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Rita has one last item she needs to cross off her bucket list. Unable to face the future, Carol goes back in time. Meanwhile, Wolf has to play catch-up.

Primary Title
  • Westside
Date Broadcast
  • Monday 9 November 2020
Start Time
  • 20 : 30
Finish Time
  • 21 : 40
  • 70:00
  • 6
  • 7
  • Three
  • MediaWorks Television
Programme Description
  • Rita has one last item she needs to cross off her bucket list. Unable to face the future, Carol goes back in time. Meanwhile, Wolf has to play catch-up.
  • 16
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Television programs--New Zealand
  • Drama
- These mushrooms, if you don't get them out of your system in about an hour, the body shuts down, - bit by bit. - Your family came along and destroyed mine, Ted. Your son is a dead man walking. - (GUNSHOT) - (GRUNTS) Falani! (GRUNTS) Call an ambulance! It was me. He was coming after me. - (SIGHS) - (POIGNANT MUSIC) (MUSIC CONTINUES) - All right, let's get to this fucking funeral. www.able.co.nz Copyright Able 2020. - You big idiot! - Stop it! - I want - nail polish! - Can everyone just shut up? - I want nail polish! Nail polish! - Did you shit again? - I want nail polish! - Oi, you two, stop. - I want nail polish! - Shut up, Pascalle! - You're dead! I'm gonna kill you! - Oh. - Gah! Get out of it. - You gave it to me! - I want nail polish! - I'll smash you! - I hate you! - You daughter is evil. Every time I change her, the first thing she does is shits again. I swear she does it on purpose. - Argh! - I love you, Theodore West. - It's an overnighter, love. - Sourcing drill bits. Exciting (!) - Important. But we can postpone if you're not feeling well. - I'm feeling fine. You just never know what might happen, do ya? Your car might end up in the path of a 10-ton truck on your way down the line. - I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen, Rita. - (SCOFFS) - All I'm saying is none of us truly knows when our time's up. - Oh, Jesus, Rita. Do you have to be so bloody morbid? - I love you, you silly bastard. - Now, piss off out of here. - See you tomorrow, I hope. - Yeah, if we get back. - Bye, Rita. - (CAR ENGINE STARTS) - (SIGHS) - Slutty Pants, I'm gonna need you to head out for the day. - Sorry? - I've got a few chores this morning, but when I get back, I need the house to myself. - Not a discussion. Well, where are you going? - Can you take a kid with you? - Not a chance. Henderson Library. - Henderson has a library? - Turns out it does. - (FOOTSTEPS SCUFF) (DOOR CLICKS) (PAGES RUSTLE) - Help you? - Books about plants. Mushrooms. - (PAGES RUSTLE) (PAGES RUSTLE) (PAGE RUSTLES) - (SIGHS) - (PAGES RUSTLE) (CLATTERING) (JEWELLERY CLICKS) (JEWELLERY CLINKS) (POIGNANT GUITAR MUSIC) - (DOORBELL CHIMES) - Right on time. - I have a job to do. - You do. Got everything you need? - I do. No, this is for the love. For you. - You sure? - It's the end of an era. - Oh well. Everything has an end, Sparky, my boy. - (DOOR CREAKS) - (POIGNANT MUSIC) - You look after yourself, OK? - I'll try my best. - (DOOR SQUEAKS, DOOR BELL JINGLES) - (CLEARS THROAT) - Rita. Nice surprise. - Mm. I was on my way home from the Henderson Library` - Henderson has a library? - And you went there. - I like books, a good Jilly Cooper. Anyway, just thought I'd drop this off. - For me? - Yeah. - Why? - Can't I give a friend a gift out of the goodness of my heart? I know you've always admired it but been to stingy to pay for. - You're selling the Galleria to Cheryl, aren't you, making sure she doesn't get any of the good stuff. - Well, why should she? She thinks she's God's gift to second-hand goods, - with her warehouse full of whiteware. - No class, not like this. - Mm. - Is everything all right? - Apart from the terminal cancer? - Shut up, Lefty. - As all right as it'll ever be. And I hope that whenever you wear that, you'll think of me and know that from somewhere,... above or below,... I will be watching. - OK. - Just to make sure you make the right choices in life. - (FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) - Mrs Rita. - Feeling better, then, Falani? - A racist bullet was no match for my strong Pacific body. So they can be discharged tomorrow. - As long as he's got someone to wait on