I said in information from, and from whom? As I said in answer information from, and from whom? As I said in answer to information from, and from whom? As I said in answer to the information from, and from whom? As I said in answer to the primary I said in answer to the primary question, I said in answer to the primary question, in I said in answer to the primary question, in terms I said in answer to the primary question, in terms of I said in answer to the primary question, in terms of the I said in answer to the primary question, in terms of the content I said in answer to the primary question, in terms of the content of question, in terms of the content of that question, in terms of the content of that communication, question, in terms of the content of that communication, there question, in terms of the content of that communication, there are that communication, there are limitations that communication, there are limitations to that communication, there are limitations to what that communication, there are limitations to what detail that communication, there are limitations to what detail can that communication, there are limitations to what detail can be limitations to what detail can be provided limitations to what detail can be provided publicly, limitations to what detail can be provided publicly, given limitations to what detail can be provided publicly, given the provided publicly, given the legislative provided publicly, given the legislative constraints provided publicly, given the legislative constraints and provided publicly, given the legislative constraints and WTO legislative constraints and WTO rules legislative constraints and WTO rules around legislative constraints and WTO rules around the legislative constraints and WTO rules around the reporting legislative constraints and WTO rules around the reporting of legislative constraints and WTO rules around the reporting of what rules around the reporting of what may rules around the reporting of what may be rules around the reporting of what may be competition rules around the reporting of what may be competition issues rules around the reporting of what may be competition issues that rules around the reporting of what may be competition issues that are may be competition issues that are not may be competition issues that are not yet may be competition issues that are not yet under may be competition issues that are not yet under investigation. may be competition issues that are not yet under investigation. My not yet under investigation. My question not yet under investigation. My question was not yet under investigation. My question was very not yet under investigation. My question was very clear not yet under investigation. My question was very clear as not yet under investigation. My question was very clear as to not yet under investigation. My question was very clear as to where question was very clear as to where that question was very clear as to where that information question was very clear as to where that information came question was very clear as to where that information came from, question was very clear as to where that information came from, Mr that information came from, Mr Speaker. that information came from, Mr Speaker. He that information came from, Mr Speaker. He did that information came from, Mr Speaker. He did not that information came from, Mr Speaker. He did not even that information came from, Mr Speaker. He did not even address Speaker. He did not even address part Speaker. He did not even address part of Speaker. He did not even address part of the Speaker. He did not even address part of the question. Speaker. He did not even address part of the question. I Speaker. He did not even address part of the question. I accept Speaker. He did not even address part of the question. I accept he part of the question. I accept he didn't, part of the question. I accept he didn't, but part of the question. I accept he didn't, but he part of the question. I accept he didn't, but he gave part of the question. I accept he didn't, but he gave a part of the question. I accept he didn't, but he gave a very part of the question. I accept he didn't, but he gave a very good didn't, but he gave a very good reason didn't, but he gave a very good reason for didn't, but he gave a very good reason for why. didn't, but he gave a very good reason for why. If didn't, but he gave a very good reason for why. If the didn't, but he gave a very good reason for why. If the member didn't, but he gave a very good reason for why. If the member wants reason for why. If the member wants to reason for why. If the member wants to resume reason for why. If the member wants to resume his reason for why. If the member wants to resume his seat reason for why. If the member wants to resume his seat for reason for why. If the member wants to resume his seat for a reason for why. If the member wants to resume his seat for a minute. reason for why. If the member wants to resume his seat for a minute. The to resume his seat for a minute. The Minister to resume his seat for a minute. The Minister gave to resume his seat for a minute. The Minister gave a to resume his seat for a minute. The Minister gave a very to resume his seat for a minute. The Minister gave a very good to resume his seat for a minute. The Minister gave a very good reason to resume his seat for a minute. The Minister gave a very good reason why Minister gave a very good reason why he's Minister gave a very good reason why he's not Minister gave a very good reason why he's not prepared Minister gave a very good reason why he's not prepared to Minister gave a very good reason why he's not prepared to address Minister gave a very good reason why he's not prepared to address the he's not prepared to address the question, he's not prepared to address the question, and he's not prepared to address the question, and I he's not prepared to address the question, and I refer he's not prepared to address the question, and I refer the he's not prepared to address the question, and I refer the member he's not prepared to address the question, and I refer the member to question, and I refer the member to Speaker's question, and I refer the member to Speaker's ruling question, and I refer the member to Speaker's ruling 1933. question, and I refer the member to Speaker's ruling 1933. He's Speaker's ruling 1933. He's effectively Speaker's ruling 1933. He's effectively saying, Speaker's ruling 1933. He's effectively saying, for Speaker's ruling 1933. He's effectively saying, for commercial effectively saying, for commercial reasons, effectively saying, for commercial reasons, or effectively saying, for commercial reasons, or commercial effectively saying, for commercial reasons, or commercial or effectively saying, for commercial reasons, or commercial or national reasons, or commercial or national security, reasons, or commercial or national security, it's reasons, or commercial or national security, it's not reasons, or commercial or national security, it's not in reasons, or commercial or national security, it's not in the reasons, or commercial or national security, it's not in the public security, it's not in the public interest security, it's not in the public interest to security, it's not in the public interest to give security, it's not in the public interest to give further security, it's not in the public interest to give further detail. interest to give further detail. That's interest to give further detail. That's an interest to give further detail. That's an acceptable interest to give further detail. That's an acceptable position interest to give further detail. That's an acceptable position for interest to give further detail. That's an acceptable position for a That's an acceptable position for a Minister That's an acceptable position for a Minister to That's an acceptable position for a Minister to take. Minister to take. Given Minister to take. Given his Minister to take. Given his statement Minister to take. Given his statement in Minister to take. Given his statement in the Minister to take. Given his statement in the House Given his statement in the House yesterday Given his statement in the House yesterday that Given his statement in the House yesterday that there Given his statement in the House yesterday that there are yesterday that there are "legislative yesterday that there are "legislative constraints" yesterday that there are "legislative constraints" around yesterday that there are "legislative constraints" around the "legislative constraints" around the reporting "legislative constraints" around the reporting of "legislative constraints" around the reporting of competition "legislative constraints" around the reporting of competition complaints reporting of competition complaints that reporting of competition complaints that are reporting of competition complaints that are not reporting of competition complaints that are not yet reporting of competition complaints that are not yet under that are not yet under investigation, that are not yet under investigation, and that are not yet under investigation, and his that are not yet under investigation, and his reiteration investigation, and his reiteration of investigation, and his reiteration of that investigation, and his reiteration of that today, investigation, and his reiteration of that today, what investigation, and his reiteration of that today, what specifically investigation, and his reiteration of that today, what specifically are of that today, what specifically are those of that today, what specifically are those legislative of that today, what specifically are those legislative constraints? of that today, what specifically are those legislative constraints? On those legislative constraints? On behalf those legislative constraints? On behalf of those legislative constraints? On behalf of the those legislative constraints? On behalf of the Minister, those legislative constraints? On behalf of the Minister, there those legislative constraints? On behalf of the Minister, there are behalf of the Minister, there are constraints behalf of the Minister, there are constraints under behalf of the Minister, there are constraints under New behalf of the Minister, there are constraints under New Zealand constraints under New Zealand competition constraints under New Zealand competition law, constraints under New Zealand competition law, and constraints under New Zealand competition law, and also constraints under New Zealand competition law, and also under constraints under New Zealand competition law, and also under WTO competition law, and also under WTO rules, competition law, and also under WTO rules, that competition law, and also under WTO rules, that any competition law, and also under WTO rules, that any complaint competition law, and also under WTO rules, that any complaint about... rules, that any complaint about... <INTERRUPTION> <INTERRUPTION> ..that <INTERRUPTION> ..that any <INTERRUPTION> ..that any complaint <INTERRUPTION> ..that any complaint about ..that any complaint about competition ..that any complaint about competition issues ..that any complaint about competition issues between ..that any complaint about competition issues between countries competition issues between countries cannot competition issues between countries cannot be competition issues between countries cannot be reported competition issues between countries cannot be reported publicly competition issues between countries cannot be reported publicly until cannot be reported publicly until such, cannot be reported publicly until such, and cannot be reported publicly until such, and if cannot be reported publicly until such, and if an cannot be reported publicly until such, and if an investigation cannot be reported publicly until such, and if an investigation is such, and if an investigation is conducted. Given Given his Given his statement Given his statement yesterday Given his statement yesterday and Given his statement yesterday and again Given his statement yesterday and again today, Given his statement yesterday and again today, what Given his statement yesterday and again today, what specifically Given his statement yesterday and again today, what specifically are again today, what specifically are those again today, what specifically are those legislative again today, what specifically are those legislative constraints? those legislative constraints? Mr those legislative constraints? Mr Speaker, those legislative constraints? Mr Speaker, on those legislative constraints? Mr Speaker, on behalf those legislative constraints? Mr Speaker, on behalf of those legislative constraints? Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister I Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister I don't Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister I don't have Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister I don't have the Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Minister I don't have the exact Minister I don't have the exact clause Minister I don't have the exact clause and Minister I don't have the exact clause and chapter Minister I don't have the exact clause and chapter of Minister I don't have the exact clause and chapter of the Minister I don't have the exact clause and chapter of the law Minister I don't have the exact clause and chapter of the law to clause and chapter of the law to hand. clause and chapter of the law to hand. <INTERRUPTION> hand. <INTERRUPTION> It's hand. <INTERRUPTION> It's not hand. <INTERRUPTION> It's not an hand. <INTERRUPTION> It's not an excuse hand. <INTERRUPTION> It's not an excuse Mr hand. <INTERRUPTION> It's not an excuse Mr Robertson hand. <INTERRUPTION> It's not an excuse Mr Robertson it's It's not an excuse Mr Robertson it's the It's not an excuse Mr Robertson it's the WTO It's not an excuse Mr Robertson it's the WTO rules It's not an excuse Mr Robertson it's the WTO rules and It's not an excuse Mr Robertson it's the WTO rules and competition It's not an excuse Mr Robertson it's the WTO rules and competition law. the WTO rules and competition law. And the WTO rules and competition law. And the the WTO rules and competition law. And the minister the WTO rules and competition law. And the minister is the WTO rules and competition law. And the minister is not the WTO rules and competition law. And the minister is not in the WTO rules and competition law. And the minister is not in the And the minister is not in the interests And the minister is not in the interests of And the minister is not in the interests of the And the minister is not in the interests of the public And the minister is not in the interests of the public o And the minister is not in the interests of the public o to And the minister is not in the interests of the public o to expose interests of the public o to expose it interests of the public o to expose it further. it further. If it further. If a it further. If a Minister it further. If a Minister will it further. If a Minister will refuse it further. If a Minister will refuse to it further. If a Minister will refuse to answer If a Minister will refuse to answer a If a Minister will refuse to answer a question If a Minister will refuse to answer a question in If a Minister will refuse to answer a question in the If a Minister will refuse to answer a question in the House If a Minister will refuse to answer a question in the House on If a Minister will refuse to answer a question in the House on the If a Minister will refuse to answer a question in the House on the basis a question in the House on the basis it's a question in the House on the basis it's not a question in the House on the basis it's not in a question in the House on the basis it's not in the a question in the House on the basis it's not in the public a question in the House on the basis it's not in the public interest, it's not in the public interest, which it's not in the public interest, which I it's not in the public interest, which I any it's not in the public interest, which I any is it's not in the public interest, which I any is the it's not in the public interest, which I any is the primary it's not in the public interest, which I any is the primary standing which I any is the primary standing ordzer which I any is the primary standing ordzer that which I any is the primary standing ordzer that Mr which I any is the primary standing ordzer that Mr Speaker's which I any is the primary standing ordzer that Mr Speaker's ruling which I any is the primary standing ordzer that Mr Speaker's ruling you ordzer that Mr Speaker's ruling you referred ordzer that Mr Speaker's ruling you referred to ordzer that Mr Speaker's ruling you referred to relates ordzer that Mr Speaker's ruling you referred to relates to, ordzer that Mr Speaker's ruling you referred to relates to, surely ordzer that Mr Speaker's ruling you referred to relates to, surely there referred to relates to, surely there must referred to relates to, surely there must be referred to relates to, surely there must be some referred to relates to, surely there must be some responsibility referred to relates to, surely there must be some responsibility on referred to relates to, surely there must be some responsibility on that must be some responsibility on that Minister must be some responsibility on that Minister to must be some responsibility on that Minister to cite must be some responsibility on that Minister to cite with must be some responsibility on that Minister to cite with some Minister to cite with some specicifity Minister to cite with some Minister Minister to cite with some specicifity the legal Minister to cite with some specicifity the legal basis Minister to cite with some specicifity the legal basis upon specicifity the legal basis upon which specicifity the legal basis upon which they specicifity the legal basis upon which they are specicifity the legal basis upon which they are making specicifity the legal basis upon which they are making that specicifity the legal basis upon which they are making that claim? which they are making that claim? The which they are making that claim? The second which they are making that claim? The second question which they are making that claim? The second question was which they are making that claim? The second question was effectively The second question was effectively the The second question was effectively The The second question was effectively the same. What The second question was effectively the same. What specific The second question was effectively the same. What specific legislation the same. What specific legislation and the same. What specific legislation and the the same. What specific legislation and the Minister the same. What specific legislation and the Minister said, the same. What specific legislation and the Minister said, I the same. What specific legislation and the Minister said, I can't the same. What specific legislation and the Minister said, I can't give and the Minister said, I can't give you and the Minister said, I can't give you the and the Minister said, I can't give you the specifics. and the Minister said, I can't give you the specifics. That's and the Minister said, I can't give you the specifics. That's an and the Minister said, I can't give you the specifics. That's an answer you the specifics. That's an answer given you the specifics. That's an answer given by you the specifics. That's an answer given by the you the specifics. That's an answer given by the Minister. you the specifics. That's an answer given by the Minister. That given by the Minister. That addresses given by the Minister. That addresses the given by the Minister. That addresses the question. given by the Minister. That addresses the question. Further addresses the question. Further supplementary. supplementary. Can supplementary. Can he supplementary. Can he confirm supplementary. Can he confirm that supplementary. Can he confirm that he's supplementary. Can he confirm that he's in supplementary. Can he confirm that he's in fact Can he confirm that he's in fact relying Can he confirm that he's in fact relying on Can he confirm that he's in fact relying on Section Can he confirm that he's in fact relying on Section 150 Can he confirm that he's in fact relying on Section 150 of Can he confirm that he's in fact relying on Section 150 of the relying on Section 150 of the Dumping relying on Section 150 of the Dumping and relying on Section 150 of the Dumping and Counterveling relying on Section 150 of the Dumping and Counterveling Act relying on Section 150 of the Dumping and Counterveling Act of Dumping and Counterveling Act of 1988 Dumping and Counterveling Act of 1988 to Dumping and Counterveling Act of 1988 to protect Dumping and Counterveling Act of 1988 to protect Pacific Dumping and Counterveling Act of 1988 to protect Pacific Steel 1988 to protect Pacific Steel Limited 1988 to protect Pacific Steel 1988 1988 to protect Pacific Steel Limited or the 1988 to protect Pacific Steel Limited or the country 1988 to protect Pacific Steel Limited or the country of 1988 to protect Pacific Steel Limited or the country of China 1988 to protect Pacific Steel Limited or the country of China and Limited or the country of China and if Limited or the country of China and if not, Limited or the country of China and if not, what Limited or the country of China and if not, what legislation Limited or the country of China and if not, what legislation is Limited or the country of China and if not, what legislation is he if not, what legislation is he relying if not, what legislation is he relying on? if not, what legislation is he relying on? On if not, what legislation is he relying on? On behalf if not, what legislation is he relying on? On behalf of if not, what legislation is he relying on? On behalf of the relying on? On behalf of the Minister relying on? On behalf of the Minister I'm relying on? On behalf of the Minister I'm not relying on? On behalf of the Minister I'm not prepared relying on? On behalf of the Minister I'm not prepared to relying on? On behalf of the Minister I'm not prepared to confirm Minister I'm not prepared to confirm the Minister I'm not prepared to confirm the contents Minister I'm not prepared to confirm the contents of Minister I'm not prepared to confirm the contents of the Minister I'm not prepared to confirm the contents of the member's the contents of the member's question. question. Why question. Why did question. Why did he question. Why did he not question. Why did he not think question. Why did he not think it question. Why did he not think it was Why did he not think it was sufficiently Why did he not think it was sufficiently important Why did he not think it was sufficiently important to Why did he not think it was sufficiently important to inform Why did he not think it was sufficiently important to inform the sufficiently important to inform the PM sufficiently important to inform the PM in sufficiently important to inform the PM in the sufficiently important to inform the PM in the face sufficiently important to inform the PM in the face of sufficiently important to inform the PM in the face of threats sufficiently important to inform the PM in the face of threats or PM in the face of threats or possible PM in the face of threats or possible trade PM in the face of threats or possible trade retaliation PM in the face of threats or possible trade retaliation to PM in the face of threats or possible trade retaliation to some possible trade retaliation to some of possible trade retaliation to some of our possible trade retaliation to some of our biggest possible trade retaliation to some of our biggest exporters possible trade retaliation to some of our biggest exporters in possible trade retaliation to some of our biggest exporters in our of our biggest exporters in our biggest of our biggest exporters in our biggest export of our biggest exporters in our biggest export market of our biggest exporters in our biggest export market for of our biggest exporters in our biggest export market for two of our biggest exporters in our biggest export market for two whole biggest export market for two whole months? months? On months? On behalf months? On behalf of months? On behalf of the months? On behalf of the Minister months? On behalf of the Minister of On behalf of the Minister of Conservative On behalf of the Minister of Conservative trade, On behalf of the Minister of Conservative trade, the On behalf of the Minister of Conservative trade, the Minister On behalf of the Minister of Conservative trade, the Minister has Conservative trade, the Minister has already Conservative trade, the Minister has already acknowledged Conservative trade, the Minister has already acknowledged publicly Conservative trade, the Minister has already acknowledged publicly he already acknowledged publicly he should already acknowledged publicly he Conservative already acknowledged publicly he should have provided already acknowledged publicly he should have provided the already acknowledged publicly he should have provided the PM already acknowledged publicly he should have provided the PM a already acknowledged publicly he should have provided the PM a fuller should have provided the PM a fuller account should have provided the PM a fuller account of should have provided the PM a fuller account of the should have provided the PM a fuller account of the issue should have provided the PM a fuller account of the issue and should have provided the PM a fuller account of the issue and done should have provided the PM a fuller account of the issue and done so account of the issue and done so sooner. account of the issue and done so sooner. He's account of the issue and done so sooner. He's apologised account of the issue and done so sooner. He's apologised to account of the issue and done so sooner. He's apologised to the account of the issue and done so sooner. He's apologised to the PM sooner. He's apologised to the PM for sooner. He's apologised to the PM for that. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister for My question is to the Minister for Social My question is to the Minister for Social Development: Minister for Social Development: Does Minister for Social Development: Does she Minister for Social Development: Does she agree Minister for Social Development: Does she agree with Minister for Social Development: Does she agree with the Minister for Social Development: Does she agree with the study Does she agree with the study of Does she agree with the study of Alicia Does she agree with the study of Alicia Sudden of Alicia Sudden that of Alicia Sudden that Work of Alicia Sudden that Work and of Alicia Sudden that Work and Income of Alicia Sudden that Work and Income is of Alicia Sudden that Work and Income is pushing that Work and Income is pushing too that Work and Income is pushing too many that Work and Income is pushing too many beneficiaries that Work and Income is pushing too many beneficiaries into that Work and Income is pushing too many beneficiaries into jobs too many beneficiaries into jobs that too many beneficiaries into jobs that don't too many beneficiaries into jobs that don't last; that don't last; if that don't last; if so, that don't last; if so, what that don't last; if so, what is that don't last; if so, what is she that don't last; if so, what is she doing that don't last; if so, what is she doing about that don't last; if so, what is she doing about it? No. No. I No. I find No. I find it No. I find it very No. I find it very hard No. I find it very hard to No. I find it very hard to put No. I find it very hard to put faith No. I find it very hard to put faith in No. I find it very hard to put faith in any No. I find it very hard to put faith in any research No. I find it very hard to put faith in any research that No. I find it very hard to put faith in any research that by No. I find it very hard to put faith in any research that by its No. I find it very hard to put faith in any research that by its own in any research that by its own admissionened in any research that by its own admissionened and in any research that by its own admissionened and I in any research that by its own admissionened and I quote in any research that by its own admissionened and I quote "is in any research that by its own admissionened and I quote "is not admissionened and I quote "is not considered admissionened and I quote "is not considered as admissionened and I quote "is not considered as accurate admissionened and I quote "is not considered as accurate or admissionened and I quote "is not considered as accurate or likely admissionened and I quote "is not considered as accurate or likely to considered as accurate or likely to represent considered as accurate or likely to represent the considered as accurate or likely to represent the entire considered as accurate or likely to represent the entire population", represent the entire population", end represent the entire population", that represent the entire population", end quote. I represent the entire population", end quote. I also represent the entire population", end quote. I also note represent the entire population", end quote. I also note that represent the entire population", end quote. I also note that the end quote. I also note that the Ministry end quote. I also note that the Ministry for end quote. I also note that the Ministry for Social end quote. I also note that the Ministry for Social Development end quote. I also note that the Ministry for Social Development has Ministry for Social Development has some Ministry for Social Development has some concerns Ministry for Social Development has some concerns around Ministry for Social Development has some concerns around the Ministry for Social Development has some concerns around the methodology some concerns around the methodology and some concerns around the methodology and approach some concerns around the methodology and approach taken. some concerns around the methodology and approach taken. As some concerns around the methodology and approach taken. As I some concerns around the methodology and approach taken. As I have and approach taken. As I have already and approach taken. As I have already told and approach taken. As I have already told this and approach taken. As I have already told this House, and approach taken. As I have already told this House, I and approach taken. As I have already told this House, I have already told this House, I have commissioned already told this House, I have commissioned some already told this House, I have commissioned some research already told this House, I have commissioned some research in already told this House, I have commissioned some research in this commissioned some research in this area commissioned some research in this area based commissioned some research in this area based on commissioned some research in this area based on data commissioned some research in this area based on data matching commissioned some research in this area based on data matching and area based on data matching and rigorous area based on data matching and rigorous methods, area based on data matching and rigorous methods, not area based on data matching and rigorous methods, not anecdotal rigorous methods, not anecdotal rigorous methods, not anecdotal rigorous methods, not anecdotal evidence from rigorous methods, not anecdotal evidence from a rigorous methods, not anecdotal evidence from a university evidence from a university assignment evidence from a university assignment that evidence from a university assignment that involved evidence from a university assignment that involved handing evidence from a university assignment that involved handing out assignment that involved handing out flyers, assignment that involved handing out flyers, offering assignment that involved handing out flyers, offering grocery assignment that involved handing out flyers, offering grocery vouchers flyers, offering grocery vouchers for flyers, offering grocery vouchers for taking flyers, offering grocery vouchers for taking part flyers, offering grocery vouchers for taking part and flyers, offering grocery vouchers for taking part and interviews flyers, offering grocery vouchers for taking part and interviews with for taking part and interviews with only for taking part and interviews with only six for taking part and interviews with only six handpicked for taking part and interviews with only six handpicked respondents. only six handpicked respondents. People only six handpicked respondents. People leave only six handpicked respondents. People leave benefit only six handpicked respondents. People leave benefit force only six handpicked respondents. People leave benefit force a only six handpicked respondents. People leave benefit force a range People leave benefit force a range of People leave benefit force a range of reasons, People leave benefit force a range of reasons, including People leave benefit force a range of reasons, including moving People leave benefit force a range of reasons, including moving into of reasons, including moving into retirement of reasons, including moving into retirement or of reasons, including moving into retirement or overseas. of reasons, including moving into retirement or overseas. Two retirement or overseas. Two categories retirement or overseas. Two categories of retirement or overseas. Two categories of people retirement or overseas. Two categories of people I retirement or overseas. Two categories of people I note retirement or overseas. Two categories of people I note were retirement or overseas. Two categories of people I note were not categories of people I note were not considered categories of people I note were not considered by categories of people I note were not considered by the categories of people I note were not considered by the university categories of people I note were not considered by the university study considered by the university study mentioned considered by the university study mentioned by considered by the university study mentioned by the considered by the university study mentioned by the member. mentioned by the member. Does mentioned by the member. Does she mentioned by the member. Does she consider mentioned by the member. Does she consider it mentioned by the member. Does she consider it appropriate Does she consider it appropriate that Does she consider it appropriate that there Does she consider it appropriate that there was Does she consider it appropriate that there was a Does she consider it appropriate that there was a 38 Does she consider it appropriate that there was a 38 week Does she consider it appropriate that there was a 38 week pregnant that there was a 38 week pregnant woman that there was a 38 week pregnant woman sent that there was a 38 week pregnant woman sent to that there was a 38 week pregnant woman sent to a that there was a 38 week pregnant woman sent to a potentially woman sent to a potentially dangerous woman sent to a potentially dangerous and woman sent to a potentially dangerous and physically woman sent to a potentially dangerous and physically taxing woman sent to a potentially dangerous and physically taxing job dangerous and physically taxing job doing dangerous and physically taxing job doing bee-keeping. dangerous and physically taxing job doing bee-keeping. If dangerous and physically taxing job doing bee-keeping. If not dangerous and physically taxing job doing bee-keeping. If not what dangerous and physically taxing job doing bee-keeping. If not what is doing bee-keeping. If not what is she doing bee-keeping. If not what is she doing doing bee-keeping. If not what is she doing to doing bee-keeping. If not what is she doing to ensure doing bee-keeping. If not what is she doing to ensure that doing bee-keeping. If not what is she doing to ensure that people doing bee-keeping. If not what is she doing to ensure that people are she doing to ensure that people are not she doing to ensure that people are not treated she doing to ensure that people are not treated like she doing to ensure that people are not treated like this she doing to ensure that people are not treated like this again? not treated like this again? No. not treated like this again? No. It not treated like this again? No. It is not treated like this again? No. It is not not treated like this again? No. It is not appropriate. not treated like this again? No. It is not appropriate. While not treated like this again? No. It is not appropriate. While I'm No. It is not appropriate. While I'm not No. It is not appropriate. While I'm not able No. It is not appropriate. While I'm not able to No. It is not appropriate. While I'm not able to talk No. It is not appropriate. While I'm not able to talk about No. It is not appropriate. While I'm not able to talk about specific not able to talk about specific cases, not able to talk about specific cases, I not able to talk about specific cases, I want not able to talk about specific cases, I want to not able to talk about specific cases, I want to make not able to talk about specific cases, I want to make it not able to talk about specific cases, I want to make it very not able to talk about specific cases, I want to make it very clear cases, I want to make it very clear - cases, I want to make it very clear - no cases, I want to make it very clear - no 8.5 cases, I want to make it very clear - no 8.5 months cases, I want to make it very clear - no 8.5 months pregnant cases, I want to make it very clear - no 8.5 months pregnant woman - no 8.5 months pregnant woman should - no 8.5 months pregnant woman should be - no 8.5 months pregnant woman should be directed - no 8.5 months pregnant woman should be directed by - no 8.5 months pregnant woman should be directed by Work - no 8.5 months pregnant woman should be directed by Work and should be directed by Work and Income should be directed by Work and Income to should be directed by Work and Income to find should be directed by Work and Income to find a should be directed by Work and Income to find a job. should be directed by Work and Income to find a job. Work should be directed by Work and Income to find a job. Work and Income to find a job. Work and Income Income to find a job. Work and Income policy Income to find a job. Work and Income policy is Income to find a job. Work and Income policy is explicit, Income to find a job. Work and Income policy is explicit, that Income to find a job. Work and Income policy is explicit, that a Income policy is explicit, that a client Income policy is explicit, that a client receiving Income policy is explicit, that a client receiving jobseeker Income policy is explicit, that a client receiving jobseeker support client receiving jobseeker support can client receiving jobseeker support can be client receiving jobseeker support can be deferred client receiving jobseeker support can be deferred from client receiving jobseeker support can be deferred from work can be deferred from work obligations can be deferred from work obligations from can be deferred from work obligations from 27 can be deferred from work obligations from 27 weeks' can be deferred from work obligations from 27 weeks' pregnant, obligations from 27 weeks' pregnant, or obligations from 27 weeks' pregnant, or earlier, obligations from 27 weeks' pregnant, or earlier, if obligations from 27 weeks' pregnant, or earlier, if there obligations from 27 weeks' pregnant, or earlier, if there are obligations from 27 weeks' pregnant, or earlier, if there are any or earlier, if there are any complications or earlier, if there are any complications associated or earlier, if there are any complications associated with or earlier, if there are any complications associated with the complications associated with the pregnancy. pregnancy. Is pregnancy. Is she pregnancy. Is she concerned pregnancy. Is she concerned that pregnancy. Is she concerned that the pregnancy. Is she concerned that the dismissive Is she concerned that the dismissive comments Is she concerned that the dismissive comments of Is she concerned that the dismissive comments of the Is she concerned that the dismissive comments of the Social Is she concerned that the dismissive comments of the Social Ministry comments of the Social Ministry Deputy comments of the Social Ministry Deputy Chief comments of the Social Ministry Deputy Chief Executive comments of the Social Ministry Deputy Chief Executive who comments of the Social Ministry Deputy Chief Executive who said comments of the Social Ministry Deputy Chief Executive who said the Deputy Chief Executive who said the thesis Deputy Chief Executive who said the thesis does Deputy Chief Executive who said the thesis does not Deputy Chief Executive who said the thesis does not clierly Deputy Chief Executive who said the thesis does not clierly reflect Deputy Chief Executive who said the thesis does not clierly reflect the thesis does not clierly reflect the work thesis does not clierly reflect the work of thesis does not clierly reflect the work of our thesis does not clierly reflect the work of our people thesis does not clierly reflect the work of our people that thesis does not clierly reflect the work of our people that they thesis does not clierly reflect the work of our people that they do thesis does not clierly reflect the work of our people that they do each work of our people that they do each day work of our people that they do each day to work of our people that they do each day to help work of our people that they do each day to help improve work of our people that they do each day to help improve the work of our people that they do each day to help improve the life work of our people that they do each day to help improve the life of work of our people that they do each day to help improve the life of New day to help improve the life of New Zealanders day to help improve the life of New Zealanders we day to help improve the life of New Zealanders we support. day to help improve the life of New Zealanders we support. If day to help improve the life of New Zealanders we support. If so, day to help improve the life of New Zealanders we support. If so, will Zealanders we support. If so, will she Zealanders we support. If so, will she change Zealanders we support. If so, will she change the Zealanders we support. If so, will she change the demeaning Zealanders we support. If so, will she change the demeaning and she change the demeaning and judgemental she change the demeaning and judgemental endemic she change the demeaning and judgemental endemic culture she change the demeaning and judgemental endemic culture of she change the demeaning and judgemental endemic culture of Work judgemental endemic culture of Work and judgemental endemic culture of Work and Income? and Income? No, and Income? No, as and Income? No, as I and Income? No, as I mentioned and Income? No, as I mentioned in and Income? No, as I mentioned in my and Income? No, as I mentioned in my primary No, as I mentioned in my primary answer, No, as I mentioned in my primary answer, the No, as I mentioned in my primary answer, the thesis No, as I mentioned in my primary answer, the thesis itself No, as I mentioned in my primary answer, the thesis itself says No, as I mentioned in my primary answer, the thesis itself says it, answer, the thesis itself says it, quotes, answer, the thesis itself says it, quotes, "is answer, the thesis itself says it, quotes, "is not answer, the thesis itself says it, quotes, "is not considered answer, the thesis itself says it, quotes, "is not considered as quotes, "is not considered as accurate quotes, "is not considered as accurate or quotes, "is not considered as accurate or likely quotes, "is not considered as accurate or likely to quotes, "is not considered as accurate or likely to represent quotes, "is not considered as accurate or likely to represent the accurate or likely to represent the entire accurate or likely to represent the entire population". accurate or likely to represent the entire population". End accurate or likely to represent the entire population". End quote. accurate or likely to represent the entire population". End quote. As entire population". End quote. As the entire population". End quote. As the DCE entire population". End quote. As the DCE said entire population". End quote. As the DCE said in entire population". End quote. As the DCE said in her entire population". End quote. As the DCE said in her full entire population". End quote. As the DCE said in her full statement, the DCE said in her full statement, and the DCE said in her full statement, and I the DCE said in her full statement, and I quote, the DCE said in her full statement, and I quote, "The the DCE said in her full statement, and I quote, "The Ministry the DCE said in her full statement, and I quote, "The Ministry welcomes and I quote, "The Ministry welcomes any and I quote, "The Ministry welcomes any research and I quote, "The Ministry welcomes any research that and I quote, "The Ministry welcomes any research that provides and I quote, "The Ministry welcomes any research that provides insight any research that provides insight into any research that provides insight into the any research that provides insight into the lives any research that provides insight into the lives of any research that provides insight into the lives of the any research that provides insight into the lives of the people any research that provides insight into the lives of the people we any research that provides insight into the lives of the people we work into the lives of the people we work with. into the lives of the people we work with. However, into the lives of the people we work with. However, our into the lives of the people we work with. However, our initial into the lives of the people we work with. However, our initial view into the lives of the people we work with. However, our initial view of with. However, our initial view of this with. However, our initial view of this thesis with. However, our initial view of this thesis gives with. However, our initial view of this thesis gives us with. However, our initial view of this thesis gives us some with. However, our initial view of this thesis gives us some concerns this thesis gives us some concerns around this thesis gives us some concerns around the this thesis gives us some concerns around the approach this thesis gives us some concerns around the approach taken", this thesis gives us some concerns around the approach taken", end around the approach taken", end quote. around the approach taken", end quote. The around the approach taken", end quote. The DCE around the approach taken", end quote. The DCE went around the approach taken", end quote. The DCE went on around the approach taken", end quote. The DCE went on to quote. The DCE went on to acknowledge quote. The DCE went on to acknowledge that, quote. The DCE went on to acknowledge that, quote, quote. The DCE went on to acknowledge that, quote, "I quote. The DCE went on to acknowledge that, quote, "I can quote. The DCE went on to acknowledge that, quote, "I can be acknowledge that, quote, "I can be hard acknowledge that, quote, "I can be hard to acknowledge that, quote, "I can be hard to get acknowledge that, quote, "I can be hard to get a acknowledge that, quote, "I can be hard to get a foot acknowledge that, quote, "I can be hard to get a foot on acknowledge that, quote, "I can be hard to get a foot on the acknowledge that, quote, "I can be hard to get a foot on the ladder acknowledge that, quote, "I can be hard to get a foot on the ladder and hard to get a foot on the ladder and difficult hard to get a foot on the ladder and difficult to hard to get a foot on the ladder and difficult to begin hard to get a foot on the ladder and difficult to begin the hard to get a foot on the ladder and difficult to begin the climb. hard to get a foot on the ladder and difficult to begin the climb. But difficult to begin the climb. But it's difficult to begin the climb. But it's a difficult to begin the climb. But it's a start difficult to begin the climb. But it's a start to difficult to begin the climb. But it's a start to better difficult to begin the climb. But it's a start to better things. difficult to begin the climb. But it's a start to better things. That it's a start to better things. That is it's a start to better things. That is what it's a start to better things. That is what ministry it's a start to better things. That is what ministry staff it's a start to better things. That is what ministry staff come it's a start to better things. That is what ministry staff come to it's a start to better things. That is what ministry staff come to work is what ministry staff come to work every is what ministry staff come to work every day is what ministry staff come to work every day to is what ministry staff come to work every day to do is what ministry staff come to work every day to do to is what ministry staff come to work every day to do to help is what ministry staff come to work every day to do to help people is what ministry staff come to work every day to do to help people make every day to do to help people make a every day to do to help people make a better every day to do to help people make a better life every day to do to help people make a better life for every day to do to help people make a better life for themselves", every day to do to help people make a better life for themselves", end a better life for themselves", end quote. a better life for themselves", end quote. I a better life for themselves", end quote. I want a better life for themselves", end quote. I want to a better life for themselves", end quote. I want to take a better life for themselves", end quote. I want to take this quote. I want to take this opportunity quote. I want to take this opportunity to quote. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge quote. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the quote. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the hard opportunity to acknowledge the hard work opportunity to acknowledge the hard work that opportunity to acknowledge the hard work that the opportunity to acknowledge the hard work that the staff opportunity to acknowledge the hard work that the staff at opportunity to acknowledge the hard work that the staff at Work opportunity to acknowledge the hard work that the staff at Work and work that the staff at Work and Income work that the staff at Work and Income do work that the staff at Work and Income do every work that the staff at Work and Income do every day work that the staff at Work and Income do every day supporting Income do every day supporting people Income do every day supporting people to Income do every day supporting people to get Income do every day supporting people to get into Income do every day supporting people to get into education Income do every day supporting people to get into education and Income do every day supporting people to get into education and to people to get into education and to training people to get into education and to training or people to get into education and to training or into people to get into education and to training or into work people to get into education and to training or into work so people to get into education and to training or into work so that people to get into education and to training or into work so that they training or into work so that they can training or into work so that they can fulfil training or into work so that they can fulfil their training or into work so that they can fulfil their dreams. can fulfil their dreams. Supplementary. can fulfil their dreams. Supplementary. The can fulfil their dreams. Supplementary. The member can fulfil their dreams. Supplementary. The member has can fulfil their dreams. Supplementary. The member has two Supplementary. The member has two supplementaries Supplementary. The member has two Supplementary. Supplementary. The member has two supplementaries and has Supplementary. The member has two supplementaries and has used Supplementary. The member has two supplementaries and has used them. supplementaries and has used them. It supplementaries and has used them. It is supplementaries and has used them. It is my supplementaries and has used them. It is my understanding supplementaries and has used them. It is my understanding Mr supplementaries and has used them. It is my understanding Mr Speaker It is my understanding Mr Speaker that It is my understanding Mr Speaker that we It is my understanding Mr Speaker that we have It is my understanding Mr Speaker that we have been It is my understanding Mr Speaker that we have been given It is my understanding Mr Speaker that we have been given an It is my understanding Mr Speaker that we have been given an extra that we have been given an extra supplementary that we have been given an extra supplementary for that we have been given an extra supplementary for today. that we have been given an extra supplementary for today. Well, supplementary for today. Well, no-one supplementary for today. Well, no-one has supplementary for today. Well, no-one has advised supplementary for today. Well, no-one has advised me. supplementary for today. Well, no-one has advised me. I supplementary for today. Well, no-one has advised me. I will supplementary for today. Well, no-one has advised me. I will accept no-one has advised me. I will accept the no-one has advised me. I will accept the member's no-one has advised me. I will accept the member's word no-one has advised me. I will accept the member's word and no-one has advised me. I will accept the member's word and accept no-one has advised me. I will accept the member's word and accept the the member's word and accept the supplementary. the member's word and accept the supplementary. But the member's word and accept the supplementary. But unless the member's word and accept the supplementary. But unless we the member's word and accept the supplementary. But unless we have supplementary. But unless we have these supplementary. But unless we have these sort supplementary. But unless we have these sort of supplementary. But unless we have these sort of arrangements supplementary. But unless we have these sort of arrangements more these sort of arrangements more formally these sort of arrangements more formally arranged, these sort of arrangements more formally arranged, it's these sort of arrangements more formally arranged, it's very formally arranged, it's very difficult formally arranged, it's very difficult for formally arranged, it's very difficult for me formally arranged, it's very difficult for me to formally arranged, it's very difficult for me to manage formally arranged, it's very difficult for me to manage question difficult for me to manage question time. difficult for me to manage question time. On difficult for me to manage question time. On this difficult for me to manage question time. On this occasion, difficult for me to manage question time. On this occasion, I difficult for me to manage question time. On this occasion, I will time. On this occasion, I will accept time. On this occasion, I will accept the time. On this occasion, I will accept the word time. On this occasion, I will accept the word of time. On this occasion, I will accept the word of the time. On this occasion, I will accept the word of the member. accept the word of the member. Does accept the word of the member. Does she accept the word of the member. Does she agree, accept the word of the member. Does she agree, then, accept the word of the member. Does she agree, then, given accept the word of the member. Does she agree, then, given that accept the word of the member. Does she agree, then, given that the Does she agree, then, given that the DCE Does she agree, then, given that the DCE agrees Does she agree, then, given that the DCE agrees that Does she agree, then, given that the DCE agrees that feedback Does she agree, then, given that the DCE agrees that feedback from Does she agree, then, given that the DCE agrees that feedback from any DCE agrees that feedback from any source DCE agrees that feedback from any source is DCE agrees that feedback from any source is valued, DCE agrees that feedback from any source is valued, Sudden's DCE agrees that feedback from any source is valued, Sudden's thesis source is valued, Sudden's thesis says source is valued, Sudden's thesis says they source is valued, Sudden's thesis says they should source is valued, Sudden's thesis says they should be source is valued, Sudden's thesis says they should be more says they should be more pleksability says they should be more pleksability and says they should be more pleksability and supportive. says they should be more pleksability and supportive. Given pleksability and supportive. Given the pleksability and supportive. Given the success pleksability and supportive. Given the success of pleksability and supportive. Given the success of the pleksability and supportive. Given the success of the order pleksability and supportive. Given the success of the order approach the success of the order approach doing the success of the order approach doing just the success of the order approach doing just that the success of the order approach doing just that will the success of the order approach doing just that will she the success of the order approach doing just that will she work the success of the order approach doing just that will she work to doing just that will she work to improve doing just that will she work to improve whenua doing just that will she work to improve whenua wellbeing doing just that will she work to improve whenua wellbeing in doing just that will she work to improve whenua wellbeing in the improve whenua wellbeing in the context improve whenua wellbeing in the context of improve whenua wellbeing in the context of returning improve whenua wellbeing in the context of returning to improve whenua wellbeing in the context of returning to a improve whenua wellbeing in the context of returning to a system improve whenua wellbeing in the context of returning to a system of context of returning to a system of personalised context of returning to a system of personalised management? context of returning to a system of personalised management? Two personalised management? Two additional personalised management? Two personalised personalised management? Two additional supplementaries. I personalised management? Two additional supplementaries. I do additional supplementaries. I do believe additional supplementaries. I do believe that additional supplementaries. I do believe that the additional supplementaries. I do believe that the Work additional supplementaries. I do believe that the Work and additional supplementaries. I do believe that the Work and Income believe that the Work and Income system believe that the Work and Income system is believe that the Work and Income system is incredibly believe that the Work and Income system is incredibly supportive believe that the Work and Income system is incredibly supportive and system is incredibly supportive and flexible system is incredibly supportive and flexible and system is incredibly supportive and flexible and we system is incredibly supportive and flexible and we have system is incredibly supportive and flexible and we have seen system is incredibly supportive and flexible and we have seen the flexible and we have seen the success flexible and we have seen the success of flexible and we have seen the success of that flexible and we have seen the success of that with flexible and we have seen the success of that with the flexible and we have seen the success of that with the latest success of that with the latest figures success of that with the latest figures showing success of that with the latest figures showing the success of that with the latest figures showing the lowest success of that with the latest figures showing the lowest June figures showing the lowest June quarter figures showing the lowest June quarter since figures showing the lowest June quarter since 2008. figures showing the lowest June quarter since 2008. I'd figures showing the lowest June quarter since 2008. I'd also figures showing the lowest June quarter since 2008. I'd also like figures showing the lowest June quarter since 2008. I'd also like to quarter since 2008. I'd also like to point quarter since 2008. I'd also like to point out quarter since 2008. I'd also like to point out to quarter since 2008. I'd also like to point out to the quarter since 2008. I'd also like to point out to the member quarter since 2008. I'd also like to point out to the member that quarter since 2008. I'd also like to point out to the member that 120,000 point out to the member that 120,000 beneficiaries point out to the member that 120,000 beneficiaries have point out to the member that 120,000 beneficiaries have access point out to the member that 120,000 beneficiaries have access to beneficiaries have access to intensive beneficiaries have access to intensive work-focussed beneficiaries have access to intensive work-focussed case intensive work-focussed case management, intensive work-focussed case management, which intensive work-focussed case management, which is intensive work-focussed case management, which is helping intensive work-focussed case management, which is helping more intensive work-focussed case management, which is helping more of management, which is helping more of them management, which is helping more of them into management, which is helping more of them into independence. management, which is helping more of them into independence. And management, which is helping more of them into independence. And I'd management, which is helping more of them into independence. And I'd say them into independence. And I'd say to them into independence. And I'd say to that them into independence. And I'd say to that member, them into independence. And I'd say to that member, MSD them into independence. And I'd say to that member, MSD has them into independence. And I'd say to that member, MSD has been to that member, MSD has been incredibly to that member, MSD has been incredibly supportive to that member, MSD has been incredibly supportive of to that member, MSD has been incredibly supportive of the incredibly supportive of the approach incredibly supportive of the approach and incredibly supportive of the approach and just incredibly supportive of the approach and just recently approach and just recently transferred approach and just recently transferred 11.38 approach and just recently transferred 11.38 million approach and just recently transferred 11.38 million dollars approach and just recently transferred 11.38 million dollars in transferred 11.38 million dollars in contracts transferred 11.38 million dollars in contracts and transferred 11.38 million dollars in contracts and funding transferred 11.38 million dollars in contracts and funding to transferred 11.38 million dollars in contracts and funding to the contracts and funding to the commissioning contracts and funding to the commissioning agents contracts and funding to the commissioning agents and contracts and funding to the commissioning agents and tranche commissioning agents and tranche three commissioning agents and tranche contracts commissioning agents and tranche three sees more commissioning agents and tranche three sees more to commissioning agents and tranche three sees more to come. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Associate My question is to the Associate Minister My question is to the Associate Minister of My question is to the Associate Minister of Transport: Associate Minister of Transport: What Associate Minister of Transport: What announcement What announcement has What announcement has the What announcement has the Government What announcement has the Government recently What announcement has the Government recently made has the Government recently made around has the Government recently made around the has the Government recently made around the use has the Government recently made around the use of has the Government recently made around the use of Bluetooth around the use of Bluetooth technology around the use of Bluetooth technology in around the use of Bluetooth technology in the around the use of Bluetooth technology in the South around the use of Bluetooth technology in the South Island technology in the South Island to technology in the South Island to deliver technology in the South Island to deliver information to deliver information for to deliver information for visiting to deliver information for visiting drivers? Mr Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, last Mr Speaker, last month Mr Speaker, last month the Mr Speaker, last month the Minister Mr Speaker, last month the Minister of Mr Speaker, last month the Minister of Transport, Mr Speaker, last month the Minister of Transport, Simon Mr Speaker, last month the Minister of Transport, Simon bridges, Mr Speaker, last month the Minister of Transport, Simon bridges, and of Transport, Simon bridges, and myself of Transport, Simon bridges, and myself I of Transport, Simon bridges, and myself I a of Transport, Simon bridges, and myself I a nounsed of Transport, Simon bridges, and myself I a nounsed a of Transport, Simon bridges, and myself I a nounsed a trial of Transport, Simon bridges, and myself I a nounsed a trial of of Transport, Simon bridges, and myself I a nounsed a trial of blue myself I a nounsed a trial of blue blue myself I a nounsed a trial of blue blue technology myself I a nounsed a trial of blue blue technology to myself I a nounsed a trial of blue blue technology to deliver myself I a nounsed a trial of blue blue technology to deliver audio blue technology to deliver audio information blue technology to deliver audio information messengers blue technology to deliver audio information messengers to blue technology to deliver audio information messengers to rental blue technology to deliver audio information messengers to rental car information messengers to rental car drivers information messengers to rental car drivers on information messengers to rental car drivers on the information messengers to rental car drivers on the popular information messengers to rental car drivers on the popular Christchurch drivers on the popular Christchurch to drivers on the popular Christchurch to Queensland drivers on the popular Christchurch to Queensland route. drivers on the popular Christchurch to Queensland route. The drivers on the popular Christchurch to Queensland route. The trial drivers on the popular Christchurch to Queensland route. The trial is to Queensland route. The trial is being to Queensland route. The trial is being run to Queensland route. The trial is being run by to Queensland route. The trial is being run by the to Queensland route. The trial is being run by the NZ to Queensland route. The trial is being run by the NZ Transport to Queensland route. The trial is being run by the NZ Transport Agency being run by the NZ Transport Agency in being run by the NZ Transport Agency in partnership being run by the NZ Transport Agency in partnership with being run by the NZ Transport Agency in partnership with two being run by the NZ Transport Agency in partnership with two companies, in partnership with two companies, HMI in partnership with two companies, HMI Technologies in partnership with two companies, HMI Technologies and in partnership with two companies, HMI Technologies and Go in partnership with two companies, HMI Technologies and Go Rentals. HMI Technologies and Go Rentals. Audible HMI Technologies and Go Rentals. Audible safety HMI Technologies and Go Rentals. Audible safety messages HMI Technologies and Go Rentals. Audible safety messages will HMI Technologies and Go Rentals. Audible safety messages will be HMI Technologies and Go Rentals. Audible safety messages will be sent Audible safety messages will be sent by Audible safety messages will be sent by roadside Audible safety messages will be sent by roadside transmitters Audible safety messages will be sent by roadside transmitters via by roadside transmitters via Bluetooth by roadside transmitters via HMI by roadside transmitters via Bluetooth to devices by roadside transmitters via Bluetooth to devices fitted by roadside transmitters via Bluetooth to devices fitted in Bluetooth to devices fitted in rental Bluetooth to devices fitted in rental vehicles. Bluetooth to devices fitted in rental vehicles. I Bluetooth to devices fitted in rental vehicles. I invite Bluetooth to devices fitted in rental vehicles. I invite members Bluetooth to devices fitted in rental vehicles. I invite members to rental vehicles. I invite members to view rental vehicles. I invite members to view the rental vehicles. I invite members to view the information rental vehicles. I invite members to view the information about rental vehicles. I invite members to view the information about the rental vehicles. I invite members to view the information about the trial view the information about the trial on view the information about the trial on the view the information about the trial on the Go view the information about the trial on the Go Rentals view the information about the trial on the Go Rentals website. view the information about the trial on the Go Rentals website. The view the information about the trial on the Go Rentals website. The site on the Go Rentals website. The site includes on the Go Rentals website. The site includes a on the Go Rentals website. The site includes a map on the Go Rentals website. The site includes a map where on the Go Rentals website. The site includes a map where the includes a map where the transmitters includes a map where the transmitters are includes a map where the transmitters are and includes a map where the transmitters are and general transmitters are and general information transmitters are and general information about transmitters are and general information about the transmitters are and general information about the trial. transmitters are and general information about the trial. I transmitters are and general information about the trial. I ubdz information about the trial. I ubdz stand information about the trial. I ubdz stand the information about the trial. I ubdz stand the trial information about the trial. I ubdz stand the trial is information about the trial. I ubdz stand the trial is going information about the trial. I ubdz stand the trial is going very information about the trial. I ubdz stand the trial is going very well stand the trial is going very well and stand the trial is going very well and that stand the trial is going very well and that the stand the trial is going very well and that the numbers stand the trial is going very well and that the numbers of stand the trial is going very well and that the numbers of those and that the numbers of those participating and that the numbers of those participating has and that the numbers of those participating has already and that the numbers of those participating has already exceeded participating has already exceeded expectations. expectations. How expectations. How will expectations. How will this expectations. How will this trial expectations. How will this trial complement expectations. How will this trial complement other How will this trial complement other initiatives How will this trial complement other initiatives to How will this trial complement other initiatives to assist How will this trial complement other initiatives to assist visiting initiatives to assist visiting drivers, initiatives to assist visiting expectations. initiatives to assist visiting drivers, especially those initiatives to assist visiting drivers, especially those travelling drivers, especially those travelling in drivers, especially those travelling in Southland? in Southland? This in Southland? This technology in Southland? This technology has in Southland? This technology has the in Southland? This technology has the potential in Southland? This technology has the potential to This technology has the potential to improve This technology has the potential to improve safety This technology has the potential to improve safety outcomes This technology has the potential to improve safety outcomes in This technology has the potential to improve safety outcomes in remote improve safety outcomes in remote locations improve safety outcomes in remote locations which improve safety outcomes in remote locations which are improve safety outcomes in remote locations which are the improve safety outcomes in remote locations which are the drawcards locations which are the drawcards for locations which are the drawcards for many locations which are the drawcards for many of locations which are the drawcards for many of our locations which are the drawcards for many of our visiting locations which are the drawcards for many of our visiting drivers. for many of our visiting drivers. This for many of our visiting drivers. This trial for many of our visiting drivers. This trial will for many of our visiting drivers. This trial will compliment for many of our visiting drivers. This trial will compliment the for many of our visiting drivers. This trial will compliment the many This trial will compliment the many other This trial will compliment the many other initiatives This trial will compliment the many other initiatives which This trial will compliment the many other initiatives which are This trial will compliment the many other initiatives which are already other initiatives which are already in other initiatives which are already in place other initiatives which are already in place to other initiatives which are already in place to provide other initiatives which are already in place to provide visitors other initiatives which are already in place to provide visitors with in place to provide visitors with road in place to provide visitors with road safety in place to provide visitors with road safety information in place to provide visitors with road safety information at in place to provide visitors with road safety information at each road safety information at each stage road safety information at each stage of road safety information at each stage of their road safety information at each stage of their journey road safety information at each stage of their journey and road safety information at each stage of their journey and holiday stage of their journey and holiday in stage of their journey and holiday in New stage of their journey and holiday in New Zealand stage of their journey and holiday in New Zealand - stage of their journey and holiday in New Zealand - planning, stage of their journey and holiday in New Zealand - planning, booking, in New Zealand - planning, booking, arriving in New Zealand - planning, booking, arriving in in New Zealand - planning, booking, arriving in New in New Zealand - planning, booking, arriving in New Zealand, in New Zealand - planning, booking, arriving in New Zealand, inflight arriving in New Zealand, inflight information arriving in New Zealand, inflight information and arriving in New Zealand, inflight information and when, arriving in New Zealand, inflight information and when, on arriving in New Zealand, inflight information and when, on our arriving in New Zealand, inflight information and when, on our roads. information and when, on our roads. This information and when, on our roads. This includes information and when, on our roads. This includes providing information and when, on our roads. This includes providing information This includes providing information for This includes providing information for those This includes providing information for those who This includes providing information for those who are This includes providing information for those who are obtaining This includes providing information for those who are obtaining visas This includes providing information for those who are obtaining visas to for those who are obtaining visas to come for those who are obtaining visas to come to for those who are obtaining visas to come to New for those who are obtaining visas to come to New Zealand for those who are obtaining visas to come to New Zealand and for those who are obtaining visas to come to New Zealand and additional come to New Zealand and additional $25 come to New Zealand and additional $25 million come to New Zealand and additional $25 million investment come to New Zealand and additional $25 million investment in come to New Zealand and additional $25 million investment in the $25 million investment in the southern $25 million investment in the southern regions $25 million investment in the southern regions of $25 million investment in the southern regions of New $25 million investment in the southern regions of New Zealand, $25 million investment in the southern regions of New Zealand, for southern regions of New Zealand, for funding southern regions of New Zealand, for funding road southern regions of New Zealand, for funding road improvements southern regions of New Zealand, for funding road improvements and southern regions of New Zealand, for funding road improvements and making funding road improvements and making improvements funding road improvements and making improvements to funding road improvements and making improvements to roadsides funding road improvements and making improvements to roadsides on funding road improvements and making improvements to roadsides on popular improvements to roadsides on popular tourist improvements to roadsides on popular tourist spots, improvements to roadsides on popular tourist spots, ib improvements to roadsides on popular tourist spots, ib colluding, improvements to roadsides on popular tourist spots, ib colluding, of tourist spots, ib colluding, of course, tourist spots, ib colluding, of tourist tourist spots, ib colluding, of course, those in tourist spots, ib colluding, of course, those in the tourist spots, ib colluding, of course, those in the Southland tourist spots, ib colluding, of course, those in the Southland area. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Police: Minister of Police: Does Minister of Police: Does she Minister of Police: Does she stand Minister of Police: Does she stand by Does she stand by all Does she stand by all her Does she stand by all her statements; Does she stand by all her statements; if Does she stand by all her statements; if so, Does she stand by all her statements; if so, how? Mr Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, yes. Mr Speaker, yes. And Mr Speaker, yes. And as Mr Speaker, yes. And as to Mr Speaker, yes. And as to how, Mr Speaker, yes. And as to how, I've Mr Speaker, yes. And as to how, I've been Mr Speaker, yes. And as to how, I've been told Mr Speaker, yes. And as to how, I've been told quite Mr Speaker, yes. And as to how, I've been told quite brilliantly Mr Speaker, yes. And as to how, I've been told quite brilliantly and Mr Speaker, yes. And as to how, I've been told quite brilliantly and yet been told quite brilliantly and yet with been told quite brilliantly and yet with modest been told quite brilliantly and yet with modest ty. with modest ty. Thank with modest ty. Thank you. with modest ty. Thank you. To with modest ty. Thank you. To the with modest ty. Thank you. To the Minister with modest ty. Thank you. To the Minister - with modest ty. Thank you. To the Minister - which Thank you. To the Minister - which of Thank you. To the Minister - which of these Thank you. To the Minister - which of these does Thank you. To the Minister - which of these does she Thank you. To the Minister - which of these does she stand Thank you. To the Minister - which of these does she stand by Thank you. To the Minister - which of these does she stand by - Thank you. To the Minister - which of these does she stand by - TB Thank you. To the Minister - which of these does she stand by - TB 3 of these does she stand by - TB 3 The of these does she stand by - TB 3 The Nation's of these does she stand by - TB 3 The Nation's programme of these does she stand by - TB 3 The Nation's programme on of these does she stand by - TB 3 The Nation's programme on 12 of these does she stand by - TB 3 The Nation's programme on 12 June The Nation's programme on 12 June when The Nation's programme on 12 June when she The Nation's programme on 12 June when she said The Nation's programme on 12 June when she said she The Nation's programme on 12 June when she said she was The Nation's programme on 12 June when she said she was quote when she said she was quote "confident when she said she was quote "confident of when she said she was quote "confident of reducing when she said she was quote "confident of reducing overall when she said she was quote "confident of reducing overall crime "confident of reducing overall crime and "confident of reducing overall crime and violent "confident of reducing overall crime and violent crime, "confident of reducing overall crime and violent crime, including and violent crime, including domestic and violent crime, including domestic violence and violent crime, including domestic violence by 20%", and violent crime, including domestic violence by 20%", end and violent crime, including domestic violence by 20%", end of domestic violence by 20%", end of quote domestic violence by 20%", end of quote or domestic violence by 20%", end of quote or was domestic violence by 20%", end of quote or was it domestic violence by 20%", end of quote or was it yesterday domestic violence by 20%", end of quote or was it yesterday when domestic violence by 20%", end of quote or was it yesterday when she quote or was it yesterday when she said, quote or was it yesterday when she said, quote, quote or was it yesterday when she said, quote, "There quote or was it yesterday when she said, quote, "There aren't quote or was it yesterday when she said, quote, "There aren't enough said, quote, "There aren't enough police" said, quote, "There aren't enough police" end said, quote, "There aren't enough police" end of said, quote, "There aren't enough police" end of quote said, quote, "There aren't enough police" end of quote and said, quote, "There aren't enough police" end of quote and that police" end of quote and that family, police" end of quote and that family, and police" end of quote and that family, and quote police" end of quote and that family, and quote "family police" end of quote and that family, and quote "family violence family, and quote "family violence rates family, and quote "family violence rates had family, and quote "family violence rates had increased family, and quote "family violence rates had increased and family, and quote "family violence rates had increased and put family, and quote "family violence rates had increased and put pressure rates had increased and put pressure on rates had increased and put pressure on police rates had increased and put pressure on police resources", rates had increased and put pressure on police resources", end rates had increased and put pressure on police resources", end of rates had increased and put pressure on police resources", end of quote. on police resources", end of quote. Both. on police resources", end of quote. Both. One on police resources", end of quote. Both. One is on police resources", end of quote. Both. One is about on police resources", end of quote. Both. One is about what on police resources", end of quote. Both. One is about what has on police resources", end of quote. Both. One is about what has happened Both. One is about what has happened and Both. One is about what has happened and one, Both. One is about what has happened and one, the Both. One is about what has happened and one, the other Both. One is about what has happened and one, the other is Both. One is about what has happened and one, the other is about Both. One is about what has happened and one, the other is about the and one, the other is about the increased and one, the other is about the increased reporting and one, the other is about the increased reporting of and one, the other is about the increased reporting of family increased reporting of family violence increased reporting of family violence that increased reporting of family violence that we increased reporting of family violence that we expect increased reporting of family violence that we expect to increased reporting of family violence that we expect to go increased reporting of family violence that we expect to go up, violence that we expect to go up, because violence that we expect to go up, because people violence that we expect to go up, because people have violence that we expect to go up, because people have so violence that we expect to go up, because people have so much because people have so much confidence because people have so much because because people have so much confidence in NZ because people have so much confidence in NZ Police. confidence in NZ Police. Who confidence in NZ Police. Who in confidence in NZ Police. Who in the confidence in NZ Police. Who in the far confidence in NZ Police. Who in the far north confidence in NZ Police. Who in the far north did confidence in NZ Police. Who in the far north did she confidence in NZ Police. Who in the far north did she speak Who in the far north did she speak to Who in the far north did she speak to recently Who in the far north did she speak to recently which Who in the far north did she speak to recently which led Who in the far north did she speak to recently which led her Who in the far north did she speak to recently which led her to to recently which led her to conclude to recently which led her to conclude that to recently which led her to conclude that crime to recently which led her to conclude that crime and to recently which led her to conclude that crime and police conclude that crime and police resourcing conclude that crime and police conclude conclude that crime and police resourcing isn't a conclude that crime and police resourcing isn't a big conclude that crime and police resourcing isn't a big issue? resourcing isn't a big issue? I'm resourcing isn't a big issue? I'm not resourcing isn't a big issue? I'm not sure resourcing isn't a big issue? I'm not sure that resourcing isn't a big issue? I'm not sure that I resourcing isn't a big issue? I'm not sure that I said resourcing isn't a big issue? I'm not sure that I said that resourcing isn't a big issue? I'm not sure that I said that at I'm not sure that I said that at all, I'm not sure that I said that at all, but I'm not sure that I said that at all, but I I'm not sure that I said that at all, but I have I'm not sure that I said that at all, but I have spoken I'm not sure that I said that at all, but I have spoken to I'm not sure that I said that at all, but I have spoken to several all, but I have spoken to several people all, but I have spoken to several people in all, but I have spoken to several people in the all, but I have spoken to several people in the far all, but I have spoken to several people in the far north all, but I have spoken to several people in the far north and all, but I have spoken to several people in the far north and many all, but I have spoken to several people in the far north and many say people in the far north and many say it's people in the far north and many say it's never people in the far north and many say it's never been people in the far north and many say it's never been quite people in the far north and many say it's never been quite the people in the far north and many say it's never been quite the same people in the far north and many say it's never been quite the same since it's never been quite the same since the it's never been quite the same since the On it's never been quite the same since the On ral it's never been quite the same since the On ral John it's never been quite the same since the On ral John Carter it's never been quite the same since the On ral John Carter was it's never been quite the same since the On ral John Carter was the the On ral John Carter was the member. On On what On what date On what date was On what date was she On what date was she last On what date was she last in On what date was she last in the On what date was she last in the far On what date was she last in the far north On what date was she last in the far north district On what date was she last in the far north district given On what date was she last in the far north district given she On what date was she last in the far north district given she spent On what date was she last in the far north district given she spent much north district given she spent much of north district given she spent much of the north district given she spent much of the recess north district given she spent much of the recess in north district given she spent much of the recess in the north district given she spent much of the recess in the far north district given she spent much of the recess in the far north north district given she spent much of the recess in the far north of of the recess in the far north of the of the recess in the far north of the United of the recess in the far north of the United States of the recess in the far north of the United States and of the recess in the far north of the United States and Canada? the United States and Canada? Oh the United States and Canada? Oh Mr the United States and Canada? Oh Mr Speaker, the United States and Canada? Oh Mr Speaker, well, the United States and Canada? Oh Mr Speaker, well, the the United States and Canada? Oh Mr Speaker, well, the member's Oh Mr Speaker, well, the member's clearly Oh Mr Speaker, well, the member's clearly a Oh Mr Speaker, well, the member's clearly a bit Oh Mr Speaker, well, the member's clearly a bit jealous Oh Mr Speaker, well, the member's clearly a bit jealous about Oh Mr Speaker, well, the member's clearly a bit jealous about my clearly a bit jealous about my excellent clearly a bit jealous about my excellent fishing clearly a bit jealous about my excellent fishing photos clearly a bit jealous about my excellent fishing photos and clearly a bit jealous about my excellent fishing photos and my excellent fishing photos and my zip-lining. excellent fishing photos and my zip-lining. As excellent fishing photos and my zip-lining. As to excellent fishing photos and my zip-lining. As to the excellent fishing photos and my zip-lining. As to the far excellent fishing photos and my zip-lining. As to the far north, excellent fishing photos and my zip-lining. As to the far north, I zip-lining. As to the far north, I was zip-lining. As to the far north, I was there zip-lining. As to the far north, I was there in zip-lining. As to the far north, I was there in July. zip-lining. As to the far north, I was there in July. I zip-lining. As to the far north, I was there in July. I can't zip-lining. As to the far north, I was there in July. I can't tell zip-lining. As to the far north, I was there in July. I can't tell an was there in July. I can't tell an exact was there in July. I can't tell an exact date was there in July. I can't tell an exact date but was there in July. I can't tell an exact date but I'm was there in July. I can't tell an exact date but I'm happy was there in July. I can't tell an exact date but I'm happy to was there in July. I can't tell an exact date but I'm happy to provide exact date but I'm happy to provide them, exact date but I'm happy to provide them, should exact date but I'm happy to provide them, should he exact date but I'm happy to provide them, should he put exact date but I'm happy to provide them, should he put that exact date but I'm happy to provide them, should he put that on exact date but I'm happy to provide them, should he put that on notice. them, should he put that on notice. It's them, should he put that on notice. It's obviously them, should he put that on notice. It's obviously such them, should he put that on notice. It's obviously such a them, should he put that on notice. It's obviously such a big them, should he put that on notice. It's obviously such a big issue them, should he put that on notice. It's obviously such a big issue for It's obviously such a big issue for him. him. So him. So which him. So which towns him. So which towns has him. So which towns has she him. So which towns has she visited him. So which towns has she visited in So which towns has she visited in the So which towns has she visited in the far So which towns has she visited in the far north So which towns has she visited in the far north district So which towns has she visited in the far north district when So which towns has she visited in the far north district when shep So which towns has she visited in the far north district when shep was the far north district when shep was last the far north district when shep was last there? last there? Specifically. Specifically. The Specifically. The member Specifically. The member really Specifically. The member really does Specifically. The member really does need Specifically. The member really does need to Specifically. The member really does need to put The member really does need to put this The member really does need to put this down The member really does need to put this down as The member really does need to put this down as a The member really does need to put this down as a written The member really does need to put this down as a written question The member really does need to put this down as a written question or this down as a written question or as this down as a written question or as a this down as a written question or as a primary this down as a written question or as a primary question this down as a written question or as a primary question because this down as a written question or as a primary question because I as a primary question because I don't as a primary question because I don't normally as a primary question because I don't normally give as a primary question because I don't normally give a as a primary question because I don't normally give a travel as a primary question because I don't normally give a travel log don't normally give a travel log when don't normally give a travel log when I don't normally give a travel log when I come don't normally give a travel log when I come here don't normally give a travel log when I come here and don't normally give a travel log when I come here and I'm don't normally give a travel log when I come here and I'm going don't normally give a travel log when I come here and I'm going to when I come here and I'm going to talk when I come here and I'm going to talk about when I come here and I'm going to talk about the when I come here and I'm going to talk about the far when I come here and I'm going to talk about the far north. when I come here and I'm going to talk about the far north. I when I come here and I'm going to talk about the far north. I know talk about the far north. I know I've talk about the far north. I know I've been talk about the far north. I know I've been to talk about the far north. I know I've been to Napa talk about the far north. I know I've been to Napa Prison. talk about the far north. I know I've been to Napa Prison. I've talk about the far north. I know I've been to Napa Prison. I've been I've been to Napa Prison. I've been to I've been to Napa Prison. I've been to Kirikir. I've been to Napa Prison. I've been to Kirikir. I've I've been to Napa Prison. I've been to Kirikir. I've been I've been to Napa Prison. I've been to Kirikir. I've been to I've been to Napa Prison. I've been to Kirikir. I've been to various to Kirikir. I've been to various places to Kirikir. I've been to various places in to Kirikir. I've been to various places in Northland. places in Northland. <INTERRUPTION> <INTERRUPTION> And <INTERRUPTION> And actually <INTERRUPTION> And actually Mr <INTERRUPTION> And actually Mr Speaker, <INTERRUPTION> And actually Mr Speaker, all <INTERRUPTION> And actually Mr Speaker, all that And actually Mr Speaker, all that distance And actually Mr Speaker, all that distance in And actually Mr Speaker, all that distance in between And actually Mr Speaker, all that distance in between them. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Immigration: Minister of Immigration: Has Minister of Immigration: Has he Minister of Immigration: Has he seen Minister of Immigration: Has he seen any Minister of Immigration: Has he seen any reports Has he seen any reports that Has he seen any reports that 60 Has he seen any reports that 60 percent Has he seen any reports that 60 percent of Has he seen any reports that 60 percent of New Has he seen any reports that 60 percent of New Zealanders that 60 percent of New Zealanders think that 60 percent of New Zealanders think the that 60 percent of New Zealanders think the Government think the Government should think the Government should let think the Government should let in think the Government should let in fewer think the Government should let in fewer immigrants; should let in fewer immigrants; if should let in fewer immigrants; if so, should let in fewer immigrants; if so, why should let in fewer immigrants; if so, why does should let in fewer immigrants; if so, why does he should let in fewer immigrants; if so, why does he think if so, why does he think New if so, why does he think New Zealanders if so, why does he think New Zealanders are if so, why does he think New Zealanders are becoming New Zealanders are becoming concerned New Zealanders are becoming concerned about New Zealanders are becoming concerned about immigration? Mr Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, yes Mr Speaker, yes I Mr Speaker, yes I have Mr Speaker, yes I have seen Mr Speaker, yes I have seen those Mr Speaker, yes I have seen those reports. Mr Speaker, yes I have seen those reports. There Mr Speaker, yes I have seen those reports. There could Mr Speaker, yes I have seen those reports. There could be Mr Speaker, yes I have seen those reports. There could be many Mr Speaker, yes I have seen those reports. There could be many reasons reports. There could be many reasons why, reports. There could be many reasons why, ranging reports. There could be many reasons why, ranging from reports. There could be many reasons why, ranging from genuine reports. There could be many reasons why, ranging from genuine concern why, ranging from genuine concern for why, ranging from genuine concern for New why, ranging from genuine concern for New Zealanders' why, ranging from genuine concern for New Zealanders' access why, ranging from genuine concern for New Zealanders' access to why, ranging from genuine concern for New Zealanders' access to the for New Zealanders' access to the job for New Zealanders' access to the job market, for New Zealanders' access to the job market, confuse for New Zealanders' access to the job market, confuse between job market, confuse between migration job market, confuse between migration and job market, confuse between migration and immigration job market, confuse between migration and immigration and job market, confuse between migration and immigration and the migration and immigration and the fact migration and immigration and the fact that migration and immigration and the fact that current migration and immigration and the fact that current positive migration and immigration and the fact that current positive migration fact that current positive migration is fact that current positive migration is being fact that current positive migration is being driven fact that current positive migration is being driven predom fact that current positive migration is being driven predom neptly fact that current positive migration is being driven predom neptly by fact that current positive migration is being driven predom neptly by New is being driven predom neptly by New Zealanders' is being driven predom neptly by New Zealanders' movements, Zealanders' movements, sensationalised Zealanders' movements, sensationalised reporting, Zealanders' movements, sensationalised reporting, that sensationalised reporting, that neglects sensationalised reporting, that neglects the sensationalised reporting, that neglects the fact sensationalised reporting, that neglects the fact that sensationalised reporting, that neglects the fact that the neglects the fact that the overwhelming neglects the fact that the overwhelming majority neglects the fact that the overwhelming majority of neglects the fact that the overwhelming majority of migrants overwhelming majority of migrants are overwhelming majority of migrants are on overwhelming majority of migrants are on temporary overwhelming majority of migrants are on temporary visas overwhelming majority of migrants are on temporary visas and overwhelming majority of migrants are on temporary visas and return are on temporary visas and return home, are on temporary visas and return home, as are on temporary visas and return home, as well are on temporary visas and return home, as well as are on temporary visas and return home, as well as some are on temporary visas and return home, as well as some who are on temporary visas and return home, as well as some who are are on temporary visas and return home, as well as some who are being home, as well as some who are being influenced home, as well as some who are being influenced by home, as well as some who are being influenced by scaremongering home, as well as some who are being influenced by scaremongering from influenced by scaremongering from political influenced by scaremongering from political parties influenced by scaremongering from political parties over influenced by scaremongering from political parties over things influenced by scaremongering from political parties over things like political parties over things like Chinese-sounding political parties over things like Chinese-sounding surnames. Chinese-sounding surnames. <INTERRUPTION> <INTERRUPTION> Why <INTERRUPTION> Why - <INTERRUPTION> Why - calm <INTERRUPTION> Why - calm yourself <INTERRUPTION> Why - calm yourself - <INTERRUPTION> Why - calm yourself - why <INTERRUPTION> Why - calm yourself - why did <INTERRUPTION> Why - calm yourself - why did he Why - calm yourself - why did he dismiss Why - calm yourself - why did he dismiss the Why - calm yourself - why did he dismiss the concerns Why - calm yourself - why did he dismiss the concerns raised Why - calm yourself - why did he dismiss the concerns raised by Why - calm yourself - why did he dismiss the concerns raised by MB dismiss the concerns raised by MB and dismiss the concerns raised by MB and Treasury dismiss the concerns raised by MB and Treasury that, dismiss the concerns raised by MB and Treasury that, quote dismiss the concerns raised by MB and Treasury that, quote "we dismiss the concerns raised by MB and Treasury that, quote "we have and Treasury that, quote "we have seen and Treasury that, quote "we have seen increasing and Treasury that, quote "we have seen increasing numbers and Treasury that, quote "we have seen increasing numbers of and Treasury that, quote "we have seen increasing numbers of migrants seen increasing numbers of migrants working seen increasing numbers of migrants working in seen increasing numbers of migrants working in lower seen increasing numbers of migrants working in lower skilled seen increasing numbers of migrants working in lower skilled occupations working in lower skilled occupations with working in lower skilled occupations working working in lower skilled occupations with lower pay"? with lower pay"? On with lower pay"? On the with lower pay"? On the contrary, with lower pay"? On the contrary, thoz with lower pay"? On the contrary, thoz concerns with lower pay"? On the contrary, thoz concerns were On the contrary, thoz concerns were not On the contrary, thoz concerns were not dismissed On the contrary, thoz concerns were not dismissed and On the contrary, thoz concerns were not dismissed and are On the contrary, thoz concerns were not dismissed and are constantly not dismissed and are constantly addressed not dismissed and are constantly addressed by not dismissed and are constantly addressed by the not dismissed and are constantly addressed by the continuous not dismissed and are constantly addressed by the continuous nipping addressed by the continuous nipping and addressed by the continuous nipping and tubbing addressed by the continuous nipping and tubbing of addressed by the continuous nipping and tubbing of immigration addressed by the continuous nipping and tubbing of immigration policy addressed by the continuous nipping and tubbing of immigration policy to and tubbing of immigration policy to ensure and tubbing of immigration policy to ensure it and tubbing of immigration policy to ensure it is and tubbing of immigration policy to ensure it is fit and tubbing of immigration policy to ensure it is fit for and tubbing of immigration policy to ensure it is fit for purpose and tubbing of immigration policy to ensure it is fit for purpose and and tubbing of immigration policy to ensure it is fit for purpose and the ensure it is fit for purpose and the best ensure it is fit for purpose and the best example ensure it is fit for purpose and the best example of ensure it is fit for purpose and the best example of that, ensure it is fit for purpose and the best example of that, I ensure it is fit for purpose and the best example of that, I would best example of that, I would suggest best example of that, I would suggest is best example of that, I would suggest is the best example of that, I would suggest is the 56 best example of that, I would suggest is the 56 occupations best example of that, I would suggest is the 56 occupations that suggest is the 56 occupations that have suggest is the 56 occupations that have been suggest is the 56 occupations that have been removed suggest is the 56 occupations that have been removed from suggest is the 56 occupations that have been removed from skilled have been removed from skilled shortage have been removed from skilled shortage lists have been removed from skilled shortage lists since have been removed from skilled shortage lists since 2013, have been removed from skilled shortage lists since 2013, whereas shortage lists since 2013, whereas only shortage lists since 2013, whereas only five shortage lists since 2013, whereas only five have shortage lists since 2013, whereas only five have been shortage lists since 2013, whereas only five have been added shortage lists since 2013, whereas only five have been added on. shortage lists since 2013, whereas only five have been added on. I only five have been added on. I think only five have been added on. I think that only five have been added on. I think that reflects only five have been added on. I think that reflects a only five have been added on. I think that reflects a very only five have been added on. I think that reflects a very important think that reflects a very important issue. issue. Why issue. Why did issue. Why did the issue. Why did the Government issue. Why did the Government approve issue. Why did the Government approve work Why did the Government approve work visas Why did the Government approve work visas for Why did the Government approve work visas for 2,700 Why did the Government approve work visas for 2,700 sales Why did the Government approve work visas for 2,700 sales workers Why did the Government approve work visas for 2,700 sales workers last visas for 2,700 sales workers last year visas for 2,700 sales workers last year when visas for 2,700 sales workers last year when there visas for 2,700 sales workers last year when there are visas for 2,700 sales workers last year when there are 23,000 year when there are 23,000 unemployed year when there are 23,000 year year when there are 23,000 unemployed sales workers year when there are 23,000 unemployed sales workers already unemployed sales workers already right unemployed sales workers already year unemployed sales workers already right here in unemployed sales workers already right here in New unemployed sales workers already right here in New Zealand? right here in New Zealand? Well, right here in New Zealand? Well, it's right here in New Zealand? Well, it's difficult right here in New Zealand? Well, it's difficult for right here in New Zealand? Well, it's difficult for me right here in New Zealand? Well, it's difficult for me to right here in New Zealand? Well, it's difficult for me to say Well, it's difficult for me to say exactly Well, it's difficult for me to say exactly the Well, it's difficult for me to say exactly the reasons Well, it's difficult for me to say exactly the reasons but Well, it's difficult for me to say exactly the reasons but I Well, it's difficult for me to say exactly the reasons but I would exactly the reasons but I would suggest exactly the reasons but I would suggest that exactly the reasons but I would suggest that there exactly the reasons but I would suggest that there were exactly the reasons but I would suggest that there were two exactly the reasons but I would suggest that there were two main suggest that there were two main reasons. suggest that there were two main reasons. One suggest that there were two main reasons. One was suggest that there were two main reasons. One was that suggest that there were two main reasons. One was that those suggest that there were two main reasons. One was that those work reasons. One was that those work spri reasons. One was that those work spri is reasons. One was that those work spri is as reasons. One was that those work spri is as were reasons. One was that those work spri is as were not reasons. One was that those work spri is as were not subject reasons. One was that those work spri is as were not subject to reasons. One was that those work spri is as were not subject to a spri is as were not subject to a labour spri is as were not subject to a labour market spri is as were not subject to a labour market test spri is as were not subject to a labour market test if, spri is as were not subject to a labour market test if, for spri is as were not subject to a labour market test if, for example, labour market test if, for example, they labour market test if, for example, they were labour market test if, for example, they were the labour market test if, for example, they were the partners labour market test if, for example, they were the partners of labour market test if, for example, they were the partners of people labour market test if, for example, they were the partners of people who they were the partners of people who were they were the partners of people who were already they were the partners of people who were already here. they were the partners of people who were already here. They they were the partners of people who were already here. They may they were the partners of people who were already here. They may have were already here. They may have been were already here. They may have been in were already here. They may have been in area were already here. They may have been in area where were already here. They may have been in area where there were already here. They may have been in area where there is were already here. They may have been in area where there is chronic been in area where there is chronic short been in area where there is chronic short supply been in area where there is chronic short supply of been in area where there is chronic short supply of labour, short supply of labour, notwithstanding short supply of labour, notwithstanding the short supply of labour, notwithstanding the jobseekers short supply of labour, notwithstanding the jobseekers that notwithstanding the jobseekers that Mr notwithstanding the jobseekers that been notwithstanding the jobseekers that Mr Lees-Galloway suggests. notwithstanding the jobseekers that Mr Lees-Galloway suggests. I notwithstanding the jobseekers that Mr Lees-Galloway suggests. I don't Mr Lees-Galloway suggests. I don't know Mr Lees-Galloway suggests. I don't know if Mr Lees-Galloway suggests. I don't know if the Mr Lees-Galloway suggests. I don't know if the number Mr Lees-Galloway suggests. I don't know if the number is Mr Lees-Galloway suggests. I don't know if the number is 23,000, Mr Lees-Galloway suggests. I don't know if the number is 23,000, given know if the number is 23,000, given overall know if the number is 23,000, given overall jobs' know if the number is 23,000, given overall jobs' numbers know if the number is 23,000, given overall jobs' numbers at know if the number is 23,000, given overall jobs' numbers at the know if the number is 23,000, given overall jobs' numbers at the moment overall jobs' numbers at the moment are overall jobs' numbers at the moment are hovering overall jobs' numbers at the moment are hovering around overall jobs' numbers at the moment are hovering around 50. overall jobs' numbers at the moment are hovering around 50. I overall jobs' numbers at the moment are hovering around 50. I would are hovering around 50. I would hazard are hovering around 50. I would hazard a are hovering around 50. I would hazard a dress are hovering around 50. I would hazard a dress that are hovering around 50. I would hazard a dress that there are hovering around 50. I would hazard a dress that there weren't hazard a dress that there weren't half hazard a dress that there weren't half looking hazard a dress that there weren't half looking for hazard a dress that there weren't half looking for sales hazard a dress that there weren't half looking for sales rep hazard a dress that there weren't half looking for sales rep jobs. hazard a dress that there weren't half looking for sales rep jobs. But half looking for sales rep jobs. But it's half looking for sales rep jobs. But it's important half looking for sales rep jobs. But it's important to half looking for sales rep jobs. But it's important to look half looking for sales rep jobs. But it's important to look through half looking for sales rep jobs. But it's important to look through the it's important to look through the numbers it's important to look through the numbers and it's important to look through the numbers and make it's important to look through the numbers and make sure it's important to look through the numbers and make sure the it's important to look through the numbers and make sure the reasons numbers and make sure the reasons for numbers and make sure the reasons for the numbers and make sure the reasons for the work numbers and make sure the reasons for the work visas numbers and make sure the reasons for the work visas being numbers and make sure the reasons for the work visas being granted numbers and make sure the reasons for the work visas being granted are for the work visas being granted are understood. understood. Why understood. Why did understood. Why did the understood. Why did the Government understood. Why did the Government approve understood. Why did the Government approve work Why did the Government approve work visas Why did the Government approve work visas for Why did the Government approve work visas for 6,500 Why did the Government approve work visas for 6,500 labourers Why did the Government approve work visas for 6,500 labourers last Why did the Government approve work visas for 6,500 labourers last year visas for 6,500 labourers last year when