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Sandy has the summer adventure of a lifetime when he is sent to a rustic island in the Florida Keys, and makes a new friend - called Flipper.

Primary Title
  • Flipper
Date Broadcast
  • Friday 30 December 2016
Release Year
  • 1996
Start Time
  • 15 : 50
Finish Time
  • 17 : 35
  • 105:00
  • TVNZ 2
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • Sandy has the summer adventure of a lifetime when he is sent to a rustic island in the Florida Keys, and makes a new friend - called Flipper.
  • G
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Feature films--United States
  • Flipper (Fictitious character)--Drama
  • Dolphins--Drama
  • Adventure
  • Family
  • Alan Shapiro (Director)
  • Arthur Weiss (Writer)
  • Alan Shapiro (Writer)
  • Paul Hogan (Actor)
  • Elijah Wood (Actor)
  • Jonathan Banks (Actor)
  • American Films (Production Unit)
  • The Bubble Factory (Production Unit)
DOLPHINS CALL DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYS SOFT MUSIC PLAYS MAJESTIC MUSIC PLAYS MAJESTIC MUSIC CONTINUES MUSIC BECOMES SOFTER PEOPLE CHATTER CHICKENS CLUCK GOAT BLEATS It's the big house on the left. Casa de Porter. (LAUGHS) Hello? WOMEN LAUGH Thank you, ladies. (LAUGHS) See you, Porter! Whoo! Just the one. It's not 5 o'clock yet. (BURPS) I beg your pardon? What do you say? (GRUNTS) Good boy. Sandy? Yep. I thought you weren't coming till Thursday. It is Thursday. Looks like I missed your boat. Looks like I missed your boat. (CAWS) Don't worry, buddy. Your Uncle Porter will make it up to you. What is this place, anyway? Well, it was an abandoned fishing camp. I ran aground here a few years ago and decided to make it home. It was a real dump when I got here. I'll show you around. You'll love it. (CAWS) (CAWS) Hey. Heel. Heel, boy. Ah, I think we're in the poo, little mate. There you go. Like Spaghetti-Os much? Oh, I'm a bargain hunter. When the cruise ships here, grease the right palms, you can do some terrific deals. Any passengers on the Viking Serenade that want Spaghetti-Os, they're out of luck. I'm sure they're bumming. I know they're not Omaha steaks, but you won't go hungry. There's got to be some mistake. You cannot be my uncle. Well, you know what they say. You choose your friends, can't choose your relatives. Ha ha. Why don't you unpack? I'll, uh, rustle us up some grub. How much did she pay you to take me off her hands? I resent that, Sandy. When your mother called, I didn't hesitate. If anyone knows all there is to know about divorce, it's me. Family's very important. You guys are all I've got. How much? $100 a week. J-Just for the summer. Ha. Oh, boy, she really lowballed you, man. Story of my life, kid. This concert's history. THUNDER ROLLS PORTER ON PA: All hands on deck! All hands on deck! (IMITATES SIREN) Ha ha ha. Come on, sailor. Shake a leg. You don't get up, you don't eat. Come on. Time to rock 'n' roll. You want your Spaghetti-Os with our without? With or without what? Peewee franks. Suit yourself. But once we get out on that ocean, you can't order up a pizza. You ever been fishing? What did you catch? A whale, but I threw it back. No, I'm asking because a lot of people think fishing's a bamboo pole and a six-pack of suds, but it's tougher than that. Oh, really? What about seasickness? That an issue? Look, I can handle it. Sure you can. Where's that bait, sailor? Eat my butt. SANDY VOMITS Hey, you OK? SANDY VOMITS 'IT'S NOT UNUSUAL' BY TOM JONES PLAYS # It's not unusual to be loved by anyone. # It's not unusual to have fun with anyone. # But when I see you hanging about with anyone. # Hey, Porter, at least it floats. Ha ha ha, yeah. Funny. You butt-faced wombat. Look, just keep your eyes on the horizon. For how long? As long as it takes to keep your cookies down. Dolphin's stealing all the bait. It's scaring the fish away. Whoa. GUNSHOT DOLPHIN CALLS GUNSHOT DOLPHIN CALLS DOLPHIN