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Academy Award-winning fantasy-romance about a ghost who saves his fiancee from the man who murdered him with the help of a nutty psychic.

Primary Title
  • Ghost
Date Broadcast
  • Sunday 5 February 2017
Release Year
  • 1990
Start Time
  • 20 : 30
Finish Time
  • 22 : 55
  • 145:00
  • TVNZ 2
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • Academy Award-winning fantasy-romance about a ghost who saves his fiancee from the man who murdered him with the help of a nutty psychic.
  • M
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Feature films--United States
  • Love--Drama
  • Supernatural--Drama
  • Murder victims--Drama
  • Drama
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Jerry Zucker (Director)
  • Bruce Joel Rubin (Writer)
  • Patrick Swayze (Actor)
  • Demi Moore (Actor)
  • Whoopi Goldberg (Actor)
  • Tony Goldwyn (Actor)
  • Paramount Pictures (Production Unit)
1 Supertext Subtitles Copyright 1992 Australian Caption Centre. www.able.co.nz Captions were made possible with funding from NZ On Air. Able 2007. Oh, look, this is great. Wow! That's incredible. There's gotta be 7 or 8ft up there. And 80 years of dust. We'll put our bedroom upstairs. We'll have space left. For what? Just space. One,... two,... three! And four? (Laughs) Come on. And five? (Coughs) Watch it! God! This place is huge! It's beautiful. Wow! You guys, it's absolutely incredible. With a little paint, you could sell this and double your money. Carl, you're obsessed. A little bit. Whoa! Look. It's an Indian head penny - 1898. It's a good omen. You're the good omen. (Grunts) (Laughs) Oh, it's so great! JACKHAMMER CAR HORNS HONK CARL: I had Rose move your three o'clock to four o'clock. (Speaks Japanese) Three o'clock is the only time Gary can make it. (Speaks Japanese) Sam? Huh? Relax, man. You're not going through brain surgery. Pitching these Japanese guys makes me nervous. Sam, you're going to be great. OK? What am I supposed to say? I can't tell them my Swedish pompom girl joke. Where did you get those? Nice, huh? Molly. Are they me? Look at that - a Testarossa. Whoa! Ouch! Pay off your Mustang first. (Coughs) How are you feeling? What did the doctor say? It's contagious. It's really... No? I shouldn't have come in today. (Coughs) What about the rash? The rash? Uh-hm. The rash is... also incredibly contagious. They've both been spreading. No? (Coughs) (Coughs violently) On your genitals again? Yeah. Right on the genitals. Basically everywhere. He said I shouldn't touch anyone. (Coughs) Excuse me. LIFT BELL RINGS (Coughs) You're sick. I know. Good morning, Paul. Good morning, Carl, Sam. Good morning, Mr Wheat. You're looking good! Sam. Oh, yeah, yeah. Um... Here. Thanks. Good morning, Sam. Good morning, Rose. The Kolbyashi people... They're here. They're early! I know. How long have they been here? 10 minutes. Andy Dylan needs $900,000 transferred to Albany by 10:00. By 10:00?! Yes. Carl. Yeah? Carl... Hang on one second. Dylan needs $900,000 by 10:00. Could you transfer it? I'll need your Mac code. OK. Um...right here. Discretion, right? Got it. You bet. I'll do it now. Thanks. Bill, I'll call you back. OK, OK. That's fine. That's fine! Oh, man. She's too far out. Can you get it? I can't. Where are you from? The New York City Ballet? Almost. Saved your life! Shit! Why did you do that? It's better than seeing your body splattered everywhere. Look out! MOLLY: Oh! Oh! Grab it. CARL: Sam? Molly? You home? You invite him? Slave labour. Carl... Hurry! Help. Oh, my God! Grab the bottom. There. Down here? Yeah. Right here? Watch your toes. Where does this go? In the bedroom. Good girl. God, this place looks great! Yeah. You like it, huh? I had no idea it'd be this beautiful. Molly, what about her? Leave her there for now. What are these? I'll show you. Help me lift this up. OK. Wow! Just finished it. What do you think? It's fantastic. Sam, what's this chair doing here? I love that chair. I know, but we discussed this... I sit in it while watching TV. It's ugly. So? It doesn't go with anything. It goes with me. You're right, it does. We'll paint it. We'll what? Are you OK? Mm-hm. I'm fine. What's the matter? Nothing. Are you worried about the promotion? No, not really. Then what? Is it moving in together? No. I don't know. It's... a lot of things. I don't want the bubble to burst. It seems like...whenever anything good in my life happens, I'm just afraid I'm going to lose it. I love you. I really love you. Ditto. TELEVISION TURNS ON NEWSREADER: The pilot's first report of trouble... (Turns down volume) Oh, Jesus! Another one?! Don't watch that. I should cancel my L.A. trip. These things happen in threes. Sam, get serious. Besides, you lead a charmed life. So did they. It's amazing. Just like that - blackout! JUKEBOX PLAYS ROMANTIC SONG SONG: # I get the blues 'most every night # Since I fell in love with you. # SONG: # Oh, my love # My darling # I hunger for... # What are you doing? # ..your touch... # I couldn't sleep. # A long, lonely time... # I really must have passed out. What time is it? It's 2am. # And time goes by so slowly # And time can do so much # Are you still mine? # Oh, no! (Laughs) I hope it wasn't a masterpiece. Well, it's not now. Can I help? Yeah. Get your hands wet. # I... # Let the clay slide between your fingers. # Come