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Rose, Tom, Ben and Hunter track Eliza back to the city and hatch a plan to rescue her from the Reaper Fortress.

A group of teenagers try to survive in a world where all the adults have suddenly vanished, along with the Internet and electricity.

Primary Title
  • The Cul De Sac
Date Broadcast
  • Saturday 11 August 2018
Start Time
  • 18 : 00
Finish Time
  • 18 : 30
  • 30:00
  • 3
  • 4
  • TVNZ 2
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • A group of teenagers try to survive in a world where all the adults have suddenly vanished, along with the Internet and electricity.
Episode Description
  • Rose, Tom, Ben and Hunter track Eliza back to the city and hatch a plan to rescue her from the Reaper Fortress.
  • G
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Television programs--New Zealand
  • Drama
  • Mystery
  • Science fiction
  • Robyn Grace (Director)
  • Rene Le Bas (Writer)
  • Kathryn Burnett (Writer)
  • Alex Reed (Producer)
  • Greenstone TV (Production Unit)
  • NZ On Air (Funder)
Tie her up, and let's get outta here. I hate the country. Welcome to your new dominion. We run a kind of a resistance against the Reapers. They've evolved. They're bigger, stronger and somehow less human. Tracks. Reapers. Heading back to the city, by the looks of things. And they had a prisoner with them. Where are we heading? To find Eliza. We'll help you track her. I always thought your sister was the chosen one, that she and I were connected, that all of this was our destiny. But really, it was you all along. (REVERBERATING WHOOSH) There is no Eliza. (BIRDS WHISTLE, DOGS BARK) (HEAVY METAL MUSIC PLAYS IN DISTANCE) TV: As you can see, we've got some very unusual weather patterns forming... Mum, have you seen my name tag? Have you checked the kitchen counter? TV: ...we've got north-easterlies... Thanks! TV: ...summer storms across the entire country... # ...do you like what I've become? I'm nothing more than a mess... Eliza, can you turn that down? # ...don't forget to feed my pets... Eliza, I told you to turn that down. # ...cracks my toes, cos I'm... (MUSIC VOLUME INTENSIFIES) (MUSIC STOPS) You can't do that! Mum, she's being a total cow again! (RAIN HISSES, THUNDER ROLLS, DOGS BARK) (THUNDER CRACKS) (EERIE MUSIC) (THUNDEROUS RUMBLING) (SINISTER MUSIC INTENSIFIES) ('THE CUL DE SAC' THEME) Captions by Maeve Kelly. Edited by Antony Vlug. Www.able.co.nz Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air. Copyright Able 2018 (SERENE MUSIC) (GRAVEL CRUNCHES UNDERFOOT) (OMINOUS MUSIC) Everyone off the road. (SINISTER DRUM MUSIC) They're a lot bigger than I remember. And their numbers are growing. We need to keep moving. (ETHEREAL MUSIC) Better keep up, kid. No one's coming back for you. I can look after myself. Great. They'll be taking your sister to the fortress. It's right smack in the centre of town. It's like a magnet for all sorts of weirdos and crazies. Eliza would fit right in. We need to get into that fortress. Oh, it's heavily guarded. There's this one kid. He's tall, pale, a little touched. Doni. That's him. Didn't he blow up? Yeah, he died before, remember? He keeps the place locked down pretty tight. I can handle him. We're old friends. I mean, that may be so, but he's not gonna let you rock on up and take your sister. But relax. I may have a better way in. (DRAMATIC MUSIC) (DRAMATIC MUSIC SWELLS) Welcome to the Resistance. You set this all up yourself? Oh, not all by himself. I'm impressed. This way. Like I said, a full-frontal assault on the fortress is out of the question. We tried that already and got our butts handed back to us. But there is another way. There's a storm water drain that runs all through the fortress. The entrance is here, outside the fortress walls. But your pal Doni has it heavily guarded. Hmm. He's smart. Crazy, but smart. What we need is a distraction, something to draw the guards away from the entrance long enough for us to get inside. But what kind of distraction? A full-frontal assault. Were you not listening to what we just said? We already tried that. Ben, we don't even know these people. Why should we get involved at all? You're already involved. The Darkness that lives inside