WHIMPERS GUNSHOT GUNSHOT That's not fishing, kid. That's murder. That's pathetic. DOLPHIN CALLS DOLPHIN CALLS (CALLS) Hey, kid! You see where that dolphin went? Yeah. He went that way. Are you sure? All right, Hank. Go on. Get out of here. (CLICKS) Go on. Go! (CALLS) Go! d BOY: Am I going to see you at this concert? SANDY: The Chili Peppers are mine. I am making this concert. You're splitting? You're splitting? Oh-ho, am I splitting. Hey, Tommy, heard a nasty rumour you were moving back to the mainland. You know how it's been, Porter. Fish are gone, I'm gone. You going to give up the good life and go punch a clock for someone? Good life's ancient history, Porter. I can barely feed the cat with what I bring in. Don't worry. I'm on the 5am ferry. Just pick me up tomorrow night. We'll be at the concert. Got to jet. Here comes the hippie. Thought you might like a change. Why? I don't know. PORTER: Yo! It's a marvellous one. Aren't you a bit warm in there, Marv? What's wrong with him? Oh, Marvin's a little shy, but you hand him a spring and a piece of wire, and he'll give you back an outboard motor. But I don't want to hurt him. Well, sweetheart, it's just a-- Um, OK, you know what? We're going to put him back in here with his friends, and we're going to use this guy right here because he's not going to mind at all. Have fun fishing. OK. Become a marine biologist, and you can bait hooks, too. But if you'd have stayed in Boston, you wouldn't see me every day. But if you'd have stayed in Boston, you wouldn't see me every day. Just my luck. So this must be Sandy. Hi, I'm Cathy. Well, he probably told you all about me. No. PORTER: Where do I get my stuff? PORTER: Where do I get my stuff? Probably at the store. How's he doing? Like a pizza delivered upside down. Oh. Extra cheese? I'll straighten him out. You cooking dinner tonight? Why? Tired of blow-torching Spaghetti-Os? I suppose you heard old Tommy's leaving the island. No decent catch since spring. I may know why. Those fish you brought in, they're loaded with dioxin. What's dioxin? It's a by-product of herbicides. Really nasty. How would that get into our water? How would that get into our water? ELECTRICITY SPARKS Careful, honey. Do you think we'll ever get him out of that smelly raincoat? We could get it dry-cleaned with him still inside it. Smart ass. You never take me seriously. Well, that's not fair. Go ahead, hit me with your best shot. When are we getting married? I'm going to go out and fix the net. Porter Ricks. PORTER: Sandy! CATHY SIGHS Think he'll ever grow up, Marv? EERIE MUSIC PLAYS (SINGS) (GRUNTS) What are you doing? Hey, Sandy, do I look cool or what? Or what. It's the shirt. It was given to me personally by Brian Wilson himself. Who? Brian Wilson. The Beach Boys. What are they teaching you kids at school? I'm tired. I think I'll hit the hay early. Good thinking. Cathy's number's on the wall. If you get hungry there's plenty of Spaghetti-Os. I know. I'm late. See you in the a.m., kid. See you in the a.m. Not. GAME BEEPS DOLPHIN CALLS DOLPHIN CALLS Hello? (CALLS) (CALLS) (CALLS) (CLICKS) Is that you? (CLICKS) (CALLS) Come on. (CLICKS) (CALLS) (CALLS) (CLICKS) (CALLS) (CLICKS) (CALLS) (CALLS) GAME BEEPS (CLICKS) Cool. (CLICKS) HORN BLOWS Sorry, got to jet. See you. (CLICKS) (CALLS) RADIO: ...Eastern Daylight Time. A hurricane watch is in effect for tonight through Thursday for all coastal regions. Tropical-storm force winds are expected to spread across portions of the south-east coast during the next few hours. Storm surge flooding of 10 to 14 feet above normal tides... Come on. Shake a leg, sailor. You don't get up, you don't eat. RADIO: ...precautions to protect life and property should now be completed. Sandy? Earthquake! Oh, Jeez. Storm's coming. You ought to be boarding up your windows. I can't, Ross. Looking for a runaway nephew. Well, you can call off the search. He took the first ferry out. By the way, uh, I'll