speed your love to me # Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea # To the open arms of the sea # Yeah # Lonely rivers sigh # Wait for me, wait for me # I'll be coming home # Wait for me # Whoa, my love # My darling # I hunger # Hunger for your touch # A long, lonely time # And time goes by so slowly # And time can do so much # Are you still mine? # I need your love # I... # I need your love # God speed your love to me... # COMPUTER BLEEPS Oh, no! What's the matter? A glitch. What's up? I can't get in. The Mac code doesn't work. I changed it. Why? Nothing. Just wanna nose around a bit. Is something wrong? Can you keep a secret? Yeah, sure. What's up? Too much money in these accounts. Too much money? That's impossible. Mmm. (Taps keys) 2-7-2-2-7-3. This will take you hours. Let me do this. No. I'll figure it out. No. It's like a vendetta now. Thanks, though. I appreciate it. OK. If you start going blind, call me. OK. Adios. Listen, what are you and Molly doing tonight? We're seeing 'Macbeth'. She likes the guys in tights. You wanna go? No, thanks. I want a full report, though. Later. Well, I loved it. I was spellbound. I could tell. So could everyone else, with your resonating snore. Did I tell you what Melissa said? Six times. It wasn't six times. Quit being so blase. OK. I'll have two pieces in her gallery. The 'New York Times' regularly reviews her gallery. He's just a frustrated critic who flunked out of art school. Who cares what they think? Eight million readers. No. They just read the sports page. Your work is really beautiful. It really is. And it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks, just what I think. I'm going to marry you, Sam. What? What?! What?! Yep. I've been thinking about it. I've been thinking about it a lot. I think we should just do it. You're serious. Yeah. What's that look for? You...you never wanted to talk about it. Do you love me, Sam? What do you think? Why don't you ever say it? I say it all the time! You say 'Ditto'. That's not the same. People always say 'I love you' and it doesn't mean anything. But you know... sometimes you need to hear it. I need to hear it. GLASS CRACKS UNDERFOOT Let's go. What should we do? I'll handle this. What do you want?! Shit! Give me your wallet! Sam, just give it to him. OK. Just take the money. Just leave... No! Sam! You son-of-a-bitch! Sam! No! Somebody help us! Jesus Christ! Just get off him! Somebody! Somebody help us! Sam, just quit. Sam, just stop it! GUNSHOT Molly? Molly, he got... (Molly cries) Baby, hold on! You're gonna be OK! Somebody? Somebody? Somebody help us! Sam? Oh, my God! Oh, Sam, come on! Hold on, baby! Somebody's gonna...(Sobs) You're gonna be OK! WHOOSHING NOISE (Gasps and shudders) No... Oh, God! Somebody? Somebody help me! Please, anybody! Help me, please, help... It's OK, lady. Take it easy. (Sobs) We'll help you. Molly? Molly? Molly? (Molly's voice echoes faintly) (Echoes) OK, OK... Alright... Molly? What should we do? (Cries out) (Screams) What...what's happening? What's... (Distant voice) Is he breathing? Is he breathing? I don't know! Oh, God, Sam. Hold on! Hold on, baby! Oh my God. GENTLE HEAVENLY MUSIC Come on, man! It's all right! Give me a go. All right. One... Come on, baby! Two... There's no pulse! Sam, don't leave me! Hold on! Come on! (Sobs) Sam! (Cries) Oh, Sam, please! SIRENS APPROACH 1 SIREN WAILS P.A.: Attention. Report to the emergency room. (Medical staff talk) Miss Jensen, step this way, please. So, what happened to you? What? You're new, huh? I could tell. Are you talking to me? Relax. It ain't like before. Everything's different. Who are you? I'm waiting for my wife. She's in 4C - cardiac wing. She's fighting it. CRACKLING, WHOOSHING NOISE Shot, huh? That works every time. Poor bastard. Get used to it. You could be here for ages. I'll tell you a secret. Doors ain't as bad as you think. Nothing at all - you'll catch on. (Medical staff make commotion) He won't make it. Seen it before. He's a goner. You see? Here they come. GENTLE HEAVENLY MUSIC Lucky bastard. Could've been the other ones. You never know. Who are... No! WHOOSHING ROAR (Moans) Help me... (Sobs) Oh...God...help me! MINISTER: "I am sunk in the abysmal swamp where there's no foothold. "I have reached the watery depths. "The flood overwhelms me. "I am wearied with calling." As we say farewell to our friend Sam Wheat, we are reminded of his kindness, his generosity, his buoyancy of spirit. All that we treasure - our loved ones, our friends, our body, our mind - are but on loan to us. We must surrender them all. We are all travellers on the same road, leading to the same end. As our loved one enters eternal life, let us remember that love too is eternal, that, although we will miss him, our love lights the void and dispels darkness... (People murmur) Picked up your shirts today. I don't know why. Mr Reynolds told me to tell you hello. I broke into tears. It's like I think about you every minute. It's like I can still feel you. I'm here, Mol. (Hisses) (Screeches) What's the matter, kitty? What's the matter? Crazy cat! Sam? (Mutters) That's really stupid! I love this picture. It's great. Let me see that. It's... Sam's address book. Right. "Dave Brubeck, Newport '88." Should I toss them? No. 