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A conflict between two members of the house staff escalates. Meanwhile, the family tries to impress Martha by planning a lavish dinner party.

A chronicle of the lives of the British aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the early twentieth century.

Primary Title
  • Downton Abbey
Date Broadcast
  • Wednesday 13 October 2021
Start Time
  • 11 : 55
Finish Time
  • 13 : 00
  • 65:00
  • 3
  • 2
  • TVNZ 2
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • A chronicle of the lives of the British aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the early twentieth century.
Episode Description
  • A conflict between two members of the house staff escalates. Meanwhile, the family tries to impress Martha by planning a lavish dinner party.
  • PGR
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Drama
  • Historical drama
Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air. www.able.co.nz Able 2021 THEME MUSIC CONTINUES (BIRDS TWITTER) - Who will groan first when they see it, Granny or Papa? - (LAUGHS) I should think they'll howl at the moon in unison. - (LAUGHS) - LAUGHS: What in God's name is this? Well, I never. - CORA: Where did this come from? - I ordered it on the way through, in London, picked it up on the way back. It's an AC. - Well, at least it's English. - Welcome back, my darling. - How was the honeymoon? - My eyes have been opened. - Don't I know it. Now come on in. - Did Anna get back all right? - Yes. - Who's that for, and why are you doing it down here? - It's for Mr Matthew. It was creased, and I brought it down to iron. - You're never looking after him? What about Mr Molesley? - He's staying on at Crawley House. - Then why wasn't I asked? - Mr Carson thought it best. - Did he, indeed? I wonder how that came about. And if you are learning your job, you should never open a shirt in a room like this, where it might be marked, let alone put studs in it. Do that in a dressing room and nowhere else. - Thank you. - Yes, thank you, Thomas, for trying to be so very helpful. (DRESSING GONG SOUNDS) - So, how did you enjoy the south of France? - It was lovely, but almost too hot, even now. - I think it's such a shame they close things up during the summer. I love the sun. - So we can see. - Oh, you couldn't be in Cannes in summer. No one could bear it. - I could. - Just how long is she here for? - Who knows? - No guest should be admitted without the date of their departure settled. - You won't get any argument from me. - Hm. - There's a hideous pile of post, I'm afraid. I've put it on the hall table. Don't look at it tonight. - What have you been up to? - As a matter of fact, I've found myself a new occupation, but I'm afraid Cousin Violet doesn't think it's quite appropriate. - Can we talk about it afterwards? - Are there still forbidden subjects in 1920? CHUCKLES: I can't believe this. - I speak of taste rather than law. - Well, it's not my taste. What about you, Cora? - I agree with Mama. Some subjects are not suitable for every ear. Oh. Pas devant les domestiques. (CHUCKLES) Come on, my dear. Carson and Alfred know more about life than we ever will. - Can't we stop this? - How? She's like a runaway train. - Shall we go through? - What about poor old Strallan? Have you seen anything of him? - I don't know why do you call him 'poor' or 'old' when he's neither. - Isn't it dangerous to let this Strallan nonsense simmer on? - Well, to be fair, I don't think it's coming from him. - Then ask him to end it. It'll be more effective than if we try. - Ooh. She ate it, then? I'm never sure about Americans and offal. - Oh, I think she'd eat whatever you put in front of her, that one. What a gob. Thought Mr Carson was going to put a bag over her head. Oops. - Mrs Levinson knows you make fun of her. But she makes fun of you. - Then we're all square, aren't we? - The chimney isn't drawing properly. This oven's not hot enough. - Oh, a bad workman always blames his tools. - Oh. You're busy. - No, I'm not. Well, we're eating in half an hour, but it's all done. - Well, if you could spare a minute. - This is very good. I hope you didn't open it for me. - Certainly I did. To welcome you into this house as my son. I can't tell you how glad it makes me. - Robert, I want us always to feel we can be honest with each other. - Of course. - Because Mary's told me about your present difficulties. - (SIGHS) Well, she