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The war that has been simmering between Rita and Wolf reaches a climax. An old dynasty crumbles while the next generation forges a new home.

Primary Title
  • Westside
Date Broadcast
  • Monday 12 August 2019
Start Time
  • 20 : 30
Finish Time
  • 22 : 30
  • 120:00
  • 5
  • 9 & 10
  • Three
  • MediaWorks Television
Programme Description
  • The war that has been simmering between Rita and Wolf reaches a climax. An old dynasty crumbles while the next generation forges a new home.
  • AO
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Television programs--New Zealand
  • Drama
No, I have rights here. I'm the father. Jesus. Move away. Somewhere Wolf will never find you. It's part of the deal, Wolf ` no clues, no contact. Just cos you had a kid outside your own marriage and regret it, doesn't mean that's my story. I wanna be a part of my son's life! I'm not an arsehole! I'm a doctor. I need to examine you, OK? You saved our friend's life. When you take this, you become one of us. Thanks, guys. I can't do this any more. Eh? The next woman who comes along who like, I'm gonna make her mine. Your lot and my lot, we have a common enemy. Help us nail this bastard, and we will save you from dying at his hands. We're working with the cops or not? Of course we're not working with the cops. www.able.co.nz Copyright Able 2019 Pigs! Pigs! Pigs! Pigs! Pigs! Pigs! (SCREAMS) (BABY CRIES) Well, this is a work of fiction if ever I read one. Not bloody happy, Rita. Some oaf going through my knicker drawer. Probably getting himself a souvenir for later on. Ew. Where's Tad? Playing golf. Didn't have to go this way, Rita. You could've worked with us. You know, I've got a few regrets in my life, Riana, but turning you down? Not one of them. Not even close. Fuck! Come back here, you little shit! Oi! Don't you call my kid a little shit! Well, he punched me in the nuts! And I'll be the next one to punch you in the nuts if you come anywhere near him! Oh, I bet you call him worse. Yeah, and that's my right, not yours. You had your chance. Thanks for what you did to my front door, Riana. Love your work ` as usual. Come on, boys. Keep up. Is this why they call it Fieldays? Spend the whole day out in the field. So, Ted. Was this never-ending hellscape of cow shit and mud always part of the getaway plan? It looked a lot smaller on the map. Yeah, well everything looks smaller on maps cos they're maps. Come on, Lefty, hurry up! Yeah, I'm going as fast as I can. (LAUGHS) Lefty No-nuts. (GROWLS) Stop calling me that! The way that goat zeroed in on your gonad. Must be flat as a pancake now, eh. I said shut up about it, Phineas! Good plan. Let's all shut up and keep moving. Bert will be just over the hill ` so I hope. - Oh! - (ALL LAUGH) Jesus, bastard, son of a fucking... All right, Bilkey it's just mud. Yeah, harden up you poofter. (SIGHS) 'Let's rob Fieldays.' 'Good idea, Ted.' 'Farmers have got heaps of money.' 'Oh, do they, Ted? Do they?' OK, all right the take wasn't quite what we thought it would be. No, what you thought it would be. They're fucking farmers, Ted. Inbred red-neck assholes who need crowbars to open their wallets. That's not very nice about the backbone of this country, Bilkey. The backbone can go screw itself. This whole petty little country can go screw itself. I'm out. What? You heard me. I'm sick of this bullshit. I quit. Oh, Bilkey you're just saying that cause you're up to your nob in mud. No, Ted, I'm done. What time do you call this? Ask Lefty the bullfighter. Instead of a bull, it was a goat. And instead of a red flag, it was his ball sack. That's right. Keep laughing. Oh, I will mate. Who shat in Bilkey's cereal? (SIGHS) Maybe the clean country air doesn't agree with him. They find anything? Nah. Thanks for the heads-up. Don't thank me. Thank my folks for getting us into this shit. Strictly speaking, didn't it start when we robbed his warehouse? I can only pray that my parents do not find the stash currently hidden in their taro patch. How are you doing? (GROANS) Still in excruciating pain every time I breathe, but apart from that... box of fluffies. What about Krystle? You spoken to her yet? Why would I do that? She's the mother of your child? Yeah, I think that ship has sailed. You're the father. They can't just take your child away from you. Love your concern, Wolf, but the deed is done. Nah, they can't get away with this bullshit. See you at the pub. Soon as it takes to get the shit out of every pore of my body. Cheer up, Bilkey. A shower, and you'll be your gay old self again. (LIQUID SPLASHES) No offence, but who are you and what are you doing with my grog? You must be Lefty. I've heard all about you. OK, you're way ahead of me. Oh, hello, Lefty. Love. Look at you. You're a mess. I'd hug you, but... No, really don't. How come you're out? The clinic let us out early. Time off for good behaviour. Something like that. The 'us' being...? This is Valerie. Hello. Right. And why is Valerie tipping all my piss down the sink? She's my support person. She's here to help me adjust to life on the outside. I've put her in Lisa's old room. She's staying here? Just for a couple of months. And that gives her the right to throw away the booze I paid for? We're not allowed any temptations. But booze isn't your problem. You only lose your shit on cocaine. It's called a gateway, Lefty. Booze leads to coke. And fornication. On a good day, yeah. Lefty, Valerie was being treated for alcoholism and sex addiction. You have cow faeces on your trousers. I can smell it. (SIGHS) Shit. Oh, see you at the pub. I'm out, Bert. Did you not get that? Yeah, but you don't really mean that. I do. Nah, you don't. Yeah, I really do. You're just a bit upset cos the job didn't go so well, mate. A couple of beers and` I'm fucking out, Bert. You want proof? Here. Well, my life's officially fucked. Ah! Ngaire's back from rehab. Is this not a good thing? No. Is she not better? I have no idea. So what's the problem? She's changed, is the problem. You have to what? Apologise to everyone I hurt. Now? It needs to be done. What about the housework? This is important to me, Lefty. Will it take long? As long as it takes. Do you have to apologise to me? Eventually, yes. How about you apologise by doing the housework? Bye, Lefty. She's gone to apologise to Rita. I'm sure Rita will be thrilled (!) You shouting, Ted? It's Bilkey's share of today. Doesn't he want it? Apparently not. Well, if he doesn't want it, I'll have it. I'll get it back to him. Yeah, but I could use it to replace my grog cabinet that Valerie tipped down the sink. Who's Valerie? She's this... thing Ngaire brought home with her. What, she tipped out all your booze? I know, what's the world coming to? Fuck. The thing is, Rita, as part of my path to recovery, I have to apologise, to those who I hurt along the way. And I'm starting with you. One of my oldest and dearest friends. So I'm sorry. For everything. Really? Everything? Everything I did under the influence of drugs. (GASPS) Right. I was gonna say, we could be going back quite some way. Everything while I was high. Do you have to apologise to me too? I mean, you were a real bitch that day you came in here and I had to smack you. Yes, I'm sorry for that. And the time Van saw you doing coke and thought it was sherbet. Little bastard keeps putting sherbet up his nose. For which I am deeply ashamed. (SIGHS) But are we done here? Yes? Yeah, sure, water under the