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Parliament TV provides live broadcasts from the House of Representatives. Coverage: Questions for Oral Answer.

Primary Title
  • Parliament TV: Questions for Oral Answer
Date Broadcast
  • Wednesday 24 August 2016
Start Time
  • 14 : 00
Finish Time
  • 15 : 30
  • 90:00
  • Parliament TV
  • Kordia
Programme Description
  • Parliament TV provides live broadcasts from the House of Representatives. Coverage: Questions for Oral Answer.
  • Not Classified
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • Yes
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
Finance This This programme This programme is This programme is live This programme is live captioned This programme is live captioned by This programme is live captioned by Ericsson This programme is live captioned by Ericsson Access This programme is live captioned by Ericsson Access Services This programme is live captioned by Ericsson Access Services Finance Ericsson Access Services Finance for Ericsson Access Services Finance for the Ericsson Access Services Finance for the Office Ericsson Access Services Finance for the Office of Ericsson Access Services Finance for the Office of the Ericsson Access Services Finance for the Office of the Clerk for the Office of the Clerk of for the Office of the Clerk of the for the Office of the Clerk of the House for the Office of the Clerk of the House of for the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Mr Mr Speaker! Almighty Almighty God, Almighty God, humbly Almighty God, humbly acknowledging Almighty God, humbly acknowledging our Almighty God, humbly acknowledging our need Almighty God, humbly acknowledging our need for humbly acknowledging our need for Thy humbly acknowledging our need for Thy guidance humbly acknowledging our need for Thy guidance in humbly acknowledging our need for Thy guidance in all humbly acknowledging our need for Thy guidance in all things, Thy guidance in all things, and Thy guidance in all things, and laying Thy guidance in all things, and laying aside Thy guidance in all things, and laying aside all Thy guidance in all things, and laying aside all private and laying aside all private and and laying aside all private and personal and laying aside all private and personal interests, and personal interests, we and personal interests, we beseech and personal interests, we beseech Thee and personal interests, we beseech Thee to and personal interests, we beseech Thee to grant we beseech Thee to grant that we beseech Thee to grant that we we beseech Thee to grant that we may we beseech Thee to grant that we may conduct we beseech Thee to grant that we may conduct the we beseech Thee to grant that we may conduct the affairs that we may conduct the affairs of that we may conduct the affairs of this that we may conduct the affairs of this House that we may conduct the affairs of this House and that we may conduct the affairs of this House and of that we may conduct the affairs of this House and of our that we may conduct the affairs of this House and of our country of this House and of our country to of this House and of our country to the of this House and of our country to the glory of this House and of our country to the glory of of this House and of our country to the glory of Thy of this House and of our country to the glory of Thy holy of this House and of our country to the glory of Thy holy name, to the glory of Thy holy name, the to the glory of Thy holy name, the maintenance to the glory of Thy holy name, the maintenance of to the glory of Thy holy name, the maintenance of true to the glory of Thy holy name, the maintenance of true religion the maintenance of true religion and the maintenance of true religion and justice, and justice, the and justice, the honour and justice, the honour of and justice, the honour of the and justice, the honour of the Queen, the honour of the Queen, and the honour of the Queen, and the the honour of the Queen, and the public the honour of the Queen, and the public welfare, the honour of the Queen, and the public welfare, peace, and the public welfare, peace, and and the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity and the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity of and the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity of New and the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity of New Zealand, and tranquillity of New Zealand, through and tranquillity of New Zealand, through Jesus and tranquillity of New Zealand, through Jesus Christ and tranquillity of New Zealand, through Jesus Christ our and tranquillity of New Zealand, through Jesus Christ our Lord. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. No No petitions No petitions have No petitions have been No petitions have been delivered No petitions have been delivered to No petitions have been delivered to the No petitions have been delivered to the Clerk No petitions have been delivered to the Clerk for No petitions have been delivered to the Clerk for presentation. No petitions have been delivered to the Clerk for presentation. A No petitions have been delivered to the Clerk for presentation. A paper the Clerk for presentation. A paper has the Clerk for presentation. A paper has been the Clerk for presentation. A paper has been delivered the Clerk for presentation. A paper has been delivered for the Clerk for presentation. A paper has been delivered for presentation. The The Government The Government Response The Government Response to The Government Response to Report The Government Response to Report of The Government Response to Report of the The Government Response to Report of the Health The Government Response to Report of the Health Committee The Government Response to Report of the Health Committee on The Government Response to Report of the Health Committee on Petition of the Health Committee on Petition 2011/102 of the Health Committee on Petition 2011/102 of of the Health Committee on Petition 2011/102 of Carmel of the Health Committee on Petition 2011/102 of Carmel Berry 2011/102 of Carmel Berry and 2011/102 of Carmel Berry and Charlotte 2011/102 of Carmel Berry and Charlotte Korte. That That paper That paper is That paper is published That paper is published under That paper is published under the That paper is published under the House. That paper is published under the House. A That paper is published under the House. A select That paper is published under the House. A select committee That paper is published under the House. A select committee report That paper is published under the House. A select committee report has House. A select committee report has been House. A select committee report has been delivered House. A select committee report has been delivered for House. A select committee report has been delivered for presentation. Report Report of Report of the Report of the Social Report of the Social Services Report of the Social Services Committee Report of the Social Services Committee on Report of the Social Services Committee on the Report of the Social Services Committee on the Petition Report of the Social Services Committee on the Petition 2014/0031 Committee on the Petition 2014/0031 of Committee on the Petition 2014/0031 of Waimarie Committee on the Petition 2014/0031 of Waimarie McFarland of Waimarie McFarland on of Waimarie McFarland on behalf of Waimarie McFarland on behalf of of Waimarie McFarland on behalf of the of Waimarie McFarland on behalf of the SOUL of Waimarie McFarland on behalf of the SOUL - on behalf of the SOUL - Save on behalf of the SOUL - Save Our on behalf of the SOUL - Save Our Unique on behalf of the SOUL - Save Our Unique Landscape on behalf of the SOUL - Save Our Unique Landscape group. Save Our Unique Landscape group. Enhancing Save Our Unique Landscape group. Enhancing Identity Save Our Unique Landscape group. Enhancing Identity Verification Enhancing Identity Verification and Enhancing Identity Verification and Border Enhancing Identity Verification and Border Processes and Border Processes Legislation and Border Processes Legislation Bill. That That bill That bill is That bill is set That bill is set down That bill is set down for That bill is set down for first That bill is set down for first reading. That bill is set down for first reading. The That bill is set down for first reading. The House That bill is set down for first reading. The House comes That bill is set down for first reading. The House comes to That bill is set down for first reading. The House comes to question reading. The House comes to question for reading. The House comes to question for oral reading. The House comes to question for oral answer. reading. The House comes to question for oral answer. Question reading. The House comes to question for oral answer. Question No. reading. The House comes to question for oral answer. Question No. 1 reading. The House comes to question for oral answer. Question No. 1 in for oral answer. Question No. 1 in the for oral answer. Question No. 1 in the name for oral answer. Question No. 1 in the name of for oral answer. Question No. 1 in the name of Andrew for oral answer. Question No. 1 in the name of Andrew Little. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Rt My question is to the Rt Hon My question is to the Rt Hon John My question is to the Rt Hon John Key, My question is to the Rt Hon John Key, Prime My question is to the Rt Hon John Key, Prime Minister: Key, Prime Minister: Does Key, Prime Minister: Does he Key, Prime Minister: Does he have Key, Prime Minister: Does he have confidence Key, Prime Minister: Does he have confidence in Key, Prime Minister: Does he have confidence in the Does he have confidence in the Minister Does he have confidence in the Minister for Does he have confidence in the Minister for Building Does he have confidence in the Minister for Building and Does he have confidence in the Minister for Building and Housing Minister for Building and Housing given Minister for Building and Housing given the Minister for Building and Housing given the falling Minister for Building and Housing given the falling rate Minister for Building and Housing given the falling rate of given the falling rate of homeownership, given the falling rate of homeownership, especially given the falling rate of homeownership, especially among homeownership, especially among young homeownership, especially among young people? Yes, Yes, as Yes, as I Yes, as I noted Yes, as I noted ownership Yes, as I noted ownership peaked Yes, as I noted ownership peaked in Yes, as I noted ownership peaked in the Yes, as I noted ownership peaked in the late Yes, as I noted ownership peaked in the late 180s, Yes, as I noted ownership peaked in the late 180s, early Yes, as I noted ownership peaked in the late 180s, early 1990, Yes, as I noted ownership peaked in the late 180s, early 1990, it Yes, as I noted ownership peaked in the late 180s, early 1990, it is Yes, as I noted ownership peaked in the late 180s, early 1990, it is in the late 180s, early 1990, it is in line the late 180s, early 1990, it is in line with the late 180s, early 1990, it is in line with what the late 180s, early 1990, it is in line with what has the late 180s, early 1990, it is in line with what has happened the late 180s, early 1990, it is in line with what has happened in the late 180s, early 1990, it is in line with what has happened in many line with what has happened in many other line with what has happened in many other countries. line with what has happened in many other countries. The line with what has happened in many other countries. The government line with what has happened in many other countries. The government is other countries. The government is taking other countries. The government is taking a other countries. The government is taking a number other countries. The government is taking a number of other countries. The government is taking a number of steps other countries. The government is taking a number of steps to other countries. The government is taking a number of steps to help taking a number of steps to help first-time taking a number of steps to help first-time buyers, taking a number of steps to help first-time buyers, including taking a number of steps to help first-time buyers, including the first-time buyers, including the expanded first-time buyers, including the expanded $435 first-time buyers, including the expanded $435 million first-time buyers, including the expanded $435 million Kiwi first-time buyers, including the expanded $435 million Kiwi home expanded $435 million Kiwi home grants expanded $435 million Kiwi home grants and expanded $435 million Kiwi home grants and getting expanded $435 million Kiwi home grants and getting more expanded $435 million Kiwi home grants and getting more houses expanded $435 million Kiwi home grants and getting more houses built grants and getting more houses built faster. grants and getting more houses built faster. Why grants and getting more houses built faster. Why is grants and getting more houses built faster. Why is this grants and getting more houses built faster. Why is this government faster. Why is this government allowing faster. Why is this government allowing young faster. Why is this government allowing young families faster. Why is this government allowing young families to faster. Why is this government allowing young families to be faster. Why is this government allowing young families to be shut allowing young families to be shut out allowing young families to be shut out of allowing young families to be shut out of homeownership allowing young families to be shut out of homeownership while allowing young families to be shut out of homeownership while they allowing young families to be shut out of homeownership while they make out of homeownership while they make millions. out of homeownership while they make millions. Speculation out of homeownership while they make millions. Speculation has out of homeownership while they make millions. Speculation has always millions. Speculation has always been millions. Speculation has always been involved millions. Speculation has always been involved on millions. Speculation has always been involved on the millions. Speculation has always been involved on the markets millions. Speculation has always been involved on the markets and millions. Speculation has always been involved on the markets and at been involved on the markets and at various been involved on the markets and at various times been involved on the markets and at various times made been involved on the markets and at various times made money. been involved on the markets and at various times made money. The various times made money. The government various times made money. The government is various times made money. The government is not various times made money. The government is not stopping various times made money. The government is not stopping young government is not stopping young people government is not stopping young people from government is not stopping young people from being government is not stopping young people from being involved government is not stopping young people from being involved in people from being involved in houses. people from being involved in houses. That people from being involved in houses. That is people from being involved in houses. That is what people from being involved in houses. That is what the people from being involved in houses. That is what the $435 houses. That is what the $435 million houses. That is what the $435 million expanded houses. That is what the $435 million expanded home houses. That is what the $435 million expanded home ownership million expanded home ownership programme million expanded home ownership people million expanded home ownership programme is about million expanded home ownership programme is about and million expanded home ownership programme is about and we million expanded home ownership programme is about and we know programme is about and we know around programme is about and we know around about, programme is about and we know around about, I programme is about and we know around about, I think programme is about and we know around about, I think 90,000 programme is about and we know around about, I think 90,000 people around about, I think 90,000 people will around about, I think 90,000 people will again around about, I think 90,000 people will again fit around about, I think 90,000 people will again fit from around about, I think 90,000 people will again fit from that. around about, I think 90,000 people will again fit from that. Why, will again fit from that. Why, despite will again fit from that. Why, despite years will again fit from that. Why, despite years of will again fit from that. Why, despite years of his will again fit from that. Why, despite years of his government despite years of his government promising despite years of his government promising solutions, despite years of his government promising solutions, are despite years of his government promising solutions, are 328 promising solutions, are 328 properties promising solutions, are 328 properties currently promising solutions, are 328 properties currently being promising solutions, are 328 properties currently being promoted properties currently being promoted on properties currently being promoted on Trade properties currently being promoted on Trade Me properties currently being promoted on Trade Me as properties currently being promoted on Trade Me as land properties currently being promoted on Trade Me as land banking on Trade Me as land banking investments? on Trade Me as land banking investments? Mr on Trade Me as land banking investments? Mr Speaker, on Trade Me as land banking investments? Mr Speaker, firstly, investments? Mr Speaker, firstly, they investments? Mr Speaker, firstly, they will investments? Mr Speaker, firstly, they will be investments? Mr Speaker, firstly, they will be private investments? Mr Speaker, firstly, they will be private properties investments? Mr Speaker, firstly, they will be private properties that they will be private properties that people they will be private properties that people own they will be private properties that people own and they will be private properties that people own and they they will be private properties that people own and they have they will be private properties that people own and they have made they will be private properties that people own and they have made their people own and they have made their own people own and they have made their own call. people own and they have made their own call. Well, people own and they have made their own call. Well, that people own and they have made their own call. Well, that I people own and they have made their own call. Well, that I have people own and they have made their own call. Well, that I have made own call. Well, that I have made their own call. Well, that I have made their own own call. Well, that I have made their own call own call. Well, that I have made their own call in own call. Well, that I have made their own call in that own call. Well, that I have made their own call in that world own call. Well, that I have made their own call in that world to their own call in that world to allow their own call in that world to allow themselves their own call in that world to allow themselves to their own call in that world to allow themselves to decide their own call in that world to allow themselves to decide what their own call in that world to allow themselves to decide what they allow themselves to decide what they want allow themselves to decide what they want to allow themselves to decide what they want to do allow themselves to decide what they want to do with allow themselves to decide what they want to do with it. allow themselves to decide what they want to do with it. It allow themselves to decide what they want to do with it. It is allow themselves to decide what they want to do with it. It is worth want to do with it. It is worth want to do with it. It is worth want to do with it. It is worth putting perspective want to do with it. It is worth putting perspective on want to do with it. It is worth putting perspective on this. want to do with it. It is worth putting perspective on this. In putting perspective on this. In Auckland putting perspective on this. In Auckland alone putting perspective on this. In Auckland alone last putting perspective on this. In Auckland alone last year putting perspective on this. In Auckland alone last year nearly Auckland alone last year nearly 32,000 Auckland alone last year nearly 32,000 properties Auckland alone last year nearly 32,000 properties were Auckland alone last year nearly 32,000 properties were sold, Auckland alone last year nearly 32,000 properties were sold, a Auckland alone last year nearly 32,000 properties were sold, a small 32,000 properties were sold, a small number 32,000 properties were sold, a small number of 32,000 properties were sold, a small number of people 32,000 properties were sold, a small number of people believed 32,000 properties were sold, a small number of people believed they 32,000 properties were sold, a small number of people believed they think number of people believed they think they number of people believed they think they should number of people believed they think they should land number of people believed they think they should land bank number of people believed they think they should land bank it. number of people believed they think they should land bank it. That number of people believed they think they should land bank it. That is they should land bank it. That is their they should land bank it. That is their own they should land bank it. That is their own personal they should land bank it. That is their own personal choice. they should land bank it. That is their own personal choice. Why they should land bank it. That is their own personal choice. Why do their own personal choice. Why do just their own personal choice. Why do just one their own personal choice. Why do just one in their own personal choice. Why do just one in five their own personal choice. Why do just one in five young their own personal choice. Why do just one in five young families their own personal choice. Why do just one in five young families own just one in five young families own their just one in five young families own their own just one in five young families own their own home just one in five young families own their own home in just one in five young families own their own home in Tukanini just one in five young families own their own home in Tukanini while just one in five young families own their own home in Tukanini while in their own home in Tukanini while in the their own home in Tukanini while in the same their own home in Tukanini while in the same suburb their own home in Tukanini while in the same suburb a their own home in Tukanini while in the same suburb a land their own home in Tukanini while in the same suburb a land banker their own home in Tukanini while in the same suburb a land banker is the same suburb a land banker is advertising the same suburb a land banker is advertising a the same suburb a land banker is advertising a 2 the same suburb a land banker is advertising a 2 hectare the same suburb a land banker is advertising a 2 hectare section the same suburb a land banker is advertising a 2 hectare section for advertising a 2 hectare section for lose advertising a 2 hectare section for lose 4.5 advertising a 2 hectare section for lose 4.5 million, advertising a 2 hectare section for lose 4.5 million, a advertising a 2 hectare section for lose 4.5 million, a $2 advertising a 2 hectare section for lose 4.5 million, a $2 million lose 4.5 million, a $2 million increase lose 4.5 million, a $2 million increase for lose 4.5 million, a $2 million increase for what lose 4.5 million, a $2 million increase for what they lose 4.5 million, a $2 million increase for what they paid lose 4.5 million, a $2 million increase for what they paid for lose 4.5 million, a $2 million increase for what they paid for it increase for what they paid for it just increase for what they paid for it just a increase for what they paid for it just a year increase for what they paid for it just a year ago. increase for what they paid for it just a year ago. There increase for what they paid for it just a year ago. There will increase for what they paid for it just a year ago. There will be increase for what they paid for it just a year ago. There will be a just a year ago. There will be a variety just a year ago. There will be a variety of just a year ago. There will be a variety of reasons just a year ago. There will be a variety of reasons why just a year ago. There will be a variety of reasons why people just a year ago. There will be a variety of reasons why people do, variety of reasons why people do, that variety of reasons why people do, that but variety of reasons why people do, that but the variety of reasons why people do, that but the issue variety of reasons why people do, that but the issue is variety of reasons why people do, that but the issue is not variety of reasons why people do, that but the issue is not whether that but the issue is not whether one that but the issue is not whether one or that but the issue is not whether one or two that but the issue is not whether one or two people that but the issue is not whether one or two people want that but the issue is not whether one or two people want to that but the issue is not whether one or two people want to hold that but the issue is not whether one or two people want to hold a one or two people want to hold a property one or two people want to hold a property and one or two people want to hold a property and sell one or two people want to hold a property and sell it one or two people want to hold a property and sell it to one or two people want to hold a property and sell it to someone property and sell it to someone else. property and sell it to someone else. The property and sell it to someone else. The question property and sell it to someone else. The question is property and sell it to someone else. The question is whether property and sell it to someone else. The question is whether others else. The question is whether others get else. The question is whether others get an else. The question is whether others get an opportunity else. The question is whether others get an opportunity to else. The question is whether others get an opportunity to do else. The question is whether others get an opportunity to do that. else. The question is whether others get an opportunity to do that. One get an opportunity to do that. One of get an opportunity to do that. One of the get an opportunity to do that. One of the ways get an opportunity to do that. One of the ways they get an opportunity to do that. One of the ways they can get an opportunity to do that. One of the ways they can do get an opportunity to do that. One of the ways they can do that get an opportunity to do that. One of the ways they can do that is of the ways they can do that is actually of the ways they can do that is actually through of the ways they can do that is actually through the of the ways they can do that is actually through the government actually through the government having actually through the government get actually through the government having a strong actually through the government having a strong fiscal actually through the government having a strong fiscal plan actually through the government having a strong fiscal plan and having a strong fiscal plan and managing having a strong fiscal plan and managing the having a strong fiscal plan and managing the government's having a strong fiscal plan and managing the government's resources managing the government's resources and managing the government's resources and finances managing the government's resources and finances well. managing the government's resources and finances well. One managing the government's resources and finances well. One of managing the government's resources and finances well. One of the managing the government's resources and finances well. One of the ways and finances well. One of the ways that and finances well. One of the ways that we and finances well. One of the ways that we seen and finances well. One of the ways that we seen that and finances well. One of the ways that we seen that is and finances well. One of the ways that we seen that is that that we seen that is that illustrates that we seen that is that illustrates under that we seen that is that illustrates under a that we seen that is that illustrates under a National illustrates under a National government's illustrates under a National government's leadership illustrates under a National government's leadership have illustrates under a National government's leadership have halved. government's leadership have halved. Now government's leadership have halved. and government's leadership have halved. Now they are government's leadership have halved. Now they are 5.4%. government's leadership have halved. Now they are 5.4%. So government's leadership have halved. Now they are 5.4%. So for government's leadership have halved. Now they are 5.4%. So for a government's leadership have halved. Now they are 5.4%. So for a family Now they are 5.4%. So for a family with Now they are 5.4%. So for a family with a Now they are 5.4%. So for a family with a $300,000 Now they are 5.4%. So for a family with a $300,000 floating Now they are 5.4%. So for a family with a $300,000 floating mortgage with a $300,000 floating mortgage rate, with a $300,000 floating mortgage rate, they with a $300,000 floating mortgage rate, they are with a $300,000 floating mortgage rate, they are saving with a $300,000 floating mortgage rate, they are saving nearly with a $300,000 floating mortgage rate, they are saving nearly $16,000 rate, they are saving nearly $16,000 a rate, they are saving nearly $16,000 a year. rate, they are saving nearly $16,000 a year. That rate, they are saving nearly $16,000 a year. That is rate, they are saving nearly $16,000 a year. That is a rate, they are saving nearly $16,000 a year. That is a huge rate, they are saving nearly $16,000 a year. That is a huge amount rate, they are saving nearly $16,000 a year. That is a huge amount under a year. That is a huge amount under this a year. That is a huge amount under this government. a year. That is a huge amount under this government. Does a year. That is a huge amount under this government. Does he a year. That is a huge amount under this government. Does he agree a year. That is a huge amount under this government. Does he agree with this government. Does he agree with Harry this government. Does he agree with Harry Whattan, this government. Does he agree with Harry Whattan, "It this government. Does he agree with Harry Whattan, "It is this government. Does he agree with Harry Whattan, "It is the this government. Does he agree with Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi this government. Does he agree with Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi dream Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi dream to Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi dream to own Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi dream to own a Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi dream to own a bit Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi dream to own a bit of Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi dream to own a bit of dirt. Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi dream to own a bit of dirt. It Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi dream to own a bit of dirt. It is Harry Whattan, "It is the Kiwi dream to own a bit of dirt. It is almost to own a bit of dirt. It is almost beyond to own a bit of dirt. It is almost beyond the to own a bit of dirt. It is almost beyond the reach to own a bit of dirt. It is almost beyond the reach for to own a bit of dirt. It is almost beyond the reach for the to own a bit of dirt. It is almost beyond the reach for the people to own a bit of dirt. It is almost beyond the reach for the people of beyond the reach for the people of Auckland. beyond the reach for the people of Auckland. It beyond the reach for the people of Auckland. It is beyond the reach for the people of Auckland. It is getting beyond the reach for the people of Auckland. It is getting beyond beyond the reach for the people of Auckland. It is getting beyond the Auckland. It is getting beyond the ridiculous. Auckland. It is getting beyond the ridiculous. "If Auckland. It is getting beyond the ridiculous. "If he Auckland. It is getting beyond the ridiculous. "If he doesn't Auckland. It is getting beyond the ridiculous. "If he doesn't grow, ridiculous. "If he doesn't grow, why? ridiculous. "If he doesn't grow, why? No, ridiculous. "If he doesn't grow, why? No, I ridiculous. "If he doesn't grow, why? No, I accept ridiculous. "If he doesn't grow, why? No, I accept it ridiculous. "If he doesn't grow, why? No, I accept it has ridiculous. "If he doesn't grow, why? No, I accept it has some why? No, I accept it has some challenges, why? No, I accept it has some challenges, but, why? No, I accept it has some challenges, but, as why? No, I accept it has some challenges, but, as I why? No, I accept it has some challenges, but, as I said why? No, I accept it has some challenges, but, as I said earlier, challenges, but, as I said earlier, interest challenges, but, as I said earlier, interest rates challenges, but, as I said earlier, interest rates are challenges, but, as I said earlier, interest rates are half challenges, but, as I said earlier, interest rates are half what challenges, but, as I said earlier, interest rates are half what they interest rates are half what they were. interest rates are half what they were. So interest rates are half what they were. So if interest rates are half what they were. So if we interest rates are half what they were. So if we were interest rates are half what they were. So if we were under interest rates are half what they were. So if we were under Labour, were. So if we were under Labour, those were. So if we were under Labour, those people were. So if we were under Labour, those people paying were. So if we were under Labour, those people paying $16,000 were. So if we were under Labour, those people paying $16,000 after those people paying $16,000 after tax those people paying $16,000 after those those people paying $16,000 after tax more, that those people paying $16,000 after tax more, that would those people paying $16,000 after tax more, that would be those people paying $16,000 after tax more, that would be an those people paying $16,000 after tax more, that would be an issue. those people paying $16,000 after tax more, that would be an issue. I tax more, that would be an issue. I want tax more, that would be an issue. I want to tax more, that would be an issue. I want to simply tax more, that would be an issue. I want to simply point tax more, that would be an issue. I want to simply point out tax more, that would be an issue. I want to simply point out that tax more, that would be an issue. I want to simply point out that in tax more, that would be an issue. I want to simply point out that in the want to simply point out that in the last want to simply point out that in the last 12 want to simply point out that in the last 12 months want to simply point out that in the last 12 months alone want to simply point out that in the last 12 months alone 37% want to simply point out that in the last 12 months alone 37% of want to simply point out that in the last 12 months alone 37% of all last 12 months alone 37% of all sales last 12 months alone 37% of all sales in last 12 months alone 37% of all sales in Auckland, last 12 months alone 37% of all sales in Auckland, 11, last 12 months alone 37% of all sales in Auckland, 11, 842 sales in Auckland, 11, 842 properties sales in Auckland, 11, 842 properties were sales in Auckland, 11, 842 properties were under sales in Auckland, 11, 842 properties were under the sales in Auckland, 11, 842 properties were under the rate sales in Auckland, 11, 842 properties were under the rate of properties were under the rate of which properties were under the rate of which Kiwi properties were under the rate of which Kiwi Saver properties were under the rate of which Kiwi Saver Home properties were under the rate of which Kiwi Saver Home Start properties were under the rate of which Kiwi Saver Home Start provide which Kiwi Saver Home Start provide support. which Kiwi Saver Home Start provide support. When which Kiwi Saver Home Start provide support. When speculators which Kiwi Saver Home Start provide support. When speculators are which Kiwi Saver Home Start provide support. When speculators are making support. When speculators are making a support. When speculators are making support. support. When speculators are making a fortune out support. When speculators are making a fortune out of support. When speculators are making a fortune out of tying support. When speculators are making a fortune out of tying up support. When speculators are making a fortune out of tying up land support. When speculators are making a fortune out of tying up land that a fortune out of tying up land that is a fortune out of tying up land that is desperately a fortune out of tying up land that is desperately needed a fortune out of tying up land that is desperately needed for a fortune out of tying up land that is desperately needed for houses, is desperately needed for houses, isn't is desperately needed for houses, isn't it is desperately needed for houses, isn't it time is desperately needed for houses, isn't it time to is desperately needed for houses, isn't it time to adopt is desperately needed for houses, isn't it time to adopt Labour's isn't it time to adopt Labour's comprehensive isn't it time to adopt Labour's comprehensive housing isn't it time to adopt Labour's comprehensive housing plan, isn't it time to adopt Labour's comprehensive housing plan, which comprehensive housing plan, which clouds comprehensive housing plan, which clouds cracking comprehensive housing plan, which clouds cracking down comprehensive housing plan, which clouds cracking down on comprehensive housing plan, which clouds cracking down on speculators clouds cracking down on speculators by clouds cracking down on speculators by taxing clouds cracking down on speculators by taxing them clouds cracking down on speculators by taxing them when clouds cracking down on speculators by taxing them when they clouds cracking down on speculators by taxing them when they flick by taxing them when they flick houses by taxing them when they flick houses on by taxing them when they flick houses on in by taxing them when they flick houses on in five by taxing them when they flick houses on in five years, by taxing them when they flick houses on in five years, abolishing houses on in five years, abolishing the houses on in five years, abolishing the limit houses on in five years, abolishing the limit and houses on in five years, abolishing the limit and banning houses on in five years, abolishing the limit and banning offshore the limit and banning offshore buyers? the limit and banning offshore buyers? Mr the limit and banning offshore buyers? Mr Speaker, the limit and banning offshore buyers? Mr Speaker, no. the limit and banning offshore buyers? Mr Speaker, no. The the limit and banning offshore buyers? Mr Speaker, no. The only buyers? Mr Speaker, no. The only thing buyers? Mr Speaker, no. The only thing comprehensive buyers? Mr Speaker, no. The only thing comprehensive was buyers? Mr Speaker, no. The only thing comprehensive was the buyers? Mr Speaker, no. The only thing comprehensive was the view thing comprehensive was the view that thing comprehensive was the view that the thing comprehensive was the view that the Labour thing comprehensive was the view that the Labour Party thing comprehensive was the view that the Labour Party is thing comprehensive was the view that the Labour Party is toast. that the Labour Party is toast. Order. that the Labour Party is toast. Order. Order. that the Labour Party is toast. Order. Order. Question that the Labour Party is toast. Order. Order. Question No. that the Labour Party is toast. Order. Order. Question No. 2. that the Labour Party is toast. Order. Order. Question No. 2. Ron Order. Order. Question No. 2. Ron Mark. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Rt My question is to the Rt Hon My question is to the Rt Hon John My question is to the Rt Hon John Key My question is to the Rt Hon John Key Prime My question is to the Rt Hon John Key Prime Minister: Key Prime Minister: Does Key Prime Minister: Does he Key Prime Minister: Does he stand Key Prime Minister: Does he stand by Does he stand by all Does he stand by all his Does he stand by all his statements? Mr Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, yes. Mr Speaker, yes. Thank Mr Speaker, yes. Thank you, Mr Speaker, yes. Thank you, Mr Mr Speaker, yes. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, yes. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To Mr Speaker, yes. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the Mr Speaker, yes. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM Mr Speaker, yes. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM - Mr Speaker, yes. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM - does Mr Speaker, yes. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM - does he Mr Speaker, yes. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM - does he stand Speaker. To the PM - does he stand by Speaker. To the PM - does he stand by his Speaker. To the PM - does he stand by his statement Speaker. To the PM - does he stand by his statement that Speaker. To the PM - does he stand by his statement that "every Speaker. To the PM - does he stand by his statement that "every region by his statement that "every region of by his statement that "every region of New by his statement that "every region of New Zealand by his statement that "every region of New Zealand is by his statement that "every region of New Zealand is crucial by his statement that "every region of New Zealand is crucial to by his statement that "every region of New Zealand is crucial to our of New Zealand is crucial to our growth of New Zealand is crucial to our growth and of New Zealand is crucial to our growth and progress"? of New Zealand is crucial to our growth and progress"? Mr of New Zealand is crucial to our growth and progress"? Mr Speaker, growth and progress"? Mr Speaker, yes, growth and progress"? Mr Speaker, yes, in growth and progress"? Mr Speaker, yes, in the growth and progress"? Mr Speaker, yes, in the context growth and progress"? Mr Speaker, yes, in the context I growth and progress"? Mr Speaker, yes, in the context I made growth and progress"? Mr Speaker, yes, in the context I made it. growth and progress"? Mr Speaker, yes, in the context I made it. PM, yes, in the context I made it. PM, why yes, in the context I made it. PM, why has yes, in the context I made it. PM, why has the yes, in the context I made it. PM, why has the government yes, in the context I made it. PM, why has the government only yes, in the context I made it. PM, why has the government only given why has the government only given then why has the government only given then $12 why has the government only given then $12 million why has the government only given then $12 million over why has the government only given then $12 million over four why has the government only given then $12 million over four years why has the government only given then $12 million over four years to then $12 million over four years to council's then $12 million over four years to council's for then $12 million over four years to council's for tourism council's for tourism infrastructure, council's for tourism infrastructure, such council's for tourism infrastructure, such as council's for tourism infrastructure, such as public infrastructure, such as public toilets, infrastructure, such as public toilets, when infrastructure, such as public toilets, when the infrastructure, such as public toilets, when the government infrastructure, such as public toilets, when the government took toilets, when the government took $630 toilets, when the government took $630 million toilets, when the government took $630 million net toilets, when the government took $630 million net surplus toilets, when the government took $630 million net surplus from toilets, when the government took $630 million net surplus from GST toilets, when the government took $630 million net surplus from GST on $630 million net surplus from GST on international $630 million net surplus from GST on international visitor $630 million net surplus from GST on international visitor spending? $630 million net surplus from GST on international visitor spending? Mr international visitor spending? Mr Speaker, international visitor spending? Mr Speaker, I international visitor spending? Mr Speaker, I think international visitor spending? Mr Speaker, I think the international visitor spending? Mr Speaker, I think the member international visitor spending? Mr Speaker, I think the member is Speaker, I think the member is wrong. Speaker, I think the member is wrong. The Speaker, I think the member is wrong. The number Speaker, I think the member is wrong. The number is Speaker, I think the member is wrong. The number is higher Speaker, I think the member is wrong. The number is higher than wrong. The number is higher than that wrong. The number is higher than that for wrong. The number is higher than that for GST. wrong. The number is higher than that for GST. The wrong. The number is higher than that for GST. The government wrong. The number is higher than that for GST. The government has that for GST. The government has been that for GST. The government has been investing that for GST. The government has been investing very that for GST. The government has been investing very heavily that for GST. The government has been investing very heavily in been investing very heavily in tourism been investing very heavily in tourism sector. been investing very heavily in tourism sector. That been investing very heavily in tourism sector. That is been investing very heavily in tourism sector. That is one been investing very heavily in tourism sector. That is one of been investing very heavily in tourism sector. That is one of the tourism sector. That is one of the reasons tourism sector. That is one of the reasons why tourism sector. That is one of the reasons why it tourism sector. That is one of the reasons why it is tourism sector. That is one of the reasons why it is such tourism sector. That is one of the reasons why it is such an tourism sector. That is one of the reasons why it is such an important reasons why it is such an important part reasons why it is such an important part of reasons why it is such an important part of the reasons why it is such an important part of the economy reasons why it is such an important part of the economy and reasons why it is such an important part of the economy and we reasons why it is such an important part of the economy and we saw reasons why it is such an important part of the economy and we saw 3.3 part of the economy and we saw 3.3 million part of the economy and we saw 3.3 million international part of the economy and we saw 3.3 million international tourists part of the economy and we saw 3.3 million international tourists come million international tourists come to million international tourists come reasons million international tourists come to New Zealand. million international tourists come to New Zealand. What million international tourists come to New Zealand. What the million international tourists come to New Zealand. What the government to New Zealand. What the government is to New Zealand. What the government is doing to New Zealand. What the government is doing is to New Zealand. What the government is doing is for to New Zealand. What the government is doing is for the to New Zealand. What the government is doing is for the first to New Zealand. What the government is doing is for the first time is doing is for the first time providing is doing is for the first time providing that is doing is for the first time providing that sort is doing is for the first time providing that sort of is doing is for the first time providing that sort of support is doing is for the first time providing that sort of support for providing that sort of support for councils. providing that sort of support for councils. They providing that sort of support for councils. They are providing that sort of support for councils. They are free providing that sort of support for councils. They are free to providing that sort of support for councils. They are free to put providing that sort of support for councils. They are free to put in providing that sort of support for councils. They are free to put in an councils. They are free to put in an application councils. They are free to put in an application I councils. They are free to put in an application I think councils. They are free to put in an application I think from councils. They are free to put in an application I think from the application I think from the feedback application I think from the feedback I application I think from the feedback I have application I think from the feedback I have been application I think from the feedback I have been getting, application I think from the feedback I have been getting, both feedback I have been getting, both as feedback I have been getting, both as PM feedback I have been getting, both as PM and feedback I have been getting, both as PM and mince feedback I have been getting, both as PM and mince for feedback I have been getting, both as PM and mince for tourism, feedback I have been getting, both as PM and mince for tourism, a feedback I have been getting, both as PM and mince for tourism, a lot as PM and mince for tourism, a lot will as PM and mince for tourism, a lot will do as PM and mince for tourism, a lot will do that as PM and mince for tourism, a lot will do that and as PM and mince for tourism, a lot will do that and be as PM and mince for tourism, a lot will do that and be grateful. as PM and mince for tourism, a lot will do that and be grateful. To will do that and be grateful. To argue will do that and be grateful. To argue that will do that and be grateful. To argue that is will do that and be grateful. To argue that is the will do that and be grateful. To argue that is the only will do that and be grateful. To argue that is the only thing will do that and be grateful. To argue that is the only thing we will do that and be grateful. To argue that is the only thing we are argue that is the only thing we are doing argue that is the only thing we are doing in argue that is the only thing we are doing in terms argue that is the only thing we are doing in terms of argue that is the only thing we are doing in terms of supporting doing in terms of supporting tourists doing in terms of supporting tourists is doing in terms of supporting tourists is a doing in terms of supporting tourists is a bit doing in terms of supporting tourists is a bit farcical. doing in terms of supporting tourists is a bit farcical. It tourists is a bit farcical. It includes tourists is a bit farcical. It includes the tourists is a bit farcical. It includes the $140 tourists is a bit farcical. It includes the $140 million-odd tourists is a bit farcical. It includes the $140 million-odd we tourists is a bit farcical. It includes the $140 million-odd we put includes the $140 million-odd we put into includes the $140 million-odd we put into marketing includes the $140 million-odd we put into marketing and includes the $140 million-odd we put into marketing and the includes the $140 million-odd we put into marketing and the work includes the $140 million-odd we put into marketing and the work we includes the $140 million-odd we put into marketing and the work we have into marketing and the work we have done into marketing and the work we have done Arn into marketing and the work we have done Arn black into marketing and the work we have done Arn black spots into marketing and the work we have done Arn black spots for into marketing and the work we have done Arn black spots for mobile done Arn black spots for mobile phones done Arn black spots for mobile phones and done Arn black spots for mobile phones and ultra-fast done Arn black spots for mobile phones and ultra-fast Broadband done Arn black spots for mobile phones and ultra-fast Broadband and phones and ultra-fast Broadband and tourist phones and ultra-fast Broadband and tourist facilities. Point Point of Point of order. Point of order. I Point of order. I specifically Point of order. I specifically quoted Point of order. I specifically quoted a Point of order. I specifically quoted a figure Point of order. I specifically quoted a figure of Point of order. I specifically quoted a figure of $12 Point of order. I specifically quoted a figure of $12 million Point of order. I specifically quoted a figure of $12 million over quoted a figure of $12 million over tourism quoted a figure of $12 million over tourism infrastructure. quoted a figure of $12 million over tourism infrastructure. Can quoted a figure of $12 million over tourism infrastructure. Can have quoted a figure of $12 million over tourism infrastructure. Can have the tourism infrastructure. Can have the point tourism infrastructure. Can have the point of tourism infrastructure. Can have the point of order, tourism infrastructure. Can have the point of order, please? tourism infrastructure. Can have the point of order, please? I tourism infrastructure. Can have the point of order, please? I ask tourism infrastructure. Can have the point of order, please? I ask the tourism infrastructure. Can have the point of order, please? I ask the PM point of order, please? I ask the PM answer point of order, please? I ask the PM answer the point of order, please? I ask the PM answer the question. point of order, please? I ask the PM answer the question. There point of order, please? I ask the PM answer the question. There is answer the question. There is absolutely answer the question. There is absolutely no answer the question. There is absolutely no doubt answer the question. There is absolutely no doubt the answer the question. There is absolutely no doubt the answer absolutely no doubt the answer addressed absolutely no doubt the answer absolutely absolutely no doubt the answer addressed the question absolutely no doubt the answer addressed the question that absolutely no doubt the answer addressed the question that was addressed the question that was asked. addressed the question that was asked. Supplementary? addressed the question that was asked. Supplementary? Ron addressed the question that was asked. Supplementary? Ron Mark. asked. Supplementary? Ron Mark. Thank asked. Supplementary? Ron Mark. Thank you, asked. Supplementary? Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr asked. Supplementary? Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. asked. Supplementary? Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To asked. Supplementary? Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the asked. Supplementary? Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM: Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM: Why Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM: Why is Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM: Why is Westpac Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM: Why is Westpac the Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM: Why is Westpac the Government's Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the PM: Why is Westpac the Government's bank Why is Westpac the Government's bank when Why is Westpac the Government's bank when it Why is Westpac the Government's bank when it is Why is Westpac the Government's bank when it is not Why is Westpac the Government's bank when it is not prepared Why is Westpac the Government's bank when it is not prepared to Why is Westpac the Government's bank when it is not prepared to be Why is Westpac the Government's bank when it is not prepared to be the when it is not prepared to be the people's when it is not prepared to be the people's bank when it is not prepared to be the people's bank in when it is not prepared to be the people's bank in places when it is not prepared to be the people's bank in places like people's bank in places like Fairley, people's bank in places like people's people's bank in places like Fairley, Carterton? Mr people's bank in places like Fairley, Carterton? Mr Speaker, people's bank in places like Fairley, Carterton? Mr Speaker, the Fairley, Carterton? Mr Speaker, the Government's Fairley, Carterton? Mr Speaker, the Government's bank Fairley, Carterton? Mr Speaker, the Government's bank is Fairley, Carterton? Mr Speaker, the Government's bank is the Fairley, Carterton? Mr Speaker, the Government's bank is the Reserve Government's bank is the Reserve Bank Government's bank is the Reserve Government's Government's bank is the Reserve Bank or Kiwibank. Government's bank is the Reserve Bank or Kiwibank. Westpac Government's bank is the Reserve Bank or Kiwibank. Westpac is Government's bank is the Reserve Bank or Kiwibank. Westpac is not Government's bank is the Reserve Bank or Kiwibank. Westpac is not the Bank or Kiwibank. Westpac is not the Government's Bank or Kiwibank. Westpac is not the Government's bank. Bank or Kiwibank. Westpac is not the Government's bank. We Bank or Kiwibank. Westpac is not the Government's bank. We might Bank or Kiwibank. Westpac is not the Government's bank. We might bank Government's bank. We might bank with Government's bank. We might bank with it Government's bank. We might bank with it but Government's bank. We might bank with it but we Government's bank. We might bank with it but we don't Government's bank. We might bank with it but we don't own Government's bank. We might bank with it but we don't own it. Government's bank. We might bank with it but we don't own it. We with it but we don't own it. We reply with it but we don't own it. We reply -- with it but we don't own it. We reply -- we with it but we don't own it. We reply -- we might with it but we don't own it. We reply -- we might replay with it but we don't own it. We reply -- we might replay that with it but we don't own it. We reply -- we might replay that on reply -- we might replay that on video. reply -- we might replay that on video. Order! reply -- we might replay that on video. Order! This reply -- we might replay that on video. Order! This is reply -- we might replay that on video. Order! This is an reply -- we might replay that on video. Order! This is an example reply -- we might replay that on video. Order! This is an example of video. Order! This is an example of the video. Order! This is an example of the disorder video. Order! This is an example of the disorder created video. Order! This is an example of the disorder created if video. Order! This is an example of the disorder created if the video. Order! This is an example of the disorder created if the member the disorder created if the member leads the disorder created if the member leads into the disorder created if the member leads into something the disorder created if the member leads into something before the disorder created if the member leads into something before he the disorder created if the member leads into something before he asks leads into something before he asks a leads into something before he asks a sup. leads into something before he asks a sup. To leads into something before he asks a sup. To the leads into something before he asks a sup. To the PM: leads into something before he asks a sup. To the PM: If leads into something before he asks a sup. To the PM: If the leads into something before he asks a sup. To the PM: If the regions leads into something before he asks a sup. To the PM: If the regions are a sup. To the PM: If the regions are crucial a sup. To the PM: If the regions are crucial to a sup. To the PM: If the regions are crucial to the a sup. To the PM: If the regions are crucial to the Government, a sup. To the PM: If the regions are crucial to the Government, why a sup. To the PM: If the regions are crucial to the Government, why are crucial to the Government, why are Nelson crucial to the Government, why are Nelson residents crucial to the Government, why are Nelson residents frustratingly Nelson residents frustratingly waiting Nelson residents frustratingly waiting for Nelson residents frustratingly waiting for a Nelson residents frustratingly waiting for a viable Nelson residents frustratingly waiting for a viable solution Nelson residents frustratingly waiting for a viable solution to Nelson residents frustratingly waiting for a viable solution to the waiting for a viable solution to the southern waiting for a viable solution to the southern 1 waiting for a viable solution to the southern 1 Link waiting for a viable solution to the southern 1 Link and waiting for a viable solution to the southern 1 Link and what waiting for a viable solution to the southern 1 Link and what -- waiting for a viable solution to the southern 1 Link and what -- Southern southern 1 Link and what -- Southern Link southern 1 Link and what -- Southern Link and southern 1 Link and what -- Southern Link and what southern 1 Link and what -- Southern Link and what is southern 1 Link and what -- Southern Link and what is the southern 1 Link and what -- Southern Link and what is the Government Link and what is the Government doing Link and what is the Government doing to Link and what is the Government doing to revitalise Link and what is the Government doing to revitalise the Link and what is the Government doing to revitalise the Bulla doing to revitalise the Bulla district. doing to revitalise the Bulla district. The doing to revitalise the Bulla district. The member doing to revitalise the Bulla district. The member h doing to revitalise the Bulla district. The member h -- doing to revitalise the Bulla district. The member h -- the doing to revitalise the Bulla district. The member h -- the member district. The member h -- the member will district. The member h -- the member will have district. The member h -- the member will have to district. The member h -- the member will have to ask district. The member h -- the member will have to ask the district. The member h -- the member will have to ask the Minister district. The member h -- the member will have to ask the Minister about will have to ask the Minister about those will have to ask the Minister about those areas. will have to ask the Minister about those areas. I will have to ask the Minister about those areas. I think will have to ask the Minister about those areas. I think it will have to ask the Minister about those areas. I think it was will have to ask the Minister about those areas. I think it was the those areas. I think it was the Mayor those areas. I think it was the Mayor of those areas. I think it was the Mayor of Bora those areas. I think it was the Mayor of Bora who those areas. I think it was the Mayor of Bora who was those areas. I think it was the Mayor of Bora who was very Mayor of Bora who was very supportive Mayor of Bora who was very supportive of Mayor of Bora who was very supportive of the Mayor of Bora who was very supportive of the programme Mayor of Bora who was very supportive of the programme that Mayor of Bora who was very supportive of the programme that was supportive of the programme that was rolled supportive of the programme that was rolled out. supportive of the programme that was rolled out. Yes, supportive of the programme that was rolled out. Yes, there supportive of the programme that was rolled out. Yes, there have supportive of the programme that was rolled out. Yes, there have been rolled out. Yes, there have been some rolled out. Yes, there have been some issues rolled out. Yes, there have been some issues in rolled out. Yes, there have been some issues in relation rolled out. Yes, there have been some issues in relation to rolled out. Yes, there have been some issues in relation to mining, some issues in relation to mining, but some issues in relation to mining, but to some issues in relation to mining, but to argue some issues in relation to mining, but to argue that some issues in relation to mining, but to argue that the some issues in relation to mining, but to argue that the Government some issues in relation to mining, but to argue that the Government is but to argue that the Government is responsible but to argue that the Government is responsible for but to argue that the Government is responsible for that but to argue that the Government is responsible for that given but to argue that the Government is responsible for that given the responsible for that given the downturn responsible for that given the downturn in responsible for that given the downturn in commodity responsible for that given the downturn in commodity prices responsible for that given the downturn in commodity prices is responsible for that given the downturn in commodity prices is a downturn in commodity prices is a novel downturn in commodity prices is a responsible downturn in commodity prices is a novel one. If downturn in commodity prices is a novel one. If he downturn in commodity prices is a novel one. If he thinks downturn in commodity prices is a novel one. If he thinks he downturn in commodity prices is a novel one. If he thinks he has downturn in commodity prices is a novel one. If he thinks he has an novel one. If he thinks he has an answer novel one. If he thinks he has an answer to novel one. If he thinks he has an answer to it, novel one. If he thinks he has an answer to it, he novel one. If he thinks he has an answer to it, he should novel one. If he thinks he has an answer to it, he should probably novel one. If he thinks he has an answer to it, he should probably go answer to it, he should probably go and answer to it, he should probably go and ring answer to it, he should probably go and ring Malcolm answer to it, he should probably go and ring Malcolm Turnbull answer to it, he should probably go and ring Malcolm Turnbull because and ring Malcolm Turnbull because they and ring Malcolm Turnbull because they happen and ring Malcolm Turnbull because they happen to and ring Malcolm Turnbull because they happen to be and ring Malcolm Turnbull because they happen to be having and ring Malcolm Turnbull because they happen to be having a and ring Malcolm Turnbull because they happen to be having a few they happen to be having a few problems they happen to be having a few problems in they happen to be having a few problems in Australia they happen to be having a few problems in Australia in they happen to be having a few problems in Australia in relation they happen to be having a few problems in Australia in relation to problems in Australia in relation to mining. mining. Question mining. Question no. mining. Question no. 3. mining. Question no. 3. Matt mining. Question no. 3. Matt Doocey. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Hon My question is to the Hon Bill My question is to the Hon Bill English My question is to the Hon Bill English Minister My question is to the Hon Bill English Minister of My question is to the Hon Bill English Minister of Finance: English Minister of Finance: Does English Minister of Finance: Does he English Minister of Finance: Does he stand English Minister of Finance: Does he stand by English Minister of Finance: Does he stand by his English Minister of Finance: Does he stand by his statement English Minister of Finance: Does he stand by his statement that Does he stand by his statement that "There Does he stand by his statement that "There are Does he stand by his statement that "There are more Does he stand by his statement that "There are more jobs, Does he stand by his statement that "There are more jobs, and Does he stand by his statement that "There are more jobs, and people Does he stand by his statement that "There are more jobs, and people are "There are more jobs, and people are being "There are more jobs, and people are being better "There are more jobs, and people are being better paid"; "There are more jobs, and people are being better paid"; if "There are more jobs, and people are being better paid"; if so, "There are more jobs, and people are being better paid"; if so, why? The The Hon The Hon Bill The Hon Bill English. The Hon Bill English. Mr The Hon Bill English. Mr Speak, The Hon Bill English. Mr Speak, the The Hon Bill English. Mr Speak, the latest The Hon Bill English. Mr Speak, the latest Household The Hon Bill English. Mr Speak, the latest Household Labour The Hon Bill English. Mr Speak, the latest Household Labour Force The Hon Bill English. Mr Speak, the latest Household Labour Force Survey latest Household Labour Force Survey shows latest Household Labour Force Survey "There latest Household Labour Force Survey shows unemployment down latest Household Labour Force Survey shows unemployment down to latest Household Labour Force Survey shows unemployment down to just latest Household Labour Force Survey shows unemployment down to just over shows unemployment down to just over 5%. shows unemployment down to just over 5%. It shows unemployment down to just over 5%. It shows shows unemployment down to just over 5%. It shows that shows unemployment down to just over 5%. It shows that in shows unemployment down to just over 5%. It shows that in the shows unemployment down to just over 5%. It shows that in the last shows unemployment down to just over 5%. It shows that in the last year, 5%. It shows that in the last year, 100,000 5%. It shows that in the last year, 100,000 jobs 5%. It shows that in the last year, 100,000 jobs have 5%. It shows that in the last year, 100,000 jobs have been 5%. It shows that in the last year, 100,000 jobs have been created 5%. It shows that in the last year, 100,000 jobs have been created and 100,000 jobs have been created and that 100,000 jobs have been created and that the 100,000 jobs have been created and that the average 100,000 jobs have been created and that the average annual 100,000 jobs have been created and that the average annual wage 100,000 jobs have been created and that the average annual wage has that the average annual wage has inveesed that the average annual wage has inveesed well that the average annual wage has inveesed well above that the average annual wage has inveesed well above the that the average annual wage has inveesed well above the rate that the average annual wage has inveesed well above the rate of inveesed well above the rate of inflation inveesed well above the rate of inflation over inveesed well above the rate of inflation over the inveesed well above the rate of inflation over the last inveesed well above the rate of inflation over the last year, inveesed well above the rate of inflation over the last year, which inflation over the last year, which means inflation over the last year, which means higher inflation over the last year, which means higher real inflation over the last year, which means higher real wages inflation over the last year, which means higher real wages for means higher real wages for households. means higher real wages for households. The means higher real wages for households. The Government means higher real wages for households. The Government will households. The Government will continue households. The Government will continue to households. The Government will continue to focus households. The Government will continue to focus on households. The Government will continue to focus on policies households. The Government will continue to focus on policies that continue to focus on policies that underpin continue to focus on policies that underpin moderate continue to focus on policies that underpin moderate and continue to focus on policies that underpin moderate and consistent underpin moderate and consistent growth underpin moderate and consistent growth that underpin moderate and consistent growth that delivers underpin moderate and consistent growth that delivers more underpin moderate and consistent growth that delivers more jobs underpin moderate and consistent growth that delivers more jobs and growth that delivers more jobs and higher growth that delivers more jobs and higher incomes growth that delivers more jobs and higher incomes to growth that delivers more jobs and higher incomes to households. higher incomes to households. Supplementary higher incomes to households. Supplementary question? higher incomes to households. Supplementary question? Given higher incomes to households. Supplementary question? Given wages Supplementary question? Given wages are Supplementary question? Given wages are rising Supplementary question? Given wages are rising at Supplementary question? Given wages are rising at the Supplementary question? Given wages are rising at the time Supplementary question? Given wages are rising at the time inflation are rising at the time inflation remains are rising at the time inflation remains know, are rising at the time inflation remains know, how are rising at the time inflation remains know, how is are rising at the time inflation remains know, how is the are rising at the time inflation remains know, how is the spending remains know, how is the spending power remains know, how is the spending power of remains know, how is the spending power of New remains know, how is the spending power of New Zealanders remains know, how is the spending power of New Zealanders tracking? power of New Zealanders tracking? Well, power of New Zealanders tracking? Well, Mr power of New Zealanders tracking? Well, Mr Speaker, power of New Zealanders tracking? Well, Mr Speaker, based power of New Zealanders tracking? Well, Mr Speaker, based on power of New Zealanders tracking? Well, Mr Speaker, based on sta power of New Zealanders tracking? Well, Mr Speaker, based on sta Tists Well, Mr Speaker, based on sta Tists New Well, Mr Speaker, based on sta Tists New Zealand Well, Mr Speaker, based on sta Tists New Zealand figures Well, Mr Speaker, based on sta Tists New Zealand figures --Statistics Well, Mr Speaker, based on sta Tists New Zealand figures --Statistics New New Zealand figures --Statistics New Zealand New Zealand figures --Statistics New Zealand figures, New Zealand figures --Statistics New Zealand figures, annual New Zealand figures --Statistics New Zealand figures, annual increases New Zealand figures --Statistics New Zealand figures, annual increases in Zealand figures, annual increases in earnings Zealand figures, annual increases in earnings have Zealand figures, annual increases in earnings have now Zealand figures, annual increases in earnings have now exceeded Zealand figures, annual increases in earnings have now exceeded inflation earnings have now exceeded inflation for earnings have now exceeded inflation for 19 earnings have now exceeded inflation for 19 consecutive earnings have now exceeded inflation for 19 consecutive quarters, for 19 consecutive quarters, starting for 19 consecutive quarters, starting at for 19 consecutive quarters, starting at the for 19 consecutive quarters, starting at the time for 19 consecutive quarters, starting at the time the for 19 consecutive quarters, starting at the time the Labour starting at the time the Labour Party starting at the time the Labour Party said starting at the time the Labour Party said we starting at the time the Labour Party said we had starting at the time the Labour Party said we had a starting at the time the Labour Party said we had a cost starting at the time the Labour Party said we had a cost of starting at the time the Labour Party said we had a cost of living Party said we had a cost of living crisis. Party said we had a cost of living crisis. This Party said we had a cost of living crisis. This is Party said we had a cost of living crisis. This is the Party said we had a cost of living crisis. This is the longest Party said we had a cost of living crisis. This is the longest unbroken crisis. This is the longest unbroken increase crisis. This is the longest unbroken increase in crisis. This is the longest unbroken increase in real crisis. This is the longest unbroken increase in real wages crisis. This is the longest unbroken increase in real wages in crisis. This is the longest unbroken increase in real wages in the crisis. This is the longest unbroken increase in real wages in the 26 increase in real wages in the 26 years increase in real wages in the 26 years in increase in real wages in the 26 years in which increase in real wages in the 26 years in which this increase in real wages in the 26 years in which this has increase in real wages in the 26 years in which this has been years in which this has been recorded. years in which this has been recorded. How years in which this has been recorded. How do years in which this has been recorded. How do employment years in which this has been recorded. How do employment levels recorded. How do employment levels in recorded. How do employment levels in New recorded. How do employment levels in New Zealand recorded. How do employment levels in New Zealand compare recorded. How do employment levels in New Zealand compare to recorded. How do employment levels in New Zealand compare to other in New Zealand compare to other developed in New Zealand compare to other developed countries? in New Zealand compare to other developed countries? Well, in New Zealand compare to other developed countries? Well, Mr developed countries? Well, Mr Spoerk, developed countries? Well, Mr Spoerk, comparisons developed countries? Well, Mr Spoerk, comparisons with developed countries? Well, Mr Spoerk, comparisons with other developed countries? Well, Mr Spoerk, comparisons with other -- developed countries? Well, Mr Spoerk, comparisons with other -- Mr Spoerk, comparisons with other -- Mr Speaker, Spoerk, comparisons with other -- Mr Speaker, comparisons Spoerk, comparisons with other -- Mr Speaker, comparisons with Spoerk, comparisons with other -- Mr Speaker, comparisons with other Speaker, comparisons with other countries Speaker, comparisons with other recorded. Speaker, comparisons with other countries are interesting Speaker, comparisons with other countries are interesting and, Speaker, comparisons with other countries are interesting and, in countries are interesting and, in this countries are interesting and, in this case, countries are interesting and, in this case, positive, countries are interesting and, in this case, positive, but countries are interesting and, in this case, positive, but it countries are interesting and, in this case, positive, but it is countries are interesting and, in this case, positive, but it is no this case, positive, but it is no reason this case, positive, but it is no reason at this case, positive, but it is no reason at all this case, positive, but it is no reason at all to this case, positive, but it is no reason at all to be this case, positive, but it is no reason at all to be complacent reason at all to be complacent because reason at all to be complacent because there reason at all to be complacent because there are reason at all to be complacent because there are still reason at all to be complacent because there are still too reason at all to be complacent because there are still too many because there are still too many people because there are still too many people who because there are still too many people who don't because there are still too many people who don't have because there are still too many people who don't have work because there are still too many people who don't have work and because there are still too many people who don't have work and too people who don't have work and too many people who don't have work and too many people people who don't have work and too many people who people who don't have work and too many people who would people who don't have work and too many people who would want people who don't have work and too many people who would want to people who don't have work and too many people who would want to have many people who would want to have higher many people who would want to have higher incomes. higher incomes. But higher incomes. But I higher incomes. But I can higher incomes. But I can say higher incomes. But I can say that higher incomes. But I can say that the higher incomes. But I can say that the employment But I can say that the employment rate But I can say that the employment rate in But I can say that the employment rate in New But I can say that the employment rate in New Zealand But I can say that the employment rate in New Zealand - But I can say that the employment rate in New Zealand - that But I can say that the employment rate in New Zealand - that is, But I can say that the employment rate in New Zealand - that is, the rate in New Zealand - that is, the proportion rate in New Zealand - that is, the proportion of rate in New Zealand - that is, the proportion of all rate in New Zealand - that is, the proportion of all people rate in New Zealand - that is, the proportion of all people over rate in New Zealand - that is, the proportion of all people over 16 rate in New Zealand - that is, the proportion of all people over 16 in proportion of all people over 16 in work proportion of all people over 16 in work - proportion of all people over 16 in work - is proportion of all people over 16 in work - is now proportion of all people over 16 in work - is now the proportion of all people over 16 in work - is now the second proportion of all people over 16 in work - is now the second highest proportion of all people over 16 in work - is now the second highest in work - is now the second highest in the work - is now the second highest in the OECD. work - is now the second highest in the OECD. For work - is now the second highest in the OECD. For every work - is now the second highest in the OECD. For every 100 work - is now the second highest in the OECD. For every 100 people work - is now the second highest in the OECD. For every 100 people who the OECD. For every 100 people who are the OECD. For every 100 people who are 16 the OECD. For every 100 people who are 16 or the OECD. For every 100 people who are 16 or older, the OECD. For every 100 people who are 16 or older, 66 the OECD. For every 100 people who are 16 or older, 66 have the OECD. For every 100 people who are 16 or older, 66 have a the OECD. For every 100 people who are 16 or older, 66 have a job. the OECD. For every 100 people who are 16 or older, 66 have a job. That are 16 or older, 66 have a job. That doesn't are 16 or older, 66 have a job. That doesn't include are 16 or older, 66 have a job. That doesn't include - are 16 or older, 66 have a job. That doesn't include - and are 16 or older, 66 have a job. That doesn't include - and that are 16 or older, 66 have a job. That doesn't include - and that includes doesn't include - and that includes people doesn't include - and that includes people who doesn't include - and that includes people who use doesn't include - and that includes people who use not doesn't include - and that includes people who use not to doesn't include - and that includes people who use not to work, doesn't include - and that includes people who use not to work, or people who use not to work, or retirees. people who use not to work, or retirees. In people who use not to work, or retirees. In Australia, people who use not to work, or retirees. In Australia, the retirees. In Australia, the equivalent retirees. In Australia, the equivalent figure retirees. In Australia, the equivalent figure is retirees. In Australia, the equivalent figure is 61. retirees. In Australia, the equivalent figure is 61. In retirees. In Australia, the equivalent figure is 61. In the retirees. In Australia, the equivalent figure is 61. In the UK, equivalent figure is 61. In the UK, 60. equivalent figure is 61. In the UK, 60. Across equivalent figure is 61. In the UK, 60. Across the equivalent figure is 61. In the UK, 60. Across the OECD, equivalent figure is 61. In the UK, 60. Across the OECD, the equivalent figure is 61. In the UK, 60. Across the OECD, the average equivalent figure is 61. In the UK, 60. Across the OECD, the average is 60. Across the OECD, the average is 56 60. Across the OECD, the average is 56 in 60. Across the OECD, the average is 56 in 100 60. Across the OECD, the average is 56 in 100 have 60. Across the OECD, the average is 56 in 100 have a 60. Across the OECD, the average is 56 in 100 have a job. 56 in 100 have a job. Supplementary 56 in 100 have a job. Supplementary question? Supplementary question? Supplementary Supplementary question? Supplementary question, Supplementary question? Supplementary question, Matt Supplementary question? Supplementary question, Matt Doocey. Supplementary question, Matt Doocey. Does Supplementary question, Matt Doocey. Does he Supplementary question, Matt Doocey. Does he agree Supplementary question, Matt Doocey. Does he agree with Supplementary question, Matt Doocey. Does he agree with recent Supplementary question, Matt Doocey. Does he agree with recent reports Supplementary question, Matt Doocey. Does he agree with recent reports in Does he agree with recent reports in the Does he agree with recent reports in the Dominion Does he agree with recent reports in the Dominion Post Does he agree with recent reports in the Dominion Post that Does he agree with recent reports in the Dominion Post that wages Does he agree with recent reports in the Dominion Post that wages have the Dominion Post that wages have stagnated. the Dominion Post that wages have stagnated. And the Dominion Post that wages have stagnated. And if the Dominion Post that wages have stagnated. And if not, the Dominion Post that wages have stagnated. And if not, why the Dominion Post that wages have stagnated. And if not, why not? the Dominion Post that wages have stagnated. And if not, why not? No, stagnated. And if not, why not? No, I stagnated. And if not, why not? No, I disagree stagnated. And if not, why not? No, I disagree with stagnated. And if not, why not? No, I disagree with it stagnated. And if not, why not? No, I disagree with it because stagnated. And if not, why not? No, I disagree with it because it stagnated. And if not, why not? No, I disagree with it because it is stagnated. And if not, why not? No, I disagree with it because it is not I disagree with it because it is not supported I disagree with it because it is not supported by I disagree with it because it is not supported by the I disagree with it because it is not supported by the facts. I disagree with it because it is not supported by the facts. Since I disagree with it because it is not supported by the facts. Since this supported by the facts. Since this Government supported by the facts. Since this Government came supported by the facts. Since this Government came into supported by the facts. Since this Government came into office, supported by the facts. Since this Government came into office, average Government came into office, average annual Government came into office, average annual wage Government came into office, average annual wage is Government came into office, average annual wage is up Government came into office, average annual wage is up 25% Government came into office, average annual wage is up 25% - Government came into office, average annual wage is up 25% - more Government came into office, average annual wage is up 25% - more than annual wage is up 25% - more than double annual wage is up 25% - more than double the annual wage is up 25% - more than double the rate annual wage is up 25% - more than double the rate of annual wage is up 25% - more than double the rate of inflation annual wage is up 25% - more than double the rate of inflation over double the rate of inflation over that double the rate of inflation over that period. that period. The that period. The article that period. The article which that period. The article which I that period. The article which I think that period. The article which I think came that period. The article which I think came from The article which I think came from the The article which I think came from the most The article which I think came from the most recent The article which I think came from the most recent Labour The article which I think came from the most recent Labour Party The article which I think came from the most recent Labour Party leader the most recent Labour Party leader is the most recent Labour Party leader is simply the most recent Labour Party leader is simply wrong. is simply wrong. Supplementary is simply wrong. Supplementary question, is simply wrong. Supplementary question, Grant Supplementary question, Grant Robertson. Supplementary question, Grant Robertson. Thank Supplementary question, Grant Robertson. Thank you, Supplementary question, Grant Robertson. Thank you, Mr Supplementary question, Grant Robertson. Thank you, Mr Speaker, Robertson. Thank you, Mr Speaker, can Robertson. Thank you, Mr Speaker, can the Robertson. Thank you, Mr Speaker, can the Minister Robertson. Thank you, Mr Speaker, can the Minister confirm Robertson. Thank you, Mr Speaker, can the Minister confirm that Robertson. Thank you, Mr Speaker, can the Minister confirm that median can the Minister confirm that median household can the Minister confirm that median household income can the Minister confirm that median household income has can the Minister confirm that median household income has increased can the Minister confirm that median household income has increased by can the Minister confirm that median household income has increased by 1% household income has increased by 1% in household income has increased by 1% in real household income has increased by 1% in real terms household income has increased by 1% in real terms under household income has increased by 1% in real terms under his household income has increased by 1% in real terms under his Government in real terms under his Government whilst in real terms under his Government whilst it in real terms under his Government whilst it increased in real terms under his Government whilst it increased 27% in real terms under his Government whilst it increased 27% under in real terms under his Government whilst it increased 27% under the whilst it increased 27% under the last whilst it increased 27% under the Robertson. whilst it increased 27% under the last Labour Government? whilst it increased 27% under the last Labour Government? No, whilst it increased 27% under the last Labour Government? No, Mr last Labour Government? No, Mr Speaker, last Labour Government? No, Mr Speaker, I last Labour Government? No, Mr Speaker, I can't. Question Question no. Question no. 4, Question no. 4, Dr Question no. 4, Dr Megan Question no. 4, Dr Megan Woods. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Hon My question is to the Hon Gerry My question is to the Hon Gerry Brownlee My question is to the Hon Gerry Brownlee Minister My question is to the Hon Gerry Brownlee Minister supporting Brownlee Minister supporting Greater Brownlee Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Brownlee Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration: Greater Christchurch Regeneration: Does Greater Christchurch Regeneration: Does he Greater Christchurch Regeneration: Does he agree Greater Christchurch Regeneration: Does he agree with Greater Christchurch Regeneration: Does he agree with the Greater Christchurch Regeneration: Does he agree with the Prime Does he agree with the Prime Minister, Does he agree with the Prime Minister, who Does he agree with the Prime Minister, who said Does he agree with the Prime Minister, who said with Does he agree with the Prime Minister, who said with regard Minister, who said with regard to Minister, who said with regard to the Minister, who said with regard to the Canterbury Minister, who said with regard to the Canterbury earthquakes, to the Canterbury earthquakes, "on to the Canterbury earthquakes, "on behalf to the Canterbury earthquakes, "on behalf of to the Canterbury earthquakes, "on behalf of the to the Canterbury earthquakes, "on behalf of the Government, "on behalf of the Government, let "on behalf of the Government, let me "on behalf of the Government, let me be "on behalf of the Government, let me be clear "on behalf of the Government, let me be clear that "on behalf of the Government, let me be clear that no "on behalf of the Government, let me be clear that no one "on behalf of the Government, let me be clear that no one will "on behalf of the Government, let me be clear that no one will be let me be clear that no one will be left let me be clear that no one will be left to let me be clear that no one will be left to walk let me be clear that no one will be left to walk this let me be clear that no one will be left to walk this journey let me be clear that no one will be left to walk this journey alone"; left to walk this journey alone"; if left to walk this journey alone"; if so, left to walk this journey alone"; if so, does left to walk this journey alone"; if so, does he left to walk this journey alone"; if so, does he think left to walk this journey alone"; if so, does he think all left to walk this journey alone"; if so, does he think all relevant if so, does he think all relevant information if so, does he think all relevant information prepared information prepared by information prepared by his information prepared by his Government information prepared by his Government has information prepared by his Government has been information prepared by his Government has been made by his Government has been made available by his Government has been made available to by his Government has been made available to Cantabrians by his Government has been made available to Cantabrians to by his Government has been made available to Cantabrians to assist available to Cantabrians to assist them available to Cantabrians to assist them in available to Cantabrians to assist them in navigating available to Cantabrians to assist them in navigating post-earthquake them in navigating post-earthquake decisions? Mr Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, in Mr Speaker, in answering Mr Speaker, in answering those Mr Speaker, in answering those two Mr Speaker, in answering those two questions, Mr Speaker, in answering those two questions, may Mr Speaker, in answering those two questions, may I Mr Speaker, in answering those two questions, may I say Mr Speaker, in answering those two questions, may I say to Mr Speaker, in answering those two questions, may I say to support questions, may I say to support those questions, may I say to support those answers, questions, may I say to support those answers, the questions, may I say to support those answers, the Government questions, may I say to support those answers, the Government has those answers, the Government has invested those answers, the Government has invested around those answers, the Government has invested around $17.5 those answers, the Government has invested around $17.5 billion those answers, the Government has invested around $17.5 billion in invested around $17.5 billion in helping invested around $17.5 billion in helping Greater invested around $17.5 billion in helping Greater Christchurch invested around $17.5 billion in helping Greater Christchurch rebuild helping Greater Christchurch rebuild after helping Greater Christchurch rebuild after the helping Greater Christchurch rebuild after the 2010/11 helping Greater Christchurch rebuild after the 2010/11 earthquakes. helping Greater Christchurch rebuild after the 2010/11 earthquakes. This after the 2010/11 earthquakes. This includes after the 2010/11 earthquakes. This includes 11.2 after the 2010/11 earthquakes. This includes 11.2 billion after the 2010/11 earthquakes. This includes 11.2 billion they after the 2010/11 earthquakes. This includes 11.2 billion they ESQ includes 11.2 billion they ESQ expects includes 11.2 billion they ESQ expects to includes 11.2 billion they ESQ expects to spend. includes 11.2 billion they ESQ expects to spend. It includes 11.2 billion they ESQ expects to spend. It includes expects to spend. It includes purchasing expects to spend. It includes purchasing Red expects to spend. It includes purchasing Red Zone expects to spend. It includes purchasing Red Zone land expects to spend. It includes purchasing Red Zone land to expects to spend. It includes purchasing Red Zone land to enable purchasing Red Zone land to enable 8,000 purchasing Red Zone land to enable 8,000 families purchasing Red Zone land to enable 8,000 families to purchasing Red Zone land to enable 8,000 families to move purchasing Red Zone land to enable 8,000 families to move on purchasing Red Zone land to enable 8,000 families to move on with purchasing Red Zone land to enable 8,000 families to move on with their 8,000 families to move on with their lives, 8,000 families to move on with their lives, and 8,000 families to move on with their lives, and money 8,000 families to move on with their lives, and money to 8,000 families to move on with their lives, and money to rebuild 8,000 families to move on with their lives, and money to rebuild damaged lives, and money to rebuild damaged roads, lives, and money to rebuild damaged roads, bridges lives, and money to rebuild damaged roads, bridges and lives, and money to rebuild damaged roads, bridges and underground roads, bridges and underground services. roads, bridges and underground services. More roads, bridges and underground services. More than roads, bridges and underground services. More than a roads, bridges and underground services. More than a billion roads, bridges and underground services. More than a billion to services. More than a billion to renew services. More than a billion to renew education services. More than a billion to renew education facilities services. More than a billion to renew education facilities and services. More than a billion to renew education facilities and build renew education facilities and build some renew education facilities and build some of renew education facilities and build some of the renew education facilities and build some of the country's renew education facilities and build some of the country's most renew education facilities and build some of the country's most modern some of the country's most modern schools. some of the country's most modern schools. Another some of the country's most modern schools. Another billion some of the country's most modern schools. Another billion rebuilding schools. Another billion rebuilding the schools. Another billion rebuilding the region's schools. Another billion rebuilding the region's health schools. Another billion rebuilding the region's health facilities the region's health facilities including the region's health facilities including a the region's health facilities including a new the region's health facilities including a new hospital the region's health facilities including a new hospital at the region's health facilities including a new hospital at Burrwood including a new hospital at Burrwood and including a new hospital at Burrwood and now including a new hospital at Burrwood and now outpatient including a new hospital at Burrwood and now outpatient and including a new hospital at Burrwood and now outpatient and acute and now outpatient and acute services and now outpatient and acute services building and now outpatient and acute services building on and now outpatient and acute services building on the services building on the Christchurch services building on the Christchurch Hospital services building on the Christchurch Hospital Campus. services building on the Christchurch Hospital Campus. And services building on the Christchurch Hospital Campus. And we Christchurch Hospital Campus. And we have Christchurch Hospital Campus. And we have invested Christchurch Hospital Campus. And we have invested in Christchurch Hospital Campus. And we have invested in anchor Christchurch Hospital Campus. And we have invested in anchor problems have invested in anchor problems which have invested in anchor problems which will have invested in anchor problems which will see have invested in anchor problems which will see Christchurch have invested in anchor problems which will see Christchurch have which will see Christchurch have some which will see Christchurch have which which will see Christchurch have some of the which will see Christchurch have some of the best which will see Christchurch have some of the best facilities which will see Christchurch have some of the best facilities in which will see Christchurch have some of the best facilities in the some of the best facilities in the world some of the best facilities in the world let some of the best facilities in the world let alone some of the best facilities in the world let alone the some of the best facilities in the world let alone the country. some of the best facilities in the world let alone the country. And some of the best facilities in the world let alone the country. And we world let alone the country. And we will world let alone the country. And we will have world let alone the country. And we will have the world let alone the country. And we will have the regeneration will have the regeneration relationship will have the regeneration relationship between will have the regeneration relationship between the will have the regeneration relationship between the Crown will have the regeneration relationship between the Crown and relationship between the Crown and the relationship between the Crown and the Government relationship between the Crown and the Government to relationship between the Crown and the Government to ensure relationship between the Crown and the Government to ensure that the Government to ensure that ongoing the Government to ensure that ongoing redevelopment. the Government to ensure that ongoing redevelopment. I the Government to ensure that ongoing redevelopment. I do the Government to ensure that ongoing redevelopment. I do agree ongoing redevelopment. I do agree with ongoing redevelopment. I do agree with the ongoing redevelopment. I do agree with the PM. ongoing redevelopment. I do agree with the PM. In ongoing redevelopment. I do agree with the PM. In answer ongoing redevelopment. I do agree with the PM. In answer to ongoing redevelopment. I do agree with the PM. In answer to the ongoing redevelopment. I do agree with the PM. In answer to the second with the PM. In answer to the second part with the PM. In answer to the second part of with the PM. In answer to the second part of the with the PM. In answer to the second part of the question with the PM. In answer to the second part of the question - with the PM. In answer to the second part of the question - yes. with the PM. In answer to the second part of the question - yes. Point with the PM. In answer to the second part of the question - yes. Point of part of the question - yes. Point of order, part of the question - yes. Point of order, Mr part of the question - yes. Point of order, Mr Speaker? part of the question - yes. Point of order, Mr Speaker? I part of the question - yes. Point of order, Mr Speaker? I seek part of the question - yes. Point of order, Mr Speaker? I seek leave part of the question - yes. Point of order, Mr Speaker? I seek leave to order, Mr Speaker? I seek leave to table order, Mr Speaker? I seek leave to table an order, Mr Speaker? I seek leave to table an unpublished order, Mr Speaker? I seek leave to table an unpublished 82-page order, Mr Speaker? I seek leave to table an unpublished 82-page booklet table an unpublished 82-page booklet prepared table an unpublished 82-page booklet prepared by table an unpublished 82-page booklet prepared by MBN table an unpublished 82-page booklet prepared by MBN Sarah. table an unpublished 82-page booklet prepared by MBN Sarah. It table an unpublished 82-page booklet prepared by MBN Sarah. It is table an unpublished 82-page booklet prepared by MBN Sarah. It is undated prepared by MBN Sarah. It is undated but prepared by MBN Sarah. It is undated but the prepared by MBN Sarah. It is undated but the Government prepared by MBN Sarah. It is undated but the Government failed prepared by MBN Sarah. It is undated but the Government failed to... but the Government failed to... Order, but the Government failed to... Order, the but the Government failed to... Order, the last but the Government failed to... Order, the last part but the Government failed to... Order, the last part is but the Government failed to... Order, the last part is very Order, the last part is very unnecessary. Order, the last part is very unnecessary. I Order, the last part is very unnecessary. I will Order, the last part is very unnecessary. I will put Order, the last part is very unnecessary. I will put the Order, the last part is very unnecessary. I will put the leave. unnecessary. I will put the leave. Leave unnecessary. I will put the leave. Leave is unnecessary. I will put the leave. Leave is sought unnecessary. I will put the leave. Leave is sought to unnecessary. I will put the leave. Leave is sought to table unnecessary. I will put the leave. Leave is sought to table that Leave is sought to table that particular Leave is sought to table that particular document. Leave is sought to table that particular document. Is Leave is sought to table that particular document. Is there Leave is sought to table that particular document. Is there any particular document. Is there any objection? particular document. Is there any objection? There particular document. Is there any objection? There is particular document. Is there any objection? There is none, particular document. Is there any objection? There is none, it particular document. Is there any objection? There is none, it can particular document. Is there any objection? There is none, it can be objection? There is none, it can be tabled. objection? There is none, it can be tabled. Thank objection? There is none, it can be tabled. Thank you. objection? There is none, it can be tabled. Thank you. Supplementary tabled. Thank you. Supplementary question. tabled. Thank you. Supplementary question. Does tabled. Thank you. Supplementary question. Does he tabled. Thank you. Supplementary question. Does he agree tabled. Thank you. Supplementary question. Does he agree with tabled. Thank you. Supplementary question. Does he agree with the question. Does he agree with the representative question. Does he agree with the representative of question. Does he agree with the representative of the question. Does he agree with the representative of the insurance representative of the insurance industry representative of the insurance industry that representative of the insurance industry that if representative of the insurance industry that if this representative of the insurance industry that if this booklet representative of the insurance industry that if this booklet had industry that if this booklet had been industry that if this booklet had been published industry that if this booklet had been published three industry that if this booklet had been published three years industry that if this booklet had been published three years ago industry that if this booklet had been published three years ago it been published three years ago it would been published three years ago it would have been published three years ago it would have been been published three years ago it would have been extremely been published three years ago it would have been extremely useful. been published three years ago it would have been extremely useful. In would have been extremely useful. In fact, would have been extremely useful. In fact, we would have been extremely useful. In fact, we were would have been extremely useful. In fact, we were crying would have been extremely useful. In fact, we were crying out would have been extremely useful. In fact, we were crying out for would have been extremely useful. In fact, we were crying out for a fact, we were crying out for a resource. fact, we were crying out for a resource. If fact, we were crying out for a resource. If so, fact, we were crying out for a resource. If so, why fact, we were crying out for a resource. If so, why did fact, we were crying out for a resource. If so, why did they fact, we were crying out for a resource. If so, why did they wait resource. If so, why did they wait years resource. If so, why did they wait years for resource. If so, why did they wait years for beginning resource. If so, why did they wait years for beginning this resource. If so, why did they wait years for beginning this resource? years for beginning this resource? Mr years for beginning this resource? Mr Speaker, years for beginning this resource? Mr Speaker, I years for beginning this resource? Mr Speaker, I don't years for beginning this resource? Mr Speaker, I don't agree years for beginning this resource? Mr Speaker, I don't agree with years for beginning this resource? Mr Speaker, I don't agree with that Mr Speaker, I don't agree with that insurance Mr Speaker, I don't agree with that insurance company Mr Speaker, I don't agree with that insurance company representative, insurance company representative, who insurance company representative, who that insurance company representative, who that Amon insurance company representative, who that Amon -- insurance company representative, who that Amon -- whoever insurance company representative, who that Amon -- whoever that insurance company representative, who that Amon -- whoever that person who that Amon -- whoever that person might who that Amon -- whoever that person might be. who that Amon -- whoever that person might be. The who that Amon -- whoever that person might be. The booklet who that Amon -- whoever that person might be. The booklet was who that Amon -- whoever that person might be. The booklet was worked who that Amon -- whoever that person might be. The booklet was worked on might be. The booklet was worked on at might be. The booklet was worked on at the might be. The booklet was worked on at the end might be. The booklet was worked on at the end of might be. The booklet was worked on at the end of 2015 might be. The booklet was worked on at the end of 2015 seven might be. The booklet was worked on at the end of 2015 seven months. might be. The booklet was worked on at the end of 2015 seven months. As at the end of 2015 seven months. As of at the end of 2015 seven months. As of April at the end of 2015 seven months. As of April this at the end of 2015 seven months. As of April this year...as at the end of 2015 seven months. As of April this year...as of at the end of 2015 seven months. As of April this year...as of where at the end of 2015 seven months. As of April this year...as of where we of April this year...as of where we at of April this year...as of where we at the of April this year...as of where we at the present, of April this year...as of where we at the present, insurance at the present, insurance settlements at the present, insurance settlements are at the present, insurance settlements are at at the present, insurance settlements are at 96%. at the present, insurance settlements are at 96%. The at the present, insurance settlements are at 96%. The book settlements are at 96%. The book itself settlements are at 96%. The book itself was settlements are at 96%. The book itself was considered settlements are at 96%. The book itself was considered by settlements are at 96%. The book itself was considered by those settlements are at 96%. The book itself was considered by those who itself was considered by those who reviewed itself was considered by those who reviewed it itself was considered by those who reviewed it to itself was considered by those who reviewed it to be itself was considered by those who reviewed it to be extremely reviewed it to be extremely confusing reviewed it to be extremely confusing and reviewed it to be extremely confusing and likely reviewed it to be extremely confusing and likely to reviewed it to be extremely confusing and likely to be reviewed it to be extremely confusing and likely to be most confusing and likely to be most unhelpful. confusing and likely to be most unhelpful. Many confusing and likely to be most unhelpful. Many of confusing and likely to be most unhelpful. Many of those confusing and likely to be most unhelpful. Many of those comments unhelpful. Many of those comments came unhelpful. Many of those comments came from unhelpful. Many of those comments came from the unhelpful. Many of those comments came from the same unhelpful. Many of those comments came from the same insurance unhelpful. Many of those comments came from the same insurance people came from the same insurance people that came from the same insurance people that perhaps came from the same insurance people that perhaps the came from the same insurance people that perhaps the member came from the same insurance people that perhaps the member is came from the same insurance people that perhaps the member is relying that perhaps the member is relying on. that perhaps the member is relying on. What that perhaps the member is relying on. What I that perhaps the member is relying on. What I would that perhaps the member is relying on. What I would point that perhaps the member is relying on. What I would point out that perhaps the member is relying on. What I would point out that that perhaps the member is relying on. What I would point out that the on. What I would point out that the Government on. What I would point out that the Government in on. What I would point out that the Government in buying on. What I would point out that the Government in buying out on. What I would point out that the Government in buying out the on. What I would point out that the Government in buying out the people Government in buying out the people in Government in buying out the people in the Government in buying out the people in the Red Government in buying out the people in the Red Zones Government in buying out the people in the Red Zones discovered Government in buying out the people in the Red Zones discovered 60 in the Red Zones discovered 60 different in the Red Zones discovered 60 different policy in the Red Zones discovered 60 different policy settings in the Red Zones discovered 60 different policy settings for in the Red Zones discovered 60 different policy settings for what different policy settings for what on different policy settings for what different different policy settings for what on the face different policy settings for what on the face of different policy settings for what on the face of it different policy settings for what on the face of it may different policy settings for what on the face of it may have different policy settings for what on the face of it may have been different policy settings for what on the face of it may have been the on the face of it may have been the same on the face of it may have been the same type on the face of it may have been the same type of on the face of it may have been the same type of policy. on the face of it may have been the same type of policy. The on the face of it may have been the same type of policy. The book on the face of it may have been the same type of policy. The book wasn't same type of policy. The book wasn't published same type of policy. The book wasn't published because same type of policy. The book wasn't published because it same type of policy. The book wasn't published because it wasn't same type of policy. The book wasn't published because it wasn't helpful. published because it wasn't helpful. Now published because it wasn't helpful. Now that published because it wasn't helpful. Now that I published because it wasn't helpful. Now that I know published because it wasn't helpful. Now that I know the published because it wasn't helpful. Now that I know the member published because it wasn't helpful. Now that I know the member has published because it wasn't helpful. Now that I know the member has read Now that I know the member has read it, Now that I know the member has read it, it Now that I know the member has read it, it might Now that I know the member has read it, it might explain Now that I know the member has read it, it might explain some Now that I know the member has read it, it might explain some of Now that I know the member has read it, it might explain some of her it, it might explain some of her confusion. confusion. Order! confusion. Order! Supplementary confusion. Order! Supplementary question. Order! Supplementary question. Written Order! Supplementary question. Written by Order! Supplementary question. Written by his Order! Supplementary question. Written by his department... Order! Supplementary question. Written by his department... Order! Written by his department... Order! I Written by his department... Order! I need Written by his department... Order! I need to Written by his department... Order! I need to call Written by his department... Order! I need to call it, Written by his department... Order! I need to call it, member. Written by his department... Order! I need to call it, member. Thank I need to call it, member. Thank you. I need to call it, member. Thank you. If I need to call it, member. Thank you. If this I need to call it, member. Thank you. If this book I need to call it, member. Thank you. If this book was I need to call it, member. Thank you. If this book was so I need to call it, member. Thank you. If this book was so flawed, I need to call it, member. Thank you. If this book was so flawed, why you. If this book was so flawed, why was you. If this book was so flawed, why was a you. If this book was so flawed, why was a representative you. If this book was so flawed, why was a representative of you. If this book was so flawed, why was a representative of the was a representative of the insurance was a representative of the insurance industry was a representative of the insurance industry saying was a representative of the insurance industry saying if was a representative of the insurance industry saying if the insurance industry saying if the booklet insurance industry saying if the booklet was insurance industry saying if the booklet was being insurance industry saying if the booklet was being published insurance industry saying if the booklet was being published three booklet was being published three years booklet was being published three years ago booklet was being published three years ago it booklet was being published three years ago it would booklet was being published three years ago it would have booklet was being published three years ago it would have been years ago it would have been extremely years ago it would have been extremely useful. years ago it would have been extremely useful. In years ago it would have been extremely useful. In fact, years ago it would have been extremely useful. In fact, we years ago it would have been extremely useful. In fact, we were extremely useful. In fact, we were trying extremely useful. In fact, we were trying out extremely useful. In fact, we were trying out for extremely useful. In fact, we were trying out for such extremely useful. In fact, we were trying out for such a extremely useful. In fact, we were trying out for such a resource extremely useful. In fact, we were trying out for such a resource at trying out for such a resource at the trying out for such a resource at the time? trying out for such a resource at the time? Mr trying out for such a resource at the time? Mr Speaker, trying out for such a resource at the time? Mr Speaker, I'm trying out for such a resource at the time? Mr Speaker, I'm readingly the time? Mr Speaker, I'm readingly told the time? Mr Speaker, I'm readingly told by the time? Mr Speaker, I'm readingly told by the the time? Mr Speaker, I'm readingly told by the member the time? Mr Speaker, I'm readingly told by the member and the time? Mr Speaker, I'm readingly told by the member and some the time? Mr Speaker, I'm readingly told by the member and some of the time? Mr Speaker, I'm readingly told by the member and some of her told by the member and some of her other told by the member and some of her other party told by the member and some of her other party members told by the member and some of her other party members that told by the member and some of her other party members that insurance other party members that insurance companies other party members that insurance companies have other party members that insurance companies have acted other party members that insurance companies have acted in other party members that insurance companies have acted in a companies have acted in a disreputable companies have acted in a companies companies have acted in a disreputable manner. Why companies have acted in a disreputable manner. Why is companies have acted in a disreputable manner. Why is it companies have acted in a disreputable manner. Why is it when disreputable manner. Why is it when they disreputable manner. Why is it when they claim disreputable manner. Why is it when they claim that, disreputable manner. Why is it when they claim that, that disreputable manner. Why is it when they claim that, that is disreputable manner. Why is it when they claim that, that is the disreputable manner. Why is it when they claim that, that is the case. they claim that, that is the case. But they claim that, that is the case. But when they claim that, that is the case. But when they they claim that, that is the case. But when they want they claim that, that is the case. But when they want to they claim that, that is the case. But when they want to say they claim that, that is the case. But when they want to say something But when they want to say something that But when they want to say something that suits But when they want to say something that suits them, But when they want to say something that suits them, suddenly But when they want to say something that suits them, suddenly they're that suits them, suddenly they're paradongs. that suits them, suddenly they're paradongs. The that suits them, suddenly they're paradongs. The deem that suits them, suddenly they're paradongs. The deem was that suits them, suddenly they're paradongs. The deem was to that suits them, suddenly they're paradongs. The deem was to be paradongs. The deem was to be confusing paradongs. The deem was to be confusing - paradongs. The deem was to be confusing - therefore, paradongs. The deem was to be confusing - therefore, it paradongs. The deem was to be confusing - therefore, it was paradongs. The deem was to be confusing - therefore, it was not confusing - therefore, it was not published. confusing - therefore, it was not published. Will confusing - therefore, it was not published. Will he confusing - therefore, it was not published. Will he apologise confusing - therefore, it was not published. Will he apologise to confusing - therefore, it was not published. Will he apologise to the published. Will he apologise to the people published. Will he apologise to the people of published. Will he apologise to the people of Canterbury published. Will he apologise to the people of Canterbury for published. Will he apologise to the people of Canterbury for bowing published. Will he apologise to the people of Canterbury for bowing to people of Canterbury for bowing to pressure people of Canterbury for bowing to pressure in people of Canterbury for bowing to pressure in scrapping people of Canterbury for bowing to pressure in scrapping a people of Canterbury for bowing to pressure in scrapping a booklet people of Canterbury for bowing to pressure in scrapping a booklet that pressure in scrapping a booklet that would pressure in scrapping a booklet that would have pressure in scrapping a booklet that would have aided pressure in scrapping a booklet that would have aided them pressure in scrapping a booklet that would have aided them to pressure in scrapping a booklet that would have aided them to get pressure in scrapping a booklet that would have aided them to get back pressure in scrapping a booklet that would have aided them to get back on would have aided them to get back on their would have aided them to get back on their feet would have aided them to get back on their feet and would have aided them to get back on their feet and get would have aided them to get back on their feet and get a would have aided them to get back on their feet and get a fair would have aided them to get back on their feet and get a fair deal? would have aided them to get back on their feet and get a fair deal? Mr their feet and get a fair deal? Mr Speaker, their feet and get a fair deal? Mr Speaker, given their feet and get a fair deal? Mr Speaker, given that their feet and get a fair deal? Mr Speaker, given that the their feet and get a fair deal? Mr Speaker, given that the book their feet and get a fair deal? Mr Speaker, given that the book took Speaker, given that the book took seven Speaker, given that the book took seven months Speaker, given that the book took seven months to Speaker, given that the book took seven months to produce Speaker, given that the book took seven months to produce and Speaker, given that the book took seven months to produce and was seven months to produce and was totally seven months to produce and was totally useless, seven months to produce and was totally useless, I'm seven months to produce and was totally useless, I'm certainly seven months to produce and was totally useless, I'm certainly not totally useless, I'm certainly not apologising totally useless, I'm certainly not totally totally useless, I'm certainly not apologising for it totally useless, I'm certainly not apologising for it not totally useless, I'm certainly not apologising for it not being apologising for it not being published. apologising for it not being published. What apologising for it not being published. What I apologising for it not being published. What I am apologising for it not being published. What I am proud apologising for it not being published. What I am proud of apologising for it not being published. What I am proud of is published. What I am proud of is that published. What I am proud of is that Canterburians published. What I am proud of is that Canterburians working published. What I am proud of is that Canterburians working with that Canterburians working with their that Canterburians working with published. that Canterburians working with their insheers have that Canterburians working with their insheers have got that Canterburians working with their insheers have got to that Canterburians working with their insheers have got to a their insheers have got to a position their insheers have got to a position where their insheers have got to a position where -- their insheers have got to a position where -- insurers their insheers have got to a position where -- insurers where position where -- insurers where there position where -- insurers where there is position where -- insurers where there is a position where -- insurers where there is a 96.6% position where -- insurers where there is a 96.6% settlement position where -- insurers where there is a 96.6% settlement rate. there is a 96.6% settlement rate. What's there is a 96.6% settlement rate. What's left there is a 96.6% settlement rate. What's left are there is a 96.6% settlement rate. What's left are difficult, there is a 96.6% settlement rate. What's left are difficult, difficult What's left are difficult, difficult cases What's left are difficult, difficult cases and What's left are difficult, difficult cases and we're What's left are difficult, difficult cases and we're doing What's left are difficult, difficult cases and we're doing what What's left are difficult, difficult cases and we're doing what we What's left are difficult, difficult cases and we're doing what we can What's left are difficult, difficult cases and we're doing what we can to cases and we're doing what we can to settle cases and we're doing what we can to settle them. cases and we're doing what we can to settle them. Order! cases and we're doing what we can to settle them. Order! Question cases and we're doing what we can to settle them. Order! Question no. cases and we're doing what we can to settle them. Order! Question no. 5. settle them. Order! Question no. 5. Metiria settle them. Order! Question no. 5. Metiria Turei. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Rt My question is to the Rt Hon My question is to the Rt Hon John My question is to the Rt Hon John Key My question is to the Rt Hon John Key Prime My question is to the Rt Hon John Key Prime Minister: Key Prime Minister: <SPEAKS Key Prime Minister: <SPEAKS TE Key Prime Minister: <SPEAKS TE REO Key Prime Minister: <SPEAKS TE REO MAORI> The The Rt The Rt Hon The Rt Hon PM. The Rt Hon PM. Mr The Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, The Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, yes. The Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary. The Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary. Does The Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary. Does the The Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary. Does the PM The Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary. Does the PM stand The Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary. Does the PM stand by Supplementary. Does the PM stand by his Supplementary. Does the PM stand by his housing Supplementary. Does the PM stand by his housing policies Supplementary. Does the PM stand by his housing policies now Supplementary. Does the PM stand by his housing policies now that Supplementary. Does the PM stand by his housing policies now that 85% Supplementary. Does the PM stand by his housing policies now that 85% of his housing policies now that 85% of Aucklanders his housing policies now that 85% of Aucklanders think his housing policies now that 85% of Aucklanders think there's his housing policies now that 85% of Aucklanders think there's a his housing policies now that 85% of Aucklanders think there's a housing Aucklanders think there's a housing crisis Aucklanders think there's a housing crisis and Aucklanders think there's a housing crisis and more Aucklanders think there's a housing crisis and more than Aucklanders think there's a housing crisis and more than half Aucklanders think there's a housing crisis and more than half of crisis and more than half of Auckland crisis and more than half of Auckland homeowners crisis and more than half of Auckland homeowners think crisis and more than half of Auckland homeowners think house Auckland homeowners think house prices Auckland homeowners think house Aucklanders Auckland homeowners think house prices need to Auckland homeowners think house prices need to come Auckland homeowners think house prices need to come down? Auckland homeowners think house prices need to come down? Yes. prices need to come down? Yes. Supplementary? prices need to come down? Yes. Supplementary? Supplementary Supplementary? Supplementary question, Supplementary? Supplementary question, Metiria Supplementary? Supplementary question, Metiria Turei. question, Metiria Turei. Does question, Metiria Turei. Does he question, Metiria Turei. Does he stand question, Metiria Turei. Does he stand by question, Metiria Turei. Does he stand by his question, Metiria Turei. Does he stand by his housing Does he stand by his housing policies Does he stand by his housing policies that Does he stand by his housing policies that have Does he stand by his housing policies that have seen Does he stand by his housing policies that have seen households policies that have seen households who policies that have seen households who have policies that have seen households who have to policies that have seen households who have to spend policies that have seen households who have to spend more policies that have seen households who have to spend more than policies that have seen households who have to spend more than 30% policies that have seen households who have to spend more than 30% of who have to spend more than 30% of their who have to spend more than 30% of their income who have to spend more than 30% of their income on who have to spend more than 30% of their income on housing who have to spend more than 30% of their income on housing go who have to spend more than 30% of their income on housing go from who have to spend more than 30% of their income on housing go from just their income on housing go from just one-in-10 their income on housing go from just one-in-10 a their income on housing go from just one-in-10 a generation their income on housing go from just one-in-10 a generation ago their income on housing go from just one-in-10 a generation ago to their income on housing go from just one-in-10 a generation ago to almost one-in-10 a generation ago to almost one-in-three one-in-10 a generation ago to almost one-in-three today? one-in-three today? Mr one-in-three today? their one-in-three today? Mr Speaker, yes. one-in-three today? Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary? one-in-three today? Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary? How Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary? How long Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary? How long does Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary? How long does he Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary? How long does he think Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary? How long does he think his Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary? How long does he think his policies Mr Speaker, yes. Supplementary? How long does he think his policies can long does he think his policies can long does he think his policies can long does he think his policies can be effective long does he think his policies can be effective when long does he think his policies can be effective when this long does he think his policies can be effective when this Government be effective when this Government has be effective when this Government has seen be effective when this Government has seen wage be effective when this Government has seen wage rises be effective when this Government has seen wage rises at be effective when this Government has seen wage rises at something has seen wage rises at something like has seen wage rises at something like 1%, has seen wage rises at something like 1%, 1.5% has seen wage rises at something like 1%, 1.5% a has seen wage rises at something like 1%, 1.5% a year has seen wage rises at something like 1%, 1.5% a year while has seen wage rises at something like 1%, 1.5% a year while the like 1%, 1.5% a year while the median like 1%, 1.5% a year while the median Auckland like 1%, 1.5% a year while the median Auckland house like 1%, 1.5% a year while the median Auckland house prices like 1%, 1.5% a year while the median Auckland house prices are median Auckland house prices are going median Auckland house prices are median median Auckland house prices are going up at median Auckland house prices are going up at over median Auckland house prices are going up at over 12% median Auckland house prices are going up at over 12% a median Auckland house prices are going up at over 12% a year? median Auckland house prices are going up at over 12% a year? How going up at over 12% a year? How long going up at over 12% a year? How long can going up at over 12% a year? How long can that going up at over 12% a year? How long can that continue? long can that continue? Mr long can that continue? Mr Speaker, long can that continue? Mr Speaker, the long can that continue? Mr Speaker, the member long can that continue? Mr Speaker, the member constantly Mr Speaker, the member constantly demonstrates Mr Speaker, the member constantly demonstrates she Mr Speaker, the member constantly demonstrates she doesn't Mr Speaker, the member constantly demonstrates she doesn't really demonstrates she doesn't really understand demonstrates she doesn't really understand what's demonstrates she doesn't really understand what's happening. demonstrates she doesn't really understand what's happening. If demonstrates she doesn't really understand what's happening. If she understand what's happening. If she did, understand what's happening. If she did, she understand what's happening. If she did, she would understand what's happening. If she did, she would see understand what's happening. If she did, she would see that understand what's happening. If she did, she would see that wages understand what's happening. If she did, she would see that wages have did, she would see that wages have gone did, she would see that wages have gone up did, she would see that wages have gone up 25% did, she would see that wages have gone up 25% in did, she would see that wages have gone up 25% in New did, she would see that wages have gone up 25% in New Zealand. did, she would see that wages have gone up 25% in New Zealand. As did, she would see that wages have gone up 25% in New Zealand. As I gone up 25% in New Zealand. As I noted gone up 25% in New Zealand. As I noted earlier gone up 25% in New Zealand. As I noted earlier to gone up 25% in New Zealand. As I noted earlier to the gone up 25% in New Zealand. As I noted earlier to the House, gone up 25% in New Zealand. As I noted earlier to the House, interest noted earlier to the House, interest rates noted earlier to the House, interest rates have noted earlier to the House, interest rates have halved noted earlier to the House, interest rates have halved under noted earlier to the House, interest rates have halved under this rates have halved under this Government. rates have halved under this Government. For rates have halved under this Government. For someone rates have halved under this Government. For someone borrowing Government. For someone borrowing $300,000 Government. For someone borrowing $300,000 for Government. For someone borrowing $300,000 for their Government. For someone borrowing $300,000 for their mortgage, Government. For someone borrowing $300,000 for their mortgage, they're $300,000 for their mortgage, they're paying $300,000 for their mortgage, they're paying $16,000 $300,000 for their mortgage, they're paying $16,000 a $300,000 for their mortgage, they're paying $16,000 a year $300,000 for their mortgage, they're paying $16,000 a year less $300,000 for their mortgage, they're paying $16,000 a year less than $300,000 for their mortgage, they're paying $16,000 a year less than they paying $16,000 a year less than they were, paying $16,000 a year less than they were, probably paying $16,000 a year less than they were, probably in paying $16,000 a year less than they were, probably in pre-tax paying $16,000 a year less than they were, probably in pre-tax terms, were, probably in pre-tax terms, that's were, probably in pre-tax terms, that's not were, probably in pre-tax terms, that's not order were, probably in pre-tax terms, that's not order of were, probably in pre-tax terms, that's not order of about were, probably in pre-tax terms, that's not order of about $22,000 that's not order of about $22,000 per that's not order of about $22,000 per year. that's not order of about $22,000 per year. Supplementary. per year. Supplementary. Supplementary per year. Supplementary. Supplementary question per year. Supplementary. Supplementary question Turei per year. Supplementary. Supplementary question Turei -- Supplementary question Turei -- Metiria Supplementary question Turei -- Metiria Turei. Supplementary question Turei -- Metiria Turei. Shurel Supplementary question Turei -- Metiria Turei. Shurel the Supplementary question Turei -- Metiria Turei. Shurel the PM Supplementary question Turei -- Metiria Turei. Shurel the PM is Supplementary question Turei -- Metiria Turei. Shurel the PM is not Metiria Turei. Shurel the PM is not trying Metiria Turei. Shurel the PM is not trying to Metiria Turei. Shurel the PM is not trying to take Metiria Turei. Shurel the PM is not trying to take credit Metiria Turei. Shurel the PM is not trying to take credit for Metiria Turei. Shurel the PM is not trying to take credit for low trying to take credit for low interest trying to take credit for low interest rates trying to take credit for low interest rates when trying to take credit for low interest rates when they're interest rates when they're happening interest rates when they're happening all interest rates when they're happening all over interest rates when they're happening all over the interest rates when they're happening all over the world interest rates when they're happening all over the world because happening all over the world because of happening all over the world because of real happening all over the world because of real weak happening all over the world because of real weak economic happening all over the world because of real weak economic growth happening all over the world because of real weak economic growth both of real weak economic growth both here of real weak economic growth both here and of real weak economic growth both here and overseas. of real weak economic growth both here and overseas. Mr of real weak economic growth both here and overseas. Mr Speaker, of real weak economic growth both here and overseas. Mr Speaker, one here and overseas. Mr Speaker, one of here and overseas. Mr Speaker, one of the here and overseas. Mr Speaker, one of the reasons here and overseas. Mr Speaker, one of the reasons why here and overseas. Mr Speaker, one of the reasons why interest here and overseas. Mr Speaker, one of the reasons why interest rates of the reasons why interest rates are of the reasons why interest rates are coming of the reasons why interest rates are coming down of the reasons why interest rates are coming down in of the reasons why interest rates are coming down in this of the reasons why interest rates are coming down in this country of the reasons why interest rates are coming down in this country is are coming down in this country is because are coming down in this country is because the are coming down in this country is because the Government are coming down in this country is because the Government has are coming down in this country is because the Government has done are coming down in this country is because the Government has done a because the Government has done a good because the Government has done a good job because the Government has done a good job of because the Government has done a good job of getting because the Government has done a good job of getting the because the Government has done a good job of getting the books because the Government has done a good job of getting the books back good job of getting the books back in good job of getting the books back in order. good job of getting the books back in order. Of good job of getting the books back in order. Of managing good job of getting the books back in order. Of managing inflation in order. Of managing inflation expectations. in order. Of managing inflation expectations. It in order. Of managing inflation expectations. It wasn't in order. Of managing inflation expectations. It wasn't so in order. Of managing inflation expectations. It wasn't so long in order. Of managing inflation expectations. It wasn't so long ago expectations. It wasn't so long ago that expectations. It wasn't so long ago that her expectations. It wasn't so long ago that her co-leader expectations. It wasn't so long ago that her co-leader wanted expectations. It wasn't so long ago that her co-leader wanted to expectations. It wasn't so long ago that her co-leader wanted to get expectations. It wasn't so long ago that her co-leader wanted to get the that her co-leader wanted to get the printing that her co-leader wanted to get the printing presses that her co-leader wanted to get the printing presses out that her co-leader wanted to get the printing presses out in that her co-leader wanted to get the printing presses out in New that her co-leader wanted to get the printing presses out in New Zealand printing presses out in New Zealand and printing presses out in New Zealand and start printing presses out in New Zealand and start printing printing presses out in New Zealand and start printing money. printing presses out in New Zealand and start printing money. That printing presses out in New Zealand and start printing money. That would and start printing money. That would have and start printing money. That would have had and start printing money. That would have had interesting and start printing money. That would have had interesting economic and start printing money. That would have had interesting economic imp and start printing money. That would have had interesting economic imp my have had interesting economic imp my -- have had interesting economic imp my -- implications. have had interesting economic imp my -- implications. I have had interesting economic imp my -- implications. I will have had interesting economic imp my -- implications. I will be have had interesting economic imp my -- implications. I will be reminded -- implications. I will be reminded New -- implications. I will be reminded New Zealanders -- implications. I will be reminded New Zealanders of -- implications. I will be reminded New Zealanders of in -- implications. I will be reminded New Zealanders of in the -- implications. I will be reminded New Zealanders of in the months -- implications. I will be reminded New Zealanders of in the months to New Zealanders of in the months to come. New Zealanders of in the months to come. Supplementary? New Zealanders of in the months to come. Supplementary? Order! New Zealanders of in the months to come. Supplementary? Order! How New Zealanders of in the months to come. Supplementary? Order! How many come. Supplementary? Order! How many poor come. Supplementary? Order! How many poor people come. Supplementary? Order! How many poor people on come. Supplementary? Order! How many poor people on 60% come. Supplementary? Order! How many poor people on 60% or come. Supplementary? Order! How many poor people on 60% or less come. Supplementary? Order! How many poor people on 60% or less on come. Supplementary? Order! How many poor people on 60% or less on the poor people on 60% or less on the median poor people on 60% or less on the median household poor people on 60% or less on the median household income poor people on 60% or less on the median household income are poor people on 60% or less on the median household income are buying median household income are buying million-dollar median household income are buying median median household income are buying million-dollar homes in median household income are buying million-dollar homes in Auckland? median household income are buying million-dollar homes in Auckland? Mr million-dollar homes in Auckland? Mr Speaker, million-dollar homes in Auckland? Mr Speaker, I million-dollar homes in Auckland? Mr Speaker, I suspect million-dollar homes in Auckland? Mr Speaker, I suspect very million-dollar homes in Auckland? Mr Speaker, I suspect very few million-dollar homes in Auckland? Mr Speaker, I suspect very few and million-dollar homes in Auckland? Mr Speaker, I suspect very few and they Speaker, I suspect very few and they probably Speaker, I suspect very few and they probably haven't Speaker, I suspect very few and they probably haven't for Speaker, I suspect very few and they probably haven't for the Speaker, I suspect very few and they probably haven't for the last Speaker, I suspect very few and they probably haven't for the last 30 Speaker, I suspect very few and they probably haven't for the last 30 or probably haven't for the last 30 or 40 probably haven't for the last 30 or 40 years. probably haven't for the last 30 or 40 years. The probably haven't for the last 30 or 40 years. The reality, probably haven't for the last 30 or 40 years. The reality, though, probably haven't for the last 30 or 40 years. The reality, though, is 40 years. The reality, though, is that 40 years. The reality, though, is that for 40 years. The reality, though, is that for very 40 years. The reality, though, is that for very low 40 years. The reality, though, is that for very low income 40 years. The reality, though, is that for very low income New that for very low income New Zealanders, that for very low income New Zealanders, there that for very low income New Zealanders, there is that for very low income New Zealanders, there is assistance that for very low income New Zealanders, there is assistance from Zealanders, there is assistance from the Zealanders, there is assistance from the Government. Zealanders, there is assistance from the Government. The Zealanders, there is assistance from the Government. The Kiwi Zealanders, there is assistance from the Government. The Kiwi Saver Zealanders, there is assistance from the Government. The Kiwi Saver Home the Government. The Kiwi Saver Home Start the Government. The Kiwi Saver Home Start has the Government. The Kiwi Saver Home Start has income the Government. The Kiwi Saver Home Start has income caps. the Government. The Kiwi Saver Home Start has income caps. We the Government. The Kiwi Saver Home Start has income caps. We have the Government. The Kiwi Saver Home Start has income caps. We have seen Start has income caps. We have seen a Start has income caps. We have seen a lot Start has income caps. We have seen a lot of Start has income caps. We have seen a lot of New Start has income caps. We have seen a lot of New Zealanders Start has income caps. We have seen a lot of New Zealanders accessing a lot of New Zealanders accessing that. a lot of New Zealanders accessing that. Government a lot of New Zealanders accessing that. Government is a lot of New Zealanders accessing that. Government is also a lot of New Zealanders accessing that. Government is also providing that. Government is also providing support that. Government is also providing that. that. Government is also providing support for rents that. Government is also providing support for rents into that. Government is also providing support for rents into social support for rents into social housing support for rents into social housing - support for rents into social housing - something support for rents into social housing - something we've support for rents into social housing - something we've never support for rents into social housing - something we've never seen housing - something we've never seen before. housing - something we've never seen before. This housing - something we've never seen before. This Government, housing - something we've never seen before. This Government, as housing - something we've never seen before. This Government, as we housing - something we've never seen before. This Government, as we know, before. This Government, as we know, was before. This Government, as we know, was the before. This Government, as we know, was the first before. This Government, as we know, was the first Government before. This Government, as we know, was the first Government in before. This Government, as we know, was the first Government in decades was the first Government in decades to was the first Government in decades to raise was the first Government in decades to raise benefits was the first Government in decades to raise benefits in was the first Government in decades to raise benefits in this was the first Government in decades to raise benefits in this country. to raise benefits in this country. We to raise benefits in this country. We spent to raise benefits in this country. We spent over to raise benefits in this country. We spent over $10 to raise benefits in this country. We spent over $10 billion, to raise benefits in this country. We spent over $10 billion, actually, We spent over $10 billion, actually, providing We spent over $10 billion, actually, providing support We spent over $10 billion, actually, providing support to We spent over $10 billion, actually, providing support to very We spent over $10 billion, actually, providing support to very low We spent over $10 billion, actually, providing support to very low and providing support to very low and low-income providing support to very low and low-income New providing support to very low and low-income New Zealanders providing support to very low and low-income New Zealanders in providing support to very low and low-income New Zealanders in a providing support to very low and low-income New Zealanders in a vast low-income New Zealanders in a vast variety low-income New Zealanders in a vast variety of low-income New Zealanders in a vast variety of ways. low-income New Zealanders in a vast variety of ways. The low-income New Zealanders in a vast variety of ways. The member low-income New Zealanders in a vast variety of ways. The member gets low-income New Zealanders in a vast variety of ways. The member gets up variety of ways. The member gets up as variety of ways. The member gets up as if variety of ways. The member gets up as if the variety of ways. The member gets up as if the Government variety of ways. The member gets up as if the Government isn't variety of ways. The member gets up as if the Government isn't out variety of ways. The member gets up as if the Government isn't out there as if the Government isn't out there supporting as if the Government isn't out there supporting the as if the Government isn't out there supporting the most as if the Government isn't out there supporting the most at-risk as if the Government isn't out there supporting the most at-risk New supporting the most at-risk New Zealanders. supporting the most at-risk New Zealanders. In supporting the most at-risk New Zealanders. In fact, supporting the most at-risk New Zealanders. In fact, we supporting the most at-risk New Zealanders. In fact, we are, supporting the most at-risk New Zealanders. In fact, we are, every Zealanders. In fact, we are, every single Zealanders. In fact, we are, every single day. single day. Thank single day. Thank you, single day. Thank you, Mr single day. Thank you, Mr Erk single day. Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. single day. Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. Will single day. Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. Will the Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. Will the PM Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. Will the PM accompany Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. Will the PM accompany me Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. Will the PM accompany me to Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. Will the PM accompany me to the Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. Will the PM accompany me to the pu Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. Will the PM accompany me to the pu Paka Thank you, Mr Erk Speaker. Will the PM accompany me to the pu Paka for PM accompany me to the pu Paka for homes PM accompany me to the pu Paka for homes tomorrow PM accompany me to the pu Paka for homes tomorrow night PM accompany me to the pu Paka for homes tomorrow night to PM accompany me to the pu Paka for homes tomorrow night to talk homes tomorrow night to talk directly homes tomorrow night to talk directly to homes tomorrow night to talk directly to homeless homes tomorrow night to talk directly to homeless people homes tomorrow night to talk directly to homeless people about directly to homeless people about his directly to homeless people about his plans directly to homeless people about his plans to directly to homeless people about his plans to ensure directly to homeless people about his plans to ensure they're directly to homeless people about his plans to ensure they're homed directly to homeless people about his plans to ensure they're homed in his plans to ensure they're homed in the his plans to ensure they're homed in the future. his plans to ensure they're homed in the future. If his plans to ensure they're homed in the future. If not, his plans to ensure they're homed in the future. If not, why his plans to ensure they're homed in the future. If not, why not? his plans to ensure they're homed in the future. If not, why not? The the future. If not, why not? The member the future. If not, why not? The member shouldn't the future. If not, why not? The member shouldn't take the future. If not, why not? The member shouldn't take it the future. If not, why not? The member shouldn't take it personally member shouldn't take it personally but member shouldn't take it personally member member shouldn't take it personally but I don't member shouldn't take it personally but I don't want member shouldn't take it personally but I don't want to member shouldn't take it personally but I don't want to accompany member shouldn't take it personally but I don't want to accompany her but I don't want to accompany her anywhere, but I don't want to accompany her anywhere, and but I don't want to accompany her anywhere, and if but I don't want to accompany her anywhere, and if she but I don't want to accompany her anywhere, and if she wants but I don't want to accompany her anywhere, and if she wants to but I don't want to accompany her anywhere, and if she wants to know anywhere, and if she wants to know why anywhere, and if she wants to know why - anywhere, and if she wants to know why - because anywhere, and if she wants to know why - because I anywhere, and if she wants to know why - because I really anywhere, and if she wants to know why - because I really don't anywhere, and if she wants to know why - because I really don't want anywhere, and if she wants to know why - because I really don't want to why - because I really don't want to hang why - because I really don't want to hang with why - because I really don't want to hang with her. why - because I really don't want to hang with her. <INTERRUPTION> hang with her. <INTERRUPTION> point hang with her. <INTERRUPTION> point of hang with her. <INTERRUPTION> point of order. hang with her. <INTERRUPTION> point of order. Order! hang with her. <INTERRUPTION> point of order. Order! He hang with her. <INTERRUPTION> point of order. Order! He doesn't point of order. Order! He doesn't want point of order. Order! He doesn't want to point of order. Order! He doesn't want to talk point of order. Order! He doesn't want to talk to point of order. Order! He doesn't want to talk to poor point of order. Order! He doesn't want to talk to poor people, point of order. Order! He doesn't want to talk to poor people, is point of order. Order! He doesn't want to talk to poor people, is what want to talk to poor people, is what he's want to talk to poor people, is what he's saying, want to talk to poor people, is what he's saying, so... want to talk to poor people, is what he's saying, so... Order! want to talk to poor people, is what he's saying, so... Order! He want to talk to poor people, is what he's saying, so... Order! He doesn't he's saying, so... Order! He doesn't want he's saying, so... Order! He doesn't want to he's saying, so... Order! He doesn't want to talk he's saying, so... Order! He doesn't want to talk to he's saying, so... Order! He doesn't want to talk to poor he's saying, so... Order! He doesn't want to talk to poor people. want to talk to poor people. Supplementary want to talk to poor people. Supplementary question? want to talk to poor people. Supplementary question? Point want to talk to poor people. Supplementary question? Point of Supplementary question? Point of order, Supplementary question? Point of anywhere, Supplementary question? Point of order, sir. Point Supplementary question? Point of order, sir. Point of Supplementary question? Point of order, sir. Point of order, Supplementary question? Point of order, sir. Point of order, Metiria order, sir. Point of order, Metiria Turei. order, sir. Point of order, Metiria Turei. Thank order, sir. Point of order, Metiria Turei. Thank you, order, sir. Point of order, Metiria Turei. Thank you, Mr order, sir. Point of order, Metiria Turei. Thank you, Mr Speaker. order, sir. Point of order, Metiria Turei. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Sir, order, sir. Point of order, Metiria Turei. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Sir, I Turei. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Sir, I seek Turei. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Sir, I seek leave Turei. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Sir, I seek leave to Turei. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Sir, I seek leave to table Turei. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Sir, I seek leave to table the Turei. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Sir, I seek leave to table the UEMAR seek leave to table the UEMAR Research seek leave to table the UEMAR Research Housing seek leave to table the UEMAR Research Housing poll seek leave to table the UEMAR Research Housing poll results seek leave to table the UEMAR Research Housing poll results as seek leave to table the UEMAR Research Housing poll results as yet Research Housing poll results as yet unpublished Research Housing poll results as yet unpublished and Research Housing poll results as yet unpublished and provided Research Housing poll results as yet unpublished and provided to Research Housing poll results as yet unpublished and provided to me Research Housing poll results as yet unpublished and provided to me on Research Housing poll results as yet unpublished and provided to me on 22 unpublished and provided to me on 22 August unpublished and provided to me on 22 August 2016. unpublished and provided to me on 22 August 2016. On unpublished and provided to me on 22 August 2016. On the unpublished and provided to me on 22 August 2016. On the basis unpublished and provided to me on 22 August 2016. On the basis it unpublished and provided to me on 22 August 2016. On the basis it is August 2016. On the basis it is unpublished August 2016. On the basis it is unpublished and August 2016. On the basis it is unpublished and not August 2016. On the basis it is unpublished and not yet August 2016. On the basis it is unpublished and not yet publicly unpublished and not yet publicly available, unpublished and not yet publicly available, I unpublished and not yet publicly available, I will unpublished and not yet publicly available, I will put unpublished and not yet publicly available, I will put the unpublished and not yet publicly available, I will put the leave. unpublished and not yet publicly available, I will put the leave. Is available, I will put the leave. Is there available, I will put the leave. Is there any available, I will put the leave. Is there any objection available, I will put the leave. Is there any objection to available, I will put the leave. Is there any objection to leave available, I will put the leave. Is there any objection to leave being there any objection to leave being granted? there any objection to leave being granted? Leave there any objection to leave being granted? Leave is there any objection to leave being granted? Leave is granted. there any objection to leave being granted? Leave is granted. Question granted? Leave is granted. Question no. granted? Leave is granted. Question no. 6. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Hon My question is to the Hon Hekia My question is to the Hon Hekia Parata My question is to the Hon Hekia Parata Minister My question is to the Hon Hekia Parata Minister of My question is to the Hon Hekia Parata Minister of Education: Parata Minister of Education: What Parata Minister of Education: What recent Parata Minister of Education: What recent announcements Parata Minister of Education: What recent announcements has What recent announcements has she What recent announcements has she made What recent announcements has she made about What recent announcements has she made about expanding What recent announcements has she made about expanding 21st she made about expanding 21st century she made about expanding 21st century learning she made about expanding 21st century learning options century learning options for century learning options for parents century learning options for parents and century learning options for parents and whanau? Tena Tena koe, Tena koe, Mr Tena koe, Mr Speaker. Tena koe, Mr Speaker. Yesterday, Tena koe, Mr Speaker. Yesterday, the Tena koe, Mr Speaker. Yesterday, the introduction Tena koe, Mr Speaker. Yesterday, the introduction of Tena koe, Mr Speaker. Yesterday, the introduction of the Tena koe, Mr Speaker. Yesterday, the introduction of the Education Tena koe, Mr Speaker. Yesterday, the introduction of the Education Update introduction of the Education Update Amendment introduction of the Education Update Amendment Bill introduction of the Education Update Amendment Bill was introduction of the Education Update Amendment Bill was announced introduction of the Education Update Amendment Bill was announced to introduction of the Education Update Amendment Bill was announced to this Amendment Bill was announced to this House. Amendment Bill was announced to this House. It Amendment Bill was announced to this House. It is Amendment Bill was announced to this House. It is the Amendment Bill was announced to this House. It is the biggest Amendment Bill was announced to this House. It is the biggest update Amendment Bill was announced to this House. It is the biggest update in House. It is the biggest update in 27 House. It is the biggest update in 27 years House. It is the biggest update in 27 years and House. It is the biggest update in 27 years and will House. It is the biggest update in 27 years and will provide 27 years and will provide flexibility 27 years and will provide flexibility for 27 years and will provide flexibility for parents 27 years and will provide flexibility for parents and 27 years and will provide flexibility for parents and whanau flexibility for parents and whanau and flexibility for parents and whanau flexibility flexibility for parents and whanau and for people flexibility for parents and whanau and for people and flexibility for parents and whanau and for people and young flexibility for parents and whanau and for people and young people flexibility for parents and whanau and for people and young people at and for people and young people at the and for people and young people at the centre and for people and young people at the centre of and for people and young people at the centre of learning. and for people and young people at the centre of learning. One and for people and young people at the centre of learning. One of and for people and young people at the centre of learning. One of the the centre of learning. One of the proposals the centre of learning. One of the proposals was the centre of learning. One of the proposals was the the centre of learning. One of the proposals was the establishment the centre of learning. One of the proposals was the establishment of proposals was the establishment of communities proposals was the establishment of proposals proposals was the establishment of communities of online proposals was the establishment of communities of online learning proposals was the establishment of communities of online learning which communities of online learning which will communities of online learning which communities communities of online learning which will enjabl online communities of online learning which will enjabl online learning communities of online learning which will enjabl online learning in communities of online learning which will enjabl online learning in whole will enjabl online learning in whole or will enjabl online learning in whole or in will enjabl online learning in whole or in part will enjabl online learning in whole or in part as will enjabl online learning in whole or in part as a will enjabl online learning in whole or in part as a supplement will enjabl online learning in whole or in part as a supplement to or in part as a supplement to classroom or in part as a supplement to classroom learning or in part as a supplement to classroom learning or or in part as a supplement to classroom learning or a or in part as a supplement to classroom learning or a complement classroom learning or a complement to classroom learning or a complement to what classroom learning or a complement to what their classroom learning or a complement to what their schools classroom learning or a complement to what their schools offer. classroom learning or a complement to what their schools offer. Digital to what their schools offer. Digital fluency to what their schools offer. Digital fluency is to what their schools offer. Digital fluency is the to what their schools offer. Digital fluency is the key to what their schools offer. Digital fluency is the key of to what their schools offer. Digital fluency is the key of the to what their schools offer. Digital fluency is the key of the 21st fluency is the key of the 21st century. fluency is the key of the 21st century. In fluency is the key of the 21st century. In the fluency is the key of the 21st century. In the future, fluency is the key of the 21st century. In the future, tertiary century. In the future, tertiary providers century. In the future, tertiary providers and century. In the future, tertiary providers and private century. In the future, tertiary providers and private providers century. In the future, tertiary providers and private providers will providers and private providers will be providers and private providers will be able providers and private providers will be able to providers and private providers will be able to become providers and private providers will be able to become providers providers and private providers will be able to become providers of be able to become providers of online be able to become providers of online learning. online learning. Supplementary online learning. Supplementary question, online learning. Supplementary question, Dr online learning. Supplementary question, Dr Jian Supplementary question, Dr Jian Yang. Supplementary question, Dr Jian Yang. What Supplementary question, Dr Jian Yang. What measures Supplementary question, Dr Jian Yang. What measures will Supplementary question, Dr Jian Yang. What measures will she Supplementary question, Dr Jian Yang. What measures will she put Supplementary question, Dr Jian Yang. What measures will she put in Yang. What measures will she put in place Yang. What measures will she put in place to Yang. What measures will she put in place to ensure Yang. What measures will she put in place to ensure the Yang. What measures will she put in place to ensure the qualitity Yang. What measures will she put in place to ensure the qualitity is place to ensure the qualitity is maintained place to ensure the qualitity is maintained for place to ensure the qualitity is maintained for the place to ensure the qualitity is maintained for the young place to ensure the qualitity is maintained for the young people place to ensure the qualitity is maintained for the young people who maintained for the young people who choose maintained for the young people who choose this maintained for the young people who choose this option? maintained for the young people who choose this option? To maintained for the young people who choose this option? To become maintained for the young people who choose this option? To become a choose this option? To become a community choose this option? To become a community of choose this option? To become a community of online choose this option? To become a community of online learning, choose this option? To become a community of online learning, a community of online learning, a provider community of online learning, a provider will community of online learning, a provider will be community of online learning, a provider will be required community of online learning, a provider will be required to community of online learning, a provider will be required to meet community of online learning, a provider will be required to meet a provider will be required to meet a very provider will be required to meet a very high provider will be required to meet a very high threshold. provider will be required to meet a very high threshold. They provider will be required to meet a very high threshold. They will provider will be required to meet a very high threshold. They will be very high threshold. They will be required very high threshold. They will be required to very high threshold. They will be required to undergo very high threshold. They will be required to undergo an very high threshold. They will be required to undergo an accreditation required to undergo an accreditation regime required to undergo an accreditation regime to required to undergo an accreditation regime to ensure required to undergo an accreditation regime to ensure that required to undergo an accreditation regime to ensure that students required to undergo an accreditation regime to ensure that students will regime to ensure that students will have regime to ensure that students will have access regime to ensure that students will have access to regime to ensure that students will have access to a regime to ensure that students will have access to a great regime to ensure that students will have access to a great New regime to ensure that students will have access to a great New Zealand have access to a great New Zealand education. have access to a great New Zealand education. It have access to a great New Zealand education. It will have access to a great New Zealand education. It will also have access to a great New Zealand education. It will also be have access to a great New Zealand education. It will also be subject education. It will also be subject to education. It will also be subject to monitoring education. It will also be subject to monitoring and education. It will also be subject to monitoring and an education. It will also be subject to monitoring and an intervention to monitoring and an intervention regime, to monitoring and an intervention to to monitoring and an intervention regime, just like to monitoring and an intervention regime, just like all to monitoring and an intervention regime, just like all our to monitoring and an intervention regime, just like all our schools. regime, just like all our schools. Providers regime, just like all our schools. Providers would regime, just like all our schools. Providers would also regime, just like all our schools. Providers would also have regime, just like all our schools. Providers would also have to regime, just like all our schools. Providers would also have to provide Providers would also have to provide evidence Providers would also have to provide evidence of Providers would also have to provide evidence of their Providers would also have to provide evidence of their capacity Providers would also have to provide evidence of their capacity to evidence of their capacity to provide evidence of their capacity to evidence evidence of their capacity to provide pastoral care evidence of their capacity to provide pastoral care and evidence of their capacity to provide pastoral care and to evidence of their capacity to provide pastoral care and to meet provide pastoral care and to meet wellbeing provide pastoral care and to meet wellbeing needs provide pastoral care and to meet wellbeing needs of provide pastoral care and to meet wellbeing needs of students. provide pastoral care and to meet wellbeing needs of students. They wellbeing needs of students. They will wellbeing needs of students. They will be wellbeing needs of students. They will be subject wellbeing needs of students. They will be subject to wellbeing needs of students. They will be subject to an wellbeing needs of students. They will be subject to an accountability will be subject to an accountability regime will be subject to an accountability regime including will be subject to an accountability regime including reporting will be subject to an accountability regime including reporting against regime including reporting against agreed regime including reporting against agreed student regime including reporting against agreed student achievement regime including reporting against agreed student achievement outcomes, agreed student achievement outcomes, financial agreed student achievement outcomes, financial reporting agreed student achievement outcomes, financial reporting requirements agreed student achievement outcomes, financial reporting requirements and financial reporting requirements and subject financial reporting requirements and subject to financial reporting requirements and subject to error financial reporting requirements and subject to error reviews. financial reporting requirements and subject to error reviews. We financial reporting requirements and subject to error reviews. We propose subject to error reviews. We propose to subject to error reviews. We propose to set subject to error reviews. We propose to set strict subject to error reviews. We propose to set strict enrolment subject to error reviews. We propose to set strict enrolment criteria. to set strict enrolment criteria. For to set strict enrolment criteria. For example, to set strict enrolment criteria. For example, a to set strict enrolment criteria. For example, a restriction to set strict enrolment criteria. For example, a restriction on to set strict enrolment criteria. For example, a restriction on the For example, a restriction on the enrolment For example, a restriction on the enrolment of For example, a restriction on the enrolment of students For example, a restriction on the enrolment of students for For example, a restriction on the enrolment of students for whom For example, a restriction on the enrolment of students for whom there enrolment of students for whom there is enrolment of students for whom there is a enrolment of students for whom there is a high enrolment of students for whom there is a high risk enrolment of students for whom there is a high risk of enrolment of students for whom there is a high risk of disengagement enrolment of students for whom there is a high risk of disengagement in is a high risk of disengagement in an is a high risk of disengagement in an online is a high risk of disengagement in an online environment. is a high risk of disengagement in an online environment. We is a high risk of disengagement in an online environment. We welcome an online environment. We welcome the an online environment. We welcome the submissions an online environment. We welcome the submissions of an online environment. We welcome the submissions of parents, an online environment. We welcome the submissions of parents, families the submissions of parents, families and the submissions of parents, families and whanau the submissions of parents, families and whanau and the submissions of parents, families and whanau and the the submissions of parents, families and whanau and the education the submissions of parents, families and whanau and the education sector and whanau and the education sector to and whanau and the education sector the and whanau and the education sector to the select and whanau and the education sector to the select committee. to the select committee. Question to the select committee. Question no. to the select committee. Question no. 7, to the select committee. Question no. 7, Chris to the select committee. Question no. 7, Chris Hipkins. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Education: of Education: How of Education: How will of Education: How will her of Education: How will her Communities of Education: How will her Communities of of Education: How will her Communities of Online How will her Communities of Online Learning How will her Communities of Online Learning (CoOL) How will her Communities of Online Learning (CoOL) proposal How will her Communities of Online Learning (CoOL) proposal differ How will her Communities of Online Learning (CoOL) proposal differ from Learning (CoOL) proposal differ from online Learning (CoOL) proposal differ from online charter Learning (CoOL) proposal differ from online charter schools Learning (CoOL) proposal differ from online charter schools in Learning (CoOL) proposal differ from online charter schools in the online charter schools in the United online charter schools in the United States, online charter schools in the United States, given online charter schools in the United States, given a online charter schools in the United States, given a study United States, given a study partially United States, given a study partially funded United States, given a study partially funded by United States, given a study partially funded by a United States, given a study partially funded by a private partially funded by a private pro-charter partially funded by a private pro-charter foundation partially funded by a private pro-charter foundation found pro-charter foundation found students pro-charter foundation found students attending pro-charter foundation found students attending those pro-charter foundation found students attending those schools students attending those schools lost students attending those schools lost an students attending those schools lost an average students attending those schools lost an average of students attending those schools lost an average of about students attending those schools lost an average of about 72 students attending those schools lost an average of about 72 days lost an average of about 72 days of lost an average of about 72 days of learning lost an average of about 72 days of learning in lost an average of about 72 days of learning in reading, of learning in reading, and of learning in reading, and 180 of learning in reading, and 180 days of learning in reading, and 180 days of of learning in reading, and 180 days of learning of learning in reading, and 180 days of learning in of learning in reading, and 180 days of learning in maths and 180 days of learning in maths during and 180 days of learning in maths during the and 180 days of learning in maths during the course and 180 days of learning in maths during the course of during the course of a during the course of a 180-day during the course of a 180-day school during the course of a 180-day school year? Mr Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, significantly. Mr Speaker, significantly. As Mr Speaker, significantly. As I Mr Speaker, significantly. As I set Mr Speaker, significantly. As I set out Mr Speaker, significantly. As I set out in Mr Speaker, significantly. As I set out in the Mr Speaker, significantly. As I set out in the answer Mr Speaker, significantly. As I set out in the answer to Mr Speaker, significantly. As I set out in the answer to the Mr Speaker, significantly. As I set out in the answer to the previous out in the answer to the previous question, out in the answer to the previous question, before out in the answer to the previous question, before a out in the answer to the previous question, before a provider out in the answer to the previous question, before a provider could question, before a provider could become question, before a provider could become a question, before a provider could become a community question, before a provider could become a community of question, before a provider could become a community of online become a community of online learning, become a community of online learning, they become a community of online learning, they must become a community of online learning, they must undergo become a community of online learning, they must undergo an learning, they must undergo an accreditation learning, they must undergo an accreditation regime, learning, they must undergo an accreditation regime, be learning, they must undergo an accreditation regime, be subject learning, they must undergo an accreditation regime, be subject to accreditation regime, be subject to an accreditation regime, be subject to an intervention accreditation regime, be subject to an intervention regime, accreditation regime, be subject to an intervention regime, provide an intervention regime, provide evidence an intervention regime, provide evidence of an intervention regime, provide evidence of their an intervention regime, provide evidence of their capacity an intervention regime, provide evidence of their capacity to evidence of their capacity to provide evidence of their capacity to provide pastoral evidence of their capacity to provide pastoral care, evidence of their capacity to provide pastoral care, be evidence of their capacity to provide pastoral care, be subject evidence of their capacity to provide pastoral care, be subject to provide pastoral care, be subject to an provide pastoral care, be subject to an accountability provide pastoral care, be subject to an accountability regime provide pastoral care, be subject to an accountability regime and an accountability regime and demonstrate an accountability regime and demonstrate that an accountability regime and demonstrate that they an accountability regime and demonstrate that they meet an accountability regime and demonstrate that they meet strict demonstrate that they meet strict enrolment demonstrate that they meet strict demonstrate demonstrate that they meet strict enrolment criteria. For demonstrate that they meet strict enrolment criteria. For example, demonstrate that they meet strict enrolment criteria. For example, a enrolment criteria. For example, a restriction enrolment criteria. For example, a restriction on enrolment criteria. For example, a restriction on the enrolment criteria. For example, a restriction on the enrolment enrolment criteria. For example, a restriction on the enrolment of restriction on the enrolment of students restriction on the enrolment of restriction restriction on the enrolment of students for whom restriction on the enrolment of students for whom there restriction on the enrolment of students for whom there is restriction on the enrolment of students for whom there is a restriction on the enrolment of students for whom there is a high students for whom there is a high risk students for whom there is a high risk of students for whom there is a high risk of disengagement students for whom there is a high risk of disengagement in students for whom there is a high risk of disengagement in an students for whom there is a high risk of disengagement in an online risk of disengagement in an online environment. risk of disengagement in an online Mr risk of disengagement in an online Mr Speaker, risk of disengagement in an online Mr Speaker, we risk of disengagement in an online Mr Speaker, we have risk of disengagement in an online Mr Speaker, we have put risk of disengagement in an online Mr Speaker, we have put these risk of disengagement in an online Mr Speaker, we have put these checks Mr Speaker, we have put these checks and Mr Speaker, we have put these checks and balances Mr Speaker, we have put these checks and balances in Mr Speaker, we have put these checks and balances in place Mr Speaker, we have put these checks and balances in place because, Mr Speaker, we have put these checks and balances in place because, like and balances in place because, like the and balances in place because, like the Labour and balances in place because, like the Labour Party, and balances in place because, like the Labour Party, in and balances in place because, like the Labour Party, in their and balances in place because, like the Labour Party, in their Future and balances in place because, like the Labour Party, in their Future Of the Labour Party, in their Future Of Work the Labour Party, in their Future Of Work document, the Labour Party, in their Future Of Work document, we the Labour Party, in their Future Of Work document, we agree the Labour Party, in their Future Of Work document, we agree that, the Labour Party, in their Future Of Work document, we agree that, and the Labour Party, in their Future Of Work document, we agree that, and I Work document, we agree that, and I quote Work document, we agree that, and I quote from Work document, we agree that, and I quote from Labour's Work document, we agree that, and I quote from Labour's Future Work document, we agree that, and I quote from Labour's Future Of Work document, we agree that, and I quote from Labour's Future Of Work quote from Labour's Future Of Work document quote from Labour's Future Of Work document 'because quote from Labour's Future Of Work document 'because people quote from Labour's Future Of Work document 'because people can quote from Labour's Future Of Work document 'because people can obtain document 'because people can obtain entire document 'because people can obtain document document 'because people can obtain entire qualifications online document 'because people can obtain entire qualifications online with entire qualifications online with the entire qualifications online with the same entire qualifications online with the same quality entire qualifications online with the same quality of entire qualifications online with the same quality of direct entire qualifications online with the same quality of direct learning the same quality of direct learning and the same quality of direct learning and engagement the same quality of direct learning and engagement as the same quality of direct learning and engagement as if the same quality of direct learning and engagement as if they the same quality of direct learning and engagement as if they were the same quality of direct learning and engagement as if they were on and engagement as if they were on site'. and engagement as if they were on site'. Supplementary. and engagement as if they were on site'. Supplementary. <INTERRUPTION> site'. Supplementary. <INTERRUPTION> Order! site'. Supplementary. <INTERRUPTION> Order! Supplementary site'. Supplementary. <INTERRUPTION> Order! Supplementary question, site'. Supplementary. <INTERRUPTION> Order! Supplementary question, Chris Order! Supplementary question, Chris Hipkins. Order! Supplementary question, Chris Hipkins. Does Order! Supplementary question, Chris Hipkins. Does her Order! Supplementary question, Chris Hipkins. Does her own Order! Supplementary question, Chris Hipkins. Does her own regulatory Hipkins. Does her own regulatory impact Hipkins. Does her own regulatory impact statement Hipkins. Does her own regulatory impact statement state impact statement state "Historically, impact statement state "Historically, academic impact statement state "Historically, academic achievement "Historically, academic achievement for "Historically, academic achievement for New "Historically, academic achievement for New Zealand "Historically, academic achievement for New Zealand correspondence for New Zealand correspondence school for New Zealand correspondence school students for New Zealand correspondence school students is for New Zealand correspondence school students is lower for New Zealand correspondence school students is lower than for New Zealand correspondence school students is lower than that school students is lower than that of school students is lower than that of students school students is lower than that of students in school students is lower than that of students in face-to-face of students in face-to-face education. of students in face-to-face education. Engagement of students in face-to-face education. Engagement can of students in face-to-face education. Engagement can also of students in face-to-face education. Engagement can also be education. Engagement can also be low." education. Engagement can also be low." If education. Engagement can also be low." If so, education. Engagement can also be low." If so, what education. Engagement can also be low." If so, what New education. Engagement can also be low." If so, what New Zealand low." If so, what New Zealand evidence low." If so, what New Zealand evidence does low." If so, what New Zealand evidence does she low." If so, what New Zealand evidence does she have low." If so, what New Zealand evidence does she have that low." If so, what New Zealand evidence does she have that fully evidence does she have that fully online evidence does she have that fully online learning, evidence does she have that fully online learning, which evidence does she have that fully online learning, which is evidence does she have that fully online learning, which is allowed online learning, which is allowed for online learning, which is allowed for in online learning, which is allowed for in this online learning, which is allowed for in this bill, online learning, which is allowed for in this bill, will online learning, which is allowed for in this bill, will result online learning, which is allowed for in this bill, will result in for in this bill, will result in better for in this bill, will result in better educational for in this bill, will result in better educational achievement? for in this bill, will result in better educational achievement? Mr better educational achievement? Mr Speaker, better educational achievement? Mr Speaker, the better educational achievement? Mr Speaker, the member better educational achievement? Mr Speaker, the member is better educational achievement? Mr Speaker, the member is damning Speaker, the member is damning 23,000 Speaker, the member is damning 23,000 students, Speaker, the member is damning 23,000 students, which Speaker, the member is damning 23,000 students, which is Speaker, the member is damning 23,000 students, which is the Speaker, the member is damning 23,000 students, which is the role 23,000 students, which is the role of 23,000 students, which is the role of the 23,000 students, which is the role of the biggest 23,000 students, which is the role of the biggest school 23,000 students, which is the role of the biggest school in 23,000 students, which is the role of the biggest school in New of the biggest school in New Zealand, of the biggest school in New Zealand, and of the biggest school in New Zealand, and of of the biggest school in New Zealand, and of course of the biggest school in New Zealand, and of course they of the biggest school in New Zealand, and of course they have Zealand, and of course they have problems Zealand, and of course they have problems and Zealand, and of course they have problems and challenges. problems and challenges. <INTERRUPTION> <INTERRUPTION> Absolutely, <INTERRUPTION> Absolutely, and <INTERRUPTION> Absolutely, and it <INTERRUPTION> Absolutely, and it outlines <INTERRUPTION> Absolutely, and it outlines that. Absolutely, and it outlines that. But Absolutely, and it outlines that. But like Absolutely, and it outlines that. But like all Absolutely, and it outlines that. But like all schools Absolutely, and it outlines that. But like all schools in Absolutely, and it outlines that. But like all schools in New Absolutely, and it outlines that. But like all schools in New Zealand But like all schools in New Zealand who But like all schools in New Zealand who face But like all schools in New Zealand who face difficulties But like all schools in New Zealand who face difficulties with who face difficulties with engagement who face difficulties with But who face difficulties with engagement and achievement, who face difficulties with engagement and achievement, so, who face difficulties with engagement and achievement, so, too, engagement and achievement, so, too, does engagement and achievement, so, too, does Taakura. engagement and achievement, so, too, does Taakura. As engagement and achievement, so, too, does Taakura. As the engagement and achievement, so, too, does Taakura. As the Chair engagement and achievement, so, too, does Taakura. As the Chair of engagement and achievement, so, too, does Taakura. As the Chair of Takura does Taakura. As the Chair of Takura as does Taakura. As the Chair of Takura as already does Taakura. As the Chair of Takura as already publicly does Taakura. As the Chair of Takura as already publicly said, does Taakura. As the Chair of Takura as already publicly said, she as already publicly said, she welcomes as already publicly said, she welcomes this as already publicly said, she welcomes this new as already publicly said, she welcomes this new approach as already publicly said, she welcomes this new approach and as already publicly said, she welcomes this new approach and looks welcomes this new approach and looks forward welcomes this new approach and looks forward to welcomes this new approach and looks forward to Taura welcomes this new approach and looks forward to Taura becoming welcomes this new approach and looks forward to Taura becoming a forward to Taura becoming a community forward to Taura becoming a forward forward to Taura becoming a community of online forward to Taura becoming a community of online learning. community of online learning. Is community of online learning. Is the community of online learning. Is the -- community of online learning. Is the -- Is community of online learning. Is the -- Is the community of online learning. Is the -- Is the Minister community of online learning. Is the -- Is the Minister aware community of online learning. Is the -- Is the Minister aware that Is the -- Is the Minister aware that the Is the -- Is the Minister aware that the study Is the -- Is the Minister aware that the study referred Is the -- Is the Minister aware that the study referred to Is the -- Is the Minister aware that the study referred to in Is the -- Is the Minister aware that the study referred to in the Is the -- Is the Minister aware that the study referred to in the primary the study referred to in the primary question the study referred to in the primary question was the study referred to in the primary question was popularised the study referred to in the primary question was popularised earlier question was popularised earlier this question was popularised earlier this week question was popularised earlier this week in question was popularised earlier this week in the question was popularised earlier this week in the American question was popularised earlier this week in the American show question was popularised earlier this week in the American show Last this week in the American show Last Week this week in the American show Last Week Tonight this week in the American show Last Week Tonight With this week in the American show Last Week Tonight With John this week in the American show Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Week Tonight With John Oliver Sternsz Week Tonight With John Oliver Sternsz --, Week Tonight With John Oliver Sternsz --, and Week Tonight With John Oliver Sternsz --, and if Week Tonight With John Oliver Sternsz --, and if so, Week Tonight With John Oliver Sternsz --, and if so, would Week Tonight With John Oliver Sternsz --, and if so, would that Week Tonight With John Oliver Sternsz --, and if so, would that be Sternsz --, and if so, would that be an Sternsz --, and if so, would that be an example Sternsz --, and if so, would that be an example of Sternsz --, and if so, would that be an example of online Sternsz --, and if so, would that be an example of online learning. Sternsz --, and if so, would that be an example of online learning. To an example of online learning. To answer an example of online learning. To answer this an example of online learning. To answer this question an example of online learning. To answer this question in an example of online learning. To answer this question in reverse answer this question in reverse order, answer this question in reverse order, yes, answer this question in reverse order, yes, it answer this question in reverse order, yes, it would answer this question in reverse order, yes, it would be answer this question in reverse order, yes, it would be an answer this question in reverse order, yes, it would be an example. order, yes, it would be an example. Unlike order, yes, it would be an example. Unlike the order, yes, it would be an example. Unlike the Opposition order, yes, it would be an example. Unlike the Opposition who order, yes, it would be an example. Unlike the Opposition who use order, yes, it would be an example. Unlike the Opposition who use comedy Unlike the Opposition who use comedy writer Unlike the Opposition who use comedy writer as Unlike the Opposition who use comedy writer as the Unlike the Opposition who use comedy writer as the fount Unlike the Opposition who use comedy writer as the fount of Unlike the Opposition who use comedy writer as the fount of their writer as the fount of their knowledge, writer as the fount of their knowledge, we writer as the fount of their knowledge, we do writer as the fount of their knowledge, we do not. writer as the fount of their knowledge, we do not. Does writer as the fount of their knowledge, we do not. Does the knowledge, we do not. Does the Minister knowledge, we do not. Does the Minister find knowledge, we do not. Does the Minister find it knowledge, we do not. Does the Minister find it odd knowledge, we do not. Does the Minister find it odd when knowledge, we do not. Does the Minister find it odd when she Minister find it odd when she constantly Minister find it odd when she constantly reads Minister find it odd when she constantly reads from Minister find it odd when she constantly reads from reports Minister find it odd when she constantly reads from reports from constantly reads from reports from children constantly reads from reports from children who constantly reads from reports from children who claim constantly reads from reports from children who claim they constantly reads from reports from children who claim they want constantly reads from reports from children who claim they want New children who claim they want New Zealand children who claim they want New Zealand children children who claim they want New Zealand children to children who claim they want New Zealand children to get children who claim they want New Zealand children to get a children who claim they want New Zealand children to get a better Zealand children to get a better education Zealand children to get a better education and Zealand children to get a better education and never Zealand children to get a better education and never want Zealand children to get a better education and never want to Zealand children to get a better education and never want to do education and never want to do anything education and never want to do anything different education and never want to do anything different other education and never want to do anything different other than education and never want to do anything different other than backup anything different other than backup their anything different other than backup their union anything different other than backup their union mates? anything different other than backup their union mates? Mr anything different other than backup their union mates? Mr Speaker, anything different other than backup their union mates? Mr Speaker, it anything different other than backup their union mates? Mr Speaker, it is their union mates? Mr Speaker, it is terribly their union mates? Mr Speaker, it is terribly disappointing their union mates? Mr Speaker, it is terribly disappointing for their union mates? Mr Speaker, it is terribly disappointing for New terribly disappointing for New Zealand terribly disappointing for New Zealand parents, terribly disappointing for New Zealand parents, who terribly disappointing for New Zealand parents, who are terribly disappointing for New Zealand parents, who are very Zealand parents, who are very focused Zealand parents, who are very focused obhow Zealand parents, who are very focused obhow they Zealand parents, who are very focused obhow they get Zealand parents, who are very focused obhow they get their Zealand parents, who are very focused obhow they get their best focused obhow they get their best education focused obhow they get their best education for focused obhow they get their best education for their focused obhow they get their best education for their -- focused obhow they get their best education for their -- on focused obhow they get their best education for their -- on how focused obhow they get their best education for their -- on how they education for their -- on how they get education for their -- on how they get their education for their -- on how they get their best education for their -- on how they get their best education education for their -- on how they get their best education for education for their -- on how they get their best education for their get their best education for their kids, get their best education for their kids, and get their best education for their kids, and are get their best education for their kids, and are constantly get their best education for their kids, and are constantly obstructed kids, and are constantly obstructed by kids, and are constantly obstructed by naysayers. kids, and are constantly obstructed by naysayers. I kids, and are constantly obstructed by naysayers. I hate kids, and are constantly obstructed by naysayers. I hate the kids, and are constantly obstructed by naysayers. I hate the teachers. by naysayers. I hate the teachers. Supplementary by naysayers. I hate the teachers. Supplementary question, by naysayers. I hate the teachers. Supplementary question, Mr by naysayers. I hate the teachers. Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Order! Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Order! A Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Order! A little Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Order! A little less Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Order! A little less interjection Order! A little less interjection from Order! A little less interjection from my Order! A little less interjection from my immediate Order! A little less interjection from my immediate right. Order! A little less interjection from my immediate right. Is Order! A little less interjection from my immediate right. Is she from my immediate right. Is she seriously from my immediate right. Is she seriously suggesting from my immediate right. Is she seriously suggesting that from my immediate right. Is she seriously suggesting that a from my immediate right. Is she seriously suggesting that a primary seriously suggesting that a primary school seriously suggesting that a primary school child seriously suggesting that a primary school child sitting seriously suggesting that a primary school child sitting at seriously suggesting that a primary school child sitting at home seriously suggesting that a primary school child sitting at home in school child sitting at home in their school child sitting at home in their bedroom school child sitting at home in their bedroom in school child sitting at home in their bedroom in front school child sitting at home in their bedroom in front of school child sitting at home in their bedroom in front of laptop school child sitting at home in their bedroom in front of laptop or their bedroom in front of laptop or a their bedroom in front of laptop or a tablet their bedroom in front of laptop or a tablet is their bedroom in front of laptop or a tablet is going their bedroom in front of laptop or a tablet is going to their bedroom in front of laptop or a tablet is going to get their bedroom in front of laptop or a tablet is going to get an a tablet is going to get an education a tablet is going to get an education at a tablet is going to get an education at least a tablet is going to get an education at least as a tablet is going to get an education at least as good a tablet is going to get an education at least as good a a tablet is going to get an education at least as good a child education at least as good a child sitting education at least as good a child sitting in education at least as good a child sitting in a education at least as good a child sitting in a classroom education at least as good a child sitting in a classroom surrounded education at least as good a child sitting in a classroom surrounded by sitting in a classroom surrounded by their sitting in a classroom surrounded by their peerswork sitting in a classroom surrounded by their peerswork with sitting in a classroom surrounded by their peerswork with a sitting in a classroom surrounded by their peerswork with a fully their peerswork with a fully qualified their peerswork with a fully qualified teaching their peerswork with a fully qualified teaching guiding their peerswork with a fully qualified teaching guiding their qualified teaching guiding their learning. qualified teaching guiding their learning. Unlike qualified teaching guiding their learning. Unlike the qualified teaching guiding their learning. Unlike the Opposition, qualified teaching guiding their learning. Unlike the Opposition, I learning. Unlike the Opposition, I don't learning. Unlike the Opposition, I don't propose learning. Unlike the Opposition, I don't propose to learning. Unlike the Opposition, I don't propose to prescribe learning. Unlike the Opposition, I don't propose to prescribe for learning. Unlike the Opposition, I don't propose to prescribe for every don't propose to prescribe for every child don't propose to prescribe for every child in don't propose to prescribe for every child in this don't propose to prescribe for every child in this country don't propose to prescribe for every child in this country or child in this country or hypothetically... child in this country or hypothetically... <INTERRUPTION> hypothetically... <INTERRUPTION> No, hypothetically... <INTERRUPTION> No, I hypothetically... <INTERRUPTION> No, I don't. hypothetically... <INTERRUPTION> No, I don't. That's hypothetically... <INTERRUPTION> No, I don't. That's why hypothetically... <INTERRUPTION> No, I don't. That's why the hypothetically... <INTERRUPTION> No, I don't. That's why the bill hypothetically... <INTERRUPTION> No, I don't. That's why the bill is No, I don't. That's why the bill is full No, I don't. That's why the bill is full of No, I don't. That's why the bill is full of enabling No, I don't. That's why the bill is full of enabling provisions. No, I don't. That's why the bill is full of enabling provisions. Because full of enabling provisions. Because we full of enabling provisions. Because we actually full of enabling provisions. Because we actually trust full of enabling provisions. Because we actually trust New full of enabling provisions. Because we actually trust New Zealanders full of enabling provisions. Because we actually trust New Zealanders to we actually trust New Zealanders to make we actually trust New Zealanders to make choices we actually trust New Zealanders to make choices for we actually trust New Zealanders to make choices for themselves we actually trust New Zealanders to make choices for themselves rather make choices for themselves rather than make choices for themselves rather than have make choices for themselves rather than have them make choices for themselves rather than have them prescribed make choices for themselves rather than have them prescribed to make choices for themselves rather than have them prescribed to them make choices for themselves rather than have them prescribed to them by than have them prescribed to them by all-knowing than have them prescribed to them by all-knowing other than have them prescribed to them by all-knowing other people. all-knowing other people. <INTERRUPTION> <INTERRUPTION> supplementary <INTERRUPTION> supplementary question, <INTERRUPTION> supplementary question, the <INTERRUPTION> supplementary question, the Rt <INTERRUPTION> supplementary question, the Rt Hon supplementary question, the Rt Hon PM. supplementary question, the Rt Hon PM. Mr supplementary question, the Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, supplementary question, the Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, to supplementary question, the Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, to the supplementary question, the Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, to the Minister, supplementary question, the Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, to the Minister, is PM. Mr Speaker, to the Minister, is the PM. Mr Speaker, to the Minister, is the Minister PM. Mr Speaker, to the Minister, is the Minister aware PM. Mr Speaker, to the Minister, is the Minister aware that PM. Mr Speaker, to the Minister, is the Minister aware that in PM. Mr Speaker, to the Minister, is the Minister aware that in Stuart the Minister aware that in Stuart Island, the Minister aware that in Stuart Island, the the Minister aware that in Stuart Island, the school the Minister aware that in Stuart Island, the school there the Minister aware that in Stuart Island, the school there has the Minister aware that in Stuart Island, the school there has 28 Island, the school there has 28 pupils. Island, the school there has 28 pupils. Those Island, the school there has 28 pupils. Those 28 Island, the school there has 28 pupils. Those 28 pupils Island, the school there has 28 pupils. Those 28 pupils are Island, the school there has 28 pupils. Those 28 pupils are all pupils. Those 28 pupils are all learning pupils. Those 28 pupils are all learning Mandarin, pupils. Those 28 pupils are all learning Mandarin, the pupils. Those 28 pupils are all learning Mandarin, the entire learning Mandarin, the entire school, learning Mandarin, the entire PM. learning Mandarin, the entire school, and they're learning Mandarin, the entire school, and they're learning learning Mandarin, the entire school, and they're learning online. school, and they're learning online. And school, and they're learning online. And isn't school, and they're learning online. And isn't that school, and they're learning online. And isn't that a school, and they're learning online. And isn't that a great school, and they're learning online. And isn't that a great thing? school, and they're learning online. And isn't that a great thing? That And isn't that a great thing? That young And isn't that a great thing? That young kids And isn't that a great thing? That young kids on And isn't that a great thing? That young kids on Stuart And isn't that a great thing? That young kids on Stuart Island And isn't that a great thing? That young kids on Stuart Island are young kids on Stuart Island are losing young kids on Stuart Island are losing Chinese? young kids on Stuart Island are losing Chinese? Order! young kids on Stuart Island are losing Chinese? Order! The young kids on Stuart Island are losing Chinese? Order! The first losing Chinese? Order! The first part losing Chinese? Order! The first part of losing Chinese? Order! The first part of that losing Chinese? Order! The first part of that question losing Chinese? Order! The first part of that question is losing Chinese? Order! The first part of that question is in losing Chinese? Order! The first part of that question is in order. part of that question is in order. Supplementary part of that question is in order. Supplementary question part of that question is in order. Supplementary question should part of that question is in order. Supplementary question should only Supplementary question should only have Supplementary question should only part Supplementary question should only have one leg Supplementary question should only have one leg to Supplementary question should only have one leg to it. Supplementary question should only have one leg to it. Mr Supplementary question should only have one leg to it. Mr Speaker, Supplementary question should only have one leg to it. Mr Speaker, I Supplementary question should only have one leg to it. Mr Speaker, I am have one leg to it. Mr Speaker, I am aware have one leg to it. Mr Speaker, I am aware of have one leg to it. Mr Speaker, I am aware of that. have one leg to it. Mr Speaker, I am aware of that. I'm have one leg to it. Mr Speaker, I am aware of that. I'm equally have one leg to it. Mr Speaker, I am aware of that. I'm equally aware aware of that. I'm equally aware that that <SPEAKS TE REO MAORI> <SPEAKS TE REO MAORI> In <SPEAKS TE REO MAORI> In Rotorua <SPEAKS TE REO MAORI> In Rotorua is <SPEAKS TE REO MAORI> In Rotorua is teaching <SPEAKS TE REO MAORI> In Rotorua is teaching physics <SPEAKS TE REO MAORI> In Rotorua is teaching physics in In Rotorua is teaching physics in other In Rotorua is teaching physics in other parts In Rotorua is teaching physics in other parts of In Rotorua is teaching physics in other parts of the In Rotorua is teaching physics in other parts of the country. In Rotorua is teaching physics in other parts of the country. The other parts of the country. The member other parts of the country. The member opposite other parts of the country. The member opposite seems other parts of the country. The member opposite seems confused member opposite seems confused because member opposite seems confused because I member opposite seems confused because I made member opposite seems confused because I made clear member opposite seems confused because I made clear that member opposite seems confused because I made clear that mainstream because I made clear that mainstream schools because I made clear that mainstream schools been because I made clear that mainstream schools been incorporated because I made clear that mainstream schools been incorporated in because I made clear that mainstream schools been incorporated in this schools been incorporated in this policy schools been incorporated in this policy as schools been incorporated in this policy as providers schools been incorporated in this policy as providers of schools been incorporated in this policy as providers of online policy as providers of online learning. policy as providers of online learning. Supplementary policy as providers of online learning. Supplementary question. learning. Supplementary question. Order! learning. Supplementary question. Order! <INTERRUPTION> Order! <INTERRUPTION> Order! Order! <INTERRUPTION> Order! We Order! <INTERRUPTION> Order! We now Order! <INTERRUPTION> Order! We now have Order! <INTERRUPTION> Order! We now have a Order! <INTERRUPTION> Order! We now have a discussion Order! We now have a discussion between Order! We now have a discussion between two Order! We now have a discussion between two frontbenchers Order! We now have a discussion between two frontbenchers which Order! We now have a discussion between two frontbenchers which will between two frontbenchers which will cease. between two frontbenchers which will cease. Can between two frontbenchers which will cease. Can she between two frontbenchers which will cease. Can she confirm between two frontbenchers which will cease. Can she confirm that between two frontbenchers which will cease. Can she confirm that all cease. Can she confirm that all students cease. Can she confirm that all students she cease. Can she confirm that all students she mentioned cease. Can she confirm that all students she mentioned in cease. Can she confirm that all students she mentioned in her cease. Can she confirm that all students she mentioned in her answer students she mentioned in her answer and students she mentioned in her answer and the students she mentioned in her answer and the PM's students she mentioned in her answer and the PM's question students she mentioned in her answer and the PM's question were students she mentioned in her answer and the PM's question were attending and the PM's question were attending a and the PM's question were attending a school, and the PM's question were attending a school, and and the PM's question were attending a school, and what and the PM's question were attending a school, and what evidence and the PM's question were attending a school, and what evidence does and the PM's question were attending a school, and what evidence does she a school, and what evidence does she have a school, and what evidence does she have that a school, and what evidence does she have that they a school, and what evidence does she have that they will a school, and what evidence does she have that they will get a school, and what evidence does she have that they will get an a school, and what evidence does she have that they will get an equally have that they will get an equally good have that they will get an equally good education have that they will get an equally good education if have that they will get an equally good education if they have that they will get an equally good education if they are have that they will get an equally good education if they are at have that they will get an equally good education if they are at home, good education if they are at home, by good education if they are at home, by themselves, good education if they are at home, by themselves, without good education if they are at home, by themselves, without a good education if they are at home, by themselves, without a teacher? by themselves, without a teacher? Again, by themselves, without a teacher? Again, the by themselves, without a teacher? Again, the member by themselves, without a teacher? Again, the member falls by themselves, without a teacher? Again, the member falls victims by themselves, without a teacher? Again, the member falls victims to Again, the member falls victims to his Again, the member falls victims to his own Again, the member falls victims to his own prejudices. Again, the member falls victims to his own prejudices. In Again, the member falls victims to his own prejudices. In the Again, the member falls victims to his own prejudices. In the policy his own prejudices. In the policy that his own prejudices. In the policy that we his own prejudices. In the policy that we have his own prejudices. In the policy that we have laid his own prejudices. In the policy that we have laid out, his own prejudices. In the policy that we have laid out, we his own prejudices. In the policy that we have laid out, we have his own prejudices. In the policy that we have laid out, we have said that we have laid out, we have said there that we have laid out, we have said there are that we have laid out, we have said there are a that we have laid out, we have said there are a full that we have laid out, we have said there are a full range that we have laid out, we have said there are a full range of that we have laid out, we have said there are a full range of options that we have laid out, we have said there are a full range of options of there are a full range of options of what there are a full range of options of what these there are a full range of options of what these CoOLs there are a full range of options of what these CoOLs could there are a full range of options of what these CoOLs could be there are a full range of options of what these CoOLs could be like. there are a full range of options of what these CoOLs could be like. It what these CoOLs could be like. It includes what these CoOLs could be like. It includes provision what these CoOLs could be like. It includes provision by what these CoOLs could be like. It includes provision by existing includes provision by existing mainstream includes provision by existing mainstream schools, includes provision by existing mainstream schools, it includes provision by existing mainstream schools, it includes mainstream schools, it includes provision mainstream schools, it includes provision by mainstream schools, it includes provision by existing mainstream schools, it includes provision by existing tertiary provision by existing tertiary institutions provision by existing tertiary institutions and provision by existing tertiary institutions and it provision by existing tertiary institutions and it includes institutions and it includes provision institutions and it includes provision for institutions and it includes provision for provision institutions and it includes provision for provision by institutions and it includes provision for provision by private provision for provision by private providers. provision for provision by private providers. We provision for provision by private providers. We are provision for provision by private providers. We are not provision for provision by private providers. We are not saying provision for provision by private providers. We are not saying what providers. We are not saying what proposals providers. We are not saying what proposals yet providers. We are not saying what proposals yet will providers. We are not saying what proposals yet will be providers. We are not saying what proposals yet will be acceptable. proposals yet will be acceptable. Supplementary proposals yet will be acceptable. Supplementary question, proposals yet will be acceptable. Supplementary question, Mr proposals yet will be acceptable. Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Does Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Does she Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Does she at Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Does she at least Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Does she at least accept Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Does she at least accept the Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Does she at least accept the irony Does she at least accept the irony that Does she at least accept the irony that while Does she at least accept the irony that while she Does she at least accept the irony that while she is Does she at least accept the irony that while she is talking Does she at least accept the irony that while she is talking about that while she is talking about opening that while she is talking about opening up that while she is talking about opening up more that while she is talking about opening up more flexibility that while she is talking about opening up more flexibility and opening up more flexibility and choice, opening up more flexibility and choice, she opening up more flexibility and choice, she is opening up more flexibility and choice, she is massively opening up more flexibility and choice, she is massively reducing choice, she is massively reducing the choice, she is massively reducing the flexment choice, she is massively reducing the flexment and choice, she is massively reducing the flexment and autonomy choice, she is massively reducing the flexment and autonomy offered choice, she is massively reducing the flexment and autonomy offered to the flexment and autonomy offered to existing the flexment and autonomy offered to existing public the flexment and autonomy offered to existing public schools the flexment and autonomy offered to existing public schools and existing public schools and subjecting existing public schools and choice, existing public schools and subjecting them not existing public schools and subjecting them not same existing public schools and subjecting them not same bill existing public schools and subjecting them not same bill to subjecting them not same bill to even subjecting them not same bill to even more subjecting them not same bill to even more compliance subjecting them not same bill to even more compliance and subjecting them not same bill to even more compliance and red subjecting them not same bill to even more compliance and red tape? subjecting them not same bill to even more compliance and red tape? I even more compliance and red tape? I do even more compliance and red tape? I do not, even more compliance and red tape? I do not, Mr even more compliance and red tape? I do not, Mr Speaker. even more compliance and red tape? I do not, Mr Speaker. Because even more compliance and red tape? I do not, Mr Speaker. Because this do not, Mr Speaker. Because this Government do not, Mr Speaker. Because this Government has do not, Mr Speaker. Because this Government has invested do not, Mr Speaker. Because this Government has invested over do not, Mr Speaker. Because this Government has invested over $700 Government has invested over $700 million Government has invested over $700 million into Government has invested over $700 million into those Government has invested over $700 million into those exact Government has invested over $700 million into those exact same million into those exact same schools, million into those exact same schools, to million into those exact same schools, to ensure million into those exact same schools, to ensure that million into those exact same schools, to ensure that they million into those exact same schools, to ensure that they can schools, to ensure that they can have schools, to ensure that they can have digital schools, to ensure that they can have digital technology schools, to ensure that they can have digital technology 24/7, schools, to ensure that they can have digital technology 24/7, ultra have digital technology 24/7, ultra fast, have digital technology 24/7, ultra fast, good have digital technology 24/7, ultra fast, good quality have digital technology 24/7, ultra fast, good quality broadband have digital technology 24/7, ultra fast, good quality broadband data, fast, good quality broadband data, at fast, good quality broadband data, at no fast, good quality broadband data, at no cost fast, good quality broadband data, at no cost to fast, good quality broadband data, at no cost to them. fast, good quality broadband data, at no cost to them. We fast, good quality broadband data, at no cost to them. We have at no cost to them. We have incorporated at no cost to them. We have incorporated as at no cost to them. We have incorporated as of at no cost to them. We have incorporated as of a at no cost to them. We have incorporated as of a month at no cost to them. We have incorporated as of a month ago incorporated as of a month ago digital incorporated as of a month ago digital technology incorporated as of a month ago digital technology as incorporated as of a month ago digital technology as a incorporated as of a month ago digital technology as a core incorporated as of a month ago digital technology as a core part incorporated as of a month ago digital technology as a core part of digital technology as a core part of the digital technology as a core part of the curriculum. digital technology as a core part of the curriculum. This digital technology as a core part of the curriculum. This is digital technology as a core part of the curriculum. This is a digital technology as a core part of the curriculum. This is a next digital technology as a core part of the curriculum. This is a next step the curriculum. This is a next step because the curriculum. This is a next step because this the curriculum. This is a next step because this Government the curriculum. This is a next step because this Government is because this Government is future-focused, because this Government is future-focused, living because this Government is future-focused, living now because this Government is future-focused, living now in because this Government is future-focused, living now in the future-focused, living now in the present future-focused, living now in the present and future-focused, living now in the present and providing future-focused, living now in the present and providing if future-focused, living now in the present and providing if -- future-focused, living now in the present and providing if -- for future-focused, living now in the present and providing if -- for our present and providing if -- for our young present and providing if -- for our young people present and providing if -- for our young people to present and providing if -- for our young people to be present and providing if -- for our young people to be internationally young people to be internationally connected. young people to be internationally connected. Very young people to be internationally connected. Very disappointing young people to be internationally connected. Very disappointing for connected. Very disappointing for those connected. Very disappointing for young connected. Very disappointing for those still living connected. Very disappointing for those still living in connected. Very disappointing for those still living in the connected. Very disappointing for those still living in the past, connected. Very disappointing for those still living in the past, I those still living in the past, I understand those still living in the past, I understand that. understand that. Supplementary understand that. Supplementary question, understand that. Supplementary question, Mr understand that. Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. When Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. When her Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. When her Bolt Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. When her Bolt Funding Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. When her Bolt Funding proposal When her Bolt Funding proposal results When her Bolt Funding proposal When When her Bolt Funding proposal results in schools When her Bolt Funding proposal results in schools reducing When her Bolt Funding proposal results in schools reducing the results in schools reducing the number results in schools reducing the number of results in schools reducing the number of subjects results in schools reducing the number of subjects on results in schools reducing the number of subjects on offer, results in schools reducing the number of subjects on offer, is results in schools reducing the number of subjects on offer, is she number of subjects on offer, is she going number of subjects on offer, is she going to number of subjects on offer, is she going to suggest number of subjects on offer, is she going to suggest to number of subjects on offer, is she going to suggest to those number of subjects on offer, is she going to suggest to those students, going to suggest to those students, who going to suggest to those students, who can going to suggest to those students, who can no going to suggest to those students, who can no longer going to suggest to those students, who can no longer take going to suggest to those students, who can no longer take the going to suggest to those students, who can no longer take the subjects who can no longer take the subjects in who can no longer take the subjects in the who can no longer take the subjects in the school who can no longer take the subjects in the school they who can no longer take the subjects in the school they want who can no longer take the subjects in the school they want to, who can no longer take the subjects in the school they want to, that in the school they want to, that they in the school they want to, that they can in the school they want to, that they can enrol in the school they want to, that they can enrol online in the school they want to, that they can enrol online rather in the school they want to, that they can enrol online rather than they can enrol online rather than have they can enrol online rather than have the they can enrol online rather than have the teacher they can enrol online rather than have the teacher in they can enrol online rather than have the teacher in front they can enrol online rather than have the teacher in front of they can enrol online rather than have the teacher in front of them they can enrol online rather than have the teacher in front of them as have the teacher in front of them as they have the teacher in front of them as they have have the teacher in front of them as they have had have the teacher in front of them as they have had previously? have the teacher in front of them as they have had previously? First have the teacher in front of them as they have had previously? First of they have had previously? First of all, they have had previously? First of all, Mr they have had previously? First of all, Mr Speaker, they have had previously? First of all, Mr Speaker, I they have had previously? First of all, Mr Speaker, I have they have had previously? First of all, Mr Speaker, I have no they have had previously? First of all, Mr Speaker, I have no proposal all, Mr Speaker, I have no proposal around all, Mr Speaker, I have no proposal around bulk all, Mr Speaker, I have no proposal around bulk funding. all, Mr Speaker, I have no proposal around bulk funding. Second all, Mr Speaker, I have no proposal around bulk funding. Second of all, Mr Speaker, I have no proposal around bulk funding. Second of all, around bulk funding. Second of all, in around bulk funding. Second of all, in the around bulk funding. Second of all, in the funding around bulk funding. Second of all, in the funding review, around bulk funding. Second of all, in the funding review, we're around bulk funding. Second of all, in the funding review, we're still in the funding review, we're still in in the funding review, we're still in the in the funding review, we're still in the middle in the funding review, we're still in the middle of in the funding review, we're still in the middle of a in the funding review, we're still in the middle of a consultation in the middle of a consultation process. in the middle of a consultation process. Third in the middle of a consultation process. Third to in the middle of a consultation process. Third to know, in the middle of a consultation process. Third to know, schools process. Third to know, schools already process. Third to know, schools already do process. Third to know, schools already do offer process. Third to know, schools already do offer blended process. Third to know, schools already do offer blended learning, already do offer blended learning, and already do offer blended learning, and they already do offer blended learning, and they offer already do offer blended learning, and they offer them already do offer blended learning, and they offer them outside already do offer blended learning, and they offer them outside the and they offer them outside the boundaries and they offer them outside the boundaries of and they offer them outside the boundaries of their and they offer them outside the boundaries of their own and they offer them outside the boundaries of their own school. boundaries of their own school. Fourthly, boundaries of their own school. Fourthly, our boundaries of their own school. Fourthly, our Government boundaries of their own school. Fourthly, our Government is Fourthly, our Government is absolutely Fourthly, our Government is absolutely supportive Fourthly, our Government is absolutely supportive of Fourthly, our Government is absolutely supportive of that Fourthly, our Government is absolutely supportive of that clind absolutely supportive of that clind of absolutely supportive of that clind of collaboration absolutely supportive of that clind of collaboration -- absolutely supportive of that clind of collaboration -- kind absolutely supportive of that clind of collaboration -- kind of of collaboration -- kind of collaboration. collaboration. Supplementary collaboration. Supplementary question, collaboration. Supplementary question, Rt collaboration. Supplementary question, Rt Hon collaboration. Supplementary question, Rt Hon PM. Supplementary question, Rt Hon PM. Mr Supplementary question, Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, Supplementary question, Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, has Supplementary question, Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, has the Supplementary question, Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, has the Minister Supplementary question, Rt Hon PM. Mr Speaker, has the Minister of Mr Speaker, has the Minister of Education Mr Speaker, has the Minister of Education seen Mr Speaker, has the Minister of Education seen a Mr Speaker, has the Minister of Education seen a press Mr Speaker, has the Minister of Education seen a press release Mr Speaker, has the Minister of Education seen a press release by Education seen a press release by the Education seen a press release by the Labour Education seen a press release by the Labour Party Education seen a press release by the Labour Party from Education seen a press release by the Labour Party from Jenny Education seen a press release by the Labour Party from Jenny Salesa the Labour Party from Jenny Salesa saying the Labour Party from Jenny Salesa saying that the Labour Party from Jenny Salesa saying that when the Labour Party from Jenny Salesa saying that when it the Labour Party from Jenny Salesa saying that when it comes the Labour Party from Jenny Salesa saying that when it comes to the Labour Party from Jenny Salesa saying that when it comes to Pacific saying that when it comes to Pacific population saying that when it comes to Pacific population and saying that when it comes to Pacific population and bilingallism saying that when it comes to Pacific population and bilingallism in saying that when it comes to Pacific population and bilingallism in New population and bilingallism in New Zealand, population and bilingallism in New Zealand, the population and bilingallism in New Zealand, the Associate population and bilingallism in New Zealand, the Associate Education Zealand, the Associate Education spokesperson Zealand, the Associate Education spokesperson for Zealand, the Associate Education spokesperson for Labour Zealand, the Associate Education spokesperson for Labour said Zealand, the Associate Education spokesperson for Labour said this Zealand, the Associate Education spokesperson for Labour said this is spokesperson for Labour said this is a spokesperson for Labour said this is a crucial... spokesperson for Labour said this is a crucial... Order! spokesperson for Labour said this is a crucial... Order! There's a crucial... Order! There's absolutely a crucial... Order! There's absolutely no...Order! a crucial... Order! There's absolutely no...Order! I a crucial... Order! There's absolutely no...Order! I don't a crucial... Order! There's absolutely no...Order! I don't need absolutely no...Order! I don't need help absolutely no...Order! I don't need help from absolutely no...Order! I don't need help from Mr absolutely no...Order! I don't need help from Mr Chris absolutely no...Order! I don't need help from Mr Chris Bishop. absolutely no...Order! I don't need help from Mr Chris Bishop. There absolutely no...Order! I don't need help from Mr Chris Bishop. There is help from Mr Chris Bishop. There is A, help from Mr Chris Bishop. There is A, no help from Mr Chris Bishop. There is A, no ministerial help from Mr Chris Bishop. There is A, no ministerial responsibility. A, no ministerial responsibility. And, A, no ministerial responsibility. And, secondly, A, no ministerial responsibility. And, secondly, it A, no ministerial responsibility. And, secondly, it is A, no ministerial responsibility. And, secondly, it is a A, no ministerial responsibility. And, secondly, it is a question A, no ministerial responsibility. And, secondly, it is a question that And, secondly, it is a question that I And, secondly, it is a question that I perceive And, secondly, it is a question that I perceive is And, secondly, it is a question that I perceive is designed And, secondly, it is a question that I perceive is designed to And, secondly, it is a question that I perceive is designed to attack And, secondly, it is a question that I perceive is designed to attack the I perceive is designed to attack the Opposition I perceive is designed to attack the Opposition party, I perceive is designed to attack the Opposition party, which I perceive is designed to attack the Opposition party, which is I perceive is designed to attack the Opposition party, which is in I perceive is designed to attack the Opposition party, which is in breach Opposition party, which is in breach of Opposition party, which is in breach of Speaker's Opposition party, which is in breach of Speaker's rulings. Opposition party, which is in breach of Speaker's rulings. I'm Opposition party, which is in breach of Speaker's rulings. I'm not of Speaker's rulings. I'm not interested of Speaker's rulings. I'm not interested in of Speaker's rulings. I'm not interested in arguing of Speaker's rulings. I'm not interested in arguing about of Speaker's rulings. I'm not interested in arguing about it. of Speaker's rulings. I'm not interested in arguing about it. If interested in arguing about it. If it interested in arguing about it. If it is interested in arguing about it. If it is another interested in arguing about it. If it is another matter, interested in arguing about it. If it is another matter, I interested in arguing about it. If it is another matter, I will interested in arguing about it. If it is another matter, I will happily it is another matter, I will happily hear it is another matter, I will happily hear it. I I seek I seek leave I seek leave to I seek leave to table I seek leave to table the I seek leave to table the press I seek leave to table the press release I seek leave to table the press release then? I seek leave to table the press release then? I I seek leave to table the press release then? I am I seek leave to table the press release then? I am not I seek leave to table the press release then? I am not prepared I seek leave to table the press release then? I am not prepared to release then? I am not prepared to put release then? I am not prepared to put the release then? I am not prepared to put the leave. release then? I am not prepared to put the leave. Further put the leave. Further supplementary? put the leave. Further supplementary? Further put the leave. Further supplementary? Further supplementary supplementary? Further supplementary question supplementary? Further supplementary question to supplementary? Further supplementary question to the supplementary? Further supplementary question to the Minister. supplementary? Further supplementary question to the Minister. Order. question to the Minister. Order. Order. question to the Minister. Order. Order. Supplementary question to the Minister. Order. Order. Supplementary question. question to the Minister. Order. Order. Supplementary question. In Order. Supplementary question. In addition Order. Supplementary question. In addition to Order. Supplementary question. In addition to digital Order. Supplementary question. In addition to digital technologies addition to digital technologies being addition to digital technologies being made addition to digital technologies being made a addition to digital technologies being made a core addition to digital technologies being made a core curriculum addition to digital technologies being made a core curriculum subject being made a core curriculum subject will being made a core curriculum subject will they being made a core curriculum subject will they consider being made a core curriculum subject will they consider the being made a core curriculum subject will they consider the New being made a core curriculum subject will they consider the New Zealand will they consider the New Zealand land will they consider the New Zealand land rules will they consider the New Zealand land rules being will they consider the New Zealand land rules being made will they consider the New Zealand land rules being made a will they consider the New Zealand land rules being made a core land rules being made a core curriculum land rules being made a core curriculum subject? land rules being made a core curriculum subject? Mr land rules being made a core curriculum subject? Mr Speaker, land rules being made a core curriculum subject? Mr Speaker, Te curriculum subject? Mr Speaker, Te Maori curriculum subject? Mr Speaker, Te Maori has curriculum subject? Mr Speaker, Te Maori has exactly curriculum subject? Mr Speaker, Te Maori has exactly the curriculum subject? Mr Speaker, Te Maori has exactly the same curriculum subject? Mr Speaker, Te Maori has exactly the same status curriculum subject? Mr Speaker, Te Maori has exactly the same status in Maori has exactly the same status in our Maori has exactly the same status in our curriculum Maori has exactly the same status in our curriculum as Maori has exactly the same status in our curriculum as digital our curriculum as digital technology. our curriculum as digital technology. It our curriculum as digital technology. It is our curriculum as digital technology. It is available our curriculum as digital technology. It is available in our curriculum as digital technology. It is available in any technology. It is available in any school technology. It is available in any school parents technology. It is available in any school parents wish technology. It is available in any school parents wish it technology. It is available in any school parents wish it to technology. It is available in any school parents wish it to be school parents wish it to be available school parents wish it to be available and school parents wish it to be available and it school parents wish it to be available and it is school parents wish it to be available and it is resourced available and it is resourced accordingly. available and it is resourced accordingly. It available and it is resourced accordingly. It is available and it is resourced accordingly. It is true. available and it is resourced accordingly. It is true. In available and it is resourced accordingly. It is true. In terms available and it is resourced accordingly. It is true. In terms of accordingly. It is true. In terms of - accordingly. It is true. In terms of - so accordingly. It is true. In terms of - so from accordingly. It is true. In terms of - so from the accordingly. It is true. In terms of - so from the past. accordingly. It is true. In terms of - so from the past. - accordingly. It is true. In terms of - so from the past. - and accordingly. It is true. In terms of - so from the past. - and in accordingly. It is true. In terms of - so from the past. - and in terms - so from the past. - and in terms of - so from the past. - and in terms of - - so from the past. - and in terms of - because - so from the past. - and in terms of - because the - so from the past. - and in terms of - because the Maori - so from the past. - and in terms of - because the Maori Party - so from the past. - and in terms of - because the Maori Party has of - because the Maori Party has made of - because the Maori Party has made strong of - because the Maori Party has made strong advocacy of - because the Maori Party has made strong advocacy to of - because the Maori Party has made strong advocacy to beef of - because the Maori Party has made strong advocacy to beef up of - because the Maori Party has made strong advocacy to beef up the made strong advocacy to beef up the resources made strong advocacy to beef up the resources around made strong advocacy to beef up the resources around Maori made strong advocacy to beef up the resources around Maori history, made strong advocacy to beef up the resources around Maori history, we resources around Maori history, we have resources around Maori history, we have developed resources around Maori history, we have developed a resources around Maori history, we have developed a significant resources around Maori history, we have developed a significant website have developed a significant website and have developed a significant website and I have developed a significant website and I thank have developed a significant website and I thank the have developed a significant website and I thank the Maori have developed a significant website and I thank the Maori Party have developed a significant website and I thank the Maori Party for have developed a significant website and I thank the Maori Party for that and I thank the Maori Party for that constructive and I thank the Maori Party for that constructive advocacy. and I thank the Maori Party for that constructive advocacy. Question and I thank the Maori Party for that constructive advocacy. Question No. constructive advocacy. Question No. 8, constructive advocacy. Question No. 8, Catherine constructive advocacy. Question No. 8, Catherine Delahunty. constructive advocacy. Question No. 8, Catherine Delahunty. Tena constructive advocacy. Question No. 8, Catherine Delahunty. Tena koe. 8, Catherine Delahunty. Tena koe. Tena 8, Catherine Delahunty. Tena koe. Tena koe. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister for My question is to the Minister for the My question is to the Minister for the Environment: for the Environment: Will for the Environment: Will he for the Environment: Will he commit for the Environment: Will he commit to for the Environment: Will he commit to a for the Environment: Will he commit to a regulatory Will he commit to a regulatory regime Will he commit to a regulatory regime that Will he commit to a regulatory regime that includes regime that includes swimmable regime that includes swimmable rivers regime that includes swimmable rivers in regime that includes swimmable rivers in light swimmable rivers in light of swimmable rivers in light of the swimmable rivers in light of the comment swimmable rivers in light of the comment from swimmable rivers in light of the comment from a swimmable rivers in light of the comment from a Havelock swimmable rivers in light of the comment from a Havelock North of the comment from a Havelock North cafe of the comment from a Havelock North cafe owner of the comment from a Havelock North cafe owner who of the comment from a Havelock North cafe owner who said of the comment from a Havelock North cafe owner who said that, cafe owner who said that, "we'd cafe owner who said that, "we'd trade cafe owner who said that, "we'd trade all cafe owner who said that, "we'd trade all the cafe owner who said that, "we'd trade all the compensation "we'd trade all the compensation in "we'd trade all the compensation in the "we'd trade all the compensation in the world "we'd trade all the compensation in the world if "we'd trade all the compensation in the world if it "we'd trade all the compensation in the world if it would "we'd trade all the compensation in the world if it would spur in the world if it would spur the in the world if it would spur the Government in the world if it would spur the Government into in the world if it would spur the Government into tidying in the world if it would spur the Government into tidying up the Government into tidying up or the Government into tidying up or cleaning the Government into tidying up or cleaning up the Government into tidying up or cleaning up the the Government into tidying up or cleaning up the waterways"? The The Hon The Hon Dr The Hon Dr Nick The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The government The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The government is The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The government is committed The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The government is committed to The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The government is committed to a government is committed to a programme government is committed to a programme of government is committed to a programme of improving government is committed to a programme of improving the programme of improving the swimability programme of improving the the programme of improving the swimability of rivers. programme of improving the swimability of rivers. Specific swimability of rivers. Specific river swimability of rivers. Specific river clean-up swimability of rivers. Specific river clean-up programmes swimability of rivers. Specific river clean-up programmes that swimability of rivers. Specific river clean-up programmes that the river clean-up programmes that the government river clean-up programmes that the government is river clean-up programmes that the government is funding, river clean-up programmes that the government is funding, including river clean-up programmes that the government is funding, including the government is funding, including the Wang government is funding, including the Wang ga government is funding, including the Wang ga Niue, government is funding, including the Wang ga Niue, the government is funding, including the Wang ga Niue, the Buller government is funding, including the Wang ga Niue, the Buller and government is funding, including the Wang ga Niue, the Buller and the Wang ga Niue, the Buller and the Maraitotoa. Wang ga Niue, the Buller and the Maraitotoa. In Wang ga Niue, the Buller and the Maraitotoa. In the Wang ga Niue, the Buller and the Maraitotoa. In the seven Wang ga Niue, the Buller and the Maraitotoa. In the seven years Wang ga Niue, the Buller and the Maraitotoa. In the seven years we Maraitotoa. In the seven years we have Maraitotoa. In the seven years we have been Maraitotoa. In the seven years we have been in Maraitotoa. In the seven years we have been in government, Maraitotoa. In the seven years we have been in government, we Maraitotoa. In the seven years we have been in government, we have have been in government, we have spent have been in government, we have spent more have been in government, we have spent more than have been in government, we have spent more than seven have been in government, we have spent more than seven times have been in government, we have spent more than seven times when have been in government, we have spent more than seven times when the spent more than seven times when the previous spent more than seven times when the previous government spent more than seven times when the previous government spent spent more than seven times when the previous government spent in spent more than seven times when the previous government spent in the previous government spent in the proceeding previous government spent in the proceeding seven previous government spent in the proceeding seven year. previous government spent in the proceeding seven year. We previous government spent in the proceeding seven year. We are previous government spent in the proceeding seven year. We are also proceeding seven year. We are also the proceeding seven year. We are also the first proceeding seven year. We are also the first government proceeding seven year. We are also the first government to proceeding seven year. We are also the first government to initiative proceeding seven year. We are also the first government to initiative a the first government to initiative a National the first government to initiative a National policy the first government to initiative a National policy statement the first government to initiative a National policy statement on the first government to initiative a National policy statement on fresh National policy statement on fresh water, National policy statement on fresh water, which National policy statement on fresh water, which includes National policy statement on fresh water, which includes requirements water, which includes requirements for water, which includes requirements National water, which includes requirements for improving water water, which includes requirements for improving water quality water, which includes requirements for improving water quality and for improving water quality and which for improving water quality and which we for improving water quality and which we are for improving water quality and which we are currently which we are currently strengthening. which we are currently strengthening. Supplementary. strengthening. Supplementary. Supplementary strengthening. Supplementary. Supplementary question strengthening. Supplementary. Supplementary question Catherine Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Will Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Will he Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Will he ask Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Will he ask the Delahunty. Will he ask the Attorney-General Delahunty. Will he ask the Attorney-General to Delahunty. Will he ask the Attorney-General to specify Delahunty. Will he ask the Attorney-General to specify that Attorney-General to specify that land Attorney-General to specify that land use Attorney-General to specify that land use across Attorney-General to specify that land use across the Attorney-General to specify that land use across the country Attorney-General to specify that land use across the country be land use across the country be investigated land use across the country be investigated in land use across the country be investigated in the land use across the country be investigated in the Havelock land use across the country be investigated in the Havelock North investigated in the Havelock North so investigated in the Havelock North so that investigated in the Havelock North so that the investigated in the Havelock North so that the role investigated in the Havelock North so that the role of investigated in the Havelock North so that the role of agriculture investigated in the Havelock North so that the role of agriculture and so that the role of agriculture and other so that the role of agriculture and other sectors so that the role of agriculture and other sectors and so that the role of agriculture and other sectors and the so that the role of agriculture and other sectors and the health so that the role of agriculture and other sectors and the health of other sectors and the health of waterways other sectors and the health of waterways can other sectors and the health of waterways can be other sectors and the health of waterways can be looked other sectors and the health of waterways can be looked at waterways can be looked at objectively. waterways can be looked at objectively. Nick waterways can be looked at objectively. Nick Smith. waterways can be looked at objectively. Nick Smith. The waterways can be looked at objectively. Nick Smith. The terms objectively. Nick Smith. The terms of objectively. Nick Smith. The terms of reference objectively. Nick Smith. The terms of reference for objectively. Nick Smith. The terms of reference for the objectively. Nick Smith. The terms of reference for the inquiry objectively. Nick Smith. The terms of reference for the inquiry in objectively. Nick Smith. The terms of reference for the inquiry in to of reference for the inquiry in to the of reference for the inquiry in to the Havelock of reference for the inquiry in to the Havelock North of reference for the inquiry in to the Havelock North incident of reference for the inquiry in to the Havelock North incident are of reference for the inquiry in to the Havelock North incident are very the Havelock North incident are very wide. the Havelock North incident are very wide. What the Havelock North incident are very wide. What the the Havelock North incident are very wide. What the government the Havelock North incident are very wide. What the government does the Havelock North incident are very wide. What the government does not wide. What the government does not want wide. What the government does not want to wide. What the government does not want to do wide. What the government does not want to do is wide. What the government does not want to do is to wide. What the government does not want to do is to inject wide. What the government does not want to do is to inject into wide. What the government does not want to do is to inject into those want to do is to inject into those terms want to do is to inject into those terms of want to do is to inject into those terms of reference want to do is to inject into those terms of reference some want to do is to inject into those terms of reference some prejudice want to do is to inject into those terms of reference some prejudice as terms of reference some prejudice as to terms of reference some prejudice as to what terms of reference some prejudice as to what occurred. terms of reference some prejudice as to what occurred. In terms of reference some prejudice as to what occurred. In my terms of reference some prejudice as to what occurred. In my view, terms of reference some prejudice as to what occurred. In my view, that to what occurred. In my view, that inquiry to what occurred. In my view, that inquiry needs to what occurred. In my view, that inquiry needs to to what occurred. In my view, that inquiry needs to be to what occurred. In my view, that inquiry needs to be able to what occurred. In my view, that inquiry needs to be able to to what occurred. In my view, that inquiry needs to be able to have to what occurred. In my view, that inquiry needs to be able to have all inquiry needs to be able to have all of inquiry needs to be able to have all of the inquiry needs to be able to have all of the powers inquiry needs to be able to have all of the powers it inquiry needs to be able to have all of the powers it needs, inquiry needs to be able to have all of the powers it needs, but inquiry needs to be able to have all of the powers it needs, but without of the powers it needs, but without the of the powers it needs, but without the government, of the powers it needs, but without the government, the of the powers it needs, but without the government, the Green of the powers it needs, but without the government, the Green Party of the powers it needs, but without the government, the Green Party or the government, the Green Party or anyone the government, the Green Party or anyone else the government, the Green Party or anyone else pre-determining the government, the Green Party or anyone else pre-determining what the government, the Green Party or anyone else pre-determining what the anyone else pre-determining what the cause anyone else pre-determining what the cause of anyone else pre-determining what the cause of that anyone else pre-determining what the cause of that awful anyone else pre-determining what the cause of that awful incident anyone else pre-determining what the cause of that awful incident was. cause of that awful incident was. Supplementary cause of that awful incident was. Supplementary question cause of that awful incident was. Supplementary question Sarah cause of that awful incident was. Supplementary question Sarah Dowie. Supplementary question Sarah Dowie. To Supplementary question Sarah Dowie. To the Supplementary question Sarah Dowie. To the Minister. Supplementary question Sarah Dowie. To the Minister. What Supplementary question Sarah Dowie. To the Minister. What is Supplementary question Sarah Dowie. To the Minister. What is the To the Minister. What is the standard To the Minister. What is the standard requirement To the Minister. What is the standard requirement for To the Minister. What is the standard requirement for water To the Minister. What is the standard requirement for water to To the Minister. What is the standard requirement for water to be standard requirement for water to be swimmable standard requirement for water to be swimmable and standard requirement for water to be swimmable and how standard requirement for water to be swimmable and how does standard requirement for water to be swimmable and how does it standard requirement for water to be swimmable and how does it compare standard requirement for water to be swimmable and how does it compare to swimmable and how does it compare to the swimmable and how does it compare to the drinking swimmable and how does it compare to the drinking water swimmable and how does it compare to the drinking water standard? swimmable and how does it compare to the drinking water standard? Nick the drinking water standard? Nick Smith. the drinking water standard? Nick Smith. The the drinking water standard? Nick Smith. The drinking the drinking water standard? Nick Smith. The drinking water the drinking water standard? Nick Smith. The drinking water standard Smith. The drinking water standard is Smith. The drinking water standard is 500 Smith. The drinking water standard is 500 types Smith. The drinking water standard is 500 types tougher Smith. The drinking water standard is 500 types tougher than Smith. The drinking water standard is 500 types tougher than the is 500 types tougher than the swimming is 500 types tougher than the swimming guideline, is 500 types tougher than the swimming guideline, ie is 500 types tougher than the swimming guideline, ie for is 500 types tougher than the swimming guideline, ie for water is 500 types tougher than the swimming guideline, ie for water to swimming guideline, ie for water to be swimming guideline, ie for water to be swimmable swimming guideline, ie for water to be swimmable you swimming guideline, ie for water to be swimmable you need swimming guideline, ie for water to be swimmable you need to swimming guideline, ie for water to be swimmable you need to have swimming guideline, ie for water to be swimmable you need to have an be swimmable you need to have an E-coli be swimmable you need to have an E-coli count be swimmable you need to have an E-coli count of be swimmable you need to have an E-coli count of less be swimmable you need to have an E-coli count of less than be swimmable you need to have an E-coli count of less than 500 be swimmable you need to have an E-coli count of less than 500 for E-coli count of less than 500 for the E-coli count of less than 500 for the water E-coli count of less than 500 for the water to E-coli count of less than 500 for the water to be E-coli count of less than 500 for the water to be drinkable, E-coli count of less than 500 for the water to be drinkable, it E-coli count of less than 500 for the water to be drinkable, it needs the water to be drinkable, it needs to the water to be drinkable, it needs to be the water to be drinkable, it needs to be less the water to be drinkable, it needs to be less than the water to be drinkable, it needs to be less than 1 the water to be drinkable, it needs to be less than 1 E-coli. the water to be drinkable, it needs to be less than 1 E-coli. That the water to be drinkable, it needs to be less than 1 E-coli. That is, to be less than 1 E-coli. That is, if to be less than 1 E-coli. That is, if every to be less than 1 E-coli. That is, if every single to be less than 1 E-coli. That is, if every single waterway to be less than 1 E-coli. That is, if every single waterway in to be less than 1 E-coli. That is, if every single waterway in New if every single waterway in New Zealand if every single waterway in New Zealand met if every single waterway in New Zealand met the if every single waterway in New Zealand met the swimmable if every single waterway in New Zealand met the swimmable standard, Zealand met the swimmable standard, we Zealand met the swimmable standard, we would Zealand met the swimmable standard, we would still Zealand met the swimmable standard, we would still need Zealand met the swimmable standard, we would still need to Zealand met the swimmable standard, we would still need to have Zealand met the swimmable standard, we would still need to have councils we would still need to have councils selecting we would still need to have councils selecting and we would still need to have councils selecting and protecting we would still need to have councils selecting and protecting drinking selecting and protecting drinking water selecting and protecting drinking water standards selecting and protecting drinking water standards to selecting and protecting drinking water standards to ensure selecting and protecting drinking water standards to ensure that selecting and protecting drinking water standards to ensure that they water standards to ensure that they were water standards to ensure that they were safe. water standards to ensure that they were safe. Supplementary water standards to ensure that they were safe. Supplementary question were safe. Supplementary question Catherine were safe. Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. were safe. Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Will were safe. Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Will he were safe. Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Will he reject Catherine Delahunty. Will he reject the Catherine Delahunty. Will he reject the warnings Catherine Delahunty. Will he reject the warnings of Catherine Delahunty. Will he reject the warnings of Dr Catherine Delahunty. Will he reject the warnings of Dr Russell Catherine Delahunty. Will he reject the warnings of Dr Russell Death Catherine Delahunty. Will he reject the warnings of Dr Russell Death as the warnings of Dr Russell Death as the the warnings of Dr Russell Death as the PM the warnings of Dr Russell Death as the PM has the warnings of Dr Russell Death as the PM has done, the warnings of Dr Russell Death as the PM has done, who the warnings of Dr Russell Death as the PM has done, who says the warnings of Dr Russell Death as the PM has done, who says that the warnings of Dr Russell Death as the PM has done, who says that even the PM has done, who says that even if the PM has done, who says that even if we the PM has done, who says that even if we colour the PM has done, who says that even if we colour Mate the PM has done, who says that even if we colour Mate all the PM has done, who says that even if we colour Mate all of the PM has done, who says that even if we colour Mate all of our the PM has done, who says that even if we colour Mate all of our water if we colour Mate all of our water supplies, if we colour Mate all of our water supplies, people if we colour Mate all of our water supplies, people are if we colour Mate all of our water supplies, people are still if we colour Mate all of our water supplies, people are still going if we colour Mate all of our water supplies, people are still going to supplies, people are still going to -- supplies, people are still going to -- colour supplies, people are still going to -- colour Ron supplies, people are still going to -- colour Ron Mate, supplies, people are still going to -- colour Ron Mate, people supplies, people are still going to -- colour Ron Mate, people are supplies, people are still going to -- colour Ron Mate, people are still -- colour Ron Mate, people are still going -- colour Ron Mate, people are still going to -- colour Ron Mate, people are still going to get -- colour Ron Mate, people are still going to get sick? -- colour Ron Mate, people are still going to get sick? The -- colour Ron Mate, people are still going to get sick? The Hon -- colour Ron Mate, people are still going to get sick? The Hon Dr -- colour Ron Mate, people are still going to get sick? The Hon Dr Nick going to get sick? The Hon Dr Nick Smith. going to get sick? The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The going to get sick? The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The bit going to get sick? The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The bit where going to get sick? The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The bit where I going to get sick? The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The bit where I differ going to get sick? The Hon Dr Nick Smith. The bit where I differ with Smith. The bit where I differ with the Smith. The bit where I differ with the member Smith. The bit where I differ with the member is Smith. The bit where I differ with the member is that Smith. The bit where I differ with the member is that you Smith. The bit where I differ with the member is that you cannot Smith. The bit where I differ with the member is that you cannot have the member is that you cannot have modern the member is that you cannot have modern agriculture the member is that you cannot have modern agriculture and the member is that you cannot have modern agriculture and also the member is that you cannot have modern agriculture and also for the member is that you cannot have modern agriculture and also for this modern agriculture and also for this country modern agriculture and also for this country to modern agriculture and also for this country to have modern agriculture and also for this country to have high modern agriculture and also for this country to have high standards modern agriculture and also for this country to have high standards of country to have high standards of water country to have high standards of water in country to have high standards of water in our country to have high standards of water in our water country to have high standards of water in our water bodies. country to have high standards of water in our water bodies. If country to have high standards of water in our water bodies. If we water in our water bodies. If we have water in our water bodies. If we have good water in our water bodies. If we have good management water in our water bodies. If we have good management practice, water in our water bodies. If we have good management practice, if water in our water bodies. If we have good management practice, if we have good management practice, if we have have good management practice, if we have the have good management practice, if we have the technical have good management practice, if we have the technical efficiency have the technical efficiency standards have the technical efficiency standards and have the technical efficiency standards and activate have the technical efficiency standards and activate the have the technical efficiency standards and activate the initial standards and activate the initial fencing standards and activate the initial fencing requirements standards and activate the initial fencing requirements that standards and activate the initial fencing requirements that our fencing requirements that our government fencing requirements that our government has fencing requirements that our government has proposed fencing requirements that our government has proposed and government has proposed and implement government has proposed and implement the government has proposed and implement the N government has proposed and implement the N PS government has proposed and implement the N PS we government has proposed and implement the N PS we proposed government has proposed and implement the N PS we proposed this implement the N PS we proposed this country implement the N PS we proposed this country can implement the N PS we proposed this country can have implement the N PS we proposed this country can have a implement the N PS we proposed this country can have a strong, implement the N PS we proposed this country can have a strong, vibrant, country can have a strong, vibrant, agricultural country can have a strong, vibrant, agricultural sector country can have a strong, vibrant, agricultural sector earning country can have a strong, vibrant, agricultural sector earning this agricultural sector earning this country agricultural sector earning this country a agricultural sector earning this country a living agricultural sector earning this country a living as agricultural sector earning this country a living as well agricultural sector earning this country a living as well as agricultural sector earning this country a living as well as the country a living as well as the lifestyle country a living as well as the lifestyle and country a living as well as the lifestyle and a country a living as well as the lifestyle and a high country a living as well as the lifestyle and a high standard country a living as well as the lifestyle and a high standard of lifestyle and a high standard of water lifestyle and a high standard of water quality. lifestyle and a high standard of water quality. Supplementary. water quality. Supplementary. Supplementary water quality. Supplementary. Supplementary question water quality. Supplementary. Supplementary question Catherine Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Does Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Does he Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Does he think Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Does he think that Supplementary question Catherine Delahunty. Does he think that 10 Delahunty. Does he think that 10 million Delahunty. Does he think that 10 million cows Delahunty. Does he think that 10 million cows cause Delahunty. Does he think that 10 million cows cause serious Delahunty. Does he think that 10 million cows cause serious harm Delahunty. Does he think that 10 million cows cause serious harm to million cows cause serious harm to our million cows cause serious harm to our clean million cows cause serious harm to our clean rivers million cows cause serious harm to our clean rivers and million cows cause serious harm to our clean rivers and drinking million cows cause serious harm to our clean rivers and drinking waters our clean rivers and drinking waters or our clean rivers and drinking waters or is our clean rivers and drinking waters or is he our clean rivers and drinking waters or is he sticking our clean rivers and drinking waters or is he sticking with our clean rivers and drinking waters or is he sticking with his our clean rivers and drinking waters or is he sticking with his theory or is he sticking with his theory that or is he sticking with his theory that native or is he sticking with his theory that native bid or is he sticking with his theory that native bid populations or is he sticking with his theory that native bid populations and that native bid populations and volcanic that native bid populations and volcanic ash that native bid populations and volcanic ash are that native bid populations and volcanic ash are the that native bid populations and volcanic ash are the real that native bid populations and volcanic ash are the real reasons that native bid populations and volcanic ash are the real reasons he volcanic ash are the real reasons he cannot volcanic ash are the real reasons he cannot commit volcanic ash are the real reasons he cannot commit to volcanic ash are the real reasons he cannot commit to swimmable volcanic ash are the real reasons he cannot commit to swimmable rivers cannot commit to swimmable rivers Nick cannot commit to swimmable rivers Nick Smith. cannot commit to swimmable rivers Nick Smith. There cannot commit to swimmable rivers Nick Smith. There are cannot commit to swimmable rivers Nick Smith. There are water cannot commit to swimmable rivers Nick Smith. There are water bodies Nick Smith. There are water bodies that Nick Smith. There are water bodies that are Nick Smith. There are water bodies that are unswimable Nick Smith. There are water bodies that are unswimable because Nick Smith. There are water bodies that are unswimable because of Nick Smith. There are water bodies that are unswimable because of birds that are unswimable because of birds and that are unswimable because of birds and there that are unswimable because of birds and there are that are unswimable because of birds and there are others that are unswimable because of birds and there are others that that are unswimable because of birds and there are others that are and there are others that are unswimable and there are others that are unswimable because and there are others that are unswimable because of and there are others that are unswimable because of volcanic unswimable because of volcanic activity. unswimable because of volcanic activity. Where unswimable because of volcanic activity. Where I unswimable because of volcanic activity. Where I would unswimable because of volcanic activity. Where I would challenge activity. Where I would challenge the activity. Where I would challenge the Green activity. Where I would challenge the Green Party activity. Where I would challenge the Green Party is activity. Where I would challenge the Green Party is to activity. Where I would challenge the Green Party is to make activity. Where I would challenge the Green Party is to make the activity. Where I would challenge the Green Party is to make the link the Green Party is to make the link between the Green Party is to make the link between the the Green Party is to make the link between the Havelock the Green Party is to make the link between the Havelock North between the Havelock North community, between the Havelock North community, in between the Havelock North community, in fact between the Havelock North community, in fact Havelock between the Havelock North community, in fact Havelock North community, in fact Havelock North has community, in fact Havelock North has a community, in fact Havelock North has a very community, in fact Havelock North has a very low community, in fact Havelock North has a very low level community, in fact Havelock North has a very low level of community, in fact Havelock North has a very low level of dairying, community, in fact Havelock North has a very low level of dairying, if has a very low level of dairying, if the has a very low level of dairying, if the Green has a very low level of dairying, if the Green Party has a very low level of dairying, if the Green Party want has a very low level of dairying, if the Green Party want to has a very low level of dairying, if the Green Party want to maintain the Green Party want to maintain their the Green Party want to maintain their story the Green Party want to maintain their story the the Green Party want to maintain their story the indairying the Green Party want to maintain their story the indairying at the Green Party want to maintain their story the indairying at the their story the indairying at the cause their story the indairying at the cause of their story the indairying at the cause of the their story the indairying at the cause of the Havelock their story the indairying at the cause of the Havelock North their story the indairying at the cause of the Havelock North problem, cause of the Havelock North problem, perhaps cause of the Havelock North problem, perhaps that cause of the Havelock North problem, perhaps that might cause of the Havelock North problem, perhaps that might run cause of the Havelock North problem, perhaps that might run true cause of the Havelock North problem, perhaps that might run true if cause of the Havelock North problem, perhaps that might run true if it perhaps that might run true if it was perhaps that might run true if it was an perhaps that might run true if it was an area perhaps that might run true if it was an area like perhaps that might run true if it was an area like Canterbury perhaps that might run true if it was an area like Canterbury or perhaps that might run true if it was an area like Canterbury or an was an area like Canterbury or an area was an area like Canterbury or an area of was an area like Canterbury or an area of Waikato was an area like Canterbury or an area of Waikato that was an area like Canterbury or an area of Waikato that has was an area like Canterbury or an area of Waikato that has had was an area like Canterbury or an area of Waikato that has had very area of Waikato that has had very expensive area of Waikato that has had very expensive growth area of Waikato that has had very expensive growth in area of Waikato that has had very expensive growth in the area of Waikato that has had very expensive growth in the dairy expensive growth in the dairy industry. expensive growth in the dairy industry. I expensive growth in the dairy industry. I just expensive growth in the dairy industry. I just urge expensive growth in the dairy industry. I just urge that expensive growth in the dairy industry. I just urge that member, industry. I just urge that member, let industry. I just urge that member, let the industry. I just urge that member, let the inquiry industry. I just urge that member, let the inquiry do industry. I just urge that member, let the inquiry do its industry. I just urge that member, let the inquiry do its job. industry. I just urge that member, let the inquiry do its job. Members let the inquiry do its job. Members of let the inquiry do its job. Members of Parliament let the inquiry do its job. Members of Parliament should let the inquiry do its job. Members of Parliament should not let the inquiry do its job. Members of Parliament should not draw of Parliament should not draw conclusions of Parliament should not draw conclusions as of Parliament should not draw conclusions as to of Parliament should not draw conclusions as to what of Parliament should not draw conclusions as to what was of Parliament should not draw conclusions as to what was the of Parliament should not draw conclusions as to what was the cause conclusions as to what was the cause of conclusions as to what was the cause of Havelock conclusions as to what was the cause of Havelock North conclusions as to what was the cause of Havelock North until conclusions as to what was the cause of Havelock North until that conclusions as to what was the cause of Havelock North until that inquiry of Havelock North until that inquiry is of Havelock North until that inquiry is completed. of Havelock North until that inquiry is completed. Question of Havelock North until that inquiry is completed. Question No. of Havelock North until that inquiry is completed. Question No. 9. of Havelock North until that inquiry is completed. Question No. 9. Iain is completed. Question No. 9. Iain Lees-Galloway. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Immigration: of Immigration: How of Immigration: How many of Immigration: How many of of Immigration: How many of the of Immigration: How many of the 209,000 of Immigration: How many of the 209,000 work of Immigration: How many of the 209,000 work visas How many of the 209,000 work visas issued How many of the 209,000 work visas issued last How many of the 209,000 work visas issued last year How many of the 209,000 work visas issued last year were issued last year were for issued last year were for occupations issued last year were for occupations on issued last year were for occupations on one issued last year were for occupations on one of issued last year were for occupations on one of the for occupations on one of the Essential for occupations on one of the Essential Skills for occupations on one of the Essential Skills in for occupations on one of the Essential Skills in Demand for occupations on one of the Essential Skills in Demand lists? The The Hon The Hon Michael The Hon Michael Woodhouse. The Hon Michael Woodhouse. I The Hon Michael Woodhouse. I interpret The Hon Michael Woodhouse. I interpret the The Hon Michael Woodhouse. I interpret the primary The Hon Michael Woodhouse. I interpret the primary question The Hon Michael Woodhouse. I interpret the primary question with interpret the primary question with reference interpret the primary question with reference to interpret the primary question with reference to lists interpret the primary question with reference to lists to interpret the primary question with reference to lists to mean interpret the primary question with reference to lists to mean the reference to lists to mean the immediate reference to lists to mean the immediate school reference to lists to mean the immediate school shortage reference to lists to mean the immediate school shortage list, reference to lists to mean the immediate school shortage list, the immediate school shortage list, the long-term immediate school shortage list, the long-term school immediate school shortage list, the long-term school shortage immediate school shortage list, the long-term school shortage list immediate school shortage list, the long-term school shortage list and long-term school shortage list and the long-term school shortage list and the Canterbury long-term school shortage list and the Canterbury school long-term school shortage list and the Canterbury school shortage long-term school shortage list and the Canterbury school shortage list. the Canterbury school shortage list. It the Canterbury school shortage list. It is the Canterbury school shortage list. It is difficult the Canterbury school shortage list. It is difficult to the Canterbury school shortage list. It is difficult to get the Canterbury school shortage list. It is difficult to get an the Canterbury school shortage list. It is difficult to get an exact It is difficult to get an exact number It is difficult to get an exact number under It is difficult to get an exact number under these It is difficult to get an exact number under these lists It is difficult to get an exact number under these lists because It is difficult to get an exact number under these lists because of number under these lists because of the number under these lists because of the differences number under these lists because of the differences in number under these lists because of the differences in the number under these lists because of the differences in the timing the differences in the timing between the differences in the timing between the the differences in the timing between the period the differences in the timing between the period of the differences in the timing between the period of the the differences in the timing between the period of the number the differences in the timing between the period of the number of between the period of the number of work between the period of the number of work visas between the period of the number of work visas and between the period of the number of work visas and the between the period of the number of work visas and the changes between the period of the number of work visas and the changes to between the period of the number of work visas and the changes to the work visas and the changes to the list work visas and the changes to the list in work visas and the changes to the list in that work visas and the changes to the list in that time. work visas and the changes to the list in that time. However, work visas and the changes to the list in that time. However, the work visas and the changes to the list in that time. However, the best list in that time. However, the best estimate list in that time. However, the best estimate officials list in that time. However, the best estimate officials have list in that time. However, the best estimate officials have provided list in that time. However, the best estimate officials have provided me estimate officials have provided me in estimate officials have provided me in the estimate officials have provided me in the time estimate officials have provided me in the time available estimate officials have provided me in the time available is estimate officials have provided me in the time available is that estimate officials have provided me in the time available is that 15-1 in the time available is that 15-1 -- in the time available is that 15-1 -- 10,000 in the time available is that 15-1 -- 10,000 and in the time available is that 15-1 -- 10,000 and 16,000... -- 10,000 and 16,000... Supplementary. -- 10,000 and 16,000... Supplementary. Supplementary Supplementary. Supplementary question Supplementary. Supplementary question Iain Supplementary. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. Supplementary. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. Do Supplementary. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. Do cafe question Iain Lees-Galloway. Do cafe manager, question Iain Lees-Galloway. Do cafe manager, winery question Iain Lees-Galloway. Do cafe manager, winery cellar question Iain Lees-Galloway. Do cafe manager, winery cellar hand question Iain Lees-Galloway. Do cafe manager, winery cellar hand or manager, winery cellar hand or deckhand manager, winery cellar hand or deckhand appear manager, winery cellar hand or deckhand appear on manager, winery cellar hand or deckhand appear on an manager, winery cellar hand or deckhand appear on an essential deckhand appear on an essential skills deckhand appear on an essential deckhand deckhand appear on an essential skills and demand deckhand appear on an essential skills and demand list? deckhand appear on an essential skills and demand list? If deckhand appear on an essential skills and demand list? If not, deckhand appear on an essential skills and demand list? If not, why skills and demand list? If not, why are skills and demand list? If not, why are so skills and demand list? If not, why are so M skills and demand list? If not, why are so M visas skills and demand list? If not, why are so M visas being skills and demand list? If not, why are so M visas being issued skills and demand list? If not, why are so M visas being issued for are so M visas being issued for those are so M visas being issued for those occupations? are so M visas being issued for those occupations? Mr are so M visas being issued for those occupations? Mr Speaker. are so M visas being issued for those occupations? Mr Speaker. If those occupations? Mr Speaker. If the those occupations? Mr Speaker. If the member those occupations? Mr Speaker. If the member is those occupations? Mr Speaker. If the member is inferring those occupations? Mr Speaker. If the member is inferring from those occupations? Mr Speaker. If the member is inferring from his the member is inferring from his question the member is inferring from his question they the member is inferring from his question they are the member is inferring from his question they are not. the member is inferring from his question they are not. I the member is inferring from his question they are not. I would the member is inferring from his question they are not. I would have question they are not. I would have to question they are not. I would have to check. question they are not. I would have to check. It question they are not. I would have to check. It is question they are not. I would have to check. It is important question they are not. I would have to check. It is important to question they are not. I would have to check. It is important to bear question they are not. I would have to check. It is important to bear in to check. It is important to bear in mind to check. It is important to bear in mind that to check. It is important to bear in mind that a to check. It is important to bear in mind that a visa to check. It is important to bear in mind that a visa can to check. It is important to bear in mind that a visa can be to check. It is important to bear in mind that a visa can be issued to check. It is important to bear in mind that a visa can be issued under mind that a visa can be issued under the mind that a visa can be issued under the essential mind that a visa can be issued under the essential skills mind that a visa can be issued under the essential skills category mind that a visa can be issued under the essential skills category even the essential skills category even though the essential skills category even the the essential skills category even though occupations are the essential skills category even though occupations are not the essential skills category even though occupations are not on the essential skills category even though occupations are not on that though occupations are not on that list, though occupations are not on that list, but though occupations are not on that list, but the though occupations are not on that list, but the employer though occupations are not on that list, but the employer would though occupations are not on that list, but the employer would need though occupations are not on that list, but the employer would need to list, but the employer would need to first list, but the employer would need to first show list, but the employer would need to first show that list, but the employer would need to first show that there list, but the employer would need to first show that there is list, but the employer would need to first show that there is not list, but the employer would need to first show that there is not a list, but the employer would need to first show that there is not a New first show that there is not a New Zealander first show that there is not a New Zealander to first show that there is not a New Zealander to do first show that there is not a New Zealander to do the first show that there is not a New Zealander to do the job. first show that there is not a New Zealander to do the job. I first show that there is not a New Zealander to do the job. I reassure Zealander to do the job. I reassure the Zealander to do the job. I reassure the member Zealander to do the job. I reassure the member that Zealander to do the job. I reassure the member that is Zealander to do the job. I reassure the member that is an Zealander to do the job. I reassure the member that is an own Zealander to do the job. I reassure the member that is an own Russ Zealander to do the job. I reassure the member that is an own Russ test. the member that is an own Russ test. Supplementary. the member that is an own Russ test. Supplementary. Supplementary Supplementary. Supplementary question Supplementary. Supplementary question Iain Supplementary. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. Supplementary. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. If question Iain Lees-Galloway. If visas question Iain Lees-Galloway. If visas are question Iain Lees-Galloway. If visas are being question Iain Lees-Galloway. If visas are being issued question Iain Lees-Galloway. If visas are being issued for visas are being issued for occupations visas are being issued for occupations that visas are being issued for occupations that are visas are being issued for occupations that are not visas are being issued for occupations that are not on visas are being issued for occupations that are not on the occupations that are not on the skills occupations that are not on the skills shortage occupations that are not on the skills shortage list occupations that are not on the skills shortage list because occupations that are not on the skills shortage list because of skills shortage list because of labour skills shortage list because of labour shortages, skills shortage list because of labour shortages, why skills shortage list because of labour shortages, why doesn't skills shortage list because of labour shortages, why doesn't he labour shortages, why doesn't he allow labour shortages, why doesn't he allow wages labour shortages, why doesn't he allow wages to labour shortages, why doesn't he allow wages to increase labour shortages, why doesn't he allow wages to increase for allow wages to increase for occupations allow wages to increase for occupations in allow wages to increase for occupations in which allow wages to increase for occupations in which there allow wages to increase for occupations in which there is allow wages to increase for occupations in which there is a occupations in which there is a labour occupations in which there is a labour shortage, occupations in which there is a labour shortage, rather occupations in which there is a labour shortage, rather than occupations in which there is a labour shortage, rather than using labour shortage, rather than using immigration labour shortage, rather than using immigration to labour shortage, rather than using immigration to suppress labour shortage, rather than using immigration to suppress wages? labour shortage, rather than using immigration to suppress wages? The immigration to suppress wages? The Hon immigration to suppress wages? The Hon Michael immigration to suppress wages? The Hon Michael Woodhouse. immigration to suppress wages? The Hon Michael Woodhouse. I immigration to suppress wages? The Hon Michael Woodhouse. I reject immigration to suppress wages? The Hon Michael Woodhouse. I reject the Hon Michael Woodhouse. I reject the inference Hon Michael Woodhouse. I reject the inference of Hon Michael Woodhouse. I reject the inference of the Hon Michael Woodhouse. I reject the inference of the question. Hon Michael Woodhouse. I reject the inference of the question. Wages Hon Michael Woodhouse. I reject the inference of the question. Wages are inference of the question. Wages are growing inference of the question. Wages are growing ahead inference of the question. Wages are growing ahead of inference of the question. Wages are growing ahead of inflation. inference of the question. Wages are growing ahead of inflation. Jobs inference of the question. Wages are growing ahead of inflation. Jobs are growing ahead of inflation. Jobs are growing growing ahead of inflation. Jobs are growing right growing ahead of inflation. Jobs are growing right across growing ahead of inflation. Jobs are growing right across the growing ahead of inflation. Jobs are growing right across the country growing ahead of inflation. Jobs are growing right across the country and growing right across the country and if growing right across the country and if that growing right across the country and if that member growing right across the country and if that member got growing right across the country and if that member got out growing right across the country and if that member got out of growing right across the country and if that member got out of his growing right across the country and if that member got out of his ivory if that member got out of his ivory tower if that member got out of his ivory tower and if that member got out of his ivory tower and went if that member got out of his ivory tower and went to if that member got out of his ivory tower and went to the if that member got out of his ivory tower and went to the regions if that member got out of his ivory tower and went to the regions and tower and went to the regions and talked tower and went to the regions and talked to tower and went to the regions and talked to employers tower and went to the regions and talked to employers in tower and went to the regions and talked to employers in those talked to employers in those regions, talked to employers in those regions, the talked to employers in those regions, the No. talked to employers in those regions, the No. 1 talked to employers in those regions, the No. 1 thing talked to employers in those regions, the No. 1 thing they talked to employers in those regions, the No. 1 thing they are regions, the No. 1 thing they are saying regions, the No. 1 thing they are saying is regions, the No. 1 thing they are saying is we regions, the No. 1 thing they are saying is we cannot regions, the No. 1 thing they are saying is we cannot find regions, the No. 1 thing they are saying is we cannot find the regions, the No. 1 thing they are saying is we cannot find the labour saying is we cannot find the labour we saying is we cannot find the labour we need. saying is we cannot find the labour we need. Supplementary saying is we cannot find the labour we need. Supplementary question, saying is we cannot find the labour we need. Supplementary question, Mr we need. Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. we need. Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Supplementary we need. Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Supplementary question we need. Supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Supplementary question Iain Speaker. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. Speaker. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. How Speaker. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. How can Speaker. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. How can he Speaker. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. How can he claim Speaker. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. How can he claim that Lees-Galloway. How can he claim that immigration Lees-Galloway. How can he claim that immigration is Lees-Galloway. How can he claim that immigration is not Lees-Galloway. How can he claim that immigration is not being Lees-Galloway. How can he claim that immigration is not being used Lees-Galloway. How can he claim that immigration is not being used to immigration is not being used to suppress immigration is not being used to suppress wages immigration is not being used to suppress wages when immigration is not being used to suppress wages when Westpac immigration is not being used to suppress wages when Westpac says suppress wages when Westpac says wage suppress wages when Westpac says wage growth suppress wages when Westpac says wage growth is suppress wages when Westpac says wage growth is "missing suppress wages when Westpac says wage growth is "missing in suppress wages when Westpac says wage growth is "missing in action" wage growth is "missing in action" and wage growth is "missing in action" and Capital wage growth is "missing in action" and Capital Economics wage growth is "missing in action" and Capital Economics say wage growth is "missing in action" and Capital Economics say "wage and Capital Economics say "wage growth and Capital Economics say "wage growth is and Capital Economics say "wage growth is likely and Capital Economics say "wage growth is likely to and Capital Economics say "wage growth is likely to remain and Capital Economics say "wage growth is likely to remain low and Capital Economics say "wage growth is likely to remain low until growth is likely to remain low until at growth is likely to remain low until at least growth is likely to remain low until at least 2018" growth is likely to remain low until at least 2018" and growth is likely to remain low until at least 2018" and that growth is likely to remain low until at least 2018" and that both growth is likely to remain low until at least 2018" and that both of at least 2018" and that both of those at least 2018" and that both of those rep at least 2018" and that both of those rep table at least 2018" and that both of those rep table organisations at least 2018" and that both of those rep table organisations say those rep table organisations say the those rep table organisations say the blame those rep table organisations say the blame lies those rep table organisations say the blame lies squarely those rep table organisations say the blame lies squarely witherly the blame lies squarely witherly high the blame lies squarely witherly high numbers the blame lies squarely witherly high numbers of the blame lies squarely witherly high numbers of immigration. the blame lies squarely witherly high numbers of immigration. The the blame lies squarely witherly high numbers of immigration. The Hon high numbers of immigration. The Hon Michael high numbers of immigration. The Hon Michael Woodhouse. high numbers of immigration. The Hon Michael Woodhouse. Well, high numbers of immigration. The Hon Michael Woodhouse. Well, in high numbers of immigration. The Hon Michael Woodhouse. Well, in respect Michael Woodhouse. Well, in respect of Michael Woodhouse. Well, in respect of the Michael Woodhouse. Well, in respect of the last Michael Woodhouse. Well, in respect of the last part Michael Woodhouse. Well, in respect of the last part of Michael Woodhouse. Well, in respect of the last part of that Michael Woodhouse. Well, in respect of the last part of that question Michael Woodhouse. Well, in respect of the last part of that question I of the last part of that question I draw of the last part of that question I draw the of the last part of that question I draw the member's of the last part of that question I draw the member's attention of the last part of that question I draw the member's attention to draw the member's attention to certain draw the member's attention to certain data draw the member's attention to certain data on draw the member's attention to certain data on how draw the member's attention to certain data on how me draw the member's attention to certain data on how me shall draw the member's attention to certain data on how me shall skills certain data on how me shall skills visas certain data on how me shall skills visas were certain data on how me shall skills visas were issued certain data on how me shall skills visas were issued for certain data on how me shall skills visas were issued for the certain data on how me shall skills visas were issued for the first certain data on how me shall skills visas were issued for the first time visas were issued for the first time in visas were issued for the first time in the visas were issued for the first time in the year visas were issued for the first time in the year 2007/08. visas were issued for the first time in the year 2007/08. That visas were issued for the first time in the year 2007/08. That year visas were issued for the first time in the year 2007/08. That year there in the year 2007/08. That year there were in the year 2007/08. That year there were 16, in the year 2007/08. That year there were 16, 118, in the year 2007/08. That year there were 16, 118, according in the year 2007/08. That year there were 16, 118, according to in the year 2007/08. That year there were 16, 118, according to the were 16, 118, according to the official were 16, 118, according to the official information were 16, 118, according to the official information I were 16, 118, according to the official information I have were 16, 118, according to the official information I have been official information I have been given. official information I have been given. Sorry, official information I have been given. Sorry, the official information I have been given. Sorry, the estimates official information I have been given. Sorry, the estimates I official information I have been given. Sorry, the estimates I have given. Sorry, the estimates I have been given. Sorry, the estimates I have been given. given. Sorry, the estimates I have been given. Last given. Sorry, the estimates I have been given. Last year, given. Sorry, the estimates I have been given. Last year, there given. Sorry, the estimates I have been given. Last year, there were been given. Last year, there were half been given. Last year, there were half of been given. Last year, there were half of those been given. Last year, there were half of those numbers. been given. Last year, there were half of those numbers. 