him hand and foot. - And Aroha has kindly volunteered to be that someone. - Well, I'm glad you're in good health. Better than your mate, eh? - He arrived late last night a little under the weather. - I want a word with you. Enjoying your little holiday from your wife and kids? - I'm still in hiding, in case you'd forgotten. - Get over yourself. - Falani took a bullet for me; I should be here with him. - Falani would probably prefer it if you fucked off so he can be alone with his lady friend. - I just I need a clear head so I can figure out this thing with Frankie Figgs. - Yeah, because your head looks real clear, Wolf (!) Jesus Christ, you're getting pissed, feeling sorry for yourself ` no fucking clue what to do about Figgs. - I'm working on a plan. - Well, whatever plan you're trying to cook up, just forget it. Use all that brainpower on getting home to your family, who actually need you all. I'll sort Figgs. - Mum, in case you've forgotten the fact that my friend's laying there with a bullet hole` - Yeah, that piece of shit doesn't scare me, Wolf. They need you at home. I'm not just talking about Slutty Pants and the kids; your Dad's gonna need you too. He's got the job on at the moment, but that'll be over soon, and I'll... Ted is gonna need you around, and I'm asking you to be ready. - Yes, I'll look after the old prick when you're gone. OK? - I love you, you silly bastard. You've always been my whole fucking world. So just get your shit sorted. I'll do my part; you do yours. - (ROCK MUSIC) - Grandma! - Cheryl! I told you to get out of the house for the day. - It's not that easy. - Can I help baking? - No. - Why not? Why can't she help? - Because I bloody well said so. - (SIGHS) Gidday, gidday, gidday. - Oh, for fuck's... - Hi, Eric. Pascalle, say hi to Billy. - All right if we hang here? I've run out of ideas to entertain the little fucker. - No. No, you cannot. I'm trying to get rid of children, not have them fucking multiply. Oh, take them to the goddamn zoo or that underwater place. - Kelly Tarlton's? - Oh yeah. - Banned. Van stole a hammer from a workman after Jethro bet him he couldn't see the sharks free. - I don't give a fuck ` somewhere that is not here. - Okey-dokey. The zoo it is. - Yeah! - Hey! - Boys! Mandy! - How about we go to the zoo? - Yeah, zoo! - Van, bet you can't punch a tiger. - Can too. - Maybe the zoo's not such a good idea. - We'll work it out. - OK, Mandy, you get Loretta. Let's get your shoes on. - (CHILDREN CHATTER) - Ooh, forgot my smokes. - Eh? Watch your fingers! - Are you all right? - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Slutty Pants. Those kids of yours, as annoying as they are,... they should be the reason, the only reason you ever do anything. - Well, I'm sure as shit not going to the zoo for Eric for my own pleasure, Rita. - At the end of the day, in this crap-drenched world, all you have is the humans you leave behind. So do everything in your power to love them, to protect them. - Are you high, Rita? - We might not like each other, Cheryl, but when it comes to our kids,... we're the same, you and me. - I'd do anything for them, yeah. - Good. - Van's farted in the car, and he and Jethro are holding the locks down. Eric's trapped in there. - Jesus wept. - (DOOR CLICKS) (GENTLE GUITAR MUSIC) (CLATTERING) (PLASTIC RUSTLES) - What do you think she meant? She said the Figgs problem would be sorted. - Blackmail? Paying him off? War? Anything is possible with your mother. - Yeah. - Whoa. - Well, you look like a tough guy, you act like a tough guy, but you're hiding while Mummy saves your arse. - You gonna let her speak to me like that, Falani? - It isn't the first time Wolf's arse has been saved by Mrs Rita. One time she spent a whole year in Christchurch Women's Prison` - Look, the thing is, with my mother, she does whatever the fuck she wants. - There's no arguing with her. - Wolf's mother's not like run-of-the-mill mothers. - No, she's not. - Cooee. - Carol. - My neighbour said you dropped by this morning. I wasn't home. - I know. - I was out for a Y's walk, which really means sitting on a bench in Crum Park having a think. - I just wanted to give you something. - You said you liked it once. - I did. And I do. - Oh my God. - Carol, - please don't. - I've heard about this, where