was right. Losing Downton will affect you both more than anyone. - I wonder if she's told you about the will of Lavinia's father. - Well, yes, your father told me all about it. But I cannot understand why so much money was put into one company. - I couldn't agree more. - Now we're to be turned out of Downton. Even Lloyd George can't want that. - I'm not sure he's a good example. - The point is ` have we overlooked something? You know, some source of revenue previously untapped? If only we had some coal. Or gravel. Or tin. - Well, I can think of someone who's got plenty of tin. - So, you help women who have... fallen over? - Not quite. - Cousin Isabelle helps women who've had to degrade themselves to survive. There's a centre in York. - Oh, no addresses, please, or Alfred will be making notes. So, do you do for these women? - Well, first, we like to send them away, to rest. - I should think they need it. - And then we try to find them alternative employment. - The war destroyed many households. In thousands of families, the breadwinners are dead. - Mm. - So you want me to contribute? - You don't have to give money after every conversation, Mother. - No? Isn't that what the English expect of rich Americans? - But why can't you benefit from the will? You've done nothing wrong. - When Swire made it, he didn't know I'd broken his daughter's heart. It was to reward my fidelity, when in fact I'd betrayed her. If I kept that money, I would be no better than a common criminal. - I see. Well, if that's how you feel, then there's no more to be said. - I'm ever so sorry, milord. I thought you were out of here. - Yes, we should be. Please. We're going now. - Well, it's a lump, all right. There's no point in dithering about that. What are you going to do about it? - I don't know. - Oh... Well, I do know. Tomorrow, you'll make an appointment with the doctor, and we'll see what he's got to say. - But what if it's`? - Ah! If it is, and I'm not saying it is, it's best to know now. - I suppose so. - Shh, shh. Hey. Now, look, you'll not be alone for a minute if you don't want to be, but we have to get it seen to. - And then there's expense. - (SIGHS) Well, if you must pay money, better to a doctor than an undertaker. - (CHUCKLES TEARFULLY) If that's an example of your bedside manner, Mrs Patmore, I think I'd sooner face it alone. - Step up. - Step sideways ` - that little step before the big one... - ...into that new office,... - ...new career,... - ...new mindset,... - ...because you can do it. - Tautoko. - So make tracks. (BIRDS TWITTER IN DISTANCE) - It seems rather shocking for Anna to have to find me en deshabille. - (CHUCKLES) - I'm made of stout stuff, sir. Don't worry about that. - Are you seeing Bates today? - I am, and I can't wait. - Give him our best wishes. - I'm sorry, It still seems odd to be found in your bed. - But very nice. - Oh, as nice as nice can be. I'm going to see Jarvis today and find out what houses are available. - Oh, do you have to, when these are our last days here? I thought something might've turned up when we were away, but it seems it hasn't. - Would you rather wait until we have to go and find a new house then? - After all, darling, you're the one who's pushing us out. - (HORSE HOOVES CLOP) - WOMAN: Evening, sir. - MAN: No, not for me, thank you. (DOG BARKS IN DISTANCE) - WOMAN: Evening, sir. (BIRDS TWITTER) - But Mary's only just got back from honeymoon. It's a family time. - But you are` - Please stop saying I'm family when I'm not. I'll be there for the big dinner next week. What is it? - I know you don't mean to hurt me, but` - Of course I don't. That's the last thing I'd ever wish to do. - Then why do you shove me away? - I don't want to, not at all, but I` - If you're going to talk about your wretched arm again, I won't listen. - It's not just my arm. I'm too old for you. You need a young chap with his life ahead of him. - But your life's ahead of you. - Oh, my dear, if only you knew how much I'd like to believe that. - Then it's settled. You're not going to push me away any more, and you are coming for dinner tonight. That's all there is to it. - How'd you get on with Vera's book? - I had a few answers waiting for me when I got back, and two returned 'address unknown'. - Who from? - Let me see. One was... a Mr Harlip, I think, and the other was... Mrs Bartlett. - SIGHS: Well, Harlip doesn't matter. He was a cousin in the north. She never saw him. But