'No'? Molly, we hated that concert. Hey! Oh - you wanted to save those? Rollaids? Molly, what are you doing? I just miss him, Carl. Me too. Carl? Yeah? Wait a minute. Wait. What? Not that one. Which? Sorry, I didn't mean to take that. That's OK. Hey, Mol? Come along. It's like summer outside. No, I'm not up for it. A walk might help. I'd rather not. Staying in all day isn't healthy. I can't do it! Molly. You're not the one who died. I'm sorry. Don't apologise. Shit! Maybe you're right. Maybe just a short one. Attagirl. I'm sorry. Don't worry about it. Molly? WHOOSHING WHOOSHING What are you doing here? Bastard! You son-of-a-bitch! (Grunts) (Grunts) (Groans) What do you want? DOOR OPENS DOWNSTAIRS Molly? Molly, get out! God! No, Molly! No, no, Molly! No, no, please! Molly, he's got a gun! Hi, kitty! Hi! You hurt her, I'll kill you! (Pants) Mol! (Screams) Shit! Is somebody there? Hello? Hello? TRAIN PULLS IN (Gasps) What are you do... Let go! What are you doing? TRAIN HOOTS (Screams) Like trains? (Screams) Stay out! This is mine! You don't talk to me like that. (People argue in another room) Shit! (Dials telephone) It's me. Couldn't get it. She came home. A couple of days, I'll go back. Relax, I'll get it. Get what? Who are you? What do you want from us? No. You stay away from her. Do you hear me? You stay away from her!! 1 GOSPEL MUSIC WOMAN: I'm not going back... (Skipping girl chants) Turn, turn, turn around! Turn, turn, touch the ground! GOSPEL MUSIC GROWS LOUDER GOSPEL MUSIC PLAYS INSIDE Rosa Santiago? Please be seated. TINY BELLS TINKLE DOOR CREAKS Our sister will join us soon. Sister Oda Mae, grant us the gift of your all-seeing presence. Appear before us now. Mrs Santiago? Buenos dias. I'm Oda Mae Brown. You wish to contact your husband? Si. He'll join us today. Oh, thank you, thank you! But, Mrs Santiago, there's no telling about that other world, so you've got to be a believer. Are you a believer? Si! I believe, I believe! Then let us begin. MUSIC AND DRUMS (Groans and gasps) (Grunts) I can't. I can't. It's too difficult. I can't make contact. I don't feel... No, wait! I'm feeling something. Did he know someone by the name of...Anna? Consuelo? Lucita? Julietta? Josefina? Linda? Maria? Si, si! His mama! She is Maria. Yes! Praise God! I knew he was with his momma! Oh, my God. It's too difficult. I can't do that, it's so trying. I pay more! How much? How much? $20. Way to go! Milk her for every penny. Ahhh. Yes, I believe we can start again. DRUMS GET LOUDER SISTERS: Praise the Lord! Thank you, Jesus. (Laughs disbelievingly) Welcome, Mrs Santiago. You are fortunate - the spirits are turning. My husband? Have mercy! Oh, yeah? Where? Julio? Yes! I feel his vibration. (Gasps) I see him! How does he look? Oh, he's a handsome man. Handsome? Mrs Santiago, in our father's kingdom, we're all handsome. Ohhh! Julio! Julio's coming towards us - I see him! He's there. He's dressed in a black suit. Black suit? Could be blue. What a crock of shit. Who is that?! Julio! Julio? Where are you? Don't you hear it? Where are you?! Who are you? Who? Whoa! You can hear me? Don't you hear him?! I don't believe this! My name is Sam Wheat. Say my name! Leave me alone! Say it! Talk to me. Say something, Oda Mae! Sam Wheat! Jesus! (Together) Sam Wheat? I swear, no more cheating. I promise. Make that guy go away! No way. Aaaaagggghhhh! Aaagh! Aaaggghhh! Aaaaggghhh! It's OK. It's OK. It's alright, sister. OK. Yeah, you're alright. My mother and my grandmother both had the gift. They said I had it, but I never had it! They told me what it was like, but... Now I got it, I don't want it. Find somebody else. Somebody else? You're crazy! I'm getting there fast! She hit her head. She was talking to nobody before that! Sister can do that. Where are you? Right beside you. You're right beside me? Honey, we're right here. Are you white? What?! White?! You're white, aren't you? Oh, God! I'll call the doctor. A white guy! Why me?! Listen, you're going to help me. This woman, Molly Jensen, is in danger. The man who killed me broke into our apartment. He'll go back. You've got to warn her. She won't listen. It's just a phone call. (Sighs) Look... ..you're all I've got. I'm not leaving until you help me. I don't care how long it takes. I can talk forever. PHONE RINGS Hello? Er, hi. Is this Molly Jensen? Yes. I'm Oda Mae Brown. I'm a spiritual reader. A friend of yours gave me a message. This is gonna sound a little crazy, but it's not. You gotta believe me. Don't be afraid. Who is this? I got a message from Sam. What? Sam Wheat. He asked me to call. DIAL TONE I told you! You gotta go there. I ain't going anywhere. I don't care what you do. SAM: Second verse, same as the first. (Sings) # I'm Henry VIII, I am, Henry VIII I am, I am. # I got married to the widow next-door # She's been married seven times before # And everyone wants Henry, Henry! # No, sir! # I'm the eighth old man of Henry # Henry VIII, I am, I am Henry VIII, I am! # Second verse, same as the first! # I'm Henry VIII, I am Henry VIII, I am # I got married to the widow... # (Screams) Alright! Stop singing! I'll go anywhere you want! Just don't sing any more. Oh! I can't believe I'm doing this. What am I doing down here? I never come downtown. I HATE downtown. She's probably not even there. Where are you?! Oh. (Huffs) Which building is it? Which one? Push three. BUZZER Nobody's there. Just wait! I came here. She's not there - I'm going. Wait one minute! Sorry. (Sings) # 