people who are dying start decluttering their lives. - Carol, I'm thinking of selling the Galleria, so I'm giving some stuff to people who might appreciate it. - And I do. And it makes what I came here to say even harder. The thing is, Rita, I'm not one to defy a dying woman's wish, but I don't want to shake up with Ted. Oh, hi, Phineas. - I thought you were out today doing something to do with the job. - Drill bits aren't my department. What was that about you and Ted? - Nothing. - Oh, look, everyone knows women mourn; men replace, and I wanna have a say in my replacement. - Which is lovely and odd, but I just don't think that I'm` - I'm not having Ted shack up with some gold-digger, or even worse, Ngaire. - You're trying to set your husband up with my ex-wife? - I want Ted to be happy after I'm gone, and he has certain needs. - I'm not having Carol go through every one of my mates. - That's not fair; I've only been with Bert. I don't fancy Ted, Rita. He wouldn't rock my socks, doesn't press my buttons; I'm sorry. - Carol, Phineas, I don't wanna be rude, but could you both just piss off? - Because I don't wanna fuck your husband? - Because I'm tired and I'm sick, and I just need some space. - Do you want me to finish this? - No, I don't Carol. - Carol, how about I take you for a drink? - Excellent idea. And Carol, it's a fan-fucking-tastic root, as a matter of fact. You could do a lot worse. # Does your conscience bother you? # See it through. # Does your conscience bother you? # See it through. # There's a hundred and one good reasons. # There's a hundred and one good reasons. # There's a hundred and one good reasons you can do the things you can do. # - OK. - Out you come. Out you come. - This looks budget. - What was wrong with the actual zoo? - It might be a bit shit, Chezza, but at least it's free, which means we can spend the coins that Rita gave us on a couple of tinnies. - Primo plan. - Or on ice creams for the kids, yeah? - BOTH: Yes! - Shit-house plan. - Yeah, yeah. Ice cream for the kids. - All right, kids. Let's have some fun with some farm animals, yeah? - Yeah! - (KIDS CHEER) - (POIGNANT GUITAR MUSIC) (MUSIC CONTINUES) - (PAPER RUSTLES) - (MUSIC CONTINUES) - (SIGHS) - (BOOK THUDS) - (GUITAR MUSIC) (MUSIC CONTINUES) (MUSIC FADES) (POIGNANT MUSIC) (CAR ENGINE REVS) - (CLEARS THROAT) - I saved you a machine. - Oh, I'm not a gambler, Carol. - I love a play on the pokies with a chardonnay and a fisherman's basket. - But aren't you on the benefit? - So? - So, I worry about you. - Well, you've got no right to worry about me any more. Besides, I have a nest egg hidden away. Don't you remember? - Waitakere job of '87. - Mm. - Or as Bert and I like to call it Carol's job. - We've had some wild times, eh? - (CHUCKLES) We have. - (MACHINES PLAY JINGLE) (CAR ENGINE IDLES) (ENGINE IDLES) - Keep the change. - (FOOTSTEP CLICKS) - Hello, Frankie. - Rita West. - Have you had lunch? I hope not, for I have outdone myself in the kitchen today. This is what's known as a peace offering. You and I need to sit down and sort out all this nonsense. - Which nonsense would you be referring to? - You've forgotten that you tried to have my boy killed last week? Put young Falani in hospital? - Nope. Sorry. No idea. - Fine. We can play that game. But at least invite me in... or are you gonna leave a lady standing on your doorstep? - (DOOR RATTLES) (DOOR CREAKS) - So, should I strip? - Pardon me? - You wanna see if I'm wearing a wire or not? - (CHUCKLES) No. That's not your way of doing things. - You see? Our two families, not so different. Now, if you want something done right, send a woman to do it. That's what I believe. Kids, they do idiot shit. They make mistakes, and it shouldn't mean life or death. So we can keep circling each other, waiting for the next one to make a move or we can sit down, get pissed, have a meal and talk it out. That's how we do things out here, out west, right? - All right. I'll play. - What's your poison? - (CHUCKLES) Bourbon, ice with a splash of cola. - A woman after my own heart. - (FOOTSTEPS RETREAT) (GLASSES CLINK) - (ROCK MUSIC) - What? No. What are you doing? Van! Van, get it off me! - (BOTH LAUGH) - Ooh, Jesus. - OK. Awesome. Billy. Billy, look here. Hello! This way! - OK, everyone, happy families. Yeah, you