bridge. Thanks for understanding. It's amazing how we can keep our feelings bottled up, isn't it? Isn't it? All those feelings just bottled up. I'll tell you what, why don't the two of you come round for dinner tomorrow night to celebrate your recovery? That sounds wonderful. Bonza. You can't beat perfect pizza. That's why Dom Pizza Checker quality-checks your order then shows you a photo before it's boxed. Test us with any large (SIGHS) What do you two want? Well, to come in would be good. Is it important? Yeah, it is important that our good mate Bilkey doesn't leave the band. So here we are. (DOOR CLOSES) Drink? Yeah, beer would be good. Sure. So, where's Will? Oh, Will is... gone. He's dead? No. Not dead,... just gone. Will's health went downhill to the point where his family ` the same family that rejected him and what they called his 'lifestyle' for fucking years ` pulled Power of Attorney on us to put him in a home, where he can receive the round-the-clock attention he needs until... he dies. Right, and this is a bad thing ` him getting the care and stuff? This is the man who took me on a four-day bender in San Francisco, partying from one end of the Castro to the other. No one could party like Will. He was unstoppable. And he doesn't deserve to go out like this. There she is. Ngaire, welcome back to the land of the living. Ted. Ted and I were a bit thirsty after our meeting, so I invited him back to my place for some beers. You must be Valerie. Lefty's told me about you. Yes. Valerie, sorry, this is Ted, Rita's other half. Hello. I'm feeling a little flighty. I might go and have a wee rest. I might put my feet up too. Why don't you join us? I bought you some tonic. Goes well with the gin I also bought. I'm fine thanks. You two enjoy yourselves. I'm gonna get back to my book. See what I mean? How am I meant to live in the same house as that? The pigs trashed their kitchen so I told them they could eat here tonight. I'll get more mince out of the freezer. You're a saint, Mrs Rita. Do you actually even know how to use a kitchen? That's not really the point, Cheryl. How's your health, Eric? On the mend. Back on solids. I'm surprised you're so concerned. Sorry? Wolf's just feeling a bit protective of me, Rita. That's all. Oh, thanks, Eric, but if Wolf has something to say to me, he can say it himself. What's your problem now? It's pretty obvious, isn't it? Eric gets the smash, and so far you've done shit all about it. What am I meant to do about it? Well, when it was Dad, you marched us all off to war. Ted was innocent. He had the shit kicked out of him just for being one of us. Eric copped a beating because he doesn't know how to operate a condom. Yeah, I feel for Eric, but there is a world of difference here. What about the fact he's never gonna meet his kid? Hmm, do you think that's fair? I think that sometimes that's a fact of life. His son... gone. Or daughter. Given the mother, it could be argued that Eric has dodged a bullet. That point has been noted. But of course we've got a truce with the Figgs now, right? And we wouldn't want to jeopardise that, would we? No, we wouldn't. Are you scared of him, Mum? Is that it? (GASPS) You've got some bloody balls, Wolf! After everything I have done for these lads. All Eric wants is to be a part of his kid's life. To take some fucking responsibility as a parent, but that's not really your thing, is it? I just want to say I'm sorry that my issues have become such a focus. Hey, if you're all going down there, I don't want bloody Pascalle's nappies smelling like dope again! Doing nothing is wrong, Mrs Rita. Eric is one of your lost boys. You've always stood up for us in the past. Always. I'm gonna need you to get dinner on, love. The end of the day, they're the same. Her and Figgs ` same fucking person. One of whom's your mother. They're old. You know, they think they own the world and the world works the way they say. Well, fuck them, you know, if they wanna play their games, then we'll do our own thing. Does this mean a revenge job? Why not? If she wants to pretend like nothing's happened, then we'll deal with Figgs ourselves. Shit gets real! Geez, Wolf. I'm not usually an emotional guy. But you know, I'm feeling some real camaraderie right now. (WHIMPERS) Falani? Usually, I am eager to kowtow to Mrs Rita's wishes. I appreciate her cooking and realistic world view. But Eric has been righteously wronged, and I will not abandon my friend or my gang. I'm in. Can I think about it? No, you can't. This is a guy who has killed a guy. So they say. So everyone says! He goes round beating people up when they piss him off! Are you in or are you out, Sparky? Help you? You're Krystle, right? We met once. You're Rita. That's right. Wolf's mum. Yeah. Are you, like, Eric's mum too? I guess I am, God help me. He's recovering, by the way. You should go and visit him. (SCOFFS) Why would I want to see that loser? Because he's the father of your child. Well, you need to talk to my father about that. Right-oh. He around? In the shed. What are we ` down here ` gonna do to him ` all the way up here ` that's gonna be worse than what Eric did when he got his daughter up the duff? I think Figgs has coped with that and moved on. There's gotta be some way we can get his attention. Getting his attention is the opposite of what we wanna do right now, Wolf. Something he values. He took something from Eric. Yeah, his dignity when he shat himself. His child. So we take something of his. Rita. This is unexpected. But timely. I was about to give you a call. Cuppa tea? Sure. You're here about that little fuckwit with the hair, aren't you? Eric Grady. So, what? I'm not allowed a little fatherly retribution for messing with the Figgs' gene pool? No, not to one of my boys, you're not. One of your boys? In a manner of speaking. I've been looking after him for years. I didn't know that. And, I for one, think that fatherhood could be the making of him ` get some responsibility in his life. Dad! I'm in a meeting, darling. Yeah, well, we've run out of Rice Bubbles, and it's like the only thing that doesn't make me want to chunder. Have you looked in the pantry? Yes. Up top where the spare boxes are kept? (SCOFFS) (SCOFFS) Kids, eh. They don't always turn out how you want. Bianca, my oldest, always puts her best foot forward, always listens to advice, but Krystle never listens to a word I say. Just follows her own stupid instincts, and now she's gonna give birth to some curly-haired rat-faced little f... (CHUCKLES) But I guess (CLEARS THROAT) every family tree has a withered branch, doesn't it? Look, I'll see what I can do. After all, I've got a lot to thank you for Rita. I wouldn't go that far. Well, you had an opportunity to cut a deal with the cops, but you didn't; you held fast. Not sure where you heard that. (CHUCKLES) They've been looking into my affairs for a while now. They even had an insider in my crew. Had being the operative word. Now, I assure you, Rita, that from now on, there'll be no more issues from my side of the fence. And we're gonna get along just fine, I hope. As do I. You want to talk about it? What? Whatever shit it is going on between you and your mother. She just needs to be called out on her bullshit every once in a while. (SIGHS) We so need to get the hell out of this house. The Bone People ` sounds erotic. You want a boner? Check this out. I see some things haven't changed. You have. She's brainwashed you, hasn't she? I'm sorry? Saint Valerie. She's