99 bottles of beer... # Alright! Don't sing, alright! BUZZ MOLLY: Hello? Molly! She can't hear you. Hi. I'm Oda Mae. I called last night. (Hangs up) I told you! ODA MAE: Hey, Molly! Molly Jensen. I know you can hear me! Sam wants to talk to you! This is for real. Remember the swordfish in Montego Bay? How could I know about that? I know about the green underwear that you wrote your name on. I know about the picture in Reno. Hey, Molly! Ask her about the sweater she knitted that's too big. He just told me about the sweater you knitted that's too big. Four sizes. You hear me?! MAN: I hear you! Shut up. Nobody's talking to you. Shut up. Nobody's talking to you. Didn't you ever hear of a phone? Wanna kiss my butt?! I won't wait all day. Thank God! Oh, man! Shut up! (Yells) Molly! I'm gonna count to three, then I'm outta here. One, two, three! No, wait! No. That's Molly. Molly? I'm Oda Mae Brown. I don't know this guy, Sam, but let me tell you what he did to me. He kept me up all night singing 'I'm Henry VIII, I am'. That's how he got me to go out with him. I'm sorry. I just don't believe in life-after-death stuff. Tell her she's wrong. He says you're wrong. You're talking to him now? Yeah. He just asked me to tell you that you were wrong. Where is he? I can't see him, just hear him. I'm right here. That doesn't help, Sam. I'm holding her hand. Says he's holding your hand. What are you doing? What do you think you're doing to me? Look, if you think I'd come all the way down here for my health, you're outta your mind. Sam's dead, OK? He's dead. Tell her I love her! He loves you. Sam would never say that. Ditto. Tell her ditto. What's ditto?! Ditto! ROMANTIC MUSIC ODA MAE: To tell you the truth, I don't know how I'm doing this. Confidentially, nothing like this ever happened to me before. I mean nothing! Now I can't turn it off. Is this him? This you? Yeah. Yeah. You were cute. White, but cute. Why did he come back? I don't know. Why's he still here? He's stuck. He's between worlds. Sometimes the spirit gets yanked out so quick, the essence still has work to do. Would you stop rambling?! I'm just answering her question. He's got an attitude. I don't. Yes, you do have an attitude. We're having a discussion. If you didn't have an attitude, you would not have raised your voice to me. Goddammit, Oda Mae... Don't you 'goddammit' me. Don't you take the Lord's name in vain! Relax! No, you relax! You'd better apologise. Jesus Christ! That's it! What's happening? Nobody talks to me like that. You'd better apologise! I'm sorry. I apologise. OK? Now would you sit down? Please? He's apologised. I need you to tell Molly what I'm saying word for word. Word for word. Yes. He wants me to tell you what he's saying word for word. Molly, you're in danger. You can't just blurt it out like that! And quit moving around ` you're making me dizzy. I'll tell her in my own way. Molly, you in danger, girl. What are you talking about? I know who killed me. He knows who killed him. He's Willie Lopez. I know his address. His name is Willie Lopez. He's Puerto Rican. Write it down. Write it down. YOU write it. I ain't no secretary! Do it! Huh! He's so testy! Well? It's 303 Prospect Place. Apartment 4D. 303 Prospect Place? Yeah. That's my neighbourhood. He's got my wallet, my key. He was in here. He's got his wallet, his key. He was in here. Yesterday, after walking with Carl, you went upstairs... Alright, alright! Yesterday, he was here. He saw you get undressed. Molly, it was a set-up. I was murdered. Go to the police. He was murdered. Somebody else is involved... Forget it! I want out of this. Wait. Where you going? I'm leaving! I did everything I promised. Don't follow me. I'm finished! Have a nice life. Have a nice death! Good bye. DOOR SLAMS CARL: Molly, I would love this to be true. But...you must be rational about this. Sam is no more in this room than... Look, I understand the need to hang on to him. But this is absurd. I KNOW this seems absurd! But it had to be real! How could you believe her? I watched her talking to him. I don't buy it. What about the things she knew? What things? The photo Sam took of me in Reno. We were alone. And the green underwear I wrote my name in. She said Sam knew who killed him. That he was set up. This is getting deranged! We're going off the deep end. She had a name and address. Good, Molly. Willie Lopez. 303 Prospect Place. Apartment 4D. This is sick. Oh, Carl! This is really sick. Oh, God! Molly, I don't understand how you could...could... ..swallow this crap. I mean...this guy may not exist. Maybe this woman's using you to set someone up. You're right. You're absolutely right. That's what I gotta find out. How? Sam wants me to go to the police. SAM wants you to go to the police? Jesus, Molly! What will you tell the police? That some storefront psychic's been communing with the dead?! You're talking GHOSTS here, for Christ's sake! I'm sorry. This stuff gets to me. It's OK that you don't believe me. I'm trying to, Molly. Look... ..if it'll make you feel better, I'll check this out. Try and get some sleep. OK? Alright. I'll call you in the morning. OK. Alright. Goodnight. ALARM ACTIVATES (Sighs nervously) Be careful! BANGING ON DOOR Carl. What the hell are you doing here? Who you been talking to, Willie? Talking to? What the hell do you mean? Some woman knows all about