Mrs Bartlett's a shame. She lived on the corner. She was very friendly with Vera. - I'll find her. Don't worry. - Tell me about France. Did you eat frogs' legs and dance the can-can? - No... but I bought a garter. (PEOPLE CHATTER, BIRDS TWITTER) - You have no other symptoms? - Not that I'm aware of. - You're not feeling ill or tired? - Well, I can't swear to not feeling tired, but... nothing out of the ordinary. - SIGHS: Very well. Well, I'm just going to conduct a preliminary examination. - Do you mind if I stay? - I should prefer it. - What've you got there? - Mr Matthew's tailcoat. What do you think that is? - Hm. Hard to say. - I've tried all the usual things, but I can't shift it. - I'll give you a tip, if you like. - Would you? Really? - Yeah. But keep it to yourself. Don't want to give away all my secrets. - Oh! There you are, my dear. - Good morning, Granny. - I've been looking for you. Now, I want to know... if we're serious. About getting that woman` about asking your other grandmother to come to our aid. - Well, she's made of money, and there's only Mama and Uncle Harold to share it when she's gone. - Well, we can't wait that long. She looks as if she'll bury us all. No, we must act now. We must make her feel it is her duty to save Downton. - But how? What can we do? - Well, get her to sense its value, of its vital role in the area. You're her granddaughter. This will be your house if it survives. Surely you can make something of that, if she has a heart at all. - We'll come for tea this afternoon. - Then we can begin. - Believe me, there are several stages to go through before there's any cause for despair. - Wh-What stages? - When you come back in a day or two, I'll remove some fluid from the cyst. With any luck, it'll be clear and that will be that. - How will you do it? - With a syringe. - Will it hurt? - Since he has to do it whether it hurts or not, I don't see the point of that question. What I want to know is... what happens if the fluid is not clear? - It'll be sent away for analysis. - Because it may be... cancer? - It may be cancer, but... I am fairly certain it is not. - There you are. It's very, very unlikely. Isn't it, Doctor? - If the doctor treats me like an adult, Mrs Patmore, why do insist on treating me like a child? - Does this seem slow to you? - Not really. - Mrs Levinson is going to the Dower House with the others for tea. I think he likes me. - He's being friendly, that's all. (DOOR CLOSES) (CLOCK TICKS SOFTLY) - Are you all right? You seem to have been slaving away for hours. - (SIGHS) I want to be up to date with it all before I go back into the office. - Mm. Anything from Mr Swire's lawyer? - You can read it if you like. (SIGHS) - So you are definitely Reggie's heir? - Looks like it. But if they have to get a death certificate out of the Indian authorities, it won't all be settled by Tuesday. - Good. - Why is it good? - The delay may give you time to change your mind. - Stop punishing me, Mary, please. If I accepted the legacy, I would be taking money under false pretences. I'd be stealing. Your father understands. Now, why can't you? - I don't think he doesn't understands at all. He just doesn't want to beg. Anyway, I'm off to Granny's for tea. I'll see you later. - I do love you so terribly much. - Yes, I know you do. (BIRDS TWITTER) - So, what's Harold doing now? - His idee fixe is yachts. Bigger yachts, faster yachts... Something with yachts. - Is he happy? - He's much too busy to find out. - It always seems so strange to me that Cora has a brother. - Why? - You know how things work here, Mother. If there's a boy, the daughters don't get anything. - There's no such thing as an English heiress with a brother. - Hm. - Why do we never see him? - Oh, Harold hates to leave America. - Curious. 