turned you into a religious instruction teacher. Valerie has been instrumental in my recovery. It's important that I have somebody around me who can relate to my addiction. Love, you're the strongest woman I know. You don't need a support person. Plus, we're doing so well on the stock market, we don't have to deal drugs any more. It wasn't the dealing that was the problem, Lefty. Well, no drugs here. 100% natural. (GROANS) No. What, not even a 'welcome home' root? I got rammed by a goat today, and I'm still up for it. You got rammed by a goat? Yeah, and it hurt. To be honest, I just wanna know it's still working. Oh, that's what you want, is it? And to satisfy your needs as a woman, of course. Hmm. Oh. Feels just fine to me. Mmm. So, who's the boring old bat now? Oh, definitely not you. And don't you forget it. Only us. Hey, mate. What do you want? Well, last night, we had a few beers out the front of my caravan. Just the two of us. A couple of deckchairs. Anyway, as we were sitting there, we started thinking about Will. We think we've come up with a solution. (SCOFFS) To what ` AIDS? No, obviously. We're not doctors, Bilkey. Bang! Oh no! I went to see Figgs. He's gonna sort things with Eric. Yeah? Some gratitude wouldn't go amiss. Thank you, Mother. (HUMS) The bloke from Customs called, Dad. No problems. Have you informed our clients? They'll have the last instalment tomorrow. Good. Ah! Party on, you two. I'm off to see Bob. Who's Bob? Our stockbroker. Lefty loves Bob. Ugh, was he always so slovenly? Yes. Well, you should start a dialogue with him, set some parameters. I've tried, believe me I have. But the problem with being married to a man-child is that he's, well, a man-child. Shit. What? So... What do you think? Well,... I think that you're both fucking insane. Seriously? What, the both of us? Yes the both of you. As in you should probably see a fuckin doctor. Will's a doctor. (LAUGHS) How the hell you could think this was a good idea? Your cut from Mystery Creek. And then some. Yeah, well, me and Bert are pretty flush at the moment so... So are we gonna do this or not? It depends on Will, really. Well, we better go and ask him, eh? I'll go get my jacket. I swear, I just picked up the cushion and... It's OK, Ngaire. No one's playing the blame game. Not yet. Let's just sit and breathe. And exhale the negative. (EXHALES) And inhale the positive. (INHALES) (EXHALES) What do you mean 'not yet'? Well, isn't it obvious? Your less-than-supportive husband planted these drugs there to tempt you, to keep his power over you. I'm not sure about this guys. I mean, I know it's a crazy idea. But is it good crazy or bad crazy? We're going in, Bilkey. Yeah, stop being a poofter, and I don't mean that in a gay way. There's another way? Yeah, with you standing there, you know... Being a poofter. Exactly. This place smells weird. It's just the smell of death. Don't worry about it. (SCOFFS) How would you know what death smells like? Mammy used to bring me to these places all the time. She loved it when her friends were dying. Down here. Shit. What's the problem? Her. She's the Nurse Ratched of this place. Rat-shit? No, Ratched, as in One Flew Over The Cuckoo` Actually, rat shit works, so we'll just go with that. She's a total bigot who hates my guts. She's under orders to call the family whenever she sees me. Are there any old Maori guys here? What? Don't worry. There's always Maori guys in a place like this. Just wait here. Can I help you? Oh yeah, I'm just looking for my uncle. At reception, they pointed me this way, but now I'm a bit lost. Does your uncle have a name? Oh, he's got heaps of names. He's got a Maori name. He's got a Pakeha name. He's got a name they used to call him in the army. Sometimes my Auntie, she used to call him` Are you one of Mr Taumata's nephews? His prodigal nephew is what they call me. It's been so long, he probably won't even recognise me. All right, this way. There's someone here to see you, Mr Taumata. Hey, Uncle. I'll leave you to it. Yeah, yeah. Hey, Mr Taumata. My name's Bert, and I'm just really hoping you can do me a bit of a favour and just, well, go along with everything I say and do, is that OK? Will? How'd you sneak past the guards? I had help. Phineas. Hey, Dr Will. Who's been shot this time? Nah, no one. Oh, OK. How's the leg? Almost like I wasn't shot. (BOTH CHUCKLE) Some of my finest work. Yeah, you wanna see the scar? Yeah. OK, great that you two are catching up, but we're actually here on a mission. There's another blood bank we need to rob? Not today. Today's about you. And this crazy idea a couple of friends of mine had to bust you out of this place and put you and me on a plane to San Francisco. Oh. Oh, it's an interesting idea. Well, we all figured you didn't belong in here, so... Go out in a blaze of glory? No, I didn't mean it quite like that. More, well, you deserve to have fun while you still can. There's money to pay for everything. Probably best I don't know where that money came from, though, eh? Probably. So what do you reckon? No. Look at me, Bilkey. I'd be lucky if I made it to the airport, let alone the States. I think I'm done with San Francisco. Yeah. Think San Francisco's done for me. But in terms of getting me out of here? All I do is lie here, just counting my T-cells, and having awkward conversations with my mother, who still can't accept the fact that I'm homosexual,... (CHUCKLES) ...let alone the fact that I'm dying. So, fuck, yeah, get me out of here. I need to party. I need the people who really know me around me. Can we do that? Yeah. Fuck yeah. (DOOR OPENS) Love. Lefty. Bob's good. That's good. We went to Metropole for lunch. The prawns were good. Good for you. He reckons our portfolio could do with some expanding, so I thought I'd flick him the last of the cash from when we... From when we sold this stuff? Whoa, where'd you get that? Under the cushions, exactly where you left it. Whoa. Hang on. Where left it? You've been less than supportive since I got home, but leaving little drug traps around the house to try and tempt me? Have you any idea how irresponsible that is? Ngaire, I'm not the one who put it there. Bullshit. I'm sorry I'm not fun any more, but this is who I am now and if` After you left for rehab, I kept finding your secret stashes all over the house. Cocaine in the herb rack. Cocaine in the freezer. What were you doing in the herb rack? Looking for cocaine! Trying to get rid of your supply before you got back. Well, you should have done a better job. I could have shoved this whole bag up my nose. But you didn't, did you? (DOOR OPENS) What time are we due at dinner? We're going to dinner? Yes, at Ted and Rita's. Is that a wise idea? Well, I can't be a hermit my whole life, can I? All right, I think that's everything. I travel light, these days. Is the coast clear? I'll check. Yep. Shit. Nurse Cat-shit's coming. Nah, it's Ratched, not Cat-shit. Yeah, well, she's coming. Is this Queen Bitch? Yeah. Yeah, she likes to pop in about this time. To check if I want to see if I want to see a priest and repent my wicked ways. Shit. No, I'll deal with her. Um, I was just wondering` Excuse me. Can I check that? What on earth are you... I said, excuse! Excuse me! Bert! Bert! Bert! Bert! Come on, we're outta here! And that's my cue to leave. Um, good sitting with you, sir. E noho ra. Start the car! Where's Phineas? You must be the famous Will. Don't know about famous. Well, you saved my best friend's life. That's good enough