can be in this one. - (CHUCKLES) - (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS) - # Traffic lights # on the corner. # - Goodness, you two have been busy. - Well, what can I say? Little lady can't keep her hands off me. - Eric! - What? It's not implausible. - In your dreams. - Go in, bunny. - Well, you weren't complaining when I gave you one, were ya? - Ew! Eric! You disgust me. - Pascalle! - What? - Oh my God. - (CHILDREN CHATTER) - (SCOFFS) - (LAUGHS) - # I got a life of my own. # I got a mind of my own. - I love this song. - # I got a life of my own, and baby, I want you there. # (LAUGHS) OK, I know I can't sing. I'll save it for the shower. - I wish I could have given you a baby, Carol. - Brian gave me two, and I gave them back. Don't do that, Phineas. - Do what? - Look at me like that. - Like what? - Phin. - I miss you. - I miss you too, sometimes. I think I need another one. - Bianca was my shining light. - Sure. Just as Wolf is mine. - My wife's long gone, Krystle's a deadbeat, and that bastard child of hers is the apple my eye, the great hope of the Figgs family. - Oh, come on, Frankie. We both know that Bianca will eventually crawl out from whatever rock she's hiding under. You'll go and visit her, give her the mother of all bollockings, and then you'll hug it out or whatever you do in your family. But what you tried to do to my Wolf, that's forever. - When you're a man in my position, Rita, you have to send a clear message. Otherwise you might as well bend over and let the bastards have their way with you. - Just like the message you sent my husband when he was on remand. - We got over that. - My point exactly. - So we can keep looking backwards or we can focus on the future. - My future's not looking so bright, Rita. But you know what would illuminate it slightly? Revenge. - A dish best served after lunch. - You know, they say real men don't eat quiche. - Shouldn't that be, 'Men who are fucking insecure about their masculinity don't eat quiche'? - (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC) - Myself, I'm a fan, just quietly. My wife, bless her, was a genius in the kitchen. - (MUSIC CONTINUES) - Mmm. - (CHUCKLES) - This isn't who I thought I'd be, Phin, a twice-divorced ex-trolley dolly who doesn't even live with her own kids. - Oh, you're much more than that, Carol. - What else am I, a semi-alcoholic probably, or maybe a full one ` I don't know. Shall we get another drink? - You're the love of my life. - What? - I know it didn't work out,... but that's still what you are. - I've never loved anyone like I love you, Carol. - Phineas. That's so sweet and kind. Are you saying it just to get into my knickers? - I'm saying it cos it's true. - Thank you. Being the love of someone's life is not to be sneezed it. And if you did wanna get into my knickers, I am actually wearing quite nice ones today. - (ICE CLINKS) - The thing about you, Rita, is you see a problem, and you grab it by the balls. - (CHUCKLES) - I admire that. - Mm. - I admire you. - Everything all right, Frankie? - Yeah. Yes. Yeah, yes. (CHUCKLES) - You sure? - Well, normally, a few drinks this early in the day I can handle, but I am feeling a little... - Light-headed? Or like you wanna fuck? - Jesus. There's nothing subtle about you, is there? - I speak as I find, yeah. Right now, I am feeling pretty fucking randy. You? - Oh, I see. You're here to seduce me. - Oh. - You think a roll in the hay will change my mind. - Frankie, Frankie, Frankie. I have way more class than that. - Well, I won't lie. I mean, you are an extremely fuckable woman. - That is so sweet. But I think it's just the mushrooms talking. You know that I'm not long for this world, right, Frankie? - I have heard. Yeah, my sympathies. - Oh, I don't need your sympathy. All I want is to go to my grave happy in the knowledge that my boy is safe. - I swear, I will not harm a hair on Wolf's head while you are alive. - Ah. (LAUGHS) (LAUGHS) I see what you did there, Frankie. - Seriously, you have my word. - Oh, see, the thing is, I just don't think much of your word. So that's why I have taken matters into my own hands. I've seen the problem and I've grabbed it by the balls, so to speak. How'd you like the quiche, Frankie? The mushrooms, they had a kind of nutty flavour, don't