visas for 6,500 labourers last year when there visas for 6,500 labourers last year when there are visas for 6,500 labourers last year when there are 23,000 visas for 6,500 labourers last year when there are 23,000 unemployed when there are 23,000 unemployed labourers when there are 23,000 unemployed when when there are 23,000 unemployed labourers right here when there are 23,000 unemployed labourers right here in when there are 23,000 unemployed labourers right here in New when there are 23,000 unemployed labourers right here in New Zealand, labourers right here in New Zealand, ready labourers right here in New Zealand, ready to labourers right here in New Zealand, ready to work? ready to work? So ready to work? So we ready to work? So we don't ready to work? So we don't have ready to work? So we don't have 23,000 ready to work? So we don't have 23,000 unemployed So we don't have 23,000 unemployed labourerers So we don't have 23,000 unemployed labourerers and So we don't have 23,000 unemployed labourerers and 23,000 So we don't have 23,000 unemployed labourerers and 23,000 unemployed labourerers and 23,000 unemployed sales labourerers and 23,000 unemployed sales workers, labourerers and 23,000 unemployed sales workers, that labourerers and 23,000 unemployed sales workers, that represents labourerers and 23,000 unemployed sales workers, that represents 100% sales workers, that represents 100% of sales workers, that represents 100% of jobseeker sales workers, that represents 100% of jobseeker support sales workers, that represents 100% of jobseeker support numbers sales workers, that represents 100% of jobseeker support numbers right of jobseeker support numbers right now. of jobseeker support numbers right now. I of jobseeker support numbers right now. I would of jobseeker support numbers right now. I would suggest of jobseeker support numbers right now. I would suggest those of jobseeker support numbers right now. I would suggest those numbers now. I would suggest those numbers be now. I would suggest those numbers be viewed now. I would suggest those numbers be viewed with now. I would suggest those numbers be viewed with a now. I would suggest those numbers be viewed with a great now. I would suggest those numbers be viewed with a great deal now. I would suggest those numbers be viewed with a great deal of be viewed with a great deal of caution. be viewed with a great deal of caution. But be viewed with a great deal of caution. But the be viewed with a great deal of caution. But the simple be viewed with a great deal of caution. But the simple answer be viewed with a great deal of caution. But the simple answer to caution. But the simple answer to the caution. But the simple answer to the question caution. But the simple answer to the question is caution. But the simple answer to the question is that caution. But the simple answer to the question is that there caution. But the simple answer to the question is that there wasn't caution. But the simple answer to the question is that there wasn't a the question is that there wasn't a New the question is that there wasn't a New Zealander the question is that there wasn't a New Zealander available the question is that there wasn't a New Zealander available to the question is that there wasn't a New Zealander available to do the question is that there wasn't a New Zealander available to do the New Zealander available to do the job New Zealander available to do the job in New Zealander available to do the job in the New Zealander available to do the job in the place New Zealander available to do the job in the place where New Zealander available to do the job in the place where the New Zealander available to do the job in the place where the work New Zealander available to do the job in the place where the work was. job in the place where the work was. And job in the place where the work was. And I job in the place where the work was. And I note job in the place where the work was. And I note further job in the place where the work was. And I note further that job in the place where the work was. And I note further that we job in the place where the work was. And I note further that we now job in the place where the work was. And I note further that we now have And I note further that we now have moved And I note further that we now have moved a And I note further that we now have moved a long And I note further that we now have moved a long way And I note further that we now have moved a long way away And I note further that we now have moved a long way away from And I note further that we now have moved a long way away from the, moved a long way away from the, where moved a long way away from the, where are moved a long way away from the, where are the moved a long way away from the, where are the jobs moved a long way away from the, where are the jobs call moved a long way away from the, where are the jobs call now, moved a long way away from the, where are the jobs call now, because where are the jobs call now, because the where are the jobs call now, because the jobs where are the jobs call now, because the jobs are where are the jobs call now, because the jobs are definitely where are the jobs call now, because the jobs are definitely been where are the jobs call now, because the jobs are definitely been made where are the jobs call now, because the jobs are definitely been made by the jobs are definitely been made by a the jobs are definitely been made by a growing the jobs are definitely been made by a growing economy the jobs are definitely been made by a growing economy in the jobs are definitely been made by a growing economy in this the jobs are definitely been made by a growing economy in this country. a growing economy in this country. Order! Order! Why Order! Why is Order! Why is the Order! Why is the Government Order! Why is the Government issuing Order! Why is the Government issuing work Why is the Government issuing work visas Why is the Government issuing work visas to Why is the Government issuing work visas to fill Why is the Government issuing work visas to fill the Why is the Government issuing work visas to fill the jobs Why is the Government issuing work visas to fill the jobs that Why is the Government issuing work visas to fill the jobs that tens Why is the Government issuing work visas to fill the jobs that tens of visas to fill the jobs that tens of thousands visas to fill the jobs that tens of thousands of visas to fill the jobs that tens of thousands of unemployed visas to fill the jobs that tens of thousands of unemployed Kyoto thousands of unemployed Kyoto whiches thousands of unemployed Kyoto Order! thousands of unemployed Kyoto whiches want? A thousands of unemployed Kyoto whiches want? A policy thousands of unemployed Kyoto whiches want? A policy that thousands of unemployed Kyoto whiches want? A policy that leaves whiches want? A policy that leaves -- whiches want? A policy that leaves -- Kiwis whiches want? A policy that leaves -- Kiwis want? whiches want? A policy that leaves -- Kiwis want? A whiches want? A policy that leaves -- Kiwis want? A policy whiches want? A policy that leaves -- Kiwis want? A policy that whiches want? A policy that leaves -- Kiwis want? A policy that leads -- Kiwis want? A policy that leads new -- Kiwis want? A policy that leads new migrants -- Kiwis want? A policy that leads new migrants vulnerable -- Kiwis want? A policy that leads new migrants vulnerable and -- Kiwis want? A policy that leads new migrants vulnerable and leads -- Kiwis want? A policy that leads new migrants vulnerable and leads to new migrants vulnerable and leads to fewer new migrants vulnerable and leads to fewer jobs new migrants vulnerable and leads to fewer jobs with new migrants vulnerable and leads to fewer jobs with lower new migrants vulnerable and leads to fewer jobs with lower wages new migrants vulnerable and leads to fewer jobs with lower wages for fewer jobs with lower wages for Kiwis? Kiwis? I'm Kiwis? I'm glad Kiwis? I'm glad to Kiwis? I'm glad to note Kiwis? I'm glad to note the Kiwis? I'm glad to note the Labour Kiwis? I'm glad to note the Labour Party Kiwis? I'm glad to note the Labour Party is I'm glad to note the Labour Party is now I'm glad to note the Labour Party is now acknowledging I'm glad to note the Labour Party is now acknowledging there I'm glad to note the Labour Party is now acknowledging there are I'm glad to note the Labour Party is now acknowledging there are jobs I'm glad to note the Labour Party is now acknowledging there are jobs for now acknowledging there are jobs for every now acknowledging there are jobs for every single now acknowledging there are jobs for every single New now acknowledging there are jobs for every single New Zealander now acknowledging there are jobs for every single New Zealander who now acknowledging there are jobs for every single New Zealander who wants every single New Zealander who wants them every single New Zealander who wants them in every single New Zealander who wants them in this every single New Zealander who wants them in this growing every single New Zealander who wants them in this growing economy. every single New Zealander who wants them in this growing economy. But every single New Zealander who wants them in this growing economy. But it them in this growing economy. But it would them in this growing economy. But it would be them in this growing economy. But it would be naive them in this growing economy. But it would be naive to them in this growing economy. But it would be naive to think them in this growing economy. But it would be naive to think that them in this growing economy. But it would be naive to think that there would be naive to think that there weren't would be naive to think that there weren't barriers would be naive to think that there weren't barriers to would be naive to think that there weren't barriers to employment would be naive to think that there weren't barriers to employment for weren't barriers to employment for some weren't barriers to employment for some of weren't barriers to employment for some of those weren't barriers to employment for some of those New weren't barriers to employment for some of those New Zealanders. weren't barriers to employment for some of those New Zealanders. The some of those New Zealanders. The Minister some of those New Zealanders. The Minister of some of those New Zealanders. The Minister of Tertiary some of those New Zealanders. The Minister of Tertiary Education some of those New Zealanders. The Minister of Tertiary Education and Minister of Tertiary Education and Employment, Minister of Tertiary Education and Employment, the Minister of Tertiary Education and Employment, the Minister Minister of Tertiary Education and Employment, the Minister of Minister of Tertiary Education and Employment, the Minister of Social Employment, the Minister of Social Development Employment, the Minister of Social Development and Employment, the Minister of Social Development and I Employment, the Minister of Social Development and I are Employment, the Minister of Social Development and I are working Development and I are working extremely Development and I are working extremely hard Development and I are working extremely hard to Development and I are working extremely hard to remove Development and I are working extremely hard to remove those extremely hard to remove those barriers, extremely hard to remove those barriers, geography, extremely hard to remove those barriers, geography, training barriers, geography, training skills, barriers, geography, training skills, recreational barriers, geography, training skills, recreational drug barriers, geography, training skills, recreational drug and skills, recreational drug and alcohol skills, recreational drug and alcohol adeuce skills, recreational drug and alcohol adeuce -- skills, recreational drug and alcohol adeuce -- abuse skills, recreational drug and alcohol adeuce -- abuse that skills, recreational drug and alcohol adeuce -- abuse that thesed alcohol adeuce -- abuse that thesed to alcohol adeuce -- abuse that thesed to needs alcohol adeuce -- abuse that thesed to needs to alcohol adeuce -- abuse that thesed to needs to be alcohol adeuce -- abuse that thesed to needs to be addressed alcohol adeuce -- abuse that thesed to needs to be addressed before to needs to be addressed before work. to needs to be addressed before work. We're to needs to be addressed before work. We're working to needs to be addressed before work. We're working hard to needs to be addressed before work. We're working hard to to needs to be addressed before work. We're working hard to make work. We're working hard to make sure work. We're working hard to make sure every work. We're working hard to make sure every young work. We're working hard to make sure every young New work. We're working hard to make sure every young New Zealander work. We're working hard to make sure every young New Zealander is sure every young New Zealander is fit sure every young New Zealander is fit for sure every young New Zealander is fit for work. fit for work. Is fit for work. Is the fit for work. Is the Minister fit for work. Is the Minister surprised fit for work. Is the Minister surprised he fit for work. Is the Minister surprised he has fit for work. Is the Minister surprised he has so Is the Minister surprised he has so many Is the Minister surprised he has so many anti-immigration Is the Minister surprised he has so many anti-immigration questions Is the Minister surprised he has so many anti-immigration questions from many anti-immigration questions from Labour many anti-immigration questions from Labour these many anti-immigration questions from Labour these days, many anti-immigration questions from Labour these days, given many anti-immigration questions from Labour these days, given that Labour these days, given that previous Labour these days, given that previous Labour Labour these days, given that previous Labour leaders Labour these days, given that previous Labour leaders have Labour these days, given that previous Labour leaders have so previous Labour leaders have so viciously previous Labour leaders have so viciously attacked previous Labour leaders have so viciously attacked New previous Labour leaders have so viciously attacked New Zealand previous Labour leaders have so viciously attacked New Zealand First viciously attacked New Zealand First and viciously attacked New Zealand First and Winston viciously attacked New Zealand First and Winston Peters viciously attacked New Zealand First and Winston Peters on viciously attacked New Zealand First and Winston Peters on the viciously attacked New Zealand First and Winston Peters on the very viciously attacked New Zealand First and Winston Peters on the very same and Winston Peters on the very same topic? topic? Order! topic? Order! No, topic? Order! No, I topic? Order! No, I will topic? Order! No, I will hear topic? Order! No, I will hear from topic? Order! No, I will hear from Chris Order! No, I will hear from Chris Hipkins. Hipkins. Mr Hipkins. Mr Speaker, Hipkins. Mr Speaker, the Hipkins. Mr Speaker, the minister Hipkins. Mr Speaker, the minister is Hipkins. Mr Speaker, the minister is not Mr Speaker, the minister is not responsible Mr Speaker, the minister is not responsible for Mr Speaker, the minister is not responsible for questions Mr Speaker, the minister is not responsible for questions that Mr Speaker, the minister is not responsible for questions that the responsible for questions that the Opposition responsible for questions that the Opposition asks. responsible for questions that the Opposition asks. I responsible for questions that the Opposition asks. I can't responsible for questions that the Opposition asks. I can't see responsible for questions that the Opposition asks. I can't see there's Opposition asks. I can't see there's any Opposition asks. I can't see there's any ministerial Opposition asks. I can't see there's any ministerial responsibility Opposition asks. I can't see there's any ministerial responsibility any any ministerial responsibility any way. any ministerial responsibility any way. T any ministerial responsibility any way. T we're any ministerial responsibility any way. T we're moving any ministerial responsibility any way. T we're moving on. any ministerial responsibility any way. T we're moving on. Further way. T we're moving on. Further supplementaries? supplementaries? By supplementaries? By reports supplementaries? By reports from supplementaries? By reports from political supplementaries? By reports from political parties By reports from political parties who By reports from political parties who formed By reports from political parties who formed a By reports from political parties who formed a coalition By reports from political parties who formed a coalition recently By reports from political parties who formed a coalition recently - who formed a coalition recently - when who formed a coalition recently - when we who formed a coalition recently - when we have who formed a coalition recently - when we have questions who formed a coalition recently - when we have questions such who formed a coalition recently - when we have questions such as who formed a coalition recently - when we have questions such as this, when we have questions such as this, and when we have questions such as this, and he's when we have questions such as this, and he's asked when we have questions such as this, and he's asked to when we have questions such as this, and he's asked to answer when we have questions such as this, and he's asked to answer questions and he's asked to answer questions such and he's asked to answer questions such as and he's asked to answer questions such as this, and he's asked to answer questions such as this, and and he's asked to answer questions such as this, and then and he's asked to answer questions such as this, and then the and he's asked to answer questions such as this, and then the leader and he's asked to answer questions such as this, and then the leader of such as this, and then the leader of the such as this, and then the leader of the Green such as this, and then the leader of the Green Party such as this, and then the leader of the Green Party goes such as this, and then the leader of the Green Party goes on such as this, and then the leader of the Green Party goes on radio such as this, and then the leader of the Green Party goes on radio and the Green Party goes on radio and says... the Green Party goes on radio and says... Order! the Green Party goes on radio and says... Order! No the Green Party goes on radio and says... Order! No Minister the Green Party goes on radio and says... Order! No Minister has says... Order! No Minister has responsibility says... Order! No Minister has responsibility whatsoever. says... Order! No Minister has responsibility whatsoever. Order! responsibility whatsoever. Order! I responsibility whatsoever. Order! I hope responsibility whatsoever. Order! I hope it's responsibility whatsoever. Order! I hope it's a responsibility whatsoever. Order! I hope it's a point responsibility whatsoever. Order! I hope it's a point of responsibility whatsoever. Order! I hope it's a point of order responsibility whatsoever. Order! I hope it's a point of order but responsibility whatsoever. Order! I hope it's a point of order but I I hope it's a point of order but I hope I hope it's a point of order but I hope it's I hope it's a point of order but I hope it's not I hope it's a point of order but I hope it's not in I hope it's a point of order but I hope it's not in any I hope it's a point of order but I hope it's not in any way I hope it's a point of order but I hope it's not in any way contested hope it's not in any way contested the hope it's not in any way contested the decision hope it's not in any way contested the decision I've hope it's not in any way contested the decision I've just hope it's not in any way contested the decision I've just made. hope it's not in any way contested the decision I've just made. I hope it's not in any way contested the decision I've just made. I need the decision I've just made. I need your the decision I've just made. I need your assurance the decision I've just made. I need your assurance Mr the decision I've just made. I need your assurance Mr Speaker the decision I've just made. I need your assurance Mr Speaker that the decision I've just made. I need your assurance Mr Speaker that when your assurance Mr Speaker that when Ministers your assurance Mr Speaker that when Ministers are your assurance Mr Speaker that when Ministers are asked your assurance Mr Speaker that when Ministers are asked if your assurance Mr Speaker that when Ministers are asked if they've your assurance Mr Speaker that when Ministers are asked if they've read Ministers are asked if they've read reports Ministers are asked if they've read reports on Ministers are asked if they've read reports on issues Ministers are asked if they've read reports on issues that Ministers are asked if they've read reports on issues that affect Ministers are asked if they've read reports on issues that affect their reports on issues that affect their portfolio, reports on issues that affect their portfolio, they reports on issues that affect their portfolio, they that reports on issues that affect their portfolio, they that going reports on issues that affect their portfolio, they that going forward portfolio, they that going forward that portfolio, they that going forward portfolio, portfolio, they that going forward that such question portfolio, they that going forward that such question also portfolio, they that going forward that such question also stand portfolio, they that going forward that such question also stand as that such question also stand as legitimate? that such question also stand as legitimate? I that such question also stand as legitimate? I will that such question also stand as legitimate? I will hear that such question also stand as legitimate? I will hear from that such question also stand as legitimate? I will hear from the legitimate? I will hear from the member. legitimate? I will hear from the member. There legitimate? I will hear from the member. There is legitimate? I will hear from the member. There is no legitimate? I will hear from the member. There is no way legitimate? I will hear from the member. There is no way that legitimate? I will hear from the member. There is no way that a legitimate? I will hear from the member. There is no way that a scrap member. There is no way that a scrap between member. There is no way that a scrap between Labour, member. There is no way that a scrap between Labour, the member. There is no way that a scrap between Labour, the Greens member. There is no way that a scrap between Labour, the Greens and member. There is no way that a scrap between Labour, the Greens and New between Labour, the Greens and New Zealand between Labour, the Greens and New Zealand First between Labour, the Greens and New Zealand First affects between Labour, the Greens and New Zealand First affects the between Labour, the Greens and New Zealand First affects the Minister's Zealand First affects the Minister's portfolio. Zealand First affects the Minister's portfolio. I Zealand First affects the Minister's portfolio. I was Zealand First affects the Minister's portfolio. I was hoping Zealand First affects the Minister's portfolio. I was hoping I Zealand First affects the Minister's portfolio. I was hoping I would Zealand First affects the Minister's portfolio. I was hoping I would get portfolio. I was hoping I would get something portfolio. I was hoping I would get something useful portfolio. I was hoping I would get something useful from portfolio. I was hoping I would get something useful from Mr portfolio. I was hoping I would get something useful from Mr Browning. something useful from Mr Browning. In something useful from Mr Browning. something something useful from Mr Browning. In some ways something useful from Mr Browning. In some ways I something useful from Mr Browning. In some ways I have. something useful from Mr Browning. In some ways I have. It something useful from Mr Browning. In some ways I have. It is something useful from Mr Browning. In some ways I have. It is not something useful from Mr Browning. In some ways I have. It is not only In some ways I have. It is not only the In some ways I have. It is not only the word, In some ways I have. It is not only the word, have In some ways I have. It is not only the word, have you In some ways I have. It is not only the word, have you seen In some ways I have. It is not only the word, have you seen any In some ways I have. It is not only the word, have you seen any reports the word, have you seen any reports that the word, have you seen any reports that matter, the word, have you seen any reports that matter, it's the word, have you seen any reports that matter, it's the the word, have you seen any reports that matter, it's the total the word, have you seen any reports that matter, it's the total context that matter, it's the total context of that matter, it's the total context of the that matter, it's the total context of the question that matter, it's the total context of the question and that matter, it's the total context of the question and there that matter, it's the total context of the question and there is that matter, it's the total context of the question and there is simply of the question and there is simply no of the question and there is simply no ministerial of the question and there is simply no ministerial responsibility. no ministerial responsibility. The no ministerial responsibility. The member no ministerial responsibility. The member I no ministerial responsibility. The member I think no ministerial responsibility. The member I think has no ministerial responsibility. The member I think has used... no ministerial responsibility. The member I think has used... . The member I think has used... . That. That. What That. What difference That. What difference is That. What difference is there That. What difference is there between That. What difference is there between his What difference is there between his immigration What difference is there between his immigration policy What difference is there between his immigration policy and What difference is there between his immigration policy and his immigration policy and his Government's immigration policy and his Government's beliefs immigration policy and his Government's beliefs on immigration policy and his Government's beliefs on immigration Government's beliefs on immigration to Government's beliefs on immigration That. Government's beliefs on immigration to those been Government's beliefs on immigration to those been extolled Government's beliefs on immigration to those been extolled by Government's beliefs on immigration to those been extolled by his to those been extolled by his Opposition to those been extolled by his Opposition party to those been extolled by his Opposition party right to those been extolled by his Opposition party right up to those been extolled by his Opposition party right up until to those been extolled by his Opposition party right up until when Opposition party right up until when that Opposition party right up until when that poll Opposition party right up until when that poll came Opposition party right up until when that poll came out? that poll came out? Again, that poll came out? Again, no that poll came out? Again, no ministerial Again, no ministerial responsibility. responsibility. Order! My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Tourism: Minister of Tourism: What Minister of Tourism: What reports Minister of Tourism: What reports has Minister of Tourism: What reports has he Minister of Tourism: What reports has he received What reports has he received about What reports has he received about increased What reports has he received about increased spending What reports has he received about increased spending by What reports has he received about increased spending by tourists about increased spending by tourists visiting about increased spending by tourists visiting this about increased spending by tourists visiting this winter? Mr Mr Speaker Mr Speaker on Mr Speaker on behalf Mr Speaker on behalf of Mr Speaker on behalf of the Mr Speaker on behalf of the Minister Mr Speaker on behalf of the Minister of Mr Speaker on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, Mr Speaker on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, the Mr Speaker on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, the latest Mr Speaker on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, the latest monthly of Tourism, the latest monthly regional of Tourism, the latest monthly regional tourism of Tourism, the latest monthly regional tourism estimates of Tourism, the latest monthly regional tourism estimates show regional tourism estimates show there's regional tourism estimates show there's been regional tourism estimates show there's been a regional tourism estimates show there's been a strong regional tourism estimates show there's been a strong start regional tourism estimates show there's been a strong start to regional tourism estimates show there's been a strong start to the there's been a strong start to the winter there's been a strong start to the winter season there's been a strong start to the winter season with there's been a strong start to the winter season with tourists there's been a strong start to the winter season with tourists spending winter season with tourists spending more winter season with tourists spending more in winter season with tourists spending more in every winter season with tourists spending more in every region winter season with tourists spending more in every region than winter season with tourists spending more in every region than they winter season with tourists spending more in every region than they did more in every region than they did at more in every region than they did at the more in every region than they did at the same more in every region than they did at the same time more in every region than they did at the same time last more in every region than they did at the same time last year. more in every region than they did at the same time last year. Otago at the same time last year. Otago led at the same time last year. Otago led the at the same time last year. Otago led the way, at the same time last year. Otago led the way, with at the same time last year. Otago led the way, with 3.2 at the same time last year. Otago led the way, with 3.2 billion led the way, with 3.2 billion dollars led the way, with 3.2 billion dollars in led the way, with 3.2 billion dollars in spending led the way, with 3.2 billion dollars in spending by led the way, with 3.2 billion dollars in spending by domestic led the way, with 3.2 billion dollars in spending by domestic and dollars in spending by domestic and international dollars in spending by domestic and international visitors dollars in spending by domestic and international visitors in dollars in spending by domestic and international visitors in the dollars in spending by domestic and international visitors in the year international visitors in the year to international visitors in the year to June international visitors in the year to June and international visitors in the year to June and 11% international visitors in the year to June and 11% increase international visitors in the year to June and 11% increase on international visitors in the year to June and 11% increase on the international visitors in the year to June and 11% increase on the year to June and 11% increase on the year before. to June and 11% increase on the year before. In to June and 11% increase on the year before. In total to June and 11% increase on the year before. In total six to June and 11% increase on the year before. In total six regions to June and 11% increase on the year before. In total six regions saw before. In total six regions saw tourists before. In total six regions saw tourists spend before. In total six regions saw tourists spend more before. In total six regions saw tourists spend more than before. In total six regions saw tourists spend more than $1 before. In total six regions saw tourists spend more than $1 billion tourists spend more than $1 billion in tourists spend more than $1 billion in their tourists spend more than $1 billion in their region tourists spend more than $1 billion in their region just tourists spend more than $1 billion in their region just in tourists spend more than $1 billion in their region just in the tourists spend more than $1 billion in their region just in the last in their region just in the last year. in their region just in the last year. That's in their region just in the last year. That's fantastic in their region just in the last year. That's fantastic for in their region just in the last year. That's fantastic for the year. That's fantastic for the industry year. That's fantastic for the industry that year. That's fantastic for the industry that these year. That's fantastic for the industry that these tourists year. That's fantastic for the industry that these tourists are industry that these tourists are getting industry that these tourists are industry industry that these tourists are getting right around industry that these tourists are getting right around the industry that these tourists are getting right around the country. getting right around the country. What getting right around the country. What reports getting right around the country. What reports has getting right around the country. What reports has he getting right around the country. What reports has he seen getting right around the country. What reports has he seen about getting right around the country. What reports has he seen about more What reports has he seen about more tourists What reports has he seen about more tourists staying What reports has he seen about more tourists staying in What reports has he seen about more tourists staying in regional What reports has he seen about more tourists staying in regional New tourists staying in regional New Zealand? Zealand? On Zealand? On behalf Zealand? On behalf of Zealand? On behalf of the Zealand? On behalf of the Minister, Zealand? On behalf of the Minister, June Zealand? On behalf of the Minister, June 2016 On behalf of the Minister, June 2016 saw On behalf of the Minister, June 2016 saw the On behalf of the Minister, June 2016 saw the highest On behalf of the Minister, June 2016 saw the highest ever On behalf of the Minister, June 2016 saw the highest ever number On behalf of the Minister, June 2016 saw the highest ever number of On behalf of the Minister, June 2016 saw the highest ever number of guest saw the highest ever number of guest nights saw the highest ever number of guest nights for saw the highest ever number of guest nights for the saw the highest ever number of guest nights for the month saw the highest ever number of guest nights for the month of saw the highest ever number of guest nights for the month of June. saw the highest ever number of guest nights for the month of June. Every nights for the month of June. Every region nights for the month of June. Every region in nights for the month of June. Every region in New nights for the month of June. Every region in New Zealand nights for the month of June. Every region in New Zealand saw nights for the month of June. Every region in New Zealand saw an region in New Zealand saw an increase region in New Zealand saw an increase with region in New Zealand saw an increase with the region in New Zealand saw an increase with the Bay region in New Zealand saw an increase with the Bay of region in New Zealand saw an increase with the Bay of Plenty, increase with the Bay of Plenty, Waitemata, increase with the Bay of Plenty, Waitemata, Southland increase with the Bay of Plenty, Waitemata, Southland and increase with the Bay of Plenty, Waitemata, Southland and Northland Waitemata, Southland and Northland seeing Waitemata, Southland and Northland nights Waitemata, Southland and Northland seeing the biggest Waitemata, Southland and Northland seeing the biggest increases. Waitemata, Southland and Northland seeing the biggest increases. That seeing the biggest increases. That means seeing the biggest increases. That means all seeing the biggest increases. That means all our seeing the biggest increases. That means all our regional seeing the biggest increases. That means all our regional hotels seeing the biggest increases. That means all our regional hotels and means all our regional hotels and backpackers means all our regional hotels and backpackers are means all our regional hotels and backpackers are seeing means all our regional hotels and backpackers are seeing more means all our regional hotels and backpackers are seeing more visiting backpackers are seeing more visiting and backpackers are seeing more visiting backpackers backpackers are seeing more visiting and staying in backpackers are seeing more visiting and staying in their backpackers are seeing more visiting and staying in their towns. backpackers are seeing more visiting and staying in their towns. Budget and staying in their towns. Budget 16 and staying in their towns. Budget 16 included and staying in their towns. Budget 16 included an and staying in their towns. Budget 16 included an extra and staying in their towns. Budget 16 included an extra $1 and staying in their towns. Budget 16 included an extra $1 million and staying in their towns. Budget 16 included an extra $1 million in 16 included an extra $1 million in extra 16 included an extra $1 million in extra support 16 included an extra $1 million in extra support for 16 included an extra $1 million in extra support for regional 16 included an extra $1 million in extra support for regional tourism extra support for regional tourism by extra support for regional tourism by helping extra support for regional tourism by helping them extra support for regional tourism by helping them pay extra support for regional tourism by helping them pay for extra support for regional tourism by helping them pay for the by helping them pay for the much-needed by helping them pay for the much-needed tourism by helping them pay for the much-needed tourism infrastructure. much-needed tourism infrastructure. Has much-needed tourism infrastructure. Has he much-needed tourism infrastructure. Has he received much-needed tourism infrastructure. Has he received any much-needed tourism infrastructure. Has he received any reports much-needed tourism infrastructure. Has he received any reports on Has he received any reports on upcoming Has he received any reports on upcoming legislation Has he received any reports on upcoming legislation which Has he received any reports on upcoming legislation which creates upcoming legislation which creates improved upcoming legislation which creates improved processes upcoming legislation which creates improved processes around upcoming legislation which creates improved processes around recovering improved processes around recovering lost improved processes around recovering much-needed improved processes around recovering lost airline luggage? lost airline luggage? <INTERRUPTION> <INTERRUPTION> Ironically, <INTERRUPTION> Ironically, on <INTERRUPTION> Ironically, on behalf <INTERRUPTION> Ironically, on behalf of <INTERRUPTION> Ironically, on behalf of the Ironically, on behalf of the Minister, Ironically, on behalf of the Minister, I Ironically, on behalf of the Minister, I saw Ironically, on behalf of the Minister, I saw a Ironically, on behalf of the Minister, I saw a report Ironically, on behalf of the Minister, I saw a report just Ironically, on behalf of the Minister, I saw a report just this Minister, I saw a report just this afternoon Minister, I saw a report just this afternoon of Minister, I saw a report just this afternoon of a Minister, I saw a report just this afternoon of a member's Minister, I saw a report just this afternoon of a member's bill Minister, I saw a report just this afternoon of a member's bill that Minister, I saw a report just this afternoon of a member's bill that is afternoon of a member's bill that is being afternoon of a member's bill that is being drawn afternoon of a member's bill that is being drawn that afternoon of a member's bill that is being drawn that will afternoon of a member's bill that is being drawn that will make afternoon of a member's bill that is being drawn that will make sure afternoon of a member's bill that is being drawn that will make sure that being drawn that will make sure that people being drawn that will make sure that people are being drawn that will make sure that people are able being drawn that will make sure that people are able to being drawn that will make sure that people are able to recover being drawn that will make sure that people are able to recover their people are able to recover their lost people are able to recover their lost luggage people are able to recover their lost luggage easily, people are able to recover their lost luggage easily, modernising people are able to recover their lost luggage easily, modernising the lost luggage easily, modernising the system lost luggage easily, modernising the system yet lost luggage easily, modernising the system yet again lost luggage easily, modernising the system yet again and lost luggage easily, modernising the system yet again and to lost luggage easily, modernising the system yet again and to one lost luggage easily, modernising the system yet again and to one that lost luggage easily, modernising the system yet again and to one that is system yet again and to one that is electronic. system yet again and to one that is electronic. Great system yet again and to one that is electronic. Great for system yet again and to one that is electronic. Great for our system yet again and to one that is electronic. Great for our tourists, electronic. Great for our tourists, both electronic. Great for our tourists, both international electronic. Great for our tourists, both international and electronic. Great for our tourists, both international and domestic. both international and domestic. I both international and domestic. I welcome both international and domestic. I welcome that both international and domestic. I welcome that from both international and domestic. I welcome that from the both international and domestic. I welcome that from the member. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Police: Minister of Police: How Minister of Police: How soon Minister of Police: How soon after Minister of Police: How soon after signing Minister of Police: How soon after signing off Minister of Police: How soon after signing off on Minister of Police: How soon after signing off on the How soon after signing off on the Police How soon after signing off on the Police Four How soon after signing off on the Police Four Year How soon after signing off on the Police Four Year Strategic How soon after signing off on the Police Four Year Strategic Plan Police Four Year Strategic Plan in Police Four Year Strategic Plan in May Police Four Year Strategic Plan in May of Police Four Year Strategic Plan in May of this Police Four Year Strategic Plan in May of this year in May of this year did in May of this year did she in May of this year did she change in May of this year did she change her in May of this year did she change her mind did she change her mind about did she change her mind about there did she change her mind about there being did she change her mind about there being no did she change her mind about there being no increase about there being no increase in about there being no increase in police about there being no increase in police numbers about there being no increase in police numbers out about there being no increase in police numbers out to about there being no increase in police numbers out to 2020? Mr Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, the Mr Speaker, the Four Mr Speaker, the Four Year Mr Speaker, the Four Year Plans Mr Speaker, the Four Year Plans reflect Mr Speaker, the Four Year Plans reflect the Mr Speaker, the Four Year Plans reflect the known Mr Speaker, the Four Year Plans reflect the known resources Mr Speaker, the Four Year Plans reflect the known resources at Mr Speaker, the Four Year Plans reflect the known resources at the reflect the known resources at the time reflect the known resources at the time of reflect the known resources at the time of writing reflect the known resources at the time of writing and reflect the known resources at the time of writing and the reflect the known resources at the time of writing and the next reflect the known resources at the time of writing and the next month reflect the known resources at the time of writing and the next month I time of writing and the next month I met time of writing and the next month I met with time of writing and the next month I met with police time of writing and the next month I met with police to time of writing and the next month I met with police to discuss time of writing and the next month I met with police to discuss any met with police to discuss any ongoing met with police to discuss any ongoing concerns met with police to discuss any ongoing concerns regarding met with police to discuss any ongoing concerns regarding demands ongoing concerns regarding demands that ongoing concerns regarding demands that they ongoing concerns regarding demands that they will ongoing concerns regarding demands that they will have ongoing concerns regarding demands that they will have in ongoing concerns regarding demands that they will have in the ongoing concerns regarding demands that they will have in the future, that they will have in the future, particularly that they will have in the future, particularly around that they will have in the future, particularly around family that they will have in the future, particularly around family violence. particularly around family violence. How particularly around family violence. How many particularly around family violence. How many extra particularly around family violence. How many extra police particularly around family violence. How many extra police officers particularly around family violence. How many extra police officers did How many extra police officers did she How many extra police officers did she request How many extra police officers did she request in How many extra police officers did she request in the How many extra police officers did she request in the 2016 How many extra police officers did she request in the 2016 Budget she request in the 2016 Budget round? round? What round? What I round? What I have round? What I have requested round? What I have requested was round? What I have requested was funding What I have requested was funding for What I have requested was funding for police, What I have requested was funding for police, which What I have requested was funding for police, which we What I have requested was funding for police, which we got. for police, which we got. Point for police, which we got. Point of for police, which we got. Point of order. for police, which we got. Point of order. I for police, which we got. Point of order. I will for police, which we got. Point of order. I will allow for police, which we got. Point of order. I will allow the Point of order. I will allow the member Point of order. I will allow the member to Point of order. I will allow the member to re-ask Point of order. I will allow the member to re-ask the Point of order. I will allow the member to re-ask the question. Point of order. I will allow the member to re-ask the question. If Point of order. I will allow the member to re-ask the question. If - member to re-ask the question. If - ask member to re-ask the question. If - ask the member to re-ask the question. If - ask the question member to re-ask the question. If - ask the question again, member to re-ask the question. If - ask the question again, if member to re-ask the question. If - ask the question again, if the ask the question again, if the Minister ask the question again, if the Minister chooses ask the question again, if the Minister chooses to ask the question again, if the Minister chooses to answer ask the question again, if the Minister chooses to answer in Minister chooses to answer in whichever Minister chooses to answer in whichever way Minister chooses to answer in whichever way that's Minister chooses to answer in whichever way that's the Minister chooses to answer in whichever way that's the Minister's whichever way that's the Minister's business. business. How business. How many business. How many extra business. How many extra police business. How many extra police officers business. How many extra police officers did How many extra police officers did she How many extra police officers did she request How many extra police officers did she request in How many extra police officers did she request in the How many extra police officers did she request in the 2016 How many extra police officers did she request in the 2016 Budget she request in the 2016 Budget round? round? Well, round? Well, I round? Well, I didn't round? Well, I didn't ask round? Well, I didn't ask for round? Well, I didn't ask for extra round? Well, I didn't ask for extra police, Well, I didn't ask for extra police, I Well, I didn't ask for extra police, I asked Well, I didn't ask for extra police, I asked for Well, I didn't ask for extra police, I asked for extra Well, I didn't ask for extra police, I asked for extra money, Well, I didn't ask for extra police, I asked for extra money, which Well, I didn't ask for extra police, I asked for extra money, which is I asked for extra money, which is what I asked for extra money, which is what we I asked for extra money, which is what we got. I asked for extra money, which is what we got. We I asked for extra money, which is what we got. We got I asked for extra money, which is what we got. We got around, I asked for extra money, which is what we got. We got around, close I asked for extra money, which is what we got. We got around, close to what we got. We got around, close to $300 what we got. We got around, close to $300 million what we got. We got around, close to $300 million to what we got. We got around, close to $300 million to pay what we got. We got around, close to $300 million to pay for what we got. We got around, close to $300 million to pay for police what we got. We got around, close to $300 million to pay for police and $300 million to pay for police and also $300 million to pay for police and also some $300 million to pay for police and also some of $300 million to pay for police and also some of the $300 million to pay for police and also some of the other $300 million to pay for police and also some of the other work $300 million to pay for police and also some of the other work that also some of the other work that police also some of the other work that police are also some of the other work that police are doing. also some of the other work that police are doing. I also some of the other work that police are doing. I think also some of the other work that police are doing. I think that's also some of the other work that police are doing. I think that's a police are doing. I think that's a pretty police are doing. I think that's a pretty good police are doing. I think that's a pretty good outcome police are doing. I think that's a pretty good outcome for police are doing. I think that's a pretty good outcome for $300 pretty good outcome for $300 million. million. How million. How much million. How much of million. How much of the million. How much of the $3 million. How much of the $3 00 million. How much of the $3 00 million million. How much of the $3 00 million was How much of the $3 00 million was specifically How much of the $3 00 million was specifically earmarked How much of the $3 00 million was specifically earmarked for How much of the $3 00 million was specifically earmarked for new specifically earmarked for new police specifically earmarked for new million. specifically earmarked for new police officers on specifically earmarked for new police officers on the specifically earmarked for new police officers on the ground? police officers on the ground? Well, police officers on the ground? Well, I police officers on the ground? Well, I think police officers on the ground? Well, I think I've police officers on the ground? Well, I think I've answered police officers on the ground? Well, I think I've answered that. Well, I think I've answered that. The Well, I think I've answered that. The member's Well, I think I've answered that. The member's just Well, I think I've answered that. The member's just refusing Well, I think I've answered that. The member's just refusing to Well, I think I've answered that. The member's just refusing to accept The member's just refusing to accept that The member's just refusing to accept that police The member's just refusing to accept that police getting The member's just refusing to accept that police getting paid The member's just refusing to accept that police getting paid properly The member's just refusing to accept that police getting paid properly is that police getting paid properly is part that police getting paid properly is part of that police getting paid properly is part of what that police getting paid properly is part of what Government that police getting paid properly is part of what Government does. part of what Government does. When part of what Government does. When can part of what Government does. When can Kiwis part of what Government does. When can Kiwis expect part of what Government does. When can Kiwis expect to part of what Government does. When can Kiwis expect to see part of what Government does. When can Kiwis expect to see more When can Kiwis expect to see more police When can Kiwis expect to see more police officers When can Kiwis expect to see more police officers on When can Kiwis expect to see more police officers on the When can Kiwis expect to see more police officers on the beat When can Kiwis expect to see more police officers on the beat as When can Kiwis expect to see more police officers on the beat as a police officers on the beat as a result police officers on the beat as a result of police officers on the beat as a result of her police officers on the beat as a result of her admission police officers on the beat as a result of her admission that police officers on the beat as a result of her admission that she result of her admission that she made result of her admission that she made a result of her admission that she made a mistake result of her admission that she made a mistake and result of her admission that she made a mistake and a result of her admission that she made a mistake and a realisation made a mistake and a realisation that made a mistake and a realisation that more made a mistake and a realisation that more police made a mistake and a realisation that more police are made a mistake and a realisation that more police are needed? that more police are needed? I that more police are needed? I certainly that more police are needed? I certainly have that more police are needed? I certainly have not that more police are needed? I certainly have not admitted that more police are needed? I certainly have not admitted any I certainly have not admitted any mistakes I certainly have not admitted any mistakes and I certainly have not admitted any mistakes and the I certainly have not admitted any mistakes and the member I certainly have not admitted any mistakes and the member should I certainly have not admitted any mistakes and the member should know mistakes and the member should know that's mistakes and the member should know that's not mistakes and the member should know that's not anything mistakes and the member should know that's not anything I mistakes and the member should know that's not anything I do mistakes and the member should know that's not anything I do lightly. that's not anything I do lightly. And that's not anything I do lightly. And he that's not anything I do lightly. And he should that's not anything I do lightly. And he should not that's not anything I do lightly. And he should not try that's not anything I do lightly. And he should not try to that's not anything I do lightly. And he should not try to put that's not anything I do lightly. And he should not try to put words And he should not try to put words into And he should not try to put words into my And he should not try to put words into my mouth. And he should not try to put words into my mouth. <INTERRUPTION> into my mouth. <INTERRUPTION> He into my mouth. <INTERRUPTION> He does. into my mouth. <INTERRUPTION> He does. And into my mouth. <INTERRUPTION> He does. And just into my mouth. <INTERRUPTION> He does. And just because into my mouth. <INTERRUPTION> He does. And just because he's into my mouth. <INTERRUPTION> He does. And just because he's a He does. And just because he's a right-winger He does. And just because he's a right-winger and He does. And just because he's a right-winger and we He does. And just because he's a right-winger and we share He does. And just because he's a right-winger and we share certain right-winger and we share certain views, right-winger and we share certain views, no right-winger and we share certain views, no reason right-winger and we share certain views, no reason to right-winger and we share certain views, no reason to think right-winger and we share certain views, no reason to think he right-winger and we share certain views, no reason to think he knows views, no reason to think he knows me. views, no reason to think he knows me. You views, no reason to think he knows me. You think views, no reason to think he knows me. You think he's views, no reason to think he knows me. You think he's a views, no reason to think he knows me. You think he's a lefty. me. You think he's a lefty. Order! me. You think he's a lefty. Order! I me. You think he's a lefty. Order! I think me. You think he's a lefty. Order! I think on me. You think he's a lefty. Order! I think on this me. You think he's a lefty. Order! I think on this occasion me. You think he's a lefty. Order! I think on this occasion the Order! I think on this occasion the answer's Order! I think on this occasion the answer's been Order! I think on this occasion the answer's been given. answer's been given. Order! Order! Let Order! Let me Order! Let me use Order! Let me use some Order! Let me use some of Order! Let me use some of the Order! Let me use some of the Minister's Let me use some of the Minister's words Let me use some of the Minister's words - Let me use some of the Minister's words - when Let me use some of the Minister's words - when she Let me use some of the Minister's words - when she said Let me use some of the Minister's words - when she said twice words - when she said twice yesterday words - when she said twice yesterday she words - when she said twice yesterday she was, words - when she said twice yesterday she was, quote words - when she said twice yesterday she was, quote "looking words - when she said twice yesterday she was, quote "looking to yesterday she was, quote "looking to the yesterday she was, quote "looking to the future" yesterday she was, quote "looking to the future" unquote, yesterday she was, quote "looking to the future" unquote, does yesterday she was, quote "looking to the future" unquote, does she the future" unquote, does she believe the future" unquote, does she believe that the future" unquote, does she believe that she the future" unquote, does she believe that she has the future" unquote, does she believe that she has a the future" unquote, does she believe that she has a future the future" unquote, does she believe that she has a future as the future" unquote, does she believe that she has a future as the believe that she has a future as the Minister believe that she has a future as the Minister of believe that she has a future as the Minister of Police believe that she has a future as the Minister of Police if believe that she has a future as the Minister of Police if she believe that she has a future as the Minister of Police if she continues Minister of Police if she continues to Minister of Police if she continues to make Minister of Police if she continues to make such Minister of Police if she continues to make such fundamental Minister of Police if she continues to make such fundamental mistakes Minister of Police if she continues to make such fundamental mistakes as to make such fundamental mistakes as agreeing to make such fundamental mistakes as agreeing to to make such fundamental mistakes as agreeing to mo to make such fundamental mistakes as agreeing to mo increase to make such fundamental mistakes as agreeing to mo increase in to make such fundamental mistakes as agreeing to mo increase in police agreeing to mo increase in police numbers agreeing to mo increase in police numbers less agreeing to mo increase in police numbers less than agreeing to mo increase in police numbers less than 3 agreeing to mo increase in police numbers less than 3 months agreeing to mo increase in police numbers less than 3 months ago agreeing to mo increase in police numbers less than 3 months ago and numbers less than 3 months ago and changing numbers less than 3 months ago and changing her numbers less than 3 months ago and changing her mind numbers less than 3 months ago and changing her mind when numbers less than 3 months ago and changing her mind when presented changing her mind when presented with changing her mind when presented with the changing her mind when presented with the facts? with the facts? As with the facts? As I with the facts? As I have with the facts? As I have made with the facts? As I have made very with the facts? As I have made very clear, with the facts? As I have made very clear, I with the facts? As I have made very clear, I have As I have made very clear, I have made As I have made very clear, I have made no As I have made very clear, I have made no mistakes As I have made very clear, I have made no mistakes in As I have made very clear, I have made no mistakes in this As I have made very clear, I have made no mistakes in this matter As I have made very clear, I have made no mistakes in this matter at made no mistakes in this matter at all. made no mistakes in this matter at all. In made no mistakes in this matter at all. In fact, made no mistakes in this matter at all. In fact, I made no mistakes in this matter at all. In fact, I would made no mistakes in this matter at all. In fact, I would say made no mistakes in this matter at all. In fact, I would say to made no mistakes in this matter at all. In fact, I would say to that all. In fact, I would say to that made all. In fact, I would say to that member, the only all. In fact, I would say to that member, the only one all. In fact, I would say to that member, the only one here all. In fact, I would say to that member, the only one here who member, the only one here who shouldn't member, the only one here who shouldn't be member, the only one here who shouldn't be talking member, the only one here who shouldn't be talking about member, the only one here who shouldn't be talking about mistakes shouldn't be talking about mistakes is shouldn't be talking about mistakes is him. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Transport: Minister of Transport: Will Minister of Transport: Will he Minister of Transport: Will he commit Minister of Transport: Will he commit to Minister of Transport: Will he commit to prioritising Minister of Transport: Will he commit to prioritising rail Will he commit to prioritising rail to Will he commit to prioritising rail to Auckland's Will he commit to prioritising rail to Auckland's North Will he commit to prioritising rail to Auckland's North Shore to Auckland's North Shore as to Auckland's North Shore as part to Auckland's North Shore as part of to Auckland's North Shore as part of the to Auckland's North Shore as part of the additional as part of the additional Waitemata as part of the additional Waitemata Harbour as part of the additional Waitemata Harbour crossing; Waitemata Harbour crossing; if Waitemata Harbour crossing; if not, Waitemata Harbour crossing; if not, why Waitemata Harbour crossing; if not, why not? The The proposed The proposed additional The proposed additional crossing The proposed additional crossing will The proposed additional crossing will include The proposed additional crossing will include a The proposed additional crossing will include a rapid The proposed additional crossing will include a rapid public The proposed additional crossing will include a rapid public interest will include a rapid public interest link. will include a rapid public interest link. As will include a rapid public interest link. As I will include a rapid public interest link. As I have will include a rapid public interest link. As I have said will include a rapid public interest link. As I have said a will include a rapid public interest link. As I have said a number will include a rapid public interest link. As I have said a number of link. As I have said a number of times link. As I have said a number of times now, link. As I have said a number of times now, as link. As I have said a number of times now, as part link. As I have said a number of times now, as part of link. As I have said a number of times now, as part of planning link. As I have said a number of times now, as part of planning for times now, as part of planning for the times now, as part of planning for the additional times now, as part of planning for the additional crossing, times now, as part of planning for the additional crossing, the the additional crossing, the Transport the additional crossing, the Transport Agency the additional crossing, the Transport Agency in the additional crossing, the Transport Agency in Auckland Transport Agency in Auckland Transport Transport Agency in Auckland Transport are Transport Agency in Auckland Transport are investigating Transport Agency in Auckland Transport are investigating which Transport are investigating which type Transport are investigating which type of Transport are investigating which type of rapid Transport are investigating which type of rapid public Transport are investigating which type of rapid public transport Transport are investigating which type of rapid public transport will type of rapid public transport will be type of rapid public transport will be best. type of rapid public transport will be best. Until type of rapid public transport will be best. Until those type of rapid public transport will be best. Until those investigations be best. Until those investigations have be best. Until those investigations have been be best. Until those investigations have been completed be best. Until those investigations have been completed as be best. Until those investigations have been completed as premature be best. Until those investigations have been completed as premature for have been completed as premature for me have been completed as premature for me to have been completed as premature for me to favour have been completed as premature for me to favour one have been completed as premature for me to favour one option have been completed as premature for me to favour one option over me to favour one option over another. another. Is another. Is a another. Is a rail-only another. Is a rail-only option another. Is a rail-only option being Is a rail-only option being considered Is a rail-only option being considered and Is a rail-only option being considered and evaluated Is a rail-only option being considered and evaluated by Is a rail-only option being considered and evaluated by the Is a rail-only option being considered and evaluated by the NZ considered and evaluated by the NZ Transport considered and evaluated by the NZ Transport Agency considered and evaluated by the NZ Transport Agency and considered and evaluated by the NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport Agency and Auckland Transport Transport Agency and Auckland Is Transport Agency and Auckland Transport right now? Transport Agency and Auckland Transport right now? Not Transport right now? Not Not Transport right now? Not Not rail Transport right now? Not Not rail only, Transport right now? Not Not rail only, but Transport right now? Not Not rail only, but it's Transport right now? Not Not rail only, but it's early Transport right now? Not Not rail only, but it's early days Not rail only, but it's early days in Not rail only, but it's early days in terms Not rail only, but it's early days in terms of Not rail only, but it's early days in terms of the Not rail only, but it's early days in terms of the rapid Not rail only, but it's early days in terms of the rapid public in terms of the rapid public transport in terms of the rapid public transport link in terms of the rapid public transport link there in terms of the rapid public transport link there might in terms of the rapid public transport link there might be. in terms of the rapid public transport link there might be. We're transport link there might be. We're keeping transport link there might be. We're keeping options transport link there might be. We're keeping options open transport link there might be. We're keeping options open in transport link there might be. We're keeping options open in that transport link there might be. We're keeping options open in that regard. keeping options open in that regard. So keeping options open in that regard. So can keeping options open in that regard. So can I keeping options open in that regard. So can I confirm keeping options open in that regard. So can I confirm that keeping options open in that regard. So can I confirm that the keeping options open in that regard. So can I confirm that the rail-only So can I confirm that the rail-only option So can I confirm that the rail-only option isn't So can I confirm that the rail-only option isn't being So can I confirm that the rail-only option isn't being considered So can I confirm that the rail-only option isn't being considered as So can I confirm that the rail-only option isn't being considered as one option isn't being considered as one of option isn't being considered as one of the option isn't being considered as one of the many option isn't being considered as one of the many possible option isn't being considered as one of the many possible options option isn't being considered as one of the many possible options that of the many possible options that could of the many possible options that could be of the many possible options that could be considered of the many possible options that could be considered the of the many possible options that could be considered the future of the many possible options that could be considered the future of could be considered the future of Waitemata could be considered the future of Waitemata Harbour could be considered the future of Waitemata Harbour Crossing? Waitemata Harbour Crossing? It's Waitemata Harbour Crossing? It's clearly Waitemata Harbour Crossing? It's clearly not Waitemata Harbour Crossing? It's clearly not going Waitemata Harbour Crossing? It's clearly not going to Waitemata Harbour Crossing? It's clearly not going to be It's clearly not going to be rail-only. It's clearly not going to be rail-only. But It's clearly not going to be rail-only. But in It's clearly not going to be rail-only. But in terms It's clearly not going to be rail-only. But in terms of It's clearly not going to be rail-only. But in terms of the It's clearly not going to be rail-only. But in terms of the rapid rail-only. But in terms of the rapid public rail-only. But in terms of the rapid public transit rail-only. But in terms of the rapid public transit link rail-only. But in terms of the rapid public transit link that rail-only. But in terms of the rapid public transit link that will rail-only. But in terms of the rapid public transit link that will be public transit link that will be part public transit link that will be part of public transit link that will be part of it, public transit link that will be part of it, we're public transit link that will be part of it, we're keeping public transit link that will be part of it, we're keeping our part of it, we're keeping our options part of it, we're keeping our options open. options open. How options open. How can options open. How can he options open. How can he evaluate options open. How can he evaluate what options open. How can he evaluate what is options open. How can he evaluate what is going options open. How can he evaluate what is going to How can he evaluate what is going to be How can he evaluate what is going to be best How can he evaluate what is going to be best value How can he evaluate what is going to be best value for How can he evaluate what is going to be best value for money How can he evaluate what is going to be best value for money if How can he evaluate what is going to be best value for money if all be best value for money if all options be best value for money if all options aren't be best value for money if all options aren't being be best value for money if all options aren't being considered? options aren't being considered? As options aren't being considered? As I options aren't being considered? As I have options aren't being considered? As I have said, options aren't being considered? As I have said, it's options aren't being considered? As I have said, it's incredibly As I have said, it's incredibly early As I have said, it's incredibly early days, As I have said, it's incredibly early days, we're As I have said, it's incredibly early days, we're at As I have said, it's incredibly early days, we're at route early days, we're at route protection early days, we're at route protection stage. early days, we're at route protection stage. We're early days, we're at route protection stage. We're talking protection stage. We're talking about protection stage. We're talking early protection stage. We're talking about a project protection stage. We're talking about a project at protection stage. We're talking about a project at the protection stage. We're talking about a project at the moment protection stage. We're talking about a project at the moment at about a project at the moment at least about a project at the moment at least scheduled about a project at the moment at least scheduled to about a project at the moment at least scheduled to be about a project at the moment at least scheduled to be built about a project at the moment at least scheduled to be built in about a project at the moment at least scheduled to be built in the least scheduled to be built in the mid-2020s least scheduled to be built in the mid-2020s to least scheduled to be built in the mid-2020s to late least scheduled to be built in the mid-2020s to late 2020s. least scheduled to be built in the mid-2020s to late 2020s. The mid-2020s to late 2020s. The decisions mid-2020s to late 2020s. The decisions will mid-2020s to late 2020s. The decisions will be mid-2020s to late 2020s. The decisions will be made mid-2020s to late 2020s. The decisions will be made on mid-2020s to late 2020s. The decisions will be made on the mid-2020s to late 2020s. The decisions will be made on the basis decisions will be made on the basis of decisions will be made on the basis of investigation, decisions will be made on the basis of investigation, not decisions will be made on the basis of investigation, not ideology. decisions will be made on the basis of investigation, not ideology. The of investigation, not ideology. The options of investigation, not ideology. The options are of investigation, not ideology. The options are open of investigation, not ideology. The options are open and of investigation, not ideology. The options are open and that of investigation, not ideology. The options are open and that is options are open and that is certainly options are open and that is certainly the options are open and that is certainly the case options are open and that is certainly the case in options are open and that is certainly the case in relation options are open and that is certainly the case in relation to certainly the case in relation to the certainly the case in relation to the former certainly the case in relation to the former rapid certainly the case in relation to the former rapid public certainly the case in relation to the former rapid public transit certainly the case in relation to the former rapid public transit link the former rapid public transit link that the former rapid public transit link that there the former rapid public transit link that there will the former rapid public transit link that there will be. that there will be. Given that there will be. Given a that there will be. Given a rail that there will be. Given a rail link that there will be. Given a rail link is that there will be. Given a rail link is extremely Given a rail link is extremely popular Given a rail link is extremely popular with Given a rail link is extremely popular with auk'landers, Given a rail link is extremely popular with auk'landers, it Given a rail link is extremely popular with auk'landers, it would popular with auk'landers, it would give popular with auk'landers, it would give them popular with auk'landers, it would give them better popular with auk'landers, it would give them better choices, popular with auk'landers, it would give them better choices, to popular with auk'landers, it would give them better choices, to get give them better choices, to get around, give them better choices, to get around, as give them better choices, to get around, as well give them better choices, to get around, as well as give them better choices, to get around, as well as taking give them better choices, to get around, as well as taking pressure around, as well as taking pressure off around, as well as taking pressure off the around, as well as taking pressure off the existing around, as well as taking pressure off the existing road around, as well as taking pressure off the existing road network around, as well as taking pressure off the existing road network and around, as well as taking pressure off the existing road network and is off the existing road network and is the off the existing road network and is the logical off the existing road network and is the logical next off the existing road network and is the logical next step off the existing road network and is the logical next step after off the existing road network and is the logical next step after the off the existing road network and is the logical next step after the City the logical next step after the City Rail the logical next step after the City Rail Link, the logical next step after the City Rail Link, why the logical next step after the City Rail Link, why isn't the logical next step after the City Rail Link, why isn't he the logical next step after the City Rail Link, why isn't he making the logical next step after the City Rail Link, why isn't he making a Rail Link, why isn't he making a rail Rail Link, why isn't he making a rail option Rail Link, why isn't he making a rail option at Rail Link, why isn't he making a rail option at least Rail Link, why isn't he making a rail option at least one Rail Link, why isn't he making a rail option at least one of Rail Link, why isn't he making a rail option at least one of the rail option at least one of the options rail option at least one of the options that's rail option at least one of the options that's being rail option at least one of the options that's being evaluated rail option at least one of the options that's being evaluated under options that's being evaluated under the options that's being evaluated under the New options that's being evaluated under the New Zealand options that's being evaluated under the New Zealand Transport options that's being evaluated under the New Zealand Transport Agency's the New Zealand Transport Agency's investigations? investigations? I investigations? I any investigations? I any a investigations? I any a rail investigations? I any a rail option investigations? I any a rail option will investigations? I any a rail option will be I any a rail option will be investigated I any a rail option will be investigated as I any a rail option will be investigated as part I any a rail option will be investigated as part of I any a rail option will be investigated as part of the I any a rail option will be investigated as part of the options investigated as part of the options they investigated as part of the options they go investigated as part of the options they go through, investigated as part of the options they go through, but investigated as part of the options they go through, but not investigated as part of the options they go through, but not rail-only they go through, but not rail-only to they go through, but not rail-only to the they go through, but not rail-only to the exclusion they go through, but not rail-only to the exclusion of they go through, but not rail-only to the exclusion of everything they go through, but not rail-only to the exclusion of everything else. to the exclusion of everything else. That's to the exclusion of everything else. That's the to the exclusion of everything else. That's the point to the exclusion of everything else. That's the point I've to the exclusion of everything else. That's the point I've been to the exclusion of everything else. That's the point I've been trying to the exclusion of everything else. That's the point I've been trying to That's the point I've been trying to make. That's the point I've been trying to make. I'd That's the point I've been trying to make. I'd also That's the point I've been trying to make. I'd also make That's the point I've been trying to make. I'd also make the That's the point I've been trying to make. I'd also make the point, That's the point I've been trying to make. I'd also make the point, of make. I'd also make the point, of course, make. I'd also make the point, of course, we make. I'd also make the point, of course, we talk make. I'd also make the point, of course, we talk about make. I'd also make the point, of course, we talk about public course, we talk about public transport course, we talk about public transport on course, we talk about public transport on the course, we talk about public transport on the North course, we talk about public transport on the North Shore, transport on the North Shore, there's transport on the North Shore, there's the transport on the North Shore, there's the Northern transport on the North Shore, there's the Northern Busway, transport on the North Shore, there's the Northern Busway, a transport on the North Shore, there's the Northern Busway, a very there's the Northern Busway, a very significant there's the Northern Busway, a very significant extension there's the Northern Busway, a very significant extension going there's the Northern Busway, a very significant extension going on there's the Northern Busway, a very significant extension going on to significant extension going on to the significant extension going on to the Northern significant extension going on to the Northern Motorway significant extension going on to the Northern Motorway at significant extension going on to the Northern Motorway at the significant extension going on to the Northern Motorway at the moment, the Northern Motorway at the moment, including the Northern Motorway at the moment, including extensions the Northern Motorway at the moment, including extensions to the Northern Motorway at the moment, including extensions to Northern including extensions to Northern Busway including extensions to Northern Busway planned including extensions to Northern Busway planned and including extensions to Northern Busway planned and there's including extensions to Northern Busway planned and there's other Busway planned and there's other public Busway planned and there's other public transport Busway planned and there's other public transport and Busway planned and there's other public transport and alternate public transport and alternate transport public transport and alternate Busway public transport and alternate transport options that public transport and alternate transport options that I public transport and alternate transport options that I know public transport and alternate transport options that I know the transport options that I know the member transport options that I know the member will transport options that I know the member will be transport options that I know the member will be in transport options that I know the member will be in favour transport options that I know the member will be in favour of, transport options that I know the member will be in favour of, that member will be in favour of, that have member will be in favour of, that have gone member will be in favour of, that have gone through member will be in favour of, that have gone through consultation member will be in favour of, that have gone through consultation and have gone through consultation and being have gone through consultation and being worked have gone through consultation and being worked on, have gone through consultation and being worked on, such have gone through consultation and being worked on, such as have gone through consultation and being worked on, such as Seapath have gone through consultation and being worked on, such as Seapath on being worked on, such as Seapath on the being worked on, such as Seapath on the North being worked on, such as Seapath on the North Shore being worked on, such as Seapath on the North Shore as being worked on, such as Seapath on the North Shore as well. being worked on, such as Seapath on the North Shore as well. There's being worked on, such as Seapath on the North Shore as well. There's a the North Shore as well. There's a strong the North Shore as well. There's a strong number the North Shore as well. There's a strong number of the North Shore as well. There's a strong number of planning the North Shore as well. There's a strong number of planning processes strong number of planning processes under strong number of planning processes under way strong number of planning processes under way in strong number of planning processes under way in relation strong number of planning processes under way in relation to strong number of planning processes under way in relation to public under way in relation to public transport. under way in relation to public transport. Right under way in relation to public transport. Right now under way in relation to public transport. Right now in under way in relation to public transport. Right now in relation under way in relation to public transport. Right now in relation to transport. Right now in relation to this transport. Right now in relation to this crossing, transport. Right now in relation to this crossing, it's transport. Right now in relation to this crossing, it's early transport. Right now in relation to this crossing, it's early days transport. Right now in relation to this crossing, it's early days and this crossing, it's early days and we this crossing, it's early days and we will this crossing, it's early days and we will work this crossing, it's early days and we will work our this crossing, it's early days and we will work our way this crossing, it's early days and we will work our way through this crossing, it's early days and we will work our way through it. we will work our way through it. Point we will work our way through it. Point of we will work our way through it. Point of order, we will work our way through it. Point of order, Julie we will work our way through it. Point of order, Julie Anne we will work our way through it. Point of order, Julie Anne Genter. we will work our way through it. Point of order, Julie Anne Genter. I Point of order, Julie Anne Genter. I seek Point of order, Julie Anne Genter. I seek leave Point of order, Julie Anne Genter. I seek leave to Point of order, Julie Anne Genter. I seek leave to table Point of order, Julie Anne Genter. I seek leave to table the Point of order, Julie Anne Genter. I seek leave to table the NZTA's Point of order, Julie Anne Genter. I seek leave to table the NZTA's Route seek leave to table the NZTA's Route Protection seek leave to table the NZTA's Route Protection Designation, seek leave to table the NZTA's Route Protection Designation, which seek leave to table the NZTA's Route Protection Designation, which is seek leave to table the NZTA's Route Protection Designation, which is for Protection Designation, which is for road-only Protection Designation, which is for road-only crossing. Protection Designation, which is for road-only crossing. Is Protection Designation, which is for road-only crossing. Is that road-only crossing. Is that available road-only crossing. Is that available for road-only crossing. Is that available for members road-only crossing. Is that available for members on road-only crossing. Is that available for members on the available for members on the website? available for members on the website? Not available for members on the website? Not available available for members on the website? Not available on available for members on the website? Not available on the website? Not available on the website. website? Not available on the website. I website? Not available on the website. I will website? Not available on the website. I will put website? Not available on the website. I will put the website? Not available on the website. I will put the leave website? Not available on the website. I will put the leave on website. I will put the leave on the, website. I will put the leave on the, I website. I will put the leave on the, I will website. I will put the leave on the, I will put website. I will put the leave on the, I will put the website. I will put the leave on the, I will put the leave website. I will put the leave on the, I will put the leave and website. I will put the leave on the, I will put the leave and then the, I will put the leave and then the the, I will put the leave and then the House the, I will put the leave and then the House can the, I will put the leave and then the House can decide. the, I will put the leave and then the House can decide. Leave the, I will put the leave and then the House can decide. Leave us the, I will put the leave and then the House can decide. Leave us to the House can decide. Leave us to table the House can decide. Leave us to table that the House can decide. Leave us to table that particular the House can decide. Leave us to table that particular NZTA table that particular NZTA information. table that particular NZTA the table that particular NZTA information. Is there table that particular NZTA information. Is there any table that particular NZTA information. Is there any objection? information. Is there any objection? There information. Is there any objection? information. information. Is there any objection? There is objection. There is objection. That There is objection. That concludes There is objection. That concludes Questions There is objection. That concludes Questions for There is objection. That concludes Questions for Oral That concludes Questions for Oral Answer. Mr Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, I Mr Speaker, I move Mr Speaker, I move that Mr Speaker, I move that the Mr Speaker, I move that the Taxation Mr Speaker, I move that the Taxation Business Mr Speaker, I move that the Taxation Business Tax Mr Speaker, I move that the Taxation Business Tax Exchange Mr Speaker, I move that the Taxation Business Tax Exchange of Mr Speaker, I move that the Taxation Business Tax Exchange of Information Business Tax Exchange of Information and Business Tax Exchange of Information and Remedial Business Tax Exchange of Information and Remedial Matters Business Tax Exchange of Information and Remedial Matters Bill Business Tax Exchange of Information and Remedial Matters Bill be Business Tax Exchange of Information and Remedial Matters Bill be now and Remedial Matters Bill be now read and Remedial Matters Bill be now read a and Remedial Matters Bill be now read a first and Remedial Matters Bill be now read a first time. and Remedial Matters Bill be now read a first time. I and Remedial Matters Bill be now read a first time. I nominate and Remedial Matters Bill be now read a first time. I nominate the read a first time. I nominate the Finance read a first time. I nominate the Finance and read a first time. I nominate the Finance and Expenditure read a first time. I nominate the Finance and Expenditure Committee read a first time. I nominate the Finance and Expenditure Committee to Finance and Expenditure Committee to consider Finance and Expenditure Committee to consider the Finance and Expenditure Committee to consider the bill. Finance and Expenditure Committee to consider the bill. It's Finance and Expenditure Committee to consider the bill. It's my Finance and Expenditure Committee to consider the bill. It's my great consider the bill. It's my great pleasure consider the bill. It's my great pleasure to consider the bill. It's my great pleasure to bring consider the bill. It's my great pleasure to bring this consider the bill. It's my great pleasure to bring this bill consider the bill. It's my great pleasure to bring this bill before pleasure to bring this bill before the pleasure to bring this bill before the House, pleasure to bring this bill before the House, which pleasure to bring this bill before the House, which is pleasure to bring this bill before the House, which is the pleasure to bring this bill before the House, which is the second the House, which is the second bill... the House, which is the second bill... <INTERRUPTION> bill... <INTERRUPTION> ..the bill... <INTERRUPTION> ..the second bill... <INTERRUPTION> ..the second bill bill... <INTERRUPTION> ..the second bill containing bill... <INTERRUPTION> ..the second bill containing the ..the second bill containing the Government's ..the second bill containing the Government's proposed ..the second bill containing the Government's proposed measures ..the second bill containing the Government's proposed measures to Government's proposed measures to simplify Government's proposed measures to simplify tax Government's proposed measures to simplify tax administration Government's proposed measures to simplify tax administration in Government's proposed measures to simplify tax administration in New simplify tax administration in New Zealand. simplify tax administration in New Zealand. The simplify tax administration in New Zealand. The centrepiece simplify tax administration in New Zealand. The centrepiece of simplify tax administration in New Zealand. The centrepiece of the simplify tax administration in New Zealand. The centrepiece of the bill Zealand. The centrepiece of the bill proposes Zealand. The centrepiece of the bill proposes a Zealand. The centrepiece of the bill proposes a major Zealand. The centrepiece of the bill proposes a major shift Zealand. The centrepiece of the bill proposes a major shift in Zealand. The centrepiece of the bill proposes a major shift in the Zealand. The centrepiece of the bill proposes a major shift in the way proposes a major shift in the way small proposes a major shift in the way small businesses proposes a major shift in the way small businesses currently proposes a major shift in the way small businesses currently pay proposes a major shift in the way small businesses currently pay their small businesses currently pay their tax, small businesses currently pay their tax, making small businesses currently pay their tax, making these small businesses currently pay their tax, making these processes small businesses currently pay their tax, making these processes simpler tax, making these processes simpler and tax, making these processes simpler and easier. tax, making these processes simpler and easier. These tax, making these processes simpler and easier. These changes tax, making these processes simpler and easier. These changes were and easier. These changes were announced and easier. These changes were announced in and easier. These changes were announced in April and easier. These changes were announced in April by and easier. These changes were announced in April by the and easier. These changes were announced in April by the Government announced in April by the Government as announced in April by the Government as part announced in April by the Government as part of announced in April by the Government as part of Budget announced in April by the Government as part of Budget 2016. announced in April by the Government as part of Budget 2016. Small as part of Budget 2016. Small businesses as part of Budget 2016. Small businesses are as part of Budget 2016. Small businesses are the as part of Budget 2016. Small businesses are the backbone as part of Budget 2016. Small businesses are the backbone of as part of Budget 2016. Small businesses are the backbone of our businesses are the backbone of our economy, businesses are the backbone of our economy, and businesses are the backbone of our economy, and we businesses are the backbone of our economy, and we want businesses are the backbone of our economy, and we want the businesses are the backbone of our economy, and we want the tax businesses are the backbone of our economy, and we want the tax system economy, and we want the tax system to economy, and we want the tax system to fit economy, and we want the tax system to fit around economy, and we want the tax system to fit around how economy, and we want the tax system to fit around how businesses to fit around how businesses operate, to fit around how businesses operate, not to fit around how businesses operate, not the to fit around how businesses operate, not the other to fit around how businesses operate, not the other way to fit around how businesses operate, not the other way around. operate, not the other way around. The operate, not the other way around. The packages operate, not the other way around. The packages of operate, not the other way around. The packages of changes operate, not the other way around. The packages of changes included operate, not the other way around. The packages of changes included in The packages of changes included in this... The packages of changes included in this... Order! The packages of changes included in this... Order! Sorry, The packages of changes included in this... Order! Sorry, the The packages of changes included in this... Order! Sorry, the Minister. this... Order! Sorry, the Minister. Before this... Order! Sorry, the Minister. Before I this... Order! Sorry, the Minister. Before I deal this... Order! Sorry, the Minister. Before I deal with this... Order! Sorry, the Minister. Before I deal with the this... Order! Sorry, the Minister. Before I deal with the point this... Order! Sorry, the Minister. Before I deal with the point of Before I deal with the point of order, Before I deal with the point of order, I'd Before I deal with the point of order, I'd like Before I deal with the point of order, I'd like to Before I deal with the point of order, I'd like to hear Before I deal with the point of order, I'd like to hear what Before I deal with the point of order, I'd like to hear what is order, I'd like to hear what is being order, I'd like to hear what is being said. order, I'd like to hear what is being said. Those order, I'd like to hear what is being said. Those who order, I'd like to hear what is being said. Those who are order, I'd like to hear what is being said. Those who are leaving being said. Those who are leaving the being said. Those who are leaving the Chamber, being said. Those who are leaving the Chamber, please being said. Those who are leaving the Chamber, please do being said. Those who are leaving the Chamber, please do so the Chamber, please do so expeditiously, the Chamber, please do so expeditiously, so the Chamber, please do so expeditiously, so give the Chamber, please do so expeditiously, so give courtesy the Chamber, please do so expeditiously, so give courtesy to expeditiously, so give courtesy to the expeditiously, so give courtesy to the speaker. expeditiously, so give courtesy to the speaker. Point expeditiously, so give courtesy to the speaker. Point of expeditiously, so give courtesy to the speaker. Point of order expeditiously, so give courtesy to the speaker. Point of order from the speaker. Point of order from Fletcher the speaker. Point of order from Fletcher Tabuteau. the speaker. Point of order from Fletcher Tabuteau. You the speaker. Point of order from Fletcher Tabuteau. You addressed the speaker. Point of order from Fletcher Tabuteau. You addressed my Fletcher Tabuteau. You addressed my point Fletcher Tabuteau. You addressed my point of Fletcher Tabuteau. You addressed my point of order. Fletcher Tabuteau. You addressed my point of order. Thank Fletcher Tabuteau. You addressed my point of order. Thank you Fletcher Tabuteau. You addressed my point of order. Thank you very Fletcher Tabuteau. You addressed my point of order. Thank you very much. point of order. Thank you very much. The point of order. Thank you very much. The packages point of order. Thank you very much. The packages included point of order. Thank you very much. The packages included in point of order. Thank you very much. The packages included in this point of order. Thank you very much. The packages included in this bill The packages included in this bill will The packages included in this bill will make The packages included in this bill will make paying The packages included in this bill will make paying tax The packages included in this bill will make paying tax easier. The packages included in this bill will make paying tax easier. It The packages included in this bill will make paying tax easier. It will will make paying tax easier. It will help will make paying tax easier. It will help small will make paying tax easier. It will help small businesses will make paying tax easier. It will help small businesses tailor help small businesses tailor payments help small businesses tailor payments to help small businesses tailor payments to their help small businesses tailor payments to their circumstances. payments to their circumstances. Most payments to their circumstances. Most businesses payments to their circumstances. Most businesses aim payments to their circumstances. Most businesses aim to payments to their circumstances. Most businesses aim to do payments to their circumstances. Most businesses aim to do the payments to their circumstances. Most businesses aim to do the right Most businesses aim to do the right thing Most businesses aim to do the right thing and Most businesses aim to do the right thing and pay Most businesses aim to do the right thing and pay their Most businesses aim to do the right thing and pay their tax Most businesses aim to do the right thing and pay their tax as Most businesses aim to do the right thing and pay their tax as best Most businesses aim to do the right thing and pay their tax as best they thing and pay their tax as best they can. thing and pay their tax as best they can. For thing and pay their tax as best they can. For most thing and pay their tax as best they can. For most businesses, thing and pay their tax as best they can. For most businesses, that thing and pay their tax as best they can. For most businesses, that means can. For most businesses, that means paying can. For most businesses, that means paying income can. For most businesses, that means paying income tax can. For most businesses, that means paying income tax in can. For most businesses, that means paying income tax in three paying income tax in three instalments paying income tax in three instalments of paying income tax in three instalments of provisional paying income tax in three instalments of provisional tax instalments of provisional tax throughout instalments of provisional tax throughout the instalments of provisional tax throughout the year. instalments of provisional tax throughout the year. Provisional instalments of provisional tax throughout the year. Provisional tax throughout the year. Provisional tax was throughout the year. Provisional tax was by throughout the year. Provisional tax was by far throughout the year. Provisional tax was by far the throughout the year. Provisional tax was by far the single throughout the year. Provisional tax was by far the single most was by far the single most commented-on was by far the single most commented-on aspect was by far the single most commented-on aspect by was by far the single most commented-on aspect by taxpayers was by far the single most commented-on aspect by taxpayers in commented-on aspect by taxpayers in the commented-on aspect by taxpayers in the public commented-on aspect by taxpayers in the public consultation commented-on aspect by taxpayers in the public consultation on commented-on aspect by taxpayers in the public consultation on the the public consultation on the Government's the public consultation on the Government's green the public consultation on the Government's green paper the public consultation on the Government's green paper on the public consultation on the Government's green paper on tax Government's green paper on tax administration Government's green paper on tax administration released Government's green paper on tax administration released in Government's green paper on tax administration released in March administration released in March 2015. administration released in March 2015. Many administration released in March 2015. Many found administration released in March 2015. Many found it administration released in March 2015. Many found it onerous administration released in March 2015. Many found it onerous and 2015. Many found it onerous and unfair 2015. Many found it onerous and unfair - 2015. Many found it onerous and unfair - in 2015. Many found it onerous and unfair - in particular, 2015. Many found it onerous and unfair - in particular, the unfair - in particular, the application unfair - in particular, the application of unfair - in particular, the application of use unfair - in particular, the application of use of unfair - in particular, the application of use of money unfair - in particular, the application of use of money interest application of use of money interest was application of use of money interest was a application of use of money interest was a key application of use of money interest was a key concern application of use of money interest was a key concern of application of use of money interest was a key concern of taxpayers. application of use of money interest was a key concern of taxpayers. The was a key concern of taxpayers. The Government was a key concern of taxpayers. The Government agrees was a key concern of taxpayers. The Government agrees that was a key concern of taxpayers. The Government agrees that processes was a key concern of taxpayers. The Government agrees that processes can Government agrees that processes can be Government agrees that processes can be improved, Government agrees that processes can be improved, and Government agrees that processes can be improved, and feedback Government agrees that processes can be improved, and feedback from be improved, and feedback from business be improved, and feedback from business since be improved, and feedback from business since that be improved, and feedback from business since that Budget business since that Budget announcement business since that Budget announcement has business since that Budget announcement has been business since that Budget announcement has been overwhelmingly announcement has been overwhelmingly positive. announcement has been overwhelmingly positive. I announcement has been overwhelmingly positive. I have announcement has been overwhelmingly positive. I have had announcement has been overwhelmingly positive. I have had feedback announcement has been overwhelmingly positive. I have had feedback just positive. I have had feedback just recently positive. I have had feedback just recently from positive. I have had feedback just recently from a positive. I have had feedback just recently from a Caucus positive. I have had feedback just recently from a Caucus colleague positive. I have had feedback just recently from a Caucus colleague who recently from a Caucus colleague who was recently from a Caucus colleague who was speaking recently from a Caucus colleague who was speaking to recently from a Caucus colleague who was speaking to a recently from a Caucus colleague who was speaking to a hairdresser, recently from a Caucus colleague who was speaking to a hairdresser, an was speaking to a hairdresser, an owner was speaking to a hairdresser, an owner of was speaking to a hairdresser, an owner of a was speaking to a hairdresser, an owner of a hairdressing was speaking to a hairdresser, an owner of a hairdressing salon, was speaking to a hairdresser, an owner of a hairdressing salon, for owner of a hairdressing salon, for about owner of a hairdressing salon, for about 15 owner of a hairdressing salon, for about 15 years. owner of a hairdressing salon, for about 15 years. One owner of a hairdressing salon, for about 15 years. One would owner of a hairdressing salon, for about 15 years. One would think owner of a hairdressing salon, for about 15 years. One would think that about 15 years. One would think that a about 15 years. One would think that a hairdressing about 15 years. One would think that a hairdressing salon about 15 years. One would think that a hairdressing salon had about 15 years. One would think that a hairdressing salon had a a hairdressing salon had a reasonably a hairdressing salon had a reasonably steady a hairdressing salon had a reasonably steady income a hairdressing salon had a reasonably steady income flow a hairdressing salon had a reasonably steady income flow and reasonably steady income flow and taxable reasonably steady income flow and taxable income reasonably steady income flow and taxable income flow. reasonably steady income flow and taxable income flow. This reasonably steady income flow and taxable income flow. This particular taxable income flow. This particular owner taxable income flow. This particular owner had taxable income flow. This particular owner had a taxable income flow. This particular owner had a variation taxable income flow. This particular owner had a variation in taxable income flow. This particular owner had a variation in the taxable income flow. This particular owner had a variation in the number owner had a variation in the number of owner had a variation in the number of chairs owner had a variation in the number of chairs that owner had a variation in the number of chairs that operated owner had a variation in the number of chairs that operated and owner had a variation in the number of chairs that operated and the of chairs that operated and the number of chairs that operated and the number of of chairs that operated and the number of staff of chairs that operated and the number of staff that of chairs that operated and the number of staff that worked of chairs that operated and the number of staff that worked for of chairs that operated and the number of staff that worked for her number of staff that worked for her - number of staff that worked for her - between number of staff that worked for her - between 10 number of staff that worked for her - between 10 and number of staff that worked for her - between 10 and 16 number of staff that worked for her - between 10 and 16 at number of staff that worked for her - between 10 and 16 at any number of staff that worked for her - between 10 and 16 at any one number of staff that worked for her - between 10 and 16 at any one time. - between 10 and 16 at any one time. That - between 10 and 16 at any one time. That created - between 10 and 16 at any one time. That created a - between 10 and 16 at any one time. That created a huge - between 10 and 16 at any one time. That created a huge challenge - between 10 and 16 at any one time. That created a huge challenge for That created a huge challenge for her That created a huge challenge for her in That created a huge challenge for her in estimating That created a huge challenge for her in estimating her That created a huge challenge for her in estimating her taxable her in estimating her taxable income, her in estimating her taxable income, and her in estimating her taxable income, and therefore her in estimating her taxable income, and therefore her income, and therefore her provisional income, and therefore her provisional tax income, and therefore her provisional tax obligations. income, and therefore her provisional tax obligations. She income, and therefore her provisional tax obligations. She fed provisional tax obligations. She fed back provisional tax obligations. She fed back to provisional tax obligations. She fed back to my provisional tax obligations. She fed back to my Caucus provisional tax obligations. She fed back to my Caucus colleague provisional tax obligations. She fed back to my Caucus colleague what provisional tax obligations. She fed back to my Caucus colleague what an back to my Caucus colleague what an absolutely back to my Caucus colleague what an absolutely fantastic back to my Caucus colleague what an absolutely fantastic initiative back to my Caucus colleague what an absolutely fantastic initiative this absolutely fantastic initiative this was. absolutely fantastic initiative this was. Even absolutely fantastic initiative this was. Even in absolutely fantastic initiative this was. Even in hairdressing, absolutely fantastic initiative this was. Even in hairdressing, we absolutely fantastic initiative this was. Even in hairdressing, we are was. Even in hairdressing, we are hearing was. Even in hairdressing, we are hearing that was. Even in hairdressing, we are hearing that now was. Even in hairdressing, we are hearing that now it's was. Even in hairdressing, we are hearing that now it's not was. Even in hairdressing, we are hearing that now it's not a was. Even in hairdressing, we are hearing that now it's not a seasonal hearing that now it's not a seasonal occupation hearing that now it's not a seasonal occupation or hearing that now it's not a seasonal occupation or business hearing that now it's not a seasonal occupation or business so hearing that now it's not a seasonal occupation or business so much, hearing that now it's not a seasonal occupation or business so much, but occupation or business so much, but many occupation or business so much, but many of occupation or business so much, but many of New occupation or business so much, but many of New Zealand's occupation or business so much, but many of New Zealand's tens occupation or business so much, but many of New Zealand's tens of many of New Zealand's tens of thousands many of New Zealand's tens of thousands of many of New Zealand's tens of thousands of small many of New Zealand's tens of thousands of small businesses many of New Zealand's tens of thousands of small businesses are thousands of small businesses