for me. And here he comes. Gun it, Bilkey. Gun it! Whoo-hoo! Whoo! Whoo! (RELAXED MUSIC PLAYS) So you're Ngaire's special rehab friend, then? We met there, yes. And what were you addicted to? Alcohol and sex. Gosh, better sign me up too, then. (CHUCKLES) Will Wolf be joining us? Nah, he's working. What does your husband do? This and that. The alarm system deactivated? It looks on, but the siren's been bypassed. The door? Padlocked, but the bolt-cutters should take care of that. Bike keys? Don't need them. Just kick start it. (LAUGHS) Sucker. He just thinks it's safe, locked in the shed with the alarm on. We get in; we get the bike. You stay on lookout with Sparky. Me and Keith wheel the bike back here. Real simple, OK? Oh, oh, can I take a shit while we're in there? Just to leave a message. No. (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYS) Bet you never thought you'd be at a party like this, eh? Yeah. Did you know some of them are architects? You're a good man, Phineas. You're a good man. So what was it like in rehab? Ultimately, it was very fulfilling. Oh good. Cos everything I've read makes it sound like all you do is sit around crying and banging your head against a wall. But then eventually you break through your own internal barriers. With your head? The walls are emotional, Carol. Oh. After a while you learn to enjoy the quiet within yourself and just be. And look at you now ` just being. Yes, Rita, I am. Not even drinking. One thing leads to another. Alcohol's a gateway. Ah, fair enough. Well, please excuse us sinners, but who wants another gateway? Good idea, love. Me! Great. (TENSE MUSIC) (GRUNTS, GROANS) Give it to me. Oh, fuck. If my ribs weren't broken I could've done that. Sweet Jesus. These weren't here this morning. Shut the door. Well, that's Figgs' bike. I've got no idea about the others. Four bikes, four of us. Yes please. Hey, Wolf. OK, looks like we're suiting up then, lads. I have lived for this very moment. Ah, Wolf. What? I've only ever ridden scooter's before. So? Well, these bikes are, like, a billion times more powerful. It's the same fucking idea, Sparky. Just keep your eyes on the road and don't go crazy on the throttle. OK. Cool. Or we can leave one behind and you can walk back to the van. I'll ride. Good. (ENGINES START) Come on, Sparky, get your shit together! Whoa! Shit! You fuckers! You fucking fuckers! Fuck you! Fuck! (UPBEAT MUSIC) Bonus! Jesus Christ! Shit! Help me! OK, that's not good. Change of plan. You follow us there. We might have to scrape Sparky off the road. Nah, nah, passengers don't get to call the shots. Assertive ` that's how I describe my driving. On the open road, you're aiming for about 10 to 15 above the road sign. Nah, nah, passengers don't get to call the shots. I'm the one driving, so I choose the speed. (WEATHER REPORT PLAYS ON RADIO) (ENGINE REVS) If you wanna drive, then you can drive. That's what I always fire back. They just don't understand how you can drive quickly and safely. If anyone tells me to slow down, I give them the same response every time ` my car, my rules. (ENGINE REVS) So, I'm trying to do this trick. You know the one, you know, with the fifty cent piece in the bottom of a pint glass? This is a great trick. Phineas is so pissed, right? That he forgets about the coin and he just downs the whole pint. Didn't even notice the coin! No, so we keep on drinking, and then somewhere about round closing time, he starts complaining about having sore guts. Anyway, the next day he goes to the doctor, and the doctor asks him if he's had any loose stools. To which Phineas replies, 'No, but I have had some loose change!' (MEN LAUGH) - He seriously thought the pub was putting money in the pies. - (ALL LAUGH) You want a drink, Ngaire, to go with dessert? No, thank you. You sure? I know what you're tryna do, Rita. Trying to get you to lighten the fuck up? Trying to prove you're better than I am. So you've really given up everything? Alcohol is a gateway to other` Yeah, yeah, yeah, got that Val. Valerie. And I don't think I'm better than you. I just don't want you thinking that you're better than us. No chance of that. Phineas, hey, pull up a glass. We were just talking about you. Oh, yeah? Only good things, of course. Brandy snaps. I love brandy snaps. They're the ones I used to make. Yeah, I could tell from the way you squirted the cream in. Yeah, you've got to keep a steady pressure on the cream bag. Hello. Hello. This is Valerie. She was in rehab with Ngaire. Valerie, Phineas. Hey. What? You done it yet? What? You going to? I'm boring Ngaire now. You want some? Nah, I'm good. You're not gonna make this easy for me, are you? (CHUCKLES) Since when does what I say have any bearing on what you do? There is that. Can I say one thing, and then I'll get out of your hair? Hmm? Boring Ngaire is still a million times better than off her fucking tits Ngaire. (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) So, what were you addicted to? First it was drinking, then sex. Then more drinking, then more sex. They go hand-in-hand. I was addicted to sex too. Really? I used to sleep with hookers. And you cured it? Well, first I ran out of money, and then my marriage broke up. But mainly, it was me realising that I was only using sex as a way to escape the fact that... I couldn't give my wife any kids. I think you might enjoy this more than me. On second thought, Rita, I will have a little glass of something. What the fuck is going on? Figgs could be following us. It's conked out. I think it's out of gas. For fucks sake, Sparky! No wonder. You were riding the thing like a maniac. Blame the bike, not me. I was barely holding on. Yeah, in all fairness, Wolf, I'm almost out too. Running on fumes, me. Shit. Is this a toilet stop? No. I'll hold it, then. Bit of a fuel crisis. We're gonna have to siphon some gas out of the van. On to it. You don't seriously think he'll come after us, right? He was serious enough to shoot at me. You guys had gone. I was tailing Sparky. Holy shit. Wolf, I know why I ran out of gas. Is that...? Yeah, drugs I think, yeah. Gas these things up. We need to get them the fuck off the road. So, what's this job Wolf's on? He didn't tell me. Should we be worried? He said he'd be gone all night. I'll worry if he's not back in the morning. Ta. After a while, I started fantasising about doing it in public places. Henderson Park? Tui Glen Reserve. So I thought a tour of the South Island might just take my mind off it, but I ended up having sex on the bus while all the passengers were asleep. The driver didn't notice? It was the driver I was doing it with. I rode him all the way from Woodpecker Bay to the Pancake Rocks. It's a beautiful part of the country. What? You seem very grounded. Sex addicts usually have these immense burning urges inside them that they just can't contain. Thanks. I've been doing a lot of work on myself. What's your process? Mostly I just wank. Me too. What's sex like for you when you haven't been drinking? Shivers. I can't even remember the last time I had sex when I wasn't drunk. Have you ever done it in a caravan? No. I live in a caravan. Show me your caravan. (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYS) (SIGHS) I've got a confession to make. Valerie and I, we weren't let out early from the clinic. We escaped. Bullshit. There's only so much soul-searching a woman can take. After the first week, all I could think about was how to get out of there, and then Valerie suggested