need $22.50. He put it on your tab. WIPEOUT PLAYS He is so cute. You should go over and tell him so. PORTER: Sandy, I am by nature a gentle soul. However, I can crush a coconut with my bare hands. I want you to hold that thought as we make our exit... with dignity. with dignity. (GRUNTS) THUNDER RUMBLES Get that rope. Unh. Unh. Sandy. Get the line. Sandy! Unh. PELICAN CAWS Oh, nice going, kid-- Do you know what you just did? Do you have any idea? Yeah. I probably saved your life. Yeah. You made me blow Chili Peppers laminates. Now what am I going to do? The next concert's in Orlando, I don't have-- Do you have any idea? Great. Oh, bloody great. Yeah, I'd love to see Sandy. Send him down. It'll be fun. It'll cost me my house and my boat, but... Ah, I might as well give it all up and go and join Tommy on the mainland. Why didn't you just let me go? 'Cause I'm not finished with you yet, young fella. Don't talk to me like my father. I'm not looking for another father. Good. Makes us even, 'cause I'm not looking for a son. Especially a screw-up teenager like you. Oh, you don't know me. You know nothing about me. Tell you what I do know, kid. This here is the earth, this is a great big ocean, and this is our tiny little island, and your mum is way over there somewhere. So no matter how loud you scream, she can't hear you. You've got no friends. You've got no money. You've got no malls to hang around in. You're stuck, Jack. All you have is me. So get used to it. And relax. We've got a long, ugly day in front of us. And night. Going to use that pillow? Thank you. Oh! Did you hear him snore all bloody night? Oh, man. Ah. Is nothing sacred? Jeez... Ah...get off there, Pete. Look, since I know how in love you are with being here, I'll make you a deal. You work for me, help get this mess cleaned up, and I'll make sure you make that concert in Orlando. How? I don't even have tickets any more. Kid, you're dealing with Porter Ricks here. If it exists, I can get it. We'll make it to that show. We? You don't think I'd let you go alone, do you? Besides, I can dig the Chili Peppers. Not exactly The Beach Boys, but who is? We have a deal? ENGINE ROARS Power it in! You should start with the fish pen nettings. The diving masks and stuff you'll need's in the shed. Anything else you need's in town. I'm gonna have to stay with the boat in the mainland for a couple of days. Sure you're gonna be all right? I'll be fine! And Cathy will drop in on you from time to time, and you can always reach me through the Coast Guard station. But nothing's gonna happen, right? Right. Right. (CALLS) Aah! (CLICKS) You! Whoo! CALYPSO SONG PLAYS (PLAYS JEW'S HARP) You like my dolphin? Your dolphin? (CLICKS) (CLICKS) That's right. I found him. Then what's his name? Uh... His--His name is Flipper. I've never seen one alone like this. They're usually with their families. Alone, he'd be no match for Scar. Who's Scar? He's the hammerhead that stalks these waters. He's big and ugly. Legend has it, he took out a boat full of tourists. Some say he has a taste for out-of-towners. Don't you ever! That's the jerk who tried to kill Flipper. I was out in my uncle's boat, and he was shooting at him. It's Dirk Moran. He's a bottom feeder. What are you doing? I'm hypnotising. Dolphins love music. Well, it's not working. Well, if he's really yours, then make him do something. Uh... OK. Sure. Um, all right. Uh... All right, Flipper, what do you want to do today? Flipper... Flipper... jump! Awesome! Yeah, you know. Um, but where did he go? Um.... (CALLS) BOTH GIGGLE I'm Kim. Sandy. (CLICKS) Hey, he's hungry. Really? So where do you get the fish to feed him? I have to feed him? He's your dolphin. Well, yeah... Come on, I got an idea. She's looking good there, Porter. Thanks. Did most of it myself-- most of it. All I gotta do now is earn enough money to pay for her. You oughta take a lesson from that young nephew of yours. He's