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Rose, Lucas and Doni find themselves trapped deep underground in a nest of Creepers. Meanwhile Jack, Eliza and Tom are forced to defend the house.

A group of teenagers try to survive in a world where all the adults have suddenly vanished, along with the Internet and electricity.

Primary Title
  • The Cul De Sac
Date Broadcast
  • Saturday 3 November 2018
Start Time
  • 10 : 00
Finish Time
  • 10 : 30
  • 30:00
  • 1
  • 3
  • TVNZ 2
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • A group of teenagers try to survive in a world where all the adults have suddenly vanished, along with the Internet and electricity.
Episode Description
  • Rose, Lucas and Doni find themselves trapped deep underground in a nest of Creepers. Meanwhile Jack, Eliza and Tom are forced to defend the house.
  • G
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Television programs--New Zealand
  • Drama
  • Mystery
  • Science fiction
  • Stephen J. Campbell (Director)
  • Stephen J. Campbell (Writer)
  • Natasha Romaniuk (Producer)
  • Greenstone TV (Production Unit)
  • NZ On Air (Funder)
I saw what happened to the adults. See, when that wave took the adults, it left something in their place. You can hear them creeping around outside at night, just scratching away, just trying to find a way to get inside. (CROAKS) Hey. Lucas is right. There is something out there. I saw one of them. One of what? I don't know, but it wasn't human. We gotta keep watch tonight. (SIGHS) Just when I thought I couldn't get any more freaked out. TORCH CLICKS CROAKING (HISSES) CROAKING OMINOUS MUSIC (SNIFFS) Ugh. THUD! > GROWLING FOOTSTEPS APPROACH (STRAINS) BOTH PANT SQUELCHING CRUNCHING Captions by Antony Vlug. Edited by Imogen Staines. www.able.co.nz Captions were made possible with funding from NZ On Air. Copyright Able 2016 Rose? Rose, where are you? I'm over here. Where's here? What` Just wait. RUSTLING (GRUNTS) (CHUCKLES) What is this place? Some kind of underground chamber. Those things dragged us into it. (SIGHS) (GROANS) What's wrong with him? Oh, they used some sort of sleeping gas on him. Sleeping gas? Well, you know, naturally occurring sleep toxins are quite common in nature. Some animals and plants use them to sedate their prey. Cool (!) (CHUCKLES) Hey, where's the others? Oh, they were taken down there. (BREATHES HEAVILY) Hey, come on, let's get out of here. You gotta be kidding me. I could use a hand. We can't just leave him here. Well, he was gonna leave us. He was gonna leave us. Come on. (GRUNTS) (GROANS) What were you thinking?! Well, if we caught it, we could study it. Study what? That thing across the street. Oh, you're such an idiot. You're a carrot. That doesn't even make sense. Your face doesn't make sense. Can you guys cut it out? We need to start working together. Look who's been taking Rose lessons. We have to secure this house, OK, in case that thing decides to pay us another visit again tonight. And how are we gonna do that? I don't know. I do. OMINOUS MUSIC What do we do now? Just keep going. What is this place? I think we might be under the air base. OK. My dad told me about these bunkers. He said they were used during the war, but they're just used for storage now. LOW, OMINOUS MUSIC BOTH GRUNT Storage. Looks like they used this place for more than just storage. Yeah, well, that's what he told me. CROAKING What was that? HISSING Hey, let's go this way. (GROANS) OMINOUS MUSIC Hey, let's get out of here. There's more than just one. It would appear so. What's going on? Where am I? (SHUSHES) Hey, hey, hey, hey. Doni. Doni. I need you to listen to me. I've got some good news and some bad news. You were knocked out by a very powerful neurotoxin, and` Hey, hey, hey. It's harmless. That's the good news. The bad news is we're trapped underground with those creatures that attacked us. There's not just one. There's an army of them, and they're blocking our exit. Now, can I remove my hand? OK. (SIGHS) Where are my guys? They didn't make it. What do you mean they didn't make it? I'm sorry, Doni. But we need to get out of here before those things wake up. OK? Let's go. UNSETTLING MUSIC BUILDS MUSIC PEAKS, FADES These are the last two. Cool. Put them with the others. Yeah, we found some more of these as well. Sweet! Great. Now every corner of the house is covered with security lights. Now all I need to do is hook them up to the battery array. Tonight if the creeper comes calling, whammy, the entire house will light up like a Christmas tree. Sweet. I'm on it. You love all this stuff, don't you? What? You know, all this Acropolis stuff. It's apocalypse. The Acropolis is a place in Greece. Whatever. I don't care. I'm sick of talking about it. I just want my old life back. I wish things would go back to the way they were. So do I. I miss Mum and Dad and stuff, but moaning about it all the time isn't gonna bring them back. I'm not moaning. Well, clearly you are. Those don't even work. Well, I can't hear you, so clearly they do. (MURMURS MOCKINGLY) OMINOUS MUSIC TENSE MUSIC TENSE MUSIC CONTINUES (GRUNTS SOFTLY) METAL WHINES SOFTLY (GRUNTS) (GRUNTS) It's... (PANTS) It's jammed. Try this. CLATTERING (GRUNTS) SCREWDRIVER CLATTERS Oh! (HISSES) DONI: Get away! (GRUNTS) Come on. Come on. Come on! (PANTS) (SHRIEKS) (GRUNTS) (SCREAMS) THUD! . (GASPS) (GROANS) Oh man. Are you OK? Uh, I think I busted up my knee. Hey, he's alive. Come on, we need to get him to the light. Nah, I don't think we should move