climbing out the fire escape. She didn't seem quite so cuckoo on the inside. Well, I'm still bloody proud of you for getting as far as you did. You've kicked it, right? I think so. Result, then. We should celebrate. With the cocaine in your pocket? With a world trip. This is the start of a new era for us, right? I was thinking we should cash up some of our shares and just go. Paris? Why not? Go see that painting we named Lisa after. The Champs-Elysees. I'm gonna call Bob tomorrow and put in a sell order. It's all up from here, love. Think she'll be all right with Phineas? She's only a wee thing. I'm worried he'll break her. Valerie will be fine. It might help her cheer the fuck up. It's Carol I'd be worried about. But Carol's with Brian now. Ted, don't even try. You're a man. You'll never get it. Fair enough. You should worry about our son. What, this job he's on? He can look after himself. I have my doubts about that. Yeah, well you're his mother. That's your job. Are we kinda fucked here? Yes, Sparky. We're deeply fucked. (PHONE RINGS) Yeah? I need to speak to Cheryl. What's happened? Just get bloody Cheryl, will ya? Wolf? Yeah, it's me. Is everything OK? Not entirely. Are you all right? Yeah, I'm fine. It's just we got a bit more than we bargained for. So me and the guys, we might lay low for a while. Oh Jesus. (SIGHS) And I think it would be best if you took the kids to your mum's. Why? Just do it. Wait for my call. What's he done now? We had a truce. (SCOFFS) Does that mean nothing to these fucking people? (DOOR BANGS) (INTENSE MUSIC) (BAG RUSTLES) What are you doing? I'm investigating what the substance is. I'm establishing what we're dealing with. That's the fourth time he's established that it's speed. Just leave the stuff alone, you fucking dickhead! Wolf, don't take it out on him. Why shouldn't I? He's been in the house for weeks. The guy on the inside didn't even realise they're fucking drug dealers. Wolf, I didn't see` Just don't! I don't wanna hear another word out of your mouth. (FIRE CRACKLES) (YELLS) Jethro, we're going. Just stop whinging, Jethro, and get in the bloody car! No! You hear from him, you tell him to talk to me. (BOYS YELL) Is this Figgs? Yeah, gotta be. (SCOFFS) Why? Because of bloody Eric? Valerie, you probably wanna head back to Ngaire's about now. Is this to do with Phin's criminal life? Me and Valerie just shared the deepest stories of our lives. It's cleansing. Good for you. Incoming. (FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) Young Mrs West seems to be in an awful hurry to be somewhere else. Whatever the hell this is has nothing to do with her and those kids. Did you know about it? What? What your prick of a son and his dipshit mates did to me tonight. Can't help you there, mate. Oh, come on. You must've said something to him ` why else would Mommy dearest be fleeing into the night? Christ, Rita you were there this afternoon ` you saw it. Were you in on it? Saw what? My bike ` the one your fuck-head son stole from me! (LAUGHS) Is this about a bike? Oh, mate, you're loaded ` fuck off and buy another one. It's also about the other three bikes they stole, very valuable bikes. And you're sure it was them? It was your son and that same pack of arseholes who didn't learn their lesson last time. Well, what do you want us to do about it? Well, I think that's pretty obvious. We have a third party, paid a lot of money up front for those bikes. You get the bikes back to us, we don't get them involved. They're not your biggest fans, Mrs West, especially after you shot one of them. The Horsemen ` they don't ever forget. Those fuckin dickheads again. Get back to me when you've got something worth listening to. (DOOR SLAMS) Is Wolf that stupid? He is now. So, now what? Now we stay here, and we figure it out. Is 'here' safe? Well, Figgs doesn't know about it, and the cops think the place is empty. So here's the safest place we've got. (FIRE CRACKLES) (INTENSE MUSIC) (MUSIC FADES) After you've sold the shares, how long till we get the money? Dunno ` couple of days, maybe? Because we'll need to sort traveller's cheques and the like. Cooee, only me! Carol, bad timing ` we're both just about to go out. Oh. OK. When you say 'both', do you mean you and Lefty or you and Valerie? Me and Lefty. Valerie's bed was unslept in this morning. Oh. Probably cos she was getting nailed by Phineas in the caravan of love. Lefty, no need to be crass. Besides, haven't you got a stockbroker to go and see? Yeah, that sounds terrible. Are you OK? Still on the straight and narrow, if that's what's worrying you. Well, it did cross my mind that it would be the sort of thing to push you back into drugs, but` What sort of thing? The stock-market crash. Say what? It was on the radio in the car, on the way over here. In America, they're saying people are losing millions; millions of millions; everything, in some cases. I'll call Bob. I'm gonna give that little punk a slapping when he shows up, going behind our fucking backs. He had his reasons. What, to avenge that twat Eric? Give me a break. (FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) Thought you were at your mum's. The kids are there. I'm not going anywhere till this is sorted. Good-oh (!) You seen what's outside? Ugh, the Figgs fuckin' goon squad. (BIRDS CHIRP) They're waiting for Wolf, aren't they? No, they're waiting for the bloody Easter Bunny (!) Could you stop being a bitch for two seconds? Yes, Cheryl, they're waiting for your husband, to beat the shit out of him. And you have no idea where he is? No, just that he and the boys are lying low. I swear, I'll give him a fucking slapping. Yeah, or you could be useful ` get the boys round here, just in case. Just in case what? In case the shit hits the fan, Slutty Pants. I'm not gonna lie ` the thought of Phineas with another woman. I should be used to it ` he was with lots of other women when we were married. Sluts, mainly. Not that I think Valerie is a slut. Although I suppose as a sex addict, that's kind of... No answer at home, either. I'm going to his office. On the radio they were talking about Black Monday. But it's Tuesday, so that makes no sense. It's Monday in America. Oh, of course. I, of all people, should know that. So, tell me more about Valerie. (DOOR CLICKS) I can stay if you like. Nah, you should probably go. It's gonna get a bit dangerous. I like dangerous. It's sexy. You find a lot of things sexy. Must be why I was a sex addict. Yeah. It's a good thing you're cured now. Wolf. Phineas. I should probably go and yeah, you should definitely go too. OK. Yeah, they've got guys outside. It's best we show them they can't come waltzing in whenever they like. I'll be there as soon as I can. (INTENSE MUSIC) (PAPER RUSTLES) (DOOR SHUTS) Well, here he is, Mr Fucking Do Whatever I Want. It's good to see you too, Mum (!) Well, if you're expecting hugs and kisses, you could try those pricks parked across the road. Where are the bikes? The boys are looking after them. I told you to take the kids and go to your mum's. Your children are at Mum's. I wasn't gonna sit there, wondering if my husband is dead or alive. I'm fine. What's he got over you? Sorry? Did you know? Know what? Did you know? Know what? That your best mate Frankie Figgs is a drug dealer. Those bikes we stole, the fuel tanks ` full of speed. Oh, fucking great (!) What about you, Phineas? You worked with him ` did you know? Nah. He was all about these big speeches making the west a better