getting to be quite a businessman. What's he been up to? You'll see. Heh heh heh. Fish go in the bucket. $1 to see Flipper, the wonder dolphin. $1.00 and fish, please. That'll be $1.00. Did you put your fish in? OK. $1.00. Wow! SANDY: Step right this way. Now you throw this in the water, and Flipper will come back with it. Come on. Go get it! # Everyone loves the king of the sea. # # Ever so kind... Don't ask me how he does it, kid. Even I can't explain. # Tricks he will do... Oh, what is this? It's a penny. A Lincoln penny. It's a vintage, man. Enjoy! # They call him Flipper, Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning. # No one you'll see smarter than he. # # Flipper, Flipper lives in a world full of wonder,... # flying down under, under the sea. # Hey, Marvin! Come on in! No charge! d CHILDREN SHOUT KIM: $1.00. Thank you very much. Fish goes in the bucket. $1.00. Thank you very much. Fish goes right there. Whoa, excuse me. Excuse me! You need a fish to get in. I don't have to pay, Kim. I own this circus. Sandy, what's going on here? Oh, hi. My best Havanas. You're smoking my best Havanas. It's the Flipper show. What the hell's a Flipper? All right, the Flipper show is over. All you kids, go home now! Come on! Sorry. You can have your fish back. ALL ARGUE Now! See you, Sandy. Go easy on him, Mr Ricks. KID: Gosh, he's mean. I thought we had a deal. I thought you were gonna fix up the house. I did it so Flipper could eat. Who do you think you're dealing with, you half-grown, little con man? You did it to turn some coin. I didn't do too bad for myself, either. Hey! Hey! House cut. And as for you, you oversized dummy, I see we're gonna have to bring out the heavy artillery. (CALLS) PORTER: We're gonna try a whole new approach. It's called dealing with your crap. This is how it works. Number one, you gotta learn to take responsibility for your actions... and the consequences of those actions. Number two, you're gonna start getting up and going to work on time, and at work, you're gonna bust hump and not gripe. Sometimes you'll be called on to use your little brain. Now, that's gonna hurt at first because it's the weakest muscle in your body. Number three, you're gonna look after that dolphin. Seeing as the thing won't go away, you're gonna feed it every day, and you're gonna feed it on your own time. Number four... stand up straight! Oh, yeah. You want to be a big man and smoke a cigar, right? Fire up that puppy and keep it stoked. From now on, when I smoke, you smoke. # It's automatic when I talk with old friends. # The conversation turns to girls we knew # when their hair was soft and long # and the beach was the place to go. # The suntanned bodies... Miss Marge. Miss Marge. # and waves of sunshine, the California girls... # Washed your hands? Sit down. Stogies down. Let's eat. Um, when are you gonna come pick me up? MOTHER: In a couple of weeks. Sandy, what do you have in your mouth? A cigar. A what? I've been smoking up a storm. Uncle Porter lets me drink all the beer I want. He also knows a lot of loose women. Put your uncle on. DISH SHATTERS Camp Porter. Camp Porter. What is going on down there? He can't smoke. He's a kid! Hang on a sec, love. SANDY VOMITS It's OK. I think he's just about to kick the habit. Ready for another? Oh, please. Please, I'll never smoke again. Good thinking. Now, go on and take care of that baldheaded fish. Good boy! All right, thanks. Bring this to Sandy. Go on. CATHY: Porter! Porter! I can't find Marvin anywhere. He's never done this before. I'm really worried. Jump in. A minute 20. Hey, Sandy. SANDY: Oh, hey, Marvin. What's up? Pretty cool, huh? Come on down. Easy on the dock there, Marv. It's kind of slippery. Whoa, Marv! All right, Marv. Meet Flipper. (CALLS) Marv?! Flipper! Way to go, Marv! (WHISPERS) Excuse me, are you guys telling secrets? Well, we were just wondering what the deal is with you two. What do you mean? Well, are