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Te Karere brings you key events and stories of interest to Maori, as well as bringing a Maori perspective to the day's news and current affairs.

Primary Title
  • Te Karere
Date Broadcast
  • Thursday 10 August 2017
Start Time
  • 16 : 00
Finish Time
  • 16 : 30
  • 30:00
  • TVNZ 1
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • Te Karere brings you key events and stories of interest to Maori, as well as bringing a Maori perspective to the day's news and current affairs.
  • Not Classified
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • Maori
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • Yes
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
Coming up on Te Karere... The roller coaster continues six and a half weeks out from polling day after Green party co-leader Metiria Turei resigns. Ngati Ruanui is challenging the decision which has granted consent to Trans-Tasman Resource to mine off the South Taranaki coast. We check out two Maori darts competitors who will compete at the masters competition. 10 August 2017 Due to the live nature of Te Karere, some segments will not be subtitled. Tena koutou katoa, and welcome to Te Karere. Metiria Turei's resignation as a co-leader and Green MP last night has drawn a mixed reaction from her political colleagues. There are some who are saying that she's been treated more harshly than other MPs who have misappropriated parliamentary funds and come out unscathed. Here's our political reporter Eruera Rerekura. It's lonely at the top but he's moving forward. It follows a tumultuous evening where Metiria Turei announced her resignation as Greens co-leader and as an MP. Her demise has drawn a mixed reaction across the political spectrum. My heart's broken because she was a strong advocate for whanau who suffer in silence. She made a strong effort to eliminate poverty. I won't be casting any aspersions at her. Nevertheless, she has made her decision. There are allegations by some that the PM misappropriated parliamentary expenses, but he wasn't punished like Metiria Turei was. There's no doubt that they put her through the wringer. According to the Newshub poll the Greens have taken a big hit in the popularity stakes slipping from 13% to 8.3%, however, support has risen for Jacinda Ardern as preferred PM - neck-and-neck with Bill English. Six weeks out from the election it's game on. Eruera Rerekura, Te Karere. She's may have announced her resignation as co-leader and MP, but Metiria Turei intends to campaign hard on the election trail in Te Tai Tonga, seeking the party vote for the Greens. It could be the final chapter in a colourful and storied political career. Irena Smith has this report. We're unable to provide subtitles. Irena Smith, Te Karere. Ngati Ruanui are challenging the decision making-process which has granted consent to Trans-Tasman Resource to mine for iron off the south Taranaki coast. The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) announced their decision today leaving local Taranaki Maori outraged. Ripeka Timutimu has this story. Taranaki iwi has a fight on their hands. A four person committee from the EPA has granted consent to Trans-Tasman Resource to extract 50 million tonnes of seabed material to export up around five million tonnes of iron sand per year. But Ngati Ruanui is questioning the decision making process. Trans-Tasman Resource said the project would employ 227 staff, pump $159 million into the economy annually, and $6.15 million in royalties each year. The duration of the consent is 35 years but Ngarewa-Packer says they will be making an appeal to the EPA over the decision. Ripeka Timutimu, Te Karere. After the break, Ngai Tahu unveils its new building in the city since the big earthquake that shook the city. We have Mana Party leader Hone Harawira live with us now. Tena koe, Hone. We're unable to provide subtitles. Hone Harawira, thank you for your time. A key central city building in Christchurch was opened today and it's said to be a pivotal milestone for the rebuild of the quake damaged city. And as Te Okiwa McLean reports, local iwi Ngai Tahu have made it happen. As one building falls another stands. Stage one of the $85 million Ngai Tahu Property development built on the former King Edward Barracks site. The site is one of the most exciting post-earthquake commercial developments in Otautahi/Christchurch, and is the jewel in the crown for Ngai Tahu and Ngai Tuahuriri as the iwi re-establishes its tribal influence and mana on the city. Pita Te Hori was the first CEO of Ngai Tuahuriri. Pita Te Hori Centre will be a place for the people of Christchurch, and storyboards placed throughout the new landscaped gardens For one ex-worker back in 1965 his memories reflect on old times. The entire development pays homage The entire development pays homage to the site's deep Maori and European military and police history. Te Okiwa McLean, Te Karere. After the break, we check out two Maori darts competitors who will compete at the masters competition. And we have the weather. To the weather now. For weather, see tvnz.co.nz. The Auckland Darts Masters starts tomorrow and it's attracted the world's best to our shores. But among the contestants will be two Maori players, and as Tamati Rimene-Sproat reports, one of them will play the number one darts player in the world. Bullseye! These two young Maori darts players will compete against the best in the world on Friday at the darts masters. This is Harris' second darts masters but it's a first for Herewini. And his first Masters event just got tougher, he has drawn the great Phil 'The Power' Taylor in the first round. But he will take some confidence in beating Harris and taking out the nationals last night. The competition starts on Friday, Harris is set to take on Simon Whitlock. Tamati Rimene-Sproat, Te Karere. To rugby and the Black Ferns have kicked off their World Cup campaign with a big win over Wales. Selica Winiata scored a hat trick as the Mamaku smashed Wales 44-12 in their opening match of the World Cup campaign in Ireland. Coach Glenn Moore is proud of their effort but believes there are still areas for improvement. They play Hong Kong on Sunday before their final pool game against Canada next Thursday. While the All Blacks are gathering in Auckland ahead of the game of three halves tomorrow but have been dealt an early injury blow. David Havili will join the squad to cover Damian McKenzie and the full back position. The All Blacks play a game of three halves against Counties and Taranaki in Pukekohe tomorrow. That's all we have for today. Kia ora tatou katoa. Captions were made possible with funding from Te Mangai Paho. Copyright TVNZ 2017.