place, cleaning up the druggies. The Horsemen. What about them? Figgs is bringing the bikes into the country for The Horsemen. And to answer your question ` no, of course we didn't fuckin' know. It certainly explains why they gave Figgs a pass when he killed one of them ` business is business. Where are you going? To talk to the prick. Why? We can't just bloody cower in here, can we? If he wants his shit back, then we're gonna need to do a deal. You can't go, cos he'd probably bloody kill you. You can't go, cos you'd probably bloody kill him. Tell him to go fuck himself. Yeah, I'll probably start with that. Thanks, Wolf (!) Ted, you can't go on your own. I'll go with him. (DOOR SLAMS) (CAR ENGINE REVS) (CAR ENGINES REV) (ROCK MUSIC) Hello? Hello? (SHOWER RUNS) What? Why didn't you tell me what you were gonna do? Because it's none of your business. Fucking became my business when you got me to hide our kids. Well, somebody had to do something, didn't they? For Eric? Look, my folks are hypocrites ` I did what needed to be done. And that turned out real well, didn't it (?) What are you gonna do with the drugs? I don't know. Could you make us some sandwiches? I told the boys I'd bring them some lunch. Fuck's sake. Thanks, love. (INTENSE MUSIC) Hello. I hope you're here to tell me my bikes are on their way back here. I don't know where they are. Then why are you here, wasting my time? Well, you came to my house, threatened my boy. Now it's my turn. Fuck's sake, Dad, why are we giving this bodgie the time of day? (CHUCKLES) So we can either talk about it, like men, or we can forget the truce` Truce? (SCOFFS) Your son already pissed all over that. And now we have something you want, which we need to talk about. (SNIFFS) Do you fish, Ted? Not really my scene. I find being on the water calming, helps me to see things clearly. Well, things could certainly use calming the fuck down. Exactly. So just you and me, eh? Sorting things out. I don't think this is a good idea, Ted. We'll talk. Like men, as you say. If he goes, I'm coming too. He doesn't need a bodyguard, Phineas. I'll see you back at home, Phin. Nice audience out front. Yeah. (DOOR SHUTS) Thanks for these, love. How are you travelling? Well, my bike's parked outside the back neighbour's. I'll grab the spare helmet. Why? There's somewhere we need to go. Oh,, Cheryl, I think it's probably best if you just stay` Do not fucking argue with me ` I am not in the mood. (CHUCKLES) (CLATTERING) Is Phineas coming back soon? (SLURPS) It's nice drinking at your house for a change. You have a lovely house. Maybe when you move to Parnell, I might suggest me and Brian should buy it. Are you OK on the gin? It's not gonna spin you out, is it? No, Carol, I'm fine. I wouldn't have brought it in otherwise. It was good you had it with you. I've started travelling with a spare bottle in the car, just in case. Ooh, God, listen to me ` I'm sure I should be the one in rehab. Did you find Bob? Eventually. At the stock exchange. Man, that was not pretty ` the chalkies working like crazy, writing down all those smaller and smaller numbers. Did not see this coming. Is it bad? 'Apocalypse' probably covers it. So, what do we do now? I believe the tradition is I find a tall building and throw myself off. I gave him that little baggie you found ` didn't have the heart to charge him. I have a sneaking suspicion... that we've lost everything. Oh well. We still have each other, four walls and a roof over our heads. Well,... about that ` Bob got me into futures trading, right? So we borrowed money to buy shares. And they were supposed to pay for themselves when they went up in value, but they fell instead. We still owe that money. But if they're not worth anything, you shouldn't have to pay for them. It doesn't work that fucking way! Oh. Well, pardon me for not understanding high finance. It's all gone ` everything we had and a fuckload of what we didn't. Ngaire,... we are so screwed. (SOBS) It's all right, love. (SOBS) It's OK. (SIGHS) (SIGHS) (WATER LAPS) (SIGHS) Yeah, I'm not so sure about the boat, to be honest. No sea legs, Ted? (CHUCKLES) Well, I've heard the rumours. You believe them, do ya? I'm learning something about you every day, Frankie. Cannonball fell overboard while we were fishing ` end of story. And the Horsemen are OK with that? I have a business relationship with the Horsemen ` they're passionate about motorcycles; I bring them in for them, as you're well aware. Yeah, motorcycles, and the rest. Bianca set up the deal, and Cannonball, he took a bit of a shine to her. Well, I suppose she used her feminine wiles to get him on side. What, she rooted him? For a business deal? Of course she fucking didn't! My daughter's not a whore. Oh. He just got hold of the wrong end of the stick, so to speak. Yeah. Right. And when he realised that she wasn't interested, he... he didn't take it very well. What, he belted her? And the rest. Shit. I'm sorry. She's getting over it. Anyway,... with the blessing of the Horsemen's leadership, I took the cunt fishing to have a word to him, man to man. And he somehow fell overboard" Well, I didn't push him, if that's what you're suggesting. Look, the coppers are just itching for an excuse to take me down. They hate me. I get on their wick. I bend the rules to get what I want, and I do get what I want. So what do they do? They accuse me of murder. Do I look like a murderer to you, Ted? It's hard to say what you look like these days, Frankie. So are we doing this or not? (BOAT ENGINE REVS) (INTENSE MUSIC) (MUSIC CONTINUES) (ROCK MUSIC) (WHISPERS) Oh, Grandad! "30 percent less "added sugar." I love that Milo taste. Do you guys reckon Wolf's coming back? Maybe Figgs' guys were lying in wait and killed him, I get it, Phineas. standing up for him. I admire that, Ted. So get me my property back and all will be forgotten. That's not gonna happen. (INTENSE MUSIC) I gave Cannonball a choice ` swim home and maybe survive... or I shoot you and drop your body where no one will ever find it. Cannonball chose to swim. He lived up to his name ` he sank like a fucking stone. I'm not a great swimmer myself. Oh, sorry to hear it (!) But I'm not giving you your fucking stuff back ` no matter how you threaten me ` on principal. Must be a hell of a principal. On the principal that we don't cooperate with pompous arseholes, who hide behind a whole lot of holier-than-thou bullshit about cleaning up West Auckland, when actually they're nothing but fucking drug pushers. What? Oh, don't bullshit me, Figgs. You know what I'm talking about. Well, I beg to fucking differ. We know what was in the bikes. In the bikes? What the fuck are you talking about? Are you really gonna pretend that you know nothing about the bags of speed hidden in the petrol tanks of those bikes? (SCOFFS) Sorry, Ted ` you're just gonna have to give me a moment to ponder that. What the fuck is there to ponder? If you didn't know about it, the Horsemen are using you. Jeez, I bet you feel like a fool. (INTENSE MUSIC) You're still here. I was worried about you. Really? Well, it was like you were going off to war or something. It kind of was. And I screwed up. My best mate could be getting killed right now, because I didn't argue when he told me to leave. Sounds like all you did was follow an order. Yeah, I guess. Come here. You're a good man ` I knew that the moment I saw you. So you need to come inside now, so that I can make you feel better about everything. I hate waiting. You'd think I'd be