you. Where's she getting it from? I haven't told anybody. She knows where you live. Lots of women do. This isn't funny! She knows about the murder. DRAMATIC MUSIC I want you to find this bitch. Whoever she is. I want you to... Just get rid of her, OK? I've got $4 million stuck in a goddamn computer! If I don't get those codes and transfer that money soon, I'm... dead. We're both dead. Tell them you only launder money first of the month. What's wrong with you? Is everything a joke?! You killed a man. You were supposed to steal his wallet! Was that a joke? I did you a favour! That was a freebie. Look, these are drug dealers, OK? Don't blow this, Willie. I risked my job. I could go to jail. $80,000 of that money is mine. DRAMATIC MUSIC Look, just... give me the keys to Sam's apartment. I'll get the address book myself. ALARM DEACTIVATES Bastard! You goddamn bastard! Why?! Why?! You were my friend! (Sobs) CAR ENGINE STARTS I had a life, goddamn you! I had a life! MOLLY: I don't believe this stuff. But she was real. You think I'd come here if it wasn't real? You told me to bring you any new information. So here I am. I know how this sounds. I cringe when I say it! But this woman knew things she couldn't have known. Things Sam only said to me. OK, according to this psychic, there are ghosts and spirits all over the place, watching us? Hell, I'll never get undressed again! Excuse me. I got more important things to do. The guy's name is Willie Lopez. All I'm asking you to do is check it out. OK. Wait here. I'll see if he's got a record. Great. What are you doing? Where's Willie Lopez's file? There isn't one. He's probably some old boyfriend she was trying to get even with. This psychic woman's record goes back a long way. 1967 - Shreveport. Forgery, selling false IDs. Served one year, 1971. Baton Rouge - arrested for fraud, numbers racketeering. Served 10 months, 1974. Look, this is impossible! It goes on and on. She knew things - private things! How could she know that? They read the obits. She saw the word 'banker' - boom! They even go through your garbage to find things they can use - letters, old papers... No. It was real. She knew about a sweater I knitted. And songs we sang. Our trip to Montego Bay. I'm sorry. I know this is hard. People want so much to believe. They're grieving, vulnerable... ..and they will give anything for one last moment. Believe me. These people know what they're doing. I know how you must feel, but you can press charges. No. Thank you. TRAFFIC NOISE (Carl taps keyboard) (Sighs) Oh, God, let this be it. (Whispers) Yes! MAN: Hello? Eddie, it's Carl Bruner. What's up? We're all set. What do you want me to do? Transfer the money from the 12 separate accounts into a single account under the name Rita Miller. Tomorrow at 3:55pm, transfer the full account to the First Island Bank of Nassau, registry number 4869580. Call us when it's done. OK. I've got it. Just tell Mr Ballisteri there won't be any more problems. I will. Thanks. Good work, Carl. COIN CLINKS BOTTLE SHATTERS Molly, why can't you hear me? I need you! KNOCK AT DOOR KNOCK AT DOOR Who is it? It's Carl, Molly. No. Don't open the door! He's a murderer! Hi. Hey. I know it's late. Sorry to disturb you. I just feel...really lousy about what happened last night. This supernatural thing just... Don't worry about it. It's OK. No, it's not. You needed me to hear and I wasn't there for you. That was wrong. It's just, I... I just... I want you to know I'm your friend. Thanks, Carl. You were never her friend! That's important to me. Me too. So here's some Japanese pears. Thanks. That's very sweet. Could I come in for a second? Just for a coffee? Yeah, come in. No, Molly. You seem tense. Are you OK? No, I'm fine. It's just... it's been tough. You know, it just still hurts so much. You lying snake. And there's work, too. They've given me my own accounts. That's good, but I haven't had time to adjust. Kind of...absorb everything. No big deal. Yeah... Can I have some more cream? Yeah. Oh, shit! Jesus! Are you alright? Yeah. (Laughs) Oh, God! I'll throw that in the washer. No, it's OK. You want another shirt? No, it's fine. There you go. Where were you today? I thought you were going to come and sign those papers. I meant to. I didn't have time. I went to the police. (Clears throat) You did? What did you tell them? What did they say? It was awful. I felt really stupid. They had a file on this woman - 10 inches thick. A rip-off artist? No, Molly. You know, the sad thing... is that I believed her. Molly... ..sometimes we need to believe. Why? What's the point? Molly, it's not easy to face the realities of life sometimes. You've got to remember the love you guys felt. You must remember how good Sam was. Sam loved you. You were everything to him. You were his life. I feel so alone. You're not alone. OK? There's your work. You're talented, you're young... You're fantastically gorgeous. I don't know what's real anymore. I don't know what to think. Just think about Sam. Think about the time you had together. How wonderful that was. Yeah, let your feelings out, Molly. It's OK. Life turns on a dime. You know? I mean, people think that they're forever, that there'll always be tomorrow, but that's bullshit. Sam taught us that. You have to live for now. For today. I can't. I'm sorry. It's OK. It's just too soon. It's OK. You've been great, Carl. But I need you to leave. I understand. Please? Could we have dinner tomorrow? Just talk. Does that interest you? Yeah, sure. Great. VOICEOVER: You brush your teeth twice a day, right? Mm-hm. But 80% of bacteria aren't even on teeth. (RECORD SCRATCHES) 80%?! Colgate Total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums, protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. Colgate Total - for whole mouth health. 