'He hates to leave America.' (CHUCKLES) I should hate to go there. - You don't mean that, Granny, when we're both so drawn to America. - Indeed. Indeed we are. Never more than now, when the bond between the Crawleys and Levinsons is so strong. - That's nice, if you mean it, Mama. - I do. It is marvellous the way our families support each other. - You mean you needed the Levinson cash to keep the Crawleys on top? - I'm not sure we'd put it that way. - I'm quite sure we would not. - But I hope you feel that Mama's fortune has been well spent in shoring up an ancient family. - Hm. Well, you gotta spend it on somethin'. (TEACUP CLINKS) - What happened here? - I... I just... - You just what? - There was a mark in't. - Well, I know there was a mark in it, but you didn't need to burn it away. (CHUCKLES) What have you done? Well, I'll go down in my dinner jacket. You can send it to my tailor in London in the morning. Come on. Nobody's died. Just find the dinner jacket. - PANTS: Mrs Hughes! There don't seem to be any glasses laid for the pudding wine. - Oh. Are they having one tonight? - It's on the menus. I don't write them for my own amusement. - No, I dare say not. - Mrs Hughes, I am trying, and so far failing, to persuade His Lordship to bring the staff levels back up to snuff, but until he does, it is vital that you pull your weight. - (SIGHS) - Newport's not a jungle, not at all, but it is a little less formal. - Well, Matthew obviously wants you to feel at home, in his play clothes. - (CHUCKLES) Don't blame me for this. I'm afraid Alfred and I had a bit of a disaster earlier. - Why? What happened? - Well, somehow the poor chap managed to burn a hole in my tails. Don't worry. It can be mended. - Careful, Carson. Steady, the Buffs. - Beg pardon, my lord. - I rather like dinner jackets. And I agree with you ` sometimes it's nice to be informal. - Especially when a couple is alone. - MARY: But people like us should lead the fight to keep tradition going. - If you mean we can never change, I can't agree to that. - Nor me. I think accepting change is quite as important as defending the past. - But the role of houses like Downton is to protect tradition. That's why they're so important to maintain. - Don't you agree, Mrs Levinson? We must do everything in our power to keep houses like Downton going. - Sure, if you think it's worth it. So, who's coming to dinner next week? - Some locals. We thought you'd like to see Downton on parade. - That's right, Grandmama. I'm glad we've planned a dinner. We can show you the real point of Downton. - I don't know what to say, Mr Carson. - MISS O'BRIEN: What's going on here? - Alfred has embarrassed the family. He forced Mr Matthew to appear downstairs improperly dressed. - Oh, you make it sound quite exciting. - I will not tolerate vulgarity, thank you, Miss O'Brien. - I'm sure Alfred didn't mean to, Mr Carson. - Hm. - I asked Thomas how to get a mark` - Oi, oi, what's this? - The stuff you gave me to clean the tails burned a hole in them. - No such thing. I gave you some soda crystals, that's all. If you used them wrongly, it's not my fault. This is what comes of making him run before he could walk. - If you want me to stay away from her, of course I will. - I know it sounds harsh. - Please, Robert. I understand completely. Lady Edith is your daughter, and you don't want her involved with some cripple who's far too old. - Now you're the one who's harsh. - The trouble is she calls round regularly. I can hardly ask for her not to be admitted. I suppose I could write to her. - I hope you won't feel we can't be friends after this. - But let's leave it for a while. I'll duck out of the dinner next week. - It might be best. Thank you. - That's the one you should've taken ` soda crystals. - But he didn't give me that. He pointed to this one. I promise. - You don't have to promise. I believe you. - So you think he's not ready? - He's just a lad, milord. He can see to the odd visitor, but permanent valet to Mr Matthew? It's too much. - Actually, I'm pretty sure Mr Crawley would rather manage on his own. - They wouldn't like that downstairs, milord. - (SIGHS) I was afraid you'd say that. So what would you suggest? - Ask Mr Molesley to join us. It'd be kinder to Alfred in the long run. Kinder than asking more than he can give. - How is that poor footman? I thought Carson was going to eat him alive. - Very glum. But to be honest, he has been a clot. I'll have to send the coat up to London. - Well, get it done quickly. This dinner has to be the grandest of the grand. - (SIGHS) What do you hope to show her? - Why Downton matters, why it mustn't be allowed to fall apart. - Hasn't Cora had her share of the Levinson gold? I thought all that was left was headed for your uncle. - It's not so laid down in America. He's as rich as Croesus as it is. - So you mean to fleece her? - Since you're the one to get us out of this hole if you wanted to, I won't take any criticism, thank you. - Will she do it? - Granny means to make her or die in the attempt. Now stop talking and kiss me, before I get cross. - Well, you