good at it by now, being the one who waits in the van all the time. But nah, I hate it ` it drives me mental. There must be something we can do, eh? Well, don't look at me ` apparently the men in my family have everything under fucking control. I think Bilkey might be a bit hungover. Me and Phineas, we went to a gay party at his last night. Phineas? Long story. But those gays, they... (CHUCKLES) they like to dance. Well, yeah, but Phineas? Yeah, he danced and all. It was a good party, eh? Phineas even understood that nobody was hitting on him and relaxed. (LAUGHS) How's Will this morning? Oh, you know ` dead. But he had a good time at the party. A couple of glasses of wine saw him right. Mind you, he always was a lightweight. So... we took him off to bed. And we all carried on, and a great time was had by all. (GULPS) And then this morning. (KNOCKS AT DOOR) (SOLEMN MUSIC) (MUSIC FADES) So... yeah, I'm a bit hungover. And to Will's family,... I am Satan, who kidnapped and killed their son. And the cops are desperate to find some way to charge me with something. Well, tell them it was me who took him from the hospice. I'm not gonna do that. Bilkey, it was kinda my idea, mate. No, it's fine, Bert. It's fine. It'll all be fine ` it'll all just blow over. I'm not worried about any of that shit. But you know what I am? I am angry... with this fucking disease! (SOBS) Will was a good man,... who only ever did good in this world. And this... thing, this... fucking plague! Took him away. And the worst thing is, is I have no idea who the fuck I should be angry with. The fucking virus? What's the point in that? (SIGHS) Sorry. (DOOR SLAMS) (SIGHS) Man, Phineas is gonna be gutted. Will was his first man crush. (LIGHTER RASPS) (DOOR SHUTS) (FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you. Sorry about the rant. Quite all right. If there's anything we can do... Nah, there isn't, but thank you again. If you wanna take out some of that anger, you can go and punch one of those arseholes. Nah, you know me ` more of a lover than a fighter. (CHUCKLES) (BIRDS CHIRP) (CAR ENGINE REVS) Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I have no fuckin' idea. (BIRDS CHIRP) (INTENSE MUSIC) (MUSIC CONTINUES) (ENGINE CLICKS OFF) (MUSIC CONTINUES) So, where are we at? How do you mean, Ted? Between our families. Oh, you can keep the drugs. Do what you like with them ` destroy them, preferably. So The Horsemen are your problem? Unless they don't get the bikes they ordered ` then I'm sending them your way. Yeah, and what about their drugs? The drugs aren't theirs, Ted. Look, I'm very careful about who I do business with. Importing bikes for a motorcycle club is a great little earner. My mistake was in not seeing the deal through myself. But then you know what it's like when your kids go rogue on you, don't you? Frankie? Oh. Take the car. I trust you, Ted. (INTENSE MUSIC CONTINUES) (ROCK MUSIC) Sudafed - get your head back. (CARTON RUSTLES) (THUD!) You look like you're going somewhere, blondie. My name is Cheryl ` not 'blondie', not 'slutty pants' ` and yes. Look, I know things are a bit tense at the moment but it'll sort itself out. This has nothing to do with that. Actually, this has everything to do with that and the fact that me and Wolf need to get as far the fuck away from you as possible. Yeah, we're leaving, Rita. We've found a place of our own, and we're shooting through. Today? Yeah, today. Right. So you've managed to organise all of this, with everything else that's going on? I'm a fucking miracle worker, in case you hadn't noticed. Isn't this what you've wanted since the moment I arrived? How many loads do we have to do? Until everything's shifted. What if I have a date tonight? You can give him his blow job tomorrow. Ooh, the nest is emptying. Oh, Ted's alive. That's good. Mm. Nice wheels. Trying to leave, here! Is Wolf with you? Nope, it's just me, against my will. Where is he? Not entirely sure I should tell you. Well, I guess that depends if you want him to get out of this alive. You cheeky, cheeky fuckers, hiding out in the back of my shop, eh? Well, you're not using it, are you? Where are the drugs? (BAG RUSTLES) OK, here's what's gonna happen ` these bikes, you return them to Figgs. What, because you say so? Because I say so, and so you fucking idiots get to walk out of this alive. I like this deal already. So he's got you now. Are you and him gonna start dealing drugs, are you? The drugs ` I'm gonna leave that up to you. Hope you make the wise choice not to go down that road. Figgs doesn't want them. I thought that was the point of this whole thing. Well, you should talk to him about that. He's right outside. (INTENSE MUSIC) Young Mr West. So you have my dad in your pocket now? I'm sure if your dad was that easily bought it would have happened a long time ago. Me and my customers are just here for what's ours. You got a problem with that? Depends. What you did to Eric was wrong. Yeah, I admit I overreacted, but look at him. Nah, look, I'll do what I can to make things right. So everything between our families ` that's done, right? Until you steal from me again. Until then. (CHUCKLES) (BIKE ENGINES REV) (CAR ENGINE REVS) I wanna say it's been a real pleasure, Ted,... (CLEARS THROAT) but it hasn't. (BIKE ENGINE REVS) Everyone happy? Over the fuckin' moon (!) (BIKE ENGINES RETREAT) Your cousin Malepe still have that truck? Yep. Good. We've got a job. (GRUNTS) Don't strain yourself, Eric (!) Oh, how quickly everyone forgets I'm an injured man! (GRUNTS) (CLATTERING) When we get to the house, don't freak out. Why? Is it haunted? You don't say anything, OK? (POIGNANT GUITAR MUSIC) (FOOTSTEPS SCUFF) (RATTLING) (MUSIC FADES) You know, you guys are welcome to help. Mate, I've lost everything ` you think I wanna make things worse by shifting your shit furniture? Ted, you're alive! That I am, Phineas. I was worried about you. I can tell. Drink, Valerie? No, thank you. Just one addiction at a time, then. I might make tea. And that should be just about everything. (POIGNANT GUITAR MUSIC) You happy? For you? If you want. You've got your house back, free from all the bloody kids. You can finally get some peace and quiet. I never asked you to leave, Wolf. Nah, but you decided I should look after this family. You decided I should be with Cheryl. You sent my other son away, my other life. I didn't even get to say goodbye. Boo-fucking-hoo. Are we still on about that? Fucking hell. You will never get it. This whole thing, this big dramatic exit is about Anne-Marie Gibbs? Does Cheryl know? What, are you gonna tell her? Good. Because like I said, you chose this. (SCOFFS) Fair enough. See ya round, then` Yeah, fine. Fuck off. Just fuck off. It doesn't bother me. It doesn't bother me in the fucking slightest. (POIGNANT GUITAR MUSIC) Bye. Bye-bye, Wolf. Goodbye. (DOOR SHUTS) (POIGNANT GUITAR MUSIC) (MUSIC FADES) You all right, love? We should re-wallpaper. (SIGHS) Whoa! Whoa! Oi! Oi! Woo. (ENGINE CLICKS OFF) Why are we here? This is the address. (BOTTLES RATTLE) (FOOTSTEPS RETREAT) Jeez, we've been here two minutes, they've already drawn on the walls! Hey, unpacking first, beers after. Oh, come on, babe ` we have to fuel the workers somehow. (SIGHS) OK, maybe just one. Like the place? Cheryl found it. And she liked it. So, you know ` happy wife, happy life. (BOYS YELL) No more dreams of Parnell for Ngaire, then, eh? Yeah, Parnell's full of wankers. That's the spirit. Mind you, we'll probably have to sell the