you think? - Sure, yeah. Very tasty. - Oh, good, good. You see, I was worried they would taste like shit, given everything else that was going on in there ` all the toxins. (LAUGHS) Apparently, the first thing is the rush,... this warm feeling that just takes hold, like you wanna fuck anything with a pulse. And then the visions kick in ` mind-blowing, apparently. Tasty and a bloody good trip ` what more could you ask for in a fungi? - Did you just feed me magic mushrooms? Huh? - (BOTH LAUGH) - But then over the course of a couple of days, you start to get sick ` vomiting, diarrhoea, and then your organs start to shut down. And then a week later, a month later, you die. Oh, but don't worry ` death will be welcome. Oh, you'll be fucking grateful for it by the time it rolls around, apparently. - (LAUGHS) You poisoned me? Yeah, yeah, yeah, pull the other one. (LAUGHS) - I'm not so sure why that's so hard to believe. You know I'll do anything to protect my family. - Oh, sure, Rita, except you ate as much of the bloody quiche as I did. (LAUGHS) - Cancer's a cunt, Frankie ` I'm more than happy to speed up its process. - (PAPER RUSTLES) (PAPER RUSTLES) - (ROCK MUSIC) - I'm quite pissy-eyed Phineas. - Yeah, you probably shouldn't have driven. - Well, I can hardly walk, so.... - You wanna come and see my caravan? - Yes. - (PANTS) - (GASPS) - Those are nice knickers. - Mmm. - Afternoon. Very nice it is out there ` very, very nice. I had a job on. Some of my finest work. Although I... I have sustained some burns to a delicate area. Is there a nurse about? - Not one that wants to look at your knob. - You set fire to the Galleria? - Rita's orders. Oh, seriously, this is starting to smart. - Do not! Do not take your package out. - There's a lady present. - And men who also don't wanna see your penis. - She wouldn't do anything stupid, would she? - Mrs Rita doesn't do stupid. She does outrageous and brave. - And everything on her own terms. - Oh, that does not look right. - Oh, God bless New Zealand's freaky fucking plant life. (LAUGHS) Oh, dear, Frankie. You really did think I was bluffing, didn't you? That's not my style, Mr Figgs. I never waste time on empty promises. Ooh! Are you still feeling horny, though? Cos I would not say no to a fuck before we die. I would prefer my husband, but he's away today, so needs must. - You fucking mad bitch! - Oh, so that's a no, is it? Oh well. - (CRASH!) - (LAUGHS) Or we can make a scene instead! (LAUGHS) - What are you thinking? - Nothing? - You must be thinking something. Like, I'm thinking how nice your body feels even after you've had kids. - I don't wanna get back together with you. That's what I was thinking. I'm sorry, Phineas. - You didn't like the sex? - I liked it a lot, as you could probably tell. You have the best cock I have ever met, and I have met a lot of cocks in my... Anyway, I think what we just did was not the start of something; it was the end. - No, no, I'm different now, Carol. - I've changed. - But I haven't. I'm still just bouncing from man to man,... like I think I'm gonna find happiness with the next one and the next one and the one who didn't even work out in the first place. I think... I think I need to start helping myself. I will always love you, Phineas O'Driscoll. But I can't go backwards. I wanna be happy,... really, truly happy. And the thing that will make me happy, I don't know what it is, but it isn't somebody else. - Do you think Mandy's gonna blow the zookeeper? - This is not a zoo, Eric. - But yeah. - Whoo! She's a real goer, your sister. - What about you? When Krystle comes crawling back, you going there again? - Nah. Last time she was on that house bus, she came back with the pubic lice. - Oh, charming (!) - They migrated, and I had to shave all mine off. Which I quite enjoyed, just quietly. - OK, I'm gonna say it. Even you can do better than Krystle fucking Figgs. - Thanks, Cheryl. - Ew, God. - What? - What the fuck, Eric! - Oh, come on, Cheryl. I'm going to jail. Oh! Argh! - Oh, I thought we'd, you know, bonded. - When? - Well, over joints and shared thoughts and stuff. I understand all that you're going through, Cheryl. - Well, understand that jail will be the safest place for you if Wolf ever finds out what you just tried. - No, you won't tell him, will