are seasonal, thousands of small businesses are seasonal, and thousands of small businesses are seasonal, and they thousands of small businesses are seasonal, and they will thousands of small businesses are seasonal, and they will all thousands of small businesses are seasonal, and they will all benefit seasonal, and they will all benefit from seasonal, and they will all benefit from the seasonal, and they will all benefit from the changes seasonal, and they will all benefit from the changes we seasonal, and they will all benefit from the changes we plan seasonal, and they will all benefit from the changes we plan to seasonal, and they will all benefit from the changes we plan to make. from the changes we plan to make. The from the changes we plan to make. The bill from the changes we plan to make. The bill seeks from the changes we plan to make. The bill seeks to from the changes we plan to make. The bill seeks to remove from the changes we plan to make. The bill seeks to remove the The bill seeks to remove the application The bill seeks to remove the application of The bill seeks to remove the application of use The bill seeks to remove the application of use of The bill seeks to remove the application of use of money The bill seeks to remove the application of use of money interest application of use of money interest to application of use of money interest to a application of use of money interest to a large application of use of money interest to a large number application of use of money interest to a large number of application of use of money interest to a large number of them. application of use of money interest to a large number of them. It to a large number of them. It introduces to a large number of them. It introduces a to a large number of them. It introduces a new to a large number of them. It introduces a new calculation to a large number of them. It introduces a new calculation method introduces a new calculation method to introduces a new calculation method to better introduces a new calculation method to better match introduces a new calculation method to better match tax introduces a new calculation method to better match tax payments introduces a new calculation method to better match tax payments with to better match tax payments with income to better match tax payments with income earning. to better match tax payments with income earning. The to better match tax payments with income earning. The proposed to better match tax payments with income earning. The proposed new income earning. The proposed new calculation income earning. The proposed new calculation approach income earning. The proposed new calculation approach - income earning. The proposed new calculation approach - the calculation approach - the accounting calculation approach - the accounting income calculation approach - the accounting income method calculation approach - the accounting income method - calculation approach - the accounting income method - takes accounting income method - takes advantage accounting income method - takes advantage of accounting income method - takes advantage of technological accounting income method - takes advantage of technological advances advantage of technological advances to advantage of technological advances to smooth advantage of technological advances to smooth the advantage of technological advances to smooth the process. advantage of technological advances to smooth the process. It advantage of technological advances to smooth the process. It more to smooth the process. It more closely to smooth the process. It more closely matches to smooth the process. It more closely matches income to smooth the process. It more closely matches income earning to smooth the process. It more closely matches income earning with closely matches income earning with tax closely matches income earning with tax payments, closely matches income earning with tax payments, and closely matches income earning with tax payments, and reduces closely matches income earning with tax payments, and reduces compliance tax payments, and reduces compliance costs tax payments, and reduces compliance costs for tax payments, and reduces compliance costs for small tax payments, and reduces compliance costs for small business. tax payments, and reduces compliance costs for small business. The costs for small business. The objective costs for small business. The objective is costs for small business. The objective is to costs for small business. The objective is to simplify costs for small business. The objective is to simplify tax objective is to simplify tax processes objective is to simplify tax processes so, objective is to simplify tax processes so, rather objective is to simplify tax processes so, rather than objective is to simplify tax processes so, rather than imposing objective is to simplify tax processes so, rather than imposing a processes so, rather than imposing a stand-alone processes so, rather than imposing a stand-alone tax processes so, rather than imposing a stand-alone tax process, processes so, rather than imposing a stand-alone tax process, tax processes so, rather than imposing a stand-alone tax process, tax would stand-alone tax process, tax would become stand-alone tax process, tax would become part stand-alone tax process, tax would become part of stand-alone tax process, tax would become part of the stand-alone tax process, tax would become part of the normal, stand-alone tax process, tax would become part of the normal, everyday become part of the normal, everyday accounting become part of the normal, everyday accounting work become part of the normal, everyday accounting work that become part of the normal, everyday accounting work that businesses accounting work that businesses already accounting work that businesses already do accounting work that businesses already do in accounting work that businesses already do in managing accounting work that businesses already do in managing their already do in managing their finances. already do in managing their finances. Because already do in managing their finances. Because tax already do in managing their finances. Because tax will already do in managing their finances. Because tax will be already do in managing their finances. Because tax will be paid finances. Because tax will be paid as finances. Because tax will be paid as income finances. Because tax will be paid as income is finances. Because tax will be paid as income is earned, finances. Because tax will be paid as income is earned, businesses as income is earned, businesses using as income is earned, businesses using the as income is earned, businesses using the accounting as income is earned, businesses using the accounting income as income is earned, businesses using the accounting income method using the accounting income method will using the accounting income method will have using the accounting income method will have more using the accounting income method will have more certainty using the accounting income method will have more certainty that will have more certainty that they're will have more certainty that they're paying will have more certainty that they're paying the will have more certainty that they're paying the right will have more certainty that they're paying the right amount will have more certainty that they're paying the right amount of they're paying the right amount of tax. they're paying the right amount of tax. But they're paying the right amount of tax. But this they're paying the right amount of tax. But this isn't they're paying the right amount of tax. But this isn't a they're paying the right amount of tax. But this isn't a case they're paying the right amount of tax. But this isn't a case of tax. But this isn't a case of throwing tax. But this isn't a case of throwing the tax. But this isn't a case of throwing the baby tax. But this isn't a case of throwing the baby out tax. But this isn't a case of throwing the baby out with tax. But this isn't a case of throwing the baby out with the tax. But this isn't a case of throwing the baby out with the bath throwing the baby out with the bath withwater throwing the baby out with the bath withwater - throwing the baby out with the bath withwater - while throwing the baby out with the bath withwater - while the throwing the baby out with the bath withwater - while the current withwater - while the current calculation withwater - while the current calculation methods withwater - while the current calculation methods don't withwater - while the current calculation methods don't meet calculation methods don't meet everyone's calculation methods don't meet everyone's needs, calculation methods don't meet everyone's needs, there calculation methods don't meet everyone's needs, there are everyone's needs, there are certainly everyone's needs, there are certainly businesses everyone's needs, there are certainly businesses for everyone's needs, there are certainly businesses for whom everyone's needs, there are certainly businesses for whom the certainly businesses for whom the current certainly businesses for whom the current provisional certainly businesses for whom the current provisional tax certainly businesses for whom the current provisional tax methods current provisional tax methods worked current provisional tax methods worked a current provisional tax methods worked a withtly current provisional tax methods worked a withtly well. current provisional tax methods worked a withtly well. There current provisional tax methods worked a withtly well. There is, worked a withtly well. There is, therefore, worked a withtly well. There is, therefore, no worked a withtly well. There is, therefore, no intention worked a withtly well. There is, therefore, no intention to worked a withtly well. There is, therefore, no intention to do worked a withtly well. There is, therefore, no intention to do away therefore, no intention to do away with therefore, no intention to do away with other therefore, no intention to do away with other methods therefore, no intention to do away with other methods for therefore, no intention to do away with other methods for calculating with other methods for calculating provisional with other methods for calculating provisional tax, with other methods for calculating provisional tax, and with other methods for calculating provisional tax, and the with other methods for calculating provisional tax, and the proposal with other methods for calculating provisional tax, and the proposal is provisional tax, and the proposal is for provisional tax, and the proposal is for the provisional tax, and the proposal is for the accounting provisional tax, and the proposal is for the accounting income provisional tax, and the proposal is for the accounting income method provisional tax, and the proposal is for the accounting income method to for the accounting income method to be for the accounting income method to be a for the accounting income method to be a fourth for the accounting income method to be a fourth option for the accounting income method to be a fourth option for for the accounting income method to be a fourth option for calculating be a fourth option for calculating provisional be a fourth option for calculating provisional tax. be a fourth option for calculating provisional tax. The be a fourth option for calculating provisional tax. The Government provisional tax. The Government appreciates provisional tax. The Government appreciates that provisional tax. The Government appreciates that the provisional tax. The Government appreciates that the current provisional tax. The Government appreciates that the current system appreciates that the current system can appreciates that the current system can be appreciates that the current system can be unfair, appreciates that the current system can be unfair, even appreciates that the current system can be unfair, even if appreciates that the current system can be unfair, even if a appreciates that the current system can be unfair, even if a business can be unfair, even if a business ends can be unfair, even if a business ends up can be unfair, even if a business ends up paying can be unfair, even if a business ends up paying the can be unfair, even if a business ends up paying the right can be unfair, even if a business ends up paying the right amount can be unfair, even if a business ends up paying the right amount of ends up paying the right amount of provisional ends up paying the right amount of provisional tax ends up paying the right amount of provisional tax during ends up paying the right amount of provisional tax during the ends up paying the right amount of provisional tax during the year, provisional tax during the year, they provisional tax during the year, they can provisional tax during the year, they can still provisional tax during the year, they can still incur provisional tax during the year, they can still incur use provisional tax during the year, they can still incur use of provisional tax during the year, they can still incur use of money they can still incur use of money interest. they can still incur use of money interest. So they can still incur use of money interest. So for they can still incur use of money interest. So for those they can still incur use of money interest. So for those taxpayers they can still incur use of money interest. So for those taxpayers who interest. So for those taxpayers who use interest. So for those taxpayers who use the interest. So for those taxpayers who use the standard interest. So for those taxpayers who use the standard uplift interest. So for those taxpayers who use the standard uplift method, interest. So for those taxpayers who use the standard uplift method, the use the standard uplift method, the Government use the standard uplift method, the Government is use the standard uplift method, the Government is proposing use the standard uplift method, the Government is proposing two use the standard uplift method, the Government is proposing two changes Government is proposing two changes to Government is proposing two changes to minimise Government is proposing two changes to minimise the Government is proposing two changes to minimise the impact Government is proposing two changes to minimise the impact of Government is proposing two changes to minimise the impact of use Government is proposing two changes to minimise the impact of use of to minimise the impact of use of money to minimise the impact of use of money interest. to minimise the impact of use of money interest. Firstly, to minimise the impact of use of money interest. Firstly, to to minimise the impact of use of money interest. Firstly, to increase money interest. Firstly, to increase the money interest. Firstly, to increase the safe money interest. Firstly, to increase the safe harbour money interest. Firstly, to increase the safe harbour as money interest. Firstly, to increase the safe harbour as to money interest. Firstly, to increase the safe harbour as to when money interest. Firstly, to increase the safe harbour as to when use money interest. Firstly, to increase the safe harbour as to when use of the safe harbour as to when use of money the safe harbour as to when use of money will the safe harbour as to when use of money will apply, the safe harbour as to when use of money will apply, from the safe harbour as to when use of money will apply, from $50,000 the safe harbour as to when use of money will apply, from $50,000 of money will apply, from $50,000 of residual money will apply, from $50,000 of residual income money will apply, from $50,000 of residual income tax money will apply, from $50,000 of residual income tax to money will apply, from $50,000 of residual income tax to $60,000. money will apply, from $50,000 of residual income tax to $60,000. The residual income tax to $60,000. The bill residual income tax to $60,000. The bill also residual income tax to $60,000. The bill also proposes residual income tax to $60,000. The bill also proposes extending residual income tax to $60,000. The bill also proposes extending the bill also proposes extending the safe bill also proposes extending the safe harbour bill also proposes extending the safe harbour to bill also proposes extending the safe harbour to non-individual bill also proposes extending the safe harbour to non-individual -- safe harbour to non-individual -- non-individuals. safe harbour to non-individual -- non-individuals. Combining safe harbour to non-individual -- non-individuals. Combining these non-individuals. Combining these proposals non-individuals. Combining these proposals will non-individuals. Combining these proposals will remove non-individuals. Combining these proposals will remove some non-individuals. Combining these proposals will remove some 67,000 proposals will remove some 67,000 additional proposals will remove some 67,000 additional taxpayers proposals will remove some 67,000 additional taxpayers from proposals will remove some 67,000 additional taxpayers from the additional taxpayers from the impacts additional taxpayers from the impacts of additional taxpayers from the impacts of use additional taxpayers from the impacts of use of additional taxpayers from the impacts of use of money additional taxpayers from the impacts of use of money interest. impacts of use of money interest. Secondly, impacts of use of money interest. Secondly, for impacts of use of money interest. Secondly, for the impacts of use of money interest. Secondly, for the standard impacts of use of money interest. Secondly, for the standard uplift Secondly, for the standard uplift taxpayers Secondly, for the standard uplift taxpayers who Secondly, for the standard uplift taxpayers who are Secondly, for the standard uplift taxpayers who are outside Secondly, for the standard uplift taxpayers who are outside the Secondly, for the standard uplift taxpayers who are outside the new taxpayers who are outside the new safe taxpayers who are outside the new safe harbour taxpayers who are outside the new safe harbour rules, taxpayers who are outside the new safe harbour rules, and taxpayers who are outside the new safe harbour rules, and who taxpayers who are outside the new safe harbour rules, and who make taxpayers who are outside the new safe harbour rules, and who make the safe harbour rules, and who make the required safe harbour rules, and who make the required instalments, safe harbour rules, and who make the required instalments, use safe harbour rules, and who make the required instalments, use of safe harbour rules, and who make the required instalments, use of money required instalments, use of money interest required instalments, use of money interest will required instalments, use of money interest will only required instalments, use of money interest will only apply required instalments, use of money interest will only apply from required instalments, use of money interest will only apply from the interest will only apply from the last interest will only apply from the last instalment interest will only apply from the last instalment date. interest will only apply from the last instalment date. This interest will only apply from the last instalment date. This means interest will only apply from the last instalment date. This means a last instalment date. This means a taxpayer last instalment date. This means a taxpayer can last instalment date. This means a taxpayer can pay last instalment date. This means a taxpayer can pay their last instalment date. This means a taxpayer can pay their entire last instalment date. This means a taxpayer can pay their entire tax taxpayer can pay their entire tax for taxpayer can pay their entire tax for the taxpayer can pay their entire tax for the year taxpayer can pay their entire tax for the year with taxpayer can pay their entire tax for the year with no taxpayer can pay their entire tax for the year with no use taxpayer can pay their entire tax for the year with no use of taxpayer can pay their entire tax for the year with no use of money for the year with no use of money interest for the year with no use of money interest being for the year with no use of money interest being applied. for the year with no use of money interest being applied. For for the year with no use of money interest being applied. For those interest being applied. For those using interest being applied. For those using the interest being applied. For those using the new interest being applied. For those using the new accounting interest being applied. For those using the new accounting income using the new accounting income method, using the new accounting income method, and using the new accounting income method, and who using the new accounting income method, and who pay using the new accounting income method, and who pay the using the new accounting income method, and who pay the required method, and who pay the required instalments, method, and who pay the required instalments, use method, and who pay the required instalments, use of method, and who pay the required instalments, use of money method, and who pay the required instalments, use of money interest instalments, use of money interest will instalments, use of money interest will also instalments, use of money interest will also not instalments, use of money interest will also not apply. instalments, use of money interest will also not apply. The instalments, use of money interest will also not apply. The effect instalments, use of money interest will also not apply. The effect of will also not apply. The effect of the will also not apply. The effect of the proposals will also not apply. The effect of the proposals will will also not apply. The effect of the proposals will be will also not apply. The effect of the proposals will be that will also not apply. The effect of the proposals will be that use will also not apply. The effect of the proposals will be that use of the proposals will be that use of money the proposals will be that use of money interest the proposals will be that use of money interest will the proposals will be that use of money interest will be the proposals will be that use of money interest will be eliminated the proposals will be that use of money interest will be eliminated or money interest will be eliminated or reduced money interest will be eliminated or reduced for money interest will be eliminated or reduced for the money interest will be eliminated or reduced for the vast money interest will be eliminated or reduced for the vast majority money interest will be eliminated or reduced for the vast majority of reduced for the vast majority of taxpayers. reduced for the vast majority of taxpayers. I reduced for the vast majority of taxpayers. I believe reduced for the vast majority of taxpayers. I believe that reduced for the vast majority of taxpayers. I believe that the taxpayers. I believe that the proposed taxpayers. I believe that the proposed measures taxpayers. I believe that the proposed measures will taxpayers. I believe that the proposed measures will provide proposed measures will provide greater proposed measures will provide greater certainty, proposed measures will provide greater certainty, as proposed measures will provide greater certainty, as well proposed measures will provide greater certainty, as well as proposed measures will provide greater certainty, as well as peace greater certainty, as well as peace of greater certainty, as well as peace of mind, greater certainty, as well as peace of mind, particularly greater certainty, as well as peace of mind, particularly for greater certainty, as well as peace of mind, particularly for smaller of mind, particularly for smaller businesses. of mind, particularly for smaller businesses. The of mind, particularly for smaller businesses. The bill of mind, particularly for smaller businesses. The bill also of mind, particularly for smaller businesses. The bill also proposes businesses. The bill also proposes flexibility businesses. The bill also proposes flexibility for businesses. The bill also proposes flexibility for businesses businesses. The bill also proposes flexibility for businesses that flexibility for businesses that could flexibility for businesses that could trade flexibility for businesses that could trade their flexibility for businesses that could trade their way flexibility for businesses that could trade their way out flexibility for businesses that could trade their way out of flexibility for businesses that could trade their way out of debt. could trade their way out of debt. It could trade their way out of debt. It proposes could trade their way out of debt. It proposes to could trade their way out of debt. It proposes to reform could trade their way out of debt. It proposes to reform the It proposes to reform the late-payment It proposes to reform the late-payment penalty It proposes to reform the late-payment penalty by It proposes to reform the late-payment penalty by no It proposes to reform the late-payment penalty by no longer late-payment penalty by no longer imposing late-payment penalty by no longer imposing the late-payment penalty by no longer imposing the monthly late-payment penalty by no longer imposing the monthly incremental imposing the monthly incremental penalty imposing the monthly incremental penalty from imposing the monthly incremental penalty from new imposing the monthly incremental penalty from new GST, imposing the monthly incremental penalty from new GST, income imposing the monthly incremental penalty from new GST, income tax imposing the monthly incremental penalty from new GST, income tax and penalty from new GST, income tax and overpaid penalty from new GST, income tax and overpaid working-for-families penalty from new GST, income tax and overpaid working-for-families tax overpaid working-for-families tax credits. overpaid working-for-families tax credits. These overpaid working-for-families tax credits. These and overpaid working-for-families tax credits. These and other overpaid working-for-families tax credits. These and other proposed credits. These and other proposed tax-simplification credits. These and other proposed tax-simplification procedures credits. These and other proposed tax-simplification procedures were tax-simplification procedures were driven, tax-simplification procedures were driven, in tax-simplification procedures were driven, in part, tax-simplification procedures were driven, in part, to tax-simplification procedures were driven, in part, to making tax-simplification procedures were driven, in part, to making it tax-simplification procedures were driven, in part, to making it easier driven, in part, to making it easier for driven, in part, to making it easier for people driven, in part, to making it easier for people to driven, in part, to making it easier for people to comply. driven, in part, to making it easier for people to comply. The driven, in part, to making it easier for people to comply. The vast for people to comply. The vast majority for people to comply. The vast majority of for people to comply. The vast majority of people for people to comply. The vast majority of people do for people to comply. The vast majority of people do comply for people to comply. The vast majority of people do comply with majority of people do comply with their majority of people do comply with their tax majority of people do comply with their tax obligations. majority of people do comply with their tax obligations. But majority of people do comply with their tax obligations. But there majority of people do comply with their tax obligations. But there is their tax obligations. But there is a their tax obligations. But there is a small their tax obligations. But there is a small group their tax obligations. But there is a small group of their tax obligations. But there is a small group of people their tax obligations. But there is a small group of people who their tax obligations. But there is a small group of people who seek their tax obligations. But there is a small group of people who seek to a small group of people who seek to evade a small group of people who seek to evade their a small group of people who seek to evade their tax a small group of people who seek to evade their tax obligations a small group of people who seek to evade their tax obligations and a small group of people who seek to evade their tax obligations and hide evade their tax obligations and hide their evade their tax obligations and hide their assets evade their tax obligations and hide their assets offshore. evade their tax obligations and hide their assets offshore. This evade their tax obligations and hide their assets offshore. This is evade their tax obligations and hide their assets offshore. This is not evade their tax obligations and hide their assets offshore. This is not a their assets offshore. This is not a problem their assets offshore. This is not a problem confined their assets offshore. This is not a problem confined to their assets offshore. This is not a problem confined to New their assets offshore. This is not a problem confined to New Zealand problem confined to New Zealand alone, problem confined to New Zealand alone, and problem confined to New Zealand alone, and it problem confined to New Zealand alone, and it has problem confined to New Zealand alone, and it has become problem confined to New Zealand alone, and it has become the problem confined to New Zealand alone, and it has become the subject alone, and it has become the subject of alone, and it has become the subject of an alone, and it has become the subject of an international alone, and it has become the subject of an international effort alone, and it has become the subject of an international effort - of an international effort - spearheaded of an international effort - spearheaded by of an international effort - spearheaded by the of an international effort - spearheaded by the OECD. of an international effort - spearheaded by the OECD. New of an international effort - spearheaded by the OECD. New Zealand spearheaded by the OECD. New Zealand works spearheaded by the OECD. New Zealand works closely spearheaded by the OECD. New Zealand works closely with spearheaded by the OECD. New Zealand works closely with the spearheaded by the OECD. New Zealand works closely with the okd spearheaded by the OECD. New Zealand works closely with the okd on spearheaded by the OECD. New Zealand works closely with the okd on a works closely with the okd on a number works closely with the okd on a number of works closely with the okd on a number of matters works closely with the okd on a number of matters and works closely with the okd on a number of matters and we works closely with the okd on a number of matters and we can works closely with the okd on a number of matters and we can -- works closely with the okd on a number of matters and we can -- OECD number of matters and we can -- OECD on number of matters and we can -- OECD on a number of matters and we can -- OECD on a number number of matters and we can -- OECD on a number of number of matters and we can -- OECD on a number of matters, number of matters and we can -- OECD on a number of matters, and number of matters and we can -- OECD on a number of matters, and we number of matters and we can -- OECD on a number of matters, and we take on a number of matters, and we take our on a number of matters, and we take our global on a number of matters, and we take our global responsibilities on a number of matters, and we take our global responsibilities very our global responsibilities very seriously. our global responsibilities very seriously. That's our global responsibilities very seriously. That's why our global responsibilities very seriously. That's why the our global responsibilities very seriously. That's why the second seriously. That's why the second major seriously. That's why the second major component seriously. That's why the second major component of seriously. That's why the second major component of this seriously. That's why the second major component of this bill major component of this bill proposes major component of this bill proposes enabling major component of this bill proposes enabling legislation proposes enabling legislation requiring proposes enabling legislation requiring New proposes enabling legislation requiring New Zealand proposes enabling legislation requiring New Zealand financial requiring New Zealand financial institutions requiring New Zealand financial institutions dash requiring New Zealand financial institutions dash unless requiring New Zealand financial institutions dash unless exempted requiring New Zealand financial institutions dash unless exempted - institutions dash unless exempted - to institutions dash unless exempted - to review institutions dash unless exempted - to review their institutions dash unless exempted - to review their accounts institutions dash unless exempted - to review their accounts and institutions dash unless exempted - to review their accounts and collect to review their accounts and collect and to review their accounts and collect and report to review their accounts and collect and report information to review their accounts and collect and report information to to review their accounts and collect and report information to inland and report information to inland revenue and report information to inland revenue on and report information to inland revenue on -- and report information to inland revenue on -- Inland and report information to inland revenue on -- Inland Revenue and report information to inland revenue on -- Inland Revenue in revenue on -- Inland Revenue in accounts revenue on -- Inland Revenue in accounts held, revenue on -- Inland Revenue in accounts held, or revenue on -- Inland Revenue in accounts held, or in revenue on -- Inland Revenue in accounts held, or in certain accounts held, or in certain circumstances accounts held, or in certain circumstances controlled, accounts held, or in certain circumstances controlled, by circumstances controlled, by non-residents. circumstances controlled, by non-residents. Where circumstances controlled, by non-residents. Where necessary, non-residents. Where necessary, Inland non-residents. Where necessary, Inland Revenue non-residents. Where necessary, Inland Revenue will non-residents. Where necessary, Inland Revenue will then non-residents. Where necessary, Inland Revenue will then share non-residents. Where necessary, Inland Revenue will then share that Inland Revenue will then share that information Inland Revenue will then share that information with Inland Revenue will then share that information with other Inland Revenue will then share that information with other tax information with other tax jurisdictions information with other tax jurisdictions in information with other tax jurisdictions in specific information with other tax jurisdictions in specific countries. jurisdictions in specific countries. The jurisdictions in specific countries. The objective jurisdictions in specific countries. The objective is jurisdictions in specific countries. The objective is to jurisdictions in specific countries. The objective is to help jurisdictions in specific countries. The objective is to help eradicate The objective is to help eradicate tax The objective is to help eradicate tax evasion. The objective is to help eradicate tax evasion. Generally, The objective is to help eradicate tax evasion. Generally, the tax evasion. Generally, the legislation tax evasion. Generally, the legislation aims tax evasion. Generally, the legislation aims to tax evasion. Generally, the legislation aims to allow tax evasion. Generally, the legislation aims to allow the legislation aims to allow the reporting legislation aims to allow the reporting financial legislation aims to allow the reporting financial institutions legislation aims to allow the reporting financial institutions to reporting financial institutions to take reporting financial institutions to take advantage reporting financial institutions to take advantage of reporting financial institutions to take advantage of options reporting financial institutions to take advantage of options outlined take advantage of options outlined by take advantage of options outlined by the take advantage of options outlined by the OECD, take advantage of options outlined by the OECD, and take advantage of options outlined by the OECD, and not take advantage of options outlined by the OECD, and not require by the OECD, and not require reporting by the OECD, and not require reporting financial by the OECD, and not require reporting financial institutions by the OECD, and not require reporting financial institutions to reporting financial institutions to collect reporting financial institutions to collect further reporting financial institutions to collect further information reporting financial institutions to collect further information than reporting financial institutions to collect further information than is collect further information than is required collect further information than is required by collect further information than is required by the collect further information than is required by the OECD collect further information than is required by the OECD standard. collect further information than is required by the OECD standard. This required by the OECD standard. This approach required by the OECD standard. This approach should required by the OECD standard. This approach should help required by the OECD standard. This approach should help to required by the OECD standard. This approach should help to minimise required by the OECD standard. This approach should help to minimise the approach should help to minimise the compliance approach should help to minimise the compliance costs approach should help to minimise the compliance costs for approach should help to minimise the compliance costs for financial compliance costs for financial institutions. compliance costs for financial institutions. Mr compliance costs for financial institutions. Mr Speaker, compliance costs for financial institutions. Mr Speaker, the institutions. Mr Speaker, the overriding institutions. Mr Speaker, the overriding principle institutions. Mr Speaker, the overriding principle in institutions. Mr Speaker, the overriding principle in this overriding principle in this proposal overriding principle in this proposal is overriding principle in this proposal is the overriding principle in this proposal is the desire overriding principle in this proposal is the desire to overriding principle in this proposal is the desire to bring overriding principle in this proposal is the desire to bring more proposal is the desire to bring more transparency proposal is the desire to bring more transparency into proposal is the desire to bring more transparency into international proposal is the desire to bring more transparency into international tax transparency into international tax matters. transparency into international tax matters. This transparency into international tax matters. This is transparency into international tax matters. This is true transparency into international tax matters. This is true for transparency into international tax matters. This is true for one transparency into international tax matters. This is true for one other matters. This is true for one other item matters. This is true for one other item in matters. This is true for one other item in this matters. This is true for one other item in this bill matters. This is true for one other item in this bill - matters. This is true for one other item in this bill - the matters. This is true for one other item in this bill - the proposed item in this bill - the proposed amendments item in this bill - the proposed amendments to item in this bill - the proposed amendments to our item in this bill - the proposed amendments to our foreign item in this bill - the proposed amendments to our foreign trust amendments to our foreign trust rules. amendments to our foreign trust rules. While amendments to our foreign trust rules. While our amendments to our foreign trust rules. While our tax amendments to our foreign trust rules. While our tax settings amendments to our foreign trust rules. While our tax settings are rules. While our tax settings are very rules. While our tax settings are very sound rules. While our tax settings are very sound by rules. While our tax settings are very sound by international very sound by international standards, very sound by international standards, the very sound by international standards, the Government very sound by international standards, the Government has very sound by international standards, the Government has always standards, the Government has always been standards, the Government has always been open standards, the Government has always been open to standards, the Government has always been open to making standards, the Government has always been open to making improvements standards, the Government has always been open to making improvements to been open to making improvements to New been open to making improvements to New Zealand's been open to making improvements to New Zealand's already been open to making improvements to New Zealand's already strong been open to making improvements to New Zealand's already strong tax New Zealand's already strong tax settings, New Zealand's already strong tax settings, if New Zealand's already strong tax settings, if that New Zealand's already strong tax settings, if that was New Zealand's already strong tax settings, if that was warbted. settings, if that was warbted. That's settings, if that was warbted. That's why settings, if that was warbted. That's why the settings, if that was warbted. That's why the Government settings, if that was warbted. That's why the Government agreed settings, if that was warbted. That's why the Government agreed to That's why the Government agreed to act That's why the Government agreed to act on That's why the Government agreed to act on all That's why the Government agreed to act on all of That's why the Government agreed to act on all of the That's why the Government agreed to act on all of the recommendations act on all of the recommendations from act on all of the recommendations from the act on all of the recommendations from the Shewan act on all of the recommendations from the Shewan inquiry act on all of the recommendations from the Shewan inquiry to act on all of the recommendations from the Shewan inquiry to ensure from the Shewan inquiry to ensure our from the Shewan inquiry to ensure our disclosure from the Shewan inquiry to ensure our disclosure rules from the Shewan inquiry to ensure our disclosure rules are from the Shewan inquiry to ensure our disclosure rules are fit from the Shewan inquiry to ensure our disclosure rules are fit for our disclosure rules are fit for purpose. our disclosure rules are fit for purpose. The our disclosure rules are fit for purpose. The proposed our disclosure rules are fit for purpose. The proposed amendments our disclosure rules are fit for purpose. The proposed amendments to purpose. The proposed amendments to the purpose. The proposed amendments to the foreign purpose. The proposed amendments to the foreign trust purpose. The proposed amendments to the foreign trust disclosure purpose. The proposed amendments to the foreign trust disclosure rules the foreign trust disclosure rules included the foreign trust disclosure rules included in the foreign trust disclosure rules included in this the foreign trust disclosure rules included in this bill the foreign trust disclosure rules included in this bill will included in this bill will strengthen included in this bill will strengthen our included in this bill will strengthen our rules included in this bill will strengthen our rules and included in this bill will strengthen our rules and help included in this bill will strengthen our rules and help make strengthen our rules and help make sure strengthen our rules and help make sure that strengthen our rules and help make sure that we strengthen our rules and help make sure that we maintain strengthen our rules and help make sure that we maintain our strengthen our rules and help make sure that we maintain our reputation sure that we maintain our reputation in sure that we maintain our reputation in the sure that we maintain our reputation in the context sure that we maintain our reputation in the context of sure that we maintain our reputation in the context of best sure that we maintain our reputation in the context of best practice sure that we maintain our reputation in the context of best practice of in the context of best practice of international in the context of best practice of international exchange in the context of best practice of international exchange of international exchange of information. international exchange of information. This international exchange of information. This includes international exchange of information. This includes the information. This includes the proposal information. This includes the proposal to information. This includes the proposal to require information. This includes the proposal to require or information. This includes the proposal to require or register information. This includes the proposal to require or register that proposal to require or register that a proposal to require or register that a searchable proposal to require or register that a searchable by proposal to require or register that a searchable by internal proposal to require or register that a searchable by internal affairs proposal to require or register that a searchable by internal affairs and a searchable by internal affairs and NZ a searchable by internal affairs and NZ Police, a searchable by internal affairs and NZ Police, and a searchable by internal affairs and NZ Police, and for a searchable by internal affairs and NZ Police, and for annual a searchable by internal affairs and NZ Police, and for annual disclosure NZ Police, and for annual disclosure requirements. NZ Police, and for annual disclosure requirements. The NZ Police, and for annual disclosure requirements. The remaining NZ Police, and for annual disclosure requirements. The remaining changes requirements. The remaining changes in requirements. The remaining changes in the requirements. The remaining changes in the bill requirements. The remaining changes in the bill are requirements. The remaining changes in the bill are of requirements. The remaining changes in the bill are of a requirements. The remaining changes in the bill are of a practical in the bill are of a practical nature in the bill are of a practical nature and in the bill are of a practical nature and ensure in the bill are of a practical nature and ensure that in the bill are of a practical nature and ensure that the in the bill are of a practical nature and ensure that the tax in the bill are of a practical nature and ensure that the tax rules nature and ensure that the tax rules are nature and ensure that the tax rules are applied nature and ensure that the tax rules are applied consistently, nature and ensure that the tax rules are applied consistently, that nature and ensure that the tax rules are applied consistently, that they are applied consistently, that they are are applied consistently, that they are clear, are applied consistently, that they are clear, and are applied consistently, that they are clear, and that are applied consistently, that they are clear, and that they are applied consistently, that they are clear, and that they achieve are clear, and that they achieve their are clear, and that they achieve their correct are clear, and that they achieve their correct policy are clear, and that they achieve their correct policy purpose. their correct policy purpose. Finally, their correct policy purpose. Finally, the their correct policy purpose. Finally, the bill their correct policy purpose. Finally, the bill includes their correct policy purpose. Finally, the bill includes a their correct policy purpose. Finally, the bill includes a range Finally, the bill includes a range of Finally, the bill includes a range of other Finally, the bill includes a range of other remedial Finally, the bill includes a range of other remedial amendments Finally, the bill includes a range of other remedial amendments to Finally, the bill includes a range of other remedial amendments to give of other remedial amendments to give greater of other remedial amendments to give greater certainty of other remedial amendments to give greater certainty to of other remedial amendments to give greater certainty to taxpayers. of other remedial amendments to give greater certainty to taxpayers. Mr greater certainty to taxpayers. Mr Speaker, greater certainty to taxpayers. Mr Speaker, together, greater certainty to taxpayers. Mr Speaker, together, these greater certainty to taxpayers. Mr Speaker, together, these measures Speaker, together, these measures will Speaker, together, these measures will help Speaker, together, these measures will help strengthen Speaker, together, these measures will help strengthen our Speaker, together, these measures will help strengthen our tax Speaker, together, these measures will help strengthen our tax systems will help strengthen our tax systems and will help strengthen our tax systems and make will help strengthen our tax systems and make it will help strengthen our tax systems and make it easier will help strengthen our tax systems and make it easier for will help strengthen our tax systems and make it easier for taxpayers will help strengthen our tax systems and make it easier for taxpayers to and make it easier for taxpayers to comply and make it easier for taxpayers to comply with and make it easier for taxpayers to comply with their and make it easier for taxpayers to comply with their obligations, and make it easier for taxpayers to comply with their obligations, and comply with their obligations, and help comply with their obligations, and help taxpayers comply with their obligations, and help taxpayers more comply with their obligations, and help taxpayers more generally. comply with their obligations, and help taxpayers more generally. These help taxpayers more generally. These are help taxpayers more generally. These are good help taxpayers more generally. These are good tax help taxpayers more generally. These are good tax proposals help taxpayers more generally. These are good tax proposals for help taxpayers more generally. These are good tax proposals for New are good tax proposals for New Zealand, are good tax proposals for New Zealand, and are good tax proposals for New Zealand, and good are good tax proposals for New Zealand, and good for are good tax proposals for New Zealand, and good for the are good tax proposals for New Zealand, and good for the tax Zealand, and good for the tax system. Zealand, and good for the tax system. I Zealand, and good for the tax system. I commend Zealand, and good for the tax system. I commend it Zealand, and good for the tax system. I commend it to Zealand, and good for the tax system. I commend it to the Zealand, and good for the tax system. I commend it to the House. system. I commend it to the House. The system. I commend it to the House. The question system. I commend it to the House. The question is system. I commend it to the House. The question is that system. I commend it to the House. The question is that the system. I commend it to the House. The question is that the motion system. I commend it to the House. The question is that the motion be The question is that the motion be agreed The question is that the motion be agreed to. The question is that the motion be agreed to. I The question is that the motion be agreed to. I call The question is that the motion be agreed to. I call Stuart The question is that the motion be agreed to. I call Stuart Nash. The question is that the motion be agreed to. I call Stuart Nash. Thank agreed to. I call Stuart Nash. Thank you agreed to. I call Stuart Nash. Thank you very agreed to. I call Stuart Nash. Thank you very much, agreed to. I call Stuart Nash. Thank you very much, Mr agreed to. I call Stuart Nash. Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. agreed to. I call Stuart Nash. Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. Mr you very much, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, you very much, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, like you very much, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, like every you very much, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, like every tax you very much, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, like every tax bill you very much, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, like every tax bill through Speaker, like every tax bill through the Speaker, like every tax bill through the select Speaker, like every tax bill through the select committee, Speaker, like every tax bill through the select committee, yet Speaker, like every tax bill through the select committee, yet again, Speaker, like every tax bill through the select committee, yet again, Mr the select committee, yet again, Mr Speaker, the select committee, yet again, Mr Speaker, we the select committee, yet again, Mr Speaker, we have the select committee, yet again, Mr Speaker, we have another the select committee, yet again, Mr Speaker, we have another bill Speaker, we have another bill related Speaker, we have another bill related to Speaker, we have another bill related to the Speaker, we have another bill related to the student Speaker, we have another bill related to the student loan Speaker, we have another bill related to the student loan scheme related to the student loan scheme act. related to the student loan scheme act. This related to the student loan scheme act. This is related to the student loan scheme act. This is about related to the student loan scheme act. This is about the related to the student loan scheme act. This is about the sixth related to the student loan scheme act. This is about the sixth bill act. This is about the sixth bill this act. This is about the sixth bill this year act. This is about the sixth bill this year we've act. This is about the sixth bill this year we've had act. This is about the sixth bill this year we've had on act. This is about the sixth bill this year we've had on this. act. This is about the sixth bill this year we've had on this. I act. This is about the sixth bill this year we've had on this. I would this year we've had on this. I would like this year we've had on this. I would like to this year we've had on this. I would like to request this year we've had on this. I would like to request the this year we've had on this. I would like to request the Minister this year we've had on this. I would like to request the Minister that like to request the Minister that perhaps like to request the Minister that perhaps you like to request the Minister that perhaps you just like to request the Minister that perhaps you just get like to request the Minister that perhaps you just get it like to request the Minister that perhaps you just get it all like to request the Minister that perhaps you just get it all right like to request the Minister that perhaps you just get it all right in perhaps you just get it all right in one perhaps you just get it all right in one bill, perhaps you just get it all right in one bill, put perhaps you just get it all right in one bill, put it perhaps you just get it all right in one bill, put it together, perhaps you just get it all right in one bill, put it together, so perhaps you just get it all right in one bill, put it together, so we perhaps you just get it all right in one bill, put it together, so we can one bill, put it together, so we can actually one bill, put it together, so we can actually do one bill, put it together, so we can actually do it one bill, put it together, so we can actually do it at one bill, put it together, so we can actually do it at the one bill, put it together, so we can actually do it at the same one bill, put it together, so we can actually do it at the same time. one bill, put it together, so we can actually do it at the same time. Mr actually do it at the same time. Mr Speaker, actually do it at the same time. Mr Speaker, we, actually do it at the same time. Mr Speaker, we, in actually do it at the same time. Mr Speaker, we, in the actually do it at the same time. Mr Speaker, we, in the Labour actually do it at the same time. Mr Speaker, we, in the Labour Party, Speaker, we, in the Labour Party, are Speaker, we, in the Labour Party, are all Speaker, we, in the Labour Party, are all for Speaker, we, in the Labour Party, are all for making Speaker, we, in the Labour Party, are all for making tax Speaker, we, in the Labour Party, are all for making tax easier. Speaker, we, in the Labour Party, are all for making tax easier. There are all for making tax easier. There is are all for making tax easier. There is absolutely are all for making tax easier. There is absolutely no are all for making tax easier. There is absolutely no doubt are all for making tax easier. There is absolutely no doubt about are all for making tax easier. There is absolutely no doubt about that. is absolutely no doubt about that. But is absolutely no doubt about that. But there is absolutely no doubt about that. But there is is absolutely no doubt about that. But there is a is absolutely no doubt about that. But there is a great is absolutely no doubt about that. But there is a great saying is absolutely no doubt about that. But there is a great saying that But there is a great saying that imitation But there is a great saying that imitation is But there is a great saying that imitation is the But there is a great saying that imitation is the highest But there is a great saying that imitation is the highest form But there is a great saying that imitation is the highest form of imitation is the highest form of flattery. imitation is the highest form of flattery. Mr imitation is the highest form of flattery. Mr Speaker, imitation is the highest form of flattery. Mr Speaker, this flattery. Mr Speaker, this Government flattery. Mr Speaker, this Government had flattery. Mr Speaker, this Government had been flattery. Mr Speaker, this Government had been in flattery. Mr Speaker, this Government had been in power flattery. Mr Speaker, this Government had been in power for Government had been in power for seven Government had been in power for seven or Government had been in power for seven or eight Government had been in power for seven or eight long Government had been in power for seven or eight long years, Government had been in power for seven or eight long years, hadn't seven or eight long years, hadn't even seven or eight long years, hadn't even addressed seven or eight long years, hadn't even addressed this seven or eight long years, hadn't even addressed this issue seven or eight long years, hadn't even addressed this issue at seven or eight long years, hadn't even addressed this issue at all even addressed this issue at all until even addressed this issue at all until one even addressed this issue at all until one pivotal even addressed this issue at all until one pivotal moment. even addressed this issue at all until one pivotal moment. Mr until one pivotal moment. Mr Speaker, until one pivotal moment. Mr Speaker, what until one pivotal moment. Mr Speaker, what happened until one pivotal moment. Mr Speaker, what happened - until one pivotal moment. Mr Speaker, what happened - what until one pivotal moment. Mr Speaker, what happened - what that Speaker, what happened - what that moment Speaker, what happened - what that moment was Speaker, what happened - what that moment was - Speaker, what happened - what that moment was - was Speaker, what happened - what that moment was - was Labour Speaker, what happened - what that moment was - was Labour introduced Speaker, what happened - what that moment was - was Labour introduced a moment was - was Labour introduced a tax moment was - was Labour introduced a tax policy moment was - was Labour introduced a tax policy to moment was - was Labour introduced a tax policy to make moment was - was Labour introduced a tax policy to make provisional moment was - was Labour introduced a tax policy to make provisional tax tax policy to make provisional tax easier. tax policy to make provisional tax easier. Certainly tax policy to make provisional tax easier. Certainly to tax policy to make provisional tax easier. Certainly to make tax policy to make provisional tax easier. Certainly to make it tax policy to make provisional tax easier. Certainly to make it easier easier. Certainly to make it easier for easier. Certainly to make it easier for small easier. Certainly to make it easier for small to easier. Certainly to make it easier for small to medium easier. Certainly to make it easier for small to medium businesses easier. Certainly to make it easier for small to medium businesses not for small to medium businesses not having for small to medium businesses not having to for small to medium businesses not having to pay for small to medium businesses not having to pay provisional for small to medium businesses not having to pay provisional tax. for small to medium businesses not having to pay provisional tax. What having to pay provisional tax. What the having to pay provisional tax. What the Government having to pay provisional tax. What the Government did having to pay provisional tax. What the Government did is having to pay provisional tax. What the Government did is said, having to pay provisional tax. What the Government did is said, "What having to pay provisional tax. What the Government did is said, "What a the Government did is said, "What a fantastic the Government did is said, "What a fantastic idea the Government did is said, "What a fantastic idea - the Government did is said, "What a fantastic idea - let's the Government did is said, "What a fantastic idea - let's adopt the Government did is said, "What a fantastic idea - let's adopt that!" fantastic idea - let's adopt that!" I'm fantastic idea - let's adopt that!" I'm pleased fantastic idea - let's adopt that!" I'm pleased they fantastic idea - let's adopt that!" I'm pleased they have, fantastic idea - let's adopt that!" I'm pleased they have, from fantastic idea - let's adopt that!" I'm pleased they have, from an fantastic idea - let's adopt that!" I'm pleased they have, from an SME's I'm pleased they have, from an SME's perspective, I'm pleased they have, from an SME's perspective, because I'm pleased they have, from an SME's perspective, because doing I'm pleased they have, from an SME's perspective, because doing business perspective, because doing business in perspective, because doing business in this perspective, because doing business in this country perspective, because doing business in this country has perspective, because doing business in this country has to perspective, because doing business in this country has to be perspective, because doing business in this country has to be easier, in this country has to be easier, but in this country has to be easier, but I in this country has to be easier, but I just in this country has to be easier, but I just wish in this country has to be easier, but I just wish that in this country has to be easier, but I just wish that the in this country has to be easier, but I just wish that the Minister but I just wish that the Minister would but I just wish that the Minister would give but I just wish that the Minister would give a but I just wish that the Minister would give a little but I just wish that the Minister would give a little bit but I just wish that the Minister would give a little bit of but I just wish that the Minister would give a little bit of credit would give a little bit of credit where would give a little bit of credit where credit would give a little bit of credit where credit is would give a little bit of credit where credit is due. would give a little bit of credit where credit is due. You're would give a little bit of credit where credit is due. You're welcome, where credit is due. You're welcome, Minister. Minister. I Minister. I am Minister. I am sure Minister. I am sure what Minister. I am sure what we Minister. I am sure what we will Minister. I am sure what we will do, Minister. I am sure what we will do, however, I am sure what we will do, however, is I am sure what we will do, however, is make I am sure what we will do, however, is make this I am sure what we will do, however, is make this bill I am sure what we will do, however, is make this bill just I am sure what we will do, however, is make this bill just a I am sure what we will do, however, is make this bill just a little I am sure what we will do, however, is make this bill just a little bit is make this bill just a little bit better is make this bill just a little bit better through is make this bill just a little bit better through the is make this bill just a little bit better through the select is make this bill just a little bit better through the select committee better through the select committee process, better through the select committee process, and better through the select committee process, and what better through the select committee process, and what I better through the select committee process, and what I do better through the select committee process, and what I do urge better through the select committee process, and what I do urge is better through the select committee process, and what I do urge is those process, and what I do urge is those who process, and what I do urge is those who are process, and what I do urge is those who are listening process, and what I do urge is those who are listening - process, and what I do urge is those who are listening - those process, and what I do urge is those who are listening - those who process, and what I do urge is those who are listening - those who are who are listening - those who are involved who are listening - those who are involved in who are listening - those who are involved in the who are listening - those who are involved in the tax who are listening - those who are involved in the tax business, involved in the tax business, whether involved in the tax business, whether you're involved in the tax business, whether you're lawyers, involved in the tax business, whether you're lawyers, accountants, whether you're lawyers, accountants, financial whether you're lawyers, accountants, financial advisors whether you're lawyers, accountants, financial advisors - whether you're lawyers, accountants, financial advisors - I whether you're lawyers, accountants, financial advisors - I urge whether you're lawyers, accountants, financial advisors - I urge you whether you're lawyers, accountants, financial advisors - I urge you to financial advisors - I urge you to submit financial advisors - I urge you to submit on financial advisors - I urge you to submit on this financial advisors - I urge you to submit on this bill financial advisors - I urge you to submit on this bill so financial advisors - I urge you to submit on this bill so we financial advisors - I urge you to submit on this bill so we can submit on this bill so we can actually submit on this bill so we can actually adopt submit on this bill so we can actually adopt the submit on this bill so we can actually adopt the best submit on this bill so we can actually adopt the best practices actually adopt the best practices out actually adopt the best practices out of actually adopt the best practices out of the actually adopt the best practices out of the Labour actually adopt the best practices out of the Labour policy actually adopt the best practices out of the Labour policy and actually adopt the best practices out of the Labour policy and put actually adopt the best practices out of the Labour policy and put it out of the Labour policy and put it in out of the Labour policy and put it in this out of the Labour policy and put it in this legislation. out of the Labour policy and put it in this legislation. There out of the Labour policy and put it in this legislation. There was in this legislation. There was something in this legislation. There was something called in this legislation. There was something called the in this legislation. There was something called the accounting something called the accounting income something called the accounting income method, something called the accounting income method, which something called the accounting income method, which is something called the accounting income method, which is the income method, which is the pay-as-you-go income method, which is the pay-as-you-go - income method, which is the pay-as-you-go - the income method, which is the pay-as-you-go - the thing income method, which is the pay-as-you-go - the thing about pay-as-you-go - the thing about this, pay-as-you-go - the thing about this, Mr pay-as-you-go - the thing about this, Mr Speaker, pay-as-you-go - the thing about this, Mr Speaker, and pay-as-you-go - the thing about this, Mr Speaker, and I'm pay-as-you-go - the thing about this, Mr Speaker, and I'm not pay-as-you-go - the thing about this, Mr Speaker, and I'm not too this, Mr Speaker, and I'm not too sure this, Mr Speaker, and I'm not too sure of this, Mr Speaker, and I'm not too sure of the this, Mr Speaker, and I'm not too sure of the extent this, Mr Speaker, and I'm not too sure of the extent of this, Mr Speaker, and I'm not too sure of the extent of this, this, Mr Speaker, and I'm not too sure of the extent of this, is this, Mr Speaker, and I'm not too sure of the extent of this, is to sure of the extent of this, is to access sure of the extent of this, is to access this, sure of the extent of this, is to access this, you sure of the extent of this, is to access this, you must sure of the extent of this, is to access this, you must use sure of the extent of this, is to access this, you must use accounting access this, you must use accounting software. access this, you must use accounting software. A access this, you must use accounting software. A business access this, you must use accounting software. A business must access this, you must use accounting software. A business must use software. A business must use accounting software. A business must use accounting software software. A business must use accounting software to software. A business must use accounting software to derive software. A business must use accounting software to derive the accounting software to derive the level accounting software to derive the level of accounting software to derive the level of provisional accounting software to derive the level of provisional tax accounting software to derive the level of provisional tax required accounting software to derive the level of provisional tax required to level of provisional tax required to be level of provisional tax required to be paid. level of provisional tax required to be paid. I level of provisional tax required to be paid. I will level of provisional tax required to be paid. I will signal level of provisional tax required to be paid. I will signal here level of provisional tax required to be paid. I will signal here my be paid. I will signal here my slight be paid. I will signal here my slight concern be paid. I will signal here my slight concern about be paid. I will signal here my slight concern about this, be paid. I will signal here my slight concern about this, because slight concern about this, because it slight concern about this, because it just slight concern about this, because it just appears slight concern about this, because it just appears to slight concern about this, because it just appears to me slight concern about this, because it just appears to me that slight concern about this, because it just appears to me that those it just appears to me that those good, it just appears to me that those good, hardworking it just appears to me that those good, hardworking ce-Kiwis it just appears to me that those good, hardworking ce-Kiwis that it just appears to me that those good, hardworking ce-Kiwis that sit good, hardworking ce-Kiwis that sit down good, hardworking ce-Kiwis that sit down at good, hardworking ce-Kiwis that sit down at the good, hardworking ce-Kiwis that sit down at the kitchen good, hardworking ce-Kiwis that sit down at the kitchen table good, hardworking ce-Kiwis that sit down at the kitchen table at good, hardworking ce-Kiwis that sit down at the kitchen table at the good, hardworking ce-Kiwis that sit down at the kitchen table at the end down at the kitchen table at the end of down at the kitchen table at the end of the down at the kitchen table at the end of the day, down at the kitchen table at the end of the day, who down at the kitchen table at the end of the day, who undertake down at the kitchen table at the end of the day, who undertake their down at the kitchen table at the end of the day, who undertake their tax of the day, who undertake their tax return of the day, who undertake their tax return the of the day, who undertake their tax return the way of the day, who undertake their tax return the way that's of the day, who undertake their tax return the way that's been of the day, who undertake their tax return the way that's been done of the day, who undertake their tax return the way that's been done for return the way that's been done for a return the way that's been done for a long, return the way that's been done for a long, long return the way that's been done for a long, long time, return the way that's been done for a long, long time, may return the way that's been done for a long, long time, may well return the way that's been done for a long, long time, may well be a long, long time, may well be disadvantaged. a long, long time, may well be disadvantaged. Now, a long, long time, may well be disadvantaged. Now, I'm a long, long time, may well be disadvantaged. Now, I'm unsure a long, long time, may well be disadvantaged. Now, I'm unsure what disadvantaged. Now, I'm unsure what the disadvantaged. Now, I'm unsure what the extent disadvantaged. Now, I'm unsure what the extent of disadvantaged. Now, I'm unsure what the extent of that disadvantaged. Now, I'm unsure what the extent of that problem disadvantaged. Now, I'm unsure what the extent of that problem might disadvantaged. Now, I'm unsure what the extent of that problem might be. the extent of that problem might be. I the extent of that problem might be. I don't the extent of that problem might be. I don't know the extent of that problem might be. I don't know how the extent of that problem might be. I don't know how many the extent of that problem might be. I don't know how many of the extent of that problem might be. I don't know how many of the the extent of that problem might be. I don't know how many of the SME I don't know how many of the SME businesses I don't know how many of the SME businesses that I don't know how many of the SME businesses that operate I don't know how many of the SME businesses that operate in I don't know how many of the SME businesses that operate in New businesses that operate in New Zealand businesses that operate in New Zealand are businesses that operate in New Zealand are actually businesses that operate in New Zealand are actually on businesses that operate in New Zealand are actually on accounting Zealand are actually on accounting software, Zealand are actually on accounting software, and Zealand are actually on accounting software, and how Zealand are actually on accounting software, and how many Zealand are actually on accounting software, and how many do Zealand are actually on accounting software, and how many do it Zealand are actually on accounting software, and how many do it the software, and how many do it the old-fashioned software, and how many do it the old-fashioned way. software, and how many do it the old-fashioned way. But software, and how many do it the old-fashioned way. But what software, and how many do it the old-fashioned way. But what we software, and how many do it the old-fashioned way. But what we do old-fashioned way. But what we do need old-fashioned way. But what we do need to old-fashioned way. But what we do need to do old-fashioned way. But what we do need to do is old-fashioned way. But what we do need to do is understand old-fashioned way. But what we do need to do is understand the old-fashioned way. But what we do need to do is understand the extent need to do is understand the extent of need to do is understand the extent of that need to do is understand the extent of that problem need to do is understand the extent of that problem and, need to do is understand the extent of that problem and, if need to do is understand the extent of that problem and, if there need to do is understand the extent of that problem and, if there is need to do is understand the extent of that problem and, if there is a of that problem and, if there is a solution, of that problem and, if there is a solution, then of that problem and, if there is a solution, then let's of that problem and, if there is a solution, then let's see of that problem and, if there is a solution, then let's see if of that problem and, if there is a solution, then let's see if we of that problem and, if there is a solution, then let's see if we can solution, then let's see if we can find solution, then let's see if we can find it. solution, then let's see if we can find it. The solution, then let's see if we can find it. The other solution, then let's see if we can find it. The other question solution, then let's see if we can find it. The other question for solution, then let's see if we can find it. The other question for the find it. The other question for the Minister find it. The other question for the Minister is find it. The other question for the Minister is why find it. The other question for the Minister is why wait find it. The other question for the Minister is why wait until find it. The other question for the Minister is why wait until April Minister is why wait until April 2018 Minister is why wait until April 2018 to Minister is why wait until April 2018 to implement Minister is why wait until April 2018 to implement this? Minister is why wait until April 2018 to implement this? Why Minister is why wait until April 2018 to implement this? Why not Minister is why wait until April 2018 to implement this? Why not do 2018 to implement this? Why not do this 2018 to implement this? Why not do this next 2018 to implement this? Why not do this next year? 2018 to implement this? Why not do this next year? Certainly 2018 to implement this? Why not do this next year? Certainly it 2018 to implement this? Why not do this next year? Certainly it doesn't this next year? Certainly it doesn't take this next year? Certainly it doesn't take that this next year? Certainly it doesn't take that long this next year? Certainly it doesn't take that long to this next year? Certainly it doesn't take that long to put this next year? Certainly it doesn't take that long to put these take that long to put these provisions take that long to put these provisions in take that long to put these provisions in place. take that long to put these provisions in place. I take that long to put these provisions in place. I would take that long to put these provisions in place. I would have provisions in place. I would have thought provisions in place. I would have thought the provisions in place. I would have thought the vast provisions in place. I would have thought the vast majority provisions in place. I would have thought the vast majority of provisions in place. I would have thought the vast majority of small thought the vast majority of small to thought the vast majority of small to medium thought the vast majority of small to medium businesses thought the vast majority of small to medium businesses - thought the vast majority of small to medium businesses - which thought the vast majority of small to medium businesses - which we thought the vast majority of small to medium businesses - which we all to medium businesses - which we all understand, to medium businesses - which we all understand, and to medium businesses - which we all understand, and certainly to medium businesses - which we all understand, and certainly those understand, and certainly those operating understand, and certainly those operating in understand, and certainly those operating in an understand, and certainly those operating in an environment understand, and certainly those operating in an environment of operating in an environment of uncertainty operating in an environment of uncertainty - operating in an environment of uncertainty - we operating in an environment of uncertainty - we all operating in an environment of uncertainty - we all understand operating in an environment of uncertainty - we all understand they uncertainty - we all understand they find uncertainty - we all understand they find provisional uncertainty - we all understand they find provisional tax uncertainty - we all understand they find provisional tax a uncertainty - we all understand they find provisional tax a little uncertainty - we all understand they find provisional tax a little bit uncertainty - we all understand they find provisional tax a little bit of find provisional tax a little bit of an find provisional tax a little bit of an imposition. find provisional tax a little bit of an imposition. So find provisional tax a little bit of an imposition. So let's find provisional tax a little bit of an imposition. So let's get find provisional tax a little bit of an imposition. So let's get this an imposition. So let's get this sorted an imposition. So let's get this sorted sooner an imposition. So let's get this sorted sooner rather an imposition. So let's get this sorted sooner rather than an imposition. So let's get this sorted sooner rather than later. an imposition. So let's get this sorted sooner rather than later. Mr sorted sooner rather than later. Mr Speaker, sorted sooner rather than later. Mr Speaker, the sorted sooner rather than later. Mr Speaker, the other sorted sooner rather than later. Mr Speaker, the other point sorted sooner rather than later. Mr Speaker, the other point that sorted sooner rather than later. Mr Speaker, the other point that the Speaker, the other point that the Minister Speaker, the other point that the Minister talked Speaker, the other point that the Minister talked about Speaker, the other point that the Minister talked about and Speaker, the other point that the Minister talked about and that Speaker, the other point that the Minister talked about and that I Minister talked about and that I would Minister talked about and that I would like Minister talked about and that I would like to Minister talked about and that I would like to sort Minister talked about and that I would like to sort of Minister talked about and that I would like to sort of set Minister talked about and that I would like to sort of set the Minister talked about and that I would like to sort of set the record would like to sort of set the record a would like to sort of set the record a little would like to sort of set the record a little bit would like to sort of set the record a little bit straight would like to sort of set the record a little bit straight on would like to sort of set the record a little bit straight on is would like to sort of set the record a little bit straight on is the a little bit straight on is the foreign a little bit straight on is the foreign trust a little bit straight on is the foreign trust disclosure a little bit straight on is the foreign trust disclosure rules. a little bit straight on is the foreign trust disclosure rules. Now, foreign trust disclosure rules. Now, there foreign trust disclosure rules. Now, there are foreign trust disclosure rules. Now, there are a foreign trust disclosure rules. Now, there are a number foreign trust disclosure rules. Now, there are a number of foreign trust disclosure rules. Now, there are a number of information there are a number of information disclosure there are a number of information disclosure requirements there are a number of information disclosure requirements that there are a number of information disclosure requirements that this disclosure requirements that this bill disclosure requirements that this bill puts disclosure requirements that this bill puts in disclosure requirements that this bill puts in place. disclosure requirements that this bill puts in place. This disclosure requirements that this bill puts in place. This is disclosure requirements that this bill puts in place. This is foreign bill puts in place. This is foreign trust bill puts in place. This is foreign trust with bill puts in place. This is foreign trust with New bill puts in place. This is foreign trust with New Zealand bill puts in place. This is foreign trust with New Zealand resident trust with New Zealand resident trustee. trust with New Zealand resident trustee. The trust with New Zealand resident trustee. The trust trust with New Zealand resident trustee. The trust must trust with New Zealand resident trustee. The trust must register trustee. The trust must register with trustee. The trust must register with the trustee. The trust must register with the IRD, trustee. The trust must register with the IRD, pay trustee. The trust must register with the IRD, pay regulation trustee. The trust must register with the IRD, pay regulation and with the IRD, pay regulation and filing with the IRD, pay regulation and filing fees, with the IRD, pay regulation and filing fees, and with the IRD, pay regulation and filing fees, and share with the IRD, pay regulation and filing fees, and share -- with the IRD, pay regulation and filing fees, and share -- fees, with the IRD, pay regulation and filing fees, and share -- fees, and filing fees, and share -- fees, and share filing fees, and share -- fees, and share information filing fees, and share -- fees, and share information with filing fees, and share -- fees, and share information with certain share information with certain Government share information with certain Government agencies. share information with certain Government agencies. Now, share information with certain Government agencies. Now, you share information with certain Government agencies. Now, you would Government agencies. Now, you would have Government agencies. Now, you would have thought Government agencies. Now, you would have thought that Government agencies. Now, you would have thought that any Government agencies. Now, you would have thought that any trust Government agencies. Now, you would have thought that any trust in Government agencies. Now, you would have thought that any trust in New have thought that any trust in New Zealand have thought that any trust in New Zealand would have thought that any trust in New Zealand would have have thought that any trust in New Zealand would have to have thought that any trust in New Zealand would have to do have thought that any trust in New Zealand would have to do this Zealand would have to do this anyway. Zealand would have to do this anyway. But Zealand would have to do this anyway. But no. Zealand would have to do this anyway. But no. We Zealand would have to do this anyway. But no. We are Zealand would have to do this anyway. But no. We are changing Zealand would have to do this anyway. But no. We are changing the anyway. But no. We are changing the law anyway. But no. We are changing the law to anyway. But no. We are changing the law to make anyway. But no. We are changing the law to make sure anyway. But no. We are changing the law to make sure this anyway. But no. We are changing the law to make sure this happens. anyway. But no. We are changing the law to make sure this happens. The law to make sure this happens. The interesting law to make sure this happens. The interesting thing law to make sure this happens. The interesting thing about law to make sure this happens. The interesting thing about this, law to make sure this happens. The interesting thing about this, Mr interesting thing about this, Mr Speaker, interesting thing about this, Mr Speaker, is interesting thing about this, Mr Speaker, is that interesting thing about this, Mr Speaker, is that the interesting thing about this, Mr Speaker, is that the Minister interesting thing about this, Mr Speaker, is that the Minister - interesting thing about this, Mr Speaker, is that the Minister - and Speaker, is that the Minister - and the Speaker, is that the Minister - and the PM Speaker, is that the Minister - and the PM - Speaker, is that the Minister - and the PM - said Speaker, is that the Minister - and the PM - said there Speaker, is that the Minister - and the PM - said there was Speaker, is that the Minister - and the PM - said there was no Speaker, is that the Minister - and the PM - said there was no problem. the PM - said there was no problem. There the PM - said there was no problem. There was the PM - said there was no problem. There was no the PM - said there was no problem. There was no problem. the PM - said there was no problem. There was no problem. And the PM - said there was no problem. There was no problem. And then the PM - said there was no problem. There was no problem. And then what There was no problem. And then what happened There was no problem. And then what happened is There was no problem. And then what happened is Grant There was no problem. And then what happened is Grant Robertson There was no problem. And then what happened is Grant Robertson and happened is Grant Robertson and Andrew happened is Grant Robertson and Andrew Little happened is Grant Robertson and Andrew Little went happened is Grant Robertson and Andrew Little went on happened is Grant Robertson and Andrew Little went on the happened is Grant Robertson and Andrew Little went on the offensive, Andrew Little went on the offensive, and Andrew Little went on the offensive, and they Andrew Little went on the offensive, and they explained Andrew Little went on the offensive, and they explained the Andrew Little went on the offensive, and they explained the injustice and they explained the injustice about and they explained the injustice about this. and they explained the injustice about this. What and they explained the injustice about this. What happened and they explained the injustice about this. What happened is and they explained the injustice about this. What happened is the about this. What happened is the media about this. What happened is the media understood about this. What happened is the media understood it. about this. What happened is the media understood it. They about this. What happened is the media understood it. They understood media understood it. They understood the media understood it. They understood the issue. media understood it. They understood the issue. The media understood it. They understood the issue. The IRD media understood it. They understood the issue. The IRD certainly the issue. The IRD certainly understood the issue. The IRD certainly understood the the issue. The IRD certainly understood the issue, the issue. The IRD certainly understood the issue, because the issue. The IRD certainly understood the issue, because they understood the issue, because they had understood the issue, because they had written understood the issue, because they had written a understood the issue, because they had written a paper understood the issue, because they had written a paper outlining understood the issue, because they had written a paper outlining the had written a paper outlining the risk had written a paper outlining the risk of had written a paper outlining the risk of this had written a paper outlining the risk of this about had written a paper outlining the risk of this about two had written a paper outlining the risk of this about two years had written a paper outlining the risk of this about two years ago. risk of this about two years ago. But risk of this about two years ago. But Mr risk of this about two years ago. But Mr Speaker, risk of this about two years ago. But Mr Speaker, there risk of this about two years ago. But Mr Speaker, there is risk of this about two years ago. But Mr Speaker, there is one risk of this about two years ago. But Mr Speaker, there is one group But Mr Speaker, there is one group that But Mr Speaker, there is one group that understood But Mr Speaker, there is one group that understood this But Mr Speaker, there is one group that understood this issue But Mr Speaker, there is one group that understood this issue more But Mr Speaker, there is one group that understood this issue more than that understood this issue more than anyone that understood this issue more than anyone - that understood this issue more than anyone - this that understood this issue more than anyone - this is that understood this issue more than anyone - this is the that understood this issue more than anyone - this is the small, that understood this issue more than anyone - this is the small, powerful anyone - this is the small, powerful industry anyone - this is the small, powerful industry sector anyone - this is the small, powerful industry sector that anyone - this is the small, powerful industry sector that lobbied anyone - this is the small, powerful industry sector that lobbied first industry sector that lobbied first of industry sector that lobbied first of all industry sector that lobbied first of all the industry sector that lobbied first of all the PM, industry sector that lobbied first of all the PM, and industry sector that lobbied first of all the PM, and then industry sector that lobbied first of all the PM, and then lobbied industry sector that lobbied first of all the PM, and then lobbied the of all the PM, and then lobbied the Minister, of all the PM, and then lobbied the Minister, and of all the PM, and then lobbied the Minister, and magically of all the PM, and then lobbied the Minister, and magically this of all the PM, and then lobbied the Minister, and magically this whole Minister, and magically this whole issue Minister, and magically this whole issue disappeared. Minister, and magically this whole issue disappeared. Now, Minister, and magically this whole issue disappeared. Now, maybe Minister, and magically this whole issue disappeared. Now, maybe it Minister, and magically this whole issue disappeared. Now, maybe it is issue disappeared. Now, maybe it is just issue disappeared. Now, maybe it is just a issue disappeared. Now, maybe it is just a coincidence issue disappeared. Now, maybe it is just a coincidence that, issue disappeared. Now, maybe it is just a coincidence that, when issue disappeared. Now, maybe it is just a coincidence that, when the just a coincidence that, when the PM's just a coincidence that, when the PM's tax just a coincidence that, when the PM's tax accountant just a coincidence that, when the PM's tax accountant lobbies just a coincidence that, when the PM's tax accountant lobbies the PM's tax accountant lobbies the Minister PM's tax accountant lobbies the Minister of PM's tax accountant lobbies the Minister of an PM's tax accountant lobbies the Minister of an issue PM's tax accountant lobbies the Minister of an issue that PM's tax accountant lobbies the Minister of an issue that the PM's tax accountant lobbies the Minister of an issue that the IRD Minister of an issue that the IRD had Minister of an issue that the IRD had highlighted, Minister of an issue that the IRD had highlighted, it Minister of an issue that the IRD had highlighted, it disappears. had highlighted, it disappears. Let's had highlighted, it disappears. Let's go had highlighted, it disappears. Let's go with had highlighted, it disappears. Let's go with the had highlighted, it disappears. Let's go with the fact had highlighted, it disappears. Let's go with the fact it's had highlighted, it disappears. Let's go with the fact it's a Let's go with the fact it's a coincidence. Let's go with the fact it's a coincidence. But Let's go with the fact it's a coincidence. But when Let's go with the fact it's a coincidence. But when the Let's go with the fact it's a coincidence. But when the PM Let's go with the fact it's a coincidence. But when the PM and Let's go with the fact it's a coincidence. But when the PM and the coincidence. But when the PM and the Minister coincidence. But when the PM and the Minister both coincidence. But when the PM and the Minister both say coincidence. But when the PM and the Minister both say there coincidence. But when the PM and the Minister both say there is coincidence. But when the PM and the Minister both say there is no coincidence. But when the PM and the Minister both say there is no issue, Minister both say there is no issue, move Minister both say there is no issue, move on, Minister both say there is no issue, move on, then Minister both say there is no issue, move on, then the Minister both say there is no issue, move on, then the Opposition move on, then the Opposition highlights move on, then the Opposition highlights the move on, then the Opposition highlights the fact, move on, then the Opposition highlights the fact, and move on, then the Opposition highlights the fact, and what move on, then the Opposition highlights the fact, and what do move on, then the Opposition highlights the fact, and what do we highlights the fact, and what do we have highlights the fact, and what do we have next? highlights the fact, and what do we have next? The highlights the fact, and what do we have next? The PM highlights the fact, and what do we have next? The PM saying, highlights the fact, and what do we have next? The PM saying, "Well, have next? The PM saying, "Well, maybe have next? The PM saying, "Well, maybe there have next? The PM saying, "Well, maybe there is have next? The PM saying, "Well, maybe there is an have next? The PM saying, "Well, maybe there is an issue have next? The PM saying, "Well, maybe there is an issue here." have next? The PM saying, "Well, maybe there is an issue here." He maybe there is an issue here." He appoints maybe there is an issue here." He appoints John maybe there is an issue here." He appoints John Shewan. maybe there is an issue here." He appoints John Shewan. John maybe there is an issue here." He appoints John Shewan. John Shewan appoints John Shewan. John Shewan comes appoints John Shewan. John Shewan comes out, appoints John Shewan. John Shewan comes out, and appoints John Shewan. John Shewan comes out, and he appoints John Shewan. John Shewan comes out, and he highlights appoints John Shewan. John Shewan comes out, and he highlights the comes out, and he highlights the extent comes out, and he highlights the extent of comes out, and he highlights the extent of the comes out, and he highlights the extent of the issue. comes out, and he highlights the extent of the issue. And comes out, and he highlights the extent of the issue. And we comes out, and he highlights the extent of the issue. And we know comes out, and he highlights the extent of the issue. And we know it extent of the issue. And we know it is extent of the issue. And we know it is an extent of the issue. And we know it is an issue. extent of the issue. And we know it is an issue. The extent of the issue. And we know it is an issue. The interesting extent of the issue. And we know it is an issue. The interesting thing, is an issue. The interesting thing, Mr is an issue. The interesting thing, Mr Speaker, is an issue. The interesting thing, Mr Speaker, is is an issue. The interesting thing, Mr Speaker, is the is an issue. The interesting thing, Mr Speaker, is the Minister is an issue. The interesting thing, Mr Speaker, is the Minister said is an issue. The interesting thing, Mr Speaker, is the Minister said in Mr Speaker, is the Minister said in his Mr Speaker, is the Minister said in his speech, Mr Speaker, is the Minister said in his speech, "Xr Mr Speaker, is the Minister said in his speech, "Xr We Mr Speaker, is the Minister said in his speech, "Xr We are Mr Speaker, is the Minister said in his speech, "Xr We are doing Mr Speaker, is the Minister said in his speech, "Xr We are doing this Mr Speaker, is the Minister said in his speech, "Xr We are doing this to his speech, "Xr We are doing this to preserve his speech, "Xr We are doing this to preserve New his speech, "Xr We are doing this to preserve New Zealand's his speech, "Xr We are doing this to preserve New Zealand's reputation." preserve New Zealand's reputation." Well, preserve New Zealand's reputation." Well, I preserve New Zealand's reputation." Well, I would preserve New Zealand's reputation." Well, I would argue, preserve New Zealand's reputation." Well, I would argue, Mr preserve New Zealand's reputation." Well, I would argue, Mr Speaker, Well, I would argue, Mr Speaker, that Well, I would argue, Mr Speaker, that by Well, I would argue, Mr Speaker, that by not Well, I would argue, Mr Speaker, that by not doing Well, I would argue, Mr Speaker, that by not doing anything, Well, I would argue, Mr Speaker, that by not doing anything, we Well, I would argue, Mr Speaker, that by not doing anything, we have that by not doing anything, we have tarnished that by not doing anything, we have tarnished New that by not doing anything, we have tarnished New Zealand's that by not doing anything, we have tarnished New Zealand's reputation. tarnished New Zealand's reputation. One tarnished New Zealand's reputation. One of tarnished New Zealand's reputation. One of the tarnished New Zealand's reputation. One of the few tarnished New Zealand's reputation. One of the few things tarnished New Zealand's reputation. One of the few things that tarnished New Zealand's reputation. One of the few things that we tarnished New Zealand's reputation. One of the few things that we have tarnished New Zealand's reputation. One of the few things that we have - One of the few things that we have - one One of the few things that we have - one of One of the few things that we have - one of our One of the few things that we have - one of our few One of the few things that we have - one of our few global One of the few things that we have - one of our few global competitive one of our few global competitive advantages one of our few global competitive advantages - one of our few global competitive advantages - is one of our few global competitive advantages - is our one of our few global competitive advantages - is our reputation one of our few global competitive advantages - is our reputation for advantages - is our reputation for honesty advantages - is our reputation for honesty and advantages - is our reputation for honesty and integrity. advantages - is our reputation for honesty and integrity. And advantages - is our reputation for honesty and integrity. And when advantages - is our reputation for honesty and integrity. And when this honesty and integrity. And when this incident, honesty and integrity. And when this incident, when honesty and integrity. And when this incident, when this honesty and integrity. And when this incident, when this loophole honesty and integrity. And when this incident, when this loophole was incident, when this loophole was reported incident, when this loophole was reported on incident, when this loophole was reported on in incident, when this loophole was reported on in the incident, when this loophole was reported on in the global incident, when this loophole was reported on in the global media, reported on in the global media, people reported on in the global media, people talked reported on in the global media, people talked about reported on in the global media, people talked about New reported on in the global media, people talked about New Zealand reported on in the global media, people talked about New Zealand as reported on in the global media, people talked about New Zealand as a people talked about New Zealand as a tax people talked about New Zealand as a tax haven. people talked about New Zealand as a tax haven. Now, people talked about New Zealand as a tax haven. Now, it people talked about New Zealand as a tax haven. Now, it didn't people talked about New Zealand as a tax haven. Now, it didn't matter people talked about New Zealand as a tax haven. Now, it didn't matter if, tax haven. Now, it didn't matter if, by tax haven. Now, it didn't matter if, by whatever tax haven. Now, it didn't matter if, by whatever definition tax haven. Now, it didn't matter if, by whatever definition we tax haven. Now, it didn't matter if, by whatever definition we actually by whatever definition we actually weren't by whatever definition we actually weren't a by whatever definition we actually weren't a tax by whatever definition we actually weren't a tax haven by whatever definition we actually weren't a tax haven - by whatever definition we actually weren't a tax haven - the by whatever definition we actually weren't a tax haven - the perception weren't a tax haven - the perception globally weren't a tax haven - the perception globally was weren't a tax haven - the perception globally was that weren't a tax haven - the perception globally was that we weren't a tax haven - the perception globally was that we were. weren't a tax haven - the perception globally was that we were. And weren't a tax haven - the perception globally was that we were. And the globally was that we were. And the perception globally was that we were. And the perception is globally was that we were. And the perception is all globally was that we were. And the perception is all that globally was that we were. And the perception is all that matters. globally was that we were. And the perception is all that matters. So perception is all that matters. So when perception is all that matters. So when the perception is all that matters. So when the Minister perception is all that matters. So when the Minister says perception is all that matters. So when the Minister says we perception is all that matters. So when the Minister says we are perception is all that matters. So when the Minister says we are doing when the Minister says we are doing this when the Minister says we are doing this to when the Minister says we are doing this to preserve when the Minister says we are doing this to preserve New when the Minister says we are doing this to preserve New Zealand's this to preserve New Zealand's reputation, this to preserve New Zealand's reputation, I this to preserve New Zealand's reputation, I would this to preserve New Zealand's reputation, I would argue this to preserve New Zealand's reputation, I would argue that this to preserve New Zealand's reputation, I would argue that the reputation, I would argue that the damage reputation, I would argue that the damage to reputation, I would argue that the damage to New reputation, I would argue that the damage to New Zealand's reputation, I would argue that the damage to New Zealand's reputation damage to New Zealand's reputation is damage to New Zealand's reputation is reasonably damage to New Zealand's reputation is reasonably significant, damage to New Zealand's reputation is reasonably significant, and damage to New Zealand's reputation is reasonably significant, and we is reasonably significant, and we need is reasonably significant, and we need to is reasonably significant, and we need to act is reasonably significant, and we need to act really is reasonably significant, and we need to act really quickly is reasonably significant, and we need to act really quickly to need to act really quickly to address need to act really quickly to address this. address this. But address this. But the address this. But the interesting address this. But the interesting thing address this. But the interesting thing is, address this. But the interesting thing is, Mr But the interesting thing is, Mr Speaker, But the interesting thing is, Mr Speaker, if But the interesting thing is, Mr Speaker, if this But the interesting thing is, Mr Speaker, if this had But the interesting thing is, Mr Speaker, if this had been But the interesting thing is, Mr Speaker, if this had been done But the interesting thing is, Mr Speaker, if this had been done two Speaker, if this had been done two years Speaker, if this had been done two years ago, Speaker, if this had been done two years ago, if Speaker, if this had been done two years ago, if the Speaker, if this had been done two years ago, if the Minister Speaker, if this had been done two years ago, if the Minister had years ago, if the Minister had followed years ago, if the Minister had followed IRD's years ago, if the Minister had followed IRD's advice years ago, if the Minister had followed IRD's advice when years ago, if the Minister had followed IRD's advice when they years ago, if the Minister had followed IRD's advice when they came followed IRD's advice when they came to followed IRD's advice when they came to him followed IRD's advice when they came to him and followed IRD's advice when they came to him and said, followed IRD's advice when they came to him and said, "Minister, followed IRD's advice when they came to him and said, "Minister, we followed IRD's advice when they came to him and said, "Minister, we have to him and said, "Minister, we have an to him and said, "Minister, we have an issue, to him and said, "Minister, we have an issue, but to him and said, "Minister, we have an issue, but Minister, to him and said, "Minister, we have an issue, but Minister, we to him and said, "Minister, we have an issue, but Minister, we have to him and said, "Minister, we have an issue, but Minister, we have a an issue, but Minister, we have a solution..." an issue, but Minister, we have a solution..." He an issue, but Minister, we have a solution..." He did an issue, but Minister, we have a solution..." He did nothing an issue, but Minister, we have a solution..." He did nothing about solution..." He did nothing about that, solution..." He did nothing about that, Mr solution..." He did nothing about that, Mr Speaker, solution..." He did nothing about that, Mr Speaker, and solution..." He did nothing about that, Mr Speaker, and I solution..." He did nothing about that, Mr Speaker, and I think solution..." He did nothing about that, Mr Speaker, and I think that that, Mr Speaker, and I think that is that, Mr Speaker, and I think that is negligent. that, Mr Speaker, and I think that is negligent. I that, Mr Speaker, and I think that is negligent. I think that, Mr Speaker, and I think that is negligent. I think that that, Mr Speaker, and I think that is negligent. I think that is is negligent. I think that is irresponsible. is negligent. I think that is irresponsible. And is negligent. I think that is irresponsible. And I is negligent. I think that is irresponsible. And I think is negligent. I think that is irresponsible. And I think that is negligent. I think that is irresponsible. And I think that is irresponsible. And I think that is playing irresponsible. And I think that is playing hard irresponsible. And I think that is playing hard and irresponsible. And I think that is playing hard and fast irresponsible. And I think that is playing hard and fast with irresponsible. And I think that is playing hard and fast with New playing hard and fast with New Zealand's playing hard and fast with New Zealand's global playing hard and fast with New Zealand's global reputation. playing hard and fast with New Zealand's global reputation. And playing hard and fast with New Zealand's global reputation. And it Zealand's global reputation. And it is Zealand's global reputation. And it is wrong. Zealand's global reputation. And it is wrong. It Zealand's global reputation. And it is wrong. It is Zealand's global reputation. And it is wrong. It is just Zealand's global reputation. And it is wrong. It is just wrong. Zealand's global reputation. And it is wrong. It is just wrong. So Zealand's global reputation. And it is wrong. It is just wrong. So I Zealand's global reputation. And it is wrong. It is just wrong. So I ask is wrong. It is just wrong. So I ask the is wrong. It is just wrong. So I ask the Minister is wrong. It is just wrong. So I ask the Minister - is wrong. It is just wrong. So I ask the Minister - was is wrong. It is just wrong. So I ask the Minister - was it is wrong. It is just wrong. So I ask the Minister - was it worth is wrong. It is just wrong. So I ask the Minister - was it worth it? is wrong. It is just wrong. So I ask the Minister - was it worth it? Was the Minister - was it worth it? Was it the Minister - was it worth it? Was it worth the Minister - was it worth it? Was it worth it? the Minister - was it worth it? Was it worth it? What the Minister - was it worth it? Was it worth it? What we the Minister - was it worth it? Was it worth it? What we have the Minister - was it worth it? Was it worth it? What we have now, the Minister - was it worth it? Was it worth it? What we have now, Mr it worth it? What we have now, Mr Speaker, it worth it? What we have now, Mr Speaker, is it worth it? What we have now, Mr Speaker, is a it worth it? What we have now, Mr Speaker, is a piece it worth it? What we have now, Mr Speaker, is a piece of it worth it? What we have now, Mr Speaker, is a piece of legislation Speaker, is a piece of legislation in Speaker, is a piece of legislation in front Speaker, is a piece of legislation in front of Speaker, is a piece of legislation in front of the Speaker, is a piece of legislation in front of the House Speaker, is a piece of legislation in front of the House pushed Speaker, is a piece of legislation in front of the House pushed to Speaker, is a piece of legislation in front of the House pushed to the in front of the House pushed to the very in front of the House pushed to the very top in front of the House pushed to the very top of in front of the House pushed to the very top of the in front of the House pushed to the very top of the Order in front of the House pushed to the very top of the Order Paper in front of the House pushed to the very top of the Order Paper so in front of the House pushed to the very top of the Order Paper so not very top of the Order Paper so not under very top of the Order Paper so not under urgency, very top of the Order Paper so not under urgency, but very top of the Order Paper so not under urgency, but as very top of the Order Paper so not under urgency, but as urgent very top of the Order Paper so not under urgency, but as urgent as very top of the Order Paper so not under urgency, but as urgent as you under urgency, but as urgent as you can under urgency, but as urgent as you can get under urgency, but as urgent as you can get without under urgency, but as urgent as you can get without operating under urgency, but as urgent as you can get without operating under can get without operating under urgency. can get without operating under urgency. Originally, can get without operating under urgency. Originally, the can get without operating under urgency. Originally, the Minister urgency. Originally, the Minister wasn't urgency. Originally, the Minister wasn't even urgency. Originally, the Minister wasn't even interested. urgency. Originally, the Minister wasn't even interested. The urgency. Originally, the Minister wasn't even interested. The PM wasn't even