him. We don't have a choice. Come on. (GROANS) (GRUNTS) (GRUNTS) BOTH GRUNT Where have those things gone? The light scared them off. But they'll be back. BOTH GRUNT The Walking Man is coming. We need to shut him up. (GRUNTS) Hey. Hey, Doni, listen to me. I need you to relax, OK? Everything's gonna be fine. The Walking Man. Exactly what kind of work did your father do again? Penguin population research. Research, my butt. This place is straight out of a horror film. Whatever he was doing down here, he was trying to keep it a secret. He wasn't trying to keep anything secret. He's just a scientist. (PANTS) Yeah. KNOCKING Ryder. I told you on the phone; I've resigned. That's no longer an option, Professor. Um, this way. LOW, TENSE MUSIC That's not why we're here, Professor. We don't need help building the device any more. < What, you telling me you finished it? Finished and fully operational. You switched it on. The reaction couldn't be contained. Do you have idea what you've done? My orders are very specific, Professor. I'm to get you to come with me. (SCOFFS) And I'm authorised to use whatever means necessary. I'll come with you. So he's just a scientist. (SIGHS) Perimeter is secure, Sergeant. What's that? It's a ham radio. Someone must have been flying that plane, which means somewhere out there, there's adults. I should be able to find them with this. Hmm. Do you need a hand? Um, no, not really. It's a bit technical, to be honest. (CHUCKLES) Yeah. Hey. I found this around at Old Man Peterson's place. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you borrowed it. Go on. Open it. It's a Walkman. People used to listen to music on them. Yeah, I know, dumb-arse. Yeah, I found this as well ` an old-school mixed tape. There was no One Direction, sorry. I guess the apocalypse isn't that bad, huh? (LAUGHS) I didn't even listen to One Direction. Hey! Thank you. OMINOUS MUSIC If we stay here, they'll find us for sure. I wanna try and find a way out. You stay here. Hey, I'm coming with you. (GRUNTS IN PAIN) Hey, you're not going anywhere. Neither of you are. Stay here and keep him quiet. I'll be back. TENSE MUSIC TENSE MUSIC BUILDS DOOR CREAKS (BREATHES SHALLOWLY) GROWLING, CROAKING OMINOUS MUSIC RATTLING DEEP CROAKING CLATTERING (CROAKS) SOFT SCRAPING They're coming back. (GROANS) Let's get out of here. Doni, get up. We've gotta go find Rose. (GRUNTS, SHOUTS) Get up, Doni. (GRUNTS IN PAIN) CROAKING (CROAKS) TENSE MUSIC TENSE MUSIC CONTINUES OMINOUS MUSIC LOW, DISTANT CROAKING (GRUNTS) CROAKING (PANTS, GRUNTS) Right, sit down. That's it, Doni. BOTH GRUNT (GRUNTS) CROAKING We can't go any further. (PANTS) ELECTRICITY HUMS OK, we're hot! Yes, it's working. Yes. Eliza, how about you?! Yep. (CHUCKLES) You're a smart little dude ` weird but smart. OMINOUS MUSIC WATER DRIPS MUSIC BUILDS Hey, what are you doing down there? Get up here now. (PANTS) Come on! I found a way out. (GRUNTS) OMINOUS MUSIC Oh, what am I doing here? My head's killing me. Come on, you'll be all right. That wave's coming. We need to get shelter. THUNDER RUMBLES OMINOUS MUSIC Still no sign of the creature. Maybe we scared it off last night. Yeah, maybe. Just maybe. BOTH SCREAM (GASPS) Why do they keep doing that?! Do something! Tom! I dunno what's going on. It's not working. (GRUNTS) (GROWLS) You guys, hurry up! TENSE MUSIC Tom! (GRUNTS) Guys?! Oh no, no, no. (GRUNTS) Tom! TENSE MUSIC BUILDS Come on, guys! (GRUNTS) ELECTRICITY HUMS (SHRIEKS) (GASPS) Yes! Hell yeah! (LAUGHS) Oh, we did it, buddy. The lights worked. We drove him off. (VOCALISES) We did it? I did it. RAIN PATTERS . I think he'll be all right here. We'll be seeing each other again. Yeah, not if I can help it. We're connected, you and I, Rose. I've seen our future. Our future? That must have been quite a bump to the head you took. Catch you later, Rose. Catch you later. MELANCHOLIC MUSIC MELANCHOLIC MUSIC CONTINUES # Please # don't leave me here alone, You look terrible. (CHUCKLES) # because I can hardly breathe # without you near me. # Don't leave me to clean up this mess on my own. # I don't think I can survive without you by my side. # So, you're still leaving, then? Yep. Like I said, I don't work well with other people. We've got a much better chance if we stick together. Is that the only reason you don't want me to leave? Yeah, of course. Why else? Well, maybe you like having me around. Don't be ridiculous. Ridiculous? I'll tell you what's ridiculous ` waiting around here till the food runs out and kids go feral. I'm getting as far away as I can from this city and people. Are you leaving, bro? Excellent. I mean, that sucks. That was awkward. You all right? # Monsters in the dark # waiting to consume us. # There are people out there # hoping for us to fail. # We need to prevail, # cos there are monsters in the dark, # and they can scare us. # Oh, they can scare us. # Cos there are monsters in the dark. # 'Exactly what kind of work did your father do again?' 'You switched it on. Do you have any idea what you've done?' 'He's just a scientist.' SOFT MUSIC TORCH CLICKS STATIC CRACKLES (WOMAN) RT: Is anyone out there? Hello. Who is this? I read you. Hello? Hello? I read you. Hello? STATIC CRACKLES Tom? Is that you? Who is this? It's me, Tom. It's your mother. STATIC HUMS SOFTLY # I know our homes are burning down # and you are like a ghost, a silhouette, # a nothingness, but... # be strong and take my hand. # We can face these flames head first. Just close your... #
  • Television programs--New Zealand