you? - He's got enough to deal with right now, just trying to stay alive and all that. - Very true. Very true. Where'd your sister go? - I guess the zookeeper is getting lucky. - Well, at least someone is. - Argh! - Oh! Oh! Oh fuck. I think a shard of that got me, Frankie. (CHUCKLES) You know, I was never really into mushrooms myself, - but this high, it's almost` - Argh! Happy to die?! Happy to go out in a blaze of glory?! You're going out in agony, clawing for your life! Argh! - Argh! - (SHRIEKS) - (GRUNTS) - (LAUGHS) Oh! - Argh! - (GRUNTS) - Argh! - (PSYCHEDELIC ROCK MUSIC) - Oh, a gun? How boring! Whoa! Oh, I wanna keep playing. - (GUNSHOT) - (PANTS) Ha. Ha. Ha. (SIGHS) I've had that the best day, Frankie. Thank you for a bloody good laugh. - Bianca? You came back. - Love, it's not safe here. - No. - People are after you. - You've gotta get out. - Frankie, Bianca's gone. She did the dirty on you and shot through. - Bitch. - Here oh me? - (COCKS GUN) - (GUN CLICKS) - Ha. (LAUGHS) - WHISPERS: Hospital. - Oh, good luck with that. It's too far away. - No, no, no. - Once you get there, Frankie, it's too late. - The fucking hospital. - Once it's in your system, there's no going back. - It's a one-way ticket out, Mr Figgs. - Your misery starts. I'll take our your whole family ` Ted, your son, his wife, every last one of those kids. I'll take out the whole lot of them. Take that to your fucking grave! - It's too late, Frankie. - It's way too late. - (WHIRRING) (ENGINE STARTS) - (TENSE MUSIC) - Oh! (LAUGHS) - (SPLASH!) (DUCKS QUACK) (WATER LAPS) (TENSE MUSIC) - (SIGHS) - (ENGINE REVS) (CLICK!) - Mum? Mum? Jesus Christ. - (BIRD CHIRPS) - Teach you to fuck with my family. Wanker. - Hello, Mum. - What have you done now, my girl? - I'm not sorry. Do you think it's true what they're saying, Mum, that I'm gonna go to hell? - Who is saying that? - They'll all be thinking in. I only ever wanted to look after them,... My Ted,... my precious boy. - I'm sorry I wasn't the same kind of mother to you, didn't do more to protect you. - Well,... it worked out in the end. I was happy. I loved and I was loved. My Ted. Riding to my rescue. - Mum. Mum,... what the hell is going on? - Mr Figgs tried to go for a drive. Unfortunately, he was under the influence of the time, and now he's under the water. (CHUCKLES) - Figgs is in there? - Fuck! Mum! - Don't bother. I've been here for at least two fags worth, and even a shark like Frankie Figgs Can't breathe underwater for that long. - And you just watched? - It's not like they can throw me in jail. - I'll be well dead before they can even work out what happened. - And what did happen? - I gave him some lamingtons. (CHUCKLES) Oh, no, no. No, that was Bert. Not lamingtons. - I made him a quiche. - You poisoned him? - (CHUCKLES) Sparky's mushrooms. I took them off him so he wouldn't kill himself, and I put them to much better use. Man, what a trip! - Hold on. You took them too? - I had to eat so he would eat. - I've gotta get you to a hospital. - Oh, it's far too late for that, love. But never mind. - Stay here. - I wasn't planning on going anywhere. (SIGHS) - (ROCK MUSIC) Right. No, left. - In you hop. - Well, I don't know about you guys, but I had a fucking radical time today. - How about you, Mandy? Did you have a good time in the disabled toilets? - He was all right, but I gave him a fake number. - A good time all round, then. Almost happy Krystle ditched the ruddy kid with me. - WHISPERS: Eric, don't say that shit in front of him. - Wait. Where is he? - Who? - Where's Billy? - I thought you grabbed him. - Why would I grab him? I've got my own kids. - Oh fuck! - (FOOTSTEPS CLICK!) - (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC) - (PLASTIC RUSTLES) (PLASTIC RUSTLES) - BOTH: Billy! - He's nowhere. He's been kidnapped. - Who would wanna kidnap Billy? - Someone might want him. They might want a ransom for him. - Who would pay it? - There's something in the bin. - Boo! - Oh, bloody hell, Billy. Give us all a heart attack. (GRUNTS) Funny little bugger. He likes to hide in bins. - Feral as. - Sometimes worry there's no hope for him ` a mother like Krystle, father like me. - OK, fine, I will look after Billy while you're in prison. - Oh, thanks, Cheryl. - You're a bloody gem. - If you don't stop sleazing