interested. The PM wasn't wasn't even interested. The PM wasn't even wasn't even interested. The PM wasn't even interested, wasn't even interested. The PM wasn't even interested, and wasn't even interested. The PM wasn't even interested, and he wasn't even interested, and he himself wasn't even interested, and he himself said wasn't even interested, and he himself said there wasn't even interested, and he himself said there is wasn't even interested, and he himself said there is no wasn't even interested, and he himself said there is no issue wasn't even interested, and he himself said there is no issue here. himself said there is no issue here. What's himself said there is no issue here. What's changed? himself said there is no issue here. What's changed? Well, himself said there is no issue here. What's changed? Well, if himself said there is no issue here. What's changed? Well, if I himself said there is no issue here. What's changed? Well, if I was himself said there is no issue here. What's changed? Well, if I was a What's changed? Well, if I was a cynic, What's changed? Well, if I was a cynic, I What's changed? Well, if I was a cynic, I would What's changed? Well, if I was a cynic, I would say What's changed? Well, if I was a cynic, I would say that What's changed? Well, if I was a cynic, I would say that the What's changed? Well, if I was a cynic, I would say that the PM cynic, I would say that the PM polled cynic, I would say that the PM polled on cynic, I would say that the PM polled on this cynic, I would say that the PM polled on this and cynic, I would say that the PM polled on this and New cynic, I would say that the PM polled on this and New Zealanders polled on this and New Zealanders understood polled on this and New Zealanders understood the polled on this and New Zealanders understood the issue polled on this and New Zealanders understood the issue better polled on this and New Zealanders understood the issue better than polled on this and New Zealanders understood the issue better than the understood the issue better than the PM, understood the issue better than the PM, because understood the issue better than the PM, because I understood the issue better than the PM, because I think understood the issue better than the PM, because I think the understood the issue better than the PM, because I think the PM understood the issue better than the PM, because I think the PM - understood the issue better than the PM, because I think the PM - after PM, because I think the PM - after eight PM, because I think the PM - after eight long PM, because I think the PM - after eight long years PM, because I think the PM - after eight long years - PM, because I think the PM - after eight long years - has PM, because I think the PM - after eight long years - has actually PM, because I think the PM - after eight long years - has actually lost eight long years - has actually lost touch eight long years - has actually lost touch with eight long years - has actually lost touch with what eight long years - has actually lost touch with what good, eight long years - has actually lost touch with what good, hardworking touch with what good, hardworking Kiwis touch with what good, hardworking Kiwis want. touch with what good, hardworking Kiwis want. He touch with what good, hardworking Kiwis want. He used touch with what good, hardworking Kiwis want. He used to touch with what good, hardworking Kiwis want. He used to have touch with what good, hardworking Kiwis want. He used to have his Kiwis want. He used to have his finger Kiwis want. He used to have his finger on Kiwis want. He used to have his finger on the Kiwis want. He used to have his finger on the pulse. Kiwis want. He used to have his finger on the pulse. He Kiwis want. He used to have his finger on the pulse. He used Kiwis want. He used to have his finger on the pulse. He used to Kiwis want. He used to have his finger on the pulse. He used to be finger on the pulse. He used to be very, finger on the pulse. He used to be very, very finger on the pulse. He used to be very, very good finger on the pulse. He used to be very, very good at finger on the pulse. He used to be very, very good at this. finger on the pulse. He used to be very, very good at this. . finger on the pulse. He used to be very, very good at this. . For finger on the pulse. He used to be very, very good at this. . For three very, very good at this. . For three years, very, very good at this. . For three years, he very, very good at this. . For three years, he was very, very good at this. . For three years, he was just very, very good at this. . For three years, he was just - very, very good at this. . For three years, he was just - you very, very good at this. . For three years, he was just - you could very, very good at this. . For three years, he was just - you could argue years, he was just - you could argue - years, he was just - you could argue - one years, he was just - you could argue - one of years, he was just - you could argue - one of the years, he was just - you could argue - one of the most years, he was just - you could argue - one of the most in-touch years, he was just - you could argue - one of the most in-touch prime - one of the most in-touch prime ministers - one of the most in-touch prime ministers we - one of the most in-touch prime ministers we had. - one of the most in-touch prime ministers we had. After - one of the most in-touch prime ministers we had. After six - one of the most in-touch prime ministers we had. After six years, ministers we had. After six years, it ministers we had. After six years, it was ministers we had. After six years, it was beginning ministers we had. After six years, it was beginning to ministers we had. After six years, it was beginning to - ministers we had. After six years, it was beginning to - he ministers we had. After six years, it was beginning to - he was ministers we had. After six years, it was beginning to - he was still it was beginning to - he was still there. it was beginning to - he was still there. But it was beginning to - he was still there. But now, it was beginning to - he was still there. But now, Mr it was beginning to - he was still there. But now, Mr Speaker, it was beginning to - he was still there. But now, Mr Speaker, he's it was beginning to - he was still there. But now, Mr Speaker, he's got there. But now, Mr Speaker, he's got the there. But now, Mr Speaker, he's got the third-termitis, there. But now, Mr Speaker, he's got the third-termitis, where there. But now, Mr Speaker, he's got the third-termitis, where he there. But now, Mr Speaker, he's got the third-termitis, where he has the third-termitis, where he has lost the third-termitis, where he has lost touch the third-termitis, where he has lost touch with the third-termitis, where he has lost touch with what the third-termitis, where he has lost touch with what New the third-termitis, where he has lost touch with what New Zealanders lost touch with what New Zealanders want. lost touch with what New Zealanders want. The lost touch with what New Zealanders want. The interesting lost touch with what New Zealanders want. The interesting thing lost touch with what New Zealanders want. The interesting thing about want. The interesting thing about this want. The interesting thing about this is want. The interesting thing about this is I want. The interesting thing about this is I think want. The interesting thing about this is I think the want. The interesting thing about this is I think the PM want. The interesting thing about this is I think the PM and want. The interesting thing about this is I think the PM and the this is I think the PM and the Minister this is I think the PM and the Minister both this is I think the PM and the Minister both thought, this is I think the PM and the Minister both thought, "This this is I think the PM and the Minister both thought, "This is Minister both thought, "This is about Minister both thought, "This is about tax Minister both thought, "This is about tax and Minister both thought, "This is about tax and foreign Minister both thought, "This is about tax and foreign trusts, Minister both thought, "This is about tax and foreign trusts, and about tax and foreign trusts, and New about tax and foreign trusts, and New Zealanders about tax and foreign trusts, and New Zealanders don't about tax and foreign trusts, and New Zealanders don't care about tax and foreign trusts, and New Zealanders don't care about New Zealanders don't care about this. New Zealanders don't care about this. It's New Zealanders don't care about this. It's too New Zealanders don't care about this. It's too complicated New Zealanders don't care about this. It's too complicated for New Zealanders don't care about this. It's too complicated for New this. It's too complicated for New Zealanders." this. It's too complicated for New Zealanders." But this. It's too complicated for New Zealanders." But the this. It's too complicated for New Zealanders." But the thing this. It's too complicated for New Zealanders." But the thing is, this. It's too complicated for New Zealanders." But the thing is, New Zealanders." But the thing is, New Zealanders Zealanders." But the thing is, New Zealanders got Zealanders." But the thing is, New Zealanders got it. Zealanders." But the thing is, New Zealanders got it. New Zealanders." But the thing is, New Zealanders got it. New Zealanders Zealanders got it. New Zealanders got Zealanders got it. New Zealanders got it. Zealanders got it. New Zealanders got it. The Zealanders got it. New Zealanders got it. The thing Zealanders got it. New Zealanders got it. The thing is, Zealanders got it. New Zealanders got it. The thing is, Mr Zealanders got it. New Zealanders got it. The thing is, Mr Speaker, Zealanders got it. New Zealanders got it. The thing is, Mr Speaker, is got it. The thing is, Mr Speaker, is New got it. The thing is, Mr Speaker, is New Zealanders got it. The thing is, Mr Speaker, is New Zealanders understand got it. The thing is, Mr Speaker, is New Zealanders understand when New Zealanders understand when they're New Zealanders understand when they're being New Zealanders understand when they're being run New Zealanders understand when they're being run roughshod New Zealanders understand when they're being run roughshod over New Zealanders understand when they're being run roughshod over by they're being run roughshod over by a they're being run roughshod over by a group they're being run roughshod over by a group of they're being run roughshod over by a group of high-powered they're being run roughshod over by a group of high-powered lobbyists a group of high-powered lobbyists who a group of high-powered lobbyists who go a group of high-powered lobbyists who go to a group of high-powered lobbyists who go to inMinister a group of high-powered lobbyists who go to inMinister and a group of high-powered lobbyists who go to inMinister and say, a group of high-powered lobbyists who go to inMinister and say, "Can who go to inMinister and say, "Can you who go to inMinister and say, "Can you make who go to inMinister and say, "Can you make this who go to inMinister and say, "Can you make this disappear?" you make this disappear?" <BELL RUNG> <BELL RUNG> The <BELL RUNG> The reason <BELL RUNG> The reason New <BELL RUNG> The reason New Zealanders <BELL RUNG> The reason New Zealanders got <BELL RUNG> The reason New Zealanders got that The reason New Zealanders got that is The reason New Zealanders got that is because The reason New Zealanders got that is because we'll The reason New Zealanders got that is because we'll put The reason New Zealanders got that is because we'll put up The reason New Zealanders got that is because we'll put up with The reason New Zealanders got that is because we'll put up with a The reason New Zealanders got that is because we'll put up with a lot, is because we'll put up with a lot, but is because we'll put up with a lot, but one is because we'll put up with a lot, but one thing is because we'll put up with a lot, but one thing we is because we'll put up with a lot, but one thing we really is because we'll put up with a lot, but one thing we really do is because we'll put up with a lot, but one thing we really do not is because we'll put up with a lot, but one thing we really do not like but one thing we really do not like in but one thing we really do not like in this but one thing we really do not like in this country but one thing we really do not like in this country is but one thing we really do not like in this country is that but one thing we really do not like in this country is that sort but one thing we really do not like in this country is that sort of in this country is that sort of behaviour. in this country is that sort of behaviour. Because in this country is that sort of behaviour. Because what in this country is that sort of behaviour. Because what it in this country is that sort of behaviour. Because what it does in this country is that sort of behaviour. Because what it does is behaviour. Because what it does is it behaviour. Because what it does is it has behaviour. Because what it does is it has a behaviour. Because what it does is it has a slight behaviour. Because what it does is it has a slight tinge behaviour. Because what it does is it has a slight tinge of behaviour. Because what it does is it has a slight tinge of - behaviour. Because what it does is it has a slight tinge of - I behaviour. Because what it does is it has a slight tinge of - I was it has a slight tinge of - I was going it has a slight tinge of - I was going to it has a slight tinge of - I was going to say it has a slight tinge of - I was going to say "corruption", it has a slight tinge of - I was going to say "corruption", but going to say "corruption", but that's going to say "corruption", but that's the going to say "corruption", but that's the wrong going to say "corruption", but that's the wrong word. going to say "corruption", but that's the wrong word. Let going to say "corruption", but that's the wrong word. Let me going to say "corruption", but that's the wrong word. Let me say that's the wrong word. Let me say "favouritism". that's the wrong word. Let me say "favouritism". And that's the wrong word. Let me say "favouritism". And that that's the wrong word. Let me say "favouritism". And that is that's the wrong word. Let me say "favouritism". And that is now that's the wrong word. Let me say "favouritism". And that is now how "favouritism". And that is now how we "favouritism". And that is now how we do "favouritism". And that is now how we do politics "favouritism". And that is now how we do politics in "favouritism". And that is now how we do politics in this "favouritism". And that is now how we do politics in this country, "favouritism". And that is now how we do politics in this country, Mr we do politics in this country, Mr Speaker. we do politics in this country, Mr Speaker. So we do politics in this country, Mr Speaker. So to we do politics in this country, Mr Speaker. So to sum we do politics in this country, Mr Speaker. So to sum up, we do politics in this country, Mr Speaker. So to sum up, Mr we do politics in this country, Mr Speaker. So to sum up, Mr Speaker, Speaker. So to sum up, Mr Speaker, Labour Speaker. So to sum up, Mr Speaker, Labour is Speaker. So to sum up, Mr Speaker, Labour is supporting Speaker. So to sum up, Mr Speaker, Labour is supporting this Speaker. So to sum up, Mr Speaker, Labour is supporting this bill Speaker. So to sum up, Mr Speaker, Labour is supporting this bill to Labour is supporting this bill to select Labour is supporting this bill to select committee. Labour is supporting this bill to select committee. Of Labour is supporting this bill to select committee. Of course, Labour is supporting this bill to select committee. Of course, Labour select committee. Of course, Labour wants select committee. Of course, Labour wants to select committee. Of course, Labour wants to see select committee. Of course, Labour wants to see the select committee. Of course, Labour wants to see the tax select committee. Of course, Labour wants to see the tax system select committee. Of course, Labour wants to see the tax system made wants to see the tax system made simpler wants to see the tax system made simpler for wants to see the tax system made simpler for small wants to see the tax system made simpler for small to wants to see the tax system made simpler for small to medium simpler for small to medium businesses. simpler for small to medium businesses. It's simpler for small to medium businesses. It's about simpler for small to medium businesses. It's about time simpler for small to medium businesses. It's about time it's businesses. It's about time it's here. businesses. It's about time it's here. But businesses. It's about time it's here. But we'll businesses. It's about time it's here. But we'll support businesses. It's about time it's here. But we'll support it, businesses. It's about time it's here. But we'll support it, and businesses. It's about time it's here. But we'll support it, and we here. But we'll support it, and we will here. But we'll support it, and we will ensure here. But we'll support it, and we will ensure this here. But we'll support it, and we will ensure this legislation here. But we'll support it, and we will ensure this legislation is will ensure this legislation is better will ensure this legislation is better when will ensure this legislation is better when it will ensure this legislation is better when it comes will ensure this legislation is better when it comes back will ensure this legislation is better when it comes back to will ensure this legislation is better when it comes back to this better when it comes back to this House better when it comes back to this House than better when it comes back to this House than it better when it comes back to this House than it is better when it comes back to this House than it is going better when it comes back to this House than it is going into better when it comes back to this House than it is going into select House than it is going into select committee. House than it is going into select committee. The House than it is going into select committee. The second House than it is going into select committee. The second thing House than it is going into select committee. The second thing I House than it is going into select committee. The second thing I would committee. The second thing I would say, committee. The second thing I would say, Mr committee. The second thing I would say, Mr Speaker, committee. The second thing I would say, Mr Speaker, in committee. The second thing I would say, Mr Speaker, in summing committee. The second thing I would say, Mr Speaker, in summing up committee. The second thing I would say, Mr Speaker, in summing up is say, Mr Speaker, in summing up is that, say, Mr Speaker, in summing up is that, after say, Mr Speaker, in summing up is that, after consultation, say, Mr Speaker, in summing up is that, after consultation, we say, Mr Speaker, in summing up is that, after consultation, we will that, after consultation, we will support that, after consultation, we will support - that, after consultation, we will support - with that, after consultation, we will support - with reservations that, after consultation, we will support - with reservations - that, after consultation, we will support - with reservations - the support - with reservations - the changes support - with reservations - the changes around support - with reservations - the changes around the support - with reservations - the changes around the foreign support - with reservations - the changes around the foreign trust changes around the foreign trust disclosure. changes around the foreign trust disclosure. But changes around the foreign trust disclosure. But this changes around the foreign trust disclosure. But this is changes around the foreign trust disclosure. But this is too changes around the foreign trust disclosure. But this is too little, disclosure. But this is too little, too disclosure. But this is too little, too late, disclosure. But this is too little, too late, Mr disclosure. But this is too little, too late, Mr Speaker. disclosure. But this is too little, too late, Mr Speaker. This disclosure. But this is too little, too late, Mr Speaker. This is disclosure. But this is too little, too late, Mr Speaker. This is an too late, Mr Speaker. This is an issue too late, Mr Speaker. This is an issue that too late, Mr Speaker. This is an issue that could too late, Mr Speaker. This is an issue that could have too late, Mr Speaker. This is an issue that could have been too late, Mr Speaker. This is an issue that could have been headed issue that could have been headed off issue that could have been headed off at issue that could have been headed off at the issue that could have been headed off at the pass, issue that could have been headed off at the pass, and issue that could have been headed off at the pass, and I issue that could have been headed off at the pass, and I think issue that could have been headed off at the pass, and I think the off at the pass, and I think the Minister off at the pass, and I think the Minister not off at the pass, and I think the Minister not only off at the pass, and I think the Minister not only dropped off at the pass, and I think the Minister not only dropped the off at the pass, and I think the Minister not only dropped the ball, Minister not only dropped the ball, but Minister not only dropped the ball, but has Minister not only dropped the ball, but has really, Minister not only dropped the ball, but has really, really Minister not only dropped the ball, but has really, really missed Minister not only dropped the ball, but has really, really missed the but has really, really missed the boat but has really, really missed the boat here. but has really, really missed the boat here. He but has really, really missed the boat here. He played but has really, really missed the boat here. He played hard but has really, really missed the boat here. He played hard and but has really, really missed the boat here. He played hard and fast boat here. He played hard and fast with boat here. He played hard and fast with our boat here. He played hard and fast with our global boat here. He played hard and fast with our global reputation, boat here. He played hard and fast with our global reputation, and boat here. He played hard and fast with our global reputation, and it's with our global reputation, and it's simply with our global reputation, and it's simply not with our global reputation, and it's simply not good with our global reputation, and it's simply not good enough, with our global reputation, and it's simply not good enough, Mr with our global reputation, and it's simply not good enough, Mr Speaker. simply not good enough, Mr Speaker. Thank simply not good enough, Mr Speaker. Thank you simply not good enough, Mr Speaker. Thank you very simply not good enough, Mr Speaker. Thank you very much. simply not good enough, Mr Speaker. Thank you very much. I simply not good enough, Mr Speaker. Thank you very much. I call simply not good enough, Mr Speaker. Thank you very much. I call David Thank you very much. I call David Bennett. Thank you very much. I call David Bennett. Thank Thank you very much. I call David Bennett. Thank you, Thank you very much. I call David Bennett. Thank you, Mr Thank you very much. I call David Bennett. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Thank you very much. I call David Bennett. Thank you, Mr Speaker. This Bennett. Thank you, Mr Speaker. This bill Bennett. Thank you, Mr Speaker. This bill does Bennett. Thank you, Mr Speaker. This bill does continue Bennett. Thank you, Mr Speaker. This bill does continue that Bennett. Thank you, Mr Speaker. This bill does continue that process Bennett. Thank you, Mr Speaker. This bill does continue that process of bill does continue that process of reform bill does continue that process of reform of bill does continue that process of reform of the bill does continue that process of reform of the tax bill does continue that process of reform of the tax system bill does continue that process of reform of the tax system that bill does continue that process of reform of the tax system that the reform of the tax system that the National reform of the tax system that the National Government reform of the tax system that the National Government has reform of the tax system that the National Government has been reform of the tax system that the National Government has been working National Government has been working on. National Government has been working on. It's National Government has been working on. It's important National Government has been working on. It's important to National Government has been working on. It's important to look National Government has been working on. It's important to look at National Government has been working on. It's important to look at the on. It's important to look at the tax on. It's important to look at the tax system on. It's important to look at the tax system as on. It's important to look at the tax system as something on. It's important to look at the tax system as something that on. It's important to look at the tax system as something that is on. It's important to look at the tax system as something that is an tax system as something that is an ongoing tax system as something that is an ongoing process. tax system as something that is an ongoing process. As tax system as something that is an ongoing process. As people tax system as something that is an ongoing process. As people become ongoing process. As people become more ongoing process. As people become more aware ongoing process. As people become more aware of ongoing process. As people become more aware of issues, ongoing process. As people become more aware of issues, then ongoing process. As people become more aware of issues, then they more aware of issues, then they become more aware of issues, then they become part more aware of issues, then they become part of more aware of issues, then they become part of the more aware of issues, then they become part of the changes more aware of issues, then they become part of the changes you more aware of issues, then they become part of the changes you see become part of the changes you see to become part of the changes you see to the become part of the changes you see to the tax become part of the changes you see to the tax system. become part of the changes you see to the tax system. That become part of the changes you see to the tax system. That last become part of the changes you see to the tax system. That last speaker to the tax system. That last speaker spoke to the tax system. That last speaker spoke about to the tax system. That last speaker spoke about some to the tax system. That last speaker spoke about some issues to the tax system. That last speaker spoke about some issues around to the tax system. That last speaker spoke about some issues around - spoke about some issues around - that spoke about some issues around - that were spoke about some issues around - that were quite spoke about some issues around - that were quite relevant, spoke about some issues around - that were quite relevant, actually, that were quite relevant, actually, in that were quite relevant, actually, in the that were quite relevant, actually, in the sense that were quite relevant, actually, in the sense that that were quite relevant, actually, in the sense that there that were quite relevant, actually, in the sense that there had that were quite relevant, actually, in the sense that there had been that were quite relevant, actually, in the sense that there had been a in the sense that there had been a lot in the sense that there had been a lot of in the sense that there had been a lot of public in the sense that there had been a lot of public perception in the sense that there had been a lot of public perception - in the sense that there had been a lot of public perception - as in the sense that there had been a lot of public perception - as he lot of public perception - as he said, lot of public perception - as he said, the lot of public perception - as he said, the perception lot of public perception - as he said, the perception was lot of public perception - as he said, the perception was what lot of public perception - as he said, the perception was what he said, the perception was what he said said, the perception was what he said mattered. said, the perception was what he said mattered. But said, the perception was what he said mattered. But that said, the perception was what he said mattered. But that perception said mattered. But that perception actually said mattered. But that perception actually led said mattered. But that perception actually led to said mattered. But that perception actually led to the said mattered. But that perception actually led to the Shewan said mattered. But that perception actually led to the Shewan report, actually led to the Shewan report, which actually led to the Shewan report, which led actually led to the Shewan report, which led to actually led to the Shewan report, which led to this actually led to the Shewan report, which led to this tax actually led to the Shewan report, which led to this tax bill. actually led to the Shewan report, which led to this tax bill. So actually led to the Shewan report, which led to this tax bill. So it actually led to the Shewan report, which led to this tax bill. So it is which led to this tax bill. So it is a which led to this tax bill. So it is a Government which led to this tax bill. So it is a Government that which led to this tax bill. So it is a Government that is which led to this tax bill. So it is a Government that is engaging, a Government that is engaging, listening a Government that is engaging, listening and a Government that is engaging, listening and working a Government that is engaging, listening and working through a Government that is engaging, listening and working through and listening and working through and then listening and working through and then delivering listening and working through and then delivering the listening and working through and then delivering the right listening and working through and then delivering the right policy listening and working through and then delivering the right policy for then delivering the right policy for New then delivering the right policy for New Zealand then delivering the right policy for New Zealand going then delivering the right policy for New Zealand going forward then delivering the right policy for New Zealand going forward that then delivering the right policy for New Zealand going forward that takes New Zealand going forward that takes into New Zealand going forward that takes into account New Zealand going forward that takes into account the New Zealand going forward that takes into account the issues New Zealand going forward that takes into account the issues that New Zealand going forward that takes into account the issues that are New Zealand going forward that takes into account the issues that are out into account the issues that are out there. into account the issues that are out there. Mr into account the issues that are out there. Mr Speaker, into account the issues that are out there. Mr Speaker, this into account the issues that are out there. Mr Speaker, this bill into account the issues that are out there. Mr Speaker, this bill also there. Mr Speaker, this bill also has there. Mr Speaker, this bill also has a there. Mr Speaker, this bill also has a number there. Mr Speaker, this bill also has a number of there. Mr Speaker, this bill also has a number of other there. Mr Speaker, this bill also has a number of other components there. Mr Speaker, this bill also has a number of other components to has a number of other components to it has a number of other components to it in has a number of other components to it in regard has a number of other components to it in regard to has a number of other components to it in regard to some has a number of other components to it in regard to some very has a number of other components to it in regard to some very important it in regard to some very important legislation it in regard to some very important legislation that it in regard to some very important legislation that will it in regard to some very important legislation that will be it in regard to some very important legislation that will be of legislation that will be of assistance legislation that will be of assistance to legislation that will be of assistance to small legislation that will be of assistance to small businesses, assistance to small businesses, particularly, assistance to small businesses, particularly, around assistance to small businesses, particularly, around provisional particularly, around provisional tax. particularly, around provisional tax. I particularly, around provisional tax. I know particularly, around provisional tax. I know many particularly, around provisional tax. I know many small particularly, around provisional tax. I know many small businesses tax. I know many small businesses are tax. I know many small businesses are looking tax. I know many small businesses are looking forward tax. I know many small businesses are looking forward to tax. I know many small businesses are looking forward to those are looking forward to those changes, are looking forward to those changes, and are looking forward to those changes, and they are looking forward to those changes, and they see are looking forward to those changes, and they see them are looking forward to those changes, and they see them as are looking forward to those changes, and they see them as very changes, and they see them as very important. changes, and they see them as very important. There's changes, and they see them as very important. There's also changes, and they see them as very important. There's also some changes, and they see them as very important. There's also some changes important. There's also some changes around important. There's also some changes around GST, important. There's also some changes around GST, Working important. There's also some changes around GST, Working for important. There's also some changes around GST, Working for Families, around GST, Working for Families, tax around GST, Working for Families, tax credits around GST, Working for Families, tax credits from around GST, Working for Families, tax credits from April around GST, Working for Families, tax credits from April 1, around GST, Working for Families, tax credits from April 1, 2017. tax credits from April 1, 2017. That's tax credits from April 1, 2017. That's trying tax credits from April 1, 2017. That's trying to tax credits from April 1, 2017. That's trying to get tax credits from April 1, 2017. That's trying to get that tax credits from April 1, 2017. That's trying to get that balance That's trying to get that balance between That's trying to get that balance between penalties That's trying to get that balance between penalties and That's trying to get that balance between penalties and encouraging between penalties and encouraging taxpayers between penalties and encouraging taxpayers to between penalties and encouraging taxpayers to make between penalties and encouraging taxpayers to make timely between penalties and encouraging taxpayers to make timely payments taxpayers to make timely payments without taxpayers to make timely payments without becoming taxpayers to make timely payments without becoming too taxpayers to make timely payments without becoming too overwhelming taxpayers to make timely payments without becoming too overwhelming on without becoming too overwhelming on the without becoming too overwhelming on the taxpayer. without becoming too overwhelming on the taxpayer. This without becoming too overwhelming on the taxpayer. This bill without becoming too overwhelming on the taxpayer. This bill also without becoming too overwhelming on the taxpayer. This bill also has without becoming too overwhelming on the taxpayer. This bill also has a the taxpayer. This bill also has a number the taxpayer. This bill also has a number of the taxpayer. This bill also has a number of other the taxpayer. This bill also has a number of other requirements the taxpayer. This bill also has a number of other requirements in number of other requirements in regards number of other requirements in regards to number of other requirements in regards to the number of other requirements in regards to the G20 number of other requirements in regards to the G20 OECD number of other requirements in regards to the G20 OECD standards. regards to the G20 OECD standards. That's regards to the G20 OECD standards. That's something regards to the G20 OECD standards. That's something else regards to the G20 OECD standards. That's something else that's regards to the G20 OECD standards. That's something else that's part regards to the G20 OECD standards. That's something else that's part of That's something else that's part of the That's something else that's part of the bill That's something else that's part of the bill as That's something else that's part of the bill as well That's something else that's part of the bill as well as That's something else that's part of the bill as well as a That's something else that's part of the bill as well as a number That's something else that's part of the bill as well as a number of the bill as well as a number of other the bill as well as a number of other subsidiary the bill as well as a number of other subsidiary issues. the bill as well as a number of other subsidiary issues. It's the bill as well as a number of other subsidiary issues. It's a the bill as well as a number of other subsidiary issues. It's a bill other subsidiary issues. It's a bill that other subsidiary issues. It's a bill that is other subsidiary issues. It's a bill that is part other subsidiary issues. It's a bill that is part of other subsidiary issues. It's a bill that is part of that other subsidiary issues. It's a bill that is part of that tax other subsidiary issues. It's a bill that is part of that tax reform, that is part of that tax reform, that that is part of that tax reform, that gives that is part of that tax reform, that gives a that is part of that tax reform, that gives a continual that is part of that tax reform, that gives a continual process that is part of that tax reform, that gives a continual process of that gives a continual process of tax that gives a continual process of tax reform, that gives a continual process of tax reform, and that gives a continual process of tax reform, and this that gives a continual process of tax reform, and this is that gives a continual process of tax reform, and this is part that gives a continual process of tax reform, and this is part of that gives a continual process of tax reform, and this is part of that tax reform, and this is part of that process tax reform, and this is part of that process of tax reform, and this is part of that process of getting tax reform, and this is part of that process of getting the tax reform, and this is part of that process of getting the best tax reform, and this is part of that process of getting the best tax process of getting the best tax system process of getting the best tax system for process of getting the best tax system for New process of getting the best tax system for New Zealand process of getting the best tax system for New Zealand and process of getting the best tax system for New Zealand and to system for New Zealand and to achieve system for New Zealand and to achieve our system for New Zealand and to achieve our purposes. system for New Zealand and to achieve our purposes. Thank system for New Zealand and to achieve our purposes. Thank you. system for New Zealand and to achieve our purposes. Thank you. I achieve our purposes. Thank you. I call achieve our purposes. Thank you. I call Grant achieve our purposes. Thank you. I call Grant Robertson. achieve our purposes. Thank you. I call Grant Robertson. Right achieve our purposes. Thank you. I call Grant Robertson. Right off achieve our purposes. Thank you. I call Grant Robertson. Right off the call Grant Robertson. Right off the back call Grant Robertson. Right off the back of call Grant Robertson. Right off the back of that call Grant Robertson. Right off the back of that incisive call Grant Robertson. Right off the back of that incisive contribution back of that incisive contribution from back of that incisive contribution from the back of that incisive contribution from the Chair back of that incisive contribution from the Chair of back of that incisive contribution from the Chair of the back of that incisive contribution from the Chair of the Finance back of that incisive contribution from the Chair of the Finance and from the Chair of the Finance and Expenditure from the Chair of the Finance and Expenditure Committee, from the Chair of the Finance and Expenditure Committee, can from the Chair of the Finance and Expenditure Committee, can I Expenditure Committee, can I reiterate Expenditure Committee, can I reiterate my Expenditure Committee, can I reiterate my colleague Expenditure Committee, can I reiterate my colleague Stuart Expenditure Committee, can I reiterate my colleague Stuart Nash's reiterate my colleague Stuart Nash's comments reiterate my colleague Stuart Nash's comments that reiterate my colleague Stuart Nash's comments that Labour reiterate my colleague Stuart Nash's comments that Labour will reiterate my colleague Stuart Nash's comments that Labour will support comments that Labour will support this comments that Labour will support this bill comments that Labour will support this bill on comments that Labour will support this bill on its comments that Labour will support this bill on its first comments that Labour will support this bill on its first reading, comments that Labour will support this bill on its first reading, as this bill on its first reading, as we this bill on its first reading, as we do this bill on its first reading, as we do with this bill on its first reading, as we do with all this bill on its first reading, as we do with all taxation this bill on its first reading, as we do with all taxation legislation we do with all taxation legislation that we do with all taxation legislation that comes we do with all taxation legislation that comes before we do with all taxation legislation that comes before the we do with all taxation legislation that comes before the House? we do with all taxation legislation that comes before the House? Mr that comes before the House? Mr Speaker, that comes before the House? Mr Speaker, there's that comes before the House? Mr Speaker, there's no that comes before the House? Mr Speaker, there's no doubt that comes before the House? Mr Speaker, there's no doubt what that comes before the House? Mr Speaker, there's no doubt what this Speaker, there's no doubt what this bill's Speaker, there's no doubt what this bill's really Speaker, there's no doubt what this bill's really about. Speaker, there's no doubt what this bill's really about. There Speaker, there's no doubt what this bill's really about. There is Speaker, there's no doubt what this bill's really about. There is the bill's really about. There is the usual bill's really about. There is the usual attempt bill's really about. There is the usual attempt to, bill's really about. There is the usual attempt to, you bill's really about. There is the usual attempt to, you know, bill's really about. There is the usual attempt to, you know, correct usual attempt to, you know, correct the usual attempt to, you know, correct the mistakes usual attempt to, you know, correct the mistakes of usual attempt to, you know, correct the mistakes of the usual attempt to, you know, correct the mistakes of the last usual attempt to, you know, correct the mistakes of the last tax usual attempt to, you know, correct the mistakes of the last tax bill the mistakes of the last tax bill that the mistakes of the last tax bill that went the mistakes of the last tax bill that went through, the mistakes of the last tax bill that went through, and the mistakes of the last tax bill that went through, and to the mistakes of the last tax bill that went through, and to tidy the mistakes of the last tax bill that went through, and to tidy up that went through, and to tidy up the that went through, and to tidy up the loose that went through, and to tidy up the loose ends that went through, and to tidy up the loose ends in that went through, and to tidy up the loose ends in the that went through, and to tidy up the loose ends in the tax that went through, and to tidy up the loose ends in the tax system. the loose ends in the tax system. But the loose ends in the tax system. But this the loose ends in the tax system. But this bill the loose ends in the tax system. But this bill is the loose ends in the tax system. But this bill is the the loose ends in the tax system. But this bill is the swallowing the loose ends in the tax system. But this bill is the swallowing of the loose ends in the tax system. But this bill is the swallowing of a But this bill is the swallowing of a very But this bill is the swallowing of a very large, But this bill is the swallowing of a very large, dead, But this bill is the swallowing of a very large, dead, Panamanian But this bill is the swallowing of a very large, dead, Panamanian rat. very large, dead, Panamanian rat. This very large, dead, Panamanian rat. This bill very large, dead, Panamanian rat. This bill is very large, dead, Panamanian rat. This bill is the very large, dead, Panamanian rat. This bill is the Government very large, dead, Panamanian rat. This bill is the Government coming This bill is the Government coming to This bill is the Government coming to the This bill is the Government coming to the House This bill is the Government coming to the House and This bill is the Government coming to the House and saying This bill is the Government coming to the House and saying to This bill is the Government coming to the House and saying to New to the House and saying to New Zealanders, to the House and saying to New Zealanders, "Three to the House and saying to New Zealanders, "Three years to the House and saying to New Zealanders, "Three years ago, to the House and saying to New Zealanders, "Three years ago, when Zealanders, "Three years ago, when Inland Zealanders, "Three years ago, when Inland Revenue Zealanders, "Three years ago, when Inland Revenue Department Zealanders, "Three years ago, when Inland Revenue Department officials Inland Revenue Department officials told Inland Revenue Department officials told us Inland Revenue Department officials told us that Inland Revenue Department officials told us that we Inland Revenue Department officials told us that we should Inland Revenue Department officials told us that we should be Inland Revenue Department officials told us that we should be doing told us that we should be doing something told us that we should be doing something to told us that we should be doing something to close told us that we should be doing something to close the told us that we should be doing something to close the loopholes told us that we should be doing something to close the loopholes in something to close the loopholes in our something to close the loopholes in our foreign something to close the loopholes in our foreign trust something to close the loopholes in our foreign trust regime, something to close the loopholes in our foreign trust regime, and something to close the loopholes in our foreign trust regime, and when our foreign trust regime, and when we, our foreign trust regime, and when we, the our foreign trust regime, and when we, the National our foreign trust regime, and when we, the National Government, our foreign trust regime, and when we, the National Government, ignored we, the National Government, ignored them, we, the National Government, ignored them, we we, the National Government, ignored them, we were we, the National Government, ignored them, we were wrong. we, the National Government, ignored them, we were wrong. And we, the National Government, ignored them, we were wrong. And we we, the National Government, ignored them, we were wrong. And we let we, the National Government, ignored them, we were wrong. And we let New them, we were wrong. And we let New Zealanders them, we were wrong. And we let New Zealanders down." them, we were wrong. And we let New Zealanders down." And them, we were wrong. And we let New Zealanders down." And it them, we were wrong. And we let New Zealanders down." And it would them, we were wrong. And we let New Zealanders down." And it would have Zealanders down." And it would have been Zealanders down." And it would have been nice Zealanders down." And it would have been nice to Zealanders down." And it would have been nice to have Zealanders down." And it would have been nice to have heard Zealanders down." And it would have been nice to have heard from Zealanders down." And it would have been nice to have heard from the been nice to have heard from the Minister been nice to have heard from the Minister of been nice to have heard from the Minister of Revenue been nice to have heard from the Minister of Revenue that been nice to have heard from the Minister of Revenue that he Minister of Revenue that he acknowledges Minister of Revenue that he acknowledges his Minister of Revenue that he acknowledges his Government Minister of Revenue that he acknowledges his Government got Minister of Revenue that he acknowledges his Government got it acknowledges his Government got it wrong. acknowledges his Government got it wrong. That acknowledges his Government got it wrong. That the acknowledges his Government got it wrong. That the hardworking wrong. That the hardworking officials wrong. That the hardworking officials in wrong. That the hardworking officials in the wrong. That the hardworking officials in the Inland wrong. That the hardworking officials in the Inland Revenue officials in the Inland Revenue Department officials in the Inland Revenue Department were officials in the Inland Revenue Department were the officials in the Inland Revenue Department were the ones officials in the Inland Revenue Department were the ones who officials in the Inland Revenue Department were the ones who got officials in the Inland Revenue Department were the ones who got it Department were the ones who got it right, Department were the ones who got it right, and Department were the ones who got it right, and they Department were the ones who got it right, and they were Department were the ones who got it right, and they were ignored Department were the ones who got it right, and they were ignored by Department were the ones who got it right, and they were ignored by the right, and they were ignored by the Government, right, and they were ignored by the Government, and right, and they were ignored by the Government, and they right, and they were ignored by the Government, and they were right, and they were ignored by the Government, and they were ignored right, and they were ignored by the Government, and they were ignored by Government, and they were ignored by the Government, and they were ignored by the Government Government, and they were ignored by the Government with Government, and they were ignored by the Government with the Government, and they were ignored by the Government with the influence Government, and they were ignored by the Government with the influence of the Government with the influence of the the Government with the influence of the foreign the Government with the influence of the foreign trust the Government with the influence of the foreign trust industry the Government with the influence of the foreign trust industry and, the Government with the influence of the foreign trust industry and, in the foreign trust industry and, in particular, the foreign trust industry and, in particular, the the foreign trust industry and, in particular, the PM's the foreign trust industry and, in particular, the PM's close the foreign trust industry and, in particular, the PM's close advisor, particular, the PM's close advisor, Ken particular, the PM's close advisor, Ken Whitney. particular, the PM's close advisor, Ken Whitney. Let's particular, the PM's close advisor, Ken Whitney. Let's take particular, the PM's close advisor, Ken Whitney. Let's take ourselves Ken Whitney. Let's take ourselves back, Ken Whitney. Let's take ourselves back, Mr Ken Whitney. Let's take ourselves back, Mr Speaker, Ken Whitney. Let's take ourselves back, Mr Speaker, to Ken Whitney. Let's take ourselves back, Mr Speaker, to when Ken Whitney. Let's take ourselves back, Mr Speaker, to when the Ken Whitney. Let's take ourselves back, Mr Speaker, to when the Panama back, Mr Speaker, to when the Panama Papers back, Mr Speaker, to when the Panama Papers first back, Mr Speaker, to when the Panama Papers first exposed back, Mr Speaker, to when the Panama Papers first exposed issues back, Mr Speaker, to when the Panama Papers first exposed issues around Papers first exposed issues around New Papers first exposed issues around New Zealand's Papers first exposed issues around New Zealand's foreign Papers first exposed issues around New Zealand's foreign trust Papers first exposed issues around New Zealand's foreign trust regime. New Zealand's foreign trust regime. John New Zealand's foreign trust regime. John Key's New Zealand's foreign trust regime. John Key's first New Zealand's foreign trust regime. John Key's first thing New Zealand's foreign trust regime. John Key's first thing to New Zealand's foreign trust regime. John Key's first thing to say New Zealand's foreign trust regime. John Key's first thing to say was John Key's first thing to say was that John Key's first thing to say was that New John Key's first thing to say was that New Zealand John Key's first thing to say was that New Zealand has John Key's first thing to say was that New Zealand has full John Key's first thing to say was that New Zealand has full disclosure that New Zealand has full disclosure of that New Zealand has full disclosure of information that New Zealand has full disclosure of information when that New Zealand has full disclosure of information when it that New Zealand has full disclosure of information when it comes that New Zealand has full disclosure of information when it comes to of information when it comes to foreign of information when it comes to foreign trusts. of information when it comes to foreign trusts. Well of information when it comes to foreign trusts. Well today, of information when it comes to foreign trusts. Well today, this foreign trusts. Well today, this legislation foreign trusts. Well today, this legislation actually foreign trusts. Well today, this legislation actually tries foreign trusts. Well today, this legislation actually tries to foreign trusts. Well today, this legislation actually tries to get foreign trusts. Well today, this legislation actually tries to get us legislation actually tries to get us to legislation actually tries to get us to full legislation actually tries to get us to full disclosure legislation actually tries to get us to full disclosure or legislation actually tries to get us to full disclosure or some legislation actually tries to get us to full disclosure or some way legislation actually tries to get us to full disclosure or some way down to full disclosure or some way down that to full disclosure or some way down that path. to full disclosure or some way down that path. So to full disclosure or some way down that path. So the to full disclosure or some way down that path. So the PM to full disclosure or some way down that path. So the PM was to full disclosure or some way down that path. So the PM was just to full disclosure or some way down that path. So the PM was just plain that path. So the PM was just plain wrong that path. So the PM was just plain wrong about that path. So the PM was just plain wrong about that. that path. So the PM was just plain wrong about that. He that path. So the PM was just plain wrong about that. He actually that path. So the PM was just plain wrong about that. He actually knew, wrong about that. He actually knew, I wrong about that. He actually knew, I am wrong about that. He actually knew, I am sure, wrong about that. He actually knew, I am sure, that wrong about that. He actually knew, I am sure, that there wrong about that. He actually knew, I am sure, that there were wrong about that. He actually knew, I am sure, that there were things I am sure, that there were things that I am sure, that there were things that could I am sure, that there were things that could be I am sure, that there were things that could be done. I am sure, that there were things that could be done. And I am sure, that there were things that could be done. And today, I am sure, that there were things that could be done. And today, Mr that could be done. And today, Mr Speaker, that could be done. And today, Mr Speaker, we that could be done. And today, Mr Speaker, we have that could be done. And today, Mr Speaker, we have legislation that could be done. And today, Mr Speaker, we have legislation that Speaker, we have legislation that proves Speaker, we have legislation that proves that Speaker, we have legislation that proves that the Speaker, we have legislation that proves that the PM Speaker, we have legislation that proves that the PM was Speaker, we have legislation that proves that the PM was wrong. Speaker, we