8, been given. Last year, there were half of those numbers. 8, 329. been given. Last year, there were half of those numbers. 8, 329. If half of those numbers. 8, 329. If the half of those numbers. 8, 329. If the member half of those numbers. 8, 329. If the member is half of those numbers. 8, 329. If the member is concluding half of those numbers. 8, 329. If the member is concluding from half of those numbers. 8, 329. If the member is concluding from those the member is concluding from those numbers, the member is concluding from those numbers, from the member is concluding from those numbers, from that the member is concluding from those numbers, from that information the member is concluding from those numbers, from that information that numbers, from that information that wage numbers, from that information that wage growth numbers, from that information that wage growth is numbers, from that information that wage growth is being numbers, from that information that wage growth is being suppressed wage growth is being suppressed because wage growth is being suppressed because of wage growth is being suppressed because of extra wage growth is being suppressed because of extra demand wage growth is being suppressed because of extra demand for wage growth is being suppressed because of extra demand for labour, because of extra demand for labour, that because of extra demand for labour, that is because of extra demand for labour, that is completely because of extra demand for labour, that is completely the because of extra demand for labour, that is completely the opposite because of extra demand for labour, that is completely the opposite of that is completely the opposite of the that is completely the opposite of the data. that is completely the opposite of the data. Supplementary. the data. Supplementary. Supplementary the data. Supplementary. Supplementary question the data. Supplementary. Supplementary question Iain Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. Why Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. Why won't Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. Why won't he Supplementary question Iain Lees-Galloway. Why won't he listen Lees-Galloway. Why won't he listen to Lees-Galloway. Why won't he listen to Westpac, Lees-Galloway. Why won't he listen to Westpac, to Lees-Galloway. Why won't he listen to Westpac, to Capital Lees-Galloway. Why won't he listen to Westpac, to Capital Economics, Lees-Galloway. Why won't he listen to Westpac, to Capital Economics, to to Westpac, to Capital Economics, to the to Westpac, to Capital Economics, to the Reserve to Westpac, to Capital Economics, to the Reserve Bank, to Westpac, to Capital Economics, to the Reserve Bank, the to Westpac, to Capital Economics, to the Reserve Bank, the B to Westpac, to Capital Economics, to the Reserve Bank, the B NZ, to Westpac, to Capital Economics, to the Reserve Bank, the B NZ, the the Reserve Bank, the B NZ, the Auckland the Reserve Bank, the B NZ, the Auckland Chamber the Reserve Bank, the B NZ, the Auckland Chamber of the Reserve Bank, the B NZ, the Auckland Chamber of comerps, Auckland Chamber of comerps, Treasury Auckland Chamber of comerps, Treasury and Auckland Chamber of comerps, Treasury and the Auckland Chamber of comerps, Treasury and the New Auckland Chamber of comerps, Treasury and the New Zealand Auckland Chamber of comerps, Treasury and the New Zealand public Treasury and the New Zealand public and Treasury and the New Zealand public and carry Treasury and the New Zealand public and carry out Treasury and the New Zealand public and carry out a Treasury and the New Zealand public and carry out a comprehensive Treasury and the New Zealand public and carry out a comprehensive review and carry out a comprehensive review of and carry out a comprehensive review of immigration and carry out a comprehensive review of immigration settings? and carry out a comprehensive review of immigration settings? Mr and carry out a comprehensive review of immigration settings? Mr Speaker, of immigration settings? Mr Speaker, two of immigration settings? Mr Speaker, two things, of immigration settings? Mr Speaker, two things, we of immigration settings? Mr Speaker, two things, we listen of immigration settings? Mr Speaker, two things, we listen to of immigration settings? Mr Speaker, two things, we listen to a of immigration settings? Mr Speaker, two things, we listen to a number of immigration settings? Mr Speaker, two things, we listen to a number of two things, we listen to a number of stakeholders two things, we listen to a number of stakeholders in two things, we listen to a number of stakeholders in this, two things, we listen to a number of stakeholders in this, including stakeholders in this, including them, stakeholders in this, including them, including stakeholders in this, including them, including my stakeholders in this, including them, including my own stakeholders in this, including them, including my own officials, them, including my own officials, who them, including my own officials, who are them, including my own officials, who are estimating them, including my own officials, who are estimating that them, including my own officials, who are estimating that essential who are estimating that essential skills who are estimating that essential skills visas, who are estimating that essential skills visas, both who are estimating that essential skills visas, both first-time skills visas, both first-time granted skills visas, both first-time granted and skills visas, both first-time granted and total, skills visas, both first-time granted and total, are skills visas, both first-time granted and total, are going skills visas, both first-time granted and total, are going down skills visas, both first-time granted and total, are going down by granted and total, are going down by between granted and total, are going down by between 40-50%. granted and total, are going down by between 40-50%. But granted and total, are going down by between 40-50%. But I granted and total, are going down by between 40-50%. But I am granted and total, are going down by between 40-50%. But I am also granted and total, are going down by between 40-50%. But I am also going between 40-50%. But I am also going to between 40-50%. But I am also going to listen between 40-50%. But I am also going to listen to between 40-50%. But I am also going to listen to the between 40-50%. But I am also going to listen to the employers between 40-50%. But I am also going to listen to the employers in between 40-50%. But I am also going to listen to the employers in those to listen to the employers in those regions to listen to the employers in those regions who to listen to the employers in those regions who are to listen to the employers in those regions who are crying to listen to the employers in those regions who are crying out to listen to the employers in those regions who are crying out for to listen to the employers in those regions who are crying out for the regions who are crying out for the sort regions who are crying out for the sort of regions who are crying out for the sort of people regions who are crying out for the sort of people that regions who are crying out for the sort of people that they regions who are crying out for the sort of people that they need regions who are crying out for the sort of people that they need to sort of people that they need to prevent sort of people that they need to prevent fruit sort of people that they need to prevent fruit from sort of people that they need to prevent fruit from rotting sort of people that they need to prevent fruit from rotting on sort of people that they need to prevent fruit from rotting on the prevent fruit from rotting on the vine, prevent fruit from rotting on the vine, cows prevent fruit from rotting on the vine, cows from prevent fruit from rotting on the vine, cows from being prevent fruit from rotting on the vine, cows from being milked prevent fruit from rotting on the vine, cows from being milked and vine, cows from being milked and elderly vine, cows from being milked and elderly to vine, cows from being milked and elderly to be vine, cows from being milked and elderly to be looked vine, cows from being milked and elderly to be looked after vine, cows from being milked and elderly to be looked after in vine, cows from being milked and elderly to be looked after in our elderly to be looked after in our age elderly to be looked after in our age care elderly to be looked after in our age care sector. elderly to be looked after in our age care sector. I elderly to be looked after in our age care sector. I would elderly to be looked after in our age care sector. I would love elderly to be looked after in our age care sector. I would love it elderly to be looked after in our age care sector. I would love it if age care sector. I would love it if every age care sector. I would love it if every single age care sector. I would love it if every single one age care sector. I would love it if every single one of age care sector. I would love it if every single one of those age care sector. I would love it if every single one of those jobs age care sector. I would love it if every single one of those jobs were every single one of those jobs were filled every single one of those jobs were filled by every single one of those jobs were filled by a every single one of those jobs were filled by a New every single one of those jobs were filled by a New Zealander. every single one of those jobs were filled by a New Zealander. That every single one of those jobs were filled by a New Zealander. That is filled by a New Zealander. That is not filled by a New Zealander. That is not the filled by a New Zealander. That is not the reality filled by a New Zealander. That is not the reality now filled by a New Zealander. That is not the reality now and filled by a New Zealander. That is not the reality now and it filled by a New Zealander. That is not the reality now and it wasn't not the reality now and it wasn't when not the reality now and it wasn't when they not the reality now and it wasn't when they were not the reality now and it wasn't when they were in not the reality now and it wasn't when they were in office. when they were in office. Supplementary. when they were in office. Supplementary. Supplementary Supplementary. Supplementary question Supplementary. Supplementary question Ron Supplementary. Supplementary question Ron Mark. Supplementary. Supplementary question Ron Mark. Thank Supplementary. Supplementary question Ron Mark. Thank you, Supplementary. Supplementary question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the Minister, question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the Minister, so question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the Minister, so can question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the Minister, so can the Speaker. To the Minister, so can the Mintel Speaker. To the Minister, so can the Mintel us Speaker. To the Minister, so can the Mintel us again Speaker. To the Minister, so can the Mintel us again why Speaker. To the Minister, so can the Mintel us again why is Speaker. To the Minister, so can the Mintel us again why is this Mintel us again why is this government Mintel us again why is this government allowing Mintel us again why is this government allowing thousands Mintel us again why is this government allowing thousands of government allowing thousands of overseas government allowing thousands of overseas students government allowing thousands of overseas students to government allowing thousands of overseas students to come government allowing thousands of overseas students to come here government allowing thousands of overseas students to come here to government allowing thousands of overseas students to come here to be overseas students to come here to be exploited overseas students to come here to be exploited and overseas students to come here to be exploited and extorted overseas students to come here to be exploited and extorted by overseas students to come here to be exploited and extorted by immigrants exploited and extorted by immigrants - exploited and extorted by immigrants - by exploited and extorted by immigrants - by other exploited and extorted by immigrants - by other immigrants exploited and extorted by immigrants - by other immigrants of exploited and extorted by immigrants - by other immigrants of their - by other immigrants of their ethnicity? - by other immigrants of their ethnicity? The - by other immigrants of their ethnicity? The Hon - by other immigrants of their ethnicity? The Hon Michael ethnicity? The Hon Michael Woodhouse. ethnicity? The Hon Michael Woodhouse. Mr ethnicity? The Hon Michael Woodhouse. Mr Speaker, ethnicity? The Hon Michael Woodhouse. Mr Speaker, the ethnicity? The Hon Michael Woodhouse. Mr Speaker, the question Woodhouse. Mr Speaker, the question has Woodhouse. Mr Speaker, the question has nothing Woodhouse. Mr Speaker, the question has nothing to Woodhouse. Mr Speaker, the question has nothing to do Woodhouse. Mr Speaker, the question has nothing to do with Woodhouse. Mr Speaker, the question has nothing to do with the Woodhouse. Mr Speaker, the question has nothing to do with the primary has nothing to do with the primary in has nothing to do with the primary in this has nothing to do with the primary in this question, has nothing to do with the primary in this question, but has nothing to do with the primary in this question, but I has nothing to do with the primary in this question, but I will has nothing to do with the primary in this question, but I will address in this question, but I will address it, in this question, but I will address it, nevertheless. in this question, but I will address it, nevertheless. This in this question, but I will address it, nevertheless. This is in this question, but I will address it, nevertheless. This is a in this question, but I will address it, nevertheless. This is a very it, nevertheless. This is a very important it, nevertheless. This is a very important industry it, nevertheless. This is a very important industry and it, nevertheless. This is a very important industry and one it, nevertheless. This is a very important industry and one that it, nevertheless. This is a very important industry and one that is important industry and one that is held important industry and one that is held in important industry and one that is held in high important industry and one that is held in high record important industry and one that is held in high record globally. important industry and one that is held in high record globally. It held in high record globally. It earns held in high record globally. It earns $3 held in high record globally. It earns $3 billion held in high record globally. It earns $3 billion a held in high record globally. It earns $3 billion a year held in high record globally. It earns $3 billion a year and held in high record globally. It earns $3 billion a year and employs earns $3 billion a year and employs nearly earns $3 billion a year and employs nearly 26,000 earns $3 billion a year and employs nearly 26,000 people. earns $3 billion a year and employs nearly 26,000 people. There earns $3 billion a year and employs nearly 26,000 people. There are earns $3 billion a year and employs nearly 26,000 people. There are no nearly 26,000 people. There are no doubt nearly 26,000 people. There are no doubt problems nearly 26,000 people. There are no doubt problems in nearly 26,000 people. There are no doubt problems in the nearly 26,000 people. There are no doubt problems in the student nearly 26,000 people. There are no doubt problems in the student market doubt problems in the student market and doubt problems in the student market and particularly doubt problems in the student market and particularly in doubt problems in the student market and particularly in the and particularly in the sub-continent and particularly in the earns and particularly in the sub-continent which is and particularly in the sub-continent which is why and particularly in the sub-continent which is why presently sub-continent which is why presently more sub-continent which is why presently more than sub-continent which is why presently more than half sub-continent which is why presently more than half of sub-continent which is why presently more than half of the sub-continent which is why presently more than half of the visas sub-continent which is why presently more than half of the visas applied more than half of the visas applied for more than half of the visas applied for from more than half of the visas applied for from that more than half of the visas applied for from that part more than half of the visas applied for from that part of more than half of the visas applied for from that part of the more than half of the visas applied for from that part of the world more than half of the visas applied for from that part of the world are for from that part of the world are being for from that part of the world are being declined. for from that part of the world are being declined. I for from that part of the world are being declined. I am for from that part of the world are being declined. I am satisfied for from that part of the world are being declined. I am satisfied we being declined. I am satisfied we are being declined. I am satisfied we are on being declined. I am satisfied we are on top being declined. I am satisfied we are on top of being declined. I am satisfied we are on top of the being declined. I am satisfied we are on top of the issue being declined. I am satisfied we are on top of the issue and being declined. I am satisfied we are on top of the issue and being are on top of the issue and being diligent are on top of the issue and being diligent about are on top of the issue and being diligent about it. are on top of the issue and being diligent about it. Supplementary diligent about it. Supplementary question diligent about it. Supplementary more diligent about it. Supplementary question Ron Mark. diligent about it. Supplementary question Ron Mark. Thank diligent about it. Supplementary question Ron Mark. Thank you, diligent about it. Supplementary question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the Minister, question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the Minister, how question Ron Mark. Thank you, Mr Speaker. To the Minister, how would Speaker. To the Minister, how would he Speaker. To the Minister, how would he reply Speaker. To the Minister, how would he reply to Speaker. To the Minister, how would he reply to a Speaker. To the Minister, how would he reply to a young Speaker. To the Minister, how would he reply to a young foreign Speaker. To the Minister, how would he reply to a young foreign student he reply to a young foreign student when he reply to a young foreign student when she he reply to a young foreign student when she asked: he reply to a young foreign student when she asked: Why he reply to a young foreign student when she asked: Why an he reply to a young foreign student when she asked: Why an Auckland he reply to a young foreign student when she asked: Why an Auckland cafe when she asked: Why an Auckland cafe owner when she asked: Why an Auckland cafe owner demanded when she asked: Why an Auckland cafe owner demanded that when she asked: Why an Auckland cafe owner demanded that she when she asked: Why an Auckland cafe owner demanded that she pay when she asked: Why an Auckland cafe owner demanded that she pay $30,000 owner demanded that she pay $30,000 to owner demanded that she pay $30,000 to get owner demanded that she pay $30,000 to get the owner demanded that she pay $30,000 to get the job owner demanded that she pay $30,000 to get the job she owner demanded that she pay $30,000 to get the job she was owner demanded that she pay $30,000 to get the job she was applying owner demanded that she pay $30,000 to get the job she was applying for? to get the job she was applying for? Mr to get the job she was applying for? Mr Speaker. to get the job she was applying for? Mr Speaker. Michael to get the job she was applying for? Mr Speaker. Michael Woodhouse. to get the job she was applying for? Mr Speaker. Michael Woodhouse. I Mr Speaker. Michael Woodhouse. I would Mr Speaker. Michael Woodhouse. I would reassure Mr Speaker. Michael Woodhouse. I would reassure that Mr Speaker. Michael Woodhouse. I would reassure that student Mr Speaker. Michael Woodhouse. I would reassure that student the would reassure that student the government would reassure that student the government takes would reassure that student the government takes that would reassure that student the government takes that form would reassure that student the government takes that form of government takes that form of exploiting government takes that form of exploiting the government takes that form of exploiting the practice government takes that form of exploiting the practice very exploiting the practice very seriously exploiting the practice very government exploiting the practice very seriously which is exploiting the practice very seriously which is why exploiting the practice very seriously which is why last exploiting the practice very seriously which is why last year exploiting the practice very seriously which is why last year we seriously which is why last year we significantly seriously which is why last year we significantly increased seriously which is why last year we significantly increased the significantly increased the sanctions... significantly increased the sanctions... For significantly increased the sanctions... For exploitation significantly increased the sanctions... For exploitation of sanctions... For exploitation of people sanctions... For exploitation of people lawfully sanctions... For exploitation of people lawfully entitled sanctions... For exploitation of people lawfully entitled to sanctions... For exploitation of people lawfully entitled to be sanctions... For exploitation of people lawfully entitled to be here. people lawfully entitled to be here. The people lawfully entitled to be here. The punishment people lawfully entitled to be here. The punishment is people lawfully entitled to be here. The punishment is seven people lawfully entitled to be here. The punishment is seven years people lawfully entitled to be here. The punishment is seven years in The punishment is seven years in jail, The punishment is seven years in jail, up The punishment is seven years in jail, up to The punishment is seven years in jail, up to a The punishment is seven years in jail, up to a maximum The punishment is seven years in jail, up to a maximum of The punishment is seven years in jail, up to a maximum of and jail, up to a maximum of and $100,000 jail, up to a maximum of and $100,000 fine jail, up to a maximum of and $100,000 fine and jail, up to a maximum of and $100,000 fine and if jail, up to a maximum of and $100,000 fine and if those $100,000 fine and if those themselves $100,000 fine and if those $100,000 $100,000 fine and if those themselves are recent $100,000 fine and if those themselves are recent residents $100,000 fine and if those themselves are recent residents they themselves are recent residents they can themselves are recent residents they can be themselves are recent residents they can be liable themselves are recent residents they can be liable for themselves are recent residents they can be liable for deportation. can be liable for deportation. <CHEERING> <CHEERING> Welcome <CHEERING> Welcome back. <CHEERING> Welcome back. Question <CHEERING> Welcome back. Question No. <CHEERING> Welcome back. Question No. 10. <CHEERING> Welcome back. Question No. 10. Jono Welcome back. Question No. 10. Jono Naylor. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Police: of Police: What of Police: What is of Police: What is the of Police: What is the Police of Police: What is the Police doing What is the Police doing to What is the Police doing to assist What is the Police doing to assist potential What is the Police doing to assist potential victims to assist potential victims of to assist potential victims of family to assist potential victims of family violence? The The Hon The Hon Judith The Hon Judith Collins. The Hon Judith Collins. MrMr, The Hon Judith Collins. MrMr, quite The Hon Judith Collins. MrMr, quite contrary The Hon Judith Collins. MrMr, quite contrary to The Hon Judith Collins. MrMr, quite contrary to what The Hon Judith Collins. MrMr, quite contrary to what the The Hon Judith Collins. MrMr, quite contrary to what the Leader The Hon Judith Collins. MrMr, quite contrary to what the Leader of The Hon Judith Collins. MrMr, quite contrary to what the Leader of the contrary to what the Leader of the Opposition contrary to what the Leader of the Opposition said, contrary to what the Leader of the Opposition said, in contrary to what the Leader of the Opposition said, in addition contrary to what the Leader of the Opposition said, in addition to Opposition said, in addition to attending Opposition said, in addition to attending more Opposition said, in addition to attending more than Opposition said, in addition to attending more than 100,000 Opposition said, in addition to attending more than 100,000 family attending more than 100,000 family violence attending more than 100,000 family violence call-outs attending more than 100,000 family violence call-outs a attending more than 100,000 family violence call-outs a year, attending more than 100,000 family violence call-outs a year, the attending more than 100,000 family violence call-outs a year, the new violence call-outs a year, the new police violence call-outs a year, the new police family violence call-outs a year, the new police family violence violence call-outs a year, the new police family violence information police family violence information disclosure police family violence information disclosure scheme police family violence information disclosure scheme is police family violence information disclosure scheme is providing disclosure scheme is providing victims disclosure scheme is providing victims and disclosure scheme is providing victims and potential disclosure scheme is providing victims and potential victims disclosure scheme is providing victims and potential victims with victims and potential victims with the victims and potential victims with the information victims and potential victims with the information they victims and potential victims with the information they need victims and potential victims with the information they need to victims and potential victims with the information they need to leave the information they need to leave potentially the information they need to leave potentially dangerous the information they need to leave potentially dangerous situations. potentially dangerous situations. The potentially dangerous situations. The scheme potentially dangerous situations. The scheme allows potentially dangerous situations. The scheme allows potential potentially dangerous situations. The scheme allows potential vukts potentially dangerous situations. The scheme allows potential vukts of The scheme allows potential vukts of family The scheme allows potential vukts of family violence The scheme allows potential vukts of family violence or The scheme allows potential vukts of family violence or concerned family violence or concerned relatives family violence or concerned relatives or family violence or concerned relatives or friends family violence or concerned relatives or friends to family violence or concerned relatives or friends to request relatives or friends to request information relatives or friends to request information relating relatives or friends to request information relating to relatives or friends to request information relating to the relatives or friends to request information relating to the violence information relating to the violence history information relating to the violence history of information relating to the violence history of a information relating to the violence history of a new information relating to the violence history of a new partner. information relating to the violence history of a new partner. This information relating to the violence history of a new partner. This is information relating to the violence history of a new partner. This is an history of a new partner. This is an idea history of a new partner. This is an idea I history of a new partner. This is an idea I brought history of a new partner. This is an idea I brought back history of a new partner. This is an idea I brought back to history of a new partner. This is an idea I brought back to New history of a new partner. This is an idea I brought back to New Zealand idea I brought back to New Zealand after idea I brought back to New Zealand after a idea I brought back to New Zealand after a visit idea I brought back to New Zealand after a visit to idea I brought back to New Zealand after a visit to the idea I brought back to New Zealand after a visit to the UK idea I brought back to New Zealand after a visit to the UK in idea I brought back to New Zealand after a visit to the UK in 2013 after a visit to the UK in 2013 modelled after a visit to the UK in 2013 modelled on after a visit to the UK in 2013 modelled on Clare's after a visit to the UK in 2013 modelled on Clare's Law. after a visit to the UK in 2013 modelled on Clare's Law. A after a visit to the UK in 2013 modelled on Clare's Law. A total after a visit to the UK in 2013 modelled on Clare's Law. A total of modelled on Clare's Law. A total of 55 modelled on Clare's Law. A total of 55 cases modelled on Clare's Law. A total of 55 cases have modelled on Clare's Law. A total of 55 cases have been modelled on Clare's Law. A total of 55 cases have been referred modelled on Clare's Law. A total of 55 cases have been referred to modelled on Clare's Law. A total of 55 cases have been referred to the 55 cases have been referred to the scheme 55 cases have been referred to the scheme since 55 cases have been referred to the scheme since it 55 cases have been referred to the scheme since it was 55 cases have been referred to the scheme since it was launched 55 cases have been referred to the scheme since it was launched in scheme since it was launched in December scheme since it was launched in December 2015. scheme since it was launched in December 2015. Supplementary. December 2015. Supplementary. Supplementary December 2015. Supplementary. Supplementary question December 2015. Supplementary. Supplementary question Jono December 2015. Supplementary. Supplementary question Jono Naylor. Supplementary question Jono Naylor. In Supplementary question Jono Naylor. In what Supplementary question Jono Naylor. In what other Supplementary question Jono Naylor. In what other ways Supplementary question Jono Naylor. In what other ways is Supplementary question Jono Naylor. In what other ways is the Supplementary question Jono Naylor. In what other ways is the scheme In what other ways is the scheme used In what other ways is the scheme used to In what other ways is the scheme used to prevent In what other ways is the scheme used to prevent potential In what other ways is the scheme used to prevent potential victim used to prevent potential victim issision? used to prevent potential victim issision? The used to prevent potential victim issision? The Hon used to prevent potential victim issision? The Hon Judith used to prevent potential victim issision? The Hon Judith Collins. used to prevent potential victim issision? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr issision? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, issision? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, police issision? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, police have issision? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, police have also Speaker, police have also proactively Speaker, police have also proactively - Speaker, police have also proactively - can Speaker, police have also proactively - can proactively proactively - can proactively release proactively - can proactively used proactively - can proactively release family violence proactively - can proactively release family violence information release family violence information if release family violence information used release family violence information if they believe release family violence information if they believe someone release family violence information if they believe someone is release family violence information if they believe someone is at release family violence information if they believe someone is at risk if they believe someone is at risk from if they believe someone is at risk from their if they believe someone is at risk from their partner. if they believe someone is at risk from their partner. Police if they believe someone is at risk from their partner. Police have if they believe someone is at risk from their partner. Police have done from their partner. Police have done this from their partner. Police have done this 31 from their partner. Police have done this 31 times from their partner. Police have done this 31 times since from their partner. Police have done this 31 times since the from their partner. Police have done this 31 times since the scheme from their partner. Police have done this 31 times since the scheme was this 31 times since the scheme was launched. this 31 times since the scheme was launched. This this 31 times since the scheme was launched. This is this 31 times since the scheme was launched. This is just this 31 times since the scheme was launched. This is just another launched. This is just another example launched. This is just another example of launched. This is just another example of the launched. This is just another example of the excellent launched. This is just another example of the excellent preventive example of the excellent preventive work example of the excellent preventive work that example of the excellent preventive work that NZ example of the excellent preventive work that NZ Police example of the excellent preventive work that NZ Police do example of the excellent preventive work that NZ Police do every example of the excellent preventive work that NZ Police do every day. work that NZ Police do every day. Additionally, work that NZ Police do every day. Additionally, a work that NZ Police do every day. Additionally, a number work that NZ Police do every day. Additionally, a number of work that NZ Police do every day. Additionally, a number of the Additionally, a number of the questions Additionally, a number of the questions have Additionally, a number of the questions have been Additionally, a number of the questions have been made Additionally, a number of the questions have been made in Additionally, a number of the questions have been made in relation questions have been made in relation to questions have been made in relation to sex questions have been made in relation to sex offenders questions have been made in relation to sex offenders living questions have been made in relation to sex offenders living in questions have been made in relation to sex offenders living in the questions have been made in relation to sex offenders living in the home to sex offenders living in the home of to sex offenders living in the home of a to sex offenders living in the home of a new to sex offenders living in the home of a new partner to sex offenders living in the home of a new partner and to sex offenders living in the home of a new partner and children. to sex offenders living in the home of a new partner and children. This of a new partner and children. This was of a new partner and children. This was not of a new partner and children. This was not the of a new partner and children. This was not the original of a new partner and children. This was not the original intention of a new partner and children. This was not the original intention of was not the original intention of the was not the original intention of the scheme, was not the original intention of the scheme, which was not the original intention of the scheme, which was was not the original intention of the scheme, which was aimed was not the original intention of the scheme, which was aimed at the scheme, which was aimed at intimate the scheme, which was aimed at intimate partners the scheme, which was aimed at intimate partners and the scheme, which was aimed at intimate partners and their intimate partners and their children. intimate partners and their children. However, intimate partners and their children. However, these intimate partners and their children. However, these requests children. However, these requests have children. However, these requests have been children. However, these requests have been accepted children. However, these requests have been accepted and children. However, these requests have been accepted and after have been accepted and after consideration have been accepted and after consideration disclosures have been accepted and after consideration disclosures provided consideration disclosures provided to consideration disclosures provided consideration consideration disclosures provided to reduce the consideration disclosures provided to reduce the risk consideration disclosures provided to reduce the risk of consideration disclosures provided to reduce the risk of sexual consideration disclosures provided to reduce the risk of sexual assault to reduce the risk of sexual assault on to reduce the risk of sexual assault on children. to reduce the risk of sexual assault on children. Question to reduce the risk of sexual assault on children. Question No. to reduce the risk of sexual assault on children. Question No. 11, to reduce the risk of sexual assault on children. Question No. 11, Stuart on children. Question No. 11, Stuart Nash. on children. Question No. 11, Stuart Nash. Thank on children. Question No. 11, Stuart Nash. Thank you. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister of My question is to the Minister of Police: of Police: Does of Police: Does she of Police: Does she believe of Police: Does she believe that of Police: Does she believe that the of Police: Does she believe that the Police Does she believe that the Police have Does she believe that the Police have enough Does she believe that the Police have enough resources Does she believe that the Police have enough resources to Does she believe that the Police have enough resources to implement have enough resources to implement their have enough resources to implement their part have enough resources to implement their part of have enough resources to implement their part of the have enough resources to implement their part of the Prime have enough resources to implement their part of the Prime Minister's their part of the Prime Minister's 2009 their part of the Prime Minister's 2009 promise their part of the Prime Minister's 2009 promise to their part of the Prime Minister's 2009 promise to use their part of the Prime Minister's 2009 promise to use the their part of the Prime Minister's 2009 promise to use the full their part of the Prime Minister's 2009 promise to use the full force 2009 promise to use the full force of 2009 promise to use the full force of the 2009 promise to use the full force of the Government's 2009 promise to use the full force of the Government's arsenal of the Government's arsenal to of the Government's arsenal to "confront of the Government's arsenal to "confront the of the Government's arsenal to "confront the P of the Government's arsenal to "confront the P problem" of the Government's arsenal to "confront the P problem" given to "confront the P problem" given that to "confront the P problem" given that P to "confront the P problem" given that P is to "confront the P problem" given that P is cheaper, to "confront the P problem" given that P is cheaper, and to "confront the P problem" given that P is cheaper, and as to "confront the P problem" given that P is cheaper, and as easy that P is cheaper, and as easy as that P is cheaper, and as easy as it that P is cheaper, and as easy as it was that P is cheaper, and as easy as it was to that P is cheaper, and as easy as it was to get that P is cheaper, and as easy as it was to get in that P is cheaper, and as easy as it was to get in 2008? The The Hon The Hon Judith The Hon Judith Collins. The Hon Judith Collins. Mr The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, as The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, as the The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, as the member The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, as the member well The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, as the member well knows, The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, as the member well knows, I The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, as the member well knows, I am as the member well knows, I am supporting as the member well knows, I am supporting police as the member well knows, I am supporting police to as the member well knows, I am supporting police to get as the member well knows, I am supporting police to get the supporting police to get the resources supporting police to get the resources they supporting police to get the resources they need supporting police to get the resources they need going supporting police to get the resources they need going into supporting police to get the resources they need going into the resources they need going into the future resources they need going into the future because resources they need going into the future because I resources they need going into the future because I always resources they need going into the future because I always support resources they need going into the future because I always support our future because I always support our NZ future because I always support our NZ Police, future because I always support our NZ Police, unlike future because I always support our NZ Police, unlike that future because I always support our NZ Police, unlike that member. future because I always support our NZ Police, unlike that member. In NZ Police, unlike that member. In terms NZ Police, unlike that member. In terms of NZ Police, unlike that member. In terms of method, NZ Police, unlike that member. In terms of method, while NZ Police, unlike that member. In terms of method, while there NZ Police, unlike that member. In terms of method, while there is terms of method, while there is always terms of method, while there is always more terms of method, while there is always more to terms of method, while there is always more to be terms of method, while there is always more to be done, terms of method, while there is always more to be done, this always more to be done, this government always more to be done, this government has always more to be done, this government has made always more to be done, this government has made excellent government has made excellent progress government has made excellent progress tackling government has made excellent progress tackling the government has made excellent progress tackling the problem, progress tackling the problem, including progress tackling the problem, supporting progress tackling the problem, including just today progress tackling the problem, including just today with progress tackling the problem, including just today with the including just today with the announcement including just today with the announcement of including just today with the announcement of the including just today with the announcement of the seizure including just today with the announcement of the seizure of including just today with the announcement of the seizure of an announcement of the seizure of an estimated announcement of the seizure of an estimated $3-4 announcement of the seizure of an estimated $3-4 million announcement of the seizure of an estimated $3-4 million worth announcement of the seizure of an estimated $3-4 million worth of estimated $3-4 million worth of methamphetamine estimated $3-4 million worth of methamphetamine being estimated $3-4 million worth of methamphetamine being manufactured methamphetamine being manufactured in. methamphetamine being manufactured in. A methamphetamine being manufactured in. A rural methamphetamine being manufactured in. A rural area methamphetamine being manufactured in. A rural area following methamphetamine being manufactured in. A rural area following a in. A rural area following a month-long in. A rural area following a month-long investigation. in. A rural area following a month-long investigation. I in. A rural area following a month-long investigation. I would month-long investigation. I would like month-long investigation. I would like to month-long investigation. I would like to take month-long investigation. I would like to take this month-long investigation. I would like to take this excellent like to take this excellent opportunity like to take this excellent opportunity to like to take this excellent opportunity to congratulate like to take this excellent opportunity to congratulate police opportunity to congratulate police on opportunity to congratulate police on keeping opportunity to congratulate police on keeping a opportunity to congratulate police on keeping a further opportunity to congratulate police on keeping a further substantial on keeping a further substantial amount on keeping a further substantial amount of on keeping a further substantial amount of methamphetamine on keeping a further substantial amount of methamphetamine off on keeping a further substantial amount of methamphetamine off the amount of methamphetamine off the streets. amount of methamphetamine off the streets. Well amount of methamphetamine off the streets. Well done, amount of methamphetamine off the streets. Well done, police. streets. Well done, police. <APPLAUSE> <APPLAUSE> Supplementary. <APPLAUSE> Supplementary. Order. <APPLAUSE> Supplementary. Order. Supplementary Supplementary. Order. Supplementary question, Supplementary. Order. Supplementary question, Stuart Supplementary. Order. Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Supplementary. Order. Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Does Supplementary. Order. Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Does she question, Stuart Nash. Does she believe question, Stuart Nash. Does she believe that question, Stuart Nash. Does she believe that P question, Stuart Nash. Does she believe that P being question, Stuart Nash. Does she believe that P being cheaper question, Stuart Nash. Does she believe that P being cheaper now believe that P being cheaper now than believe that P being cheaper now than 2008 believe that P being cheaper now than 2008 means believe that P being cheaper now than 2008 means that believe that P being cheaper now than 2008 means that the believe that P being cheaper now than 2008 means that the war believe that P being cheaper now than 2008 means that the war on than 2008 means that the war on method than 2008 means that the war on method has than 2008 means that the war on method has failed than 2008 means that the war on method has failed and, than 2008 means that the war on method has failed and, if than 2008 means that the war on method has failed and, if not, than 2008 means that the war on method has failed and, if not, was method has failed and, if not, was the method has failed and, if not, was the PM method has failed and, if not, was the PM wrong method has failed and, if not, was the PM wrong when method has failed and, if not, was the PM wrong when he method has failed and, if not, was the PM wrong when he said method has failed and, if not, was the PM wrong when he said that method has failed and, if not, was the PM wrong when he said that the the PM wrong when he said that the mark the PM wrong when he said that the mark of the PM wrong when he said that the mark of success the PM wrong when he said that the mark of success would the PM wrong when he said that the mark of success would be the PM wrong when he said that the mark of success would be the the PM wrong when he said that the mark of success would be the mries mark of success would be the mries of mark of success would be the mries of P mark of success would be the mries of P going mark of success would be the mries of P going up? mark of success would be the mries of P going up? The mark of success would be the mries of P going up? The Hon mark of success would be the mries of P going up? The Hon Judith of P going up? The Hon Judith Collins. of P going up? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr of P going up? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, of P going up? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, I of P going up? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, I have of P going up? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, I have always Collins. Mr Speaker, I have always found Collins. Mr Speaker, I have always found the Collins. Mr Speaker, I have always found the PM Collins. Mr Speaker, I have always found the PM is Collins. Mr Speaker, I have always found the PM is never Collins. Mr Speaker, I have always found the PM is never wrong Collins. Mr Speaker, I have always found the PM is never wrong and Collins. Mr Speaker, I have always found the PM is never wrong and that found the PM is never wrong and that is found the PM is never wrong and that is a found the PM is never wrong and that is a good found the PM is never wrong and that is a good piece found the PM is never wrong and that is a good piece of found the PM is never wrong and that is a good piece of advice found the PM is never wrong and that is a good piece of advice to found the PM is never wrong and that is a good piece of advice to give found the PM is never wrong and that is a good piece of advice to give to is a good piece of advice to give to that is a good piece of advice to give to that member, is a good piece of advice to give to that member, but is a good piece of advice to give to that member, but I is a good piece of advice to give to that member, but I also is a good piece of advice to give to that member, but I also would is a good piece of advice to give to that member, but I also would say that member, but I also would say that that member, but I also would say that there that member, but I also would say that there are that member, but I also would say that there are two that member, but I also would say that there are two issues that member, but I also would say that there are two issues when that member, but I also would say that there are two issues when it that there are two issues when it comes that there are two issues when it comes to that there are two issues when it comes to the that there are two issues when it comes to the price that there are two issues when it comes to the price of that there are two issues when it comes to the price of a that there are two issues when it comes to the price of a product that there are two issues when it comes to the price of a product like comes to the price of a product like methamphetamine comes to the price of a product like methamphetamine or comes to the price of a product like methamphetamine or any comes to the price of a product like methamphetamine or any price comes to the price of a product like methamphetamine or any price of comes to the price of a product like methamphetamine or any price of any methamphetamine or any price of any product methamphetamine or any price of any product and methamphetamine or any price of any product and that methamphetamine or any price of any product and that is methamphetamine or any price of any product and that is both methamphetamine or any price of any product and that is both demand methamphetamine or any price of any product and that is both demand and product and that is both demand and supply. product and that is both demand and supply. According product and that is both demand and supply. According to product and that is both demand and supply. According to the product and that is both demand and supply. According to the New product and that is both demand and supply. According to the New Zealand supply. According to the New Zealand Health supply. According to the New Zealand Health Survey, supply. According to the New Zealand Health Survey, the supply. According to the New Zealand Health Survey, the use supply. According to the New Zealand Health Survey, the use of supply. According to the New Zealand Health Survey, the use of demand supply. According to the New Zealand Health Survey, the use of demand and Health Survey, the use of demand and demand Health Survey, the use of demand and demand for Health Survey, the use of demand and demand for P Health Survey, the use of demand and demand for P has Health Survey, the use of demand and demand for P has gone Health Survey, the use of demand and demand for P has gone down Health Survey, the use of demand and demand for P has gone down from Health Survey, the use of demand and demand for P has gone down from 2.2% demand for P has gone down from 2.2% of demand for P has gone down from 2.2% of New demand for P has gone down from 2.2% of New Zealanders demand for P has gone down from 2.2% of New Zealanders to demand for P has gone down from 2.2% of New Zealanders to 0.9%. demand for P has gone down from 2.2% of New Zealanders to 0.9%. Point demand for P has gone down from 2.2% of New Zealanders to 0.9%. Point of of New Zealanders to 0.9%. Point of order of New Zealanders to 0.9%. Point of order Mr of New Zealanders to 0.9%. Point of order Mr Speaker. of New Zealanders to 0.9%. Point of order Mr Speaker. Stuart of New Zealanders to 0.9%. Point of order Mr Speaker. Stuart Nash. of New Zealanders to 0.9%. Point of order Mr Speaker. Stuart Nash. Can of New Zealanders to 0.9%. Point of order Mr Speaker. Stuart Nash. Can I order Mr Speaker. Stuart Nash. Can I channel order Mr Speaker. Stuart Nash. Can I channel this order Mr Speaker. Stuart Nash. Can I channel this document order Mr Speaker. Stuart Nash. Can I channel this document dated order Mr Speaker. Stuart Nash. Can I channel this document dated 2006 channel this document dated 2006 that channel this document dated 2006 that shows channel this document dated 2006 that shows the channel this document dated 2006 that shows the price channel this document dated 2006 that shows the price of that shows the price of methamphetamine that shows the price of methamphetamine has that shows the price of methamphetamine has actually methamphetamine has actually developed methamphetamine has actually developed since methamphetamine has actually developed since 2008. methamphetamine has actually developed since 2008. I methamphetamine has actually developed since 2008. I will methamphetamine has actually developed since 2008. I will leave developed since 2008. I will leave you developed since 2008. I will leave you to developed since 2008. I will leave you to table developed since 2008. I will leave you to table that developed since 2008. I will leave you to table that document. developed since 2008. I will leave you to table that document. It developed since 2008. I will leave you to table that document. It is you to table that document. It is relatively you to table that document. It is relatively old. you to table that document. It is relatively old. There you to table that document. It is relatively old. There is you to table that document. It is relatively old. There is objection. relatively old. There is objection. Supplementary relatively old. There is objection. Supplementary question, relatively old. There is objection. Supplementary question, Stuart relatively old. There is objection. Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Thank Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Thank you, Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Thank you, Mr Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Who Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Who is Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Who is right Thank you, Mr Speaker. Who is right - Thank you, Mr Speaker. Who is right - the Thank you, Mr Speaker. Who is right - the police Thank you, Mr Speaker. Who is right - the police commissioner Thank you, Mr Speaker. Who is right - the police commissioner who Thank you, Mr Speaker. Who is right - the police commissioner who said - the police commissioner who said he - the police commissioner who said he was - the police commissioner who said he was "very - the police commissioner who said he was "very concerned - the police commissioner who said he was "very concerned about - the police commissioner who said he was "very concerned about the he was "very concerned about the availability he was "very concerned about the availability of he was "very concerned about the availability of methamphetamine" he was "very concerned about the availability of methamphetamine" or availability of methamphetamine" or herself availability of methamphetamine" or Thank availability of methamphetamine" or herself who said availability of methamphetamine" or herself who said recently availability of methamphetamine" or herself who said recently that availability of methamphetamine" or herself who said recently that she herself who said recently that she is herself who said recently that she is not herself who said recently that she is not concerned. herself who said recently that she is not concerned. Judith herself who said recently that she is not concerned. Judith Collins. is not concerned. Judith Collins. Obviously, is not concerned. Judith Collins. Obviously, we is not concerned. Judith Collins. Obviously, we are is not concerned. Judith Collins. Obviously, we are both is not concerned. Judith Collins. Obviously, we are both right, is not concerned. Judith Collins. Obviously, we are both right, but is not concerned. Judith Collins. Obviously, we are both right, but I Obviously, we are both right, but I would Obviously, we are both right, but I would have Obviously, we are both right, but I would have thought Obviously, we are both right, but I would have thought that Obviously, we are both right, but I would have thought that my Obviously, we are both right, but I would have thought that my comment would have thought that my comment would would have thought that my comment would have would have thought that my comment would have been would have thought that my comment would have been about would have thought that my comment would have been about any would have thought that my comment would have been about any comment would have been about any comment thatthat would have been about any comment thatthat member would have been about any comment thatthat member said would have been about any comment thatthat member said and would have been about any comment thatthat member said and that would have been about any comment thatthat member said and that would thatthat member said and that would be thatthat member said and that would be right. thatthat member said and that would be right. Now, thatthat member said and that would be right. Now, that thatthat member said and that would be right. Now, that is thatthat member said and that would be right. Now, that is confusing. be right. Now, that is confusing. Supplementary be right. Now, that is confusing. Supplementary question, be right. Now, that is confusing. Supplementary question, Stuart be right. Now, that is confusing. Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. How Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. How can Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. How can she Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. How can she expect Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. How can she expect police Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. How can she expect police to Supplementary question, Stuart Nash. How can she expect police to turn How can she expect police to turn around How can she expect police to turn around the How can she expect police to turn around the increase How can she expect police to turn around the increase in How can she expect police to turn around the increase in method How can she expect police to turn around the increase in method when around the increase in method when the around the increase in method when the police around the increase in method when the police 4-year around the increase in method when the police 4-year strategic around the increase in method when the police 4-year strategic plan, the police 4-year strategic plan, signed the police 4-year strategic plan, signed off the police 4-year strategic plan, signed off by the police 4-year strategic plan, signed off by both the police 4-year strategic plan, signed off by both the the police 4-year strategic plan, signed off by both the Commissioner signed off by both the Commissioner and signed off by both the Commissioner and herself signed off by both the Commissioner and herself less signed off by both the Commissioner and herself less than signed off by both the Commissioner and herself less than three signed off by both the Commissioner and herself less than three months and herself less than three months ago, and herself less than three months ago, forecasts and herself less than three months ago, forecasts no and herself less than three months ago, forecasts no increase and herself less than three months ago, forecasts no increase in and herself less than three months ago, forecasts no increase in place ago, forecasts no increase in place numbers? ago, forecasts no increase in place numbers? The ago, forecasts no increase in place numbers? The Hon ago, forecasts no increase in place numbers? The Hon Judith ago, forecasts no increase in place numbers? The Hon Judith Collins. numbers? The Hon Judith Collins. Quit numbers? The Hon Judith Collins. Quit loosely, numbers? The Hon Judith Collins. Quit loosely, as numbers? The Hon Judith Collins. Quit loosely, as I numbers? The Hon Judith Collins. Quit loosely, as I have numbers? The Hon Judith Collins. Quit loosely, as I have told numbers? The Hon Judith Collins. Quit loosely, as I have told that Quit loosely, as I have told that member Quit loosely, as I have told that member many Quit loosely, as I have told that member many times, Quit loosely, as I have told that member many times, including Quit loosely, as I have told that member many times, including members member many times, including members of member many times, including members of the member many times, including members of the media. member many times, including members of the media. We member many times, including members of the media. We are member many times, including members of the media. We are working member many times, including members of the media. We are working on member many times, including members of the media. We are working on a of the media. We are working on a plan of the media. We are working on a plan for of the media. We are working on a plan for future of the media. We are working on a plan for future resources. of the media. We are working on a plan for future resources. Order. plan for future resources. Order. Supplementary plan for future resources. Order. Supplementary question. plan for future resources. Order. Supplementary question. To plan for future resources. Order. Supplementary question. To the Supplementary question. To the minister, Supplementary question. To the plan Supplementary question. To the minister, why under Supplementary question. To the minister, why under this Supplementary question. To the minister, why under this government minister, why under this government do minister, why under this government do we minister, why under this government do we have minister, why under this government do we have 208 minister, why under this government do we have 208 ghost minister, why under this government do we have 208 ghost stations minister, why under this government do we have 208 ghost stations where do we have 208 ghost stations where not do we have 208 ghost stations where not even do we have 208 ghost stations where not even one do we have 208 ghost stations where not even one office do we have 208 ghost stations where not even one office on do we have 208 ghost stations where not even one office on duty do we have 208 ghost stations where not even one office on duty could do we have 208 ghost stations where not even one office on duty could be not even one office on duty could be contacted not even one office on duty could be contacted on not even one office on duty could be contacted on Fridays not even one office on duty could be contacted on Fridays and not even one office on duty could be contacted on Fridays and Saturdays? contacted on Fridays and Saturdays? The contacted on Fridays and Saturdays? The Hon contacted on Fridays and Saturdays? The Hon Judith contacted on Fridays and Saturdays? The Hon Judith Collins. contacted on Fridays and Saturdays? The Hon Judith Collins. Well, contacted on Fridays and Saturdays? The Hon Judith Collins. Well, Mr The Hon Judith Collins. Well, Mr Speaker, The Hon Judith Collins. Well, Mr Speaker, I The Hon Judith Collins. Well, Mr Speaker, I am The Hon Judith Collins. Well, Mr Speaker, I am not The Hon Judith Collins. Well, Mr Speaker, I am not aware The Hon Judith Collins. Well, Mr Speaker, I am not aware of The Hon Judith Collins. Well, Mr Speaker, I am not aware of any The Hon Judith Collins. Well, Mr Speaker, I am not aware of any ghost Speaker, I am not aware of any ghost station. Speaker, I am not aware of any ghost station. I Speaker, I am not aware of any ghost station. I am Speaker, I am not aware of any ghost station. I am certainly Speaker, I am not aware of any ghost station. I am certainly aware Speaker, I am not aware of any ghost station. I am certainly aware of station. I am certainly aware of people station. I am certainly aware of people who station. I am certainly aware of people who don't station. I am certainly aware of people who don't turn station. I am certainly aware of people who don't turn up station. I am certainly aware of people who don't turn up with station. I am certainly aware of people who don't turn up with their people who don't turn up with their full people who don't turn up with their full quota people who don't turn up with their full quota in people who don't turn up with their full quota in Parliament, people who don't turn up with their full quota in Parliament, but full quota in Parliament, but certainly full quota in Parliament, but certainly not full quota in Parliament, but certainly not in full quota in Parliament, but certainly not in the full quota in Parliament, but certainly not in the police certainly not in the police stations. stations. <LAUGHTER> <LAUGHTER> Supplementary. <LAUGHTER> Supplementary. Supplementary Supplementary. Supplementary question, Supplementary. Supplementary question, Darroch Supplementary. Supplementary question, Darroch Ball Supplementary. Supplementary question, Darroch Ball Why Supplementary. Supplementary question, Darroch Ball Why under question, Darroch Ball Why under this question, Darroch Ball Why under this government question, Darroch Ball Why under this government in question, Darroch Ball Why under this government in the question, Darroch Ball Why under this government in the first question, Darroch Ball Why under this government in the first six this government in the first six months this government in the first six months of this government in the first six months of 2016 this government in the first six months of 2016 did this government in the first six months of 2016 did 73 this government in the first six months of 2016 did 73 police months of 2016 did 73 police locations months of 2016 did 73 police locations have months of 2016 did 73 police locations have no months of 2016 did 73 police locations have no rostered months of 2016 did 73 police locations have no rostered officers locations have no rostered officers in locations have no rostered officers in townships locations have no rostered officers in townships like locations have no rostered officers in townships like Cutterton? locations have no rostered officers in townships like Cutterton? The locations have no rostered officers in townships like Cutterton? The Hon in townships like Cutterton? The Hon Judith in townships like Cutterton? The Hon Judith Collins. in townships like Cutterton? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr in townships like Cutterton? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, in townships like Cutterton? The Hon Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, police Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, police actually Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, police actually allocate Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, police actually allocate their Judith Collins. Mr Speaker, police actually allocate their resources actually allocate their resources according actually allocate their resources according to actually allocate their resources according to demand actually allocate their resources according to demand and actually allocate their resources according to demand and certainly according to demand and certainly Carton, according to demand and certainly according according to demand and certainly Carton, ever since according to demand and certainly Carton, ever since the according to demand and certainly Carton, ever since the wonderful Carton, ever since the wonderful member Carton, ever since the wonderful member Ron Carton, ever since the wonderful member Ron Mark Carton, ever since the wonderful member Ron Mark was Carton, ever since the wonderful member Ron Mark was the Carton, ever since the wonderful member Ron Mark was the mayor, Carton, ever since the wonderful member Ron Mark was the mayor, has member Ron Mark was the mayor, has always member Ron Mark was the mayor, has always been member Ron Mark was the mayor, has always been a member Ron Mark was the mayor, has always been a very member Ron Mark was the mayor, has always been a very good member Ron Mark was the mayor, has always been a very good town member Ron Mark was the mayor, has always been a very good town and always been a very good town and very always been a very good town and very low always been a very good town and very low crime always been a very good town and very low crime rate. always been a very good town and very low crime rate. Point always been a very good town and very low crime rate. Point of always been a very good town and very low crime rate. Point of order. very low crime rate. Point of order. Point very low crime rate. Point of order. Point of very low crime rate. Point of order. Point of order. very low crime rate. Point of order. Point of order. Order. very low crime rate. Point of order. Point of order. Order. Point very low crime rate. Point of order. Point of order. Order. Point of Point of order. Order. Point of order, Point of order. Order. Point of order, Darroch Point of order. Order. Point of order, Darroch Ball. Point of order. Order. Point of order, Darroch Ball. Sir, Point of order. Order. Point of order, Darroch Ball. Sir, I Point of order. Order. Point of order, Darroch Ball. Sir, I seek order, Darroch Ball. Sir, I seek leave order, Darroch Ball. Sir, I seek leave to order, Darroch Ball. Sir, I seek leave to table order, Darroch Ball. Sir, I seek leave to table two order, Darroch Ball. Sir, I seek leave to table two documents, order, Darroch Ball. Sir, I seek leave to table two documents, both leave to table two documents, both from leave to table two documents, both from police leave to table two documents, both from police dated leave to table two documents, both from police dated 24 leave to table two documents, both from police dated 24 June, leave to table two documents, both from police dated 24 June, 2016. leave to table two documents, both from police dated 24 June, 2016. The from police dated 24 June, 2016. The first from police dated 24 June, 2016. The first is from police dated 24 June, 2016. The first is the from police dated 24 June, 2016. The first is the total from police dated 24 June, 2016. The first is the total number from police dated 24 June, 2016. The first is the total number of from police dated 24 June, 2016. The first is the total number of police first is the total number of police officers first is the total number of police officers Bi-Location first is the total number of police officers Bi-Location at first is the total number of police officers Bi-Location at 7am-11pm officers Bi-Location at 7am-11pm December officers Bi-Location at 7am-11pm December 2015 officers Bi-Location at 7am-11pm December 2015 and officers Bi-Location at 7am-11pm December 2015 and January officers Bi-Location at 7am-11pm December 2015 and January 2016 officers Bi-Location at 7am-11pm December 2015 and January 2016 and December 2015 and January 2016 and the December 2015 and January 2016 and the total December 2015 and January 2016 and the total of December 2015 and January 2016 and the total of rostered December 2015 and January 2016 and the total of rostered numbered the total of rostered numbered stationed the total of rostered numbered stationed in the total of rostered numbered stationed in the the total of rostered numbered stationed in the last the total of rostered numbered stationed in the last six the total of rostered numbered stationed in the last six months. stationed in the last six months. They stationed in the last six months. They are stationed in the last six months. They are sourced stationed in the last six months. They are sourced under stationed in the last six months. They are sourced under the stationed in the last six months. They are sourced under the OIA. stationed in the last six months. They are sourced under the OIA. Any They are sourced under the OIA. Any objection? They are sourced under the OIA. Any objection? There They are sourced under the OIA. Any objection? There is They are sourced under the OIA. Any objection? There is objection. objection? There is objection. Question objection? There is objection. Question No. objection? There is objection. Question No. 12. objection? There is objection. Question No. 12. Paul objection? There is objection. Question No. 12. Paul Foster-Bell. My My question My question is My question is to My question is to the My question is to the Minister My question is to the Minister for My question is to the Minister for Primary My question is to the Minister for Primary Industries: for Primary Industries: What for Primary Industries: What recent for Primary Industries: What recent reports for Primary Industries: What recent reports has for Primary Industries: What recent reports has he for Primary Industries: What recent reports has he received What recent reports has he received on What recent reports has he received on growth What recent reports has he received on growth in What recent reports has he received on growth in wine What recent reports has he received on growth in wine exports? The The Hon The Hon Nathan The Hon Nathan Guy. The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, a The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, a recent The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, a recent report The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, a recent report from The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, a recent report from New The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, a recent report from New Zealand recent report from New Zealand Winegrowers recent report from New Zealand Winegrowers shows recent report from New Zealand Winegrowers shows that recent report from New Zealand Winegrowers shows that New recent report from New Zealand Winegrowers shows that New Zealand's Winegrowers shows that New Zealand's wine Winegrowers shows that New Zealand's wine industry Winegrowers shows that New Zealand's wine industry is Winegrowers shows that New Zealand's wine industry is on Winegrowers shows that New Zealand's wine industry is on track Winegrowers shows that New Zealand's wine industry is on track to Winegrowers shows that New Zealand's wine industry is on track to reach wine industry is on track to reach it wine industry is on track to reach it target wine industry is on track to reach it target of wine industry is on track to reach it target of $2 wine industry is on track to reach it target of $2 billion wine industry is on track to reach it target of $2 billion of wine industry is on track to reach it target of $2 billion of exports it target of $2 billion of exports by it target of $2 billion of exports by 2020. it target of $2 billion of exports by 2020. Wine it target of $2 billion of exports by 2020. Wine exports it target of $2 billion of exports by 2020. Wine exports have it target of $2 billion of exports by 2020. Wine exports have risen it target of $2 billion of exports by 2020. Wine exports have risen by by 2020. Wine exports have risen by 10% by 2020. Wine exports have risen by 10% in by 2020. Wine exports have risen by 10% in the by 2020. Wine exports have risen by 10% in the last by 2020. Wine exports have risen by 10% in the last year by 2020. Wine exports have risen by 10% in the last year to by 2020. Wine exports have risen by 10% in the last year to just by 2020. Wine exports have risen by 10% in the last year to just under 10% in the last year to just under $1.6 10% in the last year to just under $1.6 billion. 