that fortress is growing stronger, and for some reason, my sister is part of its plan. I don't know why. But we have to get her out of there. (SCOFFS) If you decide to do nothing, the Darkness will eventually find you too. It'll find us all. We need to hit them from a distance. That way, no one gets hurt. What we need is artillery. Look around, kid. We're fighting with sticks and stones here. We've got everything we need to build a trebuchet. It` It's like a giant catapult. We use it to fire stuff at the walls, draw them out into the open and away from the fortress. Oh, which gives me enough time to sneak inside. That's a crazy plan. Yeah. Just crazy enough to work. What? I've always wanted to say that. (SINISTER MUSIC) (CLEARS THROAT) What? The Reapers. What about them? They're all just standing outside, looking up here. To be honest, I think they're kinda creepy, but` (CHOKES, GASPS) I have no interest in what you think. (SINISTER DRUM MUSIC) (THUNDER ROLLS IN DISTANCE) Our moment is finally at hand. This world will soon fall ` along with the others, one after another ` and our dark light will cover all of existence. (THUNDEROUS RUMBLING) Shh. (THUNDEROUS RUMBLING AND HOWLING WIND INTENSIFY) (WHOOSH!) (RUMBLING AND HOWLING CONTINUES IN DISTANCE) (THUNDER CRACKS, WIND SHRIEKS) (THUNDER DIES DOWN) (SINISTER DRUM MUSIC) Find my sister and bring her to me. (SINISTER DRUM MUSIC CONTINUES) that she and I were connected, that all of this was our destiny. But really, it was you all along. * (SERENE MUSIC) Hungry? Thanks. Do you mind? No. Go ahead. So, your old man was some kind of scientist? Yep. Right. Now I know where your brother gets it from. He's very clever. I wanted to be a scientist once. Once? Yeah, science is the reason all this stuff happened. You blame science? No. I blame the people in charge. My dad, he invented this machine that was supposed to improve the world, but the people in charge wanted to rush it. He tried to warn them, but... they didn't listen. So instead of improving the world, it tore it apart and let the Darkness in. What does Doni want with your sister? I dunno, but he thinks we're all connected to this somehow. What do you think? I don't think. I just wanna get my brother and sister as far away from all of this insanity as possible. (UNSETTLING MUSIC) (CRICKETS CHIRP) This machine of yours better not get us all killed tomorrow. No one asked you to help us. If it was up to me, I would've cut you and your sister loose. Look, I'll be there tomorrow, but not for your or your sisters. OK? I'll be there to help my people. Fair enough. Just be sure you stay well out of my way. Yeah? (SIGHS) (BIRDS WHISTLE, GRAVEL CRUNCHES UNDERFOOT) Ow. OK, this is it, people. Hunter. Huh? You go along with Tom and help coordinate the frontal assault. Don't fire till we're in position. We'll signal you, OK? (SIGHS) Good luck, everyone. SOFTLY: Are you sure this thing's gonna work? Define 'work'. Well, you've tested it, right? It'll work on the night. It is the night. What are you two whispering about? Hm? I'm watching you. Watching you real close. SOFTLY: I don't like that girl. Really? Mm. I think she's pretty cool. Promise me ` if things go bad, you make a run for it. No heroics. What could possibly go wrong (?) (CRASH!) (HEAVY METAL MUSIC PLAYS) (LOUD CHATTER) Welcome to Geigertown. Hey, watch it! Leave it. This lot would sell you to the Reapers for a handful of dirt. (HEAVY METAL MUSIC CONTINUES) All right. Signal them. We're in position. (ZIP!) They're in position. (CLEARS THROAT) Let's move out. (TENSE MUSIC) (EXHALES) (SINISTER DRUM MUSIC) (GROWLING) (TENSE MUSIC) This better work. It'll work. (EXHALES) (BREATHES HEAVILY) Please let this work. (WHOOSH!) (CLANG!) OK, we're outta here. No, wait! Let me make adjustments. (EXHALES) Your brother's plan is not working. No, give him a minute. (CREAK!) All right. That should work now. It better. (EXHALES) (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC) (CLICK!) (WHOOSH!) (WHOOSH!) (HIGH-PITCHED WHISTLE) (CRASH!) (GROWLS) Yes! Yeah! (CHEERING, LAUGHTER) (LAUGHS) Yes! Yeah! (CHEERING) What do you mean 'under attack'? (WIND HOWLS) (MUFFLED SCREAM) Take your men and put an end to this nonsense. (MISSILE CRASHES IN