have legislation that proves that the PM was wrong. We Speaker, we have legislation that proves that the PM was wrong. We do proves that the PM was wrong. We do not proves that the PM was wrong. We do not have, proves that the PM was wrong. We do not have, today, proves that the PM was wrong. We do not have, today, full proves that the PM was wrong. We do not have, today, full disclosure proves that the PM was wrong. We do not have, today, full disclosure of not have, today, full disclosure of information not have, today, full disclosure of information when not have, today, full disclosure of information when it not have, today, full disclosure of information when it comes not have, today, full disclosure of information when it comes to not have, today, full disclosure of information when it comes to foreign information when it comes to foreign trusts information when it comes to foreign trusts - information when it comes to foreign trusts - we information when it comes to foreign trusts - we should information when it comes to foreign trusts - we should be information when it comes to foreign trusts - we should be able information when it comes to foreign trusts - we should be able to information when it comes to foreign trusts - we should be able to get trusts - we should be able to get that trusts - we should be able to get that in trusts - we should be able to get that in New trusts - we should be able to get that in New Zealand. trusts - we should be able to get that in New Zealand. This trusts - we should be able to get that in New Zealand. This will trusts - we should be able to get that in New Zealand. This will take that in New Zealand. This will take some that in New Zealand. This will take some steps, that in New Zealand. This will take some steps, but that in New Zealand. This will take some steps, but there that in New Zealand. This will take some steps, but there are that in New Zealand. This will take some steps, but there are more that in New Zealand. This will take some steps, but there are more that some steps, but there are more that needs some steps, but there are more that needs to some steps, but there are more that needs to be some steps, but there are more that needs to be done, some steps, but there are more that needs to be done, which some steps, but there are more that needs to be done, which I'll some steps, but there are more that needs to be done, which I'll come some steps, but there are more that needs to be done, which I'll come to needs to be done, which I'll come to shortly, needs to be done, which I'll come to shortly, Mr needs to be done, which I'll come to shortly, Mr Speaker. needs to be done, which I'll come to shortly, Mr Speaker. But needs to be done, which I'll come to shortly, Mr Speaker. But what needs to be done, which I'll come to shortly, Mr Speaker. But what was shortly, Mr Speaker. But what was really shortly, Mr Speaker. But what was really instructive shortly, Mr Speaker. But what was really instructive about shortly, Mr Speaker. But what was really instructive about the shortly, Mr Speaker. But what was really instructive about the PM's really instructive about the PM's first really instructive about the PM's first reaction really instructive about the PM's first reaction to really instructive about the PM's first reaction to concerns really instructive about the PM's first reaction to concerns about first reaction to concerns about loopholes first reaction to concerns about loopholes being first reaction to concerns about loopholes being exploited first reaction to concerns about loopholes being exploited in first reaction to concerns about loopholes being exploited in our loopholes being exploited in our foreign loopholes being exploited in our foreign trust loopholes being exploited in our foreign trust regime loopholes being exploited in our foreign trust regime was loopholes being exploited in our foreign trust regime was that loopholes being exploited in our foreign trust regime was that he foreign trust regime was that he decided foreign trust regime was that he decided to foreign trust regime was that he decided to stand foreign trust regime was that he decided to stand up foreign trust regime was that he decided to stand up for foreign trust regime was that he decided to stand up for the foreign trust regime was that he decided to stand up for the tax decided to stand up for the tax evaders decided to stand up for the tax evaders and decided to stand up for the tax evaders and the decided to stand up for the tax evaders and the tax decided to stand up for the tax evaders and the tax avoiders. decided to stand up for the tax evaders and the tax avoiders. He evaders and the tax avoiders. He chose evaders and the tax avoiders. He chose his evaders and the tax avoiders. He chose his side, evaders and the tax avoiders. He chose his side, Mr evaders and the tax avoiders. He chose his side, Mr Speaker. evaders and the tax avoiders. He chose his side, Mr Speaker. He evaders and the tax avoiders. He chose his side, Mr Speaker. He could chose his side, Mr Speaker. He could have chose his side, Mr Speaker. He could have chosen chose his side, Mr Speaker. He could have chosen New chose his side, Mr Speaker. He could have chosen New Zealand chose his side, Mr Speaker. He could have chosen New Zealand taxpayers, have chosen New Zealand taxpayers, the have chosen New Zealand taxpayers, the reputation have chosen New Zealand taxpayers, the reputation of have chosen New Zealand taxpayers, the reputation of the have chosen New Zealand taxpayers, the reputation of the New have chosen New Zealand taxpayers, the reputation of the New Zealand the reputation of the New Zealand tax the reputation of the New Zealand tax system. the reputation of the New Zealand tax system. But the reputation of the New Zealand tax system. But he the reputation of the New Zealand tax system. But he chose the reputation of the New Zealand tax system. But he chose the the reputation of the New Zealand tax system. But he chose the other tax system. But he chose the other side. tax system. But he chose the other side. He tax system. But he chose the other side. He chose tax system. But he chose the other side. He chose to tax system. But he chose the other side. He chose to side tax system. But he chose the other side. He chose to side with tax system. But he chose the other side. He chose to side with the side. He chose to side with the foreign side. He chose to side with the foreign trust side. He chose to side with the foreign trust industry, side. He chose to side with the foreign trust industry, and side. He chose to side with the foreign trust industry, and the foreign trust industry, and the people foreign trust industry, and the people who, foreign trust industry, and the people who, around foreign trust industry, and the people who, around the foreign trust industry, and the people who, around the world foreign trust industry, and the people who, around the world - foreign trust industry, and the people who, around the world - the people who, around the world - the mega people who, around the world - the mega wealthy people who, around the world - the mega wealthy - people who, around the world - the mega wealthy - who people who, around the world - the mega wealthy - who decide people who, around the world - the mega wealthy - who decide that people who, around the world - the mega wealthy - who decide that they mega wealthy - who decide that they shouldn't mega wealthy - who decide that they shouldn't pay mega wealthy - who decide that they shouldn't pay their mega wealthy - who decide that they shouldn't pay their fair mega wealthy - who decide that they shouldn't pay their fair share mega wealthy - who decide that they shouldn't pay their fair share of shouldn't pay their fair share of tax. shouldn't pay their fair share of tax. Mr shouldn't pay their fair share of tax. Mr Speaker, shouldn't pay their fair share of tax. Mr Speaker, on shouldn't pay their fair share of tax. Mr Speaker, on this shouldn't pay their fair share of tax. Mr Speaker, on this side shouldn't pay their fair share of tax. Mr Speaker, on this side of shouldn't pay their fair share of tax. Mr Speaker, on this side of the tax. Mr Speaker, on this side of the House, tax. Mr Speaker, on this side of the House, we tax. Mr Speaker, on this side of the House, we side tax. Mr Speaker, on this side of the House, we side with tax. Mr Speaker, on this side of the House, we side with New tax. Mr Speaker, on this side of the House, we side with New Zealand House, we side with New Zealand taxpayers House, we side with New Zealand taxpayers - House, we side with New Zealand taxpayers - a House, we side with New Zealand taxpayers - a fair House, we side with New Zealand taxpayers - a fair go House, we side with New Zealand taxpayers - a fair go and House, we side with New Zealand taxpayers - a fair go and a House, we side with New Zealand taxpayers - a fair go and a fair taxpayers - a fair go and a fair deal taxpayers - a fair go and a fair deal for taxpayers - a fair go and a fair deal for New taxpayers - a fair go and a fair deal for New Zealand taxpayers - a fair go and a fair deal for New Zealand taxpayers. taxpayers - a fair go and a fair deal for New Zealand taxpayers. Most deal for New Zealand taxpayers. Most New deal for New Zealand taxpayers. Most New Zealanders deal for New Zealand taxpayers. Most New Zealanders are deal for New Zealand taxpayers. Most New Zealanders are prepared deal for New Zealand taxpayers. Most New Zealanders are prepared to deal for New Zealand taxpayers. Most New Zealanders are prepared to pay New Zealanders are prepared to pay their New Zealanders are prepared to pay their fair New Zealanders are prepared to pay their fair share New Zealanders are prepared to pay their fair share of New Zealanders are prepared to pay their fair share of tax, New Zealanders are prepared to pay their fair share of tax, because their fair share of tax, because they their fair share of tax, because they want their fair share of tax, because they want to their fair share of tax, because they want to make their fair share of tax, because they want to make a their fair share of tax, because they want to make a responsibility they want to make a responsibility to they want to make a responsibility to a they want to make a responsibility to a good they want to make a responsibility to a good society, they want to make a responsibility to a good society, and they want to make a responsibility to a good society, and good they want to make a responsibility to a good society, and good on they want to make a responsibility to a good society, and good on them to a good society, and good on them for to a good society, and good on them for doing to a good society, and good on them for doing that. to a good society, and good on them for doing that. But to a good society, and good on them for doing that. But for to a good society, and good on them for doing that. But for those to a good society, and good on them for doing that. But for those who for doing that. But for those who seek for doing that. But for those who seek to for doing that. But for those who seek to avoid for doing that. But for those who seek to avoid their for doing that. But for those who seek to avoid their obligations, for doing that. But for those who seek to avoid their obligations, who seek to avoid their obligations, who seek seek to avoid their obligations, who seek to seek to avoid their obligations, who seek to cheat seek to avoid their obligations, who seek to cheat other seek to avoid their obligations, who seek to cheat other taxpayers, seek to avoid their obligations, who seek to cheat other taxpayers, we seek to cheat other taxpayers, we should seek to cheat other taxpayers, we should have seek to cheat other taxpayers, we should have no seek to cheat other taxpayers, we should have no time seek to cheat other taxpayers, we should have no time for seek to cheat other taxpayers, we should have no time for them should have no time for them whatsoever. should have no time for them whatsoever. But should have no time for them whatsoever. But the should have no time for them whatsoever. But the first should have no time for them whatsoever. But the first thing should have no time for them whatsoever. But the first thing the whatsoever. But the first thing the PM whatsoever. But the first thing the PM did whatsoever. But the first thing the PM did was whatsoever. But the first thing the PM did was back whatsoever. But the first thing the PM did was back those whatsoever. But the first thing the PM did was back those people. whatsoever. But the first thing the PM did was back those people. And whatsoever. But the first thing the PM did was back those people. And I PM did was back those people. And I don't PM did was back those people. And I don't care PM did was back those people. And I don't care what PM did was back those people. And I don't care what country PM did was back those people. And I don't care what country they PM did was back those people. And I don't care what country they come don't care what country they come from. don't care what country they come from. Bill don't care what country they come from. Bill English don't care what country they come from. Bill English stood don't care what country they come from. Bill English stood up don't care what country they come from. Bill English stood up in don't care what country they come from. Bill English stood up in this from. Bill English stood up in this House from. Bill English stood up in this House and from. Bill English stood up in this House and said, from. Bill English stood up in this House and said, "We from. Bill English stood up in this House and said, "We don't from. Bill English stood up in this House and said, "We don't need from. Bill English stood up in this House and said, "We don't need to House and said, "We don't need to care House and said, "We don't need to care about House and said, "We don't need to care about the House and said, "We don't need to care about the Mexican House and said, "We don't need to care about the Mexican taxpayers." care about the Mexican taxpayers." We care about the Mexican taxpayers." We do, care about the Mexican taxpayers." We do, actually. care about the Mexican taxpayers." We do, actually. We care about the Mexican taxpayers." We do, actually. We actually care about the Mexican taxpayers." We do, actually. We actually need care about the Mexican taxpayers." We do, actually. We actually need to We do, actually. We actually need to care We do, actually. We actually need to care about We do, actually. We actually need to care about the We do, actually. We actually need to care about the fact We do, actually. We actually need to care about the fact that, We do, actually. We actually need to care about the fact that, right care about the fact that, right around care about the fact that, right around the care about the fact that, right around the world, care about the fact that, right around the world, we care about the fact that, right around the world, we have care about the fact that, right around the world, we have tax around the world, we have tax systems around the world, we have tax systems that around the world, we have tax systems that support around the world, we have tax systems that support people around the world, we have tax systems that support people paying systems that support people paying their systems that support people paying their fair systems that support people paying their fair share. systems that support people paying their fair share. Because systems that support people paying their fair share. Because when systems that support people paying their fair share. Because when we systems that support people paying their fair share. Because when we go their fair share. Because when we go to their fair share. Because when we go to the their fair share. Because when we go to the OECD their fair share. Because when we go to the OECD and their fair share. Because when we go to the OECD and say, their fair share. Because when we go to the OECD and say, "We their fair share. Because when we go to the OECD and say, "We want to the OECD and say, "We want multinationals to the OECD and say, "We want multinationals to to the OECD and say, "We want multinationals to pay to the OECD and say, "We want multinationals to pay their to the OECD and say, "We want multinationals to pay their tax" to the OECD and say, "We want multinationals to pay their tax" - multinationals to pay their tax" - which multinationals to pay their tax" - which we multinationals to pay their tax" - which we do multinationals to pay their tax" - which we do - multinationals to pay their tax" - which we do - how multinationals to pay their tax" - which we do - how can multinationals to pay their tax" - which we do - how can we multinationals to pay their tax" - which we do - how can we stand multinationals to pay their tax" - which we do - how can we stand up which we do - how can we stand up there which we do - how can we stand up there with which we do - how can we stand up there with any which we do - how can we stand up there with any credibility which we do - how can we stand up there with any credibility and which we do - how can we stand up there with any credibility and make there with any credibility and make that there with any credibility and make that claim there with any credibility and make that claim and there with any credibility and make that claim and ask there with any credibility and make that claim and ask for there with any credibility and make that claim and ask for the that claim and ask for the assistance that claim and ask for the assistance of that claim and ask for the assistance of the that claim and ask for the assistance of the rest that claim and ask for the assistance of the rest of that claim and ask for the assistance of the rest of the that claim and ask for the assistance of the rest of the world assistance of the rest of the world when assistance of the rest of the world when we assistance of the rest of the world when we are assistance of the rest of the world when we are the assistance of the rest of the world when we are the ones assistance of the rest of the world when we are the ones with assistance of the rest of the world when we are the ones with a assistance of the rest of the world when we are the ones with a system when we are the ones with a system that's when we are the ones with a system that's been when we are the ones with a system that's been exploited? when we are the ones with a system that's been exploited? We when we are the ones with a system that's been exploited? We are when we are the ones with a system that's been exploited? We are the that's been exploited? We are the ones that's been exploited? We are the ones with that's been exploited? We are the ones with a that's been exploited? We are the ones with a system that's been exploited? We are the ones with a system where that's been exploited? We are the ones with a system where somebody ones with a system where somebody named ones with a system where somebody named the ones with a system where somebody named the Duke ones with a system where somebody named the Duke of ones with a system where somebody named the Duke of Influence ones with a system where somebody named the Duke of Influence from named the Duke of Influence from Mexico named the Duke of Influence from Mexico could named the Duke of Influence from Mexico could park named the Duke of Influence from Mexico could park his named the Duke of Influence from Mexico could park his money. named the Duke of Influence from Mexico could park his money. Where Mexico could park his money. Where discredited Mexico could park his money. Where discredited Brazilian Mexico could park his money. Where discredited Brazilian politicians discredited Brazilian politicians with discredited Brazilian politicians with $150 discredited Brazilian politicians with $150 million discredited Brazilian politicians with $150 million worth discredited Brazilian politicians with $150 million worth of discredited Brazilian politicians with $150 million worth of money with $150 million worth of money that with $150 million worth of money that seems with $150 million worth of money that seems potentially with $150 million worth of money that seems potentially to with $150 million worth of money that seems potentially to have with $150 million worth of money that seems potentially to have been that seems potentially to have been corruptly that seems potentially to have been corruptly found, that seems potentially to have been corruptly found, finds that seems potentially to have been corruptly found, finds its that seems potentially to have been corruptly found, finds its way that seems potentially to have been corruptly found, finds its way to corruptly found, finds its way to New corruptly found, finds its way to New Zealand? corruptly found, finds its way to New Zealand? When corruptly found, finds its way to New Zealand? When corrupt corruptly found, finds its way to New Zealand? When corrupt Maltese New Zealand? When corrupt Maltese politicians New Zealand? When corrupt Maltese politicians file New Zealand? When corrupt Maltese politicians file their New Zealand? When corrupt Maltese politicians file their money New Zealand? When corrupt Maltese politicians file their money in New Zealand? When corrupt Maltese politicians file their money in New politicians file their money in New Zealand, politicians file their money in New Zealand, that politicians file their money in New Zealand, that damages politicians file their money in New Zealand, that damages our Zealand, that damages our reputation. Zealand, that damages our reputation. And Zealand, that damages our reputation. And so Zealand, that damages our reputation. And so today, Zealand, that damages our reputation. And so today, we've Zealand, that damages our reputation. And so today, we've got reputation. And so today, we've got a reputation. And so today, we've got a piece reputation. And so today, we've got a piece of reputation. And so today, we've got a piece of legislation reputation. And so today, we've got a piece of legislation that reputation. And so today, we've got a piece of legislation that starts a piece of legislation that starts to a piece of legislation that starts to try a piece of legislation that starts to try and a piece of legislation that starts to try and deal a piece of legislation that starts to try and deal with a piece of legislation that starts to try and deal with that. a piece of legislation that starts to try and deal with that. But a piece of legislation that starts to try and deal with that. But make to try and deal with that. But make no to try and deal with that. But make no mistake to try and deal with that. But make no mistake - to try and deal with that. But make no mistake - this to try and deal with that. But make no mistake - this Government to try and deal with that. But make no mistake - this Government didn't no mistake - this Government didn't come no mistake - this Government didn't come here no mistake - this Government didn't come here willingly no mistake - this Government didn't come here willingly with no mistake - this Government didn't come here willingly with this come here willingly with this legislation. come here willingly with this legislation. It come here willingly with this legislation. It was come here willingly with this legislation. It was dragged come here willingly with this legislation. It was dragged here legislation. It was dragged here because legislation. It was dragged here because it legislation. It was dragged here because it was legislation. It was dragged here because it was exposed legislation. It was dragged here because it was exposed for legislation. It was dragged here because it was exposed for being legislation. It was dragged here because it was exposed for being on because it was exposed for being on the because it was exposed for being on the side because it was exposed for being on the side of because it was exposed for being on the side of tax because it was exposed for being on the side of tax evaders because it was exposed for being on the side of tax evaders and because it was exposed for being on the side of tax evaders and tax the side of tax evaders and tax avoiders. the side of tax evaders and tax avoiders. Mr the side of tax evaders and tax avoiders. Mr Speaker, the side of tax evaders and tax avoiders. Mr Speaker, it the side of tax evaders and tax avoiders. Mr Speaker, it was the side of tax evaders and tax avoiders. Mr Speaker, it was all the side of tax evaders and tax avoiders. Mr Speaker, it was all so avoiders. Mr Speaker, it was all so unnecessary, avoiders. Mr Speaker, it was all so unnecessary, because avoiders. Mr Speaker, it was all so unnecessary, because in avoiders. Mr Speaker, it was all so unnecessary, because in August avoiders. Mr Speaker, it was all so unnecessary, because in August 2013, unnecessary, because in August 2013, the unnecessary, because in August 2013, the Inland unnecessary, because in August 2013, the Inland Revenue unnecessary, because in August 2013, the Inland Revenue Department unnecessary, because in August 2013, the Inland Revenue Department came the Inland Revenue Department came to the Inland Revenue Department came to the the Inland Revenue Department came to the Government the Inland Revenue Department came to the Government and the Inland Revenue Department came to the Government and said, the Inland Revenue Department came to the Government and said, "We the Inland Revenue Department came to the Government and said, "We need to the Government and said, "We need to to the Government and said, "We need to do to the Government and said, "We need to do something." to the Government and said, "We need to do something." They to the Government and said, "We need to do something." They said, to the Government and said, "We need to do something." They said, "To to do something." They said, "To protect to do something." They said, "To protect our to do something." They said, "To protect our international protect our international reputation, protect our international reputation, it protect our international reputation, it may protect our international reputation, it may be protect our international reputation, it may be necessary protect our international reputation, it may be necessary to reputation, it may be necessary to strengthen reputation, it may be necessary to strengthen our reputation, it may be necessary to strengthen our regulatory reputation, it may be necessary to strengthen our regulatory framework strengthen our regulatory framework for strengthen our regulatory framework for disclosure strengthen our regulatory framework for disclosure and strengthen our regulatory framework for disclosure and record-keeping." for disclosure and record-keeping." August for disclosure and record-keeping." August 2013 for disclosure and record-keeping." August 2013 - for disclosure and record-keeping." August 2013 - August for disclosure and record-keeping." August 2013 - August 15, for disclosure and record-keeping." August 2013 - August 15, almost August 2013 - August 15, almost exactly August 2013 - August 15, almost exactly three August 2013 - August 15, almost exactly three years August 2013 - August 15, almost exactly three years ago August 2013 - August 15, almost exactly three years ago - August 2013 - August 15, almost exactly three years ago - the August 2013 - August 15, almost exactly three years ago - the Inland exactly three years ago - the Inland Revenue exactly three years ago - the Inland Revenue Department exactly three years ago - the Inland Revenue Department said exactly three years ago - the Inland Revenue Department said to exactly three years ago - the Inland Revenue Department said to this Revenue Department said to this Government, Revenue Department said to this Government, "You Revenue Department said to this Government, "You need Revenue Department said to this Government, "You need to Revenue Department said to this Government, "You need to close Revenue Department said to this Government, "You need to close the Government, "You need to close the loopholes." Government, "You need to close the loopholes." And Government, "You need to close the loopholes." And the Government, "You need to close the loopholes." And the Government Government, "You need to close the loopholes." And the Government did loopholes." And the Government did nothing loopholes." And the Government did nothing about loopholes." And the Government did nothing about it. loopholes." And the Government did nothing about it. So loopholes." And the Government did nothing about it. So the loopholes." And the Government did nothing about it. So the Inland nothing about it. So the Inland Revenue nothing about it. So the Inland Revenue Department nothing about it. So the Inland Revenue Department came nothing about it. So the Inland Revenue Department came back nothing about it. So the Inland Revenue Department came back to nothing about it. So the Inland Revenue Department came back to them Revenue Department came back to them in Revenue Department came back to them in August Revenue Department came back to them in August 2014, Revenue Department came back to them in August 2014, in Revenue Department came back to them in August 2014, in November Revenue Department came back to them in August 2014, in November 2014, Revenue Department came back to them in August 2014, in November 2014, in in August 2014, in November 2014, in December in August 2014, in November 2014, in December 2014. in August 2014, in November 2014, in December 2014. By in August 2014, in November 2014, in December 2014. By November in August 2014, in November 2014, in December 2014. By November 2014, December 2014. By November 2014, Inland December 2014. By November 2014, Inland Revenue December 2014. By November 2014, Inland Revenue had December 2014. By November 2014, Inland Revenue had already December 2014. By November 2014, Inland Revenue had already put Inland Revenue had already put tightening-up Inland Revenue had already put tightening-up disclosure tightening-up disclosure requirements tightening-up disclosure requirements for tightening-up disclosure requirements for foreign tightening-up disclosure requirements for foreign trusts tightening-up disclosure requirements for foreign trusts on requirements for foreign trusts on their requirements for foreign trusts on their work requirements for foreign trusts on their work programme. requirements for foreign trusts on their work programme. And requirements for foreign trusts on their work programme. And that requirements for foreign trusts on their work programme. And that was their work programme. And that was the their work programme. And that was the signal their work programme. And that was the signal for their work programme. And that was the signal for the their work programme. And that was the signal for the foreign their work programme. And that was the signal for the foreign trust the signal for the foreign trust industry. the signal for the foreign trust industry. Once the signal for the foreign trust industry. Once it the signal for the foreign trust industry. Once it made the signal for the foreign trust industry. Once it made it the signal for the foreign trust industry. Once it made it onto the signal for the foreign trust industry. Once it made it onto the industry. Once it made it onto the work industry. Once it made it onto the work programme, industry. Once it made it onto the work programme, they industry. Once it made it onto the work programme, they used industry. Once it made it onto the work programme, they used their work programme, they used their insider work programme, they used their insider influence. work programme, they used their insider influence. Ken work programme, they used their insider influence. Ken Whitney, work programme, they used their insider influence. Ken Whitney, the insider influence. Ken Whitney, the PM's insider influence. Ken Whitney, the PM's closest insider influence. Ken Whitney, the PM's closest advisor, insider influence. Ken Whitney, the PM's closest advisor, writes insider influence. Ken Whitney, the PM's closest advisor, writes to insider influence. Ken Whitney, the PM's closest advisor, writes to the PM's closest advisor, writes to the Minister PM's closest advisor, writes to the Minister of PM's closest advisor, writes to the Minister of Revenue, PM's closest advisor, writes to the Minister of Revenue, Todd PM's closest advisor, writes to the Minister of Revenue, Todd McClay, Minister of Revenue, Todd McClay, and Minister of Revenue, Todd McClay, and says, Minister of Revenue, Todd McClay, and says, "I've Minister of Revenue, Todd McClay, and says, "I've spoken Minister of Revenue, Todd McClay, and says, "I've spoken to Minister of Revenue, Todd McClay, and says, "I've spoken to the Minister of Revenue, Todd McClay, and says, "I've spoken to the PM. and says, "I've spoken to the PM. He's and says, "I've spoken to the PM. He's told and says, "I've spoken to the PM. He's told me and says, "I've spoken to the PM. He's told me to and says, "I've spoken to the PM. He's told me to talk and says, "I've spoken to the PM. He's told me to talk to and says, "I've spoken to the PM. He's told me to talk to you." and says, "I've spoken to the PM. He's told me to talk to you." And He's told me to talk to you." And then, He's told me to talk to you." And then, lo He's told me to talk to you." And then, lo and He's told me to talk to you." And then, lo and behold, He's told me to talk to you." And then, lo and behold, within He's told me to talk to you." And then, lo and behold, within a He's told me to talk to you." And then, lo and behold, within a month, then, lo and behold, within a month, it's then, lo and behold, within a month, it's all then, lo and behold, within a month, it's all over. then, lo and behold, within a month, it's all over. It's then, lo and behold, within a month, it's all over. It's off then, lo and behold, within a month, it's all over. It's off the then, lo and behold, within a month, it's all over. It's off the IRD then, lo and behold, within a month, it's all over. It's off the IRD work it's all over. It's off the IRD work programme. it's all over. It's off the IRD work programme. And it's all over. It's off the IRD work programme. And the it's all over. It's off the IRD work programme. And the foreign it's all over. It's off the IRD work programme. And the foreign trust programme. And the foreign trust industry programme. And the foreign trust industry gets programme. And the foreign trust industry gets to programme. And the foreign trust industry gets to carry programme. And the foreign trust industry gets to carry on programme. And the foreign trust industry gets to carry on without industry gets to carry on without even industry gets to carry on without even having industry gets to carry on without even having to industry gets to carry on without even having to take industry gets to carry on without even having to take a industry gets to carry on without even having to take a breath. industry gets to carry on without even having to take a breath. That's even having to take a breath. That's because even having to take a breath. That's because this even having to take a breath. That's because this Government even having to take a breath. That's because this Government chose even having to take a breath. That's because this Government chose to because this Government chose to side because this Government chose to side with because this Government chose to side with them because this Government chose to side with them over because this Government chose to side with them over New because this Government chose to side with them over New Zealand side with them over New Zealand taxpayers side with them over New Zealand taxpayers and side with them over New Zealand taxpayers and ordinary side with them over New Zealand taxpayers and ordinary working taxpayers and ordinary working people taxpayers and ordinary working people all taxpayers and ordinary working people all over taxpayers and ordinary working people all over the taxpayers and ordinary working people all over the world. taxpayers and ordinary working people all over the world. And taxpayers and ordinary working people all over the world. And that people all over the world. And that is people all over the world. And that is a people all over the world. And that is a shameful people all over the world. And that is a shameful record people all over the world. And that is a shameful record from people all over the world. And that is a shameful record from this is a shameful record from this Government. is a shameful record from this Government. They is a shameful record from this Government. They had is a shameful record from this Government. They had the is a shameful record from this Government. They had the chance is a shameful record from this Government. They had the chance to Government. They had the chance to stand Government. They had the chance to stand up Government. They had the chance to stand up for Government. They had the chance to stand up for a Government. They had the chance to stand up for a fair Government. They had the chance to stand up for a fair tax Government. They had the chance to stand up for a fair tax system, Government. They had the chance to stand up for a fair tax system, and stand up for a fair tax system, and they stand up for a fair tax system, and they decided stand up for a fair tax system, and they decided against stand up for a fair tax system, and they decided against it. stand up for a fair tax system, and they decided against it. They stand up for a fair tax system, and they decided against it. They went they decided against it. They went with they decided against it. They went with the they decided against it. They went with the insider they decided against it. They went with the insider influence they decided against it. They went with the insider influence that they decided against it. They went with the insider influence that is with the insider influence that is so with the insider influence that is so typical with the insider influence that is so typical of with the insider influence that is so typical of this with the insider influence that is so typical of this Government. with the insider influence that is so typical of this Government. And so typical of this Government. And the so typical of this Government. And the PM so typical of this Government. And the PM said, so typical of this Government. And the PM said, "Don't so typical of this Government. And the PM said, "Don't worry so typical of this Government. And the PM said, "Don't worry about so typical of this Government. And the PM said, "Don't worry about it. the PM said, "Don't worry about it. Ordinary the PM said, "Don't worry about it. Ordinary people the PM said, "Don't worry about it. Ordinary people approach the PM said, "Don't worry about it. Ordinary people approach me the PM said, "Don't worry about it. Ordinary people approach me all the PM said, "Don't worry about it. Ordinary people approach me all the Ordinary people approach me all the time Ordinary people approach me all the time with Ordinary people approach me all the time with ideas, Ordinary people approach me all the time with ideas, and Ordinary people approach me all the time with ideas, and I Ordinary people approach me all the time with ideas, and I refer Ordinary people approach me all the time with ideas, and I refer them Ordinary people approach me all the time with ideas, and I refer them to time with ideas, and I refer them to the time with ideas, and I refer them to the ministers." time with ideas, and I refer them to the ministers." That's time with ideas, and I refer them to the ministers." That's what time with ideas, and I refer them to the ministers." That's what he time with ideas, and I refer them to the ministers." That's what he said the ministers." That's what he said -" the ministers." That's what he said -" ordinary the ministers." That's what he said -" ordinary people the ministers." That's what he said -" ordinary people come the ministers." That's what he said -" ordinary people come up the ministers." That's what he said -" ordinary people come up to the ministers." That's what he said -" ordinary people come up to me -" ordinary people come up to me every -" ordinary people come up to me every day -" ordinary people come up to me every day in -" ordinary people come up to me every day in the -" ordinary people come up to me every day in the lounge." -" ordinary people come up to me every day in the lounge." That's -" ordinary people come up to me every day in the lounge." That's - every day in the lounge." That's - ordinary every day in the lounge." That's - ordinary people every day in the lounge." That's - ordinary people roaming every day in the lounge." That's - ordinary people roaming freely every day in the lounge." That's - ordinary people roaming freely in ordinary people roaming freely in the ordinary people roaming freely in the buffet ordinary people roaming freely in the buffet lounge, ordinary people roaming freely in the buffet lounge, talking ordinary people roaming freely in the buffet lounge, talking to ordinary people roaming freely in the buffet lounge, talking to John the buffet lounge, talking to John Key. the buffet lounge, talking to John Key. What the buffet lounge, talking to John Key. What nonsense. the buffet lounge, talking to John Key. What nonsense. This the buffet lounge, talking to John Key. What nonsense. This was the buffet lounge, talking to John Key. What nonsense. This was the Key. What nonsense. This was the PM's Key. What nonsense. This was the PM's personal Key. What nonsense. This was the PM's personal lawyer Key. What nonsense. This was the PM's personal lawyer and Key. What nonsense. This was the PM's personal lawyer and advisor, PM's personal lawyer and advisor, and PM's personal lawyer and advisor, and Todd PM's personal lawyer and advisor, and Todd McClay PM's personal lawyer and advisor, and Todd McClay said, PM's personal lawyer and advisor, and Todd McClay said, "How PM's personal lawyer and advisor, and Todd McClay said, "How much? and Todd McClay said, "How much? High and Todd McClay said, "How much? High high, and Todd McClay said, "How much? High high, PM?" and Todd McClay said, "How much? High high, PM?" This and Todd McClay said, "How much? High high, PM?" This is and Todd McClay said, "How much? High high, PM?" This is a and Todd McClay said, "How much? High high, PM?" This is a shameful High high, PM?" This is a shameful episode. High high, PM?" This is a shameful episode. This High high, PM?" This is a shameful episode. This Government High high, PM?" This is a shameful episode. This Government needs High high, PM?" This is a shameful episode. This Government needs to, episode. This Government needs to, today, episode. This Government needs to, today, acknowledge episode. This Government needs to, today, acknowledge to episode. This Government needs to, today, acknowledge to New episode. This Government needs to, today, acknowledge to New Zealanders today, acknowledge to New Zealanders they today, acknowledge to New Zealanders they got today, acknowledge to New Zealanders they got it today, acknowledge to New Zealanders they got it wrong. today, acknowledge to New Zealanders they got it wrong. The today, acknowledge to New Zealanders they got it wrong. The proposals they got it wrong. The proposals that they got it wrong. The proposals that they they got it wrong. The proposals that they are they got it wrong. The proposals that they are bringing they got it wrong. The proposals that they are bringing to they got it wrong. The proposals that they are bringing to the they got it wrong. The proposals that they are bringing to the House that they are bringing to the House today, that they are bringing to the House today, Mr that they are bringing to the House today, Mr Speaker, that they are bringing to the House today, Mr Speaker, are that they are bringing to the House today, Mr Speaker, are inadequate that they are bringing to the House today, Mr Speaker, are inadequate in today, Mr Speaker, are inadequate in one today, Mr Speaker, are inadequate in one specific today, Mr Speaker, are inadequate in one specific way today, Mr Speaker, are inadequate in one specific way - today, Mr Speaker, are inadequate in one specific way - that today, Mr Speaker, are inadequate in one specific way - that is today, Mr Speaker, are inadequate in one specific way - that is the one specific way - that is the absence one specific way - that is the absence of one specific way - that is the absence of a one specific way - that is the absence of a publicly one specific way - that is the absence of a publicly available absence of a publicly available register absence of a publicly available register of absence of a publicly available register of foreign absence of a publicly available register of foreign trusts. absence of a publicly available register of foreign trusts. Because register of foreign trusts. Because in register of foreign trusts. Because in the register of foreign trusts. Because in the end, register of foreign trusts. Because in the end, if register of foreign trusts. Because in the end, if another register of foreign trusts. Because in the end, if another jurisdiction in the end, if another jurisdiction is in the end, if another jurisdiction is looking in the end, if another jurisdiction is looking around in the end, if another jurisdiction is looking around the in the end, if another jurisdiction is looking around the world in the end, if another jurisdiction is looking around the world to in the end, if another jurisdiction is looking around the world to see is looking around the world to see where is looking around the world to see where money is looking around the world to see where money might is looking around the world to see where money might be is looking around the world to see where money might be parked, is looking around the world to see where money might be parked, if is looking around the world to see where money might be parked, if they where money might be parked, if they can't where money might be parked, if they can't get where money might be parked, if they can't get easy where money might be parked, if they can't get easy access where money might be parked, if they can't get easy access to where money might be parked, if they can't get easy access to that can't get easy access to that register, can't get easy access to that register, they're can't get easy access to that register, they're not can't get easy access to that register, they're not going can't get easy access to that register, they're not going to can't get easy access to that register, they're not going to be register, they're not going to be able register, they're not going to be able to register, they're not going to be able to find register, they're not going to be able to find out. register, they're not going to be able to find out. There's register, they're not going to be able to find out. There's not register, they're not going to be able to find out. There's not so able to find out. There's not so much able to find out. There's not so much a able to find out. There's not so much a needle able to find out. There's not so much a needle in able to find out. There's not so much a needle in a able to find out. There's not so much a needle in a haystack able to find out. There's not so much a needle in a haystack - able to find out. There's not so much a needle in a haystack - it's much a needle in a haystack - it's whether much a needle in a haystack - it's whether there much a needle in a haystack - it's whether there is much a needle in a haystack - it's whether there is a much a needle in a haystack - it's whether there is a needle much a needle in a haystack - it's whether there is a needle in much a needle in a haystack - it's whether there is a needle in a whether there is a needle in a series whether there is a needle in a series of whether there is a needle in a series of haystacks, whether there is a needle in a series of haystacks, and whether there is a needle in a series of haystacks, and they whether there is a needle in a series of haystacks, and they do whether there is a needle in a series of haystacks, and they do not series of haystacks, and they do not have series of haystacks, and they do not have the series of haystacks, and they do not have the information series of haystacks, and they do not have the information to series of haystacks, and they do not have the information to support have the information to support that. have the information to support that. We have the information to support that. We have have the information to support that. We have registers have the information to support that. We have registers of have the information to support that. We have registers of companies that. We have registers of companies in that. We have registers of companies in New that. We have registers of companies in New Zealand. that. We have registers of companies in New Zealand. We that. We have registers of companies in New Zealand. We have that. We have registers of companies in New Zealand. We have registers that. We have registers of companies in New Zealand. We have registers of in New Zealand. We have registers of -- in New Zealand. We have registers of -- we in New Zealand. We have registers of -- we have in New Zealand. We have registers of -- we have publicly in New Zealand. We have registers of -- we have publicly available -- we have publicly available registers -- we have publicly available registers of -- we have publicly available registers of companies. -- we have publicly available registers of companies. We -- we have publicly available registers of companies. We have registers of companies. We have publicly registers of companies. We have publicly available registers of companies. We have publicly available registers registers of companies. We have publicly available registers of publicly available registers of charities. publicly available registers of charities. Why publicly available registers of charities. Why are publicly available registers of charities. Why are foreign publicly available registers of charities. Why are foreign trusts charities. Why are foreign trusts not charities. Why are foreign trusts not seen charities. Why are foreign trusts not seen in charities. Why are foreign trusts not seen in the charities. Why are foreign trusts not seen in the same charities. Why are foreign trusts not seen in the same light? charities. Why are foreign trusts not seen in the same light? The not seen in the same light? The legislation not seen in the same light? The legislation in not seen in the same light? The legislation in front not seen in the same light? The legislation in front of not seen in the same light? The legislation in front of us not seen in the same light? The legislation in front of us today... legislation in front of us today... <BELL RUNG> <BELL RUNG> ..says <BELL RUNG> ..says that <BELL RUNG> ..says that it <BELL RUNG> ..says that it will <BELL RUNG> ..says that it will be <BELL RUNG> ..says that it will be Inland ..says that it will be Inland Revenue ..says that it will be Inland Revenue and ..says that it will be Inland Revenue and the ..says that it will be Inland Revenue and the police ..says that it will be Inland Revenue and the police who ..says that it will be Inland Revenue and the police who get ..says that it will be Inland Revenue and the police who get to Revenue and the police who get to see Revenue and the police who get to see this. Revenue and the police who get to see this. That Revenue and the police who get to see this. That does Revenue and the police who get to see this. That does not Revenue and the police who get to see this. That does not properly see this. That does not properly advance see this. That does not properly advance the see this. That does not properly advance the interests see this. That does not properly advance the interests of advance the interests of transparency. advance the interests of transparency. And advance the interests of transparency. And as advance the interests of transparency. And as a advance the interests of transparency. And as a country, advance the interests of transparency. And as a country, we transparency. And as a country, we need transparency. And as a country, we need to transparency. And as a country, we need to hold transparency. And as a country, we need to hold on transparency. And as a country, we need to hold on to transparency. And as a country, we need to hold on to that transparency. And as a country, we need to hold on to that reputation need to hold on to that reputation that need to hold on to that reputation that has need to hold on to that reputation that has been need to hold on to that reputation that has been built need to hold on to that reputation that has been built up need to hold on to that reputation that has been built up over need to hold on to that reputation that has been built up over many that has been built up over many decades that has been built up over many decades around that has been built up over many decades around transparency. that has been built up over many decades around transparency. One that has been built up over many decades around transparency. One of decades around transparency. One of the decades around transparency. One of the saddest decades around transparency. One of the saddest parts decades around transparency. One of the saddest parts of decades around transparency. One of the saddest parts of this decades around transparency. One of the saddest parts of this whole the saddest parts of this whole episode, the saddest parts of this whole episode, Mr the saddest parts of this whole episode, Mr Speaker, the saddest parts of this whole episode, Mr Speaker, was the saddest parts of this whole episode, Mr Speaker, was the the saddest parts of this whole episode, Mr Speaker, was the fact episode, Mr Speaker, was the fact that, episode, Mr Speaker, was the fact that, during episode, Mr Speaker, was the fact that, during it, episode, Mr Speaker, was the fact that, during it, New episode, Mr Speaker, was the fact that, during it, New Zealand episode, Mr Speaker, was the fact that, during it, New Zealand slipped that, during it, New Zealand slipped down that, during it, New Zealand slipped down the that, during it, New Zealand slipped down the Transparency that, during it, New Zealand slipped down the Transparency International down the Transparency International rankings. down the Transparency International rankings. I down the Transparency International rankings. I was down the Transparency International rankings. I was present down the Transparency International rankings. I was present when down the Transparency International rankings. I was present when a rankings. I was present when a Government rankings. I was present when a Government backbencher rankings. I was present when a Government backbencher said, rankings. I was present when a Government backbencher said, "Well, Government backbencher said, "Well, our Government backbencher said, "Well, our aim Government backbencher said, "Well, our aim is Government backbencher said, "Well, our aim is to Government backbencher said, "Well, our aim is to be Government backbencher said, "Well, our aim is to be in Government backbencher said, "Well, our aim is to be in the Government backbencher said, "Well, our aim is to be in the top Government backbencher said, "Well, our aim is to be in the top five Government backbencher said, "Well, our aim is to be in the top five for our aim is to be in the top five for the our aim is to be in the top five for the Transparency our aim is to be in the top five for the Transparency International the Transparency International rankings." the Transparency International rankings." Just the Transparency International rankings." Just imagine the Transparency International rankings." Just imagine if the Transparency International rankings." Just imagine if Steve rankings." Just imagine if Steve Hansen rankings." Just imagine if Steve Hansen held rankings." Just imagine if Steve Hansen held a rankings." Just imagine if Steve Hansen held a press rankings." Just imagine if Steve Hansen held a press conference rankings." Just imagine if Steve Hansen held a press conference and Hansen held a press conference and said, Hansen held a press conference and said, "The Hansen held a press conference and said, "The All Hansen held a press conference and said, "The All Blacks' Hansen held a press conference and said, "The All Blacks' aim Hansen held a press conference and said, "The All Blacks' aim is Hansen held a press conference and said, "The All Blacks' aim is to Hansen held a press conference and said, "The All Blacks' aim is to be said, "The All Blacks' aim is to be in said, "The All Blacks' aim is to be in the said, "The All Blacks' aim is to be in the top said, "The All Blacks' aim is to be in the top five said, "The All Blacks' aim is to be in the top five of said, "The All Blacks' aim is to be in the top five of rugby-playing in the top five of rugby-playing nations." in the top five of rugby-playing nations." He'd in the top five of rugby-playing nations." He'd be in the top five of rugby-playing nations." He'd be sacked nations." He'd be sacked straightaway. nations." He'd be sacked straightaway. When nations." He'd be sacked straightaway. When we nations." He'd be sacked straightaway. When we are