10% in the last year to just under $1.6 billion. This 10% in the last year to just under $1.6 billion. This is 10% in the last year to just under $1.6 billion. This is the 10% in the last year to just under $1.6 billion. This is the 21st $1.6 billion. This is the 21st consective $1.6 billion. This is the 21st consective year $1.6 billion. This is the 21st consective year the $1.6 billion. This is the 21st consective year the industry $1.6 billion. This is the 21st consective year the industry has consective year the industry has experienced consective year the industry has experienced significant consective year the industry has experienced significant growth. consective year the industry has experienced significant growth. I experienced significant growth. I congratulate experienced significant growth. I congratulate the experienced significant growth. I congratulate the industry experienced significant growth. I congratulate the industry who experienced significant growth. I congratulate the industry who is congratulate the industry who is meeting congratulate the industry who is meeting at congratulate the industry who is meeting at the congratulate the industry who is meeting at the Brigato congratulate the industry who is meeting at the Brigato Conference congratulate the industry who is meeting at the Brigato Conference in meeting at the Brigato Conference in blend meeting at the Brigato Conference in blend unanimous meeting at the Brigato Conference in blend unanimous today. blend unanimous today. Supplementary. blend unanimous today. Supplementary. Supplementary Supplementary. Supplementary question, Supplementary. Supplementary question, Paul Supplementary. Supplementary question, Paul Foster-Bell. Supplementary. Supplementary question, Paul Foster-Bell. In Supplementary. Supplementary question, Paul Foster-Bell. In what question, Paul Foster-Bell. In what ways question, Paul Foster-Bell. In what ways is question, Paul Foster-Bell. In what ways is the question, Paul Foster-Bell. In what ways is the government question, Paul Foster-Bell. In what ways is the government supporting ways is the government supporting this ways is the government supporting this growth ways is the government supporting this growth in ways is the government supporting this growth in wine ways is the government supporting this growth in wine exports? ways is the government supporting this growth in wine exports? The ways is the government supporting this growth in wine exports? The Hon this growth in wine exports? The Hon Nathan this growth in wine exports? The Hon Nathan Guy. this growth in wine exports? The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr this growth in wine exports? The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, this growth in wine exports? The Hon Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, the Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, the government Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, the government will Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, the government will continue Nathan Guy. Mr Speaker, the government will continue supporting government will continue supporting the government will continue supporting the industry government will continue supporting the industry through government will continue supporting the industry through market government will continue supporting the industry through market access, the industry through market access, through the industry through market access, through research the industry through market access, through research and the industry through market access, through research and development, through research and development, bio-security through research and development, bio-security and through research and development, bio-security and supporting bio-security and supporting legislation. bio-security and supporting legislation. For bio-security and supporting legislation. For example, bio-security and supporting legislation. For example, the bio-security and supporting legislation. For example, the $17 legislation. For example, the $17 million legislation. For example, the $17 million lifestyle legislation. For example, the $17 million lifestyle wine's legislation. For example, the $17 million lifestyle wine's PGP million lifestyle wine's PGP programme million lifestyle wine's PGP programme has million lifestyle wine's PGP programme has already million lifestyle wine's PGP programme has already eclipsed, million lifestyle wine's PGP programme has already eclipsed, its programme has already eclipsed, its domestic programme has already eclipsed, its programme programme has already eclipsed, its domestic sales target. programme has already eclipsed, its domestic sales target. Industry domestic sales target. Industry members domestic sales target. Industry members have domestic sales target. Industry members have also domestic sales target. Industry members have also given domestic sales target. Industry members have also given strong members have also given strong support members have also given strong support today members have also given strong support today for members have also given strong support today for joining members have also given strong support today for joining in members have also given strong support today for joining in a support today for joining in a government support today for joining in a government industry support today for joining in a government industry agreement support today for joining in a government industry agreement on government industry agreement on bio-security government industry agreement on bio-security which government industry agreement on bio-security which is government industry agreement on bio-security which is great government industry agreement on bio-security which is great news government industry agreement on bio-security which is great news and bio-security which is great news and finally bio-security which is great news and finally the bio-security which is great news and finally the geographical bio-security which is great news and finally the geographical indicator finally the geographical indicator registration finally the geographical indicator members finally the geographical indicator registration Amendment Bill finally the geographical indicator registration Amendment Bill will registration Amendment Bill will help registration Amendment Bill will members registration Amendment Bill will help to give registration Amendment Bill will help to give information registration Amendment Bill will help to give information consumers help to give information consumers confidence help to give information consumers confidence in help to give information consumers confidence in New help to give information consumers confidence in New Zealand's help to give information consumers confidence in New Zealand's wine, help to give information consumers confidence in New Zealand's wine, as confidence in New Zealand's wine, as well confidence in New Zealand's wine, as well as confidence in New Zealand's wine, as well as reassuring confidence in New Zealand's wine, as well as reassuring them confidence in New Zealand's wine, as well as reassuring them of confidence in New Zealand's wine, as well as reassuring them of its confidence in New Zealand's wine, as well as reassuring them of its value well as reassuring them of its value for well as reassuring them of its value for money. well as reassuring them of its value for money. And well as reassuring them of its value for money. And that well as reassuring them of its value for money. And that concludes for money. And that concludes questions for money. And that concludes questions for for money. And that concludes questions for Oral for money. And that concludes questions for Oral Kuala for money. And that concludes questions for Oral Kuala Lumpar questions for Oral Kuala Lumpar answer. questions for Oral Kuala Lumpar answer. Would questions for Oral Kuala Lumpar answer. Would some questions for Oral Kuala Lumpar answer. Would some honourable questions for Oral Kuala Lumpar answer. Would some honourable member answer. Would some honourable member care answer. Would some honourable member care to answer. Would some honourable member care to move answer. Would some honourable member care to move that answer. Would some honourable member care to move that the answer. Would some honourable member care to move that the House answer. Would some honourable member care to move that the House take care to move that the House take note care to move that the House take note of care to move that the House take note of miscellaneous care to move that the House take note of miscellaneous business? note of miscellaneous business? Andrew note of miscellaneous business? Andrew Little. note of miscellaneous business? Andrew Little. Thank note of miscellaneous business? Andrew Little. Thank you, note of miscellaneous business? Andrew Little. Thank you, Mr Andrew Little. Thank you, Mr Speaker, Andrew Little. Thank you, Mr Speaker, the Andrew Little. Thank you, Mr Speaker, the only Andrew Little. Thank you, Mr Speaker, the only question Andrew Little. Thank you, Mr Speaker, the only question of Andrew Little. Thank you, Mr Speaker, the only question of the Speaker, the only question of the day Speaker, the only question of the day is Speaker, the only question of the day is of Speaker, the only question of the day is of course Speaker, the only question of the day is of course what Speaker, the only question of the day is of course what is Speaker, the only question of the day is of course what is going Speaker, the only question of the day is of course what is going on Speaker, the only question of the day is of course what is going on in day is of course what is going on in the day is of course what is going on in the National day is of course what is going on in the National Party? day is of course what is going on in the National Party? What day is of course what is going on in the National Party? What is day is of course what is going on in the National Party? What is going day is of course what is going on in the National Party? What is going on the National Party? What is going on in the National Party? What is going on in the the National Party? What is going on in the National the National Party? What is going on in the National Party?! the National Party? What is going on in the National Party?! Why the National Party? What is going on in the National Party?! Why is the National Party? What is going on in the National Party?! Why is it in the National Party?! Why is it they in the National Party?! Why is it they can't in the National Party?! Why is it they can't get in the National Party?! Why is it they can't get any in the National Party?! Why is it they can't get any consistency? in the National Party?! Why is it they can't get any consistency? Why they can't get any consistency? Why are they can't get any consistency? Why are they they can't get any consistency? Why are they all they can't get any consistency? Why are they all at they can't get any consistency? Why are they all at sixes they can't get any consistency? Why are they all at sixes and they can't get any consistency? Why are they all at sixes and sevensor are they all at sixes and sevensor an are they all at sixes and sevensor an increasing are they all at sixes and sevensor an increasing number are they all at sixes and sevensor an increasing number of are they all at sixes and sevensor an increasing number of policies are they all at sixes and sevensor an increasing number of policies and an increasing number of policies and pieces an increasing number of policies and pieces of an increasing number of policies and pieces of legislation? an increasing number of policies and pieces of legislation? Shall an increasing number of policies and pieces of legislation? Shall we pieces of legislation? Shall we start pieces of legislation? Shall we start randomly pieces of legislation? Shall we start randomly with pieces of legislation? Shall we start randomly with say pieces of legislation? Shall we start randomly with say the pieces of legislation? Shall we start randomly with say the Shop start randomly with say the Shop Trading start randomly with say the Shop Trading Hours start randomly with say the Shop Trading Hours Amendment start randomly with say the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill? start randomly with say the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill? It start randomly with say the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill? It is Trading Hours Amendment Bill? It is topical. Trading Hours Amendment Bill? It is topical. Everybody Trading Hours Amendment Bill? It is topical. Everybody is Trading Hours Amendment Bill? It is topical. Everybody is talking Trading Hours Amendment Bill? It is topical. Everybody is talking about topical. Everybody is talking about it. topical. Everybody is talking about it. Michael topical. Everybody is talking about it. Michael Jones topical. Everybody is talking about it. Michael Jones is topical. Everybody is talking about it. Michael Jones is talking topical. Everybody is talking about it. Michael Jones is talking about it. Michael Jones is talking about it. it. Michael Jones is talking about it. Other it. Michael Jones is talking about it. Other people it. Michael Jones is talking about it. Other people are it. Michael Jones is talking about it. Other people are talking it. Michael Jones is talking about it. Other people are talking about it. Other people are talking about it. it. Other people are talking about it. People it. Other people are talking about it. People in it. Other people are talking about it. People in south it. Other people are talking about it. People in south Auckland, it. Other people are talking about it. People in south Auckland, people it. People in south Auckland, people concerned it. People in south Auckland, people concerned about it. People in south Auckland, people concerned about values, it. People in south Auckland, people concerned about values, people it. People in south Auckland, people concerned about values, people who concerned about values, people who want concerned about values, people who want to concerned about values, people who want to preserve concerned about values, people who want to preserve the concerned about values, people who want to preserve the integrity concerned about values, people who want to preserve the integrity of want to preserve the integrity of Easter want to preserve the integrity of Easter Sunday. want to preserve the integrity of Easter Sunday. They want to preserve the integrity of Easter Sunday. They are want to preserve the integrity of Easter Sunday. They are talking Easter Sunday. They are talking about Easter Sunday. They are talking about it. Easter Sunday. They are talking about it. You Easter Sunday. They are talking about it. You see, Easter Sunday. They are talking about it. You see, a Easter Sunday. They are talking about it. You see, a few Easter Sunday. They are talking about it. You see, a few years Easter Sunday. They are talking about it. You see, a few years ago about it. You see, a few years ago when about it. You see, a few years ago when the about it. You see, a few years ago when the whole about it. You see, a few years ago when the whole of about it. You see, a few years ago when the whole of Parliament about it. You see, a few years ago when the whole of Parliament talked when the whole of Parliament talked about when the whole of Parliament talked about it, when the whole of Parliament talked about it, a when the whole of Parliament talked about it, a few when the whole of Parliament talked about it, a few National when the whole of Parliament talked about it, a few National MPs about it, a few National MPs actually about it, a few National MPs actually had about it, a few National MPs actually had a about it, a few National MPs actually had a view about it, a few National MPs actually had a view about about it, a few National MPs actually had a view about it. about it, a few National MPs actually had a view about it. So, actually had a view about it. So, for actually had a view about it. So, for example, actually had a view about it. So, for example, Bill actually had a view about it. So, for example, Bill English actually had a view about it. So, for example, Bill English had actually had a view about it. So, for example, Bill English had a actually had a view about it. So, for example, Bill English had a view for example, Bill English had a view about for example, Bill English had a view about it for example, Bill English had a view about it because for example, Bill English had a view about it because he for example, Bill English had a view about it because he voted for example, Bill English had a view about it because he voted against about it because he voted against it. about it because he voted against it. Oh, about it because he voted against it. Oh, yes. about it because he voted against it. Oh, yes. Oh, about it because he voted against it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. about it because he voted against it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. He about it because he voted against it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. He wasn't about it because he voted against it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. He wasn't the it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. He wasn't the only it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. He wasn't the only one. it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. He wasn't the only one. Chester it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. He wasn't the only one. Chester Burrows it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. He wasn't the only one. Chester Burrows had it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. He wasn't the only one. Chester Burrows had a it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. He wasn't the only one. Chester Burrows had a view only one. Chester Burrows had a view about only one. Chester Burrows had a view about it. only one. Chester Burrows had a view about it. You only one. Chester Burrows had a view about it. You see, only one. Chester Burrows had a view about it. You see, he only one. Chester Burrows had a view about it. You see, he didn't only one. Chester Burrows had a view about it. You see, he didn't like about it. You see, he didn't like it. about it. You see, he didn't like it. He about it. You see, he didn't like it. He didn't about it. You see, he didn't like it. He didn't like about it. You see, he didn't like it. He didn't like the it. He didn't like the liberalisation it. He didn't like the liberalisation of it. He didn't like the liberalisation of it it. He didn't like the liberalisation of it so it. He didn't like the liberalisation of it so he it. He didn't like the liberalisation of it so he voted liberalisation of it so he voted against liberalisation of it so he voted against it. liberalisation of it so he voted against it. They liberalisation of it so he voted against it. They weren't liberalisation of it so he voted against it. They weren't the liberalisation of it so he voted against it. They weren't the only against it. They weren't the only ones. against it. They weren't the only ones. Tim against it. They weren't the only ones. Tim McEndo against it. They weren't the only ones. Tim McEndo voted against it. They weren't the only ones. Tim McEndo voted against against it. They weren't the only ones. Tim McEndo voted against it. ones. Tim McEndo voted against it. When ones. Tim McEndo voted against it. When there ones. Tim McEndo voted against it. When there was ones. Tim McEndo voted against it. When there was a ones. Tim McEndo voted against it. When there was a discussion ones. Tim McEndo voted against it. When there was a discussion about ones. Tim McEndo voted against it. When there was a discussion about it When there was a discussion about it a When there was a discussion about it a few When there was a discussion about it a few years When there was a discussion about it a few years later When there was a discussion about it a few years later there When there was a discussion about it a few years later there was When there was a discussion about it a few years later there was more a few years later there was more Opposition a few years later there was more Opposition to a few years later there was more Opposition to liberalising a few years later there was more Opposition to liberalising Sunday Opposition to liberalising Sunday trading Opposition to liberalising Sunday a Opposition to liberalising Sunday trading on Easter Opposition to liberalising Sunday trading on Easter Sunday. Opposition to liberalising Sunday trading on Easter Sunday. But trading on Easter Sunday. But mysteriously, trading on Easter Sunday. But mysteriously, mysteriously trading on Easter Sunday. But mysteriously, mysteriously the mysteriously, mysteriously the National mysteriously, mysteriously the mysteriously, mysteriously, mysteriously the National Party finds mysteriously, mysteriously the National Party finds now mysteriously, mysteriously the National Party finds now when mysteriously, mysteriously the National Party finds now when they National Party finds now when they are National Party finds now when they are confronted National Party finds now when they are confronted with National Party finds now when they are confronted with this National Party finds now when they are confronted with this issue, National Party finds now when they are confronted with this issue, they are confronted with this issue, they are are confronted with this issue, they are all are confronted with this issue, they are all in are confronted with this issue, they are all in harmonious are confronted with this issue, they are all in harmonious agreement. are confronted with this issue, they are all in harmonious agreement. But are all in harmonious agreement. But we are all in harmonious agreement. But we know are all in harmonious agreement. But we know that are all in harmonious agreement. But we know that is are all in harmonious agreement. But we know that is not are all in harmonious agreement. But we know that is not true. are all in harmonious agreement. But we know that is not true. We are all in harmonious agreement. But we know that is not true. We know we know that is not true. We know that we know that is not true. We know that is we know that is not true. We know that is not we know that is not true. We know that is not true. we know that is not true. We know that is not true. You we know that is not true. We know that is not true. You see, we know that is not true. We know that is not true. You see, the we know that is not true. We know that is not true. You see, the thing that is not true. You see, the thing - that is not true. You see, the thing - part that is not true. You see, the thing - part of that is not true. You see, the thing - part of the that is not true. You see, the thing - part of the integrity that is not true. You see, the thing - part of the integrity of that is not true. You see, the thing - part of the integrity of this - part of the integrity of this Parliament - part of the integrity of this Parliament is - part of the integrity of this Parliament is that - part of the integrity of this Parliament is that occasionally - part of the integrity of this Parliament is that occasionally the Parliament is that occasionally the House Parliament is that occasionally the House agrees Parliament is that occasionally the House agrees there Parliament is that occasionally the House agrees there are Parliament is that occasionally the House agrees there are issues Parliament is that occasionally the House agrees there are issues that House agrees there are issues that are House agrees there are issues that are a House agrees there are issues that are a matter House agrees there are issues that are a matter of House agrees there are issues that are a matter of personal House agrees there are issues that are a matter of personal importance. are a matter of personal importance. Matters are a matter of personal importance. Matters of are a matter of personal importance. Matters of conscience are a matter of personal importance. Matters of conscience and are a matter of personal importance. Matters of conscience and so are a matter of personal importance. Matters of conscience and so every Matters of conscience and so every member Matters of conscience and so every member is Matters of conscience and so every member is entitled Matters of conscience and so every member is entitled to Matters of conscience and so every member is entitled to vote Matters of conscience and so every member is entitled to vote in member is entitled to vote in accordance member is entitled to vote in accordance with member is entitled to vote in accordance with their member is entitled to vote in accordance with their conscience member is entitled to vote in accordance with their conscience and accordance with their conscience and that accordance with their conscience and that conscience accordance with their conscience and that conscience might accordance with their conscience and that conscience might be accordance with their conscience and that conscience might be dictated accordance with their conscience and that conscience might be dictated to that conscience might be dictated to by that conscience might be dictated to by a that conscience might be dictated to by a number that conscience might be dictated to by a number of that conscience might be dictated to by a number of factors, that conscience might be dictated to by a number of factors, including by a number of factors, including ones by a number of factors, including ones religious by a number of factors, including ones religious beliefs by a number of factors, including ones religious beliefs and by a number of factors, including ones religious beliefs and that by a number of factors, including ones religious beliefs and that is ones religious beliefs and that is totally ones religious beliefs and that is totally respectable ones religious beliefs and that is totally respectable and ones religious beliefs and that is totally respectable and accept ones religious beliefs and that is totally respectable and accept age, totally respectable and accept age, but totally respectable and accept age, but all totally respectable and accept age, but all of totally respectable and accept age, but all of a totally respectable and accept age, but all of a sudden, totally respectable and accept age, but all of a sudden, all totally respectable and accept age, but all of a sudden, all of totally respectable and accept age, but all of a sudden, all of a but all of a sudden, all of a sudden, but all of a sudden, all of a sudden, this but all of a sudden, all of a sudden, this issue, but all of a sudden, all of a sudden, this issue, which but all of a sudden, all of a sudden, this issue, which is but all of a sudden, all of a sudden, this issue, which is about sudden, this issue, which is about the sudden, this issue, which is about the integrity sudden, this issue, which is about the integrity of sudden, this issue, which is about the integrity of one sudden, this issue, which is about the integrity of one of sudden, this issue, which is about the integrity of one of the sudden, this issue, which is about the integrity of one of the great the integrity of one of the great religious the integrity of one of the great religious observances the integrity of one of the great religious observances at the integrity of one of the great religious observances at least the integrity of one of the great religious observances at least in religious observances at least in the religious observances at least in the Christian religious observances at least in the Christian calendar religious observances at least in the Christian calendar and religious observances at least in the Christian calendar and what religious observances at least in the Christian calendar and what now the Christian calendar and what now has the Christian calendar and what now has become the Christian calendar and what now has become so the Christian calendar and what now has become so culturally the Christian calendar and what now has become so culturally vital the Christian calendar and what now has become so culturally vital to has become so culturally vital to the has become so culturally vital to the way has become so culturally vital to the way we has become so culturally vital to the way we observe has become so culturally vital to the way we observe holidays has become so culturally vital to the way we observe holidays and the way we observe holidays and breaks the way we observe holidays and breaks in the way we observe holidays and breaks in New the way we observe holidays and breaks in New Zealand, the way we observe holidays and breaks in New Zealand, that the way we observe holidays and breaks in New Zealand, that suddenly breaks in New Zealand, that suddenly is breaks in New Zealand, that suddenly is not breaks in New Zealand, that suddenly is not important breaks in New Zealand, that suddenly is not important to breaks in New Zealand, that suddenly is not important to people's breaks in New Zealand, that suddenly individual consciences breaks in New Zealand, that suddenly individual consciences anymore. breaks in New Zealand, that suddenly individual consciences anymore. So, individual consciences anymore. So, we individual consciences anymore. So, we have individual consciences anymore. So, we have a individual consciences anymore. So, we have a government individual consciences anymore. So, we have a government now individual consciences anymore. So, we have a government now desperate we have a government now desperate to we have a government now desperate to give we have a government now desperate to give the we have a government now desperate to give the appearance we have a government now desperate to give the appearance of to give the appearance of consistency to give the appearance of consistency and to give the appearance of consistency and cohesion, to give the appearance of consistency and cohesion, having to give the appearance of consistency and cohesion, having to consistency and cohesion, having to tell consistency and cohesion, having to tell its consistency and cohesion, having to tell its members consistency and cohesion, having to tell its members of consistency and cohesion, having to tell its members of conscience tell its members of conscience because tell its members of conscience because there tell its members of conscience because there is tell its members of conscience because there is only tell its members of conscience because there is only a tell its members of conscience because there is only a handful tell its members of conscience because there is only a handful of because there is only a handful of them, because there is only a handful of them, that because there is only a handful of them, that they because there is only a handful of them, that they cannot because there is only a handful of them, that they cannot vote because there is only a handful of them, that they cannot vote court them, that they cannot vote court their them, that they cannot vote court their conscience. them, that they cannot vote court their conscience. I them, that they cannot vote court their conscience. I just them, that they cannot vote court their conscience. I just simply them, that they cannot vote court their conscience. I just simply ask their conscience. I just simply ask the their conscience. I just simply ask the question: their conscience. I just simply ask the question: What their conscience. I just simply ask the question: What is their conscience. I just simply ask the question: What is going their conscience. I just simply ask the question: What is going on? their conscience. I just simply ask the question: What is going on? It the question: What is going on? It is the question: What is going on? It is a the question: What is going on? It is a bit the question: What is going on? It is a bit like the question: What is going on? It is a bit like the the question: What is going on? It is a bit like the cigarette is a bit like the cigarette packaging is a bit like the cigarette packaging legislation. is a bit like the cigarette packaging legislation. You is a bit like the cigarette packaging legislation. You see, is a bit like the cigarette packaging legislation. You see, that packaging legislation. You see, that has packaging legislation. You see, that has come packaging legislation. You see, that has come up packaging legislation. You see, that has come up for packaging legislation. You see, that has come up for debate, packaging legislation. You see, that has come up for debate, too. packaging legislation. You see, that has come up for debate, too. That packaging legislation. You see, that has come up for debate, too. That is has come up for debate, too. That is an has come up for debate, too. That is an issue has come up for debate, too. That is an issue in has come up for debate, too. That is an issue in which has come up for debate, too. That is an issue in which members has come up for debate, too. That is an issue in which members have an issue in which members have expressed an issue in which members have expressed perm an issue in which members have expressed perm views an issue in which members have expressed perm views and an issue in which members have expressed perm views and it an issue in which members have expressed perm views and it is an issue in which members have expressed perm views and it is not expressed perm views and it is not just expressed perm views and it is not just about expressed perm views and it is not just about what expressed perm views and it is not just about what 7 expressed perm views and it is not just about what 7 benson expressed perm views and it is not just about what 7 benson & expressed perm views and it is not just about what 7 benson & Hedges just about what 7 benson & Hedges think just about what 7 benson & Hedges think or just about what 7 benson & Hedges think or the just about what 7 benson & Hedges think or the manufacturers, just about what 7 benson & Hedges think or the manufacturers, it just about what 7 benson & Hedges think or the manufacturers, it is think or the manufacturers, it is what think or the manufacturers, it is what the think or the manufacturers, it is what the members think or the manufacturers, it is what the members here think or the manufacturers, it is what the members here think think or the manufacturers, it is what the members here think about think or the manufacturers, it is what the members here think about it what the members here think about it and what the members here think about it and the what the members here think about it and the public what the members here think about it and the public health what the members here think about it and the public health issues what the members here think about it and the public health issues that what the members here think about it and the public health issues that go and the public health issues that go with and the public health issues that go with it. and the public health issues that go with it. All and the public health issues that go with it. All of and the public health issues that go with it. All of a and the public health issues that go with it. All of a sudden and the public health issues that go with it. All of a sudden the with it. All of a sudden the National with it. All of a sudden the National Party with it. All of a sudden the National Party think with it. All of a sudden the National Party think suddenly with it. All of a sudden the National Party think suddenly it National Party think suddenly it doesn't National Party think suddenly it doesn't matter National Party think suddenly it doesn't matter any National Party think suddenly it doesn't matter any more. National Party think suddenly it doesn't matter any more. What National Party think suddenly it doesn't matter any more. What was National Party think suddenly it doesn't matter any more. What was an doesn't matter any more. What was an issue doesn't matter any more. What was an issue of doesn't matter any more. What was an issue of conscience doesn't matter any more. What was an issue of conscience isn't doesn't matter any more. What was an issue of conscience isn't an doesn't matter any more. What was an issue of conscience isn't an issueof issue of conscience isn't an issueof conscience issue of conscience isn't an issueof conscience anymore. issue of conscience isn't an issueof conscience anymore. What issue of conscience isn't an issueof conscience anymore. What is conscience anymore. What is happening conscience anymore. What is doesn't conscience anymore. What is happening with the conscience anymore. What is happening with the National conscience anymore. What is happening with the National Party happening with the National Party now happening with the National Party now is happening with the National Party now is they happening with the National Party now is they are happening with the National Party now is they are using happening with the National Party now is they are using the happening with the National Party now is they are using the same now is they are using the same patronising now is they are using the same patronising attitudes now is they are using the same patronising attitudes to now is they are using the same patronising attitudes to their now is they are using the same patronising attitudes to their own patronising attitudes to their own members patronising attitudes to their own members as patronising attitudes to their own members as they patronising attitudes to their own members as they used patronising attitudes to their own members as they used to patronising attitudes to their own members as they used to some patronising attitudes to their own members as they used to some of members as they used to some of their members as they used to some of their coalition members as they used to some of their coalition partners members as they used to some of their coalition partners and their coalition partners and supporters, their coalition partners and supporters, such their coalition partners and supporters, such as their coalition partners and supporters, such as the their coalition partners and supporters, such as the Maori their coalition partners and supporters, such as the Maori Party. supporters, such as the Maori Party. They supporters, such as the Maori Party. They express supporters, such as the Maori Party. They express views supporters, such as the Maori Party. They express views on supporters, such as the Maori Party. They express views on all supporters, such as the Maori Party. They express views on all range supporters, such as the Maori Party. They express views on all range of They express views on all range of things They express views on all range of things and They express views on all range of things and they They express views on all range of things and they often They express views on all range of things and they often express They express views on all range of things and they often express views things and they often express views that things and they often express views that support things and they often express views that support us, things and they often express views that support us, but things and they often express views that support us, but when things and they often express views that support us, but when it things and they often express views that support us, but when it comes that support us, but when it comes to that support us, but when it comes to having that support us, but when it comes to having to that support us, but when it comes to having to vote that support us, but when it comes to having to vote for that support us, but when it comes to having to vote for the that support us, but when it comes to having to vote for the measures to having to vote for the measures and to having to vote for the measures and have to having to vote for the measures and have to to having to vote for the measures and have to buy to having to vote for the measures and have to buy Bill to having to vote for the measures and have to buy Bill English to having to vote for the measures and have to buy Bill English their and have to buy Bill English their government, and have to buy Bill English their government, they and have to buy Bill English their government, they don't and have to buy Bill English their government, they don't get and have to buy Bill English their government, they don't get a and have to buy Bill English their government, they don't get a look government, they don't get a look in. government, they don't get a look in. They government, they don't get a look in. They don't government, they don't get a look in. They don't get government, they don't get a look in. They don't get a government, they don't get a look in. They don't get a look government, they don't get a look in. They don't get a look in. government, they don't get a look in. They don't get a look in. So government, they don't get a look in. They don't get a look in. So the in. They don't get a look in. So the Maori in. They don't get a look in. So the Maori Party in. They don't get a look in. So the Maori Party is in. They don't get a look in. So the Maori Party is compelled in. They don't get a look in. So the Maori Party is compelled against Maori Party is compelled against their Maori Party is compelled against their consciences Maori Party is compelled against their consciences and Maori Party is compelled against their consciences and against Maori Party is compelled against their consciences and against their their consciences and against their policy their consciences and against their policy to their consciences and against their policy to vote their consciences and against their policy to vote for their consciences and against their policy to vote for measures their consciences and against their policy to vote for measures that their consciences and against their policy to vote for measures that are policy to vote for measures that are ditrimental policy to vote for measures that are ditrimental to policy to vote for measures that are ditrimental to Maori policy to vote for measures that are ditrimental to Maori such policy to vote for measures that are ditrimental to Maori such as policy to vote for measures that are ditrimental to Maori such as selling ditrimental to Maori such as selling state ditrimental to Maori such as selling state houses, ditrimental to Maori such as selling state houses, such ditrimental to Maori such as selling state houses, such as ditrimental to Maori such as selling state houses, such as doing ditrimental to Maori such as selling state houses, such as doing nothing state houses, such as doing nothing about state houses, such as doing nothing about low state houses, such as doing nothing about low wages, state houses, such as doing nothing about low wages, such state houses, such as doing nothing about low wages, such as state houses, such as doing nothing about low wages, such as prizing state houses, such as doing nothing about low wages, such as prizing the about low wages, such as prizing the education about low wages, such as prizing the education budget about low wages, such as prizing the education budget and about low wages, such as prizing the education budget and the about low wages, such as prizing the education budget and the police education budget and the police budget. education budget and the police budget. You education budget and the police budget. You see education budget and the police budget. You see the education budget and the police budget. You see the Maori education budget and the police budget. You see the Maori Party budget. You see the Maori Party doesn't budget. You see the Maori Party doesn't get budget. You see the Maori Party doesn't get a budget. You see the Maori Party doesn't get a look budget. You see the Maori Party doesn't get a look in budget. You see the Maori Party doesn't get a look in with budget. You see the Maori Party doesn't get a look in with that budget. You see the Maori Party doesn't get a look in with that lot. doesn't get a look in with that lot. They doesn't get a look in with that lot. They talk doesn't get a look in with that lot. They talk a doesn't get a look in with that lot. They talk a big doesn't get a look in with that lot. They talk a big game doesn't get a look in with that lot. They talk a big game about doesn't get a look in with that lot. They talk a big game about being They talk a big game about being responsive They talk a big game about being responsive and They talk a big game about being responsive and respectful They talk a big game about being responsive and respectful to They talk a big game about being responsive and respectful to Maori, responsive and respectful to Maori, but responsive and respectful to Maori, responsive responsive and respectful to Maori, but they are responsive and respectful to Maori, but they are not. responsive and respectful to Maori, but they are not. And responsive and respectful to Maori, but they are not. And they responsive and respectful to Maori, but they are not. And they tow responsive and respectful to Maori, but they are not. And they tow a responsive and respectful to Maori, but they are not. And they tow a lot but they are not. And they tow a lot the but they are not. And they tow a lot the Maori but they are not. And they tow a lot the Maori Party but they are not. And they tow a lot the Maori Party on but they are not. And they tow a lot the Maori Party on their but they are not. And they tow a lot the Maori Party on their coat but they are not. And they tow a lot the Maori Party on their coat tails the Maori Party on their coat tails and the Maori Party on their coat tails and it the Maori Party on their coat tails and it makes the Maori Party on their coat tails and it makes no the Maori Party on their coat tails and it makes no difference. the Maori Party on their coat tails and it makes no difference. Unlike and it makes no difference. Unlike the and it makes no difference. Unlike the Labour and it makes no difference. Unlike the Labour Party and it makes no difference. Unlike the Labour Party where and it makes no difference. Unlike the Labour Party where our and it makes no difference. Unlike the Labour Party where our Maori the Labour Party where our Maori Caucasus, the Labour Party where our Maori Caucasus, our the Labour Party where our Maori Caucasus, our rich, the Labour Party where our Maori Caucasus, our rich, diverse the Labour Party where our Maori Caucasus, our rich, diverse Maori Caucasus, our rich, diverse Maori Caucasus Caucasus, our rich, diverse Maori Caucasus, Caucasus, our rich, diverse Maori Caucasus is an Caucasus, our rich, diverse Maori Caucasus is an integral Caucasus, our rich, diverse Maori Caucasus is an integral part Caucasus, our rich, diverse Maori Caucasus is an integral part to Caucasus, our rich, diverse Maori Caucasus is an integral part to who Caucasus is an integral part to who we Caucasus is an integral part to who we are Caucasus is an integral part to who we are and Caucasus is an integral part to who we are and sit Caucasus is an integral part to who we are and sit around Caucasus is an integral part to who we are and sit around the Caucasus is an integral part to who we are and sit around the table, Caucasus is an integral part to who we are and sit around the table, and we are and sit around the table, and sit we are and sit around the table, and sit around we are and sit around the table, and sit around the we are and sit around the table, and sit around the table we are and sit around the table, and sit around the table and we are and sit around the table, and sit around the table and make we are and sit around the table, and sit around the table and make those sit around the table and make those decisions. sit around the table and make those decisions. The sit around the table and make those decisions. The reality, sit around the table and make those decisions. The reality, Mr sit around the table and make those decisions. The reality, Mr Speaker, decisions. The reality, Mr Speaker, is decisions. The reality, Mr Speaker, decisions. decisions. The reality, Mr Speaker, is this government decisions. The reality, Mr Speaker, is this government has decisions. The reality, Mr Speaker, is this government has given decisions. The reality, Mr Speaker, is this government has given up. is this government has given up. They is this government has given up. They have is this government has given up. They have got is this government has given up. They have got nothing is this government has given up. They have got nothing to is this government has given up. They have got nothing to say They have got nothing to say meaningfully They have got nothing to say meaningfully on They have got nothing to say meaningfully on anything. They have got nothing to say meaningfully on anything. What They have got nothing to say meaningfully on anything. What is meaningfully on anything. What is their meaningfully on anything. What is their big meaningfully on anything. What is their big priority meaningfully on anything. What is their big priority right meaningfully on anything. What is their big priority right now? meaningfully on anything. What is their big priority right now? It meaningfully on anything. What is their big priority right now? It is their big priority right now? It is lost-and-found their big priority right now? It is lost-and-found in their big priority right now? It is lost-and-found in the their big priority right now? It is lost-and-found in the airports. their big priority right now? It is lost-and-found in the airports. That lost-and-found in the airports. That is lost-and-found in the airports. That is what lost-and-found in the airports. That is what they lost-and-found in the airports. That is what they are lost-and-found in the airports. That is what they are concerned lost-and-found in the airports. That is what they are concerned in lost-and-found in the airports. That is what they are concerned in the is what they are concerned in the airport. airport. <LAUGHTER> <LAUGHTER> Intellectual <LAUGHTER> Intellectual time <LAUGHTER> Intellectual time and <LAUGHTER> Intellectual time and energy <LAUGHTER> Intellectual time and energy is Intellectual time and energy is going Intellectual time and energy is going to Intellectual time and energy is going to finding Intellectual time and energy is going to finding the Intellectual time and energy is going to finding the owners Intellectual time and energy is going to finding the owners of going to finding the owners of people going to finding the owners of people who going to finding the owners of people who leave going to finding the owners of people who leave things going to finding the owners of people who leave things lying going to finding the owners of people who leave things lying around people who leave things lying around in people who leave things lying around in the people who leave things lying around in the airports. people who leave things lying around in the airports. That people who leave things lying around in the airports. That is people who leave things lying around in the airports. That is what people who leave things lying around in the airports. That is what they in the airports. That is what they care in the airports. That is what they care about. in the airports. That is what they care about. Forget in the airports. That is what they care about. Forget about in the airports. That is what they care about. Forget about communities care about. Forget about communities of care about. Forget about communities of online care about. Forget about communities of online learning, care about. Forget about communities of online learning, they care about. Forget about communities of online learning, they aren't of online learning, they aren't going of online learning, they aren't going to of online learning, they aren't going to help of online learning, they aren't going to help them. of online learning, they aren't going to help them. They of online learning, they aren't going to help them. They don't of online learning, they aren't going to help them. They don't even going to help them. They don't even know going to help them. They don't even know that going to help them. They don't even know that the going to help them. They don't even know that the online going to help them. They don't even know that the online learning going to help them. They don't even know that the online learning that know that the online learning that is know that the online learning that is happening know that the online learning that is happening at know that the online learning that is happening at the know that the online learning that is happening at the moment know that the online learning that is happening at the moment is is happening at the moment is happening is happening at the moment is happening in is happening at the moment is happening in classrooms is happening at the moment is happening in classrooms to is happening at the moment is happening in classrooms to help happening in classrooms to help students happening in classrooms to help students learn happening in classrooms to help students learn about happening in classrooms to help students learn about collaboration. students learn about collaboration. They students learn about collaboration. They want students learn about collaboration. They want to students learn about collaboration. They want to upset students learn about collaboration. They want to upset that students learn about collaboration. They want to upset that and students learn about collaboration. They want to upset that and do students learn about collaboration. They want to upset that and do the They want to upset that and do the opposite. They want to upset that and do the opposite. The They want to upset that and do the opposite. The minister They want to upset that and do the opposite. The minister doesn't They want to upset that and do the opposite. The minister doesn't know opposite. The minister doesn't know what opposite. The minister doesn't know what she opposite. The minister doesn't know what she is opposite. The minister doesn't know what she is talking opposite. The minister doesn't know what she is talking about. opposite. The minister doesn't know what she is talking about. She what she is talking about. She doesn't what she is talking about. She doesn't know what she is talking about. She doesn't know what what she is talking about. She doesn't know what her what she is talking about. She doesn't know what her own what she is talking about. She doesn't know what her own policy what she is talking about. She doesn't know what her own policy is. doesn't know what her own policy is. This doesn't know what her own policy is. This is doesn't know what her own policy is. This is a doesn't know what her own policy is. This is a government doesn't know what her own policy is. This is a government in doesn't know what her own policy is. This is a government in total This is a government in total disarray This is a government in total disarray and This is a government in total disarray and it This is a government in total disarray and it is This is a government in total disarray and it is coming This is a government in total disarray and it is coming to This is a government in total disarray and it is coming to an This is a government in total disarray and it is coming to an end. disarray and it is coming to an end. <CHEERING> <CHEERING> The <CHEERING> The question <CHEERING> The question is <CHEERING> The question is that <CHEERING> The question is that the <CHEERING> The question is that the motion <CHEERING> The question is that the motion be The question is that the motion be agreed The question is that the motion be agreed to. The question is that the motion be agreed to. Hon The question is that the motion be agreed to. Hon Chris The question is that the motion be agreed to. Hon Chris Perry. The question is that the motion be agreed to. Hon Chris Perry. Mr agreed to. Hon Chris Perry. Mr Speaker, agreed to. Hon Chris Perry. Mr Speaker, it agreed to. Hon Chris Perry. Mr Speaker, it is agreed to. Hon Chris Perry. Mr Speaker, it is -- agreed to. Hon Chris Perry. Mr Speaker, it is -- The agreed to. Hon Chris Perry. Mr Speaker, it is -- The Hon agreed to. Hon Chris Perry. Mr Speaker, it is -- The Hon Hekia Speaker, it is -- The Hon Hekia Parata. Speaker, it is -- The Hon Hekia Parata. It Speaker, it is -- The Hon Hekia Parata. It is Speaker, it is -- The Hon Hekia Parata. It is fascinating Speaker, it is -- The Hon Hekia Parata. It is fascinating they Speaker, it is -- The Hon Hekia Parata. It is fascinating they are Parata. It is fascinating they are looking Parata. It is fascinating they are looking at Parata. It is fascinating they are looking at what Parata. It is fascinating they are looking at what happens Parata. It is fascinating they are looking at what happens in Parata. It is fascinating they are looking at what happens in the looking at what happens in the National looking at what happens in the National Party. looking at what happens in the National Party. That looking at what happens in the National Party. That is looking at what happens in the National Party. That is why looking at what happens in the National Party. That is why the National Party. That is why the attention National Party. That is why the attention is National Party. That is why the attention is focused National Party. That is why the attention is focused ore National Party. That is why the attention is focused ore here National Party. That is why the attention is focused ore here - attention is focused ore here - because attention is focused ore here - because there attention is focused ore here - because there is attention is focused ore here - because there is nothing attention is focused ore here - because there is nothing happening because there is nothing happening in because there is nothing happening in the because there is nothing happening in the Labour because there is nothing happening in the Labour Party. because there is nothing happening in the Labour Party. We because there is nothing happening in the Labour Party. We are because there is nothing happening in the Labour Party. We are fully because there is nothing happening in the Labour Party. We are fully a in the Labour Party. We are fully a part in the Labour Party. We are fully a part of in the Labour Party. We are fully a part of the in the Labour Party. We are fully a part of the present in the Labour Party. We are fully a part of the present and in the Labour Party. We are fully a part of the present and we in the Labour Party. We are fully a part of the present and we are in the Labour Party. We are fully a part of the present and we are also part of the present and we are also focused part of the present and we are also focused on part of the present and we are also focused on the part of the present and we are also focused on the future. part of the present and we are also focused on the future. We part of the present and we are also focused on the future. We are focused on the future. We are golfing focused on the future. We are golfing for focused on the future. We are golfing for the focused on the future. We are golfing for the 21st focused on the future. We are golfing for the 21st century. focused on the future. We are golfing for the 21st century. That golfing for the 21st century. That is golfing for the 21st century. That is why, golfing for the 21st century. That is why, for golfing for the 21st century. That is why, for instance, golfing for the 21st century. That is why, for instance, we golfing for the 21st century. That is why, for instance, we have is why, for instance, we have invested is why, for instance, we have invested so is why, for instance, we have invested so much is why, for instance, we have invested so much as is why, for instance, we have invested so much as a is why, for instance, we have invested so much as a government invested so much as a government into invested so much as a government into science invested so much as a government into science and invested so much as a government into science and innovation. invested so much as a government into science and innovation. We invested so much as a government into science and innovation. We know into science and innovation. We know that into science and innovation. We know that will into science and innovation. We know that will underpin into science and innovation. We know that will underpin the into science and innovation. We know that will underpin the economy into science and innovation. We know that will underpin the economy of that will underpin the economy of New that will underpin the economy of New Zealand that will underpin the economy of New Zealand and that will underpin the economy of New Zealand and grow that will underpin the economy of New Zealand and grow prosperity that will underpin the economy of New Zealand and grow prosperity for New Zealand and grow prosperity for all. New Zealand and grow prosperity for all. When New Zealand and grow prosperity for all. When Steven New Zealand and grow prosperity for all. When Steven Joyce New Zealand and grow prosperity for all. When Steven Joyce and New Zealand and grow prosperity for all. When Steven Joyce and I all. When Steven Joyce and I announced all. When Steven Joyce and I announced our all. When Steven Joyce and I announced our Sign all. When Steven Joyce and I announced our Sign & all. When Steven Joyce and I announced our Sign & Society all. When Steven Joyce and I announced our Sign & Society in all. When Steven Joyce and I announced our Sign & Society in 2014 announced our Sign & Society in 2014 we announced our Sign & Society in 2014 we were announced our Sign & Society in 2014 we were interested announced our Sign & Society in 2014 we were interested in announced our Sign & Society in 2014 we were interested in how announced our Sign & Society in 2014 we were interested in how we announced our Sign & Society in 2014 we were interested in how we could we were interested in how we could invest we were interested in how we could invest in we were interested in how we could invest in a we were interested in how we could invest in a nation we were interested in how we could invest in a nation of we were interested in how we could invest in a nation of curious we were interested in how we could invest in a nation of curious minds, invest in a nation of curious minds, as invest in a nation of curious minds, as opposed invest in a nation of curious minds, as opposed to invest in a nation of curious minds, as opposed to a invest in a nation of curious minds, as opposed to a bench invest in a nation of curious minds, as opposed to a bench of invest in a nation of curious minds, as opposed to a bench of pathetic as opposed to a bench of pathetic minds. as opposed to a bench of pathetic minds. We as opposed to a bench of pathetic minds. We are as opposed to a bench of pathetic minds. We are - as opposed to a bench of pathetic minds. We are - how as opposed to a bench of pathetic minds. We are - how do as opposed to a bench of pathetic minds. We are - how do we as opposed to a bench of pathetic minds. We are - how do we grow as opposed to a bench of pathetic minds. We are - how do we grow the minds. We are - how do we grow the inquisitiveness minds. We are - how do we grow the inquisitiveness of minds. We are - how do we grow the inquisitiveness of New minds. We are - how do we grow the inquisitiveness of New Zealanders? inquisitiveness of New Zealanders? We inquisitiveness of New Zealanders? We have inquisitiveness of New Zealanders? We have invested inquisitiveness of New Zealanders? We have invested $760 inquisitiveness of New Zealanders? We have invested $760 million inquisitiveness of New Zealanders? We have invested $760 million in We have invested $760 million in this We have invested $760 million in this year's We have invested $760 million in this year's Budget We have invested $760 million in this year's Budget to We have invested $760 million in this year's Budget to show We have invested $760 million in this year's Budget to show that We have invested $760 million in this year's Budget to show that we this year's Budget to show that we are this year's Budget to show that we are prepared this year's Budget to show that we are prepared to this year's Budget to show that we are prepared to put this year's Budget to show that we are prepared to put taxpayers' this year's Budget to show that we are prepared to put taxpayers' money are prepared to put taxpayers' money into are prepared to put taxpayers' money into what are prepared to put taxpayers' money into what will are prepared to put taxpayers' money into what will count are prepared to put taxpayers' money into what will count in are prepared to put taxpayers' money into what will count in growing are prepared to put taxpayers' money into what will count in growing the into what will count in growing the future into what will count in growing the future of into what will count in growing the future of our into what will count in growing the future of our country. into what will count in growing the future of our country. In into what will count in growing the future of our country. In addition, future of our country. In addition, we future of our country. In addition, we have future of our country. In addition, we have a future of our country. In addition, we have a very future of our country. In addition, we have a very active future of our country. In addition, we have a very active regional we have a very active regional economic we have a very active regional economic development we have a very active regional economic development programme. we have a very active regional economic development programme. This economic development programme. This includes economic development programme. This into economic development programme. This includes our partners, economic development programme. This includes our partners, the economic development programme. This includes our partners, the Maori includes our partners, the Maori Party, includes our partners, the Maori Party, as includes our partners, the Maori Party, as we includes our partners, the Maori Party, as we go includes our partners, the Maori Party, as we go around includes our partners, the Maori Party, as we go around the includes our partners, the Maori Party, as we go around the country Party, as we go around the country and Party, as we go around the country and we Party, as we go around the country and we support Party, as we go around the country and we support local Party, as we go around the country and we support local communities Party, as we go around the country and we support local communities to and we support local communities to identify and we support local communities to identify what and we support local communities to identify what will and we support local communities to identify what will work and we support local communities to identify what will work for and we support local communities to identify what will work for them and we support local communities to identify what will work for them now identify what will work for them now and identify what will work for them now and into identify what will work for them now and into the identify what will work for them now and into the future identify what will work for them now and into the future and identify what will work for them now and into the future and how identify what will work for them now and into the future and how can identify what will work for them now and into the future and how can we and into the future and how can we invest and into the future and how can we invest to and into the future and how can we invest to ensure and into the future and how can we invest to ensure that and into the future and how can we invest to ensure that we and into the future and how can we invest to ensure that we are and into the future and how can we invest to ensure that we are growing invest to ensure that we are growing strong invest to ensure that we are growing strong regions, invest to ensure that we are growing strong regions, which invest to ensure that we are growing strong regions, which will invest to ensure that we are growing strong regions, which will lead invest to ensure that we are growing strong regions, which will lead to strong regions, which will lead to overall strong regions, which will lead to overall National strong regions, which will lead to overall National prosperity. strong regions, which will lead to overall National prosperity. This strong regions, which will lead to overall National prosperity. This is overall National prosperity. This is underpinned overall National prosperity. This is underpinned by overall National prosperity. This is underpinned by the overall National prosperity. This is underpinned by the extraordinary overall National prosperity. This is underpinned by the extraordinary and underpinned by the extraordinary and untiring underpinned by the extraordinary and untiring work underpinned by the extraordinary and untiring work that underpinned by the extraordinary and untiring work that our underpinned by the extraordinary and untiring work that our PM underpinned by the extraordinary and untiring work that our PM does untiring work that our PM does internationally. untiring work that our PM does internationally. He untiring work that our PM does internationally. He goes untiring work that our PM does internationally. He goes out untiring work that our PM does internationally. He goes out there, internationally. He goes out there, he internationally. He goes out there, he makes internationally. He goes out there, he makes connections internationally. He goes out there, he makes connections that internationally. He goes out there, he makes connections that then internationally. He goes out there, he makes connections that then sets he makes connections that then sets up he makes connections that then sets up for he makes connections that then sets up for our he makes connections that then sets up for our other he makes connections that then sets up for our other ministers he makes connections that then sets up for our other ministers to he makes connections that then sets up for our other ministers to secure up for our other ministers to secure trade up for our other ministers to secure trade agreements, up for our other ministers to secure trade agreements, which up for our other ministers to secure trade agreements, which then up for our other ministers to secure trade agreements, which then will trade agreements, which then will allow trade agreements, which then will allow for trade agreements, which then will allow for the trade agreements, which then will allow for the export trade agreements, which then will allow for the export industries trade agreements, which then will allow for the export industries off allow for the export industries off the allow for the export industries off the back allow for the export industries off the back of allow for the export industries off the back of our allow for the export industries off the back of our regional allow for the export industries off the back of our regional economies the back of our regional economies supported the back of our regional economies supported by the back of our regional economies supported by our the back of our regional economies supported by our science the back of our regional economies supported by our science and supported by our science and innovation. supported by our science and innovation. What supported by our science and innovation. What is supported by our science and innovation. What is the supported by our science and innovation. What is the critical, supported by our science and innovation. What is the critical, ex innovation. What is the critical, ex ped innovation. What is the critical, ex ped den innovation. What is the critical, ex ped den shall innovation. What is the critical, ex ped den shall catalyst innovation. What is the critical, ex ped den shall catalyst for innovation. What is the critical, ex ped den shall catalyst for growing ped den shall catalyst for growing all ped den shall catalyst for growing all of ped den shall catalyst for growing all of that? ped den shall catalyst for growing all of that? It ped den shall catalyst for growing all of that? It is ped den shall catalyst for growing all of that? It is education. all of that? It is education. Yesterday all of that? It is education. Yesterday in all of that? It is education. Yesterday in the all of that? It is education. Yesterday in the House all of that? It is education. Yesterday in the House I all of that? It is education. Yesterday in the House I I Yesterday in the House I I introduced Yesterday in the House I I introduced the Yesterday in the House I I introduced the biggest Yesterday in the House I I introduced the biggest update Yesterday in the House I I introduced the biggest update of introduced the biggest update of education introduced the biggest update of education that introduced the biggest update of education that there introduced the biggest update of education that there has introduced the biggest update of education that there has been introduced the biggest update of education that there has been in education that there has been in almost education that there has been in almost three education that there has been in almost three decades. education that there has been in almost three decades. For education that there has been in almost three decades. For a education that there has been in almost three decades. For a start, almost three decades. For a start, it almost three decades. For a start, it focuses almost three decades. For a start, it focuses on almost three decades. For a start, it focuses on children. almost three decades. For a start, it focuses on children. It almost three decades. For a start, it focuses on children. It puts almost three decades. For a start, it focuses on children. It puts them it focuses on children. It puts them at it focuses on children. It puts them at the it focuses on children. It puts them at the heart it focuses on children. It puts them at the heart of it focuses on children. It puts them at the heart of our it focuses on children. It puts them at the heart of our education at the heart of our education system. at the heart of our education system. Next, at the heart of our education system. Next, it at the heart of our education system. Next, it provides at the heart of our education system. Next, it provides for at the heart of our education system. Next, it provides for a system. Next, it provides for a mechanism system. Next, it provides for a mechanism called system. Next, it provides for a mechanism called a system. Next, it provides for a mechanism called a National mechanism called a National Education mechanism called a National it mechanism called a National Education Learning Priorities Education Learning Priorities Statement Education Learning Priorities Education Education Learning Priorities Statement which will Education Learning Priorities Statement which will allow Education Learning Priorities Statement which will allow for Education Learning Priorities Statement which will allow for the Statement which will allow for the government Statement which will allow for the government to Statement which will allow for the government to set Statement which will allow for the government to set out Statement which will allow for the government to set out what Statement which will allow for the government to set out what the government to set out what the strategic government to set out what the strategic objectives government to set out what the strategic objectives are government to set out what the strategic objectives are for government to set out what the strategic objectives are for early strategic objectives are for early learning strategic objectives are for early strategic strategic objectives are for early learning and for strategic objectives are for early learning and for schooling. strategic objectives are for early learning and for schooling. The learning and for schooling. The particular learning and for schooling. The particular issue learning and for schooling. The particular issue that learning and for schooling. The particular issue that has learning and for schooling. The particular issue that has exercised particular issue that has exercised the particular issue that has exercised the Opposition particular issue that has exercised the Opposition because particular issue that has exercised the Opposition because they particular issue that has exercised the Opposition because they lost the Opposition because they lost touch the Opposition because they lost touch with the Opposition because they lost touch with their the