DISTANCE) (GROWLS) Go! (SINISTER DRUM MUSIC) (WHOOSH!) (CROWD CHATTERS) Time's up. It's too dangerous hanging around here. We'll get spotted. Wait, stop. (SINISTER DRUM MUSIC) (FAINT GROWLING) Come on. If we go in there, you need to know something. What? There's something living down in the drains. Good news is it sleeps during the day. We're just going to have to be very quiet. (SINISTER MUSIC) It is you. I never forget a face. Especially one as annoying as yours. Annoying?! We don't want any trouble. Just a sizeable reward for handing you over to Doni. Get out of my way. I really don't have time for this. I tried to be reasonable, right? Now things are gonna have to get unpleasant. You go. Let's do this. (TENSE MUSIC) (WHOOSH!) (MISSILE WHISTLES, CRASHES IN DISTANCE) (PANTS) We're running low. We've got bigger problems. (SINISTER DRUM MUSIC) Heading back to the city, by the looks of things. And they had a prisoner with them. Where are we heading? To find Eliza. * (SINISTER DRUM MUSIC) Time to run. Run? I'm tired of running. It's time! (DRAMATIC MUSIC) It's time we show these Reapers we're not gonna let them take our world without a fight. You might wanna follow the plan, but I'm keen to kick some butt. Who's with me? (CHEERING) You best get outta here, kid. Light her up. All right. And charge! (CROWD YELLS WAR CRY) (MOMENTOUS MUSIC) (WAR CRY CONTINUES) (WATER DRIPS NEARBY) (SCUFFLING) Hey, that hurt! That was nothing. Try this on for size. (WHACK!) (YELLS, GRUNTS IN PAIN) GRUNTS: God! Uh,... could you please keep it down? Don't tell me what to do! (WHACK!) (GRUNTS IN PAIN) Idiot. (GROANS) (GUTTURAL SNARLING) Sorry, I'm not going to hand you over to Doni. I'm gonna finish you off myself. (HOARSE RATTLE, GUTTURAL SNARL) Oh! Behind you. Yeah, I'm not falling for that. I'm not s` (SCUFFLING, SNARLING) (TENSE MUSIC) (DISTANT SHOUTING) (WHOOSH!) (GROWLS) Bro! Get outta here! (ACTION MUSIC) (PANTS) (GRUNTS) (GROWLS) (GRUNTS) (GROWLS) (OMINOUS MUSIC) Rose. Come to rescue Eliza. How noble. We've been in this position before. CHUCKLES: Yeah. Great times (!) Eliza, can you hear me? That won't work. Not this time. I'm far stronger. Thanks to that nuclear blast, a lot more of me managed to get through. It's not gonna be quite as easy to defeat me. Yeah, OK. Well, we'll see about that. Shh. (CRUNCH!) (GRUNTS, TRIES TO SPEAK) Your voice was really beginning to grate. (GASPS) Right. What I think we need is a clear demonstration as to just how much things have changed. This way. (WHIMPERS, GRUNTS) Hmm. The home team's doing well. (DISTANT YELLING) Oh, look, Rose. It's our little brother, Tom. (GRUNTS IN PANIC) (PANTS, WHIMPERS) Right. Here's the deal. I need your help for the final stage of my plan. I could use Tom as a bargaining chip. We all know that didn't work out last time. And there is no point trying to reason with you, asking you to join me to rule the galaxy together. So I've decided it's time to take the gloves off. (BREATHES HEAVILY) I will destroy you. Not physically, but mentally. What's the one thing in this entire world that's most important to you? No need to answer. It was a rhetorical question. It's your family. You've already lost Eliza, and heaven knows where your dad got to. The only one left is Tom. If he goes, you'll have nothing. So I truly believe that watching him die will break you. (WHIMPERS) So. Are you ready? Comfy? (GRUNTS) Can you see properly? (WHIMPERS) Good. (WHIMPERS) (ELECTRICITY CRACKLES, WIND ROARS) (YELLING, GRUNTING) (GROWLS) (GRUNTS) (GRUNTS) (YELLS) (GRUNTS) Thanks. Now can we get outta here? We've got them on the ropes. (THUNDEROUS RUMBLING) (ELECTRICITY CRACKLES) (ROSE WHIMPERS) (WHIMPERS) Rose. (WHIMPERS) (CRACKLING INTENSIFIES) (SONOROUS BOOM) (REVERBERATING WHOOSH) (CRUMBLING) Watch out! (YELLING, SCREAMING) (THUNDEROUS RUMBLING INTENSIFIES) (WHOOSH!) (WHOOSH!) (WHOOSH!) (GASPS IN ANGUISH) Let it out. (GASPS, CRIES) Find a dark and cold hole somewhere, and throw her in it. (POIGNANT MUSIC) (GASPS, SOBS) # World is so much prettier tonight. # It does something strange to your mind. # But time doesn't stop. # It keeps moving on # like the oceans in between us, # but the memories never leave us. # I may have lost you... #
  • Television programs--New Zealand