1 TRAINS CLATTER DRAMATIC MUSIC TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWS Hey! Get off my train! No. Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get out of here! Get off! No! Show me how you do that. I wanna learn, and I'm not leaving till you teach me. Get off! No! Get off! You stubborn asshole! (Laughs) What the hell are you doing? You're trying to move it with your finger! You can't use your finger. You're dead! It's all in your mind. Your problem is you still think you're real! You think you're wearing those clothes? You think you're crouched on that floor? Bullshit! You ain't got a body no more, son. It's all up here. To move something, you gotta move it with your mind. You gotta focus! Understand? How do you focus? I don't know HOW. You just focus! WHOOSHING NOISE How'd you do that? Take all your emotions - anger, love, hate, and push it down into the pit of your stomach. And then let it explode! OK. OK! (Laughs mockingly) Don't laugh! (Laughs) TRAIN APPROACHES (Laughs) Way to go, kid! I did it! I did it! Way to go. From your gut, like I said. Give it time. What else have you got? ZAP How long have you been here? Since they pushed me! Someone pushed you? Someone did. Who? What, you don't believe me? You think I fell? Or jumped? Well, fuck you! It wasn't my time! I wasn't supposed to go! I shouldn't be here! Ohhh! Ohh! Oh, I'd give anything for a drag! Just one drag! Are you alright? Who are you? Why are you hounding me? Who sent you? Who sent you?! TRAIN APPROACHES Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Hah! ZAP Yeah! PEOPLE CHATTER, SIRENS WAIL ODA MAE: You must concentrate to rouse him. What's his name? Orlando. Orlando. Orlando, Orlando. Is there an Orlando here? Here! He's here. Oda Mae... Sam! What the...? Excuse me, I'M Orlando. The line's there. Where'd these ghosts come from? You hear them too? Hear them?! I hear them morning and evening! What did you do? Tell all the spooks about me? Jesus! You wouldn't believe what's going on! You're really doing it! I know. Could you hurry up? Chill out. CHILL OUT! Listen, I need your help again. No! I'm not doing anything else. You're holding onto a life that doesn't want you. It doesn't want you. Give up the ghost! You speaking to me? Does it look like it? You'll know when I'm talking to you. You're supposed to be concentrating. You gonna try it? Thank you. Sam, are you gonna get outta here? Uh-uh. Fine, stay there. Excuse me. Excuse me! You ready now? Let's do it. Oda Mae! We have to talk now! I've got a plan! All we gotta do... Oda Mae? Oda Mae? (Man's voice) Ortisha? Orlando! Is that you? Ortisha, where you at? Here! She's here. In front of you. What you do to your hair, baby? Orlando, you like it? It's 'Autumn Sunrise'. Get out of me, you son-of-a-bitch! (Pants) Don't EVER do that again! Orlando? Ohh! I can barely move. You should know better than that. Jumpin' in their bodies wipes you out. Everybody out! What happened to Orlando? Where's the insurance policy? Are you deaf? I said everybody out! Everybody out! Get out! Get out! Everybody get out! (All groan and mutter) Get out! You the fortune teller? Who are you? That's an interesting question. You tell me. Willie. Willie? Prospect Place Willie? Get out of here fast! GUN FIRES Oda Mae! Sister! You were right...you were right. We're in trouble. Help me. We? Who's 'we'? You're already dead! They're trying to kill me! They'll be back. Look, why don't you find a house to haunt? Listen, I have a plan. Get some fake IDs. Forget it. If you do this, they'll never bother you again. I promise. Scouts honour. Alright. What EXACTLY do I have to do? You got a nice dress? 1 I don't see what's wrong with what I'm wearing. Sorry ` I love your shoes... You don't. I'm going home. I know nothing about banking... Oda Mae, relax. Listen, I'm nervous! I know you're nervous But I will get you through it. The fake licence is great. I shouldn't be doing this. Look straight ahead. Go to 'New Accounts'. I'm not giving them money! Listen! Don't talk! Tell her you're here to fill out a new account signature card. Can I help you? Yes. I'm signing for a new account. Account number? 926-31043. 926... 31043. 