heard him ` with any luck, you'll know at once. - I wish you could get those maids under control. They've broken one of the serving dishes this time, and with the dinner next week! - We're short of a footman, we're short of a kitchen maid and one house maid at least ` that's if Anna's to be a proper lady's maid, which is what Lady Mary wants. - Well, naturally. She likes things done properly. - For heaven's sake. We can't do things properly until either His Lordship allows us the staff we need or until you and the blessed Lady Mary come down from that cloud and join the human race! - I can only suppose that you are overtired. I bid you goodnight. - You see, she` - Goodnight, Mr Carson. We will discuss the dinner in the morning. - Hm. - And, no, Mrs Patmore... - (SIGHS) - ...you may not tell him. - Oh. Have you finished with Mr Matthew? - I have. He's in the dining room. - Very good. You won't need to attend to him again. Mr Molesley will be coming up from the village. - Has Mr Matthew complained? - He didn't have to. It's not your fault. We've hurried you along too fast. You mustn't feel badly. - This is Thomas' doing. But don't you fret. I'll make him sorry. - I'm on your side. - (SIGHS) I'm glad somebody is. (BIRDS TWITTER IN DISTANCE) - No Mary? - Well, she says she's a married woman now so she can have breakfast in bed. - (GRUNTS) I'm sorry about your tails. - Carson's sending them up on the London train this morning. They'll have to put a new panel in. - We thought we'd get Molesley to come and look after you. He knows your ways. - Well, I'm perfectly happy to` - I think it best if he comes. - I do need to talk to you about the other staff we need, my lord. - (CUTLERY CLATTERS) - Not now, Carson. But you may send for Molesley if Mrs Crawley has no objection. Edith? - Oh, Papa, how could you? (GASPS, SOBS) - Golly. Do you know what that was? - I'm afraid I probably do. * - I'm sorry, but quite enough of my father's money has already been poured into Downton. Why should Harold lose half his inheritance because of our folly? - So it's all Papa's fault? - Well, it isn't my mother's and it isn't my brother's. I don't see why they should pay for it. - We're still going to ask. - What are you so afraid of? If we sell, we move to a smaller house and a more modest estate. We don't have to go down the mine. - You don't understand. - Mary, a lot of people live in smaller houses than they used to. - Which only goes to show that you're American and I'm English. I shall be Countess of Grantham one day, and in my book the Countess of Grantham lives at Downton Abbey. (BELL TOLLS) - ISOBEL: What job might you be suited to? Because we're not simply here to give you food. We must try to find you your place in the world. Do you want to speak to me? - Yes, Mrs Crawley, I do. - Have you come for our help? You're very welcome if you have. Wait a minute. I know you. You were the maid who brought your child into the dining room at Downton that time. - I'm sorry, this has been a mistake. I thought I was ready to ask you, but I'm not. I'm not ready. - Ask me what? (DOOR OPENS) - (EXHALES) - I'm sorry to keep you waiting, ladies. The fact is it's not quite as simple. - Oh, my God. - Mrs Patmore, will you please leave the hysteria to me? - I'm afraid the test was inconclusive. I had hoped the fluid from the cyst would be clear, but there are traces of blood in it. Not enough to confirm the presence of cancer, but... a little too much to exclude it. - So what happens now? - I send it away for analysis, and this stage will take some time. - How much time? - Anything up to two months. - Oh, my G` - Until then, please try to take it more easily. Sit down and put your feet up if you can. - Oh! Chance'd be a fine thing. - Would you like me to say something to Lady Grantham? - No, thank you, Doctor. I'll speak to her myself. If I need to. Thank you. (BIRDS TWITTER, EDITH SOBS) - SIGHS: My darling girl. What's this? - I think you know what it is, since you asked Sir Anthony to write. - Edith, you do understand I only ever want what's best for you? - And you're the judge of that? - In this, I think I am. - Sybil marries a chauffeur and you welcome him to Downton, but when I'm in love a gentleman, you cast him into the outer darkness. - She has a point, Robert. - Strallan is certainly a gentleman. - Well, besides which, Edith tells me, he has a house, he has money, he has a title ` everything that you care