house, find somewhere else to live. You've got a spare room. You can talk to Rita about that. Yeah, maybe not. Another beer, Phin? And a Raro for Valerie. Easy on the eye is Valerie. Oh, sorry, mate. I didn't mean to... I won't move in` You can if you want. Phineas, if you don't wanna be with Valerie any more, you just have to tell Valerie. You mean dump her? Why don't you wanna be with her? She's a nympho. And that's a bad thing? (CLEARS THROAT) Anyway, time to be a man and give Valerie the flick. There you go. After this next drink, eh? (HELLO SAILOR'S 'LATIN LOVER' PLAYS) (HEAVY ROCK MUSIC PLAYS) That's terrible, losing your child like that. And they beat me up ` don't forget that. But the child. Yeah, I can show you the bruises, if you like. Surely, a nice woman like Miss Rochelle won't fall for Eric's sob story. Some chicks are like that. They call it the pity root. (KNIGHTSHADE'S 'FREE LOVE' PLAYS) # We're all trying to make it with you. # Feel my needs. Let me tell my truth... # Jesus, Sparky. I'm taking a piss! How can you do this? How can you live here and not think of them, my sister, your son. Fuck, I look around, and everything I see reminds me of them and of the fact that I have no idea where they are now. Yeah, well, I can't help you there. Are you that cold? Are you that much of an arsehole that you can live here and pretend like nothing's happened? You need to be very careful about what you're saying, Sparky. I see Anne-Marie, I see Brandon everywhere in this house. Can you just turn that off? I see a happy Cheryl, I see happy kids, and I see you giving me grief. Now, is this gonna continue to be a problem for you? I miss my sister. I miss my nephew. I miss them so much. I think they were the only things keeping me sane. Come with me. (HEAVY ROCK MUSIC PLAYS) (DOOR SHUTS) Take it. What? The drugs ` they're yours. What, you want me to sell them? Sell them, do them ` I don't give a fuck what you do with them, as long as you do them away from me and my family. Wolf, I'm never gonna tell Cheryl, I promise. I believe you. But I don't trust you. Because one day you'll get wasted or you'll get weird, and you'll say something. It's fucking inevitable. I can see that clear as day now. I won't. I swear. I can't take that risk, Sparky. Which is why you get the drugs, and then you get the fuck out of Auckland. You disappear, just like your sister did. And you don't come back. Wolf, please. I` Go! And if I ever see you again, I will put you in a hole so fuckin' deep, it was like you never existed. (POIGNANT GUITAR MUSIC) (DOOR SLAMS) (BIRDS CHIRP) (ROCK MUSIC) COMMENTATOR: Adams, he's having a big game. Oh, he's staying down. He's gonna have to train hard to get back to his best. VOICEOVER: POWERADE ION4 replaces four electrolytes lost in sweat to drive today's athletes forward. Oh, well, it's good to get away from the kids for a bit. Mum was reading them bedtime stories when I left. She's a wonder, your mother, isn't she? A fucking wonder. She likes to be useful. I have a confession to make, Brian. What's that, love? I'm getting drunk again. Do you think I should go to rehab? No. I think you're lovely just as you are. Oh, God, I fucking love you, Brian. (BOTH GIGGLE) We can go back to the caravan, if you want. Sometimes I just like to... sit in silence. Hey, now that Will's gone, you've got a spare room, right? Too soon? Yeah. Everything all right, Val? Valerie, and no. Sorry to hear about that. Phineas is still rather hung up on his ex-wife, isn't he? You could say that. (CLEARS THROAT) It's a shame ` otherwise he'd be perfect. Phineas? He is the loveliest, most exciting, most sexually fulfilling man that I have been with in a long time. And I've been with a lot of men in that time. Plus, the fact that he's a career criminal is a total fucking turn-on. He really has told you a lot about himself, hasn't he? And yet we know so little about you. Not even your job, say. I work in freight-forwarding. Do you know much about freight-forwarding? It means we often know exactly when and where very valuable consignments will be housed, relatively unguarded. Excuse me. Phineas, you cannot break up with this woman. I was just about to. Trust me ` Valerie's the one for you. What about the whole she's-a-nympho thing? Learn to live with it. (DOOR OPENS) (BIRDS CHIRP) You all right, Mrs West? Yeah. You sure? I can kick all these clowns out if you'd rather. Nah. They're not bad clowns to have around in small doses. (BIRDS CHIRP) You know, it's what kids are meant to do ` move out, make their own way in life. (CAR ENGINE REVS) What the fuck is he doing here? Evening. To what do we owe the pleasure? You didn't think I was just gonna give you my car, did you? I'll get the keys. Really? You're not gonna invite me in for a drink? Sure, Frankie. Come on up. THE CHILLS: # I wear my leather jacket like a great big hug... Wolf, come dance with me. Not a chance, Mandy. Leave that bitch and come dance with me! You're cruising for a slapping, Mandy. One day he'll be mine, and he knows it. I should get the bloody kids to bed. Do you want a hand? From you? (LAUGHS) Van, heel! Mum! Come on. (GRUNTS) THE CHILLS: # From the teacher to the pupil, it's a gift to me... Where's Sparky gone? Well, he could be anywhere ` you know him. # ...and I wear it all the time... So, you've got your own tepee up at Isengard ` I would love to see that tepee. # I love my leather jacket... You can see it tonight if you like. Really? (BOTH CHUCKLE) (SCOFFS) Are you cheating on me with this hippy slut? I am the mother of your child! But you dumped me, and your dad beat me up! Yeah, well, there's no way I'm raising this bloody baby without a father. So guess what, shitballs? We're back on. Fuck. # I love my vanished friend... How'd you find us? My Dad had everyone that left the West house today followed. I knew you were moving here before you did. What do you want? # I love my leather jacket... My drugs ended up with you. They're gone, not coming back. Are you lying to me? No. Fuck! I paid a lot of money up front for that speed. I thought your family didn't deal in drugs. My father has very dated views about some things. Yeah, well, I can't help you there. Mm. But one day you will. We're the future, Wolfgang West ` you and me. # I love my leather jacket... # (STRAIGHTJACKET FITS' 'ALL THAT THAT BRINGS PLAYS) (FOOTSTEPS CLICK) (CLICK!) # My betrayal. # Oh, first love longing... # They asleep? God, they're so beautiful when they're asleep. (CHUCKLES) (CHUCKLES) How did she get here? For Eric there is no escape. Unlike us. To cutting the cord. Time to start our own family empire. Hey, where's Sparky? No idea. (POP MUSIC CONTINUES PLAYING) (POP MUSIC FADES) (CROWDED HOUSE'S 'DON'T DREAM IT'S OVER') (SIGHS) # There is freedom within, # there is freedom without ` # try to catch the deluge in a paper cup. # There's a battle ahead, # many battles are lost, # but you'll never see the end of the road while you're travelling with me. # Hey now, hey now, # don't dream it's over. # Hey now, hey now, # when the world comes in. # They come, they come # to build a wall between us. # We know they won't win. (CHOKES) # Hey now, hey now. # Hey now, hey now. # Don't let them win. # They come, they come. # Don't let them win. # Hey now, hey now. # Yeah. # (ROCK MUSIC) Captions by Antony Vlug and Faith Hamblyn. Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air. www.able.co.nz Copyright Able 2019.
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