you going in for the long haul, or is it just a casual fling? Oh, sorry. Is that the wrong question? No. No, Sandy, not at all. Actually, I'd be really interested in the answer to that question. Come on, eat up. It's getting cold. Well, well, well, the gang's all here. Porter, word has it you have a pet dolphin. Is that right? I wouldn't call it a pet, Dirk. No? You know, fishing being the way it's been, we don't need a dolphin to tear holes in nets, steal bait, or cause regulations. But you know that, don't you, mate? We're talking about one dolphin, Dirk. You stay out of this, Miss Heal The Bay. One dolphin is one too many. (CHUCKLES) Miss Heal The Bay. Bad smell around here, isn't it? What's that guy's problem, anyway? Dirk Moran just resents any life form with more intelligence than his. That takes in just about everything, including these clams. FLIPPER CALLS MEN SHOUT What do you think you're doing? They're hurting him! That's enough! Go on, you've had your fun. Let the animal go. Well, if it isn't the Greenpeace warrior. Well, if it isn't the Greenpeace warrior. MEN LAUGH Don't you see this animal means something to the kid? It does? Well...now isn't that sweet? Isn't that sweet, boys? Yeah. Ha ha ha. The kid and the fish are pals. You know, if I were you, boy, I'd watch how I choose my friends. I said enough. You got no right to do that. I oughta teach you a lesson. Yeah. I'd like that. I have a thirst for knowledge. Teach me. Sshh. School's out for the day, is it? Thought so. Maybe next time. There'll be a next time. You can count on it, Ricks. Good boy. Yeah, come here. You'll be fine. Come here. Let me see those teeth. Here you go. Here you go. Ah, perfect. SHERIFF: Slow it down. Oh, Buck. How the devil are you? Doing just fine, Porter, and you? Oh, pretty good. Bit of storm damage to the old chateau, but nothing we can't handle. Lucky dolphin, getting the pro treatment. How you doing, Buck? I'm doing fine, 'cept a little birdie told me you folks found yourselves this animal. Porter, you can't keep a dolphin. Well, that's the funny part, Buck. We're not actually keeping him, you see. He just stays. I'm not trying to chase him away with a broom, you know, but he's taken a fancy to us, especially young Sandy. He's also harassing the fishermen. What? What? And that's another thing we can't allow. Well, I don't know who told you that, Buck, but it's just not true. It doesn't matter, Porter. It really doesn't. The law says, unless that animal's in a licensed captivity programme, he must be at sea. You're here to take him, Buck. You can't do that. He's used to being fed. He's right. I mean that animal probably can't fend for itself any more. Porter, Porter, help me out here, ol' buddy. They'll just go stick him in some aquarium and revoke your fishing licence to boot. FLIPPER CALLS Good boy. OK. Good boy. Easy now. Good boy. Slow down, guys. Just a little slower. PORTER: You want to come, or are you gonna wait here? All set, Porter! Wait! It's OK, boy. Good boy. CATHY: OK, guys. Let it down slowly. Easy, easy, easy! FLIPPER CLICKS (CALLS) (CALLS) h Sandy! SANDY: Flipper! KIM: Flipper! We're almost out of gas. It's cold. There you go. There you go. Thanks. STARTER FALTERS Come on! Let's get out of here. Another day in paradise. You sleep out here all night? I know you miss him. He belongs out there. It just seems that things always mess up when you start caring about 'em. It's like they say, to live is to love. All reason's against it, all instinct's for it. What does that mean? I don't know. Read it on a calendar. But I do know it's good that you care. People who don't care wind up in a home, drooling creamed spinach. Porter... how come you don't have any kids? Kids require commitment. Commitment ain't one of my strengths. I'm probably worried if I had a kid, he'd turn out just like me. That might not be so bad. On the other hand, he might turn out like you. Hah. Now