on to me, Wolf will kill you. - OK? - OK. - Mum? Mum? Still alive? - Hard to say. It occurred to me, as I was lying here, how did you know I was here? Probably not the best thing to leave lying around ` smoking gun. - You sure did a hell of a job in there. - Frankie didn't take so well to being poisoned. - I can tell. Best I could do was make it look like for some reason he went nuts all on his own. - Well, he was a man under pressure. - Can you stand? Think you can handle the back of my bike? We need to dump this on the way home. - How did you get here? - Three taxis. Last one picked me up outside a TAB in Swanson. - My mother, the criminal mastermind. I've only got one helmet. - I used to ride like this all the time with your father. - (POIGNANT MUSIC) (MUSIC CONTINUES) - (BIRDS CHIRP) - (MUSIC FADES) - And here his is. You're back? - Looks like it. - For good? - It's over. You don't need to worry. - Why? what happened? - Figgs has backed off. Not gonna argue. We can get on with our lives. - Thank heavens for that. - Is Rita all right? She looks like she's on death's door. Which I know that she is, but now it looks like that door is wide open. - Shut up, Eric. - She does look like shit, though. - She forgot to take her meds. Get me a beer, eh? - Yeah. You want one? - Yeah. - (POIGNANT MUSIC) (MUSIC CONTINUES) - So, Cheryl's happy ` she's got her husband back, the kids are happy ` they've got their dad back, everyone's happy. Except you. Obviously. - What do you want me to do, thank you? - That would be the polite thing to do, as a matter of fact, you ungrateful little shit. - You did this for me? What, you fucked yourself for me. - I was already fucked, in case you hadn't noticed. - Not like this. Not like... (SIGHS) I did not ask you to do this for me. - It's the pigs! It's the pigs! - You were in bed sick all day. I was here looking after you. - (DOOR SLAMS) - Sorry to disturb your evening. Hoping to speak with Mrs West. - Yeah. - The other Mrs West. - She's pretty sick, been in bed all day. Can I pass a message on? - There's been a fire at a retail premises, the Galleria. - What the fuck? How bad? - There's not much left. Well, there's nothing left. - Shit! - The other premises also suffered` - Any idea how it happened? - Not my area of expertise, but there will be a full investigation. - Dodgy old building, that one. - Yeah. - Well, I'll let her know when she's feeling better. Wouldn't wanna kick her when she's down, eh? - No, of course. - Well, you have a good evening. - Have a stink evening! - (KIDS GIGGLE) - Have a stink evening. - (KIDS GIGGLE) - Fucking slag. - Electrical fault, Cheryl ` it'll be an electrical fault. - My arse! Fucking Sparky fault. - Why would she wanna burn her own shop down? - Because she's a spiteful old bitch. - Cheryl, you can't talk like that about a lady who's got one foot in the grave. - I'll put the other fucking foot in for her, I swear to God. - What did the piggery want? - To tell you about the tragic accident at the Galleria. - Huh. - Cheryl's pretty pissed. - Well, I need the money, for Ted. - We would've paid you a good price. - Not as much as the insurance. - What you did today, nobody ` and I mean nobody ` finds out, OK? Not Cheryl, not my kids. - You don't want them to know that Grandma's a killer? - And not Dad. You crossed a line today, and yeah, I know you don't have to live with it, but I do. - Wolf, everything I ever` - I never asked you to be the martyr, never wanted it. But you, you just... You just take it upon yourself. Rita always knows best. - (SIGHS) - (JEAN-PAUL SARTRE EXPERIENCE'S 'SHADOWS') # Shadows watch over me tonight. # In this cold life, # I'm naked and wired. # Bang, blows a very sunken starlight, # such a strange light # on your mind. # Away from here, # lie row on row. # - We've got this, Ted. Every detail. You have it covered. - We've got a problem upstairs. - Can it wait? - Not a fucking chance. - (BOTH MOAN) - Oh, for God's sake! - BOTH: Shut the fucking door! - I don't wanna play happy families with you. I just wanna fuck you. - I don't want you to sacrifice your life for me. - My life was already sacrificed; I just changed the timing. - You wanna fill me in on what the fuck you're talking about?
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