Opposition because they lost touch with their own the Opposition because they lost touch with their own policy touch with their own policy proposals touch with their own policy proposals is touch with their own policy proposals is that touch with their own policy proposals is that we touch with their own policy proposals is that we are touch with their own policy proposals is that we are 7 touch with their own policy proposals is that we are 7 enabling proposals is that we are 7 enabling a proposals is that we are 7 enabling a legal proposals is that we are 7 enabling a legal identity proposals is that we are 7 enabling a legal identity for proposals is that we are 7 enabling a legal identity for communities proposals is that we are 7 enabling a legal identity for communities of a legal identity for communities of online a legal identity for communities of online learners. a legal identity for communities of online learners. Now, a legal identity for communities of online learners. Now, how a legal identity for communities of online learners. Now, how anyone online learners. Now, how anyone could online learners. Now, how anyone could be online learners. Now, how anyone could be opposed online learners. Now, how anyone could be opposed to online learners. Now, how anyone could be opposed to that, online learners. Now, how anyone could be opposed to that, given online learners. Now, how anyone could be opposed to that, given the could be opposed to that, given the fact could be opposed to that, given the fact that could be opposed to that, given the fact that we could be opposed to that, given the fact that we live could be opposed to that, given the fact that we live in could be opposed to that, given the fact that we live in a could be opposed to that, given the fact that we live in a digital, fact that we live in a digital, technological fact that we live in a digital, technological society fact that we live in a digital, technological society and fact that we live in a digital, technological society and how technological society and how important technological society and how fact technological society and how important it is technological society and how important it is that technological society and how important it is that our technological society and how important it is that our young important it is that our young people, important it is that our young people, in important it is that our young people, in particular, important it is that our young people, in particular, but important it is that our young people, in particular, but actually people, in particular, but actually all people, in particular, but actually all of people, in particular, but actually all of us, people, in particular, but actually all of us, although people, in particular, but actually all of us, although I people, in particular, but actually all of us, although I am people, in particular, but actually all of us, although I am a people, in particular, but actually all of us, although I am a little all of us, although I am a little sad all of us, although I am a little sad at all of us, although I am a little sad at how all of us, although I am a little sad at how many all of us, although I am a little sad at how many luddites all of us, although I am a little sad at how many luddites there all of us, although I am a little sad at how many luddites there are sad at how many luddites there are amongst sad at how many luddites there are amongst us sad at how many luddites there are amongst us who sad at how many luddites there are amongst us who think sad at how many luddites there are amongst us who think there sad at how many luddites there are amongst us who think there is sad at how many luddites there are amongst us who think there is only amongst us who think there is only one amongst us who think there is only one medium amongst us who think there is only one medium of amongst us who think there is only one medium of learning. amongst us who think there is only one medium of learning. There amongst us who think there is only one medium of learning. There are amongst us who think there is only one medium of learning. There are a one medium of learning. There are a with one medium of learning. There are a with -- one medium of learning. There are a with -- there one medium of learning. There are a with -- there are one medium of learning. There are a with -- there are a one medium of learning. There are a with -- there are a whole one medium of learning. There are a with -- there are a whole range one medium of learning. There are a with -- there are a whole range of with -- there are a whole range of them with -- there are a whole range of them and with -- there are a whole range of them and different with -- there are a whole range of them and different ways with -- there are a whole range of them and different ways appeal with -- there are a whole range of them and different ways appeal to them and different ways appeal to different them and different ways appeal to different young them and different ways appeal to different young people. them and different ways appeal to different young people. This different young people. This government different young people. This government is different young people. This government is not different young people. This government is not prepared different young people. This government is not prepared to different young people. This government is not prepared to risk government is not prepared to risk the government is not prepared to risk the failure government is not prepared to risk the failure of government is not prepared to risk the failure of any government is not prepared to risk the failure of any young government is not prepared to risk the failure of any young New the failure of any young New Zealander. the failure of any young New Zealander. So the failure of any young New Zealander. So we the failure of any young New Zealander. So we are the failure of any young New Zealander. So we are prepared the failure of any young New Zealander. So we are prepared to Zealander. So we are prepared to look Zealander. So we are prepared to look at Zealander. So we are prepared to look at what Zealander. So we are prepared to look at what the Zealander. So we are prepared to look at what the range Zealander. So we are prepared to look at what the range of Zealander. So we are prepared to look at what the range of options look at what the range of options are. look at what the range of options are. Now, look at what the range of options are. Now, it look at what the range of options are. Now, it was look at what the range of options are. Now, it was said, look at what the range of options are. Now, it was said, and look at what the range of options are. Now, it was said, and someone are. Now, it was said, and someone from are. Now, it was said, and someone from the are. Now, it was said, and someone from the Opposition are. Now, it was said, and someone from the Opposition has are. Now, it was said, and someone from the Opposition has said, are. Now, it was said, and someone from the Opposition has said, "This from the Opposition has said, "This is from the Opposition has said, "This is a from the Opposition has said, "This is a tragic from the Opposition has said, "This is a tragic social from the Opposition has said, "This is a tragic social experiment." from the Opposition has said, "This is a tragic social experiment." I is a tragic social experiment." I would is a tragic social experiment." I would commend is a tragic social experiment." I would commend to is a tragic social experiment." I would commend to historians is a tragic social experiment." I would commend to historians that is a tragic social experiment." I would commend to historians that is would commend to historians that is what would commend to historians that is what was would commend to historians that is what was said would commend to historians that is what was said when would commend to historians that is what was said when evencation would commend to historians that is what was said when evencation was what was said when evencation was extended what was said when evencation was extended to what was said when evencation was extended to the what was said when evencation was extended to the working-classes. extended to the working-classes. "This extended to the working-classes. "This is extended to the working-classes. "This is tragic, extended to the working-classes. "This is tragic, dangerous, extended to the working-classes. "This is tragic, dangerous, social "This is tragic, dangerous, social experiment." "This is tragic, dangerous, social experiment." I "This is tragic, dangerous, social experiment." I am "This is tragic, dangerous, social experiment." I am appealing "This is tragic, dangerous, social experiment." I am appealing to "This is tragic, dangerous, social experiment." I am appealing to the experiment." I am appealing to the Opposition experiment." I am appealing to the Opposition to experiment." I am appealing to the Opposition to join experiment." I am appealing to the Opposition to join us experiment." I am appealing to the Opposition to join us in experiment." I am appealing to the Opposition to join us in the experiment." I am appealing to the Opposition to join us in the 21st Opposition to join us in the 21st century Opposition to join us in the 21st century where Opposition to join us in the 21st century where people Opposition to join us in the 21st century where people use Opposition to join us in the 21st century where people use digital century where people use digital technology century where people use digital century century where people use digital technology all the century where people use digital technology all the time. century where people use digital technology all the time. Indeed, century where people use digital technology all the time. Indeed, we technology all the time. Indeed, we had technology all the time. Indeed, we had the technology all the time. Indeed, we had the assistant technology all the time. Indeed, we had the assistant speaker technology all the time. Indeed, we had the assistant speaker having technology all the time. Indeed, we had the assistant speaker having his had the assistant speaker having his technology had the assistant speaker having his technology interrupt had the assistant speaker having his technology interrupt the had the assistant speaker having his technology interrupt the House technology interrupt the House earlier technology interrupt the House earlier today technology interrupt the House earlier today and technology interrupt the House earlier today and what technology interrupt the House earlier today and what I technology interrupt the House earlier today and what I am earlier today and what I am committed earlier today and what I am committed to earlier today and what I am committed to is earlier today and what I am committed to is disruption, committed to is disruption, disrupting committed to is disruption, disrupting the committed to is disruption, disrupting the way committed to is disruption, disrupting the way that committed to is disruption, disrupting the way that education committed to is disruption, disrupting the way that education is disrupting the way that education is delivered disrupting the way that education is delivered in disrupting the way that education is delivered in order disrupting the way that education is delivered in order that disrupting the way that education is delivered in order that young disrupting the way that education is delivered in order that young people delivered in order that young people can delivered in order that young people can start delivered in order that young people can start to delivered in order that young people can start to see delivered in order that young people can start to see their delivered in order that young people can start to see their own can start to see their own potential, can start to see their own potential, be can start to see their own potential, be able can start to see their own potential, be able to can start to see their own potential, be able to secure can start to see their own potential, be able to secure the potential, be able to secure the jobs potential, be able to secure the jobs that potential, be able to secure the jobs that are potential, be able to secure the jobs that are coming potential, be able to secure the jobs that are coming out potential, be able to secure the jobs that are coming out of potential, be able to secure the jobs that are coming out of the jobs that are coming out of the information jobs that are coming out of the information communication jobs that are coming out of the information communication and information communication and technology information communication and information information communication and technology industry. The information communication and technology industry. The demand information communication and technology industry. The demand for technology industry. The demand for that technology industry. The demand for that from technology industry. The demand for that from our technology industry. The demand for that from our businesses technology industry. The demand for that from our businesses in technology industry. The demand for that from our businesses in New that from our businesses in New Zealand that from our businesses in New Zealand is that from our businesses in New Zealand is powerful that from our businesses in New Zealand is powerful and that from our businesses in New Zealand is powerful and we that from our businesses in New Zealand is powerful and we want that from our businesses in New Zealand is powerful and we want our Zealand is powerful and we want our young Zealand is powerful and we want our young people Zealand is powerful and we want our young people to Zealand is powerful and we want our young people to take Zealand is powerful and we want our young people to take advantage Zealand is powerful and we want our young people to take advantage of young people to take advantage of that. young people to take advantage of that. We young people to take advantage of that. We want young people to take advantage of that. We want more young people to take advantage of that. We want more Francis that. We want more Francis Valentine's that. We want more Francis Valentine's and that. We want more Francis Valentine's and Rob that. We want more Francis Valentine's and Rob Drewies that. We want more Francis Valentine's and Rob Drewies of. that. We want more Francis Valentine's and Rob Drewies of. Zero Valentine's and Rob Drewies of. Zero who Valentine's and Rob Drewies of. Zero who are Valentine's and Rob Drewies of. Zero who are based Valentine's and Rob Drewies of. Zero who are based here Valentine's and Rob Drewies of. Zero who are based here in Valentine's and Rob Drewies of. Zero who are based here in New Valentine's and Rob Drewies of. Zero who are based here in New Zealand who are based here in New Zealand and who are based here in New Zealand and selling who are based here in New Zealand and selling to who are based here in New Zealand and selling to the who are based here in New Zealand and selling to the world who are based here in New Zealand and selling to the world and who are based here in New Zealand and selling to the world and selling and selling to the world and selling to and selling to the world and selling to the and selling to the world and selling to the world, and selling to the world and selling to the world, using and selling to the world and selling to the world, using intellectual to the world, using intellectual capital to the world, using intellectual capital and to the world, using intellectual capital and the to the world, using intellectual capital and the digital to the world, using intellectual capital and the digital platform capital and the digital platform that capital and the digital platform that this capital and the digital platform that this government capital and the digital platform that this government has capital and the digital platform that this government has seen capital and the digital platform that this government has seen the that this government has seen the power that this government has seen the power for that this government has seen the power for in that this government has seen the power for in investing that this government has seen the power for in investing into that this government has seen the power for in investing into every power for in investing into every one power for in investing into every one of power for in investing into every one of our power for in investing into every one of our schools. power for in investing into every one of our schools. Mr power for in investing into every one of our schools. Mr Speaker, power for in investing into every one of our schools. Mr Speaker, this one of our schools. Mr Speaker, this National one of our schools. Mr Speaker, this National government one of our schools. Mr Speaker, this National government led one of our schools. Mr Speaker, this National government led by one of our schools. Mr Speaker, this National government led by the National government led by the inspirational National government led by the National National government led by the inspirational and aspirational National government led by the inspirational and aspirational John inspirational and aspirational John Key inspirational and aspirational John Key is inspirational and aspirational John Key is governing inspirational and aspirational John Key is governing for inspirational and aspirational John Key is governing for the inspirational and aspirational John Key is governing for the 21st Key is governing for the 21st century. Key is governing for the 21st century. Thank Key is governing for the 21st century. Thank you, Key is governing for the 21st century. Thank you, Mr Key is governing for the 21st century. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Fletcher Fletcher Tabuteau. Fletcher Tabuteau. After Fletcher Tabuteau. After today's Fletcher Tabuteau. After today's question Fletcher Tabuteau. After today's question time, Fletcher Tabuteau. After today's question time, they Fletcher Tabuteau. After today's question time, they have Fletcher Tabuteau. After today's question time, they have no Fletcher Tabuteau. After today's question time, they have no plan. question time, they have no plan. Where question time, they have no plan. Where is question time, they have no plan. Where is the question time, they have no plan. Where is the Government question time, they have no plan. Where is the Government taking question time, they have no plan. Where is the Government taking us question time, they have no plan. Where is the Government taking us - Where is the Government taking us - the Where is the Government taking us - the people Where is the Government taking us - the people of Where is the Government taking us - the people of New Where is the Government taking us - the people of New Zealand Where is the Government taking us - the people of New Zealand are Where is the Government taking us - the people of New Zealand are now the people of New Zealand are now asking the people of New Zealand are now asking that the people of New Zealand are now asking that question, the people of New Zealand are now asking that question, Sir. the people of New Zealand are now asking that question, Sir. That asking that question, Sir. That party asking that question, Sir. That party and asking that question, Sir. That party and those asking that question, Sir. That party and those ministers asking that question, Sir. That party and those ministers have asking that question, Sir. That party and those ministers have no party and those ministers have no idea. party and those ministers have no idea. They party and those ministers have no idea. They sit party and those ministers have no idea. They sit there party and those ministers have no idea. They sit there and party and those ministers have no idea. They sit there and they party and those ministers have no idea. They sit there and they shrug. idea. They sit there and they shrug. They idea. They sit there and they shrug. They shrug idea. They sit there and they shrug. They shrug and idea. They sit there and they shrug. They shrug and they idea. They sit there and they shrug. They shrug and they say, idea. They sit there and they shrug. They shrug and they say, "Thank They shrug and they say, "Thank goodness They shrug and they say, "Thank goodness for They shrug and they say, "Thank goodness for tourism." They shrug and they say, "Thank goodness for tourism." They They shrug and they say, "Thank goodness for tourism." They shrug goodness for tourism." They shrug and goodness for tourism." They shrug goodness goodness for tourism." They shrug and they say, goodness for tourism." They shrug and they say, "Oh, goodness for tourism." They shrug and they say, "Oh, the goodness for tourism." They shrug and they say, "Oh, the New goodness for tourism." They shrug and they say, "Oh, the New Zealand and they say, "Oh, the New Zealand dollar and they say, "Oh, the New Zealand dollar is and they say, "Oh, the New Zealand dollar is killing and they say, "Oh, the New Zealand dollar is killing the and they say, "Oh, the New Zealand dollar is killing the export dollar is killing the export industry", dollar is killing the export industry", but dollar is killing the export industry", but they dollar is killing the export industry", but they shrug dollar is killing the export industry", but they shrug was dollar is killing the export industry", but they shrug was day dollar is killing the export industry", but they shrug was day by industry", but they shrug was day by day industry", but they shrug was day by day and, industry", but they shrug was day by day and, week industry", but they shrug was day by day and, week by industry", but they shrug was day by day and, week by week, industry", but they shrug was day by day and, week by week, New industry", but they shrug was day by day and, week by week, New Zealand day and, week by week, New Zealand exports day and, week by week, New Zealand exports are day and, week by week, New Zealand exports are falling day and, week by week, New Zealand exports are falling in day and, week by week, New Zealand exports are falling in real day and, week by week, New Zealand exports are falling in real terms. exports are falling in real terms. That's exports are falling in real terms. That's what exports are falling in real terms. That's what this exports are falling in real terms. That's what this National exports are falling in real terms. That's what this National Government That's what this National Government is That's what this National Government That's That's what this National Government is doing with That's what this National Government is doing with their That's what this National Government is doing with their so-called That's what this National Government is doing with their so-called plan. is doing with their so-called plan. Banks is doing with their so-called plan. Banks owned is doing with their so-called plan. Banks owned by is doing with their so-called plan. Banks owned by overseas is doing with their so-called plan. Banks owned by overseas companies Banks owned by overseas companies reap Banks owned by overseas companies reap billions Banks owned by overseas companies reap billions of Banks owned by overseas companies reap billions of dollars Banks owned by overseas companies reap billions of dollars every Banks owned by overseas companies reap billions of dollars every year. reap billions of dollars every year. National reap billions of dollars every year. National shrugs reap billions of dollars every year. National shrugs as reap billions of dollars every year. National shrugs as those reap billions of dollars every year. National shrugs as those billions reap billions of dollars every year. National shrugs as those billions of National shrugs as those billions of dollars National shrugs as those billions of dollars flow National shrugs as those billions of dollars flow offshore. National shrugs as those billions of dollars flow offshore. The National shrugs as those billions of dollars flow offshore. The National dollars flow offshore. The National Party dollars flow offshore. The National Party speak dollars flow offshore. The National Party speak about dollars flow offshore. The National Party speak about the dollars flow offshore. The National Party speak about the importance dollars flow offshore. The National Party speak about the importance of Party speak about the importance of regions. Party speak about the importance of regions. They Party speak about the importance of regions. They love Party speak about the importance of regions. They love the Party speak about the importance of regions. They love the regions Party speak about the importance of regions. They love the regions right regions. They love the regions right now, regions. They love the regions right now, Sir. regions. They love the regions right now, Sir. It regions. They love the regions right now, Sir. It is regions. They love the regions right now, Sir. It is just regions. They love the regions right now, Sir. It is just unbelievable now, Sir. It is just unbelievable how now, Sir. It is just unbelievable how it's now, Sir. It is just unbelievable how it's suddenly now, Sir. It is just unbelievable how it's suddenly come now, Sir. It is just unbelievable how it's suddenly come into now, Sir. It is just unbelievable how it's suddenly come into their how it's suddenly come into their collective how it's suddenly come into their collective conscience. how it's suddenly come into their collective conscience. The how it's suddenly come into their collective conscience. The spin collective conscience. The spin machine collective conscience. The spin machine works collective conscience. The spin machine works in collective conscience. The spin machine works in overdrive, collective conscience. The spin machine works in overdrive, telling machine works in overdrive, telling Kiwis machine works in overdrive, telling Kiwis how machine works in overdrive, telling Kiwis how wonderful machine works in overdrive, telling Kiwis how wonderful life machine works in overdrive, telling Kiwis how wonderful life is machine works in overdrive, telling Kiwis how wonderful life is and machine works in overdrive, telling Kiwis how wonderful life is and how Kiwis how wonderful life is and how happy Kiwis how wonderful life is and how happy they Kiwis how wonderful life is and how happy they should Kiwis how wonderful life is and how happy they should be, Kiwis how wonderful life is and how happy they should be, living Kiwis how wonderful life is and how happy they should be, living under happy they should be, living under the happy they should be, living under the leadership happy they should be, living under the leadership of happy they should be, living under the leadership of this happy they should be, living under the leadership of this atlas happy they should be, living under the leadership of this atlas of happy they should be, living under the leadership of this atlas of a the leadership of this atlas of a man, the leadership of this atlas of a man, the the leadership of this atlas of a man, the PM! the leadership of this atlas of a man, the PM! It the leadership of this atlas of a man, the PM! It is the leadership of this atlas of a man, the PM! It is just the leadership of this atlas of a man, the PM! It is just wonderful, man, the PM! It is just wonderful, they man, the PM! It is just wonderful, they tell man, the PM! It is just wonderful, they tell us. they tell us. But they tell us. But what they tell us. But what they they tell us. But what they can't they tell us. But what they can't deny, they tell us. But what they can't deny, Sir, they tell us. But what they can't deny, Sir, is But what they can't deny, Sir, is now, But what they can't deny, Sir, is now, now But what they can't deny, Sir, is now, now and But what they can't deny, Sir, is now, now and for But what they can't deny, Sir, is now, now and for the But what they can't deny, Sir, is now, now and for the past But what they can't deny, Sir, is now, now and for the past several now, now and for the past several years, now, now and for the past several years, the now, now and for the past several years, the magnitude now, now and for the past several years, the magnitude of now, now and for the past several years, the magnitude of the now, now and for the past several years, the magnitude of the problem years, the magnitude of the problem has years, the magnitude of the problem has been years, the magnitude of the problem has been building years, the magnitude of the problem has been building such years, the magnitude of the problem has been building such that has been building such that Nationals' has been building such that Nationals' wonderful has been building such that Nationals' wonderful spin has been building such that Nationals' wonderful spin machine Nationals' wonderful spin machine cannot Nationals' wonderful spin machine cannot hide Nationals' wonderful spin machine cannot hide the Nationals' wonderful spin machine cannot hide the magnitude Nationals' wonderful spin machine cannot hide the magnitude of Nationals' wonderful spin machine cannot hide the magnitude of the cannot hide the magnitude of the problem. cannot hide the magnitude of the problem. The cannot hide the magnitude of the problem. The people cannot hide the magnitude of the problem. The people are cannot hide the magnitude of the problem. The people are beginning cannot hide the magnitude of the problem. The people are beginning to problem. The people are beginning to see problem. The people are beginning to see it problem. The people are beginning to see it for problem. The people are beginning to see it for themselves problem. The people are beginning to see it for themselves right problem. The people are beginning to see it for themselves right now. see it for themselves right now. I see it for themselves right now. I take see it for themselves right now. I take Westpac see it for themselves right now. I take Westpac as see it for themselves right now. I take Westpac as an see it for themselves right now. I take Westpac as an example, see it for themselves right now. I take Westpac as an example, taking I take Westpac as an example, taking my I take Westpac as an example, taking my lead I take Westpac as an example, taking my lead from I take Westpac as an example, taking my lead from the I take Westpac as an example, taking my lead from the Deputy I take Westpac as an example, taking my lead from the Deputy Leader my lead from the Deputy Leader today. my lead from the Deputy Leader today. 27 my lead from the Deputy Leader today. 27 years my lead from the Deputy Leader today. 27 years the my lead from the Deputy Leader today. 27 years the banker my lead from the Deputy Leader today. 27 years the banker for my lead from the Deputy Leader today. 27 years the banker for the today. 27 years the banker for the Government today. 27 years the banker for the Government of today. 27 years the banker for the Government of New today. 27 years the banker for the Government of New Zealand. today. 27 years the banker for the Government of New Zealand. Profiting Government of New Zealand. Profiting tremendously Government of New Zealand. Profiting tremendously all Government of New Zealand. Profiting tremendously all that Government of New Zealand. Profiting tremendously all that time. Government of New Zealand. Profiting tremendously all that time. I Government of New Zealand. Profiting tremendously all that time. I think tremendously all that time. I think $445 tremendously all that time. I think $445 million tremendously all that time. I think $445 million half-yearly tremendously all that time. I think $445 million half-yearly profit, tremendously all that time. I think $445 million half-yearly profit, 31 $445 million half-yearly profit, 31 March $445 million half-yearly profit, 31 $445 $445 million half-yearly profit, 31 March this year, $445 million half-yearly profit, 31 March this year, Sir. $445 million half-yearly profit, 31 March this year, Sir. And $445 million half-yearly profit, 31 March this year, Sir. And that $445 million half-yearly profit, 31 March this year, Sir. And that money March this year, Sir. And that money is March this year, Sir. And that money is going March this year, Sir. And that money is going offshore. March this year, Sir. And that money is going offshore. And March this year, Sir. And that money is going offshore. And 72 March this year, Sir. And that money is going offshore. And 72 jobs March this year, Sir. And that money is going offshore. And 72 jobs will is going offshore. And 72 jobs will be is going offshore. And 72 jobs will be cut is going offshore. And 72 jobs will be cut in is going offshore. And 72 jobs will be cut in the is going offshore. And 72 jobs will be cut in the provinces is going offshore. And 72 jobs will be cut in the provinces as is going offshore. And 72 jobs will be cut in the provinces as they be cut in the provinces as they close be cut in the provinces as they close their be cut in the provinces as they close their doors. be cut in the provinces as they close their doors. They're be cut in the provinces as they close their doors. They're not close their doors. They're not making close their doors. They're not close close their doors. They're not making enough money, close their doors. They're not making enough money, apparently. close their doors. They're not making enough money, apparently. The making enough money, apparently. The contract making enough money, apparently. The contract with making enough money, apparently. The contract with this making enough money, apparently. The contract with this Government, making enough money, apparently. The contract with this Government, the contract with this Government, the contract contract with this Government, the contract with contract with this Government, the contract with the contract with this Government, the contract with the people contract with this Government, the contract with the people of contract with this Government, the contract with the people of New contract with the people of New Zealand contract with the people of New Zealand doesn't contract with the people of New Zealand doesn't seem contract with the people of New Zealand doesn't seem to contract with the people of New Zealand doesn't seem to be contract with the people of New Zealand doesn't seem to be enough contract with the people of New Zealand doesn't seem to be enough of Zealand doesn't seem to be enough of a Zealand doesn't seem to be enough of a reason Zealand doesn't seem to be enough of a reason to Zealand doesn't seem to be enough of a reason to provide Zealand doesn't seem to be enough of a reason to provide core Zealand doesn't seem to be enough of a reason to provide core services Zealand doesn't seem to be enough of a reason to provide core services to a reason to provide core services to the a reason to provide core services to the people a reason to provide core services to the people who a reason to provide core services to the people who so a reason to provide core services to the people who so despratly a reason to provide core services to the people who so despratly need the people who so despratly need them, the people who so despratly need them, especially the people who so despratly need them, especially our the people who so despratly need them, especially our senior the people who so despratly need them, especially our senior -- them, especially our senior -- desperately them, especially our senior -- desperately need them, especially our senior -- desperately need them, them, especially our senior -- desperately need them, especially desperately need them, especially our desperately need them, especially our seniors, desperately need them, especially our seniors, who desperately need them, especially our seniors, who have desperately need them, especially our seniors, who have been desperately need them, especially our seniors, who have been speaking our seniors, who have been speaking out our seniors, who have been speaking out against our seniors, who have been speaking out against this our seniors, who have been speaking out against this move our seniors, who have been speaking out against this move of our seniors, who have been speaking out against this move of Westpac our seniors, who have been speaking out against this move of Westpac at out against this move of Westpac at the out against this move of Westpac at the moment. the moment. What the moment. What does the moment. What does this the moment. What does this Government the moment. What does this Government do, the moment. What does this Government do, sir? What does this Government do, sir? They What does this Government do, sir? They sit What does this Government do, sir? They sit there What does this Government do, sir? They sit there and What does this Government do, sir? They sit there and they What does this Government do, sir? They sit there and they shrug. What does this Government do, sir? They sit there and they shrug. They They sit there and they shrug. They shrug. They sit there and they shrug. They shrug. The They sit there and they shrug. They shrug. The PM's They sit there and they shrug. They shrug. The PM's determined They sit there and they shrug. They shrug. The PM's determined and shrug. The PM's determined and considered shrug. The PM's determined and considered effort shrug. The PM's determined and considered effort to shrug. The PM's determined and considered effort to stifle shrug. The PM's determined and considered effort to stifle the shrug. The PM's determined and considered effort to stifle the Kiwi considered effort to stifle the Kiwi wage considered effort to stifle the Kiwi wage packet considered effort to stifle the Kiwi wage packet is considered effort to stifle the Kiwi wage packet is working. considered effort to stifle the Kiwi wage packet is working. But considered effort to stifle the Kiwi wage packet is working. But what considered effort to stifle the Kiwi wage packet is working. But what big wage packet is working. But what big businesses wage packet is working. But what big businesses and wage packet is working. But what big businesses and multinationals wage packet is working. But what big businesses and multinationals from businesses and multinationals from around businesses and multinationals from around the businesses and multinationals from around the world businesses and multinationals from around the world are businesses and multinationals from around the world are telling businesses and multinationals from around the world are telling him businesses and multinationals from around the world are telling him is around the world are telling him is they're around the world are telling him is they're still around the world are telling him is they're still not around the world are telling him is they're still not making around the world are telling him is they're still not making enough they're still not making enough profits, they're still not making enough profits, they they're still not making enough profits, they could they're still not making enough profits, they could still they're still not making enough profits, they could still cut they're still not making enough profits, they could still cut costs profits, they could still cut costs and profits, they could still cut costs they're profits, they could still cut costs and their margins profits, they could still cut costs and their margins could profits, they could still cut costs and their margins could be profits, they could still cut costs and their margins could be better. and their margins could be better. So and their margins could be better. So what and their margins could be better. So what do and their margins could be better. So what do they and their margins could be better. So what do they do? and their margins could be better. So what do they do? Mrs and their margins could be better. So what do they do? Mrs Joyce, So what do they do? Mrs Joyce, English So what do they do? Mrs Joyce, English and So what do they do? Mrs Joyce, English and Key, So what do they do? Mrs Joyce, English and Key, unfettered, English and Key, unfettered, unskilled English and Key, unfettered, unskilled migrants English and Key, unfettered, unskilled migrants come English and Key, unfettered, unskilled migrants come into English and Key, unfettered, unskilled migrants come into the unskilled migrants come into the country, unskilled migrants come into the country, into unskilled migrants come into the country, into Auckland unskilled migrants come into the country, into Auckland in country, into Auckland in particular. country, into Auckland in particular. Creating country, into Auckland in particular. Creating a country, into Auckland in particular. Creating a housing particular. Creating a housing crisis, particular. Creating a housing crisis, ensuring particular. Creating a housing crisis, ensuring working particular. Creating a housing crisis, ensuring working families crisis, ensuring working families cannot crisis, ensuring working families cannot afford crisis, ensuring working families cannot afford a crisis, ensuring working families cannot afford a home crisis, ensuring working families cannot afford a home to crisis, ensuring working families cannot afford a home to live crisis, ensuring working families cannot afford a home to live in. crisis, ensuring working families cannot afford a home to live in. And cannot afford a home to live in. And here cannot afford a home to live in. And here is cannot afford a home to live in. And here is the cannot afford a home to live in. And here is the stickler cannot afford a home to live in. And here is the stickler - cannot afford a home to live in. And here is the stickler - ensuring cannot afford a home to live in. And here is the stickler - ensuring that here is the stickler - ensuring that wages here is the stickler - ensuring that wages in here is the stickler - ensuring that wages in New here is the stickler - ensuring that wages in New Zealand here is the stickler - ensuring that wages in New Zealand remain wages in New Zealand remain stagnant. wages in New Zealand remain stagnant. Stagnant wages in New Zealand remain stagnant. Stagnant they wages in New Zealand remain stagnant. Stagnant they are, wages in New Zealand remain stagnant. Stagnant they are, Sir. stagnant. Stagnant they are, Sir. There stagnant. Stagnant they are, Sir. There is stagnant. Stagnant they are, Sir. There is no stagnant. Stagnant they are, Sir. There is no doubt stagnant. Stagnant they are, Sir. There is no doubt about stagnant. Stagnant they are, Sir. There is no doubt about that. stagnant. Stagnant they are, Sir. There is no doubt about that. I stagnant. Stagnant they are, Sir. There is no doubt about that. I put There is no doubt about that. I put it There is no doubt about that. I put it to There is no doubt about that. I put it to the There is no doubt about that. I put it to the Government There is no doubt about that. I put it to the Government that There is no doubt about that. I put it to the Government that they There is no doubt about that. I put it to the Government that they will it to the Government that they will start it to the Government that they will start to it to the Government that they will start to decline it to the Government that they will start to decline in it to the Government that they will start to decline in real it to the Government that they will start to decline in real terms. it to the Government that they will start to decline in real terms. My start to decline in real terms. My commendations start to decline in real terms. My commendations to start to decline in real terms. My commendations to the start to decline in real terms. My commendations to the Minister start to decline in real terms. My commendations to the Minister who commendations to the Minister who spoke commendations to the Minister who spoke before commendations to the Minister who spoke before me commendations to the Minister who spoke before me - commendations to the Minister who spoke before me - she commendations to the Minister who spoke before me - she seems commendations to the Minister who spoke before me - she seems to commendations to the Minister who spoke before me - she seems to be spoke before me - she seems to be the spoke before me - she seems to be the only spoke before me - she seems to be the only one spoke before me - she seems to be the only one who spoke before me - she seems to be the only one who has spoke before me - she seems to be the only one who has a spoke before me - she seems to be the only one who has a private spoke before me - she seems to be the only one who has a private plan. the only one who has a private plan. If the only one who has a private plan. If you're the only one who has a private plan. If you're a the only one who has a private plan. If you're a private the only one who has a private plan. If you're a private corporate, If you're a private corporate, looking If you're a private corporate, looking to If you're a private corporate, looking to cream If you're a private corporate, looking to cream the If you're a private corporate, looking to cream the benefits If you're a private corporate, looking to cream the benefits from If you're a private corporate, looking to cream the benefits from a looking to cream the benefits from a Kiwi looking to cream the benefits from a Kiwi kid, looking to cream the benefits from a Kiwi kid, then looking to cream the benefits from a Kiwi kid, then Hekia looking to cream the benefits from a Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata looking to cream the benefits from a Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata has looking to cream the benefits from a Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata has a Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata has a plan. Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata has a plan. She Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata has a plan. She has Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata has a plan. She has the Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata has a plan. She has the plan, Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata has a plan. She has the plan, sir. Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata has a plan. She has the plan, sir. It Kiwi kid, then Hekia Parata has a plan. She has the plan, sir. It is plan. She has the plan, sir. It is just plan. She has the plan, sir. It is just wonderful. plan. She has the plan, sir. It is just wonderful. Just plan. She has the plan, sir. It is just wonderful. Just ignore plan. She has the plan, sir. It is just wonderful. Just ignore reality. just wonderful. Just ignore reality. Sir, just wonderful. Just ignore reality. Sir, I just wonderful. Just ignore reality. Sir, I want just wonderful. Just ignore reality. Sir, I want to just wonderful. Just ignore reality. Sir, I want to conclude just wonderful. Just ignore reality. Sir, I want to conclude by just wonderful. Just ignore reality. Sir, I want to conclude by saying Sir, I want to conclude by saying where Sir, I want to conclude by saying where once Sir, I want to conclude by saying where once you Sir, I want to conclude by saying where once you could Sir, I want to conclude by saying where once you could forgive Sir, I want to conclude by saying where once you could forgive a where once you could forgive a percentage where once you could forgive a percentage of where once you could forgive a percentage of the where once you could forgive a percentage of the New where once you could forgive a percentage of the New Zealand where once you could forgive a percentage of the New Zealand public percentage of the New Zealand public looking percentage of the New Zealand public looking at percentage of the New Zealand public looking at the percentage of the New Zealand public looking at the PM percentage of the New Zealand public looking at the PM and percentage of the New Zealand public looking at the PM and considering looking at the PM and considering him looking at the PM and considering him a looking at the PM and considering him a titan, looking at the PM and considering him a titan, an looking at the PM and considering him a titan, an atlas looking at the PM and considering him a titan, an atlas of looking at the PM and considering him a titan, an atlas of business him a titan, an atlas of business whose him a titan, an atlas of business whose shrug him a titan, an atlas of business whose shrug would him a titan, an atlas of business whose shrug would change him a titan, an atlas of business whose shrug would change this whose shrug would change this country whose shrug would change this country for whose shrug would change this country for the whose shrug would change this country for the better, whose shrug would change this country for the better, now whose shrug would change this country for the better, now we whose shrug would change this country for the better, now we see whose shrug would change this country for the better, now we see a country for the better, now we see a man country for the better, now we see a man who country for the better, now we see a man who is country for the better, now we see a man who is only country for the better, now we see a man who is only a country for the better, now we see a man who is only a man, country for the better, now we see a man who is only a man, who country for the better, now we see a man who is only a man, who shrugs man who is only a man, who shrugs with man who is only a man, who shrugs with no man who is only a man, who shrugs with no idea man who is only a man, who shrugs with no idea and man who is only a man, who shrugs with no idea and no man who is only a man, who shrugs with no idea and no clue man who is only a man, who shrugs with no idea and no clue what with no idea and no clue what tomorrow with no idea and no clue what tomorrow will with no idea and no clue what tomorrow will bring. with no idea and no clue what tomorrow will bring. Thank with no idea and no clue what tomorrow will bring. Thank you, with no idea and no clue what tomorrow will bring. Thank you, Mr tomorrow will bring. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Speaker. Is Speaker. Is Hon Speaker. Is Hon Stephen Speaker. Is Hon Stephen Collins. Speaker. Is Hon Stephen Collins. I Speaker. Is Hon Stephen Collins. I would Speaker. Is Hon Stephen Collins. I would like Is Hon Stephen Collins. I would like to Is Hon Stephen Collins. I would like to -- Is Hon Stephen Collins. I would like to -- the Is Hon Stephen Collins. I would like to -- the Hon Is Hon Stephen Collins. I would like to -- the Hon Judith Is Hon Stephen Collins. I would like to -- the Hon Judith clol Is Hon Stephen Collins. I would like to -- the Hon Judith clol -- to -- the Hon Judith clol -- Collins. to -- the Hon Judith clol -- Collins. I to -- the Hon Judith clol -- Collins. I would to -- the Hon Judith clol -- Collins. I would like to -- the Hon Judith clol -- Collins. I would like to to -- the Hon Judith clol -- Collins. I would like to thank to -- the Hon Judith clol -- Collins. I would like to thank that Collins. I would like to thank that member's Collins. I would like to thank that member's contribution, Collins. I would like to thank that member's contribution, so Collins. I would like to thank that member's contribution, so much member's contribution, so much better member's contribution, so much better than member's contribution, so much better than that member's contribution, so much better than that of member's contribution, so much better than that of Mr member's contribution, so much better than that of Mr Andrew better than that of Mr Andrew Little. better than that of Mr Andrew Little. That better than that of Mr Andrew Little. That member better than that of Mr Andrew Little. That member has better than that of Mr Andrew Little. That member has only better than that of Mr Andrew Little. That member has only in Little. That member has only in Parliament Little. That member has only in Parliament for Little. That member has only in Parliament for two Little. That member has only in Parliament for two short Little. That member has only in Parliament for two short years Little. That member has only in Parliament for two short years and Parliament for two short years and he Parliament for two short years and he knows Parliament for two short years and he knows how Parliament for two short years and he knows how to Parliament for two short years and he knows how to do Parliament for two short years and he knows how to do it Parliament for two short years and he knows how to do it well, Parliament for two short years and he knows how to do it well, a Parliament for two short years and he knows how to do it well, a bit Parliament for two short years and he knows how to do it well, a bit of he knows how to do it well, a bit of faint he knows how to do it well, a bit of faint praise, he knows how to do it well, a bit of faint praise, a he knows how to do it well, a bit of faint praise, a bit he knows how to do it well, a bit of faint praise, a bit of he knows how to do it well, a bit of faint praise, a bit of slap he knows how to do it well, a bit of faint praise, a bit of slap around faint praise, a bit of slap around the faint praise, a bit of slap around the Government faint praise, a bit of slap around the Government and faint praise, a bit of slap around the Government and how faint praise, a bit of slap around the Government and how he faint praise, a bit of slap around the Government and how he admires the Government and how he admires Hekia the Government and how he admires Hekia Parata. the Government and how he admires Hekia Parata. He the Government and how he admires Hekia Parata. He wouldn't the Government and how he admires Hekia Parata. He wouldn't be the Government and how he admires Hekia Parata. He wouldn't be alone Hekia Parata. He wouldn't be alone in Hekia Parata. He wouldn't be alone in that. Hekia Parata. He wouldn't be alone in that. A Hekia Parata. He wouldn't be alone in that. A lot Hekia Parata. He wouldn't be alone in that. A lot of Hekia Parata. He wouldn't be alone in that. A lot of people Hekia Parata. He wouldn't be alone in that. A lot of people do, Hekia Parata. He wouldn't be alone in that. A lot of people do, well in that. A lot of people do, well done. in that. A lot of people do, well done. What in that. A lot of people do, well done. What does in that. A lot of people do, well done. What does Andrew in that. A lot of people do, well done. What does Andrew Little in that. A lot of people do, well done. What does Andrew Little talk done. What does Andrew Little talk about, done. What does Andrew Little talk about, banging done. What does Andrew Little talk about, banging on done. What does Andrew Little talk about, banging on about done. What does Andrew Little talk about, banging on about trying done. What does Andrew Little talk about, banging on about trying stop about, banging on about trying stop me about, banging on about trying stop me and about, banging on about trying stop me and everyone about, banging on about trying stop me and everyone who about, banging on about trying stop me and everyone who loves about, banging on about trying stop me and everyone who loves economic me and everyone who loves economic development me and everyone who loves economic development trying me and everyone who loves economic development trying to me and everyone who loves economic development trying to stop me and everyone who loves economic development trying to stop me me and everyone who loves economic development trying to stop me from development trying to stop me from shopping development trying to stop me from shopping on development trying to stop me from shopping on Easter development trying to stop me from shopping on Easter Sunday. development trying to stop me from shopping on Easter Sunday. Isn't development trying to stop me from shopping on Easter Sunday. Isn't up shopping on Easter Sunday. Isn't up to shopping on Easter Sunday. Isn't up to us shopping on Easter Sunday. Isn't up to us to shopping on Easter Sunday. Isn't up to us to make shopping on Easter Sunday. Isn't up to us to make our shopping on Easter Sunday. Isn't up to us to make our own shopping on Easter Sunday. Isn't up to us to make our own decisions shopping on Easter Sunday. Isn't up to us to make our own decisions as to us to make our own decisions as to to us to make our own decisions as to what to us to make our own decisions as to what to to us to make our own decisions as to what to do to us to make our own decisions as to what to do on to us to make our own decisions as to what to do on Easter to us to make our own decisions as to what to do on Easter Sunday. to us to make our own decisions as to what to do on Easter Sunday. Some to what to do on Easter Sunday. Some will to what to do on Easter Sunday. Some will go to what to do on Easter Sunday. Some will go shopping, to what to do on Easter Sunday. Some will go shopping, some to what to do on Easter Sunday. Some will go shopping, some will to what to do on Easter Sunday. Some will go shopping, some will go to what to do on Easter Sunday. Some will go shopping, some will go to will go shopping, some will go to church. will go shopping, some will go to church. Some will go shopping, some will go to church. Some will will go shopping, some will go to church. Some will be will go shopping, some will go to church. Some will be blessed will go shopping, some will go to church. Some will be blessed to will go shopping, some will go to church. Some will be blessed to have church. Some will be blessed to have a church. Some will be blessed to have a day church. Some will be blessed to have a day off. church. Some will be blessed to have a day off. But church. Some will be blessed to have a day off. But one church. Some will be blessed to have a day off. But one of church. Some will be blessed to have a day off. But one of the church. Some will be blessed to have a day off. But one of the things church. Some will be blessed to have a day off. But one of the things we a day off. But one of the things we don't a day off. But one of the things we don't want a day off. But one of the things we don't want to a day off. But one of the things we don't want to be a day off. But one of the things we don't want to be doing a day off. But one of the things we don't want to be doing is a day off. But one of the things we don't want to be doing is harking don't want to be doing is harking back don't want to be doing is harking back to don't want to be doing is harking back to the don't want to be doing is harking back to the past don't want to be doing is harking back to the past like don't want to be doing is harking back to the past like Mr don't want to be doing is harking back to the past like Mr Andrew back to the past like Mr Andrew Little. back to the past like Mr Andrew Little. Living back to the past like Mr Andrew Little. Living in back to the past like Mr Andrew Little. Living in the back to the past like Mr Andrew Little. Living in the past, back to the past like Mr Andrew Little. Living in the past, very Little. Living in the past, very upset Little. Living in the past, very upset about Little. Living in the past, very upset about technology, Little. Living in the past, very upset about technology, anything upset about technology, anything that upset about technology, anything that is upset about technology, anything that is new. upset about technology, anything that is new. You upset about technology, anything that is new. You know upset about technology, anything that is new. You know what, upset about technology, anything that is new. You know what, it upset about technology, anything that is new. You know what, it is that is new. You know what, it is probably that is new. You know what, it is probably because that is new. You know what, it is probably because I that is new. You know what, it is probably because I phones that is new. You know what, it is probably because I phones -- that is new. You know what, it is probably because I phones -- iPhones probably because I phones -- iPhones don't probably because I phones -- iPhones don't pay probably because I phones -- iPhones don't pay union probably because I phones -- iPhones don't pay union fees probably because I phones -- iPhones don't pay union fees and probably because I phones -- iPhones don't pay union fees and they don't pay union fees and they probably don't pay union fees and they probably don't don't pay union fees and they probably don't vote don't pay union fees and they probably don't vote for don't pay union fees and they probably don't vote for the don't pay union fees and they probably don't vote for the Labour probably don't vote for the Labour Party. probably don't vote for the Labour Party. Let's probably don't vote for the Labour Party. Let's talk probably don't vote for the Labour Party. Let's talk about probably don't vote for the Labour Party. Let's talk about policing. Party. Let's talk about policing. Fantastic, Party. Let's talk about policing. Fantastic, great Party. Let's talk about policing. Fantastic, great areas. Party. Let's talk about policing. Fantastic, great areas. In Party. Let's talk about policing. Fantastic, great areas. In police Party. Let's talk about policing. Fantastic, great areas. In police we Fantastic, great areas. In police we have Fantastic, great areas. In police we have put Fantastic, great areas. In police we have put a Fantastic, great areas. In police we have put a huge Fantastic, great areas. In police we have put a huge effort Fantastic, great areas. In police we have put a huge effort into have put a huge effort into technology have put a huge effort into technology as have put a huge effort into technology as well have put a huge effort into technology as well as have put a huge effort into technology as well as extra have put a huge effort into technology as well as extra police technology as well as extra police officers. technology as well as extra police officers. Police technology as well as extra police officers. Police have technology as well as extra police officers. Police have a technology as well as extra police officers. Police have a mobility officers. Police have a mobility programme officers. Police have a mobility programme that officers. Police have a mobility programme that has officers. Police have a mobility programme that has revolutionised programme that has revolutionised the programme that has revolutionised officers. programme that has revolutionised the way they programme that has revolutionised the way they work. programme that has revolutionised the way they work. I programme that has revolutionised the way they work. I think programme that has revolutionised the way they work. I think back programme that has revolutionised the way they work. I think back to the way they work. I think back to the the way they work. I think back to the days the way they work. I think back to the days when the way they work. I think back to the days when we the way they work. I think back to the days when we first the way they work. I think back to the days when we first came the way they work. I think back to the days when we first came into the days when we first came into Government the days when we first came into Government in the days when we first came into Government in 2008 the days when we first came into Government in 2008 and the days when we first came into Government in 2008 and what the days when we first came into Government in 2008 and what we the days when we first came into Government in 2008 and what we had Government in 2008 and what we had to Government in 2008 and what we had to actually Government in 2008 and what we had to actually deal Government in 2008 and what we had to actually deal with. Government in 2008 and what we had to actually deal with. We Government in 2008 and what we had to actually deal with. We didn't to actually deal with. We didn't have to actually deal with. We didn't have taz to actually deal with. We didn't have taz ires to actually deal with. We didn't have taz ires for to actually deal with. We didn't have taz ires for police to actually deal with. We didn't have taz ires for police -- to actually deal with. We didn't have taz ires for police -- tasers have taz ires for police -- tasers for have taz ires for police -- tasers for police. have taz ires for police -- tasers for police. I have taz ires for police -- tasers for police. I remember have taz ires for police -- tasers for police. I remember the have taz ires for police -- tasers for police. I remember the great for police. I remember the great debates for police. I remember the great debates of for police. I remember the great debates of the for police. I remember the great debates of the House for police. I remember the great debates of the House about for police. I remember the great debates of the House about what for police. I remember the great debates of the House about what was debates of the House about what was going debates of the House about what was going to debates of the House about what was going to happen. debates of the House about what was going to happen. Police debates of the House about what was going to happen. Police were going to happen. Police were apparently going to happen. Police were apparently going going to happen. Police were apparently going to going to happen. Police were apparently going to torture going to happen. Police were apparently going to torture people apparently going to torture people with apparently going to torture people apparently apparently going to torture people with these tasers. apparently going to torture people with these tasers. Did apparently going to torture people with these tasers. Did they? apparently going to torture people with these tasers. Did they? No, with these tasers. Did they? No, they with these tasers. Did they? No, they did with these tasers. Did they? No, they did not. with these tasers. Did they? No, they did not. The with these tasers. Did they? No, they did not. The people with these tasers. Did they? No, they did not. The people who with these tasers. Did they? No, they did not. The people who were with these tasers. Did they? No, they did not. The people who were so they did not. The people who were so concerned, they did not. The people who were so concerned, the they did not. The people who were so concerned, the Labour they did not. The people who were so concerned, the Labour Party they did not. The people who were so concerned, the Labour Party and they did not. The people who were so concerned, the Labour Party and the concerned, the Labour Party and the Greens, concerned, the Labour Party and the Greens, they concerned, the Labour Party and the Greens, they were concerned, the Labour Party and the Greens, they were concerned concerned, the Labour Party and the Greens, they were concerned that concerned, the Labour Party and the Greens, they were concerned that the Greens, they were concerned that the police Greens, they were concerned that the police would Greens, they were concerned that the police would do Greens, they were concerned that the police would do that. Greens, they were concerned that the police would do that. They Greens, they were concerned that the police would do that. They forgot Greens, they were concerned that the police would do that. They forgot to police would do that. They forgot to say police would do that. They forgot to say there police would do that. They forgot to say there is police would do that. They forgot to say there is a police would do that. They forgot to say there is a camera police would do that. They forgot to say there is a camera that police would do that. They forgot to say there is a camera that works police would do that. They forgot to say there is a camera that works on say there is a camera that works on these say there is a camera that works on these tasers say there is a camera that works on these tasers as say there is a camera that works on these tasers as soon say there is a camera that works on these tasers as soon as say there is a camera that works on these tasers as soon as it say there is a camera that works on these tasers as soon as it is say there is a camera that works on these tasers as soon as it is drawn these tasers as soon as it is drawn out these tasers as soon as it is drawn out of these tasers as soon as it is drawn out of its these tasers as soon as it is drawn out of its holster, these tasers as soon as it is drawn out of its holster, and these tasers as soon as it is drawn out of its holster, and the these tasers as soon as it is drawn out of its holster, and the police out of its holster, and the police have out of its holster, and the police have to out of its holster, and the police have to record out of its holster, and the police have to record that, out of its holster, and the police have to record that, it out of its holster, and the police have to record that, it is out of its holster, and the police have to record that, it is digitally have to record that, it is digitally downloaded have to record that, it is digitally downloaded and have to record that, it is digitally downloaded and it have to record that, it is digitally downloaded and it will have to record that, it is digitally downloaded and it will be have to record that, it is digitally downloaded and it will be reviewed, downloaded and it will be reviewed, all downloaded and it will be reviewed, all these downloaded and it will be reviewed, all these things. downloaded and it will be reviewed, all these things. We downloaded and it will be reviewed, all these things. We have all these things. We have stab-resistant all these things. We have stab-resistant body all these things. We have stab-resistant body armour, stab-resistant body armour, ballistic stab-resistant body armour, ballistic armour, stab-resistant body armour, ballistic armour, enhanced stab-resistant body armour, ballistic armour, enhanced number ballistic armour, enhanced number plate ballistic armour, enhanced number plate recognition, ballistic armour, enhanced number plate recognition, all ballistic armour, enhanced number plate recognition, all these ballistic armour, enhanced number plate recognition, all these things, plate recognition, all these things, but plate recognition, all these things, but we plate recognition, all these things, but we also plate recognition, all these things, but we also have plate recognition, all these things, but we also have iPhones, plate recognition, all these things, but we also have iPhones, smart but we also have iPhones, smart phones, but we also have iPhones, smart phones, which but we also have iPhones, smart phones, which police but we also have iPhones, smart phones, which police can but we also have iPhones, smart phones, which police can stop phones, which police can stop hopefully phones, which police can stop hopefully not phones, which police can stop hopefully not someone phones, which police can stop hopefully not someone like phones, which police can stop hopefully not someone like me, phones, which police can stop hopefully not someone like me, when hopefully not someone like me, when they're hopefully not someone like me, when they're speeding hopefully not someone like me, when they're speeding on hopefully not someone like me, when they're speeding on the hopefully not someone like me, when they're speeding on the road, hopefully not someone like me, when they're speeding on the road, they they're speeding on the road, they can they're speeding on the road, they can check they're speeding on the road, they can check their they're speeding on the road, they can check their details, they're speeding on the road, they can check their details, they're they're speeding on the road, they can check their details, they're not can check their details, they're not trying can check their details, they're not trying to can check their details, they're not trying to struggle can check their details, they're not trying to struggle with can check their details, they're not trying to struggle with bits can check their details, they're not trying to struggle with bits of trying to struggle with bits of paper trying to struggle with bits of paper in trying to struggle with bits of paper in the trying to struggle with bits of paper in the rain trying to struggle with bits of paper in the rain or trying to struggle with bits of paper in the rain or in trying to struggle with bits of paper in the rain or in the trying to struggle with bits of paper in the rain or in the dark, paper in the rain or in the dark, they paper in the rain or in the dark, they can paper in the rain or in the dark, they can scan paper in the rain or in the dark, they can scan the paper in the rain or in the dark, they can scan the driver's paper in the rain or in the dark, they can scan the driver's licence paper in the rain or in the dark, they can scan the driver's licence - they can scan the driver's licence - hoping they can scan the driver's licence - hoping they they can scan the driver's licence - hoping they do they can scan the driver's licence - hoping they do have they can scan the driver's licence - hoping they do have a they can scan the driver's licence - hoping they do have a drivers's hoping they do have a drivers's licence, hoping they do have a drivers's licence, the hoping they do have a drivers's licence, the driver hoping they do have a drivers's licence, the driver - hoping they do have a drivers's licence, the driver - they hoping they do have a drivers's licence, the driver - they can hoping they do have a drivers's licence, the driver - they can do licence, the driver - they can do that licence, the driver - they can do that to licence, the driver - they can do that to save licence, the driver - they can do that to save time. licence, the driver - they can do that to save time. What licence, the driver - they can do that to save time. What it licence, the driver - they can do that to save time. What it has licence, the driver - they can do that to save time. What it has done that to save time. What it has done is that to save time. What it has done is put that to save time. What it has done is put a that to save time. What it has done is put a huge that to save time. What it has done is put a huge amount that to save time. What it has done is put a huge amount of that to save time. What it has done is put a huge amount of extra that to save time. What it has done is put a huge amount of extra police is put a huge amount of extra police hours is put a huge amount of extra police hours on is put a huge amount of extra police hours on the is put a huge amount of extra police hours on the road, is put a huge amount of extra police hours on the road, on is put a huge amount of extra police hours on the road, on the is put a huge amount of extra police hours on the road, on the beat, hours on the road, on the beat, doing hours on the road, on the beat, doing preventative hours on the road, on the beat, doing preventative work hours on the road, on the beat, doing preventative work catching doing preventative work catching criminals. doing preventative work catching criminals. Boy, doing preventative work catching criminals. Boy, have doing preventative work catching criminals. Boy, have they doing preventative work catching criminals. Boy, have they done doing preventative work catching criminals. Boy, have they done well. criminals. Boy, have they done well. Crime criminals. Boy, have they done well. Crime is criminals. Boy, have they done well. Crime is down criminals. Boy, have they done well. Crime is down by criminals. Boy, have they done well. Crime is down by 16% criminals. Boy, have they done well. Crime is down by 16% since criminals. Boy, have they done well. Crime is down by 16% since 2011 criminals. Boy, have they done well. Crime is down by 16% since 2011 - Crime is down by 16% since 2011 - this Crime is down by 16% since 2011 - this is Crime is down by 16% since 2011 - this is a Crime is down by 16% since 2011 - this is a huge Crime is down by 16% since 2011 - this is a huge drop. Crime is down by 16% since 2011 - this is a huge drop. In Crime is down by 16% since 2011 - this is a huge drop. In addition Crime is down by 16% since 2011 - this is a huge drop. In addition to this is a huge drop. In addition to that, this is a huge drop. In addition to that, with this is a huge drop. In addition to that, with -- this is a huge drop. In addition to that, with -- we this is a huge drop. In addition to that, with -- we are this is a huge drop. In addition to that, with -- we are seeing this is a huge drop. In addition to that, with -- we are seeing police that, with -- we are seeing police being that, with -- we are seeing police being really that, with -- we are seeing police being really proactive that, with -- we are seeing police being really proactive in that, with -- we are seeing police being really proactive in relation being really proactive in relation to being really proactive in relation to methamphetamine. being really proactive in relation to methamphetamine. This being really proactive in relation to methamphetamine. This is being really proactive in relation to methamphetamine. This is takes being really proactive in relation to methamphetamine. This is takes a to methamphetamine. This is takes a lot to methamphetamine. This is takes a lot of to methamphetamine. This is takes a lot of surveillance, to methamphetamine. This is takes a lot of surveillance, that to methamphetamine. This is takes a lot of surveillance, that electronic lot of surveillance, that electronic thing lot of surveillance, that electronic thing again, lot of