that would be a nightmare. Yeah. Heh heh. Special delivery. I got us front and centre. You mean you're really gonna go to the concert with me? Why not? Hey... I was grunge before they had a word for it. Ah, speaking of grunge, there's a load of dirty laundry in there with your name on it. Enjoy. Sandy! Hey, Sandy! PELICAN CAWS What's the matter, Pete? PELICAN CAWS Sandy! (CALLS WEAKLY) Oh, no. What's wrong with him? Oh, God, Sandy, do something! Hold him up! Don't let him sink! Stay with him. I'll be back. How're the kids? They're all fine. Everybody's doing good. You gotta come quick! He came back. I think he's dying. Come here. Come here, boy. Good boy. His breathing is shallow. He's probably dehydrated. Let me see your mouth. Who's for pizza? I see a dolphin. I'll do some tests, but the only thing keeping him alive right now is the will to live. Do you have a blender? Beg your pardon? What do you call it? Uh, it's sort of a dolphin shake. You know, an emergency supply of iron, protein, calcium, bunch of other nutrients. Can you open that? By any chance, would you have some Jell-O? Jell-O? Marshmallow cream. Rancid. Ohh! Dead. Will you go for tropical punch? Sorry. No problem. I've got a handy vacuum. Pete. I'd say he bit a cockroach. Here. It's better from you. Come on, buddy. You can do it. Please, Flipper. Just try it. Come on... That's it. There you go. Come on. Listen, I'm sorry about that time when I yelled at you and stuff. (CALLS) And in case you're feeling better later, I saved you a couple of slices with extra anchovies. (CALLS) (CALLS) (CLICKS) Flipper! This is quite a spread for you. Actually... I was thinking of doing croissants, but I didn't want to give you a heart attack. Well, it's the thought that counts, like bringing someone flowers. You'll do it one day. I brought you flowers. I brought you flowers. You are such a liar. What do you call that? Ha! Weeding. Oh. There's Janet with the test results. (LAUGHS) (CLICKS) (CLICKS) I can't believe this guy. He's just like a little kid. Ha ha! All he wants to do is play. Come here. Go on. Aw, good boy. That's it. Looks like our friend was more than dehydrated. He was poisoned. Those tests before were right. You got levels of dioxin off the chart for these waters. Another meal out there, he would have been glowing. Another meal out there, he would have been glowing. Someone poisoned him? Or poisoned the water. Probably the reason your fishing's gone to hell. Doesn't make sense. I mean, the nearest industry's on the mainland. Well, maybe the mainland has found a cheap place to dump toxic garbage. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. What now? The other night, Kim and I went out looking for Flipper. Dirk Moran's boat was out there. We saw some guys tossing barrels or something over the side. Sandy, this is really important. Do you remember where you guys were? Definitely. Exactly. Can you show us? Can you show us? No problem. KIM: This is it. Right here. SANDY: No way. No, it's over here. No, it was right-- I'm positive this is it. This is where-- I'm telling you, I remember where it is. Actually, it was more this way. No, no. It's over here. No, I'm telling you, it was over here. Know it was around here somewhere. Somewhere? Could you be a bit more specific? Well, it was dark. What do you want? I'm from Chicago. It's not like there were street signs. Help me out here, Kim. Did you notice the lighthouse on the way out, any buoys? Pretty sure this was the basic spot. Yeah. Me, too. Well, if you're anywhere near right, then Dirk Moran's been dumping poison smack in the middle of my fishing grounds. We better head back. We think we know why the fishing's been so lousy lately. What's it this time, Porter, algae blooms, El Nino, bad karma? Buck, someone may be criminally poisoning these waters. Yeah, and we think we know who. Look, when Flipper came back sick, I did some tests. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Am I hearing this? That dolphin's back? Just hear us out, Buck. We're talking about toxic waste. Costs big bucks to dispose of it properly, but if you can just dump it in the ocean... Buck, you gotta do something. Look at these test results. I'm not interested in computer printouts. Bring me some hard evidence that somebody's been dumping, and I'll bust them. Buck-- Save it. Do you have any idea how many marine parks I've turned away since that dolphin's shown up? Animal smart as that makes a fine attraction. If Flipper's still here on Monday, I will personally see to it that he's jumping through flaming hoops at Sea World on Tuesday. Aw... We're not still talking about this dolphin, are we? No, actually, uh, Dirk, we were discussing the possibility that some... slimeball has been dumping toxic waste on my side of the island. Maybe that explains why fishing's been so lousy lately. Now, you have an active imagination, Porter. Why, it was just yesterday a fellow landed a marlin there. Trophy-size. Now, you see, these things happen. Nature has its... rhythms. The fishing'll be back. You'll be feeling like the little boy that cried wolf. Remember what I said about that dolphin, Porter. d What did he say? Said he needed more hard evidence. Like dead fish ain't enough. He also said Flipper has to be gone by Monday. OK, look, we still have until Monday. That gives us three days. Three days for what? To deploy our secret weapon, Flipper. What are you talking about? Project Quickfind. The navy started playing with it after Korea. They trained dolphins to find things, you know, on the ocean floor, like spy satellites, As-Rock missiles, junk like that. It was top-secret. Kim, get the buoys. How come you know about it? Oh, I did some part-time work. You didn't tell me you were navy. You never told me about what's her name down at the marina. Well, that was years ago. How'd you know about that? Cast off. Come on, guys. We've got work to do. Let's go. Sandy, swap me at the bow. Marv. Let's go. Hey, Sandy. Looks like we're gonna miss that concert. What concert? Hydrophone? Nitrox? Submersible pressure gauge? GPS? EPERB? Zinc oxide. TP. Dramamine. Seasickness. I don't need this. Sandy, a man should never hurl in front of his woman. Thanks. Something to live by. Nice outfit, Marvin. Figures. (STARTS ENGINE) (STARTS ENGINE) Wait for me! Yeah! KIM: Go, Flipper! Yeah! Ha! Oh, Porter, can you, um, go downstairs and help Marvin set up the computer? Computer? Yeah. Ah, yeah. No problem. What are you gonna do? Me? Oh, I'm command central. I-I'm gonna keep track of Flipper's progress so we don't cover the same ground twice. Just let me know when the grunt work's done, OK? Grunt work? Well, we both know I'm good at that. OK, Sandy, uh, make sure that Flipper's ready, and, Kim, why don't you spot, OK? Marvin, I think this one's for you. Flipper's secret can be summed up in one word: echo-location. Echo-what? Dolphin sonar. See, Flipper sends a beam of sound toward an object and receives an echo back. He can see in total darkness. He's great at loose change. It's like he's a dog, but instead of using his nose, he looks with his, um... echo...thing. Uh, yeah. Exactly. I couldn't have said it better. Well, the navy took it one step further. Come in, central command. We are in the approximate splashdown area and awaiting further orders. CATHY: Copy that. Send Flipper when the ball is secure. He'll hit it when he finds something. Over. Go on, boy. Go find it. (CLICKS) That's a negative on station one, commander. First station negative. Proceed to interrogate next station. PORTER: You know, I love all this navy talk. Hey, Cath, you still have your old uniform? Ah, Guppy says negative on station four. (CALLS) (SIGHS) PORTER: That's a negative on station 15. Must have searched the whole ocean by now. (PLAYS JEW'S HARP) Maybe we ought to call it quits and come back tomorrow. Mmm. Gee, this