31043. Rita Miller. Who? What? Rita Miller. Rita Miller. Didn't they have you sign before? Carl Bruner opened the account by phone. Carl Bruner opened it for me by phone. I've come to sign. I see. (Whispers) Is that right? Yeah. Yeah. Alright, just sign this card on the bottom, please. May I use your pen? Thank you. No, no! Rita Miller! Oh! I'm so sorry. I need another one. I signed the wrong name. Have it filed so you can make a transaction. Please make sure this is filed. I'll make a transfusion. What? Let's go! You know what I mean. Can I keep this pen? Uh...yes, sure. Thanks so much. Bye-bye. They're great pens. Keep it. Why do you make me whisper? PHONE RINGS Carl Bruner. Hi, Carl. Mr Ballisteri. Mr Ballisteri? Carl, it's John! John! John, sorry. Um...what...what's up? The info on Bradley's portfolio. I'll pick it up later. I'm here till six. Good. BELL DINGS This is it. Could you lose the hat? Don't mess with me. Ask the guard for Lyle Ferguson. Lyle Ferguson. Lyle Ferguson, please. You have an appointment? No, I'm here for my health. Say Rita Miller's here. Rita Miller's here. Just one moment. Don't embellish. Jawohl! Excuse me? This guy Ferguson's a real jerk. After five years he still thinks my name... Why are you whispering? Just listen! He's a social moron, so don't worry. Tell the guard you met Ferguson and his wife Shirley at the Brewsters' Christmas party. What's this about? What? He doesn't remember me? We spent all that time at the Brewsters' Christmas party! He and his wife, Shirley. It was beautiful - big old tree, thousands of presents... It... Uhh! (Laughs) Gas! I just get a little gas from time to time. Gas. Quit poking me! Well, don't overdo it! This will be easy. Ferguson was so drunk at the party he'll remember nothing. Oh, Sam. Here we go. Ah! Hello. Hello, ah, yes... Yes, well, ah... it's been a long time. Yes. Ask about Bobby and Snooki. How are Bobby and Snooki? Fine! Fine, thank you. Thank you for asking. And how is your, ah...family? Oh, couldn't be better. Well, wonderful. Ask how they did on the Gibraltar securities. How did you do on the Gibraltar securities? The Gibraltar securities? Well, we topped out on that one. Sure did. Sure did! Very useful tip. Good old Randy. Good old Randy! He's smart. She! Randy. So, what brings you here today? Closing an account. Closing an account. You have your account number? Yes? Yes! Yes. 926-31043. 926-31043. ..043. (Whispers) Is that right? Yeah. Well, Rita, it looks like you'll be withdrawing $4 million from us. $4 million?! Say yes! Yes! Is that correct? Yes. Yes! (Squeaks) Yeah, um...yeah! Yes, that's correct. Easy. Yes. Yes... How would you like that? Tens and twenties. Pardon? Tell him a cashier's cheque. Cashier's cheque. A cashier's cheque. Fine. Of course, you know we require identification. It's just procedural... Oh, yes! I... COINS, KEYS AND PILLS RATTLE Thank you. Well, I'll be right back. $4 million! Shhhh. (Dials phone number) First Island Bank of Nassau - it's on the Rolodex. (Types on computer keyboard) 1 I have some things for you to sign. This officially closes the account. And...here you are. Sign Rita Miller. Uh-huh. Uh...Miller...that's my name. My name - Rita Miller. My name. My name. Molly, hi. Hi. I'll be right back! Please... Just anywhere? Uh, right here. Fine. The...uh...cheque. Here you are. Right down at the end. Mamma sunk the money from the oilwell into gas pumps. Gas stations have five or six pumps so it's very lucrative... Oda Mae! Say goodbye. Gotta go. It's been a pleasure. May I keep this? ZAP Aaaggh! Say goodnight to Bobby and Snooki. Bye-bye. What's the rush? What is wrong? Oh. Excuse me...Lyle? Oh yes, uh...? Molly Jensen. Molly. That woman... Yuh. What did she want? WAS her business connected with me or Sam? Sam? Why, no. That was Oda Mae Brown? No, Rita Miller. She closed an account. Is there a problem? No...I guess not. Thank you. Carl, is something wrong? Is somebody playing with the computers? What? One of my accounts is closed. Which account? What's wrong? Shall I call someone? No. I can do it. I got it. (Mutters hysterically) $4 million! My God! I'll buy the building. No, I'll buy the block. I'll send my sister to a fat farm. Whoa! Wait. I've got an idea. NUN: Please donate. Get the cheque out. Right! Put it somewhere safe. No, no! Endorse it. No. I might drop it. It's not yours. I never said you'd get it. I was killed for this money. Endorse the cheque. What will you do with it? Look over there - to your left. You think I'm giving $4 million to NUNS?! They'll find you. Get rid of it. Sam, you're killing me - $4 million! You'll go to heaven. Forget heaven! I want to cash this. Hello. Yeah. You'll thank me later. How you doing? Endorse it 'Rita Miller'. I know! Make it out to St Joseph's Shelter. I don't believe this. Give it to her. I want to feel it once more. Give her... I will! Hand her the cheque. You can do it. Give her the CHEQUE. I will! (Phoney laugh) Bless you, child. Bless you. Give it to her. Let go...LET GO! Shit! I'm proud of you. I don't care. Stay away from me! Nuns can't even buy underwear. I hate you! Never talk to me again! You're wonderful, Oda Mae! (Blows raspberry) (Gasps) (Types frantically) (Hits desk) Go ahead - search. You'll never find it. They'll kill you, Carl. You and Willie. You'll be fertiliser. They'll bury you next to Jimmy Hoffa. Yoo-hoo! EERIE MUSIC BUILDS COMPUTER BEEPS Who's doing that?! WHO'S DOING THAT? Uh...aaaaghh! COMPUTER SMASHES KNOCKING ON DOOR Hey. Hi. Weren't we having dinner? Sorry. Things got crazy. I forgot. Trouble at the bank. I wish you'd called. I was worried. Molly, I need to ask you... Could he borrow $4 million? When you said...Sam was here... talking to you... What did he say? Why? It's just... (Gulps) What exactly did this psychic lady say? Carl, let go. Stop this! It doesn't matter. It wasn't real. What the hell happened to you tonight? Is this about her being at the bank today? SINISTER MUSIC At the bank? Ferguson said she closed an account. Her name isn't Oda Mae Brown. It's Rita Miller or something. DRAMATIC MUSIC Carl, are you alright? My stomach...it's... Um... Jesus! Got anything like Pepto-Bismol or something? Cyanide? It's upstairs. Sit down. I'll get it. (Sam zaps him) Has little Carl got a sore tummy? Get away from me! Get away! Get away! Believe in ghosts now? I'll burn this place down, I swear! I'll cut her throat. Carl... I swear to God, I'll cut her throat. I need that money and I want it by 11 o'clock. If that psychic lady doesn't bring it here, Molly is dead. Carl, who are you talking to? Nothing. I have to go. I can't explain, but there's a problem. You're scaring me. Sorry. We'll talk later... Why not now?! No, I'll come back about 11. I'm sorry, but it's really important. 11 o'clock. Oda Mae... 1 TV: I'm Arsenio Hall. Don't try to adjust your television ` I'm black. Let's watch 'Love Connection'. I LOVE 'Love Connection'. Leave that ` that's Arsenio! So?! You should send your picture to Love Connection. She did! They haven't answered yet. Oda Mae! Sam? Not again! They're coming for the cheque. The cheque you said they'd never know about? TYRES SCREECH What? They're here - get out! Go, GO! (The girls scream) Come on! Knock on all the doors. Help! Help! Emergency - let us in. You're kidding! Open up! Open up! What are you doing? You can't come in here! They're gonna get us. Where's SAM?! The bitch just left. I'll check downstairs. Carl? TV SWITCHES ON (Screams) SQUEAKING Willie! Hey man, you got a serious problem! TRIUMPHANT VICTORY MUSIC What the hell?! HELP ME! HELP ME!! TYRES SCREECH WILLIE! I heard the car - I was there. He's snuffed it. Yeah... The dude is dead. You're dead, Willie. SIZZLING, CRACKLING NOISE DEMON SPIRITS HOWL AND SNARL (Screams) Aaaagghh! No! NO! DEMONS GROWL AND ROAR (Willie screams) HELP ME! HELP! (Screams grow weaker) DEMONS' HOWLING STOPS Tell the driver to hurry. Step on it. I drive fast as I can. TYRES SCREECH HORN BLASTS Problems? HORNS BLAST URGENT KNOCKING Carl, is that you? No, it's Oda Mae. Molly, I know what you think but you're in danger. Sam's with me. We have to talk. Get out. I'm calling the police. That's good. Good! But you must let us in. No. Don't you get it! Sam was murdered. He found out Carl was laundering money. Carl's dangerous. He'll try to kill you. You are in deep trouble. Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me?! (Sobs) I can't...can't take... Tell her she's wearing the shirt I spilled the margarita on and the earrings I gave her. Sam says you're wearing the shirt he spilled the margarita on and the earrings he gave you. I'M NOT A FAKE! Not about this. Give me a penny, quick. What? Push a penny under the door. WHAT?! Just do it. Tell her it's for luck. Sam says it's for luck. 1 Between Green and Mercer on Prince. It's opposite the post office. Thanks, Sergeant. Please hurry. We'll be waiting. They're on their way. Good. So, what do we do now? Huh! Just wait. Is Sam here? Sam? I'm sitting beside her. He's sitting beside you. Sam, can you feel me? With all my heart. With all his heart. If I could just touch you once more. He says he wishes he was alive again so he could touch you. Me too. OK, OK. Look... ..you can use me. Use you? You can use my body. Use your body? Quick - before I change my mind. AIR CRACKLES AND SIZZLES SONG: # Oh, my love # My darling # I've hungered for your touch # A long, lonely time # And time goes by so slowly # And time can do so much # Are you still mine? # I need your love # I need your love # God speed your love to me # Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea # To the open arms of the sea # Yeah # Oh, my love # My darling # I've hungered # Hungered for your... # Molly! Molly, are you home?! It's Carl. MOLLY! Fire escape. What's happening to me? Molly? Molly?! NOISE OUTSIDE Molly! You bitch! WINDOW RATTLES UP WINDOW CRASHES DOWN Come on! Oh, look. Look! Oh. Let's go! That way! WINDOW RATTLES UP Molly! Get away from us, Carl! Up! (Grunts) MOLLY! You're a liar! This woman's a thief! A con artist! Why are you doing this? STOP! Get away from us. I called the police. (Grunts) Oh! Shit! Aaahh...OH! Why are you doing this? She's a thief! Gimme the cheque! Carl, no! Stay out of this , Molly! Keep out of this, Molly! Get...off me! Where is it? WHERE IS IT? Where is it? I gave it away. You're lying. Don't...lie to me, goddamn it! (Cocks pistol) The cheque. (Gasps in fear) WHOOSHING NOISE (Grunts) (Fires wildly) (Cries out) Sam! I swear I'll kill her! Just... Look, just give me the cheque, Sam, OK? I'll let her go if I get it, OK? LOW HUMMING NOISE Sam? HUMMING BUILDS Sam? CRACKLING WHOOSH (Grunts) GLASS SHATTERS GLASS SHATTERS (Screams) (Carl's fingers squeak on glass) SIZZLING, CRACKLING NOISE Huh! Sam! Oh, Carl! What? OMINOUS MUSIC (Gasps in fear) DEMONIC WAILING AND SCREECHING GROANING AND HOWLING DEMON SPIRITS SCREECH (Screams) NO! (Screams) Aaaagh! No! NO! (Screams grow weaker) DEMONS' HOWLING STOPS Are you two alright? Sam? Molly? I can hear you! 'UNCHAINED MELODY' PLAYS Oh, God! ODA MAE: Sam... They're waiting for you, Sam. I'll miss you. Your mother would be proud. I'll miss you too, Sam. You're alright. 'Bye, Oda Mae. 'Bye, Sam. I love you, Molly. I've always loved you. Ditto! It's amazing, Molly. The love inside ` you take it with you. See ya. See ya. Bye. 'UNCHAINED MELODY' FADES
  • Feature films--United States
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  • Murder victims--Drama