surveillance, that electronic thing again, dangerous lot of surveillance, that electronic thing again, dangerous work. lot of surveillance, that electronic thing again, dangerous work. The thing again, dangerous work. The trials thing again, dangerous work. The trials involved thing again, dangerous work. The trials involved are thing again, dangerous work. The trials involved are very trials involved are very time-consuming, trials involved are very time-consuming, very trials involved are very time-consuming, very difficult, trials involved are very time-consuming, very difficult, the time-consuming, very difficult, the sentences time-consuming, very difficult, the sentences handed time-consuming, very difficult, the sentences handed out time-consuming, very difficult, the sentences handed out - time-consuming, very difficult, the sentences handed out - very time-consuming, very difficult, the sentences handed out - very long. sentences handed out - very long. What sentences handed out - very long. What with sentences handed out - very long. What with -- sentences handed out - very long. What with -- what sentences handed out - very long. What with -- what we sentences handed out - very long. What with -- what we are sentences handed out - very long. What with -- what we are seeing sentences handed out - very long. What with -- what we are seeing is What with -- what we are seeing is police What with -- what we are seeing is police working What with -- what we are seeing is police working with What with -- what we are seeing is police working with their What with -- what we are seeing is police working with their innovation police working with their innovation partner, police working with their innovation partner, Vodaphone, police working with their innovation partner, Vodaphone, and police working with their innovation partner, Vodaphone, and the police working with their innovation partner, Vodaphone, and the smart partner, Vodaphone, and the smart phones partner, Vodaphone, and the smart partner, partner, Vodaphone, and the smart phones is one partner, Vodaphone, and the smart phones is one way. partner, Vodaphone, and the smart phones is one way. Having partner, Vodaphone, and the smart phones is one way. Having files partner, Vodaphone, and the smart phones is one way. Having files on phones is one way. Having files on their phones is one way. Having files on their phones. phones is one way. Having files on their phones. This phones is one way. Having files on their phones. This is phones is one way. Having files on their phones. This is the phones is one way. Having files on their phones. This is the sort phones is one way. Having files on their phones. This is the sort of their phones. This is the sort of thing their phones. This is the sort of thing too their phones. This is the sort of thing too that their phones. This is the sort of thing too that Corrections their phones. This is the sort of thing too that Corrections is their phones. This is the sort of thing too that Corrections is doing thing too that Corrections is doing particularly thing too that Corrections is doing particularly around thing too that Corrections is doing particularly around when thing too that Corrections is doing particularly around when it thing too that Corrections is doing particularly around when it comes thing too that Corrections is doing particularly around when it comes to particularly around when it comes to their particularly around when it comes to their staff particularly around when it comes to their staff and particularly around when it comes to their staff and probation particularly around when it comes to their staff and probation service their staff and probation service who their staff and probation service who go their staff and probation service who go into their staff and probation service who go into people's their staff and probation service who go into people's homes, who go into people's homes, offenders' who go into people's homes, offenders' homes, who go into people's homes, offenders' homes, to who go into people's homes, offenders' homes, to check who go into people's homes, offenders' homes, to check on who go into people's homes, offenders' homes, to check on what's offenders' homes, to check on what's happening, offenders' homes, to check on what's happening, to offenders' homes, to check on what's happening, to go offenders' homes, to check on what's happening, to go through offenders' homes, to check on what's happening, to go through their offenders' homes, to check on what's happening, to go through their case happening, to go through their case management happening, to go through their case management work. happening, to go through their case management work. Those happening, to go through their case management work. Those Corrections management work. Those Corrections staff, management work. Those Corrections who management work. Those Corrections staff, they're put management work. Those Corrections staff, they're put in management work. Those Corrections staff, they're put in danger management work. Those Corrections staff, they're put in danger unless staff, they're put in danger unless they staff, they're put in danger unless they have staff, they're put in danger unless they have the staff, they're put in danger unless they have the right staff, they're put in danger unless they have the right informs staff, they're put in danger unless they have the right informs about they have the right informs about what they have the right informs about who they have the right informs about what they're going they have the right informs about what they're going into. they have the right informs about what they're going into. They they have the right informs about what they're going into. They now what they're going into. They now have what they're going into. They now have smart what they're going into. They now have smart phones what they're going into. They now have smart phones with what they're going into. They now have smart phones with files what they're going into. They now have smart phones with files on have smart phones with files on thel. have smart phones with files on thel. They have smart phones with files on thel. They don't have smart phones with files on thel. They don't have have smart phones with files on thel. They don't have to have smart phones with files on thel. They don't have to lug have smart phones with files on thel. They don't have to lug round thel. They don't have to lug round -- thel. They don't have to lug round -- them. thel. They don't have to lug round -- them. They thel. They don't have to lug round -- them. They don't thel. They don't have to lug round -- them. They don't have thel. They don't have to lug round -- them. They don't have to thel. They don't have to lug round -- them. They don't have to lug -- them. They don't have to lug round -- them. They don't have to lug round big -- them. They don't have to lug round big files -- them. They don't have to lug round big files that -- them. They don't have to lug round big files that are -- them. They don't have to lug round big files that are left round big files that are left somewhere, round big files that are left somewhere, people's round big files that are left somewhere, people's privacy round big files that are left somewhere, people's privacy not somewhere, people's privacy not compromised somewhere, people's privacy not -- somewhere, people's privacy not compromised as it somewhere, people's privacy not compromised as it could somewhere, people's privacy not compromised as it could be. somewhere, people's privacy not compromised as it could be. There compromised as it could be. There are compromised as it could be. There are alert compromised as it could be. There are alert on compromised as it could be. There are alert on those compromised as it could be. There are alert on those phones, compromised as it could be. There are alert on those phones, telling are alert on those phones, telling them are alert on those phones, telling them anything are alert on those phones, telling them anything that are alert on those phones, telling them anything that has are alert on those phones, telling them anything that has happened are alert on those phones, telling them anything that has happened with them anything that has happened with that them anything that has happened with that offender, them anything that has happened with that offender, anything them anything that has happened with that offender, anything that them anything that has happened with that offender, anything that might that offender, anything that might give that offender, anything that might that that offender, anything that might give them concern that offender, anything that might give them concern that that offender, anything that might give them concern that might that offender, anything that might give them concern that might end that offender, anything that might give them concern that might end up give them concern that might end up going give them concern that might end up going into give them concern that might end up going into a give them concern that might end up going into a dangerous give them concern that might end up going into a dangerous situation. going into a dangerous situation. They going into a dangerous situation. They have going into a dangerous situation. They have help going into a dangerous situation. They have help alert going into a dangerous situation. They have help alert on going into a dangerous situation. They have help alert on those going into a dangerous situation. They have help alert on those phones They have help alert on those phones to They have help alert on those phones to get They have help alert on those phones to get someone They have help alert on those phones to get someone should They have help alert on those phones to get someone should they They have help alert on those phones to get someone should they need to get someone should they need assistance. to get someone should they need assistance. It to get someone should they need assistance. It is to get someone should they need assistance. It is such to get someone should they need assistance. It is such a to get someone should they need assistance. It is such a different assistance. It is such a different world. world. That's world. That's because world. That's because technology, world. That's because technology, not world. That's because technology, not only That's because technology, not only does That's because technology, not only does it That's because technology, not only does it throw That's because technology, not only does it throw up That's because technology, not only does it throw up challenges, That's because technology, not only does it throw up challenges, but That's because technology, not only does it throw up challenges, but it does it throw up challenges, but it throws does it throw up challenges, but it throws up does it throw up challenges, but it throws up massive does it throw up challenges, but it throws up massive opportunities does it throw up challenges, but it throws up massive opportunities to throws up massive opportunities to keep throws up massive opportunities to keep our throws up massive opportunities to keep our people throws up massive opportunities to keep our people safe, throws up massive opportunities to keep our people safe, keep throws up massive opportunities to keep our people safe, keep our throws up massive opportunities to keep our people safe, keep our staff keep our people safe, keep our staff safe. keep our people safe, keep our staff safe. And keep our people safe, keep our staff safe. And this keep our people safe, keep our staff safe. And this Government keep our people safe, keep our staff safe. And this Government is safe. And this Government is committed safe. And this Government is committed to safe. And this Government is committed to that. committed to that. Jenny committed to that. Jenny Salesa. committed to that. Jenny Salesa. Mr committed to that. Jenny Salesa. Mr Speaker, committed to that. Jenny Salesa. Mr Speaker, thank committed to that. Jenny Salesa. Mr Speaker, thank you Jenny Salesa. Mr Speaker, thank you for Jenny Salesa. Mr Speaker, thank you for the Jenny Salesa. Mr Speaker, thank you for the opportunity Jenny Salesa. Mr Speaker, thank you for the opportunity to Jenny Salesa. Mr Speaker, thank you for the opportunity to contribute Jenny Salesa. Mr Speaker, thank you for the opportunity to contribute to for the opportunity to contribute to the for the opportunity to contribute to the General for the opportunity to contribute to the General Debate. for the opportunity to contribute to the General Debate. We for the opportunity to contribute to the General Debate. We are for the opportunity to contribute to the General Debate. We are beginning the General Debate. We are beginning to the General Debate. We are beginning to see the General Debate. We are beginning to see a the General Debate. We are beginning to see a National the General Debate. We are beginning to see a National Party the General Debate. We are beginning to see a National Party that the General Debate. We are beginning to see a National Party that is the General Debate. We are beginning to see a National Party that is in to see a National Party that is in shambles to see a National Party that is in shambles and to see a National Party that is in shambles and the to see a National Party that is in shambles and the splits to see a National Party that is in shambles and the splits and shambles and the splits and divisions shambles and the splits and divisions are shambles and the splits and divisions are beginning shambles and the splits and divisions are beginning to shambles and the splits and divisions are beginning to show. shambles and the splits and divisions are beginning to show. We divisions are beginning to show. We are divisions are beginning to show. We are seeing divisions are beginning to show. We are seeing a divisions are beginning to show. We are seeing a Government divisions are beginning to show. We are seeing a Government that divisions are beginning to show. We are seeing a Government that is are seeing a Government that is refusing are seeing a Government that is refusing to are seeing a Government that is refusing to acknowledge are seeing a Government that is refusing to acknowledge there are seeing a Government that is refusing to acknowledge there is are seeing a Government that is refusing to acknowledge there is a refusing to acknowledge there is a housing refusing to acknowledge there is a housing crisis, refusing to acknowledge there is a housing crisis, especially refusing to acknowledge there is a housing crisis, especially in housing crisis, especially in Auckland. housing crisis, especially in Auckland. We housing crisis, especially in Auckland. We hear housing crisis, especially in Auckland. We hear the housing crisis, especially in Auckland. We hear the Minister housing crisis, especially in Auckland. We hear the Minister of Auckland. We hear the Minister of Education Auckland. We hear the Minister of Education saying Auckland. We hear the Minister of Education saying that Auckland. We hear the Minister of Education saying that she Auckland. We hear the Minister of Education saying that she is Auckland. We hear the Minister of Education saying that she is focused Education saying that she is focused on Education saying that she is focused on children. Education saying that she is focused on children. That Education saying that she is focused on children. That the Education saying that she is focused on children. That the policies Education saying that she is focused on children. That the policies that on children. That the policies that she on children. That the policies that she is on children. That the policies that she is bringing on children. That the policies that she is bringing across on children. That the policies that she is bringing across is on children. That the policies that she is bringing across is apparently she is bringing across is apparently because she is bringing across is apparently because she's she is bringing across is apparently because she's all she is bringing across is apparently because she's all focused she is bringing across is apparently because she's all focused on because she's all focused on children. because she's all focused on children. But because she's all focused on children. But you because she's all focused on children. But you know, because she's all focused on children. But you know, what, because she's all focused on children. But you know, what, Mr children. But you know, what, Mr Speaker, children. But you know, what, Mr Speaker, she children. But you know, what, Mr Speaker, she is children. But you know, what, Mr Speaker, she is not children. But you know, what, Mr Speaker, she is not focused children. But you know, what, Mr Speaker, she is not focused on children. But you know, what, Mr Speaker, she is not focused on all Speaker, she is not focused on all children. Speaker, she is not focused on all children. She Speaker, she is not focused on all children. She is Speaker, she is not focused on all children. She is focused Speaker, she is not focused on all children. She is focused especially children. She is focused especially on children. She is focused especially on children children. She is focused especially on children that children. She is focused especially on children that are children. She is focused especially on children that are the children. She is focused especially on children that are the privileged on children that are the privileged children, on children that are the privileged children, the on children that are the privileged children, the children on children that are the privileged children, the children that on children that are the privileged children, the children that attend children, the children that attend high children, the children that attend children, children, the children that attend high SSO schools. children, the children that attend high SSO schools. When children, the children that attend high SSO schools. When we children, the children that attend high SSO schools. When we look children, the children that attend high SSO schools. When we look at high SSO schools. When we look at this high SSO schools. When we look at this new high SSO schools. When we look at this new policy high SSO schools. When we look at this new policy she high SSO schools. When we look at this new policy she brought high SSO schools. When we look at this new policy she brought in high SSO schools. When we look at this new policy she brought in just this new policy she brought in just last this new policy she brought in just last night, this new policy she brought in just last night, Communities this new policy she brought in just last night, Communities of this new policy she brought in just last night, Communities of Online last night, Communities of Online Learning, last night, Communities of Online Learning, what last night, Communities of Online Learning, what I last night, Communities of Online Learning, what I see last night, Communities of Online Learning, what I see from last night, Communities of Online Learning, what I see from that last night, Communities of Online Learning, what I see from that is Learning, what I see from that is I'm Learning, what I see from that is I'm not Learning, what I see from that is I'm not sure Learning, what I see from that is I'm not sure how Learning, what I see from that is I'm not sure how it Learning, what I see from that is I'm not sure how it would Learning, what I see from that is I'm not sure how it would be I'm not sure how it would be implemented I'm not sure how it would be implemented on I'm not sure how it would be implemented on the I'm not sure how it would be implemented on the ground I'm not sure how it would be implemented on the ground for I'm not sure how it would be implemented on the ground for a I'm not sure how it would be implemented on the ground for a lot implemented on the ground for a lot of implemented on the ground for a lot of the implemented on the ground for a lot of the young implemented on the ground for a lot of the young people implemented on the ground for a lot of the young people in implemented on the ground for a lot of the young people in Manukau implemented on the ground for a lot of the young people in Manukau East of the young people in Manukau East and of the young people in Manukau East and South of the young people in Manukau East and South Auckland. of the young people in Manukau East and South Auckland. When of the young people in Manukau East and South Auckland. When I of the young people in Manukau East and South Auckland. When I visit of the young people in Manukau East and South Auckland. When I visit the and South Auckland. When I visit the primary and South Auckland. When I visit the primary schools, and South Auckland. When I visit the primary schools, intermediate primary schools, intermediate schools primary schools, intermediate schools and primary schools, intermediate schools and many primary schools, intermediate schools and many of primary schools, intermediate schools and many of the primary schools, intermediate schools and many of the schools schools and many of the schools around schools and many of the schools around South schools and many of the schools around South Auckland, schools and many of the schools around South Auckland, many schools and many of the schools around South Auckland, many don't around South Auckland, many don't have around South Auckland, many don't around around South Auckland, many don't have their own around South Auckland, many don't have their own devices. around South Auckland, many don't have their own devices. Many around South Auckland, many don't have their own devices. Many of around South Auckland, many don't have their own devices. Many of the have their own devices. Many of the homes have their own devices. Many of the homes that have their own devices. Many of the homes that they have their own devices. Many of the homes that they live have their own devices. Many of the homes that they live in have their own devices. Many of the homes that they live in do have their own devices. Many of the homes that they live in do not have their own devices. Many of the homes that they live in do not have homes that they live in do not have internet homes that they live in do not have internet access. homes that they live in do not have internet access. So homes that they live in do not have internet access. So how homes that they live in do not have internet access. So how can homes that they live in do not have internet access. So how can we internet access. So how can we expect internet access. So how can we expect that internet access. So how can we expect that the internet access. So how can we expect that the access internet access. So how can we expect that the access to internet access. So how can we expect that the access to this expect that the access to this community expect that the access to this community of expect that the access to this community of online expect that the access to this community of online learning expect that the access to this community of online learning is community of online learning is going community of online learning is going to community of online learning is going to be community of online learning is going to be of community of online learning is going to be of equal community of online learning is going to be of equal value community of online learning is going to be of equal value to community of online learning is going to be of equal value to every going to be of equal value to every single going to be of equal value to every single student going to be of equal value to every single student regardless going to be of equal value to every single student regardless of going to be of equal value to every single student regardless of where single student regardless of where they single student regardless of where they live, single student regardless of where they live, regardless single student regardless of where they live, regardless of single student regardless of where they live, regardless of the they live, regardless of the socioeconomic they live, regardless of the socioeconomic status they live, regardless of the socioeconomic status that they live, regardless of the socioeconomic status that their socioeconomic status that their parents socioeconomic status that their parents have, socioeconomic status that their parents have, when socioeconomic status that their parents have, when they, socioeconomic status that their parents have, when they, themselves, parents have, when they, themselves, don't parents have, when they, themselves, parents parents have, when they, themselves, don't have access parents have, when they, themselves, don't have access to parents have, when they, themselves, don't have access to those parents have, when they, themselves, don't have access to those devices. don't have access to those devices. That's don't have access to those devices. That's on don't have access to those devices. That's on the don't have access to those devices. That's on the one don't have access to those devices. That's on the one hand. don't have access to those devices. That's on the one hand. That's don't have access to those devices. That's on the one hand. That's for That's on the one hand. That's for the That's on the one hand. That's for the kids That's on the one hand. That's for the kids and That's on the one hand. That's for the kids and the That's on the one hand. That's for the kids and the students That's on the one hand. That's for the kids and the students who That's on the one hand. That's for the kids and the students who are the kids and the students who are attending the kids and the students who are attending schools. attending schools. I attending schools. I also attending schools. I also see attending schools. I also see so attending schools. I also see so many attending schools. I also see so many - attending schools. I also see so many - too attending schools. I also see so many - too many attending schools. I also see so many - too many - attending schools. I also see so many - too many - of I also see so many - too many - of our I also see so many - too many - of our young I also see so many - too many - of our young people I also see so many - too many - of our young people who I also see so many - too many - of our young people who don't I also see so many - too many - of our young people who don't even I also see so many - too many - of our young people who don't even have our young people who don't even have a our young people who don't even have a home. our young people who don't even have a home. A our young people who don't even have a home. A lot our young people who don't even have a home. A lot of our young people who don't even have a home. A lot of our our young people who don't even have a home. A lot of our young our young people who don't even have a home. A lot of our young people a home. A lot of our young people who a home. A lot of our young people who are a home. A lot of our young people who are living a home. A lot of our young people who are living in a home. A lot of our young people who are living in garages a home. A lot of our young people who are living in garages and a home. A lot of our young people who are living in garages and cars, who are living in garages and cars, now who are living in garages and cars, now not who are living in garages and cars, now not ofenl who are living in garages and cars, now not ofenl do who are living in garages and cars, now not ofenl do they who are living in garages and cars, now not ofenl do they not who are living in garages and cars, now not ofenl do they not have who are living in garages and cars, now not ofenl do they not have -- now not ofenl do they not have -- only now not ofenl do they not have -- only do now not ofenl do they not have -- only do they now not ofenl do they not have -- only do they not now not ofenl do they not have -- only do they not have now not ofenl do they not have -- only do they not have access now not ofenl do they not have -- only do they not have access to now not ofenl do they not have -- only do they not have access to a only do they not have access to a device, only do they not have access to a device, they only do they not have access to a device, they don't only do they not have access to a device, they don't even only do they not have access to a device, they don't even have only do they not have access to a device, they don't even have a only do they not have access to a device, they don't even have a roof device, they don't even have a roof to device, they don't even have a roof to call device, they don't even have a roof to call a device, they don't even have a roof to call a home, device, they don't even have a roof to call a home, Mr device, they don't even have a roof to call a home, Mr Speaker. device, they don't even have a roof to call a home, Mr Speaker. Too device, they don't even have a roof to call a home, Mr Speaker. Too many to call a home, Mr Speaker. Too many of to call a home, Mr Speaker. Too many of these to call a home, Mr Speaker. Too many of these young to call a home, Mr Speaker. Too many of these young children, to call a home, Mr Speaker. Too many of these young children, they're to call a home, Mr Speaker. Too many of these young children, they're not of these young children, they're not even of these young children, they're not even enrolled of these young children, they're not even enrolled in of these young children, they're not even enrolled in a of these young children, they're not even enrolled in a school. even enrolled in a school. So even enrolled in a school. So this even enrolled in a school. So this Community even enrolled in a school. So this Community Of even enrolled in a school. So this Community Of Online even enrolled in a school. So this Community Of Online Learning So this Community Of Online Learning probably So this Community Of Online Learning probably will So this Community Of Online Learning probably will be So this Community Of Online Learning probably will be a So this Community Of Online Learning probably will be a good So this Community Of Online Learning probably will be a good idea So this Community Of Online Learning probably will be a good idea for probably will be a good idea for most probably will be a good idea for most students probably will be a good idea for most students but probably will be a good idea for most students but it probably will be a good idea for most students but it won't probably will be a good idea for most students but it won't be probably will be a good idea for most students but it won't be of most students but it won't be of equal most students but it won't be of equal access most students but it won't be of equal access to most students but it won't be of equal access to all. equal access to all. Let equal access to all. Let me equal access to all. Let me get equal access to all. Let me get back equal access to all. Let me get back to equal access to all. Let me get back to the equal access to all. Let me get back to the splits equal access to all. Let me get back to the splits and Let me get back to the splits and divisions Let me get back to the splits and divisions beginning Let me get back to the splits and divisions beginning to Let me get back to the splits and divisions beginning to show Let me get back to the splits and divisions beginning to show in Let me get back to the splits and divisions beginning to show in the divisions beginning to show in the National divisions beginning to show in the National Party. divisions beginning to show in the National Party. We divisions beginning to show in the National Party. We also divisions beginning to show in the National Party. We also see divisions beginning to show in the National Party. We also see this divisions beginning to show in the National Party. We also see this in National Party. We also see this in the National Party. We also see this in the shambolic National Party. We also see this in the shambolic approach National Party. We also see this in the shambolic approach that National Party. We also see this in the shambolic approach that they the shambolic approach that they have the shambolic approach that they have to the shambolic approach that they have to the the shambolic approach that they have to the Shop the shambolic approach that they have to the Shop Trading the shambolic approach that they have to the Shop Trading Hours have to the Shop Trading Hours Amendment have to the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill. have to the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill. It have to the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill. It is have to the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill. It is a have to the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill. It is a grace have to the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill. It is a grace na have to the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill. It is a grace na -- Amendment Bill. It is a grace na -- that Amendment Bill. It is a grace na -- that we Amendment Bill. It is a grace na -- that we are Amendment Bill. It is a grace na -- that we are seeing Amendment Bill. It is a grace na -- that we are seeing National Amendment Bill. It is a grace na -- that we are seeing National Party that we are seeing National Party whipping that we are seeing National Party whipping their that we are seeing National Party whipping their MPs that we are seeing National Party whipping their MPs to that we are seeing National Party whipping their MPs to get that we are seeing National Party whipping their MPs to get this that we are seeing National Party whipping their MPs to get this party whipping their MPs to get this party across whipping their MPs to get this party across the whipping their MPs to get this party across the line. whipping their MPs to get this party across the line. We whipping their MPs to get this party across the line. We know whipping their MPs to get this party across the line. We know this whipping their MPs to get this party across the line. We know this debate across the line. We know this debate has across the line. We know this debate has come across the line. We know this debate has come through, across the line. We know this debate has come through, debate across the line. We know this debate has come through, debate on across the line. We know this debate has come through, debate on Easter has come through, debate on Easter Sunday, has come through, debate on Easter Sunday, at has come through, debate on Easter Sunday, at least has come through, debate on Easter Sunday, at least eight has come through, debate on Easter Sunday, at least eight times has come through, debate on Easter Sunday, at least eight times before Sunday, at least eight times before and Sunday, at least eight times before and it Sunday, at least eight times before and it has Sunday, at least eight times before and it has not Sunday, at least eight times before and it has not passed. and it has not passed. When and it has not passed. When we and it has not passed. When we look and it has not passed. When we look at and it has not passed. When we look at the and it has not passed. When we look at the last and it has not passed. When we look at the last votes, and it has not passed. When we look at the last votes, we When we look at the last votes, we see When we look at the last votes, we see that When we look at the last votes, we see that nine When we look at the last votes, we see that nine National When we look at the last votes, we see that nine National Members When we look at the last votes, we see that nine National Members of see that nine National Members of Parliament see that nine National Members of Parliament voted see that nine National Members of Parliament voted against see that nine National Members of Parliament voted against this see that nine National Members of Parliament voted against this bill. Parliament voted against this bill. They Parliament voted against this bill. They voted Parliament voted against this bill. They voted with Parliament voted against this bill. They voted with their Parliament voted against this bill. They voted with their conscience. Parliament voted against this bill. They voted with their conscience. I They voted with their conscience. I see They voted with their conscience. I see the They voted with their conscience. I see the list They voted with their conscience. I see the list and They voted with their conscience. I see the list and there They voted with their conscience. I see the list and there are They voted with their conscience. I see the list and there are five see the list and there are five National see the list and there are five National MPs see the list and there are five National MPs who see the list and there are five National MPs who are see the list and there are five National MPs who are still see the list and there are five National MPs who are still here see the list and there are five National MPs who are still here who National MPs who are still here who have National MPs who are still here who have traditionally National MPs who are still here who have traditionally voted National MPs who are still here who have traditionally voted against National MPs who are still here who have traditionally voted against the have traditionally voted against the Easter have traditionally voted against the Easter Sunday have traditionally voted against the Easter Sunday trading have traditionally voted against the Easter Sunday trading bill. have traditionally voted against the Easter Sunday trading bill. They have traditionally voted against the Easter Sunday trading bill. They are Easter Sunday trading bill. They are probably Easter Sunday trading bill. They are probably going Easter Sunday trading bill. They are probably going to Easter Sunday trading bill. They are probably going to vote Easter Sunday trading bill. They are probably going to vote 'yes' Easter Sunday trading bill. They are probably going to vote 'yes' now probably going to vote 'yes' now because probably going to vote 'yes' now because they've probably going to vote 'yes' now because they've been probably going to vote 'yes' now because they've been whipped probably going to vote 'yes' now because they've been whipped into probably going to vote 'yes' now because they've been whipped into it because they've been whipped into it by because they've been whipped into it by their because they've been whipped into it by their PM. by their PM. Mr by their PM. Mr Speaker, by their PM. Mr Speaker, I by their PM. Mr Speaker, I am by their PM. Mr Speaker, I am most by their PM. Mr Speaker, I am most concerned Mr Speaker, I am most concerned about Mr Speaker, I am most concerned about two Mr Speaker, I am most concerned about two MPs Mr Speaker, I am most concerned about two MPs on Mr Speaker, I am most concerned about two MPs on that Mr Speaker, I am most concerned about two MPs on that list, Mr Speaker, I am most concerned about two MPs on that list, in about two MPs on that list, in particular. about two MPs on that list, in particular. The about two MPs on that list, in particular. The Pacific about two MPs on that list, in particular. The Pacific MPs about two MPs on that list, in particular. The Pacific MPs who particular. The Pacific MPs who belong particular. The Pacific MPs who belong to particular. The Pacific MPs who belong to the particular. The Pacific MPs who belong to the National particular. The Pacific MPs who belong to the National Party, particular. The Pacific MPs who belong to the National Party, and belong to the National Party, and this belong to the National Party, and this is belong to the National Party, and this is because belong to the National Party, and this is because this belong to the National Party, and this is because this issue belong to the National Party, and this is because this issue is belong to the National Party, and this is because this issue is of this is because this issue is of crucial this is because this issue is of crucial importance this is because this issue is of crucial importance especially this is because this issue is of crucial importance especially to this is because this issue is of crucial importance especially to us crucial importance especially to us Pacific crucial importance especially to us Pacific Islanders crucial importance especially to us Pacific Islanders - crucial importance especially to us Pacific Islanders - those crucial importance especially to us Pacific Islanders - those of crucial importance especially to us Pacific Islanders - those of us crucial importance especially to us Pacific Islanders - those of us who Pacific Islanders - those of us who are Pacific Islanders - those of us who are churchgoers, Pacific Islanders - those of us who are churchgoers, those Pacific Islanders - those of us who are churchgoers, those of Pacific Islanders - those of us who are churchgoers, those of us Pacific Islanders - those of us who are churchgoers, those of us who Pacific Islanders - those of us who are churchgoers, those of us who are are churchgoers, those of us who are Christians. are churchgoers, those of us who are Christians. One are churchgoers, those of us who are Christians. One of are churchgoers, those of us who are Christians. One of the are churchgoers, those of us who are Christians. One of the National are churchgoers, those of us who are Christians. One of the National MPs Christians. One of the National MPs was Christians. One of the National MPs was a Christians. One of the National MPs was a church Christians. One of the National MPs was a church minister Christians. One of the National MPs was a church minister before Christians. One of the National MPs was a church minister before he was a church minister before he became was a church minister before he became a was a church minister before he became a politician, was a church minister before he became a politician, and was a church minister before he became a politician, and another was a church minister before he became a politician, and another is became a politician, and another is a became a politician, and another is a strong became a politician, and another is a strong Christian. became a politician, and another is a strong Christian. I became a politician, and another is a strong Christian. I know became a politician, and another is a strong Christian. I know if became a politician, and another is a strong Christian. I know if they a strong Christian. I know if they were a strong Christian. I know if they were given a strong Christian. I know if they were given the a strong Christian. I know if they were given the chance, a strong Christian. I know if they were given the chance, they a strong Christian. I know if they were given the chance, they would were given the chance, they would vote were given the chance, they would vote against were given the chance, they would vote against this were given the chance, they would vote against this bill were given the chance, they would vote against this bill because were given the chance, they would vote against this bill because that vote against this bill because that is vote against this bill because that is how vote against this bill because that is how I vote against this bill because that is how I believe vote against this bill because that is how I believe their vote against this bill because that is how I believe their conscience is how I believe their conscience should is how I believe their conscience should tell is how I believe their conscience should tell them is how I believe their conscience should tell them they is how I believe their conscience should tell them they should is how I believe their conscience should tell them they should vote. should tell them they should vote. There should tell them they should vote. There is should tell them they should vote. There is still should tell them they should vote. There is still time. should tell them they should vote. There is still time. Third should tell them they should vote. There is still time. Third Reading There is still time. Third Reading is There is still time. Third Reading is not There is still time. Third Reading is not until There is still time. Third Reading is not until tomorrow, There is still time. Third Reading is not until tomorrow, I'm There is still time. Third Reading is not until tomorrow, I'm told. There is still time. Third Reading is not until tomorrow, I'm told. My is not until tomorrow, I'm told. My hope is not until tomorrow, I'm told. My hope is is not until tomorrow, I'm told. My hope is that is not until tomorrow, I'm told. My hope is that these is not until tomorrow, I'm told. My hope is that these two is not until tomorrow, I'm told. My hope is that these two National is not until tomorrow, I'm told. My hope is that these two National MPs, hope is that these two National MPs, Alfred hope is that these two National MPs, Alfred Ngaro hope is that these two National MPs, Alfred Ngaro and hope is that these two National MPs, Alfred Ngaro and Sam hope is that these two National MPs, Alfred Ngaro and Sam Letina hope is that these two National MPs, Alfred Ngaro and Sam Letina will Alfred Ngaro and Sam Letina will vote Alfred Ngaro and Sam Letina will vote in Alfred Ngaro and Sam Letina will vote in the Alfred Ngaro and Sam Letina will vote in the right Alfred Ngaro and Sam Letina will vote in the right way. Alfred Ngaro and Sam Letina will vote in the right way. Spring Alfred Ngaro and Sam Letina will vote in the right way. Spring has vote in the right way. Spring has arrived, vote in the right way. Spring has arrived, Mr vote in the right way. Spring has arrived, Mr Speaker. vote in the right way. Spring has arrived, Mr Speaker. Calvesr vote in the right way. Spring has arrived, Mr Speaker. Calvesr being arrived, Mr Speaker. Calvesr being born. arrived, Mr Speaker. Calvesr being born. We're arrived, Mr Speaker. Calvesr being born. We're in arrived, Mr Speaker. Calvesr being born. We're in really arrived, Mr Speaker. Calvesr being born. We're in really good arrived, Mr Speaker. Calvesr being born. We're in really good shape. arrived, Mr Speaker. Calvesr being born. We're in really good shape. We born. We're in really good shape. We are born. We're in really good shape. We are positive born. We're in really good shape. We are positive about born. We're in really good shape. We are positive about the born. We're in really good shape. We are positive about the New born. We're in really good shape. We are positive about the New Zealand are positive about the New Zealand economy. are positive about the New Zealand economy. The are positive about the New Zealand economy. The New are positive about the New Zealand economy. The New Zealand are positive about the New Zealand economy. The New Zealand economy are positive about the New Zealand economy. The New Zealand economy is economy. The New Zealand economy is growing economy. The New Zealand economy is growing at economy. The New Zealand economy is growing at 3.4%. economy. The New Zealand economy is growing at 3.4%. The economy. The New Zealand economy is growing at 3.4%. The Reserve economy. The New Zealand economy is growing at 3.4%. The Reserve Bank growing at 3.4%. The Reserve Bank Governor growing at 3.4%. The Reserve Bank Governor is growing at 3.4%. The Reserve Bank Governor is predicting growing at 3.4%. The Reserve Bank Governor is predicting it growing at 3.4%. The Reserve Bank Governor is predicting it is growing at 3.4%. The Reserve Bank Governor is predicting it is going Governor is predicting it is going to Governor is predicting it is going to grow Governor is predicting it is going to grow at Governor is predicting it is going to grow at 3.4% Governor is predicting it is going to grow at 3.4% for Governor is predicting it is going to grow at 3.4% for two Governor is predicting it is going to grow at 3.4% for two years. Governor is predicting it is going to grow at 3.4% for two years. Isn't to grow at 3.4% for two years. Isn't that to grow at 3.4% for two years. Isn't that fantastic to grow at 3.4% for two years. Isn't that fantastic news! to grow at 3.4% for two years. Isn't that fantastic news! Brilliant! that fantastic news! Brilliant! Unemployment that fantastic news! Brilliant! Unemployment - that fantastic news! Brilliant! Unemployment - down that fantastic news! Brilliant! Unemployment - down to that fantastic news! Brilliant! Unemployment - down to 5.1%. that fantastic news! Brilliant! Unemployment - down to 5.1%. 100,000 Unemployment - down to 5.1%. 100,000 jobs Unemployment - down to 5.1%. 100,000 jobs created Unemployment - down to 5.1%. 100,000 jobs created in Unemployment - down to 5.1%. 100,000 jobs created in the Unemployment - down to 5.1%. 100,000 jobs created in the last Unemployment - down to 5.1%. 100,000 jobs created in the last 12 Unemployment - down to 5.1%. 100,000 jobs created in the last 12 months jobs created in the last 12 months alone! jobs created in the last 12 months alone! If jobs created in the last 12 months alone! If you jobs created in the last 12 months alone! If you look jobs created in the last 12 months alone! If you look at jobs created in the last 12 months alone! If you look at those alone! If you look at those apprenticeship alone! If you look at those apprenticeship numbers, alone! If you look at those apprenticeship numbers, they're alone! If you look at those apprenticeship numbers, they're now apprenticeship numbers, they're now up apprenticeship numbers, they're now up to apprenticeship numbers, they're now up to 10,000 apprenticeship numbers, they're now up to 10,000 in apprenticeship numbers, they're now up to 10,000 in the apprenticeship numbers, they're now up to 10,000 in the construction up to 10,000 in the construction sector. up to 10,000 in the construction sector. Interest up to 10,000 in the construction sector. Interest rates up to 10,000 in the construction sector. Interest rates at up to 10,000 in the construction sector. Interest rates at a up to 10,000 in the construction sector. Interest rates at a 70-year sector. Interest rates at a 70-year low. sector. Interest rates at a 70-year low. It sector. Interest rates at a 70-year low. It is sector. Interest rates at a 70-year low. It is no sector. Interest rates at a 70-year low. It is no wonder sector. Interest rates at a 70-year low. It is no wonder they sector. Interest rates at a 70-year low. It is no wonder they put sector. Interest rates at a 70-year low. It is no wonder they put their low. It is no wonder they put their heads low. It is no wonder they put their heads down low. It is no wonder they put their heads down in low. It is no wonder they put their heads down in shame. low. It is no wonder they put their heads down in shame. Over low. It is no wonder they put their heads down in shame. Over the low. It is no wonder they put their heads down in shame. Over the other heads down in shame. Over the other side heads down in shame. Over the other side of heads down in shame. Over the other side of the heads down in shame. Over the other side of the House heads down in shame. Over the other side of the House it heads down in shame. Over the other side of the House it is heads down in shame. Over the other side of the House it is all heads down in shame. Over the other side of the House it is all very side of the House it is all very gloomy. side of the House it is all very gloomy. It side of the House it is all very gloomy. It is side of the House it is all very gloomy. It is all side of the House it is all very gloomy. It is all very side of the House it is all very gloomy. It is all very gloomy. side of the House it is all very gloomy. It is all very gloomy. We gloomy. It is all very gloomy. We have gloomy. It is all very gloomy. We have got gloomy. It is all very gloomy. We have got their gloomy. It is all very gloomy. We have got their leader gloomy. It is all very gloomy. We have got their leader who gloomy. It is all very gloomy. We have got their leader who can't gloomy. It is all very gloomy. We have got their leader who can't even have got their leader who can't even get have got their leader who can't even get into have got their leader who can't even get into double have got their leader who can't even get into double digits. have got their leader who can't even get into double digits. It have got their leader who can't even get into double digits. It is have got their leader who can't even get into double digits. It is going get into double digits. It is going to get into double digits. It is going to take get into double digits. It is going to take a get into double digits. It is going to take a more get into double digits. It is going to take a more tub-thumping get into double digits. It is going to take a more tub-thumping speech to take a more tub-thumping speech by to take a more tub-thumping speech by Andrew to take a more tub-thumping speech by Andrew Little to take a more tub-thumping speech by Andrew Little to to take a more tub-thumping speech by Andrew Little to move to take a more tub-thumping speech by Andrew Little to move his to take a more tub-thumping speech by Andrew Little to move his numbers by Andrew Little to move his numbers to by Andrew Little to move his numbers to get by Andrew Little to move his numbers to get them by Andrew Little to move his numbers to get them up by Andrew Little to move his numbers to get them up into by Andrew Little to move his numbers to get them up into double by Andrew Little to move his numbers to get them up into double digits. to get them up into double digits. He's to get them up into double digits. He's even to get them up into double digits. He's even lagging to get them up into double digits. He's even lagging Winston to get them up into double digits. He's even lagging Winston Peters. He's even lagging Winston Peters. What's He's even lagging Winston Peters. What's also He's even lagging Winston Peters. What's also interesting He's even lagging Winston Peters. What's also interesting is He's even lagging Winston Peters. What's also interesting is the What's also interesting is the cracks What's also interesting is the cracks are What's also interesting is the cracks are emerging What's also interesting is the cracks are emerging with What's also interesting is the cracks are emerging with their What's also interesting is the cracks are emerging with their MOU cracks are emerging with their MOU with cracks are emerging with their MOU with the cracks are emerging with their MOU with the Greens. cracks are emerging with their MOU with the Greens. Big cracks are emerging with their MOU with the Greens. Big cracks. with the Greens. Big cracks. Divisions with the Greens. Big cracks. Divisions already. Divisions already. Just Divisions already. Just look Divisions already. Just look at Divisions already. Just look at ma Divisions already. Just look at ma -- Divisions already. Just look at ma with Divisions already. Just look at ma -- Metiria Turei. Divisions already. Just look at ma -- Metiria Turei. Oh, Divisions already. Just look at ma -- Metiria Turei. Oh, the Divisions already. Just look at ma -- Metiria Turei. Oh, the handbreak -- Metiria Turei. Oh, the handbreak was -- Metiria Turei. Oh, the handbreak was -- -- Metiria Turei. Oh, the handbreak was -- handbrake -- Metiria Turei. Oh, the handbreak was -- handbrake was -- Metiria Turei. Oh, the handbreak was -- handbrake was put -- Metiria Turei. Oh, the handbreak was -- handbrake was put on. -- Metiria Turei. Oh, the handbreak was -- handbrake was put on. The -- Metiria Turei. Oh, the handbreak was -- handbrake was put on. The MOU was -- handbrake was put on. The MOU was was -- handbrake was put on. The MOU was na was -- handbrake was put on. The MOU was na tatters. was -- handbrake was put on. The MOU was na tatters. What was -- handbrake was put on. The MOU was na tatters. What is was -- handbrake was put on. The MOU was na tatters. What is also was na tatters. What is also interesting was na tatters. What is also interesting this was na tatters. What is also interesting this week was na tatters. What is also interesting this week is was na tatters. What is also interesting this week is the was na tatters. What is also interesting this week is the Maori interesting this week is the Maori King interesting this week is the Maori King can't interesting this week is the Maori King can't even interesting this week is the Maori King can't even support interesting this week is the Maori King can't even support the interesting this week is the Maori King can't even support the Labour King can't even support the Labour Party. King can't even support the Labour Party. Whoa, King can't even support the Labour Party. Whoa, that King can't even support the Labour Party. Whoa, that is King can't even support the Labour Party. Whoa, that is big King can't even support the Labour Party. Whoa, that is big news King can't even support the Labour Party. Whoa, that is big news in Party. Whoa, that is big news in Maoridom. Party. Whoa, that is big news in Maoridom. There's Party. Whoa, that is big news in Maoridom. There's also Party. Whoa, that is big news in Maoridom. There's also sorts Party. Whoa, that is big news in Maoridom. There's also sorts of Maoridom. There's also sorts of issues Maoridom. There's also sorts of issues on Maoridom. There's also sorts of issues on that Maoridom. There's also sorts of issues on that other Maoridom. There's also sorts of issues on that other side Maoridom. There's also sorts of issues on that other side of Maoridom. There's also sorts of issues on that other side of the issues on that other side of the House. House. What House. What was House. What was interesting House. What was interesting the House. What was interesting the other House. What was interesting the other day What was interesting the other day as What was interesting the other day as I What was interesting the other day as I opened What was interesting the other day as I opened up What was interesting the other day as I opened up my What was interesting the other day as I opened up my local What was interesting the other day as I opened up my local paper What was interesting the other day as I opened up my local paper as What was interesting the other day as I opened up my local paper as I as I opened up my local paper as I read as I opened up my local paper as I read every as I opened up my local paper as I read every week, as I opened up my local paper as I read every week, who as I opened up my local paper as I read every week, who did as I opened up my local paper as I read every week, who did I as I opened up my local paper as I read every week, who did I see as I opened up my local paper as I read every week, who did I see there read every week, who did I see there standing read every week, who did I see there standing on read every week, who did I see there standing on the read every week, who did I see there standing on the expressway read every week, who did I see there standing on the expressway that standing on the expressway that hopefully standing on the expressway that hopefully we'll standing on the expressway that hopefully we'll have standing on the expressway that hopefully we'll have open standing on the expressway that hopefully we'll have open before hopefully we'll have open before Christmas hopefully we'll have open before Christmas this hopefully we'll have open before Christmas this year, hopefully we'll have open before Christmas this year, $630 hopefully we'll have open before Christmas this year, $630 million Christmas this year, $630 million investment, Christmas this year, $630 million investment, 18km Christmas this year, $630 million investment, 18km long, Christmas this year, $630 million investment, 18km long, 18 Christmas this year, $630 million investment, 18km long, 18 bridges, Christmas this year, $630 million investment, 18km long, 18 bridges, a investment, 18km long, 18 bridges, a cycleway, investment, 18km long, 18 bridges, a cycleway, a investment, 18km long, 18 bridges, a cycleway, a walkway, investment, 18km long, 18 bridges, a cycleway, a walkway, a investment, 18km long, 18 bridges, a cycleway, a walkway, a bridleway, cycleway, a walkway, a bridleway, millions cycleway, a walkway, a bridleway, millions of cycleway, a walkway, a bridleway, millions of native cycleway, a walkway, a bridleway, millions of native trees cycleway, a walkway, a bridleway, millions of native trees planted, millions of native trees planted, who millions of native trees planted, who did millions of native trees planted, who did I millions of native trees planted, who did I see millions of native trees planted, who did I see in millions of native trees planted, who did I see in the millions of native trees planted, who did I see in the paper, millions of native trees planted, who did I see in the paper, who millions of native trees planted, who did I see in the paper, who were who did I see in the paper, who were opposed who did I see in the paper, who were opposed right who did I see in the paper, who were opposed right through who did I see in the paper, who were opposed right through the who did I see in the paper, who were opposed right through the consenting opposed right through the consenting process, opposed right through the consenting process, who opposed right through the consenting process, who did opposed right through the consenting process, who did I opposed right through the consenting process, who did I see opposed right through the consenting process, who did I see but opposed right through the consenting process, who did I see but Andrew process, who did I see but Andrew Little... process, who did I see but Andrew Little... <INTERRUPTION> Little... <INTERRUPTION> .. .. Foi .. Foi -- .. Foi -- Kris .. Foi -- Kris Faafoi .. Foi -- Kris Faafoi and .. Foi -- Kris Faafoi and a .. Foi -- Kris Faafoi and a couple .. Foi -- Kris Faafoi and a couple of .. Foi -- Kris Faafoi and a couple of their .. Foi -- Kris Faafoi and a couple of their other .. Foi -- Kris Faafoi and a couple of their other colleagues. .. Foi -- Kris Faafoi and a couple of their other colleagues. I .. Foi -- Kris Faafoi and a couple of their other colleagues. I have of their other colleagues. I have got of their other colleagues. I have got pages of their other colleagues. I have got pages and of their other colleagues. I have got pages and pages of their other colleagues. I have got pages and pages of of their other colleagues. I have got pages and pages of quotes. got pages and pages of quotes. Remember got pages and pages of quotes. Remember Iain got pages and pages of quotes. Remember Iain Lees-Galloway, got pages and pages of quotes. Remember Iain Lees-Galloway, against Remember Iain Lees-Galloway, against the Remember Iain Lees-Galloway, against the expressway. Remember Iain Lees-Galloway, against the expressway. Remember Remember Iain Lees-Galloway, against the expressway. Remember Kris the expressway. Remember Kris Faafoi, the expressway. Remember Kris Faafoi, I the expressway. Remember Kris Faafoi, I have the expressway. Remember Kris Faafoi, I have thousands the expressway. Remember Kris Faafoi, I have thousands of the expressway. Remember Kris Faafoi, I have thousands of quotes Faafoi, I have thousands of quotes saying Faafoi, I have thousands of quotes saying it Faafoi, I have thousands of quotes saying it would Faafoi, I have thousands of quotes saying it would be Faafoi, I have thousands of quotes saying it would be terrible Faafoi, I have thousands of quotes saying it would be terrible for saying it would be terrible for Kapiti. saying it would be terrible for Kapiti. And saying it would be terrible for Kapiti. And in saying it would be terrible for Kapiti. And in the saying it would be terrible for Kapiti. And in the last saying it would be terrible for Kapiti. And in the last election Kapiti. And in the last election they Kapiti. And in the last election they said Kapiti. And in the last election they said they Kapiti. And in the last election they said they want Kapiti. And in the last election they said they want to Kapiti. And in the last election they said they want to redesign Kapiti. And in the last election they said they want to redesign the they said they want to redesign the Kapeti they said they want to redesign the Kapeti community. they said they want to redesign the Kapeti community. The they said they want to redesign the Kapeti community. The research they said they want to redesign the Kapeti community. The research has Kapeti community. The research has shown Kapeti community. The research has shown that Kapeti community. The research has shown that the Kapeti community. The research has shown that the population Kapeti community. The research has shown that the population in Kapeti community. The research has shown that the population in Ha,urau shown that the population in Ha,urau will shown that the population in Ha,urau will grow. shown that the population in Ha,urau will grow. This shown that the population in Ha,urau will grow. This Government shown that the population in Ha,urau will grow. This Government has shown that the population in Ha,urau will grow. This Government has a will grow. This Government has a plan. will grow. This Government has a plan. It will grow. This Government has a plan. It links will grow. This Government has a plan. It links back will grow. This Government has a plan. It links back into will grow. This Government has a plan. It links back into solid, plan. It links back into solid, economic plan. It links back into solid, economic performance. plan. It links back into solid, economic performance. It plan. It links back into solid, economic performance. It links plan. It links back into solid, economic performance. It links back economic performance. It links back into economic performance. It links back into our economic performance. It links back into our PM economic performance. It links back into our PM and economic performance. It links back into our PM and our economic performance. It links back into our PM and our Deputy economic performance. It links back into our PM and our Deputy PM economic performance. It links back into our PM and our Deputy PM who into our PM and our Deputy PM who are into our PM and our Deputy PM who are providing into our PM and our Deputy PM who are providing fantastic, into our PM and our Deputy PM who are providing fantastic, strong are providing fantastic, strong leadership. are providing fantastic, strong leadership. Just are providing fantastic, strong leadership. Just look are providing fantastic, strong leadership. Just look across are providing fantastic, strong leadership. Just look across at are providing fantastic, strong leadership. Just look across at the leadership. Just look across at the country leadership. Just look across at the country over leadership. Just look across at the country over in leadership. Just look across at the country over in Australia leadership. Just look across at the country over in Australia where leadership. Just look across at the country over in Australia where the country over in Australia where the Lib country over in Australia where the Lib Coalition country over in Australia where the Lib Coalition just country over in Australia where the Lib Coalition just hung country over in Australia where the Lib Coalition just hung on. country over in Australia where the Lib Coalition just hung on. Look country over in Australia where the Lib Coalition just hung on. Look at Lib Coalition just hung on. Look at what's Lib Coalition just hung on. Look at what's happening Lib Coalition just hung on. Look at what's happening with Lib Coalition just hung on. Look at what's happening with Brexit what's happening with Brexit recently. what's happening with Brexit recently. Look what's happening with Brexit recently. Look at what's happening with Brexit recently. Look at what's what's happening with Brexit recently. Look at what's happening recently. Look at what's happening with recently. Look at what's happening recently. recently. Look at what's happening with the US recently. Look at what's happening with the US Presidential recently. Look at what's happening with the US Presidential elections. with the US Presidential elections. This with the US Presidential elections. This country, with the US Presidential elections. This country, we with the US Presidential elections. This country, we should with the US Presidential elections. This country, we should be This country, we should be incredibly This country, we should be This This country, we should be incredibly proud of This country, we should be incredibly proud of it. This country, we should be incredibly proud of it. I'm This country, we should be incredibly proud of it. I'm positive incredibly proud of it. I'm positive and incredibly proud of it. I'm positive and update incredibly proud of it. I'm positive and update about, incredibly proud of it. I'm positive and update about, I'm incredibly proud of it. I'm positive and update about, I'm positive incredibly proud of it. I'm positive and update about, I'm positive and and update about, I'm positive and update and update about, I'm positive and update about and update about, I'm positive and update about the and update about, I'm positive and update about the primary and update about, I'm positive and update about the primary sector. update about the primary sector. Today update about the primary sector. Today I update about the primary sector. Today I was update about the primary sector. Today I was talking update about the primary sector. Today I was talking about update about the primary sector. Today I was talking about the update about the primary sector. Today I was talking about the growth Today I was talking about the growth in Today I was talking about the growth in the Today I was talking about the growth in the wine Today I was talking about the growth in the wine industry. Today I was talking about the growth in the wine industry. They're Today I was talking about the growth in the wine industry. They're going in the wine industry. They're going to in the wine industry. They're going to get in the wine industry. They're going to get to in the wine industry. They're going to get to 2 in the wine industry. They're going to get to 2 billion in the wine industry. They're going to get to 2 billion by in the wine industry. They're going to get to 2 billion by 2020. to get to 2 billion by 2020. The to get to 2 billion by 2020. The Opposition to get to 2 billion by 2020. The Opposition - to get to 2 billion by 2020. The Opposition - anti-free to get to 2 billion by 2020. The Opposition - anti-free trade, The Opposition - anti-free trade, anti-irrigation, The Opposition - anti-free trade, anti-irrigation, anti-cows The Opposition - anti-free trade, anti-irrigation, anti-cows - The Opposition - anti-free trade, anti-irrigation, anti-cows - we anti-irrigation, anti-cows - we heard anti-irrigation, anti-cows - we heard that anti-irrigation, anti-cows - we heard that today anti-irrigation, anti-cows - we heard that today - anti-irrigation, anti-cows - we heard that today - anti-supporting heard that today - anti-supporting the heard that today - anti-supporting the rollout heard that today - anti-supporting the rollout of heard that today - anti-supporting the rollout of fast heard that today - anti-supporting the rollout of fast broadband. heard that today - anti-supporting the rollout of fast broadband. I heard that today - anti-supporting the rollout of fast broadband. I am the rollout of fast broadband. I am positive the rollout of fast broadband. I am positive about the rollout of fast broadband. I am positive about the the rollout of fast broadband. I am positive about the future. the rollout of fast broadband. I am positive about the future. We the rollout of fast broadband. I am positive about the future. We have positive about the future. We have the positive about the future. We have the direction positive about the future. We have the direction supported positive about the future. We have the direction supported for positive about the future. We have the direction supported for the positive about the future. We have the direction supported for the next the direction supported for the next 12-14 the direction supported for the next 12-14 months. the direction supported for the next 12-14 months. Roll the direction supported for the next 12-14 months. Roll on the direction supported for the next 12-14 months. Roll on the the direction supported for the next 12-14 months. Roll on the National 12-14 months. Roll on the National Government. Government. Eugenie Government. Eugenie Sage Government. Eugenie Sage Mr Government. Eugenie Sage Mr Speaker, Government. Eugenie Sage Mr Speaker, I'm Government. Eugenie Sage Mr Speaker, I'm not Eugenie Sage Mr Speaker, I'm not sure Eugenie Sage Mr Speaker, I'm not sure what Eugenie Sage Mr Speaker, I'm not sure what I Eugenie Sage Mr Speaker, I'm not sure what I have Eugenie Sage Mr Speaker, I'm not sure what I have been Eugenie Sage Mr Speaker, I'm not sure what I have been listening Eugenie Sage Mr Speaker, I'm not sure what I have been listening to. sure what I have been listening to. The sure what I have been listening to. The Minister sure what I have been listening to. The Minister seems sure what I have been listening to. The Minister seems to sure what I have been listening to. The Minister seems to have sure what I have been listening to. The Minister seems to have had sure what I have been listening to. The Minister seems to have had a The Minister seems to have had a transplant The Minister seems to have had a transplant of The Minister seems to have had a transplant of personality The Minister seems to have had a transplant of personality from The Minister seems to have had a transplant of personality from being transplant of personality from being a transplant of personality from being a doer transplant of personality from being a doer farmer transplant of personality from being a doer farmer to transplant of personality from being a doer farmer to some transplant of personality from being a doer farmer to some sort transplant of personality from being a doer farmer to some sort of transplant of personality from being a doer farmer to some sort of clown. a doer farmer to some sort of clown. He a doer farmer to some sort of clown. He may a doer farmer to some sort of clown. He may be a doer farmer to some sort of clown. He may be full a doer farmer to some sort of clown. He may be full of a doer farmer to some sort of clown. He may be full of the a doer farmer to some sort of clown. He may be full of the joys a doer farmer to some sort of clown. He may be full of the joys of He may be full of the joys of spring, He may be full of the joys of spring, but He may be full of the joys of spring, but that He may be full of the joys of spring, but that just He may be full of the joys of spring, but that just highlights He may be full of the joys of spring, but that just highlights how spring, but that just highlights how this spring, but that just highlights how this Government spring, but that just highlights how this Government skates spring, but that just highlights how this Government skates over spring, but that just highlights how this Government skates over the this Government skates over the environmental this Government skates over the environmental impacts this Government skates over the environmental impacts of this Government skates over the environmental impacts of its this Government skates over the environmental impacts of its no environmental impacts of its no focus environmental impacts of its no focus on environmental impacts of its no focus on a environmental impacts of its no focus on a -- environmental impacts of its no focus on a -- its environmental impacts of its no focus on a -- its focus environmental impacts of its no focus on a -- its focus on environmental impacts of its no focus on a -- its focus on a focus on a -- its focus on a pollution focus on a -- its focus on a pollution economy. focus on a -- its focus on a pollution economy. It focus on a -- its focus on a pollution economy. It has focus on a -- its focus on a pollution economy. It has been focus on a -- its focus on a pollution economy. It has been very pollution economy. It has been very distressing pollution economy. It has been very distressing listening pollution economy. It has been very distressing listening to pollution economy. It has been very distressing listening to the pollution economy. It has been very distressing listening to the people distressing listening to the people in distressing listening to the people in Havelock distressing listening to the people in Havelock North distressing listening to the people in Havelock North this distressing listening to the people in Havelock North this year, distressing listening to the people in Havelock North this year, their in Havelock North this year, their descriptions in Havelock North this year, their descriptions of in Havelock North this year, their descriptions of the in Havelock North this year, their descriptions of the gastroenteritis, descriptions of the gastroenteritis, the descriptions of the gastroenteritis, the days descriptions of the gastroenteritis, the days off descriptions of the gastroenteritis, the days off school, descriptions of the gastroenteritis, the days off school, off descriptions of the gastroenteritis, the days off school, off work, descriptions of the gastroenteritis, the days off school, off work, cafes the days off school, off work, cafes having the days off school, off work, cafes having to the days off school, off work, cafes having to close the days off school, off work, cafes having to close and