Martha Stewart's a clever woman. She's made curtains here out of old fishing nets. Oh, that'd work at my place. Porter, I think you really need to get a life. Flipper. Na, just sea swells. Well, I think he found something. Hey, look. (CALLS) Cath! What's happening? I think he's found something. Yes. What do we do now? I say it's time for the Flip-o-cam. Flip-o-cam? Flip-o-cam? You made this? You're starting to scare me, Marv. SANDY: Come on. CAMERA BEEPS DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYS Giant squid astern, sir. Marv, I... VIDEO BEEPS KIM: I don't see anything. I'll bet that's his family. Oh, my God. Gross. We better get ahold of Buck. Buck. Try the EPA or the Coast Guard. Coast Guard, Coast Guard, this is the Reliable. Over. Coast Guard, Coast Guard, this is the Reliable. Over. Coast Guard, Coast Guard, this is the Reli-- Gotcha. SIGNAL SCRAMBLES Coast Guard, Coast Guard, this is the Reliable. Over. Porter, it's not working. SANDY: Hey. What happened? Marvin, what's wrong? Flipper! Flipper! That'll send a radio signal out so we can find the spot again. Hey, Porter, I'm not leaving without Flipper. Not now, Sandy. This is not the time. SIGNAL BEEPS Flipper! Flipper! Flipper! Aah! This is Porter Ricks. Anyone out there? Hey, Marv... where's Sandy? Flipper. Oh, my gosh. Mr Ricks! Great. Buck-- Sandy's gone. Not now, love. Buck-- Oh, God. # Cos you know just what to say, # I sometimes see you pass outside my door. TEXT MESSAGE DINGS # Hello? TEXT MESSAGE CHIMES # ...you're looking for? # I can see it in your eyes, # I can see it in your smile. TEXT MESSAGE DINGS # You're all I've ever wanted, # and my arms are open wide. TEXT MESSAGE CHIMES # Cos you know just what to say, # and you know just what to do. # And I want to tell you so much # I love you. # d Flipper! Flipper? Scar. (BREATHES HEAVILY) (SCREAMS) SANDY SCREAMS Help! Help! Help! Come on, boy! Don't look back! Swim! That's a boy. (LAUGHS) Come here. You're safe, son. Boy, I'll tell you, that's one courageous little dolphin. Too bad you had to see us that night, son. Ohh! Hey. Thanks, buddy. Oh, that's a good boy. Thank you. You all right? Yeah, I'm fine. Thank God. Your mother would have killed me. You remember that story about Scar? Yeah. It's true. DIRK GASPS Ah. Yeah. Thanks. You're welcome. (GASPS) DIRK: Aah! Ohh! You're hurting my wrists! BUCK: Get that piece of sea slime out of here. You goin' down. Let's go. I think we got it in time. EPA's on the way. Not to worry. We'll heal these waters up, thanks to Flipper. What about Flipper? He saved my life. Yeah. How about it, Buck? Well, as long as he's free, I guess he's free to make this his home. Ha ha. All right. And we'll have a pretty nifty dolphin looking out for us. CATHY: All right. How about it, Sandy? (CALLS) FLIPPER CALLS (BREATHES DEEPLY) (CALLS) He should go. What? He belongs with his family. FLIPPER CALLS (CALLS) (CALLS) What is it? (CHATTERS) No. I can't come. Go on, boy. It's OK. Please. Just go! HORN HONKS Hi, Mom. Hey, bud. Ha ha. So, how was your summer? Oh, it was a total blast. A total blast, huh? Well, I can hardly wait to hear about it. See you around, Marv. Hey... what's the matter? Flipper. He'll be back. You'll see. Gonna miss you. Aw, gonna miss you, too. KIM: Sandy! Give me a sec. Come on, honey. Let's go on the boat. You gonna miss me? Goodbye. Bye. Take it easy, kid. MAN: All aboard! > Bye. Bye. Take care. ENGINE STARTS Wait! I forgot one thing. Can I come back next summer? I think you better. I just made a deal for a 150-pound of spam. Go on. Get. NO AUDIO CHILD SCREAMS Here! > Whoo! > Hey, come on! Check it out! CHILDREN TALK EXCITEDLY Hey, come on, guys! ALL CHEER Captioning performed by the National Captioning Institute, Inc. www.able.co.nz Captions were made possible with funding from NZ On Air. Able 1999
  • Feature films--United States
  • Flipper (Fictitious character)--Drama
  • Dolphins--Drama