about. - You make me sound very shallow. - Aren't you? When you make me give him up because he has a bad arm? - Oh, it's not the only reason. He's a quarter of a century too old. Did she tell you that? - Your daughter is sad and lonely, Robert. Now, I don't mean to interfere, but` - Don't you? - If you ban him from Downton, I'll only go to his house. I mean it. - I don't believe he'd see you. - Then I'll just wait outside until he does. How can you not like him because of his age when almost every young man we grew up with is dead? Do you want me to spend my life alone? - I didn't say I don't like him. I like him very much. - So do I, Papa. Oh, so do I. Please, ask him back. He writes he's not coming to Mama's dinner, but please make him. Please, please, please. - Oh, all right, then. - (MUFFLED CHATTER) - I found Mrs Bartlett. I wrote back to the tenant of her old house explaining, and they've sent me a forwarding address. I don't know why they didn't before. - Just because you know where she is doesn't mean she'll talk to you. - Why not? - Audrey Bartlett was the nearest thing Vera had to a friend. - That's why I want to meet her. - Maybe, but when she looks at you, she won't see the real Anna Bates. - She's doesn't have to like me. I need her to be honest. I'm going to write and ask for a meeting. I can get to London and back in a day. - She won't agree. - I've the rent from the house, so I can make it worth her while. Why do you think Vera didn't go and see her instead of sending that letter? - What do you mean? - When Vera was frightened about your visit, she wrote that letter saying how scared she was instead of walking round to see her friend. - Maybe she did both. SIGHS: So... what's the news at home? - I shouldn't tell you, really. I haven't told any of the others. It's breaking the code of a lady's maid. His Lordship's in trouble. It seems they may have to sell. - What? Sell Downton? That makes me sad. I wouldn't have thought there was much that could touch me in here, but... that does. (BIRDS TWITTER, MOLESLEY PANTS) (KNOCK ON DOOR) PANTS: It's never come. They promised and promised, and I thought it was sure to be on the 7 o'clock, but it's not. - SIGHS: Well, I'll just have to wear a black tie. - But Lady Mary, she'll... - These things don't matter as much as they did. Lady Mary knows that as well as anyone. (DOOR OPENS NEARBY) (DOOR OPENS) - Thank you. I know I'm early` - Granny! Come and see what we've done. - Oh. Excuse us. - What do you think? - Nothing succeeds like excess. - When shall we tackle her? - After dinner. We'll get her on her own. - She wouldn't want to see all this go, not now it's for her own granddaughter. She won't. - Never mistake a wish for a certainty. Let's hope she won't. - DAISY: Mrs Patmore! - What is it now? - It's smoking, the range. - The wind must be in the wrong direction. Just rake it through. - Where's Alfred? - Why? - Where's Alfred?! - I think he's in the servants' hall. - Where are they? - Where are what? - His bloody evening shirts, that's what! Where have you put them? - I haven't touched his evening shirts. Why would I? - Have you done this? - Thomas, why would I know anything about His Lordship's shirts? - When I find out... - Keep your histrionics to yourself and hurry up about it. Her Ladyship's already in the drawing room. Are you telling me His Lordship's not even dressed? - You can't have lost them all! - I haven't lost any of them, milord. They m` They've been taken by someone, s-stolen, pinched` - Why would they do that? - To get at me, milord. - Are you not popular downstairs? - Oh, I wouldn't say that, milord, but you know how people can be. They like a little joke. - Well, I'm sorry, but this is quite unacceptable. If you uncover the culprit, refer them to me. But for now, what are we going to do? (MUFFLED CHATTER) - Good evening, Sir John. - (MUFFLED CHATTER CONTINUES) - Evening. - But it can't be going out! - Well, it is. There must be a block in the flue. - But the dinner's not cooked. We haven't even put in the souffles. - There'll be no souffles tonight. - And the mutton's still raw. - What in heaven's name is going on? - I'll tell you what. We've 20 lords and ladies in the drawing room waiting for dinner, and we've got no dinner to give them! - Oh, my God. (QUIET CHATTER) - Why are you not in white tie? - Darling, please forgive me. I'm afraid they never sent my tails back. - Oh... You are not in white tie either. What have you come as? - I'm so sorry. Thomas has lost all my dress shirts. - Why` Why is he still here? I thought you'd given him his marching orders. - I had, but my dear mother-in-law intervened. I've a good mind to tell her` - No, no, no. No, not tonight. She must have it all her own way tonight. Don't you think? - Oh, you two are dressed for a barbecue. - I feel like a Chicago bootlegger. - I don't even know what that means, but it sounds almost as peculiar as you look. - Robert, come quickly. - What is it? - Apparently, the oven's broken down. - It can't have done. What does that mean? - To cut a long story short, it means we have no food. - CHUCKLES: Oh! Funny clothes and no food. Should be quite an evening. - Thank you, Mother. - (CLEARS THROAT) (WHISPERING) - MRS HUGHES: Nothing's cooked, and nothing's going to be cooked. - But surely` - Shall we just tell them to go home? - No, Cora, please. Come on. They've come for a party; we're going to give them a party. Carson. - Mm? - Clear the table. You go down to the larders, you bring up bread, fruit, cheese, chicken, ham ` whatever's edible. We're going to have an indoor picnic. They're going to eat whatever they want, wherever they want, all over the house. - Are you quite sure, madam? - It's not really how we do it. - How you used to do it. - Oh, come on. It might be fun. - I agree. We'll all pull together, and it'll be great fun. - Yes! Now, I know what we need. Does anyone here play the piano? - Oh, Mama, this is so exactly not what we wanted the evening to be. - If it's the end of your undignified campaign, I won't be sorry. - We can't just give up. - Certainly not. Oh, do you think I might have a drink? Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought you were a waiter. * - Oh, slice that finely and fetch some parsley ` and cut the dry bits off. - You good to lend a hand? - I don't mind helping. I think it's good to do other things sometimes. - I know you do. - MOLESLEY: There's not much left of this. - Better cut it in squares and put it with ham. You're very smart in your new valet's outfit. - Alfred, go and check the meat larder. Bring anything back you think a human being could swallow. - Chop, chop, Mrs Hughes. We can rest later, but not yet. - Mr Carson, would you just` - Mr Carson's quite right. There's not a minute to lose. (URGENT CHATTER) - (SNIFFS) - Psst! Do you want to know a secret? The shirts that Thomas thinks he stole... I saw who took 'em, and I know where they are. - Who did take them? - CHUCKLES: Never mind that. But I followed. I'll show you if you want. - Why are you being so nice to me? - Because I like you. - And you can say it, just like that? - I'm an American, Alfred, and this is 1920. Time to live a little. - I thought you were just trying to find something out for Mrs Levinson. - What would she need to find out when she can read 'em all like the palm of her hand? She won't help, you know. - Help with what? - Never mind. Just kiss me again. - Now, all of you, find whatever it is that you want to eat and take it wherever you want to sit. - Anywhere? - Anywhere. All over the house. If you have ever wanted to explore Downton Abbey, this is your chance. - I'm sorry if it's all a bit casual. - It's exciting, Lord Grantham. I feel like one of those bright young people they write about in the newspapers. - Thank you, Lady Mellendorf. - Cheer up. She won't be here forever. - But how much damage will be done before she goes? - (PIANO PLAYS) - # Let me call you sweetheart. # I'm in love with you. # Let me hear you whisper # that you love me too. # Keep the love-light glowing # in your eyes so true. # Let me call you sweetheart... - # I'm in love... # with... # you. # (HUMS) (CHUCKLING, APPLAUSE) - Is there anything for our supper? - I've hidden a veal-and-egg pie. - Ah. - Oh, I wish you'd let me talk to Mr Carson. - I don't want to be a sick woman in his eyes for the next two months, or a dying one in the months to come after that. (GASPS, STIFLES SOB) - Shh, shh. I know it'll be all right. - No, you don't, but I appreciate the sentiment. - Are you absolutely sure you won't wake up in ten years' time and wonder why you're tied to this crippled codger? - Only if you keep talking like that. - Do you know how much you mean to me? You have given me back my life. - That's more like it. - And you're certain you won't wait? - To give you the chance to change your mind? Don't worry. I can get it organised in a month. Shall we tell them tonight? - No, no. I'll come back in the morning. - Alfred, can I ask you something? Why do you like that American girl? - Steady. Who says I do? - Don't you? - All right, I s'pose I do. - And it doesn't matter that she's fast or that you won't see her again after she's gone home? - So what? She made me feel good about myself, Daisy. I feel good for the first time since I came here. That's what matters to me. - CARSON: Alfred! Hurry up. I need you to take around the claret. - All through the rooms? Won't they spill it on the floor? - If you ask me, we are staring into the chaos of Gomorrah, but we have to give them more wine, and you are going to help. What's that? - I have to take it upstairs for His Lordship. - Well, be quick about it. - But of course I'll help you any way I can. - Oh, thank heaven. - Oh, it seems our family owes Downton's survival to the Levinsons not once but twice. - (SIGHS) - CHUCKLES: No. I'm so sorry, but you've misunderstood me. No, I cannot rescue Downton. It's a shame if it has to go, but I can't. - But why not? - Because your grandpa tied the money down. He felt that the Crawley family had quite enough. - But you said you'd help us. - I can entertain all of you in Newport and in New York, and I can add to Cora's dress allowance, but that's all. My income might be generous, but I cannot touch the capital. Besides, Mary, the world has changed. These houses were built for another age. (SIGHS) Are you sure you want to continue with the bother of it all? - Quite sure. - If I were you and knew I was going to lose it, I should look on the sunny side. Both of our husbands tied the money up tight before they were taken. - Lord Grantham wasn't taken. He died. (OMINOUS MUSIC) - I suppose it's scraps sandwich for the servants tonight? - Mrs Patmore's kept something by. - Who put them back? - What? - The shirts. Who put them back? - Oh, they're back, are they? You mean you overlooked them in the first place. - Don't tell me what I mean, Miss O'Brien. I'm warning you. - Listen to yourself. You sound like Tom Mix in a Wild-West picture show. Stop warning me and go lay out His Lordship's pyjamas. (MAIDS GIGGLE) - What were you laughing at? - Seems those missing shirts went for a walk and now they've come home. - Really? Have they? - You didn't see nothing. - I agree. - Cos if you did, I'll cut ya. (GRUNTS) (CHOKES) - Don't ever threaten me. - I forgot I was sharing a cell with a murderer. - Don't forget it again. - (GASPS) (GLASS CLINKS, WHISKY POURS) - This evening has made me homesick for America. It's time to go. - I don't suppose you want some whisky to take to bed? - Oh, but I'd love one. No water. Thank you. I'm sorry I can't help you keep Downton, Robert. That's what Mary wanted. - Ah. I thought there was something. - You know, the way to deal with the world today is not to ignore it. If you do, you'll just get hurt. - Sometimes, I feel like a creature in the wilds whose natural habitat is gradually being destroyed. - Some animals adapt to new surroundings. It seems a better choice than extinction. - I don't think it is a choice. I think it's what's in you. - Well, let's hope that what's in you will carry you through these times to a safer shore. - (CLINK!) - Ah. - Is everything all right? - Certainly. Was there something you wanted? - (SIGHS) The kitchen managed well tonight in difficult circumstances. His Lordship sent his thanks. - Was the evening a success? - The odd thing is... I think it was. Though for me, everyone sprawled on the floor eating like beaters at a break in the shooting, that's not a party, it's a works outing. Where's the style, Mrs Hughes? Where's the show? - Perhaps people are tired of style and show. - Well, in my opinion, to misquote Dr Johnson, if you're tired of style, you are tired of life. - Hm. Goodnight, Mr Carson. - You'd say if anything was wrong, wouldn't you? I know I've been a bit crabby, but I am on your side. - Thank you for that. You've just missed an admirer. Mr Carson says you did well tonight. - Hm. Did you tell him? - No. And what is there to tell? One day I will die. And so will he. And you. And every one of us under this roof. (SIGHS) You must put these things in proportion, Mrs Patmore, and I think I can do that now. (SOMBRE MUSIC) "DOWNTON